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基于叶片解剖特征分析三种无患子科果树的亲缘关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用石蜡切片和组织离析法,对3种无患子科果树的10份种质叶片横切及表皮解剖特征进行观察,并采用聚类分析对其亲缘关系进行初步研究。结果表明:10份试材均为异面叶,叶横切结构分为表皮、叶肉和叶脉3部分。中脉厚度总体上龙眼最大、龙荔次之、荔枝最小,差异显著。荔枝的中脉横切面为圆三角形,龙眼近似半圆形,龙荔则近似扁圆形。不同试材的叶片、上表皮和下表皮、栅栏组织及海绵组织的厚度分别为175.23~318.84、11.18~25.13、7.49~20.43、50.01~124.59和84.0~173.64μm,栅栏组织细胞有2~3层。此外,叶脉突起度、栅栏组织与海绵组织厚度之比、叶片组织结构紧密度和叶片组织结构疏松度分别为2.65~5.77、0.52~0.82、28.89%~39.95%和44.89%~55.57%。荔枝的表皮细胞较小、多边形,垂周壁为弧形,下表皮无表皮毛,气孔器呈长椭圆形;龙眼的表皮细胞较大、不规则形,垂周壁深波状,下表皮具表皮毛,气孔椭圆形或近圆形;龙荔的表皮细胞与龙眼相近,但垂周壁为波状。聚类分析显示,10份试材首先聚为两大类,其中第一类是荔枝属,第二类是龙眼属;然后又分为4个亚类,三月红和龙荔各自单独聚为一个亚类。  相似文献   

为比较荔枝(Litchi)和龙眼(Dimocarpus)与其属间杂种的茎、叶解剖结构,采用徒手切片法、组织离析法和石蜡切片法对茎、叶片结构进行观察比较。结果表明,‘杂种A’和‘杂种B’的髓率、树皮率均居于父母本之间,而木质部率、导管总面积/木质部面积的比值、导管分子内径则表现出显著的超亲优势;‘杂种C’和‘杂种D’的树皮率和射线宽度均小于父母本。‘杂种A’和‘杂种B’导管分子无尾和两端水平的频率居于父母本之间,‘杂种C’和‘杂种D’的导管分子形态特征较接近其母本‘石峡’,‘杂种D’的导管分子长度显著大于父母本。4个杂种的叶主脉厚均居于父母本之间,‘杂种D’的叶脉突起度和‘紫娘喜’的栅栏组织/海绵组织厚度比值均显著大于其他试材。4个属间杂种叶片表皮细胞的大小、垂周壁的形态均居于父母本之间;荔枝和龙眼叶片表皮特征差异明显,可以作为两属的鉴别特征。4个属间杂种的解剖结构总体上呈现出较明显的偏母遗传效应。  相似文献   

以荔枝新品种‘贵妃红’和‘草莓荔’与10种砧木为试材,对各砧穗组合的嫁接成活率及嫁接苗田间生长指标进行测定及比较。结果表明,不同砧穗组合间嫁接成活率以及嫁接苗田间生长势存在明显差别,‘贵妃红’以钦州红荔、黑叶、禾荔为砧木的嫁接成活率分别达80.0%、78.0%和74.0%,‘草莓荔’以禾荔为砧木的嫁接成活率最高,达82.0%。综合其成活率及嫁接苗生长状况等指标,‘贵妃红’宜以黑叶、禾荔、钦州红荔、白腊为砧木进行嫁接,而‘草莓荔’宜以黑叶、禾荔、钦州红荔、镇奉为砧木进行嫁接。  相似文献   

龙眼和龙荔毛被类型及果实形态的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对龙眼(桂圆)Dimocarpus longan Lour.和龙荔(疯人果)D.confinis(How et Ho)H.SLo的毛被类型和果实形态进行了详尽的比较观察。龙眼的营养和繁殖体上具分枝的星状毛,果皮表面具平滑瘤状或泡状突起;而龙荔的毛被则为单生柔毛或腺毛,果皮表面具圆锥状小刺。这两个种之间基本没有形态过渡,是分类学上区别明显的种。本文还报道了对商业部门送检样品的鉴定结果。龙眼毛被类型和果实形态在送检样品中均可观察到,而且在这些样品果皮表面未见有组织断裂及破损痕迹,因此,它们不可能是由龙荔果实加工处理的假冒商品,而是真正的桂圆。  相似文献   

