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刘华  金鑫  石磊  蒋芮  魏玉梅 《生态学报》2017,37(11):3765-3773
以天然草场中毒杂草与可食牧草为研究对象,在种间竞争的生态数学模型的基础上引入入侵扩散因素建立毒杂草入侵扩散模型。采用元胞自动机理论将竞争模型扩展到空间网络进行模拟研究,分析毒杂草属的空间分布类型,为毒杂草的控制提供数据支持。研究表明:(1)在入侵扩散作用下,毒杂草与可食牧草的共存平衡点由一个增加为两个,增加了共存的可能性;(2)入侵扩散作用影响了毒杂草种群的空间分布特征,减少了种群空间分布的聚集程度。  相似文献   

种子扩散是外来入侵植物异地入侵的重要手段,对入侵种群扩散机制的清晰认识是有效进行入侵防治和生态管理的基础。本文在研究入侵植物风传扩散过程中的主要影响参数的基础上,分析了各参数对不同扩散过程造成的影响,总结出不同的扩散模拟过程中需要应用的影响参数,阐述了这些参数的参数化过程及相应的计算方法。对已有风传扩散模拟模型做了重点介绍,并结合入侵植物自身特征重点解析了其风传扩散过程模拟模型的选择依据。其中,对于风传扩散过程有直接、明显的影响参数是种子释放高度和水平风速。对于入侵草本、灌木植物而言,入侵区域植被高度是必须关注的影响参数。在长距离扩散研究中,以乔木和大灌木为研究对象时需要重点考虑植被叶片与水平风速垂直分布引起的冠层及冠层以上区域大气湍流所带来的影响;小灌木与草本植物则需注意由地表温度引起的温暖气团上升带来的影响。模拟模型中,2Dt模型和混合韦布尔模型可以有效描述扩散体扩散核近端与远端的扩散曲线。对更为详细的长距离扩散模拟模型选择时,需要考虑不同的大气湍流类型、扩散体大小、植被类型、扩散核维度以及模拟精度要求。  相似文献   

基于CA模型的上海九段沙互花米草和芦苇种群扩散动态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于1997年以来上海九段沙栽种芦苇和互花米草种群扩散格局的多年现场调查与遥感解译分析,并结合3S技术,构建了适合滩涂盐沼植物种群动态的元胞自动机(CA)模型.结果表明:该模型能较好地模拟九段沙上芦苇和互花米草种群扩散的格局和趋势,并验证了互花米草和芦苇的空间抢先占有模型以及锋面状连续扩散格局;土著植物芦苇与外来植物互花米草占据相同的生态位,而互花米草的种群扩散速度是芦苇的3—5倍,随着九段沙的不断淤涨,互花米草种群的快速扩展还将持续.构建的CA模型有助于深入研究外来物种扩散格局与其生态学过程之间的相互关系,对湿地生物多样性保护和资源管理具有重要意义.  相似文献   

模拟青霉素发酵过程中菌体生长动态的细胞自动机模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在青霉素发酵生产机理及其动力学微分方程模型的基础上,建立了模拟青霉素分批发酵过程中菌体生长动态的细胞自动机模型(CABGM)。CABGM采用三维细胞自动机作为菌体生长空间,采用Moore型邻域作为细胞邻域,其演化规则根据青霉素分批发酵过程中菌体生长机理和动力学微分方程模型设计。CABGM中的每一个细胞既可代表单个的青霉素产生菌,又可代表特定数量的青霉素产生菌,它具有不同的状态。对CABGM进行了统计特性的理论分析和仿真实验,理论分析和仿真实验结果均证明了CABGM能一致地复现动力学微分方程模型所描述的青霉素分批发酵菌体生长过程。最后,对所建模型在实际生产过程中的应用问题进行了分析,指出了需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

