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在整理贵州省贵阳地区陆生贝类标本时,经鉴定发现1新种,即奇异阿勇螺Arinia mirifica sp.nov..隶属于前鳃亚纲、中腹足目、环口螺科、阿勇螺属.对新种形态特征、栖息环境进行了记述,并对其近似种也进行了讨 论.  相似文献   
二(口恶)(口英)类化合物是一类氯代三环芳烃类化合物(PCDD/F),二(口恶)(口英)具有致癌性和类似生物激素的作用,极小剂量的二(口恶)(口英)就可能造成激素分泌的紊乱,影响青春期发育和引起  相似文献   
对盅口族Cyathostominea线虫分类系统的研究进行了回顾和讨论,根据各分类学家的意见,笔者提出了盅口族线虫的分类系统,该系统以Lichtenfels等人(1998)的观点为基础,其不同点在于:1)将马线虫属Caballonema Abulasze,1937和柱咽属Cylindropharynx Leiper,1911从盅口族中移出,放入柱咽族Cylindropharyngea Popova,1952;2)Scialdo-Krecek(1984)描述的Cylicodon-tophorus reineckei应归属于副杯口属Parapoteriostomum Hartwich,1986.  相似文献   
甘肃陆生贝类二新种(前鳃亚纲:中腹足目:环口螺科)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
1998年4-5月作者在甘肃省南部地区考察,获得陆生贝类标本一批,经鉴定发现2新种,即大河腹皱螺Gastroptychia dahensis sp.nov。和清河倍唇螺Diplommatina qinghensis sp.nov.,隶属于前鳃亚纲,中腹足目,环口螺科,腹皱螺属,倍唇螺属。文中对新种形态特征,栖息环境进行了记述,并与近似种作了比较。  相似文献   
中国南方海域鲎的种类和分布   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The northern sea area of the South China Sea is situated between 107.5°~122.5°East longitude and 17°~25° North latitude with high temperature and a large quantity of rainfall which belongs to the oceanic climate of the torrid zone and subtropical zone. From September, 1994 to June, 1998,during the research on the species of Horseshoe crab within the scope between the south from North gulf and the north to Xiamen, choosing Xiamen, Shantou, Wuchuan, Donghaidao and Qishui as fixed positions and irregularly going to Xuwen and Suixi in Guangdong province and Fangcheng in Guangxi province, we found that there was only Tachypleus tridentatus in the northern sea area of the South China Sea and the sea area from Wuchuan to Xiamen, and found that there were two species of horseshoe crab which were Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda in the southern area to East Sea Island, referring to East Sea Island, Qishui, Xuwen, Suixi and Fangcheng, most of which were Tachypleus tridentatus, and found a great number of larvae of Tachypleus tridentatus including zooids with different sizes from 7cm bodily length to mature. In Minan we found not only big colonies of adult Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda , but also a great number of larvae of Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda with different body size from 7cm body length to maturity. All these show that the northern sea area of the South China Sea is the area where both Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda distribute and reproduce. On January 1st, 1998 at the town of Qishui in Leizhou, we found an adult male Horseshoe crab and majority of its eggs was immature, while the eggs with above 4mm diameters were only 0.87 percent but the eggs with below 1.0mm diameter was 58 percent(1 160 pills). It shows that Qishui is a place where Tachyplers tridentatus survive in the winter.  相似文献   
植物(口山)酮类化合物的波谱特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合大量文献和实验工作 ,对植物 (主要是獐牙菜属 )口山酮类化合物的波谱特征进行总结和归纳。  相似文献   
王新星  陈涛  李敏  王跃中 《生态学报》2022,42(7):2962-2973
沿岸鲸豚类栖息地易受人类活动的干扰,导致其分布和核心栖息地发生变化。珠江口-漠阳江口中华白海豚种群是目前所知全球范围内最大的种群,其中伶仃洋水域是其重要的栖息地。近年来,珠江口伶仃洋周边城市发展带来的人类活动增加,白海豚的生存压力日益增大,分析伶仃洋中华白海豚对栖息地环境变化的响应,研究对应的保护策略显得非常迫切。以多源陆地资源卫星Landsat为数据源,通过影像分析近43年珠江口伶仃洋围填海造成的海域流失,结合近20年来采用截线抽样法收集的海豚观测数据,运用含障碍核插值(Kernel interpolation with barriers)方法,分析白海豚的分布及核心栖息地的变化。结果显示:1986-2015年期间,研究区域内流失的海域面积为344.08km2;目击分布离人工海岸线的平均距离大于自然海岸线的平均距离,目击分布到自然海岸线和人工海岸线的平均距离均在减小,表明过去20年白海豚的栖息地使用选择发生了一些变化,被迫适应人类活动的干扰;1997-2016年白海豚的分布范围呈现先增加后减小,白海豚栖息地使用的重心偏向伶仃洋东部水域,核心栖息地趋向主航道和无人海岛附近水域萎缩,可能是海豚因海域食物资源减少而迫不得已的选择。不同时期,珠江口中华白海豚国家级自然保护区所覆盖的核心栖息地比例呈递减趋势,占比由79.9%下降到49.4%,当前有必要对保护区范围和功能区作出一些优化调整,以适应栖息地使用的变化格局。  相似文献   
口泰含漱液对控制菌斑和牙龈炎的疗效分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本研究采用双盲随机对照法观察口泰含液对牙龈炎及控制菌斑的疗效。结果显示:实验组的牙龈指数,龈沟出血指数及菌斑指数以在含漱5天后均有明显的改善,且与对照组的比较也有明显的差异。  相似文献   
彭霄鹏  吕亚奎 《化石》2021,(1):70-71
鲎是生活在海洋里的奇特生物,属肢口纲剑尾目的海生节肢动物。外形有一个较宽的新月形头胸甲,背部有一对复眼和两个单眼,头胸相连,外形很像马蹄,所以有人称之为马蹄鲎。鲎的祖先在地质历史时期古生代就已出现,那时地球还没有那么多物种,恐龙还不是地球的霸主,原始鱼类刚刚诞生。斗转星移、沧海桑田,随着时间的推移,很多古老的动物随自然环境的变迁不断退化或进化,有些因环境的变迁及近来人类的滥捕甚至灭绝,只有鲎,4亿多年来基本保持着最原始的外貌和生活习性,所以又被科学家称之为研究海洋生物的"活化石"。  相似文献   
黑嘴鸥仅在我国沿海地区繁殖,迄今共发现  相似文献   
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