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目的从益生菌功能性评价出发,探讨昂立植物乳杆菌(LP-Onlly)的耐酸、耐胆盐性能及其相关的表型和基因型信息.结果 LP-Onlly在耐酸、耐胆盐性能方面,优于其他实验室保存菌株,在pH 3、37 ℃培养3 h后,LP-Onlly活菌存活率达95%以上.在1.0%胆盐的MRS培养液中生长24 h后,LP-Onlly活菌存活率达95%以上.经表型及分子鉴定,LP-Onlly为植物乳杆菌,其16S rDNA序列保存于GenBank, 登录号为AY 590777,与实验室保存的其他植物乳杆菌的基因DNA指纹图谱相似率达71%.  相似文献   

真菌感染性疾病是普遍的全球性问题,随着感染人数的增多,已成为威胁人类健康的主要传染疾病之一。其对治疗药物出现的耐药性及药物本身的副作用,迫切需要开发新的安全、有效的替代品。益生菌作为对人体健康有益的微生物,已被实验证明对断发毛癣菌、须癣毛癣菌、酵母菌和霉菌等有明显的抑制作用。研究表明益生菌在繁殖过程中产生的有机酸以及产生的酸性物质使周围环境pH降低能有效地抑制真菌的生长。益生菌培养液的无细胞上清液及其自身具备的粘附性、疏水性等对浅部真菌和深部真菌都具有抑制作用。本研究对益生菌抗真菌作用的机制作一综述。  相似文献   

目的:研究活菌和灭活菌两种生物状态的肠道主要益生菌--德氏乳杆菌、双歧杆菌和肠球菌对肠黏膜上皮细胞粘附性及其对肠道几种常见病原菌的粘附拮抗效应.方法:用光镜和电镜技术分析了两种生物状态的三种益生菌对肠黏膜上皮细胞的粘附指数,通过排除实验、竞争实验和替代实验研究了两种生物状态益生菌对侵袭性大肠埃希菌、产毒性大肠埃希菌和痢疾志贺菌的粘附拮抗效应,应用平板扩散法观察了三种益生菌的代谢乏液对上述肠道病原菌的抑制能力.结果:德氏乳杆菌和肠球菌的灭活状态较活菌状态对肠黏膜上皮细胞的粘附性显著增高,双歧杆菌经灭活后对细胞的粘附性与活菌相比差异无显著性,两种生物状态的三种益生菌对肠道致病菌均具有粘附拮抗作用.滤过后的德氏乳杆菌、双歧杆菌和肠球菌的代谢乏液对侵袭性大肠埃希菌、产毒性大肠埃希菌和痢疾志贺菌均具有较明显的抑制作用,经42℃、65℃和100℃加热不影响德氏乳杆菌和双歧杆菌代谢乏液的抑菌作用.结论:灭活状态的德氏乳杆菌、双歧杆菌和肠球菌是具有潜在开发价值的微生态制剂.  相似文献   

近年来,人们对病原菌的粘附机制进行了深入研究,但对正常菌,特别是双歧杆菌粘附的研究处于初步阶段。已证实双歧杆菌对肠上皮细胞的粘附是牧民的和可逆的,具有种属特异性,但还不定期其粘附素及其受体的成分及结构,对其粘附的分子机制和由地引致的一系列生物学效应也不完全清楚。由于粘附是双歧杆发挥生理作用的前提,也是评定益生菌制剂效果的主要指标之一,对其粘附机制的研究具有重要的理论及实际意义。  相似文献   

灭活的青春双歧杆菌对人大肠癌细胞的粘附   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对灭活的青春双歧杆菌DM850 4与人大肠癌CCL 2 2 9细胞之间的粘附现象及粘附机制进行研究。结果发现灭活的双歧杆菌具有与活菌相同的粘附定植能力 ,两者粘附于体外培养的肠上皮细胞均依赖于耗尽培养上清 (SCS)的存在。青春双歧杆菌粘附素有可能是存在于细胞壁中及分泌至SCS中的脂磷壁酸 (LTA)。LTA与细菌细胞壁耐热蛋白相互粘连 ,并且伸出胞壁之外。此外 ,肠上皮细胞表面的粘附素受体可能为糖类或糖蛋白。  相似文献   

