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大学生是推动生态文明建设的重要支撑力量,落实大学生生态文明教育是建设生态文明社会的重要内容。微生物生态学是一门与人类活动密切相关的学科。本文通过结合课程知识点、改革教学方法、关注日常课堂生活等方面,介绍如何在微生物生态学课堂教学过程中落实生态文明教育。在传授专业知识的同时,增强大学生节约意识、环保意识、生态意识,引导大学生践行生态价值观,促进高校生态文明发展。同时,为其他相关课程教学落实生态文明教育提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市非环境专业大学生环境保护意识调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现时在大学接受教育的少数民族青年作为新世纪的创业者和决策者其环境意识将对环境保护与可持续发展战略的顺利实施具有重要影响。从环境保护知识、环境保护态度和环境保护行为等三个方面对新疆大学非环境专业少数民族大学生的环境意识水平进行了初步调查及分析。结果表明,非环境专业少数民族大学生的环境基本知识,环境态度方面的认识比较好,但环境行为方面还存在有些问题,与生态环保的总体目标要求还有较大差距。建议学校应该加强大学生的生态与环保方面的教育,引导大学生树立科学的生态环保意识,开展环保实践活动,养成良好的生态环保习惯。  相似文献   

随着人口的急剧增长,城市化进程的加快,城市的环境质量也日趋下降,这就要求我们重视城市的生态绿地建设。本文将系统介绍植物生态学和城市生态绿地的有关知识,以植物生态学为视角,分析城市的生态绿地建设。  相似文献   

摘要:本文旨在探讨“魏曦预言”对中医研究的启迪,阐释中医理论建构的奥秘。通过比较“生态”要素进入微生态学和中医学的途径和形式,分析中医理论建构的原理。研究表明:(1)进入微生态学的“生态”要素来自现代宏生态学,进入中医学的“生态”要素来自中国古代生态理论,两个“生态”要素所基于的生态理论是不同的,其涵义也不同;(2)医学微生态学是关于“微生态体”的生态医学,中医学是关于“类生态体”的生态医学。本文认为,魏羲预言对中医理论研究的启迪是“宏观生态理论在人体微观世界的运用”,这是医学微生态学和中医学的共同之处,这或许就是魏曦预言的关键所在。  相似文献   

生态位概念及其在昆虫生态学中的应用   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
王凤  鞠瑞亭  李跃忠  杜予州 《生态学杂志》2006,25(10):1280-1284
生态位理论已成为现代生态学的重要内容。在生态位概念百年演变史中,“空间生态位”、“功能生态位”与“多维超体积生态位”最具代表性。生态位宽度和生态位重叠是描述物种内和物种间生态位关系最重要的2个指标。本文系统总结了生态位概念的演变历史及其主要测度公式在昆虫生态学中的应用概况;并就如何利用生态位理论,开展害虫综合治理提出了几点看法;最后就生态位理论在昆虫生态学中存在的问题及应用前景进行了分析和展望。合理利用生态位理论,将为切实制定有害生物综合治理策略和探讨外来入侵物种种群形成机理等方面提供理论指导。  相似文献   

生态旅游区的景观生态问题及其调控   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
姬晓娜  朱泮民 《生态学杂志》2007,26(11):1884-1889
目前,在生态旅游开发过程中存在着许多生态破坏现象,严重影响生态旅游的可持续发展,是生态旅游区建设中亟待重视的问题。本文总结了当前我国生态旅游区在发展生态旅游过程中存在的生态破坏问题,并运用景观生态学、旅游生态学的原理和方法提出了解决生态旅游区生态问题的景观生态调控对策和措施,包括进行旅游景观生态规划、设计合理的旅游生态管理容量、对旅游景观结构进行生态化设计、构建景观生态安全格局、加强旅游生态教育和旅游环境监测等方面。  相似文献   