荒漠一年生植物小画眉草的种群动态调节与模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以分布在沙波头沙漠试验研究站人工固沙植被中的一年生植物小画眉草为例,研究了荒漠一年生植物不同时间尺度上的种群动态与调节机制,试验结果表明:(1)一年生植物小画眉草种群的续存与其种子库中种子的分批萌发对策密切相关;(2)同一个生长季内,制约小画眉草种群数量变化的关键因子随降水条件的不同而变化,即当环境适宜度较小时(干旱胁迫),非生物因子(降水)限制种群数量;当环境适宜度较大时,密度依赖的竞争作用调节种群大小;(3)在较长的生态时间尺度上土壤特性(结皮厚度,养分含量)也是影响小画眉草种群动态的一个重要因素;(4)小画眉草种群的存活曲线属于C型,说明该种是较为典型的r-对策者。  相似文献   

模拟青霉素分批补料发酵过程的细胞自动机模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据青霉素产生菌的生长机理和青霉素分批补料发酵过程的动力学特性,在Paull等建立的形态学结构动力学模型的基础上,建立了模拟青霉素分批补料发酵过程的细胞自动机模型。模型采用三维细胞自动机作为菌体生长空间,采用Moore型邻域作为细胞邻域,其演化规则根据青霉素分批补料发酵过程中菌体生长机理和简化动力学结构模型设计。模型中的每一个细胞既可代表单个产黄青霉菌体细胞,又可代表特定数量的这种菌体细胞,它具有不同的状态。对模型进行的仿真实验结果表明:模型不但能一致地复现形态学结构动力学模型所描述的青霉素分批补料发酵过程的演化特性,而且较形态学结构动力学模型更加直观地刻画了青霉素分批补料发酵过程的演化行为。最后,对所建模型在实际生产过程中的应用问题进行了分析,指出了需要进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

入侵杂草化感作用的细胞自动机模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
细胞自动机模型(Cellular Automata Model,简称CA模型)是一种能够表现系统复杂行为的模拟方法,适于研究植物群落时空动态过程.本文利用CA模型,模拟具有化感作用的外来种入侵原有物种所构成植被的过程.模型由产生化感物质的外来种和两个对化感物质敏感性不同的本地种组合成不同类型的群落,利用化感物质作用下受体物种生物活性响应模型及种子扩散负指数分布模型,模拟外来杂草和本地种分布格局的时空动态变化.结果表明,外来种可成功地完全入侵由两个对化感物质敏感的本地种构成的群落空间,但对于由对化感物质敏感的一个本地种及对化感物质具有抗性的另一个本地种构成的群落,外来种只能够与本地种共存.  相似文献   

 为揭示加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)种群扩散机制, 明确种子的脱落及风传扩散在其种群蔓延中的作用, 在人工环境下测定了不同湍流强度、风速和湿度处理下种子脱落的差异, 并对脱落种子与未脱落种子进行形态学特征对比。结果表明: 加拿大一枝黄花的种子脱落受湍流、风速和湿度等因素的共同影响。水平气流下种子的脱落阈值为5.1 m·s–1, 并随着风速增加, 种子的脱落率增加。与模拟水平气流相比, 模拟垂直气流下种子的脱落阈值显著偏小。相对于层流状态, 湍流的存在显著提高了种子的脱落率, 平均增幅超过300%; 但单纯提高湍流强度对种子脱落率的影响不显著。增加湿度则显著降低种子的脱落率。种子形态学特征对比结果表明, 脱落种子的冠毛数量和冠毛夹角显著高于未脱落种子。该研究结果为研究加拿大一枝黄花种子脱落规律和风传扩散机制提供了科学依据, 也为其他入侵性杂草种子的扩散机制及入侵过程提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

