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本文叙述了北京郊区玉米上蓟马的种类鉴别、寄主、为害征状及严重性、生活习性、发生为害与环境因素的关系和防治。种类有玉米黄呆蓟马Anaphothrips obscurus(Müller),禾蓟马Frankliniellatenuicornis(Uzel),稻管蓟马(又名禾谷蓟马)Haplothrips aculeatus (Fabricius),长角六点蓟马gcolothrips longicornis Priesner,横纹蓟马 Aeolothrips fasciatus(Linnaeus)。前3种是害虫,后2种是天敌昆虫。本文着重报道了玉米黄呆蓟马。它过去在京郊为害不重,而1975年严重发生为害。成虫有长翅型、短翅型及半长翅型。雄虫至今未发现。主要是成虫对玉米苗造成严重为害。以春玉米上虫数最多,但对套种玉米为害最重,这与耕作改革有关。麦类是它向玉米上过渡的虫源基地。6月下旬,春玉米和中茬玉米的生长期已不适合,它便向其他寄主上转移。降雨对其数量消长影响最显著,干旱对其发生有利。防治上,对玉米适时灌水施肥,加强管理甚为重要;药剂防治可用40%乐果乳剂1,500倍液喷雾。  相似文献   

本文以我国柑橘主产区当阳和赣州为试验基地,系统调查了橘园中蓟马为害的严重性及其发生规律;经鉴定发现我国柑橘主产区橘园内蓟马有11种:包括蓟马科中的茶黄蓟马Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood、褐三棕蓟马Lefroyothrips lefroyi(Bagnall)、花蓟马Frankliniella intonsa(Trybom)、八节黄蓟马Thripsflavidulus(Bagnall)、黄胸蓟马T.hawaiiensis(Morgan)、棕榈蓟马T.palmi Karny、色蓟马T.coloratus Schmutz和管蓟马科中的边腹曲管蓟马Rhaebothrips lativentris Karny、华简管蓟马Haplothrips chinensis Priesner、桔简管蓟马H.subtilissimus(Haliday)、狭翅简管蓟马H.tenuipennis Bagnall;并对蓟马进行药剂防治试验,结果表明,吡虫啉、敌百虫和阿维菌素3种药剂都能有效的减少蓟马的虫口数目,在柑橘花期之前和柑橘花期施药可以有效的降低蓟马对果实的为害率。  相似文献   

为筛鉴高效低毒的蓟马防治药剂,将20%烯啶虫胺AS等五种杀虫剂对芒果和豆角田蓟马进行了田间药效试验,通过虫口减退率和校正防效两个指标对试验进行结果分析.结果表明,20%烯啶虫胺AS对茶黄蓟马Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood和花蓟马Frankliniella intonsa Trvbom两种蓟马的防效均较为突出,其中以1 mL/L的20%烯啶虫胺AS效果最好,药后第5 d对茶黄蓟马和花蓟马的防控效果还分别维持在84.18%、77.36%,持效期较长,其次0.5%印楝素EC+N-go对两种蓟马也有较好的防效5%啶虫脒EC+N-go对茶黄蓟马的防效优于花蓟马,而20%啶虫脒*20%丁硫克百威WDG对花蓟马的防效优于茶黄蓟马各药剂对两种作物较安全.  相似文献   

【目的】股带针蓟马,又称温室条带蓟马,是一种多食性农业害虫,寄主超过50种,在一些国家被列为检疫性生物。2020年9月,在北京发现其成虫和幼虫危害海芋叶片,本文介绍了其形态特征、分子鉴定数据、分布地区及寄主植物等数据,以期为其准确鉴定和防治提供参考。【方法】采用拍打法收集标本;采用非破坏性方法提取单头蓟马DNA,扩增线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶Ⅰ基因(COⅠ)的部分序列,进行分子鉴定和系统发育分析;制作永久玻片进行形态鉴定。【结果】结合形态和分子数据鉴定其为股带针蓟马,是中国新记录属、种,海芋是该种新记录的寄主植物。股带针蓟马与该属其他种的主要区别在于该种前翅的亚中部浅色带比端部暗带短。COⅠ分子序列分析表明,北京种群与国外种群聚集成一个分支,序列相似性高达100%。【结论】应采取进一步调查、监测和管理措施,防止该种外来有害蓟马的传播。  相似文献   

