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Summary We have implemented a routine procedure for screening protein sequences for evidence of intragenic duplications. We tested 163 protein sequences representing 116 superfamilies of unrelated proteins. Twenty superfamilies contain proteins with internal gene duplications. The intragenic duplications detected can be divided into two major types. (1) One or more duplications of all or part of a gene produce a protein with two or several detectable regions of sequence homology. Sequences from 18 superfamilies contained this type of duplication. (2) Repeated reduplication of a small DNA segment can produce a protein that is repetitive over most of its length. Three superfamilies contain such repetitive sequences. We also investigated the limits of detection of ancient duplications using sequences derived by random mutation of a model sequence consisting of ten 10-residue repeats. The original repetitive nature of the sequence was usually detected after 250 point mutations even though the ancestral segment could not be accurately reconstructed.  相似文献   
ObjectiveThe association between zinc intake and the risk of kidney stones remains controversial. We examined the associations between dietary zinc intake, supplemental zinc intake and serum zinc levels and the prevalence of kidney stones in adults.MethodsAdult participants from the 2007–2016 NHANES were included. Restricted cubic splines were adopted to assess the dose-response relationships.ResultsDietary zinc intake was linearly associated with the prevalence of kidney stones (Pfor non-linearity = 0.50), and the odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) of kidney stones were 0.75 (0.51–1.04) for 10 mg/day, 0.65 (0.39-0.97) for 20 mg/day, 0.53 (0.30-0.94) for 30 mg/day and 0.45 (0.22-0.95) for 40 mg/day. The linear relationship was also observed among women and overweight/obese individuals. No association was found between supplemental zinc intake and the prevalence of kidney stones. A non-linear relationship was found between serum zinc levels and the prevalence of kidney stones (Pfor non-linearity = 0.02), and the odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) of kidney stones were 0.52 (0.33-0.82) for 70 ug/dL, 0.43 (0.24-0.77) for 90 ug/dL, 0.56 (0.32-0.98) for 110 ug/dL and 0.77 (0.37–1.62) for 130 ug/dL. The non-linear relationship was also observed among men and overweight/obese individuals.ConclusionsDietary zinc intake and serum zinc levels were inversely associated with the prevalence of kidney stones in adults, and there may be effect modification by participant sex and body mass index. The present analysis is limited in its ability to establish causality.  相似文献   
肝包虫病是畜牧地区常见的寄生虫病,是一种人畜共患病,非牧地区偶尔也可以见到,可以通过与狗等动物密切接触直接感染,还可以通过呼吸道吸入虫卵或经消化道误食含有虫卵感染的食物或水源等方式感染使人患病,并且可以寄生于人体内各个部位,但以肝脏最为多见,严重危害人体健康和畜牧业的发展。加强肝包虫病的诊断是防控本疾病的重要措施之一,在不能排除肝包虫病的情况下,应结合病史、化验室检查、B超、CT等影像学检查、免疫学检查进行综合分析,给出明确诊断,以防止误诊、漏诊。近年来随着分子生物学以及病原学等技术的发展,为包虫病的诊断提供更多的方法和信息,本文将从肝包虫病的病史及临床表现、影像学检查、免疫学检查、分子生物学检查及病原学检查等方面对其诊断现状及进展做一综述。  相似文献   
刘淑艳  欧师琪  李玉 《微生物学通报》2015,42(11):2255-2259
为进一步提高教学质量,培养高素质人才,高校应加大课程考试改革的力度。本文针对“普通植物病理学”课程考试中存在的主要问题,结合课程教学的特点,坚持理论联系实际,积极探索了贯穿于课程教学全过程,能够促进学生提高能力和素质的多元化的综合考核模式。  相似文献   
目的:比较蒙特利尔认知评估量表(Montreal Cognitive Assessment,MoCA)和简易智能量表(mini-mental state examination,MMSE)在急性缺血性脑卒中后认知损害筛查中的应用。方法:对65例缺血性脑卒中患者在发病14天内应用简易精神状态检查量表(Mini-mental State Examination,MMSE)和MoCA进行神经心理评估。其中12例患者在发病3-6个月后应用MMSE、MoCA和神经心理成套测验进行神经心理评估。以MMSE〈23分、MoCA〈21为分界值,受教育年限小于12年加1分,文盲加2分。结果:MMSE的平均分值为25.2±4.3,MoCA的平均分值为18.6±5.7。37例患者MoCA评分显示有认知损害,但其中19例患者(29%)MMSE评分显示正常。28例MoCA评估显示认知正常的患者的MMSE评分均显示认知正常。视空间与执行功能、注意和语言重复测试受损最常见,定向和命名受损较少。在3-6个月的随访期内,12例患者中1例诊断为血管性痴呆患者的MoCA的分值上升1分,MMSE分值无变化;5例认知正常患者、3例轻度认知损害无痴呆的患者和3例中度认知损害无痴呆的患者MMSE和MoCA平均分值均有不同程度的上升,视空间与执行功能平均得分值在2次检测中无明显变化。结论:MoCA较MMSE检出血管性认知功能障碍患者敏感性更高,对认知变化更为敏感。  相似文献   
Objective : To determine the relative validity of specific bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) prediction equations and BMI as predictors of physiologically relevant general adiposity. Research Methods and Procedures : Subjects were >12, 000 men and women from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey population. We examined the correlations between BMI and percentage body fat based on 51 different predictive equations, blood pressure, and blood levels of glucose, high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides, which are known to reflect adiposity, while controlling for other determinants of these physiological measures. Results : BMI consistently had one of the highest correlations across biological markers, and no BIA‐based measure was superior. Percent body fat estimated from BIA was minimally predictive of the physiological markers independent of BMI. Discussion : These results suggest that BIA is not superior to BMI as a predictor of overall adiposity in a general population.  相似文献   