影响加拿大一枝黄花种子非随机脱落的因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为揭示加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)种群扩散机制, 明确种子的脱落及风传扩散在其种群蔓延中的作用, 在人工环境下测定了不同湍流强度、风速和湿度处理下种子脱落的差异, 并对脱落种子与未脱落种子进行形态学特征对比。结果表明: 加拿大一枝黄花的种子脱落受湍流、风速和湿度等因素的共同影响。水平气流下种子的脱落阈值为5.1 m·s-1, 并随着风速增加, 种子的脱落率增加。与模拟水平气流相比, 模拟垂直气流下种子的脱落阈值显著偏小。相对于层流状态, 湍流的存在显著提高了种子的脱落率, 平均增幅超过300%; 但单纯提高湍流强度对种子脱落率的影响不显著。增加湿度则显著降低种子的脱落率。种子形态学特征对比结果表明, 脱落种子的冠毛数量和冠毛夹角显著高于未脱落种子。该研究结果为研究加拿大一枝黄花种子脱落规律和风传扩散机制提供了科学依据, 也为其他入侵性杂草种子的扩散机制及入侵过程提供了 借鉴。  相似文献   

外来入侵物种的风险评估定量模型及应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
预防生物入侵的一个重要手段是对外来物种进行风险评估,应用模型则是定量评估的必备方法。本文简述了常用的适生性风险评估模型,概述了诸如遗传算法、模糊包络模型、自组织特征映射网络等较新的理论方法,它们使用环境变量和物种实际分布数据,利用不同的机理模型预测物种潜在分布区。本文还综述了适用于研究物种扩散性的模型,积分差分方程模型可以模拟物种扩散行为,元胞自动机模型可以揭示种间竞争关系,景观中性模型大多用于种群动态等生态过程的研究。  相似文献   

I examined the effect of riparian forest restoration on plant abundance and diversity, including weed species, on agricultural lands along the Sacramento River in California (United States). Riparian forest restoration on the Sacramento River is occurring on a large‐scale, with a goal of restoring approximately 80,000 ha over 160 km of the river. In multiuse habitats, such as the Sacramento River, effects of adjoining habitat types and movement of species across these habitats can have important management implications in terms of landscape‐scale patterns of species distributions. Increased numbers of pest animals and weeds on agricultural lands associated with restored habitats could have negative economic impacts, and in turn affect support for restoration of natural areas. In order to determine the distribution and abundance of weeds associated with large‐scale restoration, I collected seed bank soil samples on orchards between 0 and 5.6 km from adjacent restored riparian, remnant riparian, and agricultural habitats. I determined the abundance, species richness, and dispersal mode of plant species in the seed bank and analyzed these variables in terms of adjacent habitat type and age of restored habitat. I found that agricultural weed species had higher densities at the edge of restored riparian habitat and that native plants had higher densities adjacent to remnant riparian habitat. Weed seed abundance increased significantly on walnut farms adjacent to restored habitat with time since restored. I supply strong empirical evidence that large areas of natural and restored habitats do not lead to a greater penetration of weed species into agricultural areas, but rather that weed penetration is both temporally and spatially limited.  相似文献   

Most organisms in ephemeral habitat patches have resting stages which form a local species pool in response to temporal variations in the patch's availability and suitability. Temporal dispersal from the local species pool may, therefore, be an important process shaping the community assembly, particularly soon after patch creation, and possibly interacting with environmental filtering. As the temporal variation of the environmental conditions has a major effect on the composition of the local species pool, we investigated how well contemporary conditions (both patch availability and patch suitability) and temporal dispersal (approximated by environmental temporal variation and temporal distance) explain the changes in community composition in a given locality through successive ephemeral habitat cycles. We used arable weeds in annual crops as models. We calculated temporal weed community dissimilarity indices between weed communities surveyed in cropping seasons at intervals of two to eight years within a given field. The weeds were surveyed twice each cropping season to account for any changes in the relative contributions of temporal dispersal and contemporary conditions during the season. Patch availability explained most of the temporal weed dissimilarity, suggesting that patch dynamics have the greatest effect on weed community assembly. Temporal distance and temporal variation of the environmental conditions had more effect at the start of the cropping season than later, while patch suitability had more effect in the middle of the season. These results suggest that temporal dispersal drives the weed community assembly when ephemeral habitat patches are created. These assemblies are further shaped by environmental filtering. This is consistent with a temporal source sink dynamic mechanism where the seed bank acts as the main weed source. However, a large part of temporal weed dissimilarity remains unexplained, suggesting that other ecological processes such as spatial dispersal and founder effect may also shape the weed community.  相似文献   

