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青海藏族青少年骨龄与生长发育关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告了青海省境内,世居在海拔3000-4000米地区的728名7-18岁健康藏族青少年学生的手、腕部骨骼发育情况,对骨化中心出现和骨骺愈合求出了50%出现年龄,并对骨龄与青春期身高突增的关系及与月经初衬潮的关系进行了分析。  相似文献   
山东莒南发现的石制品   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
员晓枫  徐淑彬等 《人类学学报》1989,8(1):32-38,,T001,
本文报道的128件人工石制品分别采自山东莒南县的石莲子乡烟敦岭和扁山乡九顶莲花山两个地点。石制品常见类型有边刮器,端刮器和砍斫器等,另有少量的雕刻器和尖状器,内含典型细石器。就石制品的组合及工艺水平而言,其时代可能属于旧石器时代末期。  相似文献   
云南景颇族的体质特征   总被引:17,自引:10,他引:7  
本文调查了云南景颇族261人(男105人,女156人)。年龄为成年人(男24-60岁,女23-55岁)。主要测量均值与现代中国汉族和云南省各少数民族比较和聚类分析的结果表明,景颇族属黄种人的东亚类型,但也有南亚类型特征表现。体质特征与傣族、哈尼族和彝族接近,与基诺族和布郎族较远。  相似文献   
武汉东湖磷含量的变动及其分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了武汉东湖水体中磷含量(均以PO4计算)的周年逐月季节和年际变动及其分布上的差异(1973-1985年)。按面积加权法计算总磷的平均含量为0.244毫克/升(1983-1985年),总溶解磷和溶解活性磷的平均含量分别为0.121毫克/升和0.051毫克/升(1981-1984年),总磷和总溶解磷周年中出现两次高峰含量,即春季(3-5月)和夏末秋初(8-9月)。低含量出现在水温最低的冬季(12-2月),周年中溶解活性磷高峰含量出现在冬末春初(1-3月),低含量多数出现在春天夏初(5-7月)。东湖水体中磷含量平面分布有明显的差异,而垂直分布表层和底层差异小,各种形态磷的组成中颗粒磷所占比较最大(1983-1984年平均值),平均占总磷63.4%,溶解非活性磷所占比较最小,平均占总磷12.0%。  相似文献   
清香桂碱A的结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
清香桂碱A (sarcorucininc A)是黄杨科清香桂属植物(Sarcococca ruscifoliaStapf.)中含量最高的一个新甾体生物碱(约达地上部分干重的0.1%),量较微的清香桂碱D (sarcorucinine D) 结构已报道。由于碱A性质奇异,虽经多种簿层方法检测为单一斑点,但~(13)C NMR谱的碳数目使我们十分困惑,怀疑它是否为不饱和同系物混晶。而氢化、溴化、碱解均表现出特异的化学行为,因此只好用X—晶体衍射分析方法测定其结构。现将其一般性质及X—晶体衍射分析结果报道,测定细节将和清香桂碱B另文报告。  相似文献   
The nuclear matrix of diplomonad Giardia lamblia was detected for the first time with DGD embedmentsectioning-embedment free electron microscopy after a series of specific extractions.The result showed that archaezoa Giardia Lamblia already possessed nuclear matrix within its two nuclei.The finest fibrils of the nuclear matrix of Giardia lamblia were measured to be about 11 to 13 nm in thickness.However,the nuclear lamina and nucleolus have never been observed.These results seem to suggest that nuclear matrix is an indispensable intranuclear structural component even in the primitive nucleus.  相似文献   
SUNTONG  YADICHEN 《Cell research》1994,4(2):135-143
The DNaseI hypersensitive site 2 (HS2) of human β-globin locus control region(LCR) is required for the high level expression of human β-globin genes.In the present study,a stage-specific protein factor (LPF-β) was identified in the nuclear extract prepared from mouse fetal liver at d 18 of gestation,which could bind to the HS2 region of human β-globin LCR.We also found that the shift band of LPF-β factor could be competed by human β-globin promoter.However,it couldn‘t be competed by human ε-globin promoter or by human ^Aγ-globin promoter.Furthermore,our data demonstrated that the binding-sequence of LPF-β factor is 5‘CACACCCTA 3‘,which is located at the HS2 region of β-LCR(from-10845 to-10853 bp)and human β-globin promoter(from-92 to -84 bp).We speculated that these regions containing the CACCC box in both the human β-globin promoter and HS2 might function as stage selector elements in the regulation of human β-globin switching and the LPF-β factor might be a stage-specific protein factor involved in the regulation of human β-globin gene expression.  相似文献   
生物学是当代科学研究的热点和前沿,它与人类面临的“环境”、“人口”、“粮食”、“能源”四大危机具有密切关系。为了提高国民素质,在基础教育中普及生物知识是非常必要的,但由于追求升学考试等现实问题,使生物学科在中学理科中的位置面临很严重的问题(与发达  相似文献   
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