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祁连山亚高山灌丛优势植物水分来源   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
丁丹  贾文雄  马兴刚  王洁 《生态学报》2018,38(4):1348-1356
选取祁连山东部亚高山灌丛的6种优势植物:山生柳(Salix oritrepha Schneid)、头花杜鹃(Rhododendron capitatum Maxim)、绣线菊(Spiraea salicifolia L.)、高山柳(Salix cupularis)、千里香杜鹃(Rhododendron thymifolium Maxim)和金露梅(Potentilla fruticosa Linn),利用稳定同位素技术及多元线性混合模型(Isosource)定量分析典型高寒区植物的水分来源。结果表明:乌鞘岭地区7—8月的大气降水线为δD=7.775δ~(18)O+12.34(R~2=0.871,P0.001),反映了该地区气温低,湿度大的气候特点;6种优势植物的水分来源主要是降水,其次为0—10cm土壤水,地下水对各种植物水分的贡献率最小;6种优势植物对各水源的利用在不同时段有差异,7月份主要利用降水和浅层土壤水,而8月份各种植物的主要水源均为降水;绣线菊和头花杜鹃利用土壤水分的能力较强,头花杜鹃对地下水的利用率高于其他植物。  相似文献   
以祁连山西水林区青海云杉典型林分为研究对象,按照青海云杉分布界限海拔2500—3300 m,采用梯度格局法,研究祁连山青海云杉林乔木层和土壤层碳密度沿海拔梯度的空间分布特征,以期为准确估算祁连山青海云杉林碳储量变化影响因素提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)青海云杉林生物量平均值为115.83 t/hm~2,碳密度平均值为60.23 t/hm~2。生物量整体随海拔梯度增加表现为先增加后波动降低的趋势,在海拔2800 m处达到最高值(197.10 t/hm~2),海拔3300 m处达到最低值(7.66t/hm~2),且不同海拔梯度间差异显著。林分各器官生物量分配格局在各海拔处均表现为干根枝叶。(2)土壤有机碳含量平均值为54.80 g/kg,变化范围为31.49—76.96 g/kg。随着土壤层次的增加,除海拔3200 m和3300 m的土壤有机碳含量未表现出规律变化外,其他海拔梯度则均呈现出逐渐降低趋势。土壤有机碳密度在海拔2900 m最高,为245.40 t/hm~2,在海拔2700 m处最低,为130.24 t/hm~2;海拔2500—2700 m表现为平缓降低趋势,在2800 m处急剧上升,且海拔2800—3200 m呈现无显著性轻度波动变化,在海拔3300 m又急剧降低。(3)青海云杉林生态系统平均总碳密度为255.15 t/hm~2,乔木层和土壤层占总碳密度的比例分别为23.61%和76.39%,且不同海拔梯度间存在极显著差异。土壤有机碳密度与海拔、年均降水量、土壤有机碳含量、土壤全氮呈显著正相关,与年夏季平均气温呈显著负相关;乔木层碳密度与年夏季气温、林分密度、胸高断面积呈显著正相关,与海拔和土壤全氮呈显著负相关。(4)祁连山青海云杉林乔木层和土壤层碳密度均随海拔梯度变化受水热条件组合的改变而呈现规律变化,以中部海拔区段2800—3200 m碳密度较高。  相似文献   
新疆博格达山岩面生地衣群落结构特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据对新疆博格达山岩面生地衣群落20个样点(20m×20m)调查的数据,以各地衣种的盖度为指标结合双向指示种分析方法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析法(DCA)对博格达山岩面生地衣群落进行数量分类并分析了群落结构特征及其多样性和相似性。采用典范对应分析法(CCA)对各群落的物种分布格局与环境因子的关系进行研究。结果表明,TWINSPAN分析和DCA排序将分布在博格达山的37种岩面生地衣分为以下5个群丛。群丛1:斑纹网衣(Lecidea tessellate Florke)+粉芽盾衣(Peltula euploca(Ach.)Poelt)+杜瑞氏黄梅(Xanthoparmelia durietzii Hale)群丛,有25个种,总覆盖度为30.145%,多样性为4.025;群丛2:袋衣(Hypogymnia physodes(L.)Nyl.)+白边平茶渍(Aspicilia sublaqueata(H.Magn.)J.C.Wei)+砖孢胶衣(Collema subconveniens Nyl.)群丛,有17个种,地衣总盖度为15.885%,多样性为3.196;群丛3:聚茶渍(Lecanora accumulate H.Magn.)+丽石黄衣(Xanthoria elegans(Link)Th.Fr.)+亚洲平茶渍(Aspicilia asiatica(H.Magn.)Yoshim.)群丛,有30个种,地衣总盖度为37.87%,多样性为4.357;群丛4:中华石果衣(Endocarpon sinense H.Magn.)+伴藓大孢蜈蚣衣(Physconia muscigena(Ach.)Poelt.)+垫脐鳞衣(Rhizoplaca melanophthalma(DC.)LeuckertPoelt)群丛,有24个种,地衣总盖度为30.458%,多样性为3.912;群丛5:石胶衣(Collema flaccidum(Ach.)Ach.)+短绒皮果衣(Dermatocarpon vellereum Zschacke)+绿黑地图衣(Rhizocarpon viridiatrum(Wulfen)Korber.)群丛,有18个种,地衣总盖度为19.331%,多样性为3.515。CCA排序结果反映,该地区岩面生地衣的分布与海拔高度、光照强度、岩石pH和人为干扰有关,其中影响最大的因素是海拔高度,其次为光照强度和干扰。坡向和岩石大小对地衣种类分布的影响不显著。  相似文献   
