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在世界范围内,物种入侵正成为一个影响经济发展、公众健康的重大生态事件。为了探究入侵物种小管福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata)对本土近生态位物种的生态挤压作用,选择了梨形环棱螺(Bellamya purificata)作为受试动物,设置直接生态竞争实验和间接分泌物胁迫实验两类实验。直接生态竞争实验中两种螺直接竞争生存资源,而间接分泌物胁迫实验中则观测两种受试螺分泌物对彼此与自身种群的影响。为了模拟野外不同水体的竞争情况,设置了两种密度,即每组共计6只受试螺(低密度组)及每组共计12只受试螺(高密度组),在两种密度下设两种螺不同比例的个体组合。结果显示,两类实验中,小管福寿螺的体重相对变化与生存率都优于梨形环棱螺。直接竞争实验小管福寿螺体重相对变化率显著优于梨形环棱螺(P 0.05),但二者生存率无显著差异;低密度组中,福寿螺与梨形环棱螺的体重相对变化及生存率均无显著差异,而高密度组中,当梨形环棱螺个体数极多时(8只),其体重相对变化率会显著差于小管福寿螺(P0.05);当梨形环棱螺个体数少时(4只),其体重相对变化率与小管福寿螺无明显差异,但生存率会显著低于小管福寿螺(P 0.05)。间接分泌物干扰实验中,小管福寿螺的体重相对变化率极显著优于梨形环棱螺(P 0.01),且其生存率高于梨形环棱螺;在低密度组中,高比例(4只)的小管福寿螺生存率显著高于高比例(4只)的梨形环棱螺(P 0.05);而在高密度组中,高比例(8只)的梨形环棱螺在28d内全部死亡,由于对照组中即使是高密度的梨形环棱螺也拥有高生存率,说明这种效应不是梨形环棱螺本身所导致的,而是小管福寿螺的间接分泌物胁迫导致了梨形环棱螺的大量死亡。以上结果充分表明,小管福寿螺的间接分泌物干扰效应比直接生态挤压作用具有更严重的生态威胁性,且小管福寿螺的种内竞争调节能力优于梨形环棱螺,这可能是小管福寿螺作为入侵物种的一种有效生活史策略。  相似文献   
长江经济带森林生态安全评价及时空演变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤旭  宋璇  曾玉林  张大红 《生态学报》2021,41(5):1693-1704
由于森林生态系统的安全关系到人类的生存与发展,因此本文以长江经济带1107个区县为研究对象,运用熵权法、ArcGIS和GeoDA软件、重心分析模型、空间相关分析来分析长江经济带森林生态安全指数(ESI),结论如下:(1)森林状态指数中,权重最高的指标为森林火灾受灾率,其次为森林有害生物成灾率和林地面积比率;在森林压力指数中,权重最高的指标为政府林业投入强度,其次为年度造林比例和自然保护区占比。(2)从全域来看,森林ESI值长江上游 > 中游 > 下游,长江南岸高于北岸。长江经济带森林ESI值总体水平较低,但在2000-2015年间总体呈上升趋势。从各省看,云南省森林ESI值最高,上海市森林ESI值最低。在此15年间,湖南省森林ESI值提高幅度最大(19.77%),江苏省提高幅度最小(0.76%)。(3)各支流流域森林ESI值排序:赣江 > 沅江 > 金沙江 > 乌江 > 湘江 > 汉江 > 嘉陵江 > 岷江。从2000-2015年,八大流域的森林ESI值总体呈上升趋势,其中湘江流域增长幅度最大(20.87%),而金沙江流域增长幅度最小(3.6%)。(4)森林ESI值的重心先后经历了在从南往西、从西往东北和从东北往南等过程。(5)长江经济带森林ESI值有较为显著的集聚性,森林ESI值High-High集聚区域主要分布在四川省和云南省,Low-Low集聚区县主要分布在上海、江苏和安徽,其次在湖北江汉平原、四川成都平原较为集中。(6)基于以上分析,本文建议:①应注重森林火灾、病虫害防治、林业投资、植树造林等工作。②从全域看,生态修复的重点应放在长江下游。从支流流域来看,岷江、嘉陵江和汉江流域应重点加强森林修复工作。③应在上海、江苏、安徽等Low-Low集聚区域加强植树造林和退耕还林的力度,而在四川、云南、江西和浙江等High-High集聚区域适当发展木材加工和林下种植等产业。  相似文献   
如何在确保生态系统安全的同时有效地开发和利用资源、保障人类福祉是当前面临的挑战。近年来兴起的“安全公正空间”(Safe and Just Operating Space, SJOS)理论框架为人类可持续发展提供了有效的评估方法, 即充分利用自然资源来提高人类社会福祉的同时确保环境生态安全。研究以长江中下游地区大通湖流域为例, 根据流域内的社会经济数据、环境监测数据和湖泊沉积记录, 从社会基础和环境系统两个方面构建该流域的SJOS框架, 并利用环境库兹涅兹曲线来揭示总体环境变化特征。结果表明: 流域内淡水利用、空气质量、水质均突破环境上限, 处于危险的状态, 此外流域内无贫困和产业创新两个社会基础维度的完成度相对较低。环境库兹涅兹曲线揭示了大通湖流域内社会-生态系统大致分为初始阶段(1950s—1980s)、严重退化阶段(1980s—2000s)和逐步改善(2000s后)三个阶段。研究为维持区域可持续发展提供了重要的参考信息, 同时也为区域SJOS框架的构建提供了一种有效的方法。  相似文献   
Aside from ornamental uses, there is growing interest in using killifishes for a multiplicity of purposes including baitfish and mosquito biocontrol. This experiment explored the spawning habits and embryonic development of the banded lampeye, Aplocheilichthys spilauchen in ex situ freshwater (0.04‰) and brackish water (5.01‰) to ascertain the captive breeding prospects for mosquito control in areas where they occur. Significantly higher number of eggs were laid in the brackish water than the freshwater (X2 = 1613.0, P < 0.05), and black mop was the most preferred spawning substrate, followed by green, blue and white mops. Microscopic monitoring of embryos