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整理陕西省花蝇科标本,发现地种蝇属 Delia R.-D., 一新种,特此描述。模式标本存于本溪市卫生防疫站。 长板地种蝇,新种 Delia dolichosternita sp. nov. 体长:5.5—6.0毫米。 雄:复眼裸,额为前单眼横径2倍宽,间额黑色,在最狭处为一侧额宽的3倍,下眶鬃约6对,分布在额前半部,具一对间额交叉鬃,无上眶鬃;侧额、侧颜和颊具极少的灰色粉  相似文献   

甘肃省泉种蝇属七新种(双翅目:花蝇科)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文报道了花蝇科泉种蝇属Pegohylemyia七新种,所有模式标本均存中国科学院上海昆虫研究所。1.鬃林泉种蝇Pegohylemyia setisilva新种,(图1-5) ♂:体长约10毫米,翅长约8毫米。额较前单眼略宽,间额约与一侧额等宽,间额鬃1对,发达,其下方有数根小刚毛,上眶鬃1,小,下眶鬃7,鬃间杂有小毛,毛长约为鬃长的1/3弱;触角黑,第三节长约为其宽的2.5倍,触角芒短羽状,最长的小毛约为芒基最粗处的3倍;前额约为触角第三节宽的1.6倍;颊高约为触角第三节宽的1.4倍;上倾口缘鬃1行;口前缘稍后于额前缘;下颚须稍短于触角第二节和第三节之  相似文献   

本文模式标本存放于华西医科大学寄生虫学教研室。1.疏手蕨蝇Chirosia paucisetosa,新种 :体长4~6毫米,黑色。 头:额宽约为前单眼宽的1~2.5倍。间额底色黑,粉被灰白,间额鬃1对约与单眼鬃等长。前倾上眶鬃1对,下眶鬃6~7。触角黑色,粉被褐,第三节长为宽的1.5倍,芒黑具毳毛,最长芒毛短于芒基直径。侧颜及颊底色黑,粉被灰白,侧颜宽约为触角第三节  相似文献   

西藏地区有瓣蝇类记述(三)花蝇科七新种描述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钟应洪 《动物学研究》1985,6(4):329-336
本文报道采自西藏的有瓣蝇类7个新种,均属花蝇科。正模标本保存在中国科学院上海昆虫研究所。 银额泉种蝇Pegohylemyia argyrometopa,新种(图1—3) 雄:体长6毫米。复眼裸,额宽约为前单眼宽的2倍,间额黑,间额鬃1,下眶鬃7—8,侧额及侧颜黑色上具银白色粉被,侧颜宽为触角第三节宽的4/3倍,触角黑,第三节长为宽的2倍,芒具毳毛,最长毛与芒基宽相等,颊高为眼高的1/5,银白色粉被明显,上倾口缘鬃3行,下颚须黑,中喙具粉被,长为高的4倍,口上片与额齐,后头背区有小毛。  相似文献   

魏濂艨 《昆虫学报》1993,36(2):223-224
雄虫 复眼具极疏微毛。额约为头宽的1/16。间额黑,约为一侧额宽。侧额近单眼三角处粉被褐色,其余部分及侧颜粉被银白色。下眶鬃7。细弱上眶鬃1,位于前单眼侧方。侧颜约为触角第三节宽之半。触角黑,粉被褐;第三节约为第二节长的2倍。芒具稀疏短纤毛,芒毛长显然不及基部芒径。颊粉被灰褐;颊高不及眼高的1/5。中颜板中部具明显隆起的颜脊。口上片突起,但不突出于额前缘。下颚须细长,黑褐。胸几乎全呈暗褐色;沟前具中部很宽的断开淡色狭带和两条颇宽的淡色纵条;小盾沟前具一对淡色斑,翅后胛亦呈淡色;肩胛、背侧片和胸部各侧片均具蓝灰色粉被(中侧片鬃附近黑褐);小盾背面黑褐。中鬃仅小盾前的一对发达。刚毛状的前中鬃前方呈2列,后方呈4列。背中鬃  相似文献   