Scrubland is the most important vegetation component in Helan Mountains, Nei Mongol, but remians very poorly studied. In order to understand the distribution and growth status of the scrubland resources in this area, the shrub communities in the National Nature Reserve of Helan Mountains were sampled. Using the community data, the characteristics of the community structure were quantitatively analyzed. The results show that the shrub communities along an altitudinal gradient in the National Nature Reserve of Helan Mountains include the following formations: Form. Cotoneaster soongoricus, Form. Syringa oblata, Form. Potentilla parvifolia, Form. Ostryopsis davidiana, Form. Lonicera microphylla, Form. Potentilla glabra, Form. Salix oritrepha and Form. Caragana jubata. Furthermore, we also provide the data on species composition and structures of these montane shrub communities, which could provide insight for the conservation and management of these valuable communities. © 2018 Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. All Rights Reserved.  相似文献   
该研究采取路线调查、样方套记录、野外标本采集鉴定以及查阅文献资料等方法,对色季拉山野生药用植物多样性进行了系统普查分析,为该区野生药用植物资源的保护、利用和系统研究提供科学依据。结果显示:(1)色季拉山共有野生药用植物104科350属647种,其中蕨类植物13科15属22种,裸子植物2科3属9种,被子植物89科332属616种。草本野生药用植物478种,占总种数的73.88%;木本植物169种,占总种数的26.12%;全草类、根与根茎类药用植物最多,分别占药用植物总种数的46.21%和30.14%。(2)含1~5种的单种科和寡种科为绝对多数,占色季拉山野生药用植物总科数的72.11%,但仅占药用植物总种数的22.57%;而含种数最多的7科,只占总科数的6.73%,却共含255种之多,占总种数的39.41%,对色季拉山药用植物资源的构建起主导作用。(3)含有1个种的属最多,占总属数的64.00%,色季拉山药用植物没有明显优势的大属,表明属的构成较为复杂多样。(4)清热是色季拉山药用植物的主要功效,共有260种清热药用植物,占药用植物总种数的40.19%。(5)民族药用植物83科249属360种,占色季拉山野生药用植物总种数的55.64%。其中,藏药植物在民族药用植物中所占比例最大,共有63科156属235种,占民族药用植物总种数65.28%。研究表明,色季拉山野生药用植物种类多样性较高,药用植物生活型、部位、药效、民族用药类型丰富,但部分珍稀濒危资源如云南红景天、天麻、西藏八角莲等个体数量极少,建议建立专门的保护区,加强对野生药用植物资源及其原生境的保护,并加强人工繁育研究,针对资源储量制定适度合理的采摘利用量,以期实现野生药用植物资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   
地表死可燃物含水率是火险天气和火行为预报中的重要指标.本研究基于时滞平衡含水率法(Nelson和Simard方法)及气象要素回归方法,于2010年9—10月对黑龙江省大兴安岭地区盘古林场不同郁闭度的山杨-白桦混交林、红皮云杉纯林,以及采伐迹地(原1∶1樟子松-白桦混交林)地表死可燃物含水率进行以小时为步长的连续测定,建立其预测模型,得到预测误差,并使用相应的模型对其他林分地表死可燃物含水率进行外推精度分析.结果表明:采用Nelson平衡含水率法构建的地表死可燃物含水率变化模型的平均绝对误差、平均相对误差和均方误差根(0.0154、0.104和0.0226)低于Simard法(0.0185、0.117和0.0256)和气象要素回归法(0.0222、0.150和0.0331).在外推效果方面,气象要素回归法的平均绝对误差、平均相对误差和均方误差根(0.0410、0.0300和0.0740)低于Simard法(0.610、0.492和0.846),但前两者均高于Nelson法(0.034、0.021和0.0660),说明以小时为步长的时滞平衡含水率法,尤其是Nelson法适用于大兴安岭地区所测林分.外推虽不能降低误差,但有助于提高现有模型应用至不同林分条件或大尺度范围内的地表死可燃物含水率预测精度和利用率.模型建模和外推误差与不同树种和郁闭度条件差异有关,研究时应根据不同林分和地点选择合适的平衡含水率模型.  相似文献   


Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) is notorious for creating positive feedbacks that facilitate vegetation type conversion within sagebrush steppe ecosystems in the western United States. Similar dynamics may exist in adjacent lower montane forest. However, fire‐forest‐cheatgrass dynamics have not been examined. We used species distribution modeling to answer three questions about fire and invasibility in lower montane forests: (Q1) Does fire create more suitable habitat for cheatgrass? (Q2) If so, which site attributes are altered to increase site suitability? (Q3) Does fire increase connectivity among suitable habitat and enhance spread?


Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming, USA.


We measured cheatgrass presence–absence in 93 plots within Interior Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca) forests. Random Forests predicted cheatgrass distribution with and without fire using nine site attributes: elevation, slope, aspect, solar radiation, annual precipitation, maximum temperature in July, minimum temperature in January, forest canopy cover and distance to nearest trail or road. Additionally, invasion pathways and spread were mapped using Circuitscape.


Cheatgrass distribution was controlled by topographic and climate variables in the absence of fire. In particular, cheatgrass was most likely to occur at low elevation along dry, south‐ and east‐facing slopes. High‐severity fire increased potential cheatgrass distribution when forest canopy cover was reduced to below 30%. This process created new invasion pathways, which enhanced cheatgrass spread when modelled in Circuitscape.

Main conclusions

Our study showed that in the absence of fire, drier south‐ and east‐facing slopes at low elevation are most susceptible to cheatgrass invasion. However, high‐severity fire increased the total area susceptible to invasion—allowing cheatgrass to expand into previously unsuitable sites within lower montane forests in the western United States. These results are important for present day management and reflect that integrating responses to disturbance in species distribution models can be critical for making predictions about dynamically changing systems.