revealed that cleavage occurred within the first 30 min after fertilization, organogenesis commenced on average in the 25th hour and hatching in approximately 230 h. Although freshwater eggs were relatively bigger than brackish water eggs and certain embryonic developmental stages occurred faster in the freshwater than brackish water, these differences were overall not significant and had no effects on the development and hatching. The observed outcome that A. spilauchen can be optimally propagated with black mops in brackish water offers a significant step in its use for the mosquito biocontrol programme, as well as other potential uses not yet explored.  相似文献   
为揭示生态功能保护区归一化植被指数(NDVI)与气候因子相关性, 为今后该区域植被动态监测提供有用的信息, 该研究基于2000-2015年MODIS NDVI数据和逐月格点降水与气温数据, 采用生态功能保护区和像元两种空间尺度, 应用线性倾向分析、偏相关分析、复相关分析等方法研究了46个生态功能保护区NDVI变化及其与气候因子的关系, 在此基础上基于相关系数显著性水平对生态功能保护区NDVI动态进行了气候因子驱动分区。主要结果: (1)生态功能保护区NDVI总体呈增加趋势, 其增率加权平均值为0.045·a-1。像元分析表明, NDVI显著增加的区域主要分布在中部和东北部。(2)生态功能保护区NDVI与降水的偏相关系数在-0.30-0.72之间, 在32个分区呈正相关关系。NDVI与气温的偏相关性在-0.36-0.92之间, 在39个分区呈正相关关系。像元分析表明, 50.6%的像元NDVI与降水呈显著正偏相关关系, 主要分布在东北及西北地区。64.6%的像元NDVI与气温呈显著正偏相关关系, 主要分布在东北及青藏高原北缘地区。(3)气温-降水强驱动型是主要驱动类型, 占总面积的38.7%; 气温驱动型为次要驱动类型, 占27.3%; 非气候因子驱动型占17.6%。以上结果表明, 生态功能保护区NDVI与气温、降水气候因子改变具有显著相关性, 气候因子驱动的地区共占82.4%。研究气候变暖背景下生态功能保护区NDVI变化及其对气候因子的响应, 对于认识该区植被动态变化规律具有重要作用。  相似文献   
Tree-ring stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios (δ18O and δ13C) are an important archive for climate reconstructions. However, it remains unclear whether the polyvinyl acetate emulsion, often used for the preservation and fixation of wood samples, influences δ18O and δ13C signals. Further uncertainties are associated with the possible effects of geographical origin and cambial age of historical samples. Here, we present annually-resolved and absolutely-dated δ18O and δ13C measurements of 21 living oaks (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) from the Czech Republic. We find that the δ18O and δ13C signals in the extracted alpha-cellulose are not affected by polyvinyl acetate treatment. Covering the entire 20th century and reaching until 2018 CE, our dataset reveals spatial and temporal coherency within and between the individual δ18O and δ13C chronologies of different oak species, sample locations, and tree ages. Highly significant (p < 0.01) Pearson’s correlation coefficients of the site-specific δ13C and δ18O chronologies range from 0.48–0.77 and 0.36–0.56, respectively. The isotopic inter-series correlations of Q. robur and Q. petraea from the same site are 0.75 and 0.43 for the mean δ13C and δ18O values, respectively. Significant (p < 0.01) correlations of 0.49 and 0.84 are found for δ13C and δ18O, respectively, when all measurements from all sampling locations and tree ages are included. Our study shows that non-pooled oak δ18O and δ13C measurements from both species, different locations, and diverse tree ages can be combined into robust isotopic chronologies for climate reconstructions.  相似文献   