记述采自甘肃省的花蝇科地种蝇属Dilia R-D三新种,分别为曲叶地种蝇D。ancylosurstyla sp.nov.,该种近似土耳其地种蝇D.turcica Hennig,1974,但新种雄复眼裸;无外方肩后鬃,前中鬃1-2对,粗壮;后股无后复鬃,第3,4腹板长形;侧尾叶侧面观较细长,端部明显变狭,其后面观中部明显变宽等不同;尖花地种蝇Delia apicifloralis sp.nov.,该种近似于拟萝卜地种蝇D.floraliformis Hennig,1974,但新种雄额狭,约等于前单眼宽;中胫前背鬃2,后背鬃2,后股前腹鬃和后腹鬃列完整而长大;第5腹板侧叶具6-7根粗大的强鬃,侧叶长于基部,肛尾叶侧缘平直,侧尾叶后面观其端部变狭等不;长芒地种蝇Delia longiarista sp.nov.,该种近似于北欧的Delia angustaeformis Ringdahl,1933,但新种雄额宽,为单眼宽的2倍,侧颜为触角宽的1.5倍,芒长羽状,最后芒毛为触角宽的1.3倍;前中鬃为2行刚毛状;第五腹板侧叶短;肛尾叶较长,侧尾叶端部不变狭等不同。模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

东北林学院等在小兴安岭林区对为害落叶松的球果花蝇进行研究,发现下列新种。黄尾球果花蝇Lasiomma luteoforceps,新种(图1—3) 雄:体长4.5—5.0毫米。 眼裸;额等于前单眼宽,间额黑褐,中段如线,其长几乎占额长之半;无上眶鬃,下眶鬃5—7个,有时夹杂细毛;间额鬃短小如毛,位于下眶鬃列紧后方,有时缺如;侧颜银白,宽  相似文献   

本文报道釆自甘肃的池蝇属一新种,模式标本保存于甘肃省卫生防疫站,兰州。 横带池蝇,新种Limno phora fasciata sp. nov. (图1—4) 雄 眼裸;额宽约为后方两单眼外缘间距的1.5倍(另一个标本稍狭,仅略大于后者的间距);间额约与一侧侧额等宽,其正中线具一淡色条纹,以前半部较为明显;下眶鬃9对,较强壮;在前单眼外侧有一个较小的前倾的上眶鬃;触角黑,具稍显稀薄的灰黄色粉被,触角第三节宽约为额宽的3/5,长约自身宽的2.5倍;芒羽状,最长毛等于或稍短于触角第三节宽;侧颜宽约为后者宽的2/3;侧额、侧颜银灰色;颊高约为眼高的1/7,色青灰,毛黑;侧  相似文献   

范滋德 《昆虫学报》1978,(3):329-331
西藏家蝇Musca(Plaxemya) tibetana新种(图1—9) ♂:体长5.5毫米。头显比胸为宽;复眼密布长的淡色纤毛,最长的约为触角第三节宽的1.5倍,眼后缘微微波曲,后上缘包到侧后头的上方;无外顶鬃,有一对长的侧后顶鬃;额鬃细密,长约为眼上最长纤毛的2倍,数在25个以上,沿额鬃列内方尚有一行细长毛。额狭,仅略宽于前单眼横径,额宽率为0.037;间额黑,在最狭处略等于一侧额宽,间额前方宽约为触角第三节宽的1.5倍;侧额亮黑,其下部向下去的头前面覆有银白色粉被;侧额下部和侧颜全长偏内方2/3宽度内有长而密的黑毛3行,毛长略等  相似文献   

武经纬 《昆虫学报》1990,33(1):105-108
本文报道采自甘肃的齿股蝇属(Hydrotaea R.-D.,1830)二新种,模式标本保存于甘肃省卫生防疫站。 多鬃齿股蝇Hydrotaea multchaeta sp.nov.(图1—3) 雄 体长7.5—8.0mm。眼裸;额狭,最狭处宽度约为前单眼横径的1.5倍,间额在额最狭处消失或汉呈线状;额鬃列达于单眼三角高度,向后去渐变小,最后面的1—2对鬃眶其前的一对稍远且稍靠外;侧颜银灰色,其宽约为触角第三节宽的1/2—2/3;眉片黄棕色;触角黑,具棕灰色粉被,第三节长为宽的1.7倍,芒具毳毛;颊暗灰,其高约为触角第三  相似文献   

Heads SW  Taylor SJ 《ZooKeys》2012,(169):1-9
A new species of the genus Ripipteryx (Orthoptera: Tridactyloidea: Ripipterygidae) from the Toledo District of southern Belize is described and illustrated. Ripipteryx mopanasp. n. is placed in the Scrofulosa Group based on its elaborately ornamented frons and is readily distinguished from its congeners by the fusion of the superior and inferior frontal folds to form a nasiform median process, the epiproct with both anterior and posterior margins emarginate, the subgenital plate with distinct lateroapical depressions either side of the median line, the basal plate of the phallus strongly bilobed apically, and the development of well-demarcated denticular lobes in the dorsal endophallic valves. A preliminary key to the species of the Scrofulosa Group is provided.  相似文献   

