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贵州仡佬族体质特征   总被引:41,自引:20,他引:21  
对贵州道真仡佬族385人(男198人、女187人)的17个观察项目和58个测量项目进行了人类学体质特征的研究。分析结果表明,仡佬族体质特征与广西的壮族和海南省的黎族比较接近,与黑龙江省的达斡尔族和新疆的锡伯族较疏远。  相似文献   

黑衣壮族成人Heath-Carter法体型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探讨我国黑衣壮族成人的体型特征,本文采用Heath Carter人体测量法对广西壮族自治区百色市那坡县城厢乡331例(男165,女166)20—60岁的黑衣壮族成人进行了体型评定。结果表明:(1)黑衣壮族成人男女的平均体型值分别为1 58-5 19-2 69和2 99-4 43-1 79,黑衣壮族成人男女分别属偏外胚层的中胚层体型和偏内胚层的中胚层体型;(2)黑衣壮族成人男女间SAD值为1 85,T为16 04,男女间的体型有显著性差异(P<0 001);(3)与国内八个少数民族群体相比,黑衣壮族男性内因子值最小,中因子值最高,男、女性其它因子值居中。  相似文献   

云南拉祜族的体质特征   总被引:15,自引:8,他引:7  
本文对232例(男127人,女105人)成年纯血统拉祜族的体质特征调查结果作了报道。分析观察和测量结果表明:拉祷族属蒙古人种,具有当代古羌族后裔的体质容貌特点:即在较狭的头宽和面宽的容貌上配合较阔的口宽,体轻身矮瘦体型,其头面部10项均值聚类分析和8项主要均值比较结果表明,拉祜族与阿昌族和傈僳族最接近。与基诺族最远。  相似文献   

百色地区壮族学生体质发育调查分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文调查了4800名广西百色地区壮族7-18岁学生的身高、坐高、体重、胸围、肩宽和骨盆宽6项指标,用医学统计程序集(POMS)进行统计运算,并把所得体质数据进行了城乡比例,不同年份比较,壮族与汉族比较,壮族与蒙古族和其他少数民族比较,壮族与日本学生 的数据进行了比较。  相似文献   

广西壮族体质特征   总被引:37,自引:13,他引:24  
根据头面部各项测量数字观察及其与国内各地汉族对比,广西壮族与广西的汉族最接近。但两者之间的容貌仍有区别。例如壮族人的眼裂较宽,双眼皮比例较多,红唇较厚,面高、鼻高、头高均比汉族低矮,两眼外宽远比汉族大。与其他少数民族体质特征相比,壮族与黎族、布依族、彝族最接近。作者认为壮族在其体质特征上也属华南人类型。壮族与黎族、布依族、彝族关系密切,可能均为古越族的后裔。  相似文献   

新疆伊犁哈萨克族的体质特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者对新疆伊犁地区的哈萨克族大、中专学生进行了活体观察和测量,观察30项(551名,男262,女289)测量92项(404人,男226,女178),所得数据进行了统计学处理和分析,计算了头面部和体部的31项指数,并进行了指数分型处理。  相似文献   

水族的体质特征研究   总被引:38,自引:14,他引:24  
对贵州三都县水族男性22岁和女性20岁至60岁且三代均为水族的407人(男203、女204)进行了活体调查。测量52项,观察17项。经计算总结出水族的体质特征。用Rm值和欧氏距离系数(d)与国内一些民族相比较,水族与贵州仡佬族、广西仡佬族、侗族、苗族、瑶族、彝族、壮族和湖南土家族等较接近,与新疆哈萨克族等较远。  相似文献   

维吾尔族的体质特征研究   总被引:37,自引:12,他引:25  
艾琼华  肖辉 《人类学学报》1993,12(4):357-365
1991年5月,对新疆伊梨维吾尔族529人(男271,女258)进行了活体观察和测量。观察29项,测量92项。维吾尔族的主要特征是:黑直发,黑褐色眼,眉毛较浓密,大都有上眼脸皱褶,鼻根中等偏高,大多为直形鼻,鼻尖向前,鼻基部下垂,大多有达尔文结节,耳垢湿型。头面部指数分型,属于特短头型,阔头型和高头型。身材中等偏高,平均身高男168.6毫米,女1578.8毫米。  相似文献   

新疆察布查尔锡伯族体质特征调查   总被引:44,自引:9,他引:35  
本文调查了新疆察布查尔锡伯族居民220人(男130人、女90人),年龄从20岁到78岁。观察22项,测量65项。调查结果表明,锡伯族居民具有典型的黄种人东亚人种的特征。如头圆宽且高,胡须少,眼裂狭窄、上眼睑褶皱多达睫毛处。耳大、鼻梁较直、鼻高中等,指距长、骨盆宽等。这些特征用等差级数法比较,与达斡尔族、华北地区汉族、蒙古族较接近,与苗族、黎族较远。  相似文献   