景观生态学在土地整治中的应用研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王军  钟莉娜 《生态学报》2017,37(12):3982-3990
在土地整治中融入景观生态学理念是推动土地整治生态建设的必然要求。阐述了土地整治中的景观生态学原理,分析了相关文献变化和研究重点,总结了中国土地整治中的景观生态学研究现状,提出了土地整治中的景观生态学研究展望:(1)重视土地整治中景观生态学的基础理论研究,构建土地整治的景观生态学理论与技术体系;(2)加强土地整治的景观动态与生态效应机制研究,建立适用土地整治景观生态影响的方法和模型;(3)强化土地整治的多尺度和长序列景观生态研究,揭示土地整治过程中的尺度效应和多尺度耦合机制;(4)加强土地整治中多种生态系统服务的集成与优化,强化用于指导土地整治生态规划设计与管理工作,以期为深化土地整治中的景观生态学研究提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

城乡交错带的生态控制论分析──天津实例研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
胡聃  王如松 《生态学报》1996,16(1):50-57
本文应用人类生态学原理和复合生态系统理论,选择城市系统和乡村系统的交错过渡地域-城乡交错带为研究对象,对城乡交错带的概念内涵作了生态学分析。借助生态控制论原理和灵敏度模型方法,以天津城乡交错带为实例,探讨了一个具有典型社会、经济、自然复合生态边缘效应特征的人类生态系统的重庆控制论行为与机制。  相似文献   

陈鹏飞 《生态科学》2014,33(6):1208-1212
遥感技术、地理信息系统、全球定位系统、地面自动观测网络等信息技术的应用, 既为生态学研究提供了丰富的数据源, 又为时空异质性数据的管理、分析、展示, 提供了技术手段。它们为生态学研究提供了前所未有的机遇。综述了空间信息技术在生态学要素获取、生态健康评价、生态安全评价、生态过程分析和生态系统管理中的应用现状,并在此基础上提出若干今后需要进一步加强研究的领域, 期望能对相关领域研究者有所帮助。  相似文献   

论害虫种群的生态控制   总被引:117,自引:5,他引:112  
丁岩钦 《生态学报》1993,13(2):99-106
本文根据保护生物圈与经济持续发展的要求,提出害虫种群的“生态控制’对策,以代替现在国内外采用的“综合防治”。文中根据生态学与经济学理论,不仅提出了“生态控制”应遵循的经济学与生态学的管理原则,并且提出了“生态控制”的指导思想与方法论,以及它的目标函数、约束条件与主要对策。进而根据国内外本领域的科技发展动态分析与生产实际需要,论述了本种对策在生产中的可行性与重要性。  相似文献   

Traditional forms of higher learning include teaching in the classroom on college campuses and in‐person adult‐focused public outreach events for non‐students. Online college degree programs and public outreach platforms have been steadily emerging, and the COVID‐19 pandemic has, at least temporarily, forced all related ecology and evolutionary biology programs to move to online delivery. Podcasting is a form of online mass communication that is rapidly gaining popularity and has the flexibility to be incorporated into the pedagogical toolbox for the online classroom and remote public outreach programming. Podcasting is also becoming more popular in the ecology and evolutionary biology field. Here, we describe the great potential of podcasting to transform the learning experience, present a case study of success from the United States, provide a table of podcast recommended by ecologist responding to a listserv, and provide a road map for adoption and utilization of podcasting for the future.  相似文献   

陶维东  严燕静 《生物磁学》2011,(11):2159-2162
目的:探讨喝含糖饮料后是否影响大学生金钱表征和金钱捐献意向。方法:170名大学生,随机分成三组,喝雪碧组、喝纯净水组和什么都不喝组。在抄写完一段文字后,填写自编问卷一和PANAS量表。结果:(1)饮用含糖饮料后并非显著性地影响到对金钱表征;(2)喝含糖饮料在一定程度上能够增加金钱捐献意向,但喝雪碧组、喝纯净水组和什么都不喝组,三组被试金钱捐献意向未达显著性差异水平;(3)喝雪碧组、喝纯净水组和什么都不喝组三组被试在积极情绪和消极情绪维度上均未达到显著性水平。结论:喝舍糖饮料并未显著地影响其金钱表征或促进其金钱捐献意向。  相似文献   

