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链霉菌产生的次级代谢产物是农用和医药抗生素的重要来源。为了更深入挖掘卡伍尔氏链霉菌NA4潜在多样的次级代谢产物,对阻断NA4主产物bafilomycins的突变株ΔbafAI随机激活的代谢产物进行分离和鉴定。采用HP20固相萃取、硅胶柱色谱、凝胶柱色谱以及半制备HPLC等方法对ΔbafAI代谢产物进行分离纯化;使用NMR和MS确定化合物结构,并对单体化合物进行了生物活性测定。共分离鉴定6个化合物:环(L-异亮氨酸-L-脯氨酸)(1)、环(L-缬氨酸-L-脯氨酸)(2)、环(L-脯氨酸-L-亮氨酸)(3)、环(L-脯氨酸-L-苯丙氨酸)(4)、(2E, 4E)-5-(3-羟苯基)-戊-2, 4-二烯酰胺(5)和5′-脱氧-5′-甲硫肌苷(6)。6个化合物均是阻断NA4主产物后非特异激活的或产量显著提高的化合物,均为该菌中首次分离;化合物5和6是第二次从天然提取物中分离得到;化合物1和2显示出抗白色念珠菌活性,并首次报道了化合物5的抗氧化活性。进一步丰富了卡伍尔氏链霉菌NA4次级代谢产物研究,为激活沉默或低表达次级代谢产物合成基因簇提供了有益借鉴。  相似文献   

为丰富海洋真菌的化学多样性,发现海洋真菌活性代谢产物,对海洋沉积物来源真菌Arthriniumsp.UJNMF0008的化学成分及其生物活性进行研究,采用硅胶柱色谱、凝胶柱色谱、反向柱色谱和高效液相色谱等方法从海洋沉积物来源真菌Arthriniumsp.UJNMF0008的发酵提取物中分离到5个化合物,通过核磁共振、质谱等方法,结合文献对照,鉴定了化合物的结构分别为arthoneF(1)、arthoneG(2)、sydoxanthoneC(3)、(3R,4R)-cis-4-hydroxymellein(4)和2-(2′S-hydroxypropyl)-5-methyl-7-hydroxychromone(5),其中化合物1和2是新化合物,化合物3首次从该属真菌中分离到。活性测试显示,化合物1~5在50μmoL/L的测试浓度下均没有表现出明显的抗氧自由基活性、抗菌活性以及NO释放抑制活性。  相似文献   

本研究分析了海洋真菌Penicillium sp. WP-13的活性次级代谢产物。采用多种柱色谱技术对其发酵液的乙酸乙酯提取物进行分离纯化;根据波谱数据和理化常数分析,并结合文献比对鉴定单体化合物的结构;采用MTT法测定化合物对肿瘤细胞的细胞毒活性。从Penicillium sp. WP-13发酵液的乙酸乙酯提取物中分离鉴定了5个单体化合物,其中2个内酯类化合物为1-hydroxy-3,10-dimethoxy- 8-methyl-6,11-dioxo-6,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,e]oxepine-9-carboxylic acid (1)和1,8-dihydroxy-10-methoxy- 3-methyl-dibenzo[b,e]oxepine-6,11-dione (2);3个蒽醌类化合物为endocrocin methyl ester (3)、2-chloro-1,3,8-trihydroxy-6-methyl-9,10-anthracenedione (4)和emodin (5)。活性测试结果显示,化合物3和5均对人慢性髓原白血病细胞株K562、人肝癌细胞株BEL-7402、人胃癌细胞株SGC-7901和人宫颈癌细胞株HeLa具有一定的细胞毒活性。化合物1为新化合物,化合物3的核磁数据为首次报道,化合物1-4均首次分离自青霉属真菌。  相似文献   

相似蜂海绵相关真菌杂色曲霉F62活性代谢产物研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
董世豪  巩婷  朱平 《菌物学报》2011,30(4):636-643
研究了1株相似蜂海绵相关真菌F62的活性代谢产物,经分子系统学分析表明该真菌属于杂色曲霉。将F62菌株用大米固体培养基在室温(约25℃)下静置培养45d,经乙酸乙酯超声萃取得到粗提物。通过硅胶柱层析、Sephadex LH-20凝胶柱层析和HPLC等色谱手段,分离得到了6个化合物。通过核磁共振、质谱等波谱分析手段可鉴定出其结构分别为Alantrypinone(1)、洛伐他汀(2)、甲酯型莫纳克林K(3)、土曲霉酮(4)、土震素B(5)和麦角甾醇(6)。化合物1系首次从该属真菌中分离得到,化合物2-5为首次从该种真菌中分离得到。首次对化合物3的碳谱数据进行报道。初步的药理研究表明,化合物4具有体外抗炎活性。  相似文献   