甘肃裕固族体质特征初步研究   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
本文调查了甘肃省裕固族成年人409人(男210人,女199人)的体质特征。其中活体测量51项,活体观察8项。结果表明:裕固族既具有黄种人的特征,也有本民族的特点,例如头部较圆较高;面部较长偏狭;鼻子高;鼻梁直,属狭鼻型;身材普遍较高,体质较好。这些特征与华北地区的汉族和达斡尔族,羌族及锡伯族的特征比较接近,而与苗族、黎族较远。  相似文献   

广西壮族颅骨的测量与研究   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
本文以来源于壮族居民世代聚居地区,生前资料比较可靠的150例颅骨为材料并用多因素分析等6方法探索壮族的体质特征、人种地位、地区类型及可能的起源。结果表明,壮族居民属黄色人种南亚类型,中华民族的华南,与柳江人,Chen皮岩人有最接近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   



CD166, also known as activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (ALCAM), is expressed by various cells in several tissues including cancer. However, the role of CD166 in malignant tumors is controversial, especially in pancreatic cancer. This study aimed to clarify the role and significance of CD166 expression in pancreatic cancer.


We performed immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry to analyze the expression of CD166 in surgical pancreatic tissues and pancreatic cancer cell lines. The differences between isolated CD166+ and CD166- pancreatic cancer cells were analyzed by invasion and migration assays, and in mouse xenograft models. We also performed quantitative RT-PCR and microarray analyses to evaluate the expression levels of CD166 and related genes in cultured cells.


Immunohistochemistry revealed high expression of CD166 in pancreatic cancer tissues (12.2%; 12/98) compared with that in normal pancreas controls (0%; 0/17) (p = 0.0435). Flow cytometry indicated that CD166 was expressed in 33.8–70.2% of cells in surgical pancreatic tissues and 0–99.5% of pancreatic cancer cell lines. Invasion and migration assays demonstrated that CD166- pancreatic cancer cells showed stronger invasive and migratory activities than those of CD166+ cancer cells (p<0.05). On the other hand, CD166+ Panc-1 cells showed a significantly stronger colony formation activity than that of CD166- Panc-1 cells (p<0.05). In vivo analysis revealed that CD166+ cells elicited significantly greater tumor growth than that of CD166- cells (p<0.05) in both subcutaneous and orthotopic mouse tumor models. mRNA expression of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition activator Zeb1 was over-expressed in CD166- cells (p<0.001). Microarray analysis showed that TSPAN8 and BST2 were over-expressed in CD166+ cells, while BMP7 and Col6A1 were over-expressed in CD166- cells.


CD166+ pancreatic cancer cells are strongly tumorigenic, while CD166- pancreatic cancer cells exhibit comparatively stronger invasive and migratory activities. These findings suggest that CD166 expression is related to different functions in pancreatic cancer cells.  相似文献   

Somatic embryo (SE) regeneration is an ideal experimental system to realize rapid propagation of excellent clones and genetic improvement for perennial gymnosperms. In the present study, genes encoding the miRNA166 precursor were identified and LamiR166a was successfully transformed into the gymnosperm Larix leptolepis (L. leptolepis) and five LamiR166a over-expressed embryonic cell lines were screened out as stable embryo masses. As expected, the targets of miR166a, LaHDZ31-34, were all down-regulated in transgenic lines according to qRT-PCR results. The results showed that the percentage of normal SEs with 4–7 cotyledons was 77.0?% in wild type (WT) lines, but was reduced to 60.3?% in the pSuper::MIR166a lines with “cup-shaped” embryos comprised 7.0?% of WT and 20.7?% of transgenic embryos. Microscopic observation further showed that the intermediate region surrounded by the cotyledons was larger than in the control, with no upward bulge of the shoot apical meristem (SAM). The expression pattern of the two meristem marker genes CLAVATA (CLV) and WUSCHEL-related homeobox (WOX) were investigated. The results showed that the expression levels of WOX were three times higher in transgenic lines than in WT samples, which suggest that miR166a may indirectly regulate SAM development by directly affecting WOX expression. Besides, overexpression of LamiR166a clearly increased the rooting rate and promoted lateral root formation in L. leptolepis seedlings. These results may provide new insights into the regulatory role of miR166 in gymnosperms, and also new applications for forestry production in practice.  相似文献   

The somatic embryogenic regeneration system is an ideal model system to study the regulation of early developmental processes and morphogenesis in gymnosperms. We have previously generated five larch (Larix leptolepis) LaMIR166a overexpression cell lines. The germination rates of mature somatic embryos in transgenic and wild-type (WT) lines were calculated and the results showed that overexpression of the miR166a precursor (LaMIR166a) markedly enhanced germination, especially in the a-3, a-4, and a-5 lines. The relative expression of LaMIR166a and miR166a in the LaMIR166a overexpression lines was higher than in the WT control line during the germination process, whereas the expression levels of LaHDZ31–34 increased markedly throughout germination, potentially as a result of feedback regulation of miR166. The effect of miR166a on auxin biosynthesis and signaling genes was also studied. During germination, mRNA levels of Nitrilase (LaNIT), Auxin response factor1 (LaARF1), and LaARF2 were markedly higher in LaMIR166a overexpressing lines. These results indicated that indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) synthesis is required for germination in L. leptolepis. Further exogenous application of IAA at different concentrations showed that 2 mg L?1 IAA clearly promoted germination, resulting in a 56% germination rate for L. leptolepis somatic embryos. This shows that IAA plays a vital role in controlling the germination ability of someatic embryos in L. leptolepis. Our results suggest that miR166a and LaHDZ31–34 have important roles in auxin biosynthesis and signaling during the germination of somatic embryos in L. leptolepis.  相似文献   