Plodia interpunctella and Oryzaephilus surinamensis are found in food storehouses including dates and palm storages. The current study aimed to determine competition and overlap potentials of the two pests of date fruits. Time series models were used to study two species populations and logistic growth model to estimate the effect of density of the species. The results revealed the environmental capacities of O. surinamensis and P. interpunctella were 433 and 1610 (maximum number per 20 g), respectively, and the population growth rates (r) were 1.2 and 1.3, respectively. Ecological balances of the two species were close to each other from the first to the third week. The population of O. surinamensis decreased in the fourth week of the competition. The highest population balance of the two species was in the 14th week. The potential of exploitable ecological niches (eij) and the amount of non-exploited ecological niches by any species (zij) for O. surinamensis was higher than for P. interpunctella from the 8th week untill the end of sampling period. The overlap of ecological niches in the two species (D) ranged from 0.94 to 1, indicating a complete overlap of temporal activity in the two populations on date palm. The current results of this study can be used by integrated pest management specialists. Information over the effects of species competition on population dynamics and their coexistence can be used to predict population status and to adopt simple pest control methods.  相似文献   
《Journal of Asia》2021,24(4):955-962
Food is critical to the survival and development of insects. Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae), a Lepidoptera model insect with economic significance, is a well-known oligophagous insect that mainly feeds on mulberry leaves. The feeding characteristics of this particular species provide an excellent model for studying the food selection of insect host plants. In recent years, there has been an increasing number of studies on the factors affecting the feeding of silkworms, especially with the development of molecular technology. Many mysteries have been gradually solved. This paper summarizes and discusses the factors that affect the feeding of silkworms, with a focus on the molecular mechanisms of silkworm feeding. It is hoped that this work will be helpful for further research on artificial diets for silkworms and disease control in lepidopteran insects.  相似文献   

The effects of kinetin on chlorophyll breakdown in irradiated barley leaves. — Kinetin is shown to inhibit the breakdown of chlorophyll in isolated barley leaves. Moreover the kinetin is shown to inhibit, even if with lower effect, the chlorophyll breakdown in irradiated barley leaves. This possible correlation of these observations, with kinetin promoted protein synthesis is suggested.  相似文献   
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