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捕食风险对高原鼠兔食物大小选择的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
边疆晖  周文扬 《兽类学报》1999,19(4):254-261
文章报道了捕食风险条件下高原鼠兔对食物大小选择的格局。在实验箱中放置艾虎以改变捕食风险水平, 食物按体积大小分为4种食物项目, 并测定各项目摄入率和取食单个食物项目的进食时间, 结果表明, 摄入率与进食时间依食物项目体积的增大而增加。将大食物与小食物项目配对并供高原鼠兔选择时, 食物项目的利用率视环境状况而不同。捕食风险处理中, 小食物利用率依其进食时间的减少而增加, 其程度与所配对的食物项目的摄入率和进食时间有关。在捕食风险的作用下, 高原鼠兔的食物选择格局反映了能量摄取与风险避免间的权衡。  相似文献   

2008 年6 ~9 月在中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站通过自助餐式食物选择实验测定了高原鼠兔对20 种植物的取食量,采用紫外可见分光光度计法测定了不同季节20 种植物中黄酮、缩合单宁、简单酚和总酚4种植物次生代谢物的含量,分析了植物次生代谢物含量与高原鼠兔食物选择之间的相互关系。结果表明,在选定的20 种植物中高原鼠兔喜食的植物有7 种,可食的植物有7 种,厌食的植物有6 种。植物次生代谢物的含量在不同的植物间表现出一定的差异,且有生长季节早期含量低,随后逐渐增高的季节性变化趋势。高原鼠兔对植物的选择性与植物中黄酮含量有显著的负相关性,喜食植物的黄酮含量显著低于厌食植物,喜食植物的单宁含量显著小于可食植物,可食植物的单宁含量显著大于厌食植物。在喜食植物中,高原鼠兔取食量与简单酚和总酚含量呈显著负相关性。以上结果部分验证了植物次生代谢物作为植物的防御对策明显影响高原鼠兔对食物选择的假说。黄酮类次生代谢物明显抑制高原鼠兔的取食,缩合单宁对高原鼠兔食物选择也有一定的抑制作用,高原鼠兔有少量取食但避免大量取食简单酚和总酚含量高的植物的选择策略。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔冬季的食物选择   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
草甸中,其食物组成依次为铺散亚菊(16. 2% ) > 弱小火绒草(11. 5% ) > 甘肃棘豆(11. 3% ) > 大籽蒿
(9. 7% ) > 早熟禾(7. 6% ) > 长茎藁本(7. 5% ) > 垂穗披碱草(5. 5% )等7 种,占其食物的69. 3% ;在垂
穗披碱草草甸,其主要食物组成依次为垂穗披碱草(15. 8% ) > 甘肃棘豆(14. 7% ) > 弱小火绒草(14. 5% )
> 铺散亚菊(14. 2% ) > 早熟禾(7. 8% ) > 长茎藁本(6. 9% ) > 锥果葶苈(6. 2% )等7 种,占其食物的
80. 1% ;在杂类草草甸中,其主要食物组成依次为铺散亚菊(20. 8% ) > 长茎藁本(20. 6% ) > 大籽蒿
(9. 9% ) > 弱小火绒草(9. 8% ) > 锥果葶苈(6. 5% ) > 圆齿狗娃花(5. 5% )等6 种,占选食食物的73. 1% 。
的假设。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔是新开发的兔形目实验动物。本文在分析高原鼠兔胃肠道特征及天然喜食植物营养成分的基础上,根据饲喂实验,初步确定高原鼠兔饲料的营养成分标准为粗蛋白14.90%;粗脂肪3.24%;粗纤维25.79%。通过比较,高原鼠兔对低质饲料的利用率和对植物纤维的需求明显高于家兔。  相似文献   

