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在全球资源和环境危机下,物种和生态层面的宏观动物学研究已成为可持续发展的重要课题。本文基于英国自然历史博物馆和中国科学院动物进化与系统学重点实验室2009~2013年动物学领域研究进展的可视化对比分析,以揭示两机构近5年宏观动物学研究的现状、热点、差异以及未来发展趋势。分析发现,两机构在动物分类、系统进化与生物多样性等宏观动物学研究方向十分类似;作者聚类方面中国科学院动物进化与系统学重点实验室多侧重于中国昆虫纲研究,而英国自然历史博物馆研究的动物类群更具多样性且地区跨度更广;中国科学院动物进化与系统学重点实验室目前最主要的研究热点乃至未来相当一段时间的研究前沿仍为中国新物种的经典分类学研究;英国自然历史博物馆的研究热点则已转向中国和印度等发展中国家的新物种发现与描记,在经典分类学基础上的物种多样性和系统发育学研究则是英国自然历史博物馆宏观动物学的研究前沿。  相似文献   
高致病性禽流感(HPAI)H5N1病毒亚型已对人类健康、养殖业发展、野生鸟类及生态环境带来极大危害,引起国内外广泛关注。研究发现,禽流感病毒通过发生重组或者突变,可产生感染人类或其他生物的新病毒亚型,或产生更高的致病性,而人类亦具有丰富的与H5N1结合的受体。对候鸟迁徙停歇地禽流感调查表明,湿地、湖泊可能是HPAI病毒存活、散播的疫源地,病毒可随着鸟类的迁徙到处传播。因此,野生鸟类及其赖以生存的主要湿地环境处于感染HPAI的风险之中。  相似文献   
The frequency of X-ray-induced (null-enzyme) mutations at the alcohol dehydrogenase locus in Drosophila melanogaster was measured. The rate of recovery of chromosomes that fail to direct the synthesis of a functional Adh protein is 3 x 10(-8) per R for chromosomes that do not include large chromosome rearrangements. However, this analysis excludes a larger number of chromosomes that are "null-enzyme mutations" because thye are deleted for the region of the Adh locus. The dose of X-rays required to induce a frequency of non-deletion null-enzyme mutants equal to the spontaneous frequency is about 73 rad calculated from the data reported in this communication.  相似文献   
The cement gland of Rhodnius prolixus is an epidermally derived tubular gland consisting of a distal synthetic region and a proximal muscular duct region. The synthetic region consists of numerous secretory units joined to a central chitinous duct via cuticular ductules. Proteinaceous secretion, synthesized by the goblet-shaped secretory cell, passes through the delicate cuticular lattice of a ductule-end apparatus and out through fine ductules to the central duct. Secretory cells are rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Light microscopy, SEM and TEM reveal the delicate lattice-like end apparatus structure, its formation and relationship to the secretory cell. The secretory cell associates via septate junctions with a tubular ductule cell that encloses a cuticle-lined ductule by forming an elaborate septate junction with itself. The ductules are continuous with the cuticle lining of the large central duct that conveys secretion to the proximal area. The proximal muscular duct has a corrugated cuticular lining, a thin epithelium rich in microtubules and thick longitudinal, striated muscles which contract during oviposition, forcing the secretion out. Histochemistry and electrophoresis reveal the secretion as proteinaceous.  相似文献   
池塘养鱼的最早记载和《范蠡养鱼经》问世时间问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游修龄 《动物学杂志》2004,39(3):115-118
在《中国古代动物学史》中,《中国鱼类学史纲要》的著者提出:中国是世界上最早从事池塘养鱼的国家,其依据是卜辞(公元前l600~l046年)中有“在圃渔”,“圃”即池塘;又说《范蠡养鱼经》有2400年的历史。笔者以为这两条判断都不能成立。“圃”的甲骨原文作“甫”,指水草沼泽地,不是池塘养鱼;《范蠡养鱼经》不是范蠡所作,系后人伪托之书,书中提到范蠡与齐威王的谈话不可能发生,因为范蠡是在越灭吴后(公元前473年)退隐,而齐威王公元前356~320年在位,两人相差百年以上。书中提到鱼塘里放养“神守”(鳖),可是秦(公元前22l~206年)以前的古籍里只有大量的单音词“鳖”,没有双音词“神守”,“神守”可能在汉朝(公元前206年至公元220年)才出现。由此可证《养鱼经》的成书约在汉代。此外,《陶朱公养鱼经》的陶朱公是后人对范蠡的尊称,如果此书是范蠡自己所作,决不可能自称《陶朱公养鱼经》。最后,古今度量衡不同,《中国鱼类学史纲要》中一些地方直接把古亩等同于今市亩分析,属于疏忽。  相似文献   
陈领  胡景杰  陈越  王倩  艾辉 《昆虫学报》2011,54(1):104-109
昆虫生理学是昆虫学分支学科中发展最快的学科之一。本文对国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部动物学科成立20多年以来昆虫生理学项目的资助情况进行了分析, 截止2009年, 昆虫生理学面上项目共资助92项, 占总资助项目1 208项的7.62%; 青年基金共资助16项, 占总资助项目132项的12.12%; 资助重点项目10项。目前, 我国昆虫生理学基础研究的发展已经从组织、 细胞水平深入到分子和基因水平。昆虫的基因组学, 昆虫发育的功能基因及激素调控, 寄主植物、 昆虫、 天敌三者之间的协同进化, 昆虫免疫及其机制等将是昆虫生理学的发展趋势。未来我国昆虫生理学研究应在研究方向、 人才队伍建设、 国际合作以及发挥基金的引领作用等几个方面有所加强。  相似文献   
利用Thomson Data Analysis软件对Zoology Record数据库中收录的1942篇哺乳动物对气候变化响应领域的期刊论文做了重点分析。以关键词为核心分析了不同哺乳动物物种、不同地质年代的研究热点分布和研究热点演变,以及2001-2005年、2006-2010年、2011-2015年3个年代段中的研究热点的演变规律。结果显示:进入2000年以后,该领域文献呈现逐年递增;研究热点显示出了较强的物种相关性;不同地质年代对应的物种研究有细微变化;3个文献发表年代段的研究热点显示出了该领域的热点演变规律。  相似文献   
The homology concept has had a long and varied history, starting out as a geometrical term in ancient Greece. Here we describe briefly how a typological use of homology to designate organs and body parts in the same position anatomically in different organisms was changed by Darwin’s theory of evolution into a phylogenetic concept. We try to indicate the diversity of opinions on how to define and test for homology that has prevailed historically, before the important books by Hennig (1950. Grundzüge einer Theorie der Phylogenetischen Systematik. Deutscher Zentralverlag, Berlin) and Remane (1952. Die Grundlagen des Natürlichen Systems, der Vergleichenden Anatomie und der Phylogenetik. Geest & Portig, Leipzig) brought more rigor into both the debate on homology and into the usage of the term homology among systematists. Homology as a theme has recurred repeatedly throughout the history of the “Phylogenetisches Symposium” and we give a very brief overview of the different aspects of homology that have been discussed at specific symposia over the last 48 years. We also honour the fact that the 2004 symposium was held in Jena by pointing to the roles played by biologists active in Jena, such as Ernst Haeckel and Carl Gegenbaur, in starting the development towards a homology concept concordant with an evolutionary world view. As historians of biology, we emphasize the importance of major treatises on homology and its history that may be little read by systematists active today, and have sometimes also received less attention by historians of biology than they deserve. Prominent among these are the works of Dietrich Starck, who also happened to be both a student, and later a benefactor, of systematics at Jena University.  相似文献   
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