海南特有植物华石斛(Dendrobium sinense)的化学成分和药理活性研究报道较少。为了深入研究华石斛的化学成分,该研究采用MCI小孔树脂柱色谱、硅胶柱色谱和Sephadex LH-20柱色谱等多种现代分离纯化技术,从其全草乙醇提取物的乙酸乙酯部位中分离纯化了10个化合物。结果表明:对分离纯化得到的10个化合物鉴定为罗汉松脂素(1)、4,5-二羟基-2,3-二甲氧基-9,10-二氢菲(2)、华石斛素C(3)、对甲氧基苯乙醇(4)、顺式对羟基肉桂酸乙酯(5)、对羟基苯丙酸乙酯(6)、丁香醛(7)、3-羟基苯甲醛(8)、3,9-dihydroxy-megastigma-5-ene(9)和(9Z,12Z)-9,12-二烯十八碳酸甲酯(10)。其中,首次从华石斛中分离得到的有化合物1、4-6、8-10。通过体外抑制乙酰胆碱酯酶活性实验发现,化合物2、4和化合物 9能够使乙酰胆碱酯酶活力下降。  相似文献   

采用色谱技术和波谱学分析从剑叶龙血树内生真菌Colletotrichum sp.B-152的培养液和菌丝中,鉴定出了9个化合物:2-hydroxy-4-methyl-1-phenyl-3-pentanone(1)、4-methyl-1-phenyl-2,3-pentanediol(2)、胸腺嘧啶核苷(3)、腺嘌呤核苷(4)、(22 E,24 R)-ergosta-7,22-diene-3β,5α,6β-triol(5)、(4 E,8 E)-N-D-2′-hydroxypalmitoyl-1-O-β-D-glycopyranosyl-9-methyl-4,8-sphingadienine(6)、tuberosider(7)、(22 E,24 R)-5α,8α-epidioxyergosta-6,22-dien-3β-ol(8)、十七烷酸(9),其中化合物1作为天然产物首次报道,化合物2~4、6、7、9首次从刺盘孢属Colletotrichum真菌中分离得到。采用滤纸片扩散法对单体化合物的抑菌活性进行测定,9个化合物对至少一种指示菌表现出不同程度的抑制作用,其中化合物7和8表现出较为广谱的抑菌活性。  相似文献   

本文对土家族民间药材地枇杷进行化学成分及抗氧化活性研究。运用硅胶柱色谱、凝胶柱色谱、大孔树脂柱色谱结合半制备高效液相色谱等手段对其乙醇提取物进行分离纯化,利用核磁共振波谱、质谱等方法对化合物进行结构鉴定,分离得到17个化合物,分别鉴定为高山金莲花素(1)、(+)-儿茶素(2)、异紫花前胡苷(3)、补骨脂素(4)、佛手柑内酯(5)、(+)-南烛木树脂酚-3α-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷(6)、(+)-南烛木树脂酚-3α-O-β-D-吡喃木糖苷(7)、异落叶松脂素-9-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(8)、ssioriside(9)、华中冬青素(10)、异落叶松脂素(11)、(7R,8S)-3,5′-二甲氧基-4′,7-环氧-8,3′-新木脂烷-5,9,9′-三醇(12)、6,7-二甲氧基-4-羟基-1-萘甲酸(13)、3,4-二羟基苯甲酸乙酯(14)、bluemenol A(15)、3,3′,4,4′-四羟基联苯(16)、绿原酸乙酯(17)。化合物1~4、6~17为首次从该植物中分离得到。使用DPPH自由基清除率、总抗氧化能力、超氧阴离子清除能力三个指标来测定17个化合物的抗氧化活性。结果显示木脂素类化合物9、10,多酚类化合物13、14、16具有良好的DPPH自由基清除能力及总抗氧化能力,表现出的抗氧化活性与同浓度抗坏血酸活性相当。  相似文献   

采用硅胶、ODS和Sephadex LH-20柱色谱等方法对紫叶李果实95%乙醇提取物进行提取分离纯化,运用IR、UV、1H NMR、13C NMR、HMBC、HSQC等波谱学技术鉴定5个化合物:3-O-乙酰基原儿茶酸(1)、2(R)-羟基丁二酸-1-甲酯(2)、3,3′,4,4′-四羟基联苯(3)、β-胡萝卜苷(4)和槲皮素(5)。化合物1~4是首次从该植物中分离得到,其中化合物1为新天然产物,并且首次报道化合物1的1H NMR,13C NMR数据。对已分离的5个化合物进行了DPPH自由基清除实验,结果显示化合物3、5具有潜在的抗氧化活性。  相似文献   

