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中国竹亚科镰序竹属一新种——匍匐镰序竹   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了福建厦门园林植物园发现的中国竹亚科Bambusoideae镰序竹属一新种——匍匐镰序竹Drepanostchvum stotonfrme S.H.Chen&Z.Z.Wang。该种与坝怕D.microphyllum(Hsueh&Yi)Keng f.ex Y相似,区别在于本种植株藤本状极明显,竿匍匐状,较细,竿直径3-6mm,竿壁厚约lmm;全竿25-55节.竿基部数节节间长5-9cm,中部节间长13-18cm,节内长l-2mm;箨舌高约O.5mm,具长约2mm的纤毛:叶舌高约3mm,具长约4mm纤毛;叶片较小,在成竹时长2-6cm,宽O.3-0.6cm,叶片次脉3-4对。  相似文献   

描述了竹亚科矢竹属一新种——中岩茶秆竹(Pseudosasa zhongyanensis S.H.Chen,K.F.Huang et H.Z.Guo)。本种与茶秆竹(P.amabilis(McClure) Keng f.)相近似,但箨环具明显箨基残留物和木栓质隆起,高于秆环,箨鞘顶端具小型外翻箨耳,耳缘具皱曲繸毛,箨舌几无毛或有短柔毛,易于区别。  相似文献   

描述了竹亚科思劳竹属一新种——万石山思劳竹(Schizostachyum wanshishanensis S.H.Chen,K.F.Huang et H.Z.Guo)。该种与思劳竹(S.pseudolima McClure)近缘,但本种箨片较平直,且短,长不及箨鞘之1/2,叶表无毛,叶背具柔毛,易于区别;本种也与沙罗单竹(S.funghomii McClure)近缘,但本种秆梢端细长下垂,叶鞘具有白色短刺毛,易于区别。  相似文献   

在模式标本考证、居群调查和引种栽培的基础上,确认毛壳竹(Phyllostachys hispida S.C.Li,S.H.Wu et S.Y.Chen)与乌竹(P.varioauriculata S.C.Li et S.H.Wu)在新秆性状、秆箨颜色、箨舌高度及颜色、叶鞘毛被上有较大的区别,应作为独立的竹种看待。小叶光壳竹(P.varioauriculata var.glabrata G.H.Lai)也因新秆下部一段呈扁圆形、秆箨基部具长柔毛,叶片很小等特征而明显不同于乌竹,应提升为一个独立的竹种,但由于存在晚出同名问题而给出新名称P.microphylla G.H.Lai。同时还描述了毛壳竹的一新变种,即光壳竹(P.hispida var.glabrivagina G.H.Lai)。日本所产的姬淡竹与毛壳竹属于同一种系,因其学名P.humilis Muroi为一裸名,应予废弃。  相似文献   

描述了产自贵州的竹亚科一新种:黎平玉山竹(Yushania lipingensis Z. X. Zhang, Y. H. TongZ. Yang)。本种形态上与显耳玉山竹(Y. auctiaurita T. P. Yi)接近,但区别在于该种箨鞘背面密被向上的黄褐色或紫色疣基刺毛,箨耳及叶耳明显弯曲呈镰刀形,鞘口繸毛发达,通常呈放射状,箨舌先端截平,不圆拱,边缘密生短纤毛,箨片腹面被微柔毛,叶片次脉通常5~6对。  相似文献   

越香竹——香竹属一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报导了从云南省金平县用种子(种子来源于越南莱州省的燕汤)繁殖的幼苗引入四川长宁县栽培的香竹属一新种越香竹(Chimonoca lamus peregrinus Yiet L.S.Ma)。新种与马关香竹(Ch.makuanensis Hsuehet Yi)相近似[1,3~5],但节间幼时微被灰粉,密被紫色小点,在分枝一侧中下部或基部扁平,并具纵脊和沟槽,无毛,刺状气生根较短,长约1~3mm,箨鞘短于节间长度,无不同颜色的纵条纹,箨舌三角形、"山"字形或稀近于截平形,高1~2mm,小枝具叶(4)6~8枚,叶鞘口繸毛2~4枚,长3~4mm,叶片下面淡绿色;也近似角香竹(Ch.bicorniculatusS.F.LietZ.P.Wang)[2,4,5],不同在于节间无毛,在分枝一侧中下部或基部扁平,并具纵脊与沟槽,节上气生根刺离生,箨鞘顶端两侧低于或远低于中部,箨舌高1~2mm,小枝具叶(4)6~8枚,叶片长8.5~13cm,宽6~10mm,次脉3(4)对,笋期在春季和秋季,易于区别。  相似文献   

