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土壤肥力对板栗枝干病害的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
通过对土壤肥力与板栗枝干病害关系的研究表明,在土壤物理因素中,土壤类型以粘土、石砾土的栗园发病较重,壤土、沙壤土、黄棕壤的栗园发病较轻;土壤容重与感病指数呈正相关;土层厚度与感病指数呈负相关。在土壤化学因素中,有机质、速效磷与病情呈负相关;pH值、全氮和钾含量与病情关系不显著,并通过对土壤肥力因素与病情关系的逐步回归分析,筛选出土层厚度、土壤容重、粘性土、有机质和速效磷5个因素对病情贡献较大。以此建立了病情预测的回归模型,根据这一模型,可以预测研究范围内的任一给定条件下病害可能发生的水平,该研究将为今后的板栗生产和管理提供指导。  相似文献   
Eukaryotic plankton assemblages in 11 high-mountain lakes located at altitudes of 2,817 to 5,134 m and over a total area of ca. one million square kilometers on the Eastern Tibet Plateau, spanning a salinity gradient from 0.2 (freshwater) to 187.1 g l−1 (hypersaline), were investigated by cultivation independent methods. Two 18S rRNA gene-based fingerprint approaches, i.e., the terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) with subsequent band sequencing were applied. Samples of the same lake type (e.g., freshwater) generally shared more of the same bands or T-RFs than samples of different types (e.g., freshwater versus saline). However, a certain number of bands or T-RFs among the samples within each lake were distinct, indicating the potential presence of significant genetic diversity within each lake. PCA indicated that the most significant environmental gradient among the investigated lakes was salinity. The observed molecular profiles could be further explained (17–24%) by ion percentage of chloride, carbonate and bicarbonate, and sulfate, which were also covaried with change of altitude and latitude. Sequence analysis of selected major DGGE bands revealed many sequences (largely protist) that are not related to any known cultures but to uncultured eukaryotic picoplankton and unidentified eukaryotes. One fourth of the retrieved sequences showed ≤97% similarity to the closest sequences in the GenBank. Sequences related to well-known heterotrophic nanoflagellates were not retrieved from the DGGE gels. Several groups of eukaryotic plankton, which were found worldwide and detected in low land lakes, were also detected in habitats located above 4,400 m, suggesting a cosmopolitan distribution of these phylotypes. Collectively, our study suggests that there was a high beta-diversity of eukaryotic plankton assemblages in the investigated Tibetan lakes shaped by multiple geographic and environmental factors.  相似文献   
Ever since Carl Woese introduced the use of 16S rRNA genes for determining the phylogenetic relationships of prokaryotes, this method has been regarded as the “gold standard” in both microbial phylogeny and ecology studies. However, intragenomic heterogeneity within 16S rRNA genes has been reported in many investigations and is believed to bias the estimation of prokaryotic diversity. In the current study, 2,013 completely sequenced genomes of bacteria and archaea were analyzed and intragenomic heterogeneity was found in 952 genomes (585 species), with 87.5% of the divergence detected being below the 1% level. In particular, some extremophiles (thermophiles and halophiles) were found to harbor highly divergent 16S rRNA genes. Overestimation caused by 16S rRNA gene intragenomic heterogeneity was evaluated at different levels using the full-length and partial 16S rRNA genes usually chosen as targets for pyrosequencing. The result indicates that, at the unique level, full-length 16S rRNA genes can produce an overestimation of as much as 123.7%, while at the 3% level, an overestimation of 12.9% for the V6 region may be introduced. Further analysis showed that intragenomic heterogeneity tends to concentrate in specific positions, with the V1 and V6 regions suffering the most intragenomic heterogeneity and the V4 and V5 regions suffering the least intragenomic heterogeneity in bacteria. This is the most up-to-date overview of the diversity of 16S rRNA genes within prokaryotic genomes. It not only provides general guidance on how much overestimation can be introduced when applying 16S rRNA gene-based methods, due to its intragenomic heterogeneity, but also recommends that, for bacteria, this overestimation be minimized using primers targeting the V4 and V5 regions.  相似文献   
Cyanobacterial blooms have become more frequent as a result of eutrophication in lakes. The accumulation and breakdown of huge cyanobacterial biomasses often cause hypoxia in lakes. However, little is known about microbial diversity in these areas. In this study, we characterized the bacterial community composition of a Microcystis-bloom-induced hypoxic area in Lake Taihu, which is a large, shallow lake, by analysing terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms of 16S ribosomal RNA genes and clone libraries generated from selected samples. Bacterial samples were collected at different sites within the hypoxic zone at different times during the development of hypoxia. The results showed that the composition of both free-living and particle-attached bacterial communities in the water column varied spatially and temporally and that these variations were largely related to changes in the concentrations of dissolved oxygen and ions in the water column. Sequences affiliated with Clostridium were predominantly found at the onset of hypoxia, whereas members of the LD12 cluster were detected at the posthypoxia stage; Desulfovibrio and Comamonadaceae dominated throughout the hypoxic event. We speculate that these organisms may be associated with the decomposition of Microcystis biomass and the production of volatile organic compounds; however, their specific function in Microcystis-bloom-induced hypoxia warrants further study.  相似文献   
肠易激综合征(irritablebowelsyndrome,IBS)是常见的功能性肠病之一,目前尚缺乏可用器质性疾病解释的临床特征,最新研究将其机制描述为脑-肠-微生物轴紊乱,强调了肠道微生物群在调节脑肠互动中的中介作用,而中医药对于脑肠稳态调节有着悠久广泛的治疗经验并取得了良好疗效,但两者关联性缺乏论述。因此,本文以脑肠轴为切入点,以肠道微生物作为介质,基于脑肠轴-中医药的良性互动,结合我们相关工作,综述了目前与脑-肠-微生物轴相关的IBS的中西医研究,为同行提供参考。  相似文献   
  1. Understanding the successional patterns of microbial communities during a phytoplankton bloom is crucial for predicting the compositional and functional stability of lake ecosystems in response to the disturbance of a bloom. Previous studies on bacterial communities associated with blooms have rarely studied the dynamics of these communities. The successional patterns of bacterial communities within different micro-habitats (i.e. water column versus particles) and mechanisms that shape these communities that differ in composition and structure remain unclear.