植物生长季节不同栖息地高原鼠兔的食物选择   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文采用胃内容物镜检分析法,对栖息于青藏高原矮嵩草草甸、垂穗披碱草草甸和杂类草草甸中的高原鼠兔的主要食物组成进行了比较分析,旨在探讨栖息地变化对高原鼠兔食物组成的影响,揭示高原鼠兔对栖息地变化的生存对策和适应性.研究结果表明:在矮嵩草草甸,高原鼠兔主要取食垂穗披碱草、早熟禾、蓝花棘豆和甘肃棘豆;在垂穗披碱草草甸,主要选择垂穗披碱草、甘肃棘豆、蓝花棘豆、矮嵩草和二柱头蔗草;在杂类草草甸,喜食植物种类为垂穗披碱草、蓝花棘豆、甘肃棘豆、早熟禾、弱小火绒草、长茎藁本、兰石草和红花岩生忍冬.在整个植物生长季节,高原鼠兔在3种栖息地共取食27种植物,其中垂穗披碱草、甘肃棘豆和蓝花棘豆在不同栖息地中选择指数较高,为高原鼠兔优先选择的食物;在不同栖息地,高原鼠兔取食植物有差别,垂穗披碱草草甸为16种、矮嵩草草甸为22种,杂类草草甸为24种;喜食食物比例也存在着明显差别,在垂穗披碱草草甸,垂穗披碱草比例高达40.5%,在矮嵩草草甸,甘肃棘豆比例也达到23.7%,而在杂类草草甸,选食比例最高的兰石草仅为14.6%,说明在该草甸高原鼠兔食物选择呈现泛化趋势.相似性指数分析结果也表明,杂类草草甸中高原鼠兔主要食物组成与其它两种栖息地有较大的区别.从而说明当栖息地植物群落种类组成发生变化后,高原鼠兔可以通过改变其食物组成而适应新的栖息地.  相似文献   

食物及洞道密度对高原鼠兔冬季死亡率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在野外围栏条件下采用2×2 析因实验设计,通过最小存活数法分别统计冬季前后种群数量,测定附加食物及洞道密度对高原鼠兔冬季死亡率的影响,旨在检验栖息地质量对降低高原鼠兔冬季死亡率的效应。4种野外实验处理2 个重复的研究结果表明,夏季无附加食物与低密度洞道处理组高原鼠兔冬季死亡率为71% ;而附加食物和高密度洞道处理冬季死亡率仅为47% ;添加食物和低密度洞道及无附加食物和高密度洞道处理组种群死亡率分别为60% 和53% 。每一处理组雌性死亡率均显著低于雄性。夏季添加食物和增加洞道密度均能明显地降低高原鼠兔种群冬季死亡率,但无显著的交互作用。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)不仅是青藏高原特有的小型植食性哺乳动物,也是高寒草地生态系统的关键物种,其种群数量随着过度放牧引起的草地退化而急剧增加。我们近期的研究发现,随着高寒草地退化,高原鼠兔的免疫力明显增强,推测可能与退化的高寒草地中丰富的高蛋白质食物资源有关。为了进一步验证上述推测,本研究在青海海北高寒草地生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站地区的重度退化草地中,选取6块70 m×70 m的实验样地,通过添加蛋白质含量为20%和5%的兔颗粒饲料及不添加饲料处理,测定了高原鼠兔的粪便皮质醇(Fecal cortisol metabolite, FCM)含量、植物血凝素反应(Phytohemagglutinin, PHA)、血清抗匙孔血蓝蛋白(Keyhole limpet haemoeyanin, KLH)的IgG水平含量和肠道寄生物感染状况,以验证丰富的高蛋白质食物资源可增加高原鼠兔的免疫力的假设。结果表明,添加20%蛋白质含量的饲料显著降低了高原鼠兔的FCM含量,显著增加了PHA反应和抗KLH的IgG含量,显著降低了球虫的感染率和绦虫的感染强度。该结果验证了上述假设...  相似文献   

高原鼠兔与达乌尔鼠兔食物资源维生态位的研究   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:14  
作者于1993年在青海省刚察县年诺索玛地区发现高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)和达乌尔鼠兔(0.daurica)在布哈河谷二阶同域且重叠分布之现象,并从这两种鼠兔的食物资源利用出发,研究了其生态位关系问题。在食物资源维上的生态位宽度(PS),高原鼠兔为0.4744,达乌尔鼠兔为0.4964,即它们具有相近似的生态位宽度。这两种动物的生态位在食物资源谱维上的重叠值(FT)为0.809  相似文献   

高原鼠兔贮草选择及其生物学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用观察法和样方法对不同栖息地类型高原鼠兔的贮草选择进行了分析,旨在探讨高原鼠兔在不同栖息地类型中干草堆的放置方式、数量、植物种类组成以及与栖息地类型和冬季食物组成的关系,在此基础上,阐明高原鼠兔建立干草堆的生物学意义。结果表明,高原鼠兔堆集干草堆的方式与其它鼠兔不同,它们将干草堆放置于独一味、甘肃棘豆等植物上,以减少干草堆植物的腐烂;不同栖息地类型干草堆数量有所不同,杂类草草甸中干草堆较多,平均为29.00 ± 17.09 个/ hm2 ,其次为垂穗披碱草草甸,干草堆数量平均为16.33 ± 9.50个/hm2 ,矮嵩草草甸中干草堆最少,平均为12.67 ± 6.66 个/ hm2 。在矮嵩草草甸中,5 个较大的干草堆由37 种植物组成,其中10 种植物选择水平在3 级以上,而甘肃棘豆和铺散亚菊占有较大的比例,分别为23.6% 和19.% 。不同干草堆间相似性分析结果表明,除第2 个干草堆外,其余干草堆间相似性指数较高,最高为第3 个和第4 个干草堆之间,为0.9070。相关分析结果显示,干草堆主要植物组成与高原鼠兔冬季食物主要组成之间呈显著的正相关(r = 0.7323,df = 6,P <0.05)。扣笼试验结果表明,高原鼠兔冬季未取食扣笼内的干草堆。在综合分析高原鼠兔的贮草行为的基础上,我们认为,高原鼠兔建立干草堆的目的是为了应付冬季食物条件的不可预测性。  相似文献   