为提前或延迟果实的成熟,改善果实品质,以荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.)早熟品种‘三月红’和‘水东’为试验材料,在盛花后50 d用谷氨酸(Glu)和TDZ(Thidiazuron)进行处理,研究Glu和TDZ对果皮着色和果实品质的影响。结果表明,Glu能促进果皮转红,500~1500 mg L-1范围内随浓度增加果皮红色面积加大,果皮的花青苷含量增加。1500 mg L-1Glu处理的‘三月红’‘、水东’果皮花青苷含量分别达到8.62 U g-1、11.53 U g-1,分别比对照高出1.33、1.25倍。同时,Glu处理能促进‘三月红’总糖的积累,但对两品种果实大小和质量的影响不大。TDZ显著迟滞果实着色,果实转红延后,果皮花青苷含量降低。5.0 mg L-1TDZ处理的‘三月红’‘、水东’果皮花青苷仅为1.23和3.4 U g-1,显著低于对照。TDZ处理两品种果实的可溶性固形物、总糖含量均下降,但果实大小和质量均增加。因此,Glu能促进荔枝果实转色成熟,TDZ则抑制果实转色。  相似文献   

本文对龙眼(桂圆)Dimocarpus longan Lout,和龙荔(疯人果)D.confinis(How et Ho)H.SLo的毛被类型和果实形态进行了详尽的比较观察。龙眼的营养和繁殖体上具分枝的星状毛,果皮表面具平滑瘤状或泡状突起;而龙荔的毛被则为单生柔毛或腺毛,果皮表面具圆锥状小刺。这两个种之间基本没有形态过渡,是分类学上区别明显的种。本文还报道了对商业部门送检样品的鉴定结果。龙眼毛被类型和果实形态在送检样品中均可观察到,而且在这些样品果皮表面未见有组织断裂及破损痕迹,因此,它们不可能是由龙荔果实加工处理的假冒商品,而是真正的桂圆。  相似文献   

对盐肤木茎进行木材解剖学研究,发现其导管分子穿孔板为单穿孔板。根据穿孔板在导管分子上的位置和数量,导管分子可分为4种类型,即只有一个单穿孔板,位于导管中央,且具有螺纹增厚;两端均为单穿孔板,且具螺纹增厚;两端均为单穿孔板,且具有孔纹增厚;具三个单穿孔板,一端有2个,另一端有1个,且具螺纹增厚。组成细胞中还有分隔木纤维、螺纹管胞。盐肤木为环孔材,射线为异形射线。  相似文献   

接骨木(Sambucus williamsii)茎次生木质部由导管分子、分隔木纤维、纤维管胞及维管管胞等组成。其为环孔材,射线属异形Ⅱ射线。导管分子的穿孔板为单穿孔板,根据穿孔板的位置、数量,导管分子具有5种形态.即:一端只有1个单穿孔板,另一端为螺纹增厚;一端具2个单穿孔板,另一端为螺纹增厚;两端各具1个单穿孔板,且侧壁具螺纹增厚;两端各具1个单穿孔板,且侧壁具孔纹增厚;具3个单穿孔板的导管分子.其中2个穿孔位于一端,1个穿孔位于另一端,具孔纹增厚。  相似文献   

用拟茎点霉(Phomopsis longanae Chi)侵染福眼龙眼(Dimocarpus longan Lour. ‘Fuyan’)果实,研究龙眼果皮脂氧合酶(LOX)活性、膜脂脂肪酸组分和细胞膜透性的变化及其与果皮褐变的关系。结果表明:拟茎点霉侵染导致龙眼果皮褐变指数、LOX活性和细胞膜透性增加,不饱和脂肪酸组分[亚油酸(C18∶2)、亚麻酸(C18∶3)和花生一烯酸(C20∶1)]下降而饱和脂肪酸组分[棕榈酸(C16∶0)和硬脂酸(C18∶0)]增加,脂肪酸不饱和指数(IUFA)和脂肪酸不饱和度下降。拟茎点霉侵染提高龙眼果皮LOX活性和加速膜脂不饱和脂肪酸的降解,从而破坏细胞膜系统的完整性,导致膜系统区室化功能丧失,使多酚氧化酶与酚类物质接触,引起酚类物质的酶促氧化和黑褐色高聚物形成,导致龙眼果皮褐变。  相似文献   

海南部分荔枝种质资源亲缘关系的SSR分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用SSR标记对22份荔枝材料进行了亲缘关系分析,从32对引物中筛选出22对多态性引物用于荔枝SSR扩增,共扩增到52条带,其中多态性条带49条,多态性百分率为94.23%。多态性条带经POPGENE32软件统计分析表明,22个位点的平均有效等位基因频率(Ne)、平均基因杂合度(H)、平均Shannon遗传多样性指数(Hi′)分别为1.364 3、0.296 0、0.417 0。通过NTSYS聚类结果显示,在相似系数为0.51处,供试材料被聚为两大类,第一类包括13份材料,又可分为两个亚类,第二类包括9份材料。  相似文献   