  2. We selected a eutrophic urban lake to investigate the succession of bacterial communities during a bloom. We divided the bacterial communities into free-living (FL) and particle-attached (PA) groups based on their different lifestyles. The amplicon-based 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing technology was used to obtain bacterial community composition and phylogenetic structure.
  3. Our study showed distinct successional patterns between FL and PA bacterial communities, and the two bacterial lifestyles showed different responses and resilience to the bloom, in terms of diversity and relative abundance of bacterial taxa. Alpha-diversity of the PA bacterial community decreased during the bloom, whereas that of the FL bacterial community increased. More taxa in the FL bacterial community showed resilience after the disturbance than in the PA bacterial community.
  4. The influence of phytoplankton blooms on the assembly of the bacterial community can be viewed as niche selection that led to the decrease in the relative importance of stochastic processes in shaping both FL and PA bacterial communities. This study shows the ecological significance of the bacterial community response to bloom events in lakes. It also shows that assembly processes differ for bacterial communities that have different lifestyles in lake ecosystems disturbed by phytoplankton blooms.
It is widely accepted that lysosomes are essential for cell homeostasis, and autophagy plays an important role in tumor development. Here, we found FV-429, a synthetic flavonoid compound, inhibited autophagy flux, promoted autophagosomes accumulation, and inhibited lysosomal degradation in T-cell malignancies. These effects were likely to be achieved by lysosomal dysregulation. The destructive effects of FV-429 on lysosomes resulted in blockage of lysosome-associated membrane fusion, lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP), and cathepsin-mediated caspase-independent cell death (CICD). Moreover, we initially investigated the effects of autophagy inhibition by FV-429 on the therapeutic efficacy of chemotherapy and found that FV-429 sensitized cancer cells to chemotherapy agents. Our findings suggest that FV-429 could be a potential novel autophagy inhibitor with notable antitumor efficacy as a single agent.Subject terms: Haematological cancer, Macroautophagy, Pharmacology  相似文献   
The aims of this study were to investigate the antifungal activity as a bioactive property of dihydrodehydrodiconiferyl alcohol 9′-O-β-d-glucoside (DDDC9G) and the mode of action(s) involved in its effect. Antifungal susceptibility testing showed that DDDC9G possessed potent antifungal activities toward various fungal strains with almost no hemolytic effect. To understand the antifungal mechanism(s) of DDDC9G, we conducted the following experiments in this study using Candida albicans. Fluorescence experiments using the probes, 1, 6-diphenyl-1, 3, 5-hexatriene (DPH) and propidium iodide suggested that DDDC9G perturbed the fungal plasma membrane. Consecutively, the analysis of the transmembrane electrical potential (ΔΨ) with 3, 3′-dipropylthiadicarbocyanine iodide [DiSC3(5)] and bis-(1, 3-dibutylbarbituric acid) trimethine oxonol [DiBAC4(3)] indicated that DDDC9G induced membrane-depolarization. Furthermore, model membrane studies were performed with rhodamine-labeled giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), calcein encapsulating large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs), and FITC-dextran (FD) loaded LUVs. These results demonstrated that the antifungal effects of DDDC9G upon the fungal plasma membrane were through the formation of pores with the radii between 0.74 nm and 1.4 nm. Finally, in three dimensional (3D) flow cytometric contour plots, a reduced cell size was observed as a result of osmolarity changes from DDDC9G-induced structural and functional membrane damages. Therefore, the present study suggests that DDDC9G exerts its antifungal effect by damaging the membrane through pore formation in the fungal plasma membrane.  相似文献   
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