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张锟  曲戈  刘卫东  孙周通 《生物工程学报》2019,35(10):1806-1818
工业酶是绿色生物制造的"芯片",支撑着下游数十倍甚至百倍的产业。解析工业酶结构与功能关系是对其设计改造并应用于工业生产的基础。近年来随着蛋白结构解析技术和计算模拟技术的发展,酶结构与功能的构效关系得到更加深刻的认识,使得酶理性设计,甚至是从头设计成为可能。文中围绕酶结构的可塑性及其催化功能的多样性,综述工业酶结构与功能构效关系的研究进展及应用,并展望该领域的未来发展前景。  相似文献   

随着石油等不可再生资源的日益减少以及环境污染问题的日益严重,应用工业生物催化技术改造或取代传统化工工艺已经成为新世纪化学工业可持续发展的研究热点。工业生物催化技术的研究对象是生物催化剂及其催化过程。近来,利用生物信息学技术进行工业生物催化研究已经越来越受到人们的重视。随着工业生物催化的发展,生物信息学将直接指导并加快新型高效生物催化剂的发现及功能改造进程。  相似文献   

生物催化是指将酶或生物有机体用于有用的化学转化的过程,在人们对传统化学催化的环境影响抱有忧虑的情况下,生物催化提供了一种有吸引力的选择。在过去的几十年里,对生物催化剂的研究每出现一次大的进步,生物催化的发展就会出现一次高潮。因此,生物催化剂的发现与改造已成为当今研究的热点。宏基因组文库技术的出现克服了许多微生物不可培养的障碍,人们能够从自然资源中获得丰富的潜在的生物催化剂。而基于理性设计的分子改造技术的发展,可以使得人们对潜在的生物催化剂进行快速而有效的改造以满足工业化生产的需求。随着生物催化剂发现与改造的手段不断进步,更多的优良生物催化剂得到了广泛的应用,生物催化在工业生产中也得到了更深入的应用。结合作者的研究工作,总结了生物催化剂发现与改良的一些研究进展,以为获得更多优良的、能够实现工业应用的生物催化剂奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

纤维素酶的分子改造是其催化性能改进及催化效率提升的重要手段。近年来,组学技术与结构测定技术的迅速发展,人们已建立了包括糖苷水解酶(Glycoside hydrolase,GH)在内的碳水化合物活性酶组分数据库。通过对同一蛋白家族进行序列比对、分子进化分析与祖先基因重构,以结构模建分析为指导的纤维素酶分子改造,可以明显缩小序列或结构的搜索空间,加快酶分子改造的速度,增大理性设计成功的概率;同时针对催化中心活性架构的分析可以进一步阐明纤维素酶的催化机理与酶分子持续性降解机制。文中主要对纤维素酶家族及其催化结构域的分子改造取得的最新进展作了综述。在后基因组时代基于蛋白质家族中的海量数据分析,以其保守结构信息为指导的理性设计,将会成为纤维素酶分子改造的重要方向,从而推动生物质转化工艺的快速发展。  相似文献   

生物催化剂是限制工业生物催化的重要瓶颈,发现新型生物催化剂或生物催化剂的新功能及新底物是目前的主要任务。实现该目标的方法有三种:(1)从环境样品中筛选,(2)利用蛋白质工程改造现有生物催化剂,(3)探寻现有生物催化剂的新功能。本文描述了上述三种方法的关键步骤及技术,其中重点介绍了高通量培养技术以及新近发展起来的半理性设计改造生物催化剂的技术。  相似文献   

酶在工业上有着广泛应用和巨大潜力,但工业生产中高温、强酸/碱、高盐、有机溶剂和高底物浓度等条件仍然制约着酶的大规模应用。为使酶能更好地在工业环境下发挥催化作用,目前的主要策略是对酶进行适应性改造(如理性或半理性设计、定向进化、固定化等)。文中简要阐述了酶在工业环境下的催化行为以及近年对其适应性改造的研究进展,以期为酶的适应性改造提供参考。  相似文献   