Lychee, longan, longli, and rambutan are closely related, commercially important fruit trees in the Sapindaceae family. Longli fruits are morphologically similar to both lychee and longan, displaying a yellow-brown pericarp like longan, and small, sharp protuberances like lychee. These similarities have led to the hypothesis that longli is the result of intergeneric hybridization between longan and lychee. Scanning electron microscopy and flow cytometry were used to examine trichome morphology and genome size, respectively, to test this hypothesis. Longan, lychee, longli (D. confinis), and ‘Malesianus’ (D. longan sub spp malesianus) had morphologically distinct trichomes. The genome sizes for lychee (554 Mb), longan (444 Mb), ‘Malesianus’ (404 Mb), and rambutan (339 Mb) are distinctive and in a narrow range. ‘Malesianus’ has a genome 9% smaller than that of longan and 27% smaller than that of lychee. It is likely a species that evolved independently in northern Borneo island, and could be classified as a species, Dimocarpus malesianus, not a sub-species of longan as presently stated. Flow cytometry revealed a 50% variation in genome sizes among longli varieties, with genome sizes ranging from 450 to 678 Mb, beyond the range between longan and lychee. The genome size variation and distinct leaf hair morphology suggest that longli is not an intergeneric hybrid, and it is likely a separate genus evolved independently. The tested cultivars with distinctive genome sizes within D. confinis could be classified as separate species.  相似文献   

荔枝与龙眼种质资源研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
荔枝和龙眼是中国著名的南亚热带果树。本文分别就荔枝、龙眼种质资源在起源与分布、分类与鉴定等方面取得的研究进展进行了综述。荔枝和龙眼的分类研究大体经历了3个阶段:根据形态特征进行分类、应用同工酶分析和DNA分子标记进行分类。形态特征常常受到环境条件的影响,而同工酶分析可以检测到的多态性位点十分有限。应用分子标记研究荔枝、龙眼种质资源的遗传多样性克服了前述2种研究方法的不足。目前,荔枝和龙眼的品种选育仍然以实生选种和芽变选种为主。为了实现对荔枝、龙眼果实品质和农艺性状的改良,建议在分子水平上进一步深入地探讨荔枝、龙眼种质资源的遗传多样性;同时通过应用分子标记辅助选择技术提高荔枝和龙眼杂交育种的效率。  相似文献   

为探讨早春极端低温对龙眼成花的影响及芒果和荔枝花穗冷害发生时应对措施的效果,在2008年早春低温冷害时,通过抹除芒果和荔枝的冷害顶生花穗,研究该应对措施对促进腋芽再分化花芽并抽生花序的效果,并在低温冷害后,对不同龙眼品种的成花情况进行调查。结果表明:抹除荔枝冷害顶生花穗后能显著促进黑叶、钦州红荔、糯米糍、立夏红腋芽再生花序,平均单株花穗数分别为139、62.5、28和29穗,分别比对照的高119、22.5、25和26穗;而妃子笑、三月红、桂味和禾荔的处理树和对照树之间差异不明显。抹除芒果冷害顶生花穗后,台农1号、贵妃、桂热82号、红象牙和金穗芒的平均单株成花数分别为92、18、131、20.5和18穗,明显高于对照;而凯特芒、桂热120、吉尔、紫花芒和金穗芒处理树和对照树之间差异不显著。龙眼低温冷害后成花较好的有桂明、储良、石硖、小广眼、大乌圆和大广眼,平均单株花穗数分别为88、67、52.7、52、51和50穗;其次是桂香、乌龙岭、东壁、立冬本和早白露,平均单株花穗数分别为39、26、25、23.5和21.5穗。  相似文献   

Ontogenetic trends in the wood structure of Nepalese Rhododendron were studied in 15 specimens of two tree and four subtree species. Average growth ring width was constant from pith to bark in spite of occurrences of extremely narrow, false, or discontinuous rings. Vessel density, vessel area, vessel element length, and multiseriate ray height generally had an initial increase or decrease to 1.5 cm radius and near plateau or slight decrease or increase outward. Multiseriate ray density and area percentage were variable between specimens without a clear pattern. Ontogenetic trends from pith to fully mature wood in trees plus subtrees were inferred by treating the measurements in the present study with those of mature individuals in a previous study. Comparison of trends in trees plus subtrees and those in shrubs lead to ecological or systematic groupings. Vessel features showed that alpine shrub species have distinctly small, numerous vessels composed of short vessel elements. Multiseriate ray features indicated a systematic difference between the trees plus subtrees of subgenus Hymenanthes and the shrubs of subgenus Rhododendron. Vessel features of alpine shrubs may be an adaptation against frequent freeze-thaw cycles or the result of growth stress imposed by the severe alpine environment.  相似文献   

