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中国虫霉目真菌及其寄主昆虫名录更新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了中国虫霉目Entomophthorales真菌共计79种,隶属2科11属,并对其所涉及的寄主昆虫名称进行了规范与更新,且给出了各寄主的分类地位和中英文名称对照。  相似文献   
A classic question in plant ecology is “why is the world green?” That is, if plants are food for animals why do not animals eat all the available food – changing a ‘green world’ into a ‘brown world’. We first reviewed this question in 2009 and now revisit our arguments in the light of new data and new thinking. Here we argue that (1) the top–down bottom–up dichotomy is probably too simple for understanding a complex system – such as vegetation – rich in feedback processes. (2) Nevertheless it appears that bottom–up processes are generally more important for maintaining the presence of some sort of vegetation while top–down control process are generally more important in determining the type of vegetation at a site. (3) Although this review mainly takes a qualitative and experimental approach to the question, we also argue that simple well-known mathematical models from population ecology can be very informative in thinking about the types of explanations for the green world phenomenon, and demonstrating that it is rarely a simple choice between one form of control or another.  相似文献   
世界竹子清单更新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
编研世界竹子清单(World Checklist of Bamboos,WCB)是竹学的一项基础性工作。文中更正了2016年由世界禾草权威英国皇家植物园——Kew园领衔出版的World Checklist of Bamboos and Rattans竹子部分统计数据,实际为1665种,而非其自述的1642种;持续汇集全球竹种,时间更新至2018年底,WCB(2018)已禀赋计130个竹属,包含1700个竹种。  相似文献   
王剀  吕植桐  王健  齐硕  车静 《生物多样性》2022,30(4):21326-160
云南省作为中国生物多样性最高的省份, 其详实的物种本底资料对我国生物多样性研究和保护具有重要意义。本文在前期研究的基础上, 结合实体标本, 汇总编制了云南省现生、原生爬行动物更新名录。截至2021年12月31日, 云南省记录爬行动物25科82属235种, 其中龟鳖目4科12属16种, 有鳞目蜥蜴亚目6科20属72种, 蛇亚目15科50属147种。较《云南两栖爬行动物》确认新增82种, 存疑收录21种, 移除23种。基于先前云南省爬行动物区划和更新后的物种分布信息, 将云南省爬行动物地理分为6个动物地理区, 即滇西北横断山区、滇西山地区、滇南山地区、滇东南山地区、滇中高原区以及滇东北山地区; 其中滇西北横断山区、滇西山地区、滇中高原区和滇东南山地区的范围与先前研究相比有所调整。结合调整后的爬行动物地理区划, 对物种分布、物种特有性、受威胁状况等给出了统计结果。云南省爬行动物特有物种、国内仅见于云南的非特有物种数量较多, 受威胁等级高。建议今后继续加大分类学研究投入, 对滇西北、滇中特有爬行动物分布集中的区域积极开展栖息地保护工作, 同时在最新调整的《国家重点保护野生动物名录》基础上, 定期组织专家研讨, 对《云南省省级重点保护动物名录》提出更新建议。  相似文献   
为了全面了解江西省野生维管植物资源的现状并为开展相应的生物多样性保护实践提供基础资料, 本文在前人的基础上, 通过进一步的文献收集、标本考证、数据分析, 并结合作者的野外调查结果, 按照维管植物最新的分类系统整理出江西省野生维管植物名录, 并根据标本信息核实了每个物种县市级的分布信息。结果显示, 江西省共有野生维管植物214科1,253属4,761种(含种下等级), 其中石松类与蕨类植物35科103属444种, 裸子植物5科21属36种, 被子植物174科1,129属4,281种。石松类与蕨类植物中, 物种数最多的前5个科为鳞毛蕨科(84种)、水龙骨科(55种)、凤尾蕨科(49种)、蹄盖蕨科(47种)和金星蕨科(47种), 最多的属是鳞毛蕨属(Dryopteris, 40种); 裸子植物中物种数最多的科和属为松科(7属12种)和松属(Pinus, 5种); 被子植物是江西省野生维管植物的最主要组成部分, 分别占科、属、种总数的81.3%、90.1%和89.9%, 其中种数最多的前5个科分别是禾本科(315种)、菊科(241种)、蔷薇科(228种)、唇形科(200种)和豆科(197种), 前6个属依次是薹草属(Carex, 71种)、悬钩子属(Rubus, 66种)、冬青属(Ilex, 56种)、蓼属(Persicaria, 40种)、珍珠菜属(Lysimachia, 37种)和杜鹃花属(Rhododendron, 37种)。江西省维管植物调查呈现出地区不均衡性, 建议增加后续调查工作的广度和深度, 尤其在武夷山脉、赣南山区、鄱阳湖湿地等生物多样性较高或较特殊的地区进行补充采集。同时, 本文呼吁加强专科专属的分类学研究, 为后续名录的修订与完善奠定基础。  相似文献   
Non‐human primates are susceptible to many bacteria, some of which bear zoonotic potential. We report the pathologic features of spontaneous fulminating meningoencephalitis by Staphylococcus aureus in a captive infant golden‐headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) from Brazil.  相似文献   
New records and distributional notes of Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera) are provided for four protected areas in the state of Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil. Additionally, we also present new records and update of distributional ranges from Brazil and the Neotropical Region. In total, 810 specimens belonging to 35 genera within the subfamilies Chironominae (22 taxa), Tanypodinae (11 taxa) and Orthocladiinae (2 taxa) were found. The subfamilies Chironominae and Tanypodinae predominated. Axarus Roback, 1980 Roback, S.S. (1980), ‘New name for Anceus Roback nec Anceus Risso’, Entomological News, 91, 32.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] and the Tanytarsus ortoni-group were recorded for the first time in the state of Pernambuco, while Nanocladius Kieffer, 1913a Kieffer, J.J. (1913b), ‘Nouvelle étude sur les Chironomides de l'Indian Museum de Calcutta’, Records of the Indian Museum, 9, 119197. [Google Scholar] was recorded for the first time in the Northeast Region of Brazil. Our results make evident how much and where current knowledge of the northeastern Brazil chironomids remains fragmentary.  相似文献   
To help ensure the ethical conduct of research, many have recommended educational efforts in research ethics to investigators and members of research ethics committees (RECs). One type of education activity involves multi‐day workshops in research ethics. To be effective, such workshops should contain the appropriate content and teaching techniques geared towards the learning styles of the targeted audiences. To ensure consistency in content and quality, we describe the development of a curriculum guide, core competencies and associated learning objectives and activities to help educators organize research ethics workshops in their respective institutions. The curriculum guide is divided into modular units to enable planners to develop workshops of different lengths and choose content materials that match the needs, abilities, and prior experiences of the target audiences. The content material in the curriculum guide is relevant for audiences in the Middle East, because individuals from the Middle East who participated in a Certificate Program in research ethics selected and developed the training materials (e.g., articles, powerpoint slides, case studies, protocols). Also, many of the activities incorporate active‐learning methods, consisting of group work activities analyzing case studies and reviewing protocols. The development of such a workshop training curriculum guide represents a sustainable educational resource to enhance research ethics capacity in the Middle East.  相似文献   
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