银杏上茶黄蓟马的发生和防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张格权  王克栋 《昆虫知识》1991,28(4):239-240
茶黄蓟马Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood是为害银杏叶片的主要害虫。在江苏邳县虽然不是年年猖獗为害,但有的年份为害十分严重。蓟马以蛹在土壤中越冬。早春出土聚集在银杏小苗叶片反面上为害,也有的在大树下抱娘苗(根蘖生)上为害。随着温度上升,温湿度适宜,蓟  相似文献   

对中国巢针蓟马属Caliothrips Daniel进行了分类记述,描述了1个中国新纪录种——海岛巢针蓟马Caliothrips insularis(Hood)。文中提供了该属属征及种检索表、地理分布及生物学;新纪录种的形态描述、寄主植物、分布、形态特征图和形态照片。研究标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆。  相似文献   

对广西省所有地市的30多个县植食性蓟马种类及其分布进行了调查。调查结果表明:花蓟马Frankliniella intonsa Trybom、华简管蓟马Haplothrips chinensis Priesner、棕榈蓟马Thrips palmi Karny、黄胸蓟马Thrips hawaiiensis Morgan的分布最广且数量也最丰富,是广西省最为常见的蓟马种类。调查中发现花蓟马属Frankliniella Karny的1个国内新纪录种:梳缺花蓟马Frankliniella schultzei Trybom。编制了广西省常见植食性蓟马成虫种类检索表,为从事广西省蓟马种类研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

<正> 米象属Sitophilus包括了几种很重要的仓贮害虫,其中玉米象S.zeamais(Motschulsky)和米象S.oryzae(Linnaeus)是我国仓贮害虫中危险性很大的2种害虫。谷象S.granarius(Linnaeus)为我国现行对外检疫对象,我国有的口岸在进口粮食中时常有截获。罗望子象S.linearis(Herbet)则在从云南瑞丽口岸进口的罗望子上常有截获。 这4种仓贮害虫在形态上很相似,容易混淆,为了方便口岸检疫和仓库保管人员快速、准确地鉴定这4种害虫,我们对这4种害虫成虫  相似文献   

我区水稻随着双三熟面积的扩大,稻蓟马的为害日益加重,已成为水稻主要害虫之一。我所于1973年开始进行研究,兹将三年来所获主要结果介绍如下。 一、为害水稻的蓟马种类 通过三年的调查,为害水稻的蓟马(共检查五万余头成虫),主要有稻蓟马Thrips oryzae Williams、花蓟马Frankliniclla,formosae Moulton和少量稻管蓟马(禾谷蓟马)Haplothrips aculeatus(Fabricius);还有零星端带蓟马Taeniothrips distalis Karny、黄带蓟马Taeniothrips, flavidulus (Bagnall) 与葱蓟马Taenio-  相似文献   

蓟马是芒果的重要害虫,为探明短时低温对蓟马发育与繁殖的影响,以为害芒果的蓟马优势种茶黄蓟马Scirtothrips dorsalis为对象,将其放置于8℃和12℃(RH 75%±10%, 12 L∶12 D)人工气候箱内,分别处理6 h、12 h及24 h,观察若虫的存活率、发育历期及成虫寿命和繁殖力。结果表明:短时低温暴露对茶黄蓟马若虫的发育历期有一定的影响,不同龄期对低温的响应有所不同,若虫期经历短时低温会显著降低成虫寿命;短时低温暴露对所处理龄期及世代的存活能力均造成显著影响,处理温度越低时间越长,存活率下降越显著,其中2龄若虫在8℃下处理24 h,若虫期的累计存活率最低,仅6.86%。结果说明短时低温暴露后对成虫寿命和产卵量均产生不利的影响,处理温度越低时间越长,影响越大。  相似文献   