城隍竹——福建竹亚科一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
报道了竹亚科(Bambusoideae)少穗竹属(Oligostachyum Z.P.Wang et G.H.Ye)一新种——城隍竹(O. heterophyllum M.M.Lin)。该新种分布于我国福建西部,它与糙花少穗竹[O.scabriflorum(McClure) Z.P.Wang et G.H.Ye]相似或近缘,但秆小,直径不超过1.5 cm;秆箨淡紫绿色,背面具有瘤基刺毛,无斑点,无白粉,亦无焦边,基部密被细刚毛;箨片直立,基部不收缩;箨舌淡禾秆色;叶鞘被细微柔毛而与后者相区别。  相似文献   

发表了云南高黎贡山西坡玉山竹属二新种:大玉山竹(Yushania gigantea Yi et L.Yang)和片马玉山竹(Yushania pianmaensis Yi et L.Yang)。大玉山竹近似西藏玉山竹(Y.xizangensis Yi),不同在于秆柄粗壮,直径7~12 mm,节间长达2.5 cm;秆较高大,高6~7 m,节间分枝一侧基部扁平或具短纵沟槽;小枝具(5)6(7)叶;叶鞘较长,长(2.5)3.2~4.8 cm;叶柄无毛;叶片较大,长(3.5)10~ 18(20) cm,宽(4.5)8~13(18) mm,易于区别。片马玉山竹相似大玉山竹(Y.gigantea Yi et L.Yang),但本种秆较矮小,高2.5~4 m,直径1~1.8(2.5) cm;枝条较多而细,在秆上每节12~30枚,直径1~1.5(2) mm;箨鞘背面无毛,箨片较小,长1.5~3.5 cm,宽1~2.5 mm;小枝具叶较少,为(3)4~5枚;叶片较小,长达12.5 cm,宽达8 mm。  相似文献   

赖广辉 《植物学通报》2002,19(5):614-619
秆箨作为鉴别竹类植物重要的营养器官 ,自然脱落后易卷或易破碎。常规的压制方式所制作的腊叶标本通常质量都不高 ,这给竹种的鉴定带来很大的困难。本文介绍一种新的秆箨腊叶标本制作方法 ,即熨斗熨烫法 ,并就这种方法对秆箨性状所产生的影响作了客观分析 ,结果表明 :它对保存秆箨分类性状有很大的改进 ,对标本质量有明显的提高  相似文献   

赖广辉 《植物学报》2002,19(5):614-619
秆箨作为鉴别竹类植物重要的营养器官,自然脱落后易卷或易破碎。常规的压制方式所制作的腊叶标本通常质量都不高,这给竹种的鉴定带来很大的困难。本文介绍一种新的秆箨腊叶标本制作方法,即熨斗熨烫法,并就这种方法对秆箨性状所产生的影响作了客观分析,结果表明:它对保存秆箨分类性状有很大的改进,对标本质量有明显的提高。  相似文献   