酶因其特异性和可持续性而成为广泛应用的绿色催化剂,其稳定性和催化活性是决定酶适用性的关键因素。为满足实际应用需求,通过蛋白质结构修饰赋予其所需的催化特性是当前的研究热点。提高热稳定性的策略有:引入非共价/共价相互作用(疏水相互作用、氢键、盐桥、芳香环相互作用、二硫键)、环截短、C端和N端工程,及增加脯氨酸/减少甘氨酸的数目等;获得具有高效性和多样性的生物催化剂的策略有:降低空间位阻、拓宽催化口袋、增加底物亲和力及调节活性位点灵活性等。然而,在稳定性或催化功能改造的过程中,新突变的引入会削弱其他功能,致使进化过程中稳定性和催化活性相互制约。因此,采用基于理性计算优选突变热点、基于多重蛋白质稳定性或活性改造策略的共进化,以及基于高度稳定的蛋白质骨架创造或/和优化蛋白质功能等多种策略克服酶稳定性-活性之间的权衡。本综述重点阐述了结构修饰方法在提高酶稳定性或/和催化活性方面的应用,并展望了该领域的未来发展前景。  相似文献   

正从当今的生物信息大数据出发,提出有别于传统方法的工业酶挖掘新思路。在此基础上结合最新研究成果,简要介绍几种典型工业酶的设计和改造新策略。随着资源、环境问题的日益加剧,可持续发展已成为全社会的共同目标。当今社会对"可持续发展"、"绿色化学"以及"环境友好制造"的呼声越来越高。以节能、降耗、减排和高效生产为目标,基于工业酶催化剂的绿色制造过程也越来越  相似文献   

工业微生物底盘细胞的开发将为工业生物技术的发展提供优良的细胞工厂,有利于实现环境保护及经济可持续发展。基于合成生物学"设计-构建-测试-学习"(Design-Build-Test-Learn,DBTL)策略,对底盘细胞进行多维度的理性或半理性改造是实现"建物致知"以及"建物致用"目标的重要手段。文中简述了合成生物学DBTL策略中各步骤相关的重要技术方法;概述了部分重要模式微生物底盘细胞的策略与研究进展;重点比较介绍了工业生物技术领域具有特殊生理功能、利用一碳化合物及高效生产平台化合物的部分非模式细菌;同时也提出了实现优良、安全合成微生物细胞工厂构建与应用的策略。这些方法策略包括依靠合成生物学技术方法,综合模式与非模式微生物优势,开发应用经济、高效的高通量智能装备,建立分子组学与表型组学研究平台,推动多层次系统生物学与表型组学大数据的解析、整合、模拟与可视化,以及建立高质量的数字细胞模型和基因组优化的底盘细胞,推动高效、优良工业细胞工厂的理性设计、构建与应用。  相似文献   

功能酶被广泛应用于食品、化工、医药等领域,但却容易受高温环境限制,导致催化效率降低。以分子改造为目的的蛋白质工程技术是解决这一问题的关键环节,其能够对酶结构和功能进行改造,获得热稳定性好的工业酶。传统的定向进化方法只能依靠随机突变进行人工筛选,具有效率低、针对性差等缺点;理性设计作为酶热稳定性改造的主要方法,可借助各种计算机程序和软件预测潜在突变位点,但其要求对酶的催化机制、热稳定性机制有深入了解。对于大多数天然酶而言,酶的序列和晶体结构是最容易获取的信息,也是预测功能的重要基础。从酶的序列和晶体结构入手,重点介绍了共识突变、基于序列偏好性的突变、截短柔性区域、优化分子内相互作用力、刚化催化活性区域及计算机辅助筛选柔性位点等常用策略,这些策略具有筛选效率高、改造准确性高、实用性强等优点。结合多种酶的热稳定性改造案例进行分析,旨在为不同酶的改造策略选择提供有效参考,同时也为工业酶的耐热性研究提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Immobilization is a key technology for successful realization of enzyme‐based industrial processes, particularly for production of green and sustainable energy or chemicals from biomass‐derived catalytic conversion. Different methods to immobilize enzymes are critically reviewed. In principle, enzymes are immobilized via three major routes (i) binding to a support, (ii) encapsulation or entrapment, or (iii) cross‐linking (carrier free). As a result, immobilizing enzymes on certain supports can enhance storage and operational stability. In addition, recent breakthroughs in nano and hybrid technology have made various materials more affordable hosts for enzyme immobilization. This review discusses different approaches to improve enzyme stability in various materials such as nanoparticles, nanofibers, mesoporous materials, sol–gel silica, and alginate‐based microspheres. The advantages of stabilized enzyme systems are from its simple separation and ease recovery for reuse, while maintaining activity and selectivity. This review also considers the latest studies conducted on different enzymes immobilized on various support materials with immense potential for biosensor, antibiotic production, food industry, biodiesel production, and bioremediation, because stabilized enzyme systems are expected to be environmental friendly, inexpensive, and easy to use for enzyme‐based industrial applications.  相似文献   