王军  赵超 《生物多样性》2022,30(12):22128-225
菌食性管蓟马是土壤动物的重要组分, 它们在生物多样性保护与利用、植物保护、动物地理等领域具有重要的研究价值, 但在我国其分类和物种多样性研究仍有较大不足, 大尺度分布格局形成原因也不清楚。本文基于对我国大部分地区广泛的野外采集调查和国内外多家研究机构馆藏标本的检视, 整理了我国菌食性管蓟马物种名录和地理分布信息, 总结了我国菌食性管蓟马的分类研究现状与简史, 分析了菌食性管蓟马物种多样性的分布格局并探讨了该格局形成原因。目前我国记录菌食性管蓟马237种, 其中管蓟马亚科39属156种, 灵管蓟马亚科22属81种; 竹管蓟马属(Bamboosiella)、剪管蓟马属(Psalidothrips)、网管蓟马属(Apelaunothrips)和全管蓟马属(Holothrips)是物种较多的属, 包含物种数均超过10种; 中国特有73种; 广东、台湾、海南和云南是物种最丰富的省份, 均超过60种, 这些省份都具热带和亚热带气候特征, 适合其生存; 相对多度分析结果表明在热带和亚热带地区森林凋落物层菌食性管蓟马是土壤动物的常见类群; 气温、降水量、食物等是限制其分布的主要因素。本结果丰富了土壤生物多样性的研究内容, 为菌食性管蓟马多样性大尺度空间格局研究提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

Abstract. The species of Thrips Linnaeus from the Indian region are revised, and a key is provided to the thirty-three valid species, including eight new species and one new subspecies, Eight species customarily included in Taenio-thrips Amyot & Serville are here included in Thrips and six species are newly placed in synonymy: Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan) (= Thrips exilicornis Hood from Africa); Thrips palmi Karny (= leucadophilus Priesner from Sudan); Thrips brunneus Anan. & Jaga. ( =speratus zur Strassen from South West Africa); Thrips tabaci Lind.(= kallarensis (Anan.) from India); Thrips sumatrensis Priesner (= lucaenae Moulton from Guam); Thrips simplex (Morison) (= Taeniothrips quinani Moulton from South Africa). Isoneurothrips Bagnall is regarded as a synonym of Thrips , and Isothrips is treated as a synonym rather than as a sub-genus. Two nominal species, beharensis (Ram. & Marg.) and rostratus (Ram. & Marg.) are considered unrecognizable at present.  相似文献   

Thrips are one of the insect pests of persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) in the major production areas of astringent persimmon in Korea. We surveyed astringent persimmon orchards in the Damyang, Sangju and Cheongdo regions of Korea to determine thrips species composition and abundance. Orchards sprayed with either organic or conventional pesticides were sampled over the course of one flowering season, using yellow sticky traps to determine if this is a suitable method for monitoring thrips populations, and to determine thrips species composition and abundance. Eight thrips species were captured on yellow sticky traps in both the tree canopy and ground cover: Ponticulothrips diospyrosi Haga et Okajima, Scirtothrips dorsalis (Hood), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), F. intonsa (Trybom), Thrips tabaci (Lindeman), T. hawaiiensis (Morgan), T. coloratus (Schmutz) and T. palmi (Karny). In all regions, F. occidentalis and F. intonsa dominated in both organic and conventional orchards. S. dorsalis, F. occidentalis, F. intonsa and T. hawaiiensis were found in persimmon flowers, with S. dorsalis the dominant thrips. Significantly more S. dorsalis were captured from flowers in the lower and middle canopy than in flowers from the upper canopy. Fruit damage was also significantly higher in fruit from the lower canopy than in fruit from the middle and upper canopy.  相似文献   

In Florida, southern highbush (SHB) blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L. x Vaccinium darrowi Camp) are grown for a highly profitable early season fresh market. Flower thrips are the key pest of SHB blueberries, and Frankliniella bispinosa (Morgan) is the most common species found. Flower thrips injure blueberry flowers by feeding and ovipositing in all developing tissues. These injuries can lead to scarring of developing fruit. The objectives of this study were to determine the relationship between thrips and yield in different SHB blueberry cultivars and to determine an action threshold. Experiments were conducted during early spring 2007 and 2008 on four farms; a research farm in Citra, FL; and three commercial farms, two in Hernando Co., FL., and one in Lake Co., FL. At the Citra farm, 'Emerald', 'Jewel', 'Millennia', and 'Star' blueberries were compared in 2007, and all but Star were compared in 2008. On the Hernando and Lake Co. farms, two treatment thresholds (100 and 200 thrips per trap) and an untreated control and four cultivars (Emerald, Jewel, Millennia, and 'Windsor') were compared. Emerald consistently had more thrips per trap and per flower than the other cultivars on all four farms. However, this did not always lead to an increase in fruit injury. Thrips numbers exceeded the threshold on only one farm in 2007, and there was a significantly lower proportion of injured and malformed fruit in the 100 thrips per trap threshold treatment compared with the control on this farm.  相似文献   