A new needle nematode, Longidorus carniolensissp. n., recovered from the soil around the roots of grapevine Vitis vinifera L. from Slovenia, is described and illustrated. Longidorus carniolensisis an amphimictic species, characterised by females with a moderately long (L=5.6-8.2 mm) and plump (a=51-72.4, ave. 66.3) body, assuming a spiral to C-shape when heat relaxed. Head region continuous, anteriorly almost flat, lip region 23-25 μm wide; guiding ring situated posteriorly (42-47 μm, 43-50 μm in males), odontostyle long (ave. 146.6 (136-157) μm); pharyngeal glands with normal location, their nuclei of approximately equal size; tail bluntly conoidal to almost hemispherical. Males abundant, spicules slender and long (122-145 μm), ventromedian supplements 13-17, irregularly spaced, preceded by an adanal pair. Four juvenile stages present, the first stage juvenile with bluntly conoidal tail. Codes for identifying the new species when using the key by Chen et al. (1997) are: A 56, B 4, C 4, D 1, E 4, F 35, G 1, H 1, I 2. The new species is morphologically the most similar to Longidorus poessneckensis Altherr, 1974, Longidorus macrosoma Hooper, 1961, Longidorus caespiticola Hooper, 1961, Longidorus helveticus Lamberti et al., 2001, Longidorus macroteromucronatus Altherr, 1974, Longidorus pius Barsi & Lamberti, 2001, Longidorus raskii Lamberti & Agostinelli, 1993, Longidorus kheirii Pedram et al. 2008, Longidorus silvae Roca, 1993, Longidorus iuglandis Roca et al., 1985, Longidorus vinearum Bravo & Roca, 1995 and Longidorus major Roca & d'Erico, 1987, but differs from these species either by the body and odontostyle length, position of guide ring, head region and tail shape or the shape of the first stage juvenile tail. Sequence data from the D2-D3 region of the 28S rDNA distinguishes this new species from other speciesof the genus Longidorus with known sequences. Relationships of Longidorus carniolensissp. n. with other Longidorus species based on analysis of this DNA fragment and morphology are discussed.  相似文献   

A more detailed descrption of a rare and endangered species Cycas multipinnata C.J.Chen et S.Y.Yang from SE Yunnan,China is given.Male and female cones of this species is described for the first time.Cycas longipetiolula D.Y.Wang is reduced and treated as a new synonym of the species.  相似文献   

郑建官  陈成和  胡明芳   《广西植物》2006,26(5):579-580
在福建省古田县发现近实心茶秆竹新变型——花叶近实心茶秆竹。与原种不同之处在于叶片有一至多条宽窄不一的浅黄色至近白色彩条自基部至先端,黄绿相间,箨背及两侧边有浅褐色细纤毛。  相似文献   

A new Heterorhabditis species of entomopathogenic nematode was isolated from soil of the Atacama Desert in Chile. The new species is characterized by morphometrics of the infective juvenile (IJ) with length (L)?=?611 (578-666)?μm, head to excretory pore length (EP)?=?115 (101-126)?μm, tail?=?69 (62-79)?μm long, (EP/tail)?×?100 (E%)?=?165 (149-182) and L/maximum body diameter (ratio a)?=?28 (25-31). The male has spicules 45 (40-49)?μm long, gubernaculum 20 (17-22)?μm long and (spicule length/anal body diameter)?×?100 (SW%)?=?205 (179-249). The hermaphroditic adult has shallow cuticular folds immediately anterior and posterior to the vulva, a slight post-anal swelling and a finely rounded tail terminus. Morphologically, H. atacamensis n. sp. resembles H. safricana, H. marelatus, H. downesi and H. amazonensis, but can be distinguished by characters of adult and IJ stages. In particular, for adult males, H. atacamensis n. sp. differs from H. amazonensis by the number and orientation of the genital papillae and from H. downesi by the position of the excretory pore; by the shape of the female tail terminus from H. downesi and by the position of the IJ hemizonid from H. marelatus. Heterorhabditis atacamensis n. sp. is further characterized by internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and D2D3 rDNA sequences, the closest species, H. safricana, being separated by 13?bp across 730?bp of the ITS (incorporating ITS1 (partial sequence), 5.8S (complete sequence), ITS2 (complete sequence)) and 5?bp across 592?bp of the partial 28S (incorporating D2D3) sequence. The morphological and molecular data confirm that H. atacamensis n. sp. is a valid species.  相似文献   

吴玉虎  卢生莲 《广西植物》2008,28(3):285-287
对青海禾本科一新种——阿多鹅观草进行了形态描述并提供了相关照片。该种与矮鹅观草相近,但本种的基生叶叶鞘顶端两侧有披针形叶耳;叶片两面均密被短柔毛,上面及边缘还杂有长粗毛;穗状花序短,长约4cm;花药草绿色,长约1mm,可以区别。  相似文献   

多歧苏铁的修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国特有种。产云南东南部元江流域,个旧、蒙自、屏边与河口交界处,海拔200-1000  相似文献   

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