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基于灰色关联分析法,将水稻不同生育期的冷害致灾因子值和产量结构性状、水稻不同生育期的产量结构性状和最终产量分别视作两个灰色系统,通过寻找各个灰色系统的灰映射关系,建立基于多层次灰色关联分析法的水稻低温冷害综合评估模型;并构建了单站各生育期、全生育期的冷害综合评估指数和区域评估指数,对东北水稻主产区27个站1961—2015年水稻冷害进行分生育期评估.结果表明: 水稻冷害影响程度与各生育期产量丰歉能够较好对应.营养生长期、营养和生殖生长并进期、授粉结实期或满浆期受到冷害影响时,株穗数、平均穗粒数或千粒重有一定减少,空壳率有所增加.典型冷害年温度与单站或区域产量丰歉有较好的对应关系.  相似文献   

开展羊肚菌低温冷害气候风险精细区划,可为羊肚菌特色农业栽培规划、低温冷害动态评估和防灾减灾对策提供科学依据。基于川西高原海拔3000 m以下17个县(市)2011—2020年气象数据,分析羊肚菌典型年份致灾临界气象条件;选取气温稳定通过5℃初日~10℃初日之间多年平均积寒与冷害频次作为川西高原羊肚菌出菇期间低温冷害区划指标,建立冷害指标的地理空间分布模型,划分川西高原羊肚菌冷害风险等级,评估羊肚菌冷害风险。结果表明:研究区羊肚菌冷害风险温度指标为日最低气温≤2.0℃,日平均气温<6.0℃将导致生长缓慢或者停止生长,设定为冷害风险预警指标。羊肚菌冷害发生频次沿大渡河流域和岷江流域从南向北增多。冷害总次数最少的地区是汶川、茂县、理县,九龙、雅江、巴塘最多。冷害日数以持续1~3 d为主,持续4~5 d次之,持续5 d以上较少,其中,乡城、巴塘、九龙、雅江、小金冷害持续5 d以上的次数多于持续4~5 d的次数。羊肚菌冷害年均日数3.0~27.4 d,冷害发生时段的日均最低气温-0.84~1.36℃、极端最低气温-5.8~0.1℃、平均积寒0.16~9.64℃·d,冷害平均日数、平均积寒随...  相似文献   

以当地主栽龙眼品种‘泸丰一号’为材料,在龙眼花芽形态分化期开始前,采取树冠喷施不同比例的生理调节剂、骨干枝环割、断根等调控措施,定期测定花芽分化期顶芽内源激素,在花芽分化完成后统计成花坐果率,研究调控措施对龙眼顶芽激素含量动态变化和成花坐果率的影响。结果表明:几种措施处理都不同程度地提高了龙眼的成花坐果率,适当浓度(150 mg·L-1及100 mg·L-1)乙烯调节剂组合调控措施可以显著提高树体的雌花数、雌花率及坐果率,其中雌花率分别比对照提高了32.57%和38.22%;各处理的冲梢率显著低于对照,其中处理B(100 mg·L-1乙烯利调节剂组合)的冲梢率(18.58%)最低,比对照低34.18%,且芽轴增长率与冲梢率呈显著正相关,其中以150.00 mg·L-1多效唑+100.00 mg·L-1乙烯利+1.0 mg·L-1细胞分裂素配制好的药液均匀喷洒在树冠上的处理效果最优。几种措施对于龙眼顶芽中的激素及激素的平衡的影响表现为GA3含量和ABA含量在花序主轴分化期较高,在多级侧花序快速分化期则处于较低水平,整个形态分化期ZT始终保持较低水平,则利于防止龙眼成花逆转,从而促进龙眼花芽分化;IAA含量受各处理影响变化较为复杂,并未呈现出较强的规律性;从激素比例方面看,龙眼顶芽在花序主轴分化前期IAA/GA3比值较低,末期ZT/GA3比值较高则有利于成花,在整个形态分化期ZT/ABA及GA3/ABA都处在较低的水平,可有效抑制成花逆转。研究结果可为龙眼的成花机理以及四川泸州地区龙眼的优质丰产栽培提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文综述龙眼不同抽生期结果母枝的特性,优良结果母枝的生物学指标与培养措施;冬梢发生原因和调控技术;花穗“冲梢”的原因、类型及调控途径。  相似文献   

虹吸输液滴干技术作为一种新型的输液技术,能显著提高龙眼对调节剂的利用率。该研究利用虹吸输液滴干技术来研究氯酸钾与多效唑对龙眼成花的影响,同时探索从花芽生理分化期开始控制龙眼冲梢的方法。结果表明:氯酸钾输液滴干不但能够促使龙眼提早开花,而且能够提高其成花率、抽穗率、雌雄花比例与坐果率。不同品种龙眼对氯酸钾的敏感度不同,‘石硖’对氯酸钾最为敏感,但稳定性低;‘储良’对氯酸钾的敏感性低,但稳定度高;‘桂香’对氯酸钾的敏感性与稳定度居中。从整体上看,‘石硖’的处理效果最好,最佳处理次数为3次,每次施用7.5 L浓度为1 g·L-1的氯酸钾,处理后枝梢成花率、枝梢抽穗率、雌雄花比例、坐果率分别为53.67%、59.38%、16.01和19.58%。多效唑输液滴干对‘桂龙1号’的控梢效果显著,有效促进了龙眼成花,并以160 mg·L-1的多效唑溶液处理效果最佳,抽梢率为15.16%,抽穗率、雌花率、花穗长、花穗宽和坐果率分别为96.53%、10.36%、21.95 cm、12.96 cm和38.37%。药剂输液滴干技术施用氯酸钾和多效唑对于龙眼成花坐果有积极作用,该研究结果为实现高效、省工、环保的果园管理模式提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

小麦的穗领有三种类型:领腹完全敞开的U形穗领、领腹完全闭合的O形穗领和领腹呈V型交叉的V形穗领。穗领是系统演化中顶生叶叶鞘减化后的遗迹,也是个体发育中穗轴基部第一侧生小穗下苞叶原始体的痕迹。在一定条件下,从穗领可以长出叶鞘和叶片,穗轴基部节间可以变为茎节间,穗领腋内的小穗可以变为腋芽、带柄分枝穗或分枝花序。其余侧生小穗下都有一个领腹完全敞开的U形小穗领,其形态与U形穗领相似。它们是系统演化中二次轴分枝花序的苞叶叶鞘减化后的遗迹,也是个体发育中苞原始体的痕迹。一定条件下,从小穗领也可以长出叶鞘和叶片。穗轴基部节间变茎的同时,