The importation and sale of ornamental pond and aquarium plants is the most important pathway for the introduction of potential aquatic weeds into and subsequent spread of these within a country. Most current aquatic weeds were at one time deliberately imported for ornamental use. This article discusses a weed risk assessment approach to evaluating new potential weeds. It assesses the potential invasiveness of an aquatic plant based on its habitat versatility, competitive ability, reproductive output and dispersal mechanisms, range of potential impacts, potential distribution and resistance to management activities. The Aquatic Weed Risk Assessment Model (AWRAM) has been used to evaluate potential aquatic weeds in New Zealand, Australia and the USA. A similar approach could be used to guide the management of aquatic weeds in Europe. Banning the importation of highly ranked species effectively keeps biosecurity risks off-shore. Assessment of aquatic plant trade patterns, especially volumes of high-risk species, along with knowledge of current and potential distribution of those species and ease of management, are all factors to be considered when evaluating candidate plants for prevention of sale and distribution. This is a highly effective way of restricting both long-distance dispersal and density of propagules. A cooperative approach involving researchers, policy and trade representatives has been an effective way to achieve regulation of this risk pathway. European initiatives to prevent the distribution of potential aquatic weeds include the preparation of lists of known invasive aquatic species by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO), with recommendations to member countries to consider measures to prevent their spread (e.g. banning importation of, banning sale and distribution of, and undertaking control programmes against those species). Belgian initiatives include an upcoming Royal Decree concerning the importation, exportation and possession of non-native invasive species, development of codes of conduct with the horticultural sector and prohibiting the sale, purchase and intentional release of these species in the wild. This article reviews these approaches and discusses other species of concern.  相似文献   

To assess the diversity of weed seeds dispersed via horse dung, we reviewed 15 studies on seed germination from horse dung – six from Europe, four from North America, three from Australia and one study each from Africa and Central America. Seed from 249 species from 43 families have been identified germinating from horse dung. Almost two‐thirds of the species were forbs and 33% graminoids, with over half being perennials and 32% annuals. Nearly every species (totalling 99% of those reviewed) is considered a weed somewhere, with 47% recorded as invasive and 19% international environmental weeds. Of the 2739 non‐native plants that are naturalized in Australia, 156 have been shown to germinate from horse dung. This includes 16 of the 429 listed noxious weeds in Australia and two weeds of national significance. Seed from 105 of the 1596 invasive/noxious plant species in North America have also been identified germinating from horse dung. Seed traits including seed size, length, width and mass affect dispersal via horse dung. Habitat disturbance from trampling facilitates germination of seedlings from dung in both natural and experimental studies. Some studies found that plants germinating from dung reach maturity and flower, while others found plants did not survive due to unfavourable growing conditions in the field. The diversity of species with seed that can germinate from horse dung highlights the potential of horses to disperse a range of seed over long distances. Whether such dispersal is beneficial or harmful depends on the plant and the context in which it germinates. To maintain the conservation value of protected areas, it is important to understand and manage the different potential weed dispersal vectors, including horses.  相似文献   