目的:探讨喝含糖饮料后是否影响大学生金钱表征和金钱捐献意向。方法:170名大学生,随机分成三组,喝雪碧组、喝纯净水组和什么都不喝组。在抄写完一段文字后,填写自编问卷一和PANAS量表。结果:(1)饮用含糖饮料后并非显著性地影响到对金钱表征;(2)喝含糖饮料在一定程度上能够增加金钱捐献意向,但喝雪碧组、喝纯净水组和什么都不喝组,三组被试金钱捐献意向未达显著性差异水平;(3)喝雪碧组、喝纯净水组和什么都不喝组三组被试在积极情绪和消极情绪维度上均未达到显著性水平。结论:喝含糖饮料并未显著地影响其金钱表征或促进其金钱捐献意向。  相似文献   

The idea of transplantation seems to be commonly identified by lay and professional people only with transplantation of vascularized organs like kidney or heart. The question arises whether there is any awareness of tissue transplantation among the public. A survey was therefore undertaken to assess awareness of and approaches to tissue donation and transplantation among selected social groups. A questionnaire on donation and transplantation issues was administered to respondents from the following groups: secondary school students, non-medical university students, medical university students, physicians. On the whole, 441 non-randomly sampled respondents were surveyed. The awareness of tissue transplantation is narrower than the awareness of organ transplantation. The support for tissue transplantation is weaker than for organ transplantation. This study shows that there is an acute need for education in the legal aspects of transplantation and that ways of motivating healthcare professionals to promote transplantation should be developed.  相似文献   

Students from underrepresented groups are increasingly enrolling in 4-year institutions, yet they may face additional stressors upon entering college compared to majority peers. Supportive relationships with peers, parents, and natural mentors may foster successful adjustment to college among such students. The current study examined patterns of social support among 340 underrepresented first-year students at an elite, predominantly White, public university. Latent profile analysis was used to characterize support networks. Four profiles of support emerged: Average Frequency Support (AFS), Higher Frequency Support (HFS), Lower Frequency Support (LFS), and Compensatory Mentor Support (CMS). Participants in the HFS profile started college with the highest levels of psychological distress and also demonstrated the greatest improvements in mental health. Results suggest that the most vulnerable students may require greater support to have a psychologically healthy transition to college.  相似文献   

In order to convey the results of our industrial ecology research to broader audiences, the Green Design Institute research group at Carnegie Mellon University offers the Green Design Apprenticeship for local high school students. The Green Design Apprenticeship introduces participants to industrial ecology concepts and how they intersect with engineering. The content of the program has evolved to include the topics of life cycle assessment, energy and water resources, transportation, and the built environment. The program has resulted in exposing a new generation of scholars to industrial ecology and has also benefited the research of graduate students involved with the program. The process of developing the instructional materials for younger, novice students based on complex industrial ecology research was a challenging task requiring thoughtful and iterative planning. Through the development and delivery of the program, we have experienced awareness of where our own research fits into the larger industrial ecology scope, have improved our communication of complex industrial ecology concepts into simple terms, and have gained valuable insight for engaging students in our teaching.  相似文献   

食用菌栽培学实践教学改革与学生创业能力的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李旺 《生物学杂志》2010,27(4):110-111
自我创业已经成为大学毕业生的重要就业方式。但是,缺少专业特长、缺乏实践经验和社会阅历,致使大学生在创业过程中遭遇了很多坎坷。食用菌栽培学是一门实用性很强的课程,从培养学生自我创业能力出发,我们大胆改革实践教学,在训练学生的实际操作能力,掌握一门技术专长的基础上,还对大学生的创新能力、创业意识进行培养,为大学生日后成功创业奠定基础。  相似文献   



About 1 million people worldwide commit suicide each year, and college students with suicidal ideation are at high risk of suicide. The prevalence of suicidal ideation in college students has been estimated extensively, but quantitative syntheses of overall prevalence are scarce, especially in China. Accurate estimates of prevalence are important for making public policy. In this paper, we aimed to determine the prevalence of suicidal ideation in Chinese college students.