对来源于冬虫夏草中分离得到的内生菌Penicillium crustosum的次级代谢产物和抑菌活性进行研究。采用硅胶柱色谱、MCI柱色谱和半制备HPLC等色谱技术对其进行分离纯化,通过NMR结合质谱进行化学成分鉴定。分离并鉴定16个化合物,分别为:Ac-L-Leu-L-Pro-OCH_3(1)、(E)-3-benzylidene-4-methyl-3,4-dihydro-1H-benzo[e][1,4]diazepine-2,5-dione(2)、(Z)-3-benzylidene-4-methyl-3,4-dihydro-1H-benzo[e][1,4]diazepine-2,5-dione(3)、cyclopenin(4)、(3S)-1,4-benzodiazepine-2,5-diones(5)、O-acetyl-β-paxitriol(6)、roquefortine C(7)、isoroquefortine C(8)、aflaquinolone G(9)、3-hydroxy-4-phenylquinolin-2(1H)-one(10)、viridicatol(11)、cyclo(Pro-Leu)(12)、N-苯甲基氨基甲酸(13)、(5S,6R,7S,8R)-5-amino-(2Z,4Z)-1,2,3-trihydroxybuta-2,4-dienyloxy-pentane-6,7,8,9-tetraol(14)、2′,4′-二羟基-3′,5′-二甲基苯乙酮(15)、conidiogenone B(16)。分离得到化合物主要为苯二氮卓类、吲哚二萜类和喹诺酮类生物碱。其中化合物1和2为新的天然产物,化合物1~4、6、9、12~14和16为首次从该真菌中分离得到。  相似文献   

为了研究酸豆外果皮成分及其抗氧化活性,采用现代色谱分离技术从酸豆(Tamarindus indica Linn.)外果皮丙酮提取物中分离和纯化得到18个黄酮类化合物,通过核磁共振波谱数据对它们进行鉴定,分别为木犀草素(1)、7,3′,4′-三羟基黄酮(2)、芹菜素(3)、7,4′-二羟基黄酮(4)、7,4′-二羟基-3′-甲氧基黄酮(5)、紫云英苷(6)、槲皮素(7)、山柰酚(8)、金合欢素(9)、圣草酚(10)、柚皮素(11)、紫铆素(12)、二氢山柰酚(13)、5,7,3′,5′-四羟基二氢黄酮(14)、5,6,7,4′-四羟基二氢黄酮(15)、3,5,7,3′,5′-五羟基二氢黄酮醇(16)、儿茶素(17)、表儿茶素(18)。10个化合物(2、4~6、9、11、13~16)为首次从该属植物中分离得到;采用ORAC法体外抗氧化活性测定,发现酸豆外果皮的4份萃取物及9个化合物(1、2、7~10、12、13、17)有较好的抗氧化活性。  相似文献   

Apers  S.  Vlietinck  A.  Pieters  L. 《Phytochemistry Reviews》2003,2(3):201-217
Many lignans and neolignans have served as lead compounds for the development of new drugs. Perhaps the best known example is podophyllotoxin, an antimitotic compound that binds to tubulin. Etoposide and teniposide are derived from podophyllotoxin, but their antitumoural activity is due to inhibition of topoisomerase II. Combination of both pharmacophores has led to compounds with a dual mechanism of action, such as azatoxin. Dihydrobenzofuran neolignans, based on the natural lead 3,4-di-O-methylcedrusin, have also been investigated as potential antitumoural agents; the dimerisation product of caffeic acid methyl ester was the most active compound. Here too, he cytotoxic activity was due to inhibition of tubulin polymerisation. In addition, the same compounds showed antiangiogenic activity. Podophyllotoxin, as well as other types of lignans, such as dibenzylbutyrolactones related to arctigenin, dibenzocyclooctadiene-type lignans, and dibenzylbutanes, have been explored as leads for antiviral agents (also including HIV). Synthetic 8.O.4-neolignans have been evaluated for their antileishmanial and antifungal properties. Detailed study of the antifungal properties of the phenylpropanoid moieties has resulted in the design of highly active arylpropanoid derivatives. Other examples where lignans have been used as lead compounds include enzyme inhibitors of phosphodiesterase IV and V, and 5-lipoxygenase, and for the development of hypolipidemic and antirheumatic agents.  相似文献   