The Australian Weed Risk Assessment system (AWRA) is an effective pre-border weed-screening tool that has played an active role in preventing the introduction of alien weeds into Australia and has been utilized in several other countries worldwide. Here, we selected 131 species of naturalized exotic plants (including 76 species of given non-weeds and 55 species of given weeds) to evaluate the AWRA in China for the first time. The AWRA performed better for discriminating major weeds than non-weeds and minor weeds, as it correctly rejected 84% of major weeds and did not wrongly accept a major weed. Among non-weeds, 76% were correctly classified with the final outcome of “accept” and 7.9% were wrongly rejected by the AWRA. This system correctly rejected 56% of minor weeds but accepted only 2.8% of minor weeds. The remaining 23% of all alien plants tested were classified as “evaluate further” by the AWRA. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) was 0.944, suggesting that the AWRA would be highly efficient at discriminating alien plants in China. In addition, we compared the scores of seven attributes of the AWRA between prior plant categories and analyzed their correlation with weed status. The average score for each attribute differed significantly between the two prior categories (weed and non-weed), but the average scores of the attribute “undesirable traits” did not significantly differ between any two of the three categories (non-weeds, minor weeds, and major weeds). There was a significant positive correlation between the scores of each attribute of the AWRA and weed status. The correlation coefficient for “dispersal mechanisms” and weed status was the highest and that for “undesirable traits” was the lowest. We believe that the AWRA can serve as an important weed-screening tool for plant introduction management in China.  相似文献   

Cities are fundamentally changing the environment that plants inhabit, most notably through habitat fragmentation. Urban plant habitat patches are separated by impervious surfaces like buildings and roads and may vary from small, isolated green spaces to large green spaces like parks. Understanding the consequences of this urban fragmentation on seed dispersal is essential to both maintain urban biodiversity and mitigate the spread of unwanted weeds or invasive species but we currently lack enough empirical data to draw generalities. Theoretical reasoning (via both verbal and mathematical models) is well positioned to contribute to this knowledge gap in dispersal by providing useful predictions when empirical data are lacking. Variation in dispersal can easily be captured by models by incorporating different dispersal kernel shapes, and multiple habitat configurations can be examined. Urban environments are rarely considered by mathematical models, and our literature review indicates that most models that include dispersal variation via a dispersal kernel use only one or two shapes, suggesting a gap in the theoretical literature as well. We present a proof-of-concept model of fragmentation in an urban environment illustrating how varying habitat width can lead to different outcomes depending on the dispersal kernel. We also provide some thoughts for future directions on the application of mathematical models in urban areas.  相似文献   

Abstract Risk assessment systems for introduced species are being developed and applied globally, but methods for rigorously evaluating them are still in their infancy. We explore classification and regression tree models as an alternative to the current Australian Weed Risk Assessment system, and demonstrate how the performance of screening tests for unwanted alien species may be quantitatively compared using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. The optimal classification tree model for predicting weediness included just four out of a possible 44 attributes of introduced plants examined, namely: (i) intentional human dispersal of propagules; (ii) evidence of naturalization beyond native range; (iii) evidence of being a weed elsewhere; and (iv) a high level of domestication. Intentional human dispersal of propagules in combination with evidence of naturalization beyond a plants native range led to the strongest prediction of weediness. A high level of domestication in combination with no evidence of naturalization mitigated the likelihood of an introduced plant becoming a weed resulting from intentional human dispersal of propagules. Unlikely intentional human dispersal of propagules combined with no evidence of being a weed elsewhere led to the lowest predicted probability of weediness. The failure to include intrinsic plant attributes in the model suggests that either these attributes are not useful general predictors of weediness, or data and analysis were inadequate to elucidate the underlying relationship(s). This concurs with the historical pessimism that we will ever be able to accurately predict invasive plants. Given the apparent importance of propagule pressure (the number of individuals of an species released), future attempts at evaluating screening model performance for identifying unwanted plants need to account for propagule pressure when collating and/or analysing datasets. The classification tree had a cross‐validated sensitivity of 93.6% and specificity of 36.7%. Based on the area under the ROC curve, the performance of the classification tree in correctly classifying plants as weeds or non‐weeds was slightly inferior (Area under ROC curve = 0.83 ± 0.021 (±SE)) to that of the current risk assessment system in use (Area under ROC curve = 0.89 ± 0.018 (±SE)), although requires many fewer questions to be answered.  相似文献   