Objective and Methods

Databases including PubMed, Web of Knowledge, Chinese Web of Knowledge, Wangfang (Chinese database) and Weipu (Chinese database) were systematically reviewed to identify articles published between 2004 to July 2013, in either English or Chinese, reporting prevalence estimates of suicidal ideation among Chinese college students. The strategy also included a secondary search of reference lists of records retrieved from databases. Then the prevalence estimates were summarized using a random effects model. The effects of moderator variables on the prevalence estimates were assessed using a meta-regression model.


A total of 41 studies involving 160339 college students were identified, and the prevalence ranged from 1.24% to 26.00%. The overall pooled prevalence of suicidal ideation among Chinese college students was 10.72% (95%CI: 8.41% to 13.28%). We noted substantial heterogeneity in prevalence estimates. Subgroup analyses showed that prevalence of suicidal ideation in females is higher than in males.


The prevalence of suicidal ideation in Chinese college students is relatively high, although the suicide rate is lower compared with the entire society, suggesting the need for local surveys to inform the development of health services for college students.  相似文献   

BackgroundSuicide is the leading cause of death among 15–34 year olds in China, but no national data are available on the suicide and suicide attempts rates of college students, a sub-group of youth with 23 million. Several studies have reported the prevalence of suicide attempts among college students, however, no meta-analysis pooling the prevalence of suicide attempts is found.ResultsA total of 29 eligible studies, with 88,225 college students, were finally included. The maximum and minimum reported prevalences of suicide attempts among college students in China were 0.4% and 10.5%, respectively. The pooled prevalence of suicide attempts was 2.8% (95%CI: 2.3%–3.3%). Subgroup analyses showed that the pooled estimate of prevalence of life time suicide attempts was 2.7% (95%CI: 2.1%–3.3%), and 12-month suicide attempts was 2.9% (95%CI: 2.0%–3.8%). The prevalence for males was 2.4% (95%CI: 1.8%–3.0%), and for females was 2.7% (95%CI: 1.9%–3.7%). The prevalences among college students in grade 1 through 4 were 2.8% (95%CI: 1.7%–3.8%), 1.8% (95%CI: 1.2%–2.3%), 2.0% (95%CI: 0.8%–3.1%), and 2.9% (95%CI: 0.1%–6.7%), respectively. The prevalences among college students from rural and urban areas were 5.1% (95%CI: 2.8%–7.5%) and 3.7% (95%CI: 1.4%–5.9%), respectively.Conclusions2.8% prevalence of suicide attempts and more than 600,000 suicide attempters among college students indicate that suicide attempt among college students is an important public health problem in China. More attention should be paid to the current situation.  相似文献   

杨年娣  孙峰  郭淑云  洪义刚  常樱 《生物磁学》2013,(26):5143-5146,5161
目的:了解军校学员心理健康状况,为军校心理辅导工作提供理论依据,提高军校教育管理水平,有效预防学员在校期间由于压力、情绪等因素造成的心理问题。方法:使用DXC-6型多项群体心理测评仪,对某军校不同年级1332名学员进行卡特尔16种人格个性因素测验。结果:①1332名被测试学员16PF得分总体呈现”五高三低”。②不同年级的学员在16PF多项因子上得分有差异(P〈0.05)。研究生在C、M、O等因子得分明显高于大三学员,而在A、F、H等得分明显低于大三学员(P〈0.05);研究生在C因子得分明显高于大四学员(P〈0.05),F、G、Y2因子得分明显低于大四学员(P〈0.05),而在A、M、O、H这些因子的得分差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);大三学员在A、H、X2等得分明显高于大四学员,而在M、O、Q1等得分明显低于大四学员(P〈0.05)。结论:军校学员的整体心理健康水平良好;本科学员(尤其是大三学员)的心理健康水平明显优于研究生;大三的学员在乐群性、敢为性、实验性、忧虑性等方面优于大四学员,和大四学员相比,大三学员更喜欢探索新生事物。  相似文献   

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