Thrips are key pests of mango, Mangifera indica (L.), in Malaysia, including the Northern Peninsular. As Penang has year-round equatorial climate and high of rainfall, the populations of thrips may be subject to variations in composition and size. With a goal of developing an appropriate control strategy, a survey was conducted in Penang to determine species composition and abundance in relation to some environmental factors. Sprayed and unsprayed orchards were sampled on weekly basis through two flowering seasons of 2009 using CO(2) collection technique. Larval population falling into the ground to pupate and adults emerging from the soil were investigated in both orchards. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan) and Scirtothrips dorsalis (Hood) were the most prevalent species in the sprayed and the unsprayed orchards, respectively. The abundance of thrips was high during the flowering period of the dry season and decreased during the flowering period of the rainy season. This latter period coincided with decreased temperature and increased relative humidity. Percentage of adult emergence from the soil was lower in the rainy season than recorded in the dry season in both orchards. Taken together, these observations suggest that T. hawaiiensis and S. dorsalis are the main thrips species pests of mango panicles in Penang. Direct control with insecticides focusing on these two species may help to reduce cosmetic injuries and other damages on mango fruits.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of larval and adult thrips (Thysanoptera) was studied on mango panicles, Mangifera indica L., on Penang Island, Malaysia, during two consecutive mango flowering seasons from December 2008 to March 2009 and from August to September 2009. Larval and adult thrips were sampled from mango panicles using the carbon dioxide (CO2) collection technique weekly in treated and untreated orchards. Seasonal abundance and dispersion pattern of thrips were investigated on weed host plants in the treated orchard between June 2008 and March 2009. Spatiotemporal dynamics of larvae and adults was analyzed using Taylor’s Power Law (TPL), Lloyd’s Index (LI), and Green’s Index (GI). Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan) was the dominant thrips species recovered from mango panicles and weeds in the treated orchard, whereas Scirtothrips dorsalis (Hood) was the most abundant species captured in the untreated orchard. Thrips adults and larvae analyzed via dispersion indices were found to be aggregated in mango panicles in both orchards. The value of the aggregation index (b) of TPL for the total number of adult thrips was significantly higher in the treated orchard than in the untreated orchard, whereas slopes of TPL for the total number of larval thrips did not differ significantly between treated and untreated orchards. All adult thrips species were distributed regularly on the weed plants; however, their larvae were aggregated. It is concluded that pesticide treatment caused adult thrips to become more aggregated on mango panicles, hiding in flower parts that were less exposed to the chemicals.  相似文献   

The introduced basswood thrips, Thrips calcaratus Uzel pear thrips, Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel), and native basswood thrips, Neohydatothrips tiliae (Hood), form a thrips complex that attacks buds and foliage of basswood, Tilia americana L., trees in the northern United States. We assessed the potential for exploiting visual and olfactory cues to monitor these forest thrips. We tested blue, green, red, white, and yellow for thrips' response to visual stimuli, and anisaldehyde, ethyl nicotinate, and polar and nonpolar extracts of basswood buds or leaves for thrips' response to olfactory stimuli over a 2-yr period. Generally, yellow traps tended to elicit the greatest visual response from all three species. None of the species showed significant attraction to the test volatiles compared with controls. The introduced basswood thrips, which is closely associated with expanding buds, was the most abundant species, and occurred earlier in the spring than the two flower- or foliage-associated species. The implications of these behaviors are discussed with respect to a forest pest monitoring program.  相似文献   

We report for the first time the detection of Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Brazil and describe the occurrence of the thrips on leaves of ungrafted dwarf-cashew Anacardium occidentale Linnaeus 1753 (Anacardiaceae), maintained into a greenhouse, in the northeastern state of Ceará. This exotic polyphagous species listed as absent quarantine pest in the country is originated in Asia, but since the beginning of this century, it has readily dispersed despite the strict quarantine regulations currently in several countries. Individuals of S. dorsalis identified in Brazil are similar to specimens found in South Africa rather than Asia by virtue of the absence of conspicuous reticulation on the posterior half of the metanotum and the presence of complete lines of microtrichia restricted to the posterior part of the abdominal sternites. Scirtothrips dorsalis is a particularly invasive pest and its introduction represents a potential threat to various crops in Brazil, especially mango.  相似文献   

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