为了解高原鼢鼠在越冬期的食物选择与营养成分之间的关系,采集了67 个高原鼢鼠的冬季粮仓及环境样方,分析高原鼢鼠对每一种植物的选择指数,将其分成3 种食物类型:喜食、可变和不喜食。通过测定每一种植物的粗蛋白、粗纤维、水溶性糖和粗灰分的含量,比较分析了营养成分含量在3 种食物类型间的差异,及其与各种植物选择指数的相关关系。结果显示,高原鼢鼠储存的食物种类多达67 种,本文选取含量较高且样本量大于5 的39 种植物(占粮仓和样方总生物量的99% 以上其中喜食12 种、可变16 种、不喜食11 种)进行分析。在3 种食物类型之间,粗蛋白、粗纤维和水溶性糖含量均有极显著差异(P < 0. 001),粗灰分含量则无明显差异(P = 0.800)。喜食和可变类型的粗蛋白和水溶性糖含量显著高于不喜食类型(P < 0.01);喜食和可变类型的粗纤维含量则显著低于不喜食类型(P < 0. 01);喜食和可变类型之间这3 个指标差异都不显著(P >0. 05)。Spearman 相关分析显示,粗蛋白(R = 0.547,P < 0.001)和水溶性糖(R = 0.617,P < 0. 001)含量与选择指数显著正相关,粗纤维与选择指数显著负相关(R = - 0. 707,P <0. 001),粗灰分与选择指数则无显著相关关系(R = 0.032,P =0. 846)。结果表明,高原鼢鼠总体上偏好粗蛋白和水溶性糖含量高、粗纤维含量低的植物,对无机盐的含量则不敏感。  相似文献   

北美田鼠亚科啮齿动物营养生态学研究进展   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
刘季科  王溪 《兽类学报》1991,11(3):226-235

M. Denise Dearing 《Oecologia》1996,108(3):467-478
The North American pika, Ochotona princeps, is a generalist herbivore that simultaneously selects two distinct diets: one consumed immediately (summer diet), the other harvested, transported, and stored for later consumption (winter diet). I investigated factors influencing diet selection at two sites on the West Knoll of Niwot Ridge, Boulder County, Colorado during 1991 and 1992. The composition of summer and winter diets differed significantly from each other as well as from the relative abundance of food items in the environment. Thus, pikas were not foraging randomly for either diet. To explore winter and summer diet selection, I tested two existing hypotheses: (1) that plant morphology restricts the winter diet breadth to plants that are easily harvested and large, and thereby maximizes the amount collected per foraging effort, or (2) to compensate for nutrients lost during storage, pikas bias their winter diet with high-nutrient species. I also tested the hypothesis that plant secondary compounds may be higher in the winter diet either because they function as preservatives or because pikas delay consumption of these species until the toxins degrade. For individual dietary items, I measured energy, nitrogen, water, fiber, total phenolic, condensed tannin, and astringency contents. There was little evidence to suggest that morphology excluded plants from the winter diet. Plant size was not a good predictor of abundance in the winter diet. Even after harvesting costs had been experimentally removed, cushion plants were still not included in the winter diet. There was weak support for an effect of nutrients on winter diet selection; in three of four cases, the winter diet was significantly lower in water and higher in total energy content as predicted by the nutrient compensation hypothesis. However, other nutrients exhibited no consistent pattern. Nutrients were not reliable predictors of the winter diet in multiple regression analyses. There was strong support for the hypothesis of manipulation of secondary compounds. The winter diet was significantly higher in total phenolics and astringency. Total phenolics were consistent predictors of the winter diet in multiple regression analyses. The winter diets of six additional pika populations contained plant species high in secondary compounds. The results suggest that pikas preferentially select plants with high levels of secondary compounds for their winter diet, possibly because the presence of such compounds promotes preservation of the cache. This behavior may also enable the exploitation of an otherwise unusable food resource, i.e., toxic plants.  相似文献   