The breeding barriers between commercial litchi (Litchi chinensisSonn.) and longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) cultivars were investigatedby conducting reciprocal pollinations. This work has shown thatit is possible to generate intergeneric hybrids using litchias the female parent. Investigation of comparative in vivo pollentube growth demonstrated that there is discrimination againstcross- compared to self-pollen at all sites in the pistil. Pollentubes were frequently observed in the ovary after cross-pollinationin litchi but rarely in longan. Fruit production was reducedafter crossing in both longan and litchi. Isozyme analysis usingphosphoglucose isomerase revealed that hybrid progeny only developedwhen litchi was the maternal parent. Morphologically the hybridplants were similar to the maternal parent but leaves were smaller.Three types of seeds developed in litchi following pollinationwith longan pollen. These were (1) normal seeds with a developedtesta and embryo, (2) seeds with aborted embryos but normaltesta development, and (3) seedless fruit where the ovule remainedthe same size as at anthesis without further development ofembryo or testa. The potential germplasm available to improvethese crops within the Sapindaceae is discussed.Copyright 1994,1999 Academic Press Litchi, Litchi Longan, Dimocarpus, hybridisation, isozyme  相似文献   

龙眼和荔枝卷叶蛾类种群动态及其群落结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周忠实  邓国荣 《昆虫知识》2006,43(3):311-315
调查结果显示,在广西南宁市和崇左市的部分龙眼和荔枝园中,危害龙眼和荔枝的卷叶蛾类有3科20种,其中龙眼园的卷叶蛾类有3科16种,荔枝园有2科17种,2类果园发生的种类有所不同。20种中,9种过去尚未见报道。龙眼园和荔枝园卷叶蛾类群落结构的均匀度指数较低,分别为0.298 2和0.406 3,说明在群落中有某种卷叶蛾的种群数量相当大,各种类数量分布不均一,有某个种群数量相当大。2类果园卷叶蛾类群落的多样性相比,荔枝园要高于龙眼园。龙眼园卷叶蛾类的优势种为三角新小卷蛾Olethreutes leucaspisMeyrick(优势度指数d=0.813 2),荔枝园分别为三角新小卷蛾(d=0.722 6)和灰白条小卷蛾Dudua aprobola(Meyrick)(d=0.102 8)。2类果园种群数量较大的种类均为三角新小卷蛾、灰白条小卷蛾和圆角卷蛾Ebodo cellerigeraMeyrick。各月份卷叶蛾类发生的总数量均以龙眼园高于荔枝园。  相似文献   

The general wood structure, vessel size and distribution along the stem xylem radius and in petioles were studied in Laurus azorica trees living in a Tenerife laurel forest. The fractions of volume occupied by dry matter, water and air in percentage of wood fresh volume were also studied. The wood showed a diffuse-porous structure, with solitary vessels or vessels somewhat clustered in small radially oriented groups. Vessels had a diameter ranging from 20 to 130 µm. This diameter was minimal close to the pith, increased more than 2-fold with age, and reached its maximum width close to the cambium. Vessel density decreased from 36 vessels mm-2 near the pith to about 13 vessels mm-2 near the cambium. Accordingly, the lumen area was small in young xylem close to the pith (0.0015 mm2), reaching a value 5 times larger (0.007 mm2) near the cambium than in the centre of the stem. Lumen area of vessels in petioles was about 1.5% of petiole cross-sectional area and thus much lower than in stems. Mean hydraulic diameter of these vessels was about 20 µm, and mean vessel density about 136 per petiole. There were only small differences in proportions of dry matter, water and air along stem radius. The relevance of each one of these fractions in the wood is discussed as evidence of the possible existence of a number of embolized vessels dispersed in the total functional cross-sectional area of the xylem.  相似文献   

Immersion of litchi fruit in 49 degrees C water for 20 min followed by hydrocooling in ambient (24 +/- 4 degrees C) temperature water for 20 min was tested as a quarantine treatment against potential infestations of Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann); and oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel, eggs or larvae in Hawaiian litchi, Litchi chinensis Sonnerat. The 49 degrees C hot-water immersion of litchi provided probit 9 (99.9968% mortality with >95% confidence) quarantine security against eggs and first instars. There were no survivors from 15,000 each feeding and nonfeeding Mediterranean fruit fly or oriental fruit fly third instars immersed in a computer-controlled water bath that simulated the litchi seed-surface temperature profile during the 49 degrees C hot-water immersion treatment. Litchi served as the model for longan, Dimocarpus longan Lour., a closely related fruit that is smaller and also has commercial potential for Hawaii. Modified fruit infestation and holding techniques used to obtain adequate estimated treated populations from poor host fruit, such as litchi and longan, are described. Data from these experiments were used to obtain approval of a hot-water immersion quarantine treatment against fruit flies for litchi and longan exported from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland.  相似文献   

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