目的研究3株益生菌株的粘附性质,初步探讨细菌与肠细胞的粘附机制。方法选取已被深入研究的LGG作为阳性对照,应用显微观察和平板计数的方法测定3株乳杆菌和肠上皮细胞Caco-2的粘附,选择疏水性、表面电荷和自聚合能力3项指标来描述细菌的表面性质,应用粘附抑制试验和酵母凝集试验来测定糖类专一性粘附。结果无论是用显微观察还是平板计数,ST-Ⅲ均是所测试的4株菌中粘附能力最强的,当加入细菌和细胞比约为60∶1时,ST-Ⅲ在Caco-2上的粘附数为(7.43±0.65)CFU/细胞,强于对照菌LGG[(3.99±0.57)CFU/细胞]。在所测试的4株菌中,粘附能力和疏水性具有很好的相关性,同时自聚合能力对粘附也表现出一定的促进作用。除LGG外,D-甘露糖和甲基-α-D-甘露糖苷均能抑制另外3株乳杆菌的粘附,同时这3株乳杆菌也能不同程度地凝集酵母。结论3株益生菌的粘附均涉及到非特异性的疏水结合和甘露糖特异性粘附两个过程;ST-Ⅲ是1株具有良好粘附能力的益生菌,有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

昂立植物乳杆菌及其抑菌物质的特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文研究了昂立植物乳杆菌(LP-Onlly)菌体及其代谢产物的抑菌性能,并对其代谢产物中的抑菌物质进行了部分理化特性的考察,发现LP-Onlly菌体对部分肠道有害菌有抑制作用,代谢产物中的抑菌物质对常见的肠道致病菌和食品腐败微生物具有广谱抑菌作用,对嗜酸乳杆菌及双歧杆菌等益生菌无抑制作用.该物质具有热稳定性,但抑菌活性受pH值的影响较大.  相似文献   

灭活的双歧杆菌对肠上皮细胞粘附及其影响因素的研究   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
目的 观察灭活的青春双歧杆菌对人大肠癌细胞系CCL-229的粘附以及影响粘附的因素。方法 通过与双歧杆菌活菌比较,灭活的双歧杆菌同样能粘附于肠上皮细胞,并且耗尽培养上清有利于双歧杆菌粘附。结果 粘附具有显著的浓度效应;粘附效果与孵育环境的pH值有关;高温处理耗尽培养上清对粘附无明显影响。结论 灭活的双歧杆菌可能具有与活菌相同的生态效应。  相似文献   

由蛋白质介导的双歧杆菌对体外培养肠上皮细胞的粘附   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
本文对双歧杆菌和体外肠上皮细胞系Lovo细胞间的粘附进行了研究。结果表明,双歧杆菌能特异性地粘附于肠上皮细胞周围,并且具有浓度和时间效应;各株双歧杆菌的粘附力存在着差异,新分离株高于标准株,胰蛋白酶处理耗尽培养液上清可完全抑制其粘附;高温也能降低粘附力;而白蛋白对粘附无影响。提示,双歧杆菌粘附素可能是一种不耐热的蛋白质,主要存在于耗尽培养液上清中  相似文献   

研究昂立植物乳杆菌(LP-Onlly)的发酵特性、耐药性及遗传稳定性.结果表明LP-Onlly发酵培养条件为:37 ℃培养16~18 h发酵结束,pH可达4.4左右;LP-Onlly对研究的33种抗生素敏感、7种耐受;LP-Onlly连续传代15代后,基因组DNA指纹图谱及代谢产物HPLC指纹图谱与原代保持一致.  相似文献   