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder and the most common cause of dementia among the elderly. Efforts have been made to understand the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms involved in the development of this disease. As SORL1 (sortilin-related receptor) and SIRT1 (sirtuin 1) genes have been linked to AD pathogenesis, we aimed to investigate their mRNA expression and promoter DNA methylation in post mortem brain tissues (entorhinal and auditory cortices and hippocampus) from healthy elderly subjects and AD patients. We also evaluated these levels in peripheral blood leukocytes from young, healthy elderly and AD patients, investigating whether there was an effect of age on these profiles. The comparative CT method by Real Time PCR and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry were used to analyze gene expression and DNA methylation, respectively. SORL1 gene was differently expressed in the peripheral blood leukocytes and might act as a marker of aging in this tissue. Furthermore, we found that SORL1 promoter DNA methylation might act as one of the mechanisms responsible for the differences in expression observed between blood and brain for both healthy elderly and AD patients groups. The impact of these studied genes on AD pathogenesis remains to be better clarified.  相似文献   
Amyloid imaging with positron emission tomography (PET) is presently used in Alzheimer's disease (AD) research. In this study we investigated the possibility to use early frames (ePIB) of the PIB scans as a rough index of CBF by comparing normalised early PIB values with cerebral glucose metabolism (rCMRglc). PIB-PET and FDG-PET were performed in 37 AD patients, 21 subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and 6 healthy controls (HC). The patients were divided based on their PIB retention (amyloid load) as either PIB positive (PIB+) or PIB negative (PIB−). Data of the unidirectional influx K1 from a subset of the subjects including 7 AD patients and 3 HC was used for correlative analysis. Data was analysed using regions of interest (ROI) analysis. A strong, positive correlation was observed across brain regions between K1 and ePIB (r = 0.70; p ≤ 0.001). The ePIB values were significantly lower in the posterior cingulate (p ≤ 0.001) and the parietal cortices (p = 0.002) in PIB+ subjects compared to PIB−, although the group difference were stronger for rCMRglc in cortical areas (p ≤ 0.001). Strong positive correlations between ePIB and rCMRglc were observed in all cortical regions analysed, especially in the posterior cingulate and parietal cortices (p ≤ 0.001). A single dynamic PIB-PET scan may provide information about pathological and functional changes (amyloidosis and impaired blood flow). This might be important for diagnosis of AD, enrichment of patients in clinical trials and evaluation of treatment effects. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Imaging Brain Aging and Neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   
Objective: To develop and cross‐validate waist circumference (WC) thresholds within BMI categories. The utility of the derived values was compared with the single WC thresholds (women, 88 cm; men, 102 cm) recommended by NIH and Health Canada. Research Methods and Procedures: The sample included adults classified as normal weight (BMI = 18.5 to 24.9), overweight (BMI = 25 to 29.9), obese I (BMI = 30 to 34.9), and obese II+ (BMI ≥ 35) from the Third U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III; n = 11, 968) and the Canadian Heart Health Surveys (CHHS; n = 6286). Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to determine the optimal WC thresholds that predicted high risk of coronary events (top quintile of Framingham scores) within BMI categories using the NHANES III. The BMI‐specific WC thresholds were cross‐validated using the CHHS. Results: The optimal WC thresholds increased across BMI categories from 87 to 124 cm in men and from 79 to 115 cm in women. The validation study indicated improved sensitivity and specificity with the BMI‐specific WC thresholds compared with the single thresholds. Discussion: Compared with the recommended WC thresholds, the BMI‐specific values improved the identification of health risk. In normal weight, overweight, obese I, and obese II+ patients, WC cut‐offs of 90, 100, 110, and 125 cm in men and 80, 90, 105, and 115 cm in women, respectively, can be used to identify those at increased risk.  相似文献   
"十三五"国家科技创新规划提出的"推进新型抗虫棉、抗虫玉米、抗除草剂大豆等重大产品产业化",给转基因作物的种植管理提出了考验。由于商业化种植的转基因作物种类少,且不包括粮食作物,我国在转基因种植管理上经验不足。选取美国这一转基因作物种植大国作为比较对象,对比两国转基因作物种植前审批程序、种植者的管理义务、减少转基因作物与非转基因作物混杂的管理手段三个方面的差异,认为转基因作物的法律定性,知识产权制度和标识制度,各方主体实施隔离措施、承担损害的能力是差异生成的主要原因。我国宜结合国内的农业环境,在转基因生物安全管理布局上着眼于实质性的风险,并由农业主管部门、转基因作物研发主体、转基因作物种子经营主体合力对种植者进行指导,以避免混杂带来经济纠纷,并降低对生态环境的影响。  相似文献   
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