The seasonal diet of Ctenomys mendocinus was determined in a habitat of the Andean Precordillera, through microhistological analyses of stomach contents and in relation to food availability. Diet included 23 genera of plants and only 6 of them were consumed with frequencies higher than 4%. The grasses Stipa and Elymus comprised about 80% of the diet. A high proportion of aerial plant material was registered throughout the year suggesting a tendency to forage on the surface. Dietary selectivity was evidenced by a preferential consumption of grasses and avoidance of shrubs. Moreover, most dietary items frequently used were eaten in proportions that differed from their availabilities. This non-opportunistic feeding behavior, specialized in a few dietary items, did not agree with the one expected for a subterranean rodent inhabiting an environment with severe climatic conditions, low food availability and patchy distribution of food resources.  相似文献   

洞庭湖区东方田鼠的食物组成调查   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:17  
吴林  张美文 《兽类学报》1998,18(4):282-291
采用胃内容物显微组织学鉴定法,定量调查了洞庭湖区东方田鼠(Microtusfortiscalamo-rum)的食物组成。该鼠的主要食物,在苔草地是苔草和水田碎米荠,在芦荻场是碎米荠、苦草、荻和镜子苔,在稻田区是水稻和双穗雀稗,在岗地是三毛草、一年蓬、千金子和水稻。植物叶片是其主要利用对象,在绿色食物资源不足的情况下,也取食植物种子。其食物组成的变化表明,该鼠能依不同栖息地的植被结构调整摄食对象,因而能适应湖区生活环境的灾变性变化。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔食物资源利用的研究   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:18  
高原鼠兔(Ochatona curzoniae Hodgson)为青藏高原草场上的重要害鼠。每年都要投入很大的力量进行防治,因之它的生态学研究是非常必要的。草原上的初级生产--绿色植被是如何被高原鼠兔利用的就是一项重要的研究课题。皮南林(1975)曾在快尔玛地区研究过高原鼠兔的食性,并注意到食性与植物多度的关系。  相似文献   

Food availability is one of the basic factors affecting primate density and socioecology, but food availability is difficult to assess. Two different ways to obtain accurate estimates of food availability have been proposed: using phenology data or using the behaviour of animals. Phenology data can be refined by only including trees that are large enough to be used; including (potential) tree species in which by the concerned primate species forage; or including (fruiting) trees of these species that actually produce fruit. Alternatively, the sizes of the actually visited trees (foraging trees) give an estimate of fruit availability. These measures are compared for three sympatric primate species at the Ketambe Research Station, Sumatra, Indonesia: the Thomas langur, the long-tailed macaque and the orangutan. The sizes of fruiting trees and the foraging trees are larger than the potential trees. The sizes of the potential trees and of the fruiting trees are similar for the three primate species. This, however, is not reflected in the use of trees: the langurs forage on average in trees of similar size to those producing fruit, whereas the macaques and orangutans forage in trees larger than those producing fruit. The use of trees does not necessitate a different cut off point of included dbhs for the three compared primate species. The use of trees of different sizes, however, may be regulated by food competition. This indicates that sympatric primates make different foraging decisions and that behavioural measures of food availability will be less reliable.  相似文献   

Forage selection decisions of herbivores are often complex and dynamic; they are modulated by multiple cues, such as quality, accessibility and abundance of forage plants. To advance the understanding of plant–herbivore interactions, we explored foraging behavior of the alpine lagomorph Royle's pika (Ochotona roylei) in Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary, India. Pika bite counts on food plants were recorded through focal sampling in three permanently marked plots. Food plant abundance was recorded by traditional quadrat procedures; forage selection was estimated with Jacob's selection index. Multiple food-choice experiments were conducted to determine whether forage selection criteria would change with variation in food plant composition. We also analyzed leaf morphology and nutrient content in both major food plants and abundantly available non-food plants. Linear regression models were used to test competing hypotheses in order to identify factors governing forage selection. Royle's pika fed primarily on 17 plant species and each forage selection decision was positively modulated by leaf area and negatively modulated by contents of avoided substances (neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, acid detergent lignin and tannin) in food plants. Furthermore, significance of the interaction term “leaf size × avoided substance” indicates that plants with large leaves were selected only when they had low avoided substance content. The forage selection criteria did not differ between field and laboratory experiments. The parameter estimates of best fit models indicate that the influence of leaf size or amount of avoided substance on pika forage selection was modulated by the magnitude of predation risk.  相似文献   

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