Few studies, if any, have addressed the adhesion of enterococci to the intestinal mucosa and their interference with the adhesion of pathogens, although more than 60% of probiotic preparations in the market contain strains of enterococci. The objective of this study was to investigate if Enterococcus faecium 18C23 has the ability to inhibit the adhesion of Escherichia coli K88ac and K88MB to the small intestine mucus of piglets. Approximately 9% of E. faecium 18C23 organisms adhered to the small intestine mucus, and the adhesion was found to be specific. Living E. faecium 18C23 culture efficiently inhibited the adhesion of E. coli K88ac and K88MB to the piglet intestine mucus. Inhibition of the adhesion of E. coli K88ac to the small intestine mucus was found to be dose dependent. Inhibition of >90% was observed when 10(9) CFU or more of living E. faecium 18C23 culture per ml was added simultaneously with E. coli to immobilized mucus. The substances from both the 18C23 cells and the spent culture supernatant contributed to the inhibition of adhesion of E. coli K88 to the small intestine mucus receptors. The inhibiting effect was not solely a pH effect since considerable inhibitory action was demonstrated after neutralizing the mixture or spent culture supernatant to pH 7.0. Part of the inhibition of adhesion of E. coli K88ac by E. faecium 18C23 or its supernatant might occur through steric hindrance.  相似文献   

The mechanism of adhesion of Lactobacillus fermentum strain 737 to mouse stomach squamous epithelium was investigated. Adhesion inhibition tests involving chelators, monosaccharides, periodate and concanavalin A and the use of bacteria grown in the presence of tunicamycin failed to clarify the adhesive mechanism. Washed bacterial cells had reduced adhesive capacity, except in the presence of spent broth culture supernatant fraction or cell washings. Spent culture supernatant fractions of erythrosine-supplemented broth did not enhance adhesion of washed cells. The adhesion-promoting factor(s) in the spent broth culture supernatant fractions and cell washings bound to both bacterial and epithelial cell surfaces, but did not promote adhesion of two other Lactobacillus strains which were not of mouse origin, thereby indicating host specificity for the adhesion-promoting activity. Chemical characteristics of the adhesion-promoting factor were determined by pretreatment of the dialysis retentate of spent broth culture supernatant fractions with proteolytic enzymes, concanavalin A-Sepharose or periodate before the adhesion assay. The adhesin was non-dialysable, pronase-sensitive, heat sensitive at 100 degrees C, had no affinity for concanavalin A-Sepharose and contained no carbohydrate groups active in the adhesion process. The protein profiles of dialysis retentates of spent broth culture supernatant fractions after bacterial growth in the absence and presence of erythrosine were determined by 2-dimensional SDS-PAGE. Gel filtration by HPLC was used for purification of an adhesion-promoting fraction. The host-specific adhesion of L. fermentum strain 737 was mediated by a protein, with an Mr of 12-13000, that was not detectable in cells grown in the presence of erythrosine. A model for the mode of binding of the adhesin to host epithelia and bacterial surfaces is proposed.  相似文献   

Few studies, if any, have addressed the adhesion of enterococci to the intestinal mucosa and their interference with the adhesion of pathogens, although more than 60% of probiotic preparations in the market contain strains of enterococci. The objective of this study was to investigate if Enterococcus faecium 18C23 has the ability to inhibit the adhesion of Escherichia coli K88ac and K88MB to the small intestine mucus of piglets. Approximately 9% of E. faecium 18C23 organisms adhered to the small intestine mucus, and the adhesion was found to be specific. Living E. faecium 18C23 culture efficiently inhibited the adhesion of E. coli K88ac and K88MB to the piglet intestine mucus. Inhibition of the adhesion of E. coli K88ac to the small intestine mucus was found to be dose dependent. Inhibition of >90% was observed when 109 CFU or more of living E. faecium 18C23 culture per ml was added simultaneously with E. coli to immobilized mucus. The substances from both the 18C23 cells and the spent culture supernatant contributed to the inhibition of adhesion of E. coli K88 to the small intestine mucus receptors. The inhibiting effect was not solely a pH effect since considerable inhibitory action was demonstrated after neutralizing the mixture or spent culture supernatant to pH 7.0. Part of the inhibition of adhesion of E. coli K88ac by E. faecium 18C23 or its supernatant might occur through steric hindrance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how human vaginal isolates of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus jensenii, Lactobacillus gasseri and Lactobacillus crispatus inhibit the vaginosis-associated pathogens Gardnerella vaginalis and Prevotella bivia. Results show that all the strains in coculture condition reduced the viability of G. vaginalis and P. bivia, but with differing degrees of efficacy. The treatment of G. vaginalis- and P. bivia-infected cultured human cervix epithelial HeLa cells with L. gasseri strain KS120.1 culture or cell-free culture supernatant (CFCS) results in the killing of the pathogens that are adhering to the cells. The mechanism of the killing activity is not attributable to low pH and the presence of lactic acid alone, but rather to the presence of hydrogen peroxide and proteolytic enzyme-resistant compound(s) present in the CFCSs. In addition, coculture of G. vaginalis or P. bivia with L. gasseri KS120.1 culture or KS120.1 bacteria results in inhibition of the adhesion of the pathogens onto HeLa cells.  相似文献   