酶和细胞工厂是工业生物技术的核心,在医药、化工、食品、农业、能源等诸多领域发挥重要作用。一般天然酶和细胞均需通过分子改造提高其催化效率、稳定性及立体选择性等。定向改造为快速改善酶和细胞工厂的性能提供了可能性,其中灵敏可靠的高通量筛选方法是决定酶和细胞工厂成功高效定向改造的关键。文中阐述并分析讨论了各种筛选方法的优缺点、适用范围以及信号产生策略,并总结了近3年超高通量筛选技术在酶和细胞工厂定向改造中的最新研究进展。在此基础上,讨论了高通量筛选系统目前面临的限制性因素,并对高通量筛选方法未来的发展趋势作出了展望。希望生物技术和仪器开发等各领域的研究者能够紧密合作,实现协同发展,进一步提升高通量筛选技术的可靠性和适用性。  相似文献   

Directed evolution has been successfully applied to the design of industrial biocatalysts for enhanced catalytic efficiency and stability, and for examining the molecular basis of enzyme function. Xenobiotic-metabolizing mammalian cytochromes P450 with their catalytic versatility and broad substrate specificity offer the possibility of widespread applications in industrial synthesis, medicine, and bioremediation. However, the requirement for NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, often cytochrome b5, and an expensive cofactor, NADPH, complicates the design of mammalian P450 enzymes as biocatalysts. Recently, Guengerich and colleagues have successfully performed directed evolution of P450s 1A2 and 2A6 initially by using colony-based colorimetric and genotoxicity screening assays, respectively, followed by in vitro fluorescence-based activity screening assays. More recently, our laboratory has developed a fluorescence-based in vitro activity screening assay system for enhanced catalytic activity of P450s 2B1 and 3A4. The studies indicate an important role of amino acid residues outside of the active site, which would be difficult to target by other methods. The approach can now be expanded to design these as well as new P450s using more targeted substrates of environmental, industrial, and medical importance.  相似文献   

Malaysian enzyme industry is considered almost non-existence, although the import volume is large. Realizing the importance of enzymes, encompassing a wide range of applications in bioindustry, the development of home grown technologies for enzyme production and applications becomes one of the national priorities in industrial biotechnology. Enzyme production from indigenous microbial isolates was performed either by submerged or solid state fermentation processes. Based on its wide and unique spectrum of properties, enzymes have been developed for wide applications in various industrial processes. The development of the enzyme catalysed applications is based on the modification of the reaction systems to enhance their catalytic activities. Some of the applications of the industrial enzymes include the fine chemicals production, oleochemicals modification, detergent formulation, enzymatic drinking of waste papers, animal feed formulation and effluent treatment processes. Enzymes have also shown to be successfully used as analytical tool in the determination of compounds in body fluids. Although, most of these enzyme catalysed reactions were performed in aqueous phase, the use of enzymes in organic solvents was found to be significant for the production of new chemicals.  相似文献   