The distribution of moulds on stored maize, wheat and beans in families affected and unaffected by nephropathy in the endemic area (Endemic nephrophaty — Balkan kidney disease) of middle Posavinain Yugoslavia was studied. Among 3 700 samples of stored grains, no significant difference was noted in the contamination by moulds of samples taken from affected and unaffected families. The predominant moulds on all the samples were storage moulds from the genera Penicillium and Aspergillus, field moulds among which Alternaria and Fusarium were encountered most frequently, and the spoilage moulds Absidia, Mucor, Rhizopus, Trichoderma and Trichothecium.  相似文献   

Summary The DNA base sequences of the entire chimpanzee 1 globin gene and an additional 1 kb of DNA flanking both the human and chimpanzee genes have been determined. Whereas the human 1 gene contains a termination codon in the sixth position, the chimpanzee gene appears to be functional. This finding confirms Proudfoot et al.'s suggestion that the human 1 gene was recently inactivated. Like the corresponding human 1 and 2 genes, the first and second introns of the chimpanzee 1 gene are occupied largely by tandem repeats of short oligonucleotides. These tandem repeats have undergone several rearrangements since the divergence of the human and chimpanzee 1 genes.  相似文献   

The diversity of freshwater Bivalvia in China was assessed on the basis of critical analysis of original and published data on the fauna, morphology, taxonomy, and molecular genetics of this group. The taxonomic composition of the following genera has been considered in depth: Anemina Haas 1969, Cristaria Schumacher 1817, Sinanodonta Modell 1944, Lanceolaria Conrad 1853, Middendorffinaia Moskvicheva et Starobogatov 1973, Nodularia Conrad 1853, Unio Philipsson in Retzius 1788, Inversidens Haas 1911, Sphaerium Scopoli 1777, Pisidium Pfeiffer 1821, Odhneripisidium Kuiper 1962, and Euglesa Leach in Jenyns 1832 = Cyclocalyx Dall 1905. No fewer than 170 bivalve species were demonstrated to occur in the freshwater areas of China. Underestimation of the Bivalvia species abundance in previous studies, including the latest catalog of the Chinese Bivalvia (He and Zhuang, 2013), may be accounted for mostly by inadequate use of morphological methods and limited faunistic data, as well as a little number of taxonomic works supported by molecular data. Both the generic and specific compositions of the Chinese Unioniformes and Luciniformes have been significantly extended and updated. Based on a complex study of conchological characters, the following synonymy was established for three species: Sinanodonta qingyuani He et Zhuang 2013 = S. woodiana (Lea 1834) syn. n., Lanceolaria yueyingae He et Zhuang 2013 = L. eucylindrica C. Lin 1962 syn. n., Acuticosta jianghanensis He et Zhuang 2013 = Nodularia douglasiae (Griffith et Pidgeon 1833) syn. n.  相似文献   

Shoot-tip explants from 21-day-old aseptically-germinated watermelon seedlings were incubated on solidified MS medium containing test concentrations of benzyladenine (BA) and kinetin (each at 0, 1, 5 or 10 µM), and thidiazuron (TDZ; 0, 0.1, 1 or 5 µM) for 8 weeks. Approximately 1.5x–2.8x more axillary shoots formed at the optimum BA level (1 µM) compared to the best TDZ (0.1 µM) or kinetin (10 µM) concentration. The ability of various diploid and tetraploid genotypes to undergo prolonged axillary shoot proliferation on medium with 1 µM BA was examined. Among the genotypes tested, the number of axillary shoots per explant was greater for Bush Jubilee and Jubilee II than for Minilee, Dixielee, and the tetraploid genotypes. For a majority of the genotypes tested, the number of shoots per explant was low (2.7–4.0) during the first month of culture, peaked (5.3–12.5) at 2 to 3 months, and then declined (3.7–7.7) at 6 months. In contrast, the number of shoots per explant was greatest (11.7) for Bush Jubilee during the first month of culture and declined to 7.7 by the sixth subculture. The percentage of rooted shoots varied from 60% to 100% and the percentage of acclimatized plants ranged from 21% to 96% depending on the genotype and the length of time in culture. Using this procedure, 13,200 finished plants could be produced in 3 months from 250 seedlings.This process is protected by United States patent No. 5,007,198. Those interested in using this technology must secure a license from the University of Florida.  相似文献   

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