Diabetes is one of the metabolic disorders in the world. It is the prime reason of mortality and morbidity owing to hyperglycemia which is link with numerus obstacles. Artemisia argyi is commonly used as an ingredient in healthy foods as well as an herbal medicine in Asian countries. The present research aims to evaluate the hypoglycemic effects of A. argyi and reveal its the potentially active constituents. The chemical composition was identified by HPLC-DAD-Q-TOF-MS, and fractionation was performed by extraction. The fractions were assessed by the blood glucose level, oral glucose tolerance and small intestinal α-glucosidase inhibitory tests, and an analysis of the total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities. In our efforts to characterize the compounds responsible for hypoglycemic effect, bioactivity-guided fraction of the MeOH extract and chemical investigation of its active EtOAc fraction led to the successful identification of caffeoylquinic acids, which were elucidated by molecular docking, using the crystal structure of S. cerevisiae isomaltase (PD code: 3AXI). In summary, this bio-guided search revealed that caffeoylquinic acids from A. argyi as potential active constituents displayed with hypoglycemic activity, which provided a basis for further study of pharmacological activity.  相似文献   

In the current investigation, the active principles of the methanol extracts of Rhododendron arboreum leaves (MEL) and flowers (MEF) were investigated with the help of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC), amino acid analyzer and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). UHPLC revealed different polyphenols present in the extracts. GC-MS identified 20 phytochemicals in leaves and 17 in the flowers, whereas, amino acid analyzer confirmed 11 amino acids in leaves and 10 in the flowers. The extracts were subjected to the investigation of biological activity through analysis of antioxidant activity in different in vitro assays, antimutagenic activity in Ames assay and cancer cell growth inhibition activity by MTT (3-4,5 dimethylthiazol-2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay. MEL showed higher antioxidant activity in lipid peroxidation inhibition assay (95.32 ± 0.37%) than MEF (77.09 ± 4.17%) with IC50103.6 µg/ml for MEL and 271.17 µg/ml for MEF. In nitric oxide scavenging assay, an activity of 94.46 ± 0.32% (IC50 150.13) was observed in MEF followed by 83.71 ± 0.74% (IC50 179.52) in MEL. The antimutagenic activity of both the extracts was evaluated against sodium azide, 4-nitro-O-phenylenediamine and 2-aminofluorene mutagens in TA-98 and TA-100 strains of Salmonella typhimurium. The analysis was carried out using pre- and co-incubation modes. However, both extracts were observed to possess considerable antimutagenic activity against different known mutagens, flowers came out to be more effective than the leaves in terms of % inhibition. The extracts also exhibited significant cancer cell growth inhibition activity, when tested against 3 cancer cell lines namely, Human cervical cancer cell line (HeLa), Breast cancer cell line (MCF7) and Lung cancer cell line (A549). In case of HeLa and A549, MEL showed higher activity of 64.62 ± 2.65 and 75.08 ± 1.68% as compared to 53.11 ± 2.84 and 45.92 ± 2.43% in MEL, respectively. The EC50 values for MEL in HeLa and A549 were noted to be 232.76 and 155.38 µg/ml, respectively, whereas, MEF had EC50 of 395.50 µg/ml in HeLa and 660.26 µg/ml in A549. Further, MEF showed higher cytotoxicity in MCF7 cell line (84.93 ± 1.17%) followed by the MEL (73.57 ± 1.27%) with EC50 value of 95.16 µg/ml for MEF followed by 172.19 µg/ml for MEL. The biological activities of the extracts can be attributed to the phyto-constituents identified by sophisticated instruments.The biological activities of the extracts can be attributed to the active principles identified by sophisticated instruments.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe the patterns (specifically comparing weekdays and weekends classified by intensities) of physical activity (PA) measured by accelerometry in adolescent girls. Research Methods and Procedures: Healthy sixth grade girls (n = 1603), 11 to 12 years old, were randomly recruited from 36 schools participating in the Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls. Age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, weight, and height were taken. PA patterns were measured for 6 days using accelerometry. Results: Adolescent girls spend most of their time in sedentary (52% to 57% of the day) and light activity (40% to 45% of the day) on weekdays and weekends. In all girls, total PA comprised 44.5% of the day (41.7% light, 2.2% moderate, and 0.7% vigorous) with sedentary activity comprising 55.4%. Moderate‐to‐vigorous PA (MVPA) was higher (p < 0.001) on weekdays than weekends in all girls, but MVPA was lower in at‐risk of overweight + overweight girls (p < 0.001) on both weekdays and weekends compared with normal‐weight girls. Discussion: Adolescent girls are more active at moderate and vigorous intensities on weekdays than on weekends, and at‐risk of overweight and those overweight spend less time engaging in MVPA than normal‐weight girls.  相似文献   