Enzymes are widely applied in various industrial applications and processes, including the food and beverage, animal feed, textile, detergent and medical industries. Enzymes screened from natural origins are often engineered before entering the market place because their native forms do not meet the requirements for industrial application. Protein engineering is concerned with the design and construction of novel enzymes with tailored functional properties, including stability, catalytic activity, reaction product inhibition and substrate specificity. Two broad approaches have been used for enzyme engineering, namely, rational design and directed evolution. The powerful and revolutionary techniques so far developed for protein engineering provide excellent opportunities for the design of industrial enzymes with specific properties and production of high-value products at lower production costs. The present review seeks to highlight the major fields of enzyme application and to provide an updated overview on previous protein engineering studies wherein natural enzymes were modified to meet the operational conditions required for industrial application.  相似文献   

Extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 (ERK2) has become an attractive target for the development of therapeutics for the treatment of cancer. We have been able to identify eight new inhibitors of ERK2 by means of a drug design protocol involving the virtual screening with docking simulations and in vitro enzyme assay. The newly discovered inhibitors can be categorized into three structural classes and reveal a significant potency with IC(50) values ranging from 1 to 30 microM. Therefore, all of the three inhibitor scaffolds deserve further development by structure-activity relationship or de novo design methods. Structural features relevant to the stabilizations of the newly identified inhibitors in the ATP-binding site of ERK2 are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

酵母是一类包括酿酒酵母和非常规酵母在内的多种单细胞真菌的总称,其中酿酒酵母是应用较多的重要工业微生物,广泛应用于生物医药、食品、轻工和生物燃料生产等不同生物制造领域。近年来,研究者从不同生态环境中分离了大量的酵母菌株,鉴定了多个新种,也发现了抗逆性不同以及具有多种活性产物合成能力的菌株,证明天然酵母资源具有丰富的生物多样性和功能多样性。利用基因组挖掘以及转录组、蛋白组等多组学分析研究,可进一步开发利用酵母遗传多样性,获得酶和调节蛋白的基因以及启动子等遗传元件改造酵母菌株。除了利用酵母的天然遗传多样性,还可通过诱变、驯化、代谢工程改造及合成生物学等技术产生具有多种非天然多样性的菌株。此外,对天然遗传元件也可以进行突变和定向进化,所产生的新遗传元件可用于有效提升菌株的性能。开发利用酵母的生物多样性,对构建高效酵母细胞工厂,生产生物酶、疫苗以及多种活性天然产物等产品具有重要意义。文中对酵母生物多样性的研究现状进行综述,并对未来高效开发利用酵母菌株资源和遗传资源的研究进行了展望。文中所总结的研究方法和思路也可为研究其他工业微生物的多样性及进行高效菌株的选育提供参考。  相似文献   

Enzymes are efficient and specific catalysts for many essential reactions in biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries. Many times, the natural enzymes do not display the catalytic efficiency, stability or specificity required for these industrial processes. The current enzyme engineering methods offer solutions to this problem, but they mainly target the buried active site where the chemical reaction takes place. Despite being many times ignored, the tunnels and channels connecting the environment with the active site are equally important for the catalytic properties of enzymes. Changes in the enzymatic tunnels and channels affect enzyme activity, specificity, promiscuity, enantioselectivity and stability. This review provides an overview of the emerging field of enzyme access tunnel engineering with case studies describing design of all the aforementioned properties. The software tools for the analysis of geometry and function of the enzymatic tunnels and channels and for the rational design of tunnel modifications will also be discussed. The combination of new software tools and enzyme engineering strategies will provide enzymes with access tunnels and channels specifically tailored for individual industrial processes.  相似文献   

工业酶制剂研发与应用已经渗透到各大工业领域,但中国作为用酶大国、产酶小国面临重大挑战,鉴于以化学催化为核心的基础物质加工业面临资源、能源和环境三大危机,酶工程与生物催化已被列入许多国家的科技与产业发展战略,应用高效、清洁的生物催化技术是实现化学工业可持续发展以及发酵工业产业升级的重要途径之一。文中以2017年第十一届中国酶工程学术研讨会杜邦-杰能科中国酶工程杰出贡献奖获得者特邀报告为基础整理编写而成,从自主酶库构建、酶分子机器/细胞工厂创制及产业化应用等角度概述当前酶工程与生物催化发展现状及前景。  相似文献   

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