The adhesion of Lactobacillus acidophilus BG2FO4, a human stool isolate, to two human enterocytelike cell lines (Caco-2 and HT-29) and to the mucus secreted by a subpopulation of mucus-secreting HT29-MTX cells was investigated. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the bacteria interacted with the well-defined apical microvilli of Caco-2 cells without cell damage and with the mucus secreted by the subpopulation of HT29-MTX cells. The adhesion to Caco-2 cells did not require calcium and involved an adhesion-promoting factor that was present in the spent supernatant of L. acidophilus cultures. This factor promoted adhesion of poorly adhering human Lactobacillus casei GG but did not promote adhesion of L. casei CNRZ 387, a strain of dairy origin. The adherence components on the bacterial cells and in the spent supernatant were partially characterized. Carbohydrates on the bacterial cell wall appeared to be partly responsible for the interaction between the bacteria and the extracellular adhesion-promoting factor. The adhesion-promoting factor was proteinaceous, since trypsin treatment dramatically decreased the adhesion of the L. acidophilus strain. The adhesion-promoting factor may be an important component of Lactobacillus species that colonize the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

The adhesion of Lactobacillus acidophilus BG2FO4, a human stool isolate, to two human enterocytelike cell lines (Caco-2 and HT-29) and to the mucus secreted by a subpopulation of mucus-secreting HT29-MTX cells was investigated. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the bacteria interacted with the well-defined apical microvilli of Caco-2 cells without cell damage and with the mucus secreted by the subpopulation of HT29-MTX cells. The adhesion to Caco-2 cells did not require calcium and involved an adhesion-promoting factor that was present in the spent supernatant of L. acidophilus cultures. This factor promoted adhesion of poorly adhering human Lactobacillus casei GG but did not promote adhesion of L. casei CNRZ 387, a strain of dairy origin. The adherence components on the bacterial cells and in the spent supernatant were partially characterized. Carbohydrates on the bacterial cell wall appeared to be partly responsible for the interaction between the bacteria and the extracellular adhesion-promoting factor. The adhesion-promoting factor was proteinaceous, since trypsin treatment dramatically decreased the adhesion of the L. acidophilus strain. The adhesion-promoting factor may be an important component of Lactobacillus species that colonize the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Lin CK  Tsai HC  Lin PP  Tsen HY  Tsai CC 《Anaerobe》2008,14(5):251-255
The mechanisms for lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to inhibit Salmonella invasion appear to be multifactorial and include the adhesion of LAB to host intestine epithelium, the production of organic acids, or bacteriocin by LAB cells. Previously, we found a strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus isolated from swine, i.e. strain LAP5, was with antagonistic effect against Salmonella typhimurium. This strain LAP5 was also found to meet the requirements for probiotic use. In this study, we evaluate the potential of LAP5 strain to protect the human or swine from infection by Salmonella choleraesuis. We present evidence that the culture of LAP5 was able to inhibit the invasion of S. choleraesuis to human Caco-2 cell line. The LAP5 cell culture showed a higher inhibitory effect on the invasion of S. choleraesuis to Caco-2 cells than the spent culture supernatant (SCS) of LAP5 did. Also, the pH, organic acids or the bacteriocin, which act at low pH conditions, may play the role of antagonistic effect. The addition, adhesion of LAP5 cells to Caco-2 cell line may also play roles to reduce the invasion of S. choleraesuis.  相似文献   

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