Accumulated evidence shows that leisure activities have a positive impact on cognitive function and dementia. This review aimed to systematically summarize the current evidence on this topic taking into account the limitations of the studies and biological plausibility for the underlying mechanisms linking cognition, dementia and leisure activities, with special attention on mental, physical and social activities. We included only longitudinal studies, with a follow-up time of at least 2 years, published in English from 1991 to March 2011 on leisure activities and cognition (n = 29) or dementia (n = 23) and provided some evidence from intervention studies on the topic. A protective effect of mental activity on cognitive function has been consistently reported in both observational and interventional studies. The association of mental activity with the risk of dementia was robust in observational studies but inconsistent in clinical trials. The protective effect of physical activity on the risk of cognitive decline and dementia has been reported in most observational studies, but has been less evident in interventional studies. Current evidence concerning the beneficial effect of other types of leisure activities on the risk of dementia is still limited and results are inconsistent. For future studies it is imperative that the assessment of leisure activities is standardized, for example, the frequency, intensity, duration and the type of activity; and also that the cognitive test batteries and the definition of cognitive decline are harmonized/standardized. Further, well designed studies with long follow-up times are necessary. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Imaging Brain Aging and Neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

A series of α-haloacetophenones and analogues were synthesized. The bioassays show that some target compounds have good antibacterial activity against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac) and Meloidogyne incognita (M. incognita). Especially, the compound 24 has good in vitro and in vivo antibacterial activities against Xoo, the EC50 value, curative and protection activities are 0.09 mg/L, 48.9%, and 52.3%, respectively, which are better than the thiodiazole copper and bismerthiazol. Meanwhile, the compound 24 has good in vitro antibacterial activity against Xac, and has an EC50 value of 1.6 mg/L. Moreover, the compound 19 exhibits good nematicidal activity M. incognita, with the LC50 value of 1.0 mg/L, which is better than the positive control avermectin. In addition, the compound 24 can inhibit the formation of extracellular polysaccharide and biofilm of Xoo, and change the permeability of cell membrane. α-haloacetophenone and analogues have the advantages of simple structure, high efficiency, broad spectrum of biological activity, and can be used as antibacterial agents and nematicides or lead compounds in the future.  相似文献   

Rhus coriaria L. (Anacardiaceae), sumac, is a common condiment, appetizer and souring agent in the Mediterranean region that has a long history in traditional medicine. R. coriaria has been prescribed for the treatment of many ailments including diarrhea, ulcer, hemorrhoids, hemorrhage, wound healing, hematemesis, and eye ailments like ophthalmia and conjunctivitis. The plant is also used as diuresis, antimicrobial, abortifacient and as a stomach tonic. Sumac is known to be rich in different classes of phytochemicals including tannins, polyphenols, flavonoids, organic acids and essential oils and continues to be a hot topic for extensive research work designed for revealing its phytochemical constituents and evaluating its bioactive properties. This review summarizes the recent phytochemical and diverse bioactivity studies on R. coriaria, especially those concerned with antitumor, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, antimicrobial, and anti‐inflammatory studies.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and allelopathic, phytotoxic and pesticidal activities of Atriplex cana Ledeb . (Amaranthaceae) essential oil were investigated. Nineteen compounds were identified via GC/MS, representing 82.3 % of the total oil, and the most abundant constituents were dibutyl phthalate (21.79 %), eucalyptol (20.14 %) and myrtenyl acetate (15.56 %). The results showed that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by A. cana significantly inhibited seedling growth of Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Poa annua L., and 80 g of fresh stems and leaves of A. cana in a 1.5 L airtight container almost completely suppressed the seed germination of both plants. Meanwhile, 5 μg/mL essential oil completely inhibited the seed germination of A. retroflexus, Medicago sativa L., P. annua and Echinochloa crusgalli L. Pesticidal testing revealed that the essential oil had strong behavioral avoidance and lethal effects on Aphis pomi DeGeer . Five microliters of essential oil/Petri dish treatment resulted in an 84.5 % mortality rate after 12 h, and the mortality rate reached nearly 100 % after 48 h. This report is the first one on the chemical composition as well as the biological activity of the essential oil of A. cana, and our results indicate that the oil is valuable in terms of being further exploited as a bioherbicide/insecticide.  相似文献   

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