In this article, we report and discuss the results obtained from a survey of plants, microorganisms (bacteria and fungi), and soil elements along a chronosequence in the first 600 m of the Maliy Aktru glacier's forefront (Altai Mountains, Russia). Many glaciers of the world show effects of climate change. Nonetheless, except for some local reports, the ecological effects of deglaciation have been poorly studied and have not been quantitatively assessed in the Altai Mountains. Here, we studied the ecological changes of plants, fungi, bacteria, and soil elements that take the form of a primary ecological succession and that took place over the deglaciated soil of the Maliy Aktru glacier during the last 50 year. According to our measurements, the glacier lost about 12 m per year during the last 50 years. Plant succession shows clear signs of changes along the incremental distance from the glacier forefront. The analysis of the plant α‐ and β‐diversity confirmed an expected increase of them with increasing distance from the glacier forefront. Moreover, the analysis of β‐diversity confirmed the hypothesis of the presence of three main stages of the plant succession: (a) initial (pioneer species) from 30 to 100 m; (b) intermediate (r‐selected species) from 110 to 120–150 m; and (c) final (K‐selected species) from 150 to 550. Our study also shows that saprotrophic communities of fungi are widely distributed in the glacier retreating area with higher relative abundances of saprotroph ascomycetes at early successional stages. The evolution of a primary succession is also evident for bacteria, soil elements, and CO2 emission and respiration. The development of biological communities and the variation in geochemical parameters represent an irrefutable proof that climate change is altering soils that have been long covered by ice.  相似文献   
The population structure of cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.), collected from Krkonose Mountains (the Czech Republic), continental Norway and Spitsbergen, was examined using microsatellite analyses (SSR). Among 184 individuals, 162 different genotypes were identified. The overall unbiased gene diversity was high (). A high level of genetic differentiation among populations (FST = 0.45; p < .01) indicated restricted gene flow between populations. Using a Bayesian approach, six clusters were found which represented the genetic structure of the studied cloudberry populations. The value of correlation index between genetic and geographical distances (r = .44) indicates that gene flow, even over a long distance, could exist. An exact test of population differentiation showed that Rubus chamaemorus populations from regions (Krkonose Mountains, continental Norway and Spitsbergen) are differentiated although some individuals within populations share common alleles even among regions. These results were confirmed by AMOVA, where the highest level of diversity was found within populations (70.8%). There was no difference between 87 pairs of populations (18.7%) mostly within cloudberry populations from continental Norway and from Spitsbergen. Based on obtained results, it is possible to conclude that Czech and Norwegian cloudberry populations are undergoing differentiation, which preserves unique allele compositions most likely from original populations during the last glaciation period. This knowledge will be important for the creation and continuation of in situ and ex situ conservation of cloudberry populations within these areas.  相似文献   
新疆天山南坡中段种子植物区系垂直分布格局分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对植物多样性垂直分布格局及其维持机制的研究可以有效揭示植物物种多样性分布特征及其环境影响因子。本文通过野外调查、查阅标本并结合相关文献资料,对天山南坡中段种子植物区系沿海拔梯度的分布格局进行了系统研究。结果显示,在大区域尺度上,科属种的物种丰富度随海拔升高均呈先增加后减少的趋势,且最高值出现在中低海拔1900~2000 m处;不同生活型植物沿海拔梯度的变化格局有所不同,其中,乔木、一年生草本、藤本及寄生植物表现出随海拔升高物种丰富度逐渐降低的趋势,灌木、多年生草本及二年生草本植物物种丰富度则呈先增加后减少的变化趋势;从植物区系地理成分来看,世界分布所占的比重沿海拔梯度升高呈先增加后减少的趋势;温带地理成分所占的比重沿海拔梯度升高呈缓慢上升趋势;古地中海地理成分所占的比重沿海拔梯度升高呈先增加后减少然后再增加的变化趋势;热带地理成分所占的比重沿海拔升高呈逐渐下降的趋势;东亚地理成分所占的比重沿海拔梯度升高呈先增加后减少然后再增加的变化趋势。对该分布格局与当地干旱的气候条件及海拔梯度上热量和水分条件的变化相适应。  相似文献   
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