记述了盲蝽科1新种,金毛束盲蝽Pilophorus fulvicomus sp.nov.。报道了中国4新纪录种:印度蚁叶盲蝽Hallodapus indicus(Poppius,1911),九州蚁叶盲蝽Hallodapus kyushuensis M iyamoto,1966,贝克束盲蝽Pilophorus bakeriSchuh,1984和印支宽敖盲蝽Wygomiris indochinensis(Schuh,1984)。提供了新种和新纪录种雄性生殖器特征图。模式标本保存于南开大学昆虫学研究所。  相似文献   

河南省花蝇科二新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文描述的花蝇科二新种,均采自河南西部的伏牛山区。模式标本保存在中国科学院上海昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

A new shore-fly species, Notiphila thaica sp. n. from Thailand, is described. The species is characterized by the following features: antennae yellow, eye-to-gena index equal to 7: 1, all tibiae and tarsi yellow, and setae on abdominal segments III and IV long and pointing posteriorly. The species is similar to Notiphila puncta de Meijere in the presence of numerous brown stripes on the thorax, but differs in the absence of velvety-black spots on the frons, the presence of two strong facial setae, and in the one-color wings. The new species is also very similar to N. phaea Hendel in the structure of the genitalia, but differs in the striped coloration, larger body, and apically widened surstyli. A key to the Oriental species of Notiphila is given.  相似文献   

描述了竹亚科牡竹属一新种——长耳吊丝竹(Dendrocalamus Iongiauritus S.H.Chen,K.F.HuangetR.S.Chen)。该种与吊丝竹(D.minor(McClure)ChiaetH.L.Fung)相近似,但该竹种部分节有明显发达的一条主枝,箨耳较大,明显并与箨片基部相连,窄长,横卧于箨鞘两肩,且呈有规则皱褶状,并着生有6~8mm长的波曲燧毛,箨舌高达0.7~0.9cm,呈不整齐撕裂状,上部有灰黄色扁形长毛,易于区别。  相似文献   

本文记述刺齿(虫兆)属Homidia 1新种--斑纹刺齿(虫兆)Homidia fascia, sp.nov.(Figs.1~16),该种有些特征可与H. tibetensis Chen & Zhong, 1998 相似,但下唇刚毛L1,第4腹节毛序和腹管毛序可与后者区分.正模♀, 副模13♀♀,江苏南京南唐二陵,1996-Ⅲ-6,存于南京大学生物系.  相似文献   

Nothoaspis amazoniensis n. sp. (Acari: Ixodida: Argasidae) is described from adult and immature ticks (nymph II, nymph I, larva) collected from bat caves in the Brazilian Amazon. Also, 16S rDNA sequences are provided. The diagnostic characters for adults are the presence of false shield or nothoaspis, an anteriorly projecting hood covering the capitulum, a medial extension of palpal article I (flaps), genital plate extending from coxa I to IV, absence of 2 setae on the internal margin of the flaps, a minute hypostome without denticles, presence of a central pore in the base of hypostome, and a reticulate surface pattern on the posterior half of the nothoaspis in males. The nymph II stage is characterized by a hood that is small in relation to the capitulum, short coxal setae, palpal flaps lacking setae on the internal margin, long hypostome, pointed with dentition 4/4 apically, and the anterior half of the body is covered by a cell-like configuration. Nymph I stage is characterized by a hood, small in relation to the capitulum, dorsum of the body covered by a cell-like configuration, venter integument covered by a cell-like configuration, and hypostome dentition 4/4 with apices that are "V"-shaped. Diagnostic characters of the larvae are the number and size of dorsal setae, and the shape of scutum and hypostome. The new species appears to have a life cycle with a larva that feeds on bats, a non-feeding nymphal stage (nymph I), a feeding nymphal stage (nymph II), and adults that probably represent non-feeding stages.  相似文献   

本文记述刺齿虫兆属 Homidia 1新种——斑纹刺齿虫兆 Homidia fascia,sp.nov.( Figs.1~ 1 6) ,该种有些特征可与 H . tibetensis Chen & Zhong,1 998相似 ,但下唇刚毛 L1 ,第 4腹节毛序和腹管毛序可与后者区分。正模♀ ,副模 1 3♀♀ ,江苏南京南唐二陵 ,1 996- -6,存于南京大学生物系  相似文献   

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