为探索不同降雨年型及栽培方式下外来杂草与本地作物的竞争机制, 为未来全球变化背景下控制外来杂草提供理论依据, 本研究以广泛入侵东北农田生态系统的外来杂草反枝苋(Amaranthus retroflexus)和本地作物大豆(Glycine max)为研究对象, 在遮雨棚内人工模拟正常、欠缺、丰沛三种降雨年型, 采用盆栽实验的方法, 研究两种植物在单种和混种条件下的生长季节动态。结果表明, 降雨丰沛年两种植物的株高和总生物量均大于降雨正常年, 降雨欠缺年则均小于降雨正常年。生长季初期两种植物的根冠比均在降雨欠缺年最高, 说明两种植物均可通过增大根系的生物量分配, 减少地上生物量的分配来适应干旱环境。在三种降雨年型下, 混种时大豆的株高、相对生长速率及总生物量均显著小于单种大豆, 而反枝苋则相反, 尽管有时不显著, 说明种间竞争抑制大豆生长而促进反枝苋的生长, 两种植物之间的竞争是不对称竞争。总的来看, 降雨增加有利于提高大豆的竞争能力, 降雨减少有利于提高反枝苋的竞争能力, 随着生长发育的推移, 这种现象更明显。反枝苋可以在较广的降雨变化范围内保持较高的株高、相对生长速率及生物量, 这很可能是其成为全球范围成功入侵的外来杂草的重要原因之一; 干旱更有利于反枝苋入侵大豆田。  相似文献   

Processes that drive spatial patterning among plant species are of ongoing interest, mostly because these patterns have implications for the structure and function of plant communities. We investigated the spatial strategies of weeds focusing on how spatial patterns of weeds are mediated by agricultural landscape complexity and species life-history attributes. We quantified the spatial distribution of 110 weed species using data collected in ten landscapes in central western France along a gradient of landscape complexity, from structurally complex (numerous small fields) to structurally simple (few large fields). We then related differences observed in species’ distribution patterns to ecological attributes of species for resource exploitation and dispersion. Our study reveals that weeds were spatially aggregated at the landscape scale. Their spatial patterns are related to the frequency of occurrence of weeds but surprisingly not directly to the seed dispersal type, nor to the degree of habitat specialization. We show that landscape complexity had no direct effect on the spatial patterning of weeds but through interactions with species attributes. Our results point to the importance of interactions between landscape complexity and species attributes in the spatial patterning of weed species even in intensively managed fields. These patterns appear to be a consequence of the spatial arrangement of landscape elements as well as the result of landscape filtering on species attributes.  相似文献   

Nearly one quarter of New Zealand’s unique vascular plant flora is threatened, and weed invasion is implicated in the decline of more than half of these threatened species. However, there is little experimental evidence showing that invasive weeds have a direct impact on threatened native plants. This study experimentally tested the hypothesis that competition with invasive weeds threatens the rare outcrop plant Pachycladon cheesemanii (Brassicaceae). Pachycladon cheesemanii is a threatened South Island, New Zealand endemic with a distribution nearly confined to rock outcrops. It has disappeared from historical record sites throughout its range. The effects of weed competition and habitat on P. cheesemanii establishment, growth and survival were investigated by sowing seed into replicated plots subject to three treatments: weed removal, soil disturbed and unweeded control, in three habitat types: forested and open rock outcrops and open tussock grassland. The experiments were carried out at three locations: Mt Somers (Canterbury), Wye Creek and Diamond Lake (Otago). Within weedy rock outcrop habitat, weed removal significantly increased the rate of P. cheesemanii germination, and appeared to increase seedling growth rates, implying that weeds can negatively impact populations. Relative to rock outcrop habitat, P. cheesemanii germination was very low in adjacent open grassland habitat regardless of weeding treatment. Demographic monitoring of four natural populations of P. cheesemanii revealed that seed production is highly variable among populations and may be limited by browse and mechanical damage to inflorescences. Pachycladon cheesemanii does produce a persistent seed bank but most seed is found close to parent populations. Our results suggest that competition with invading weeds threatens current P. cheesemanii populations, that plant establishment can be enhanced by weed removal, and that considerable potential exists for artificially expanding populations by sowing seed into appropriate weed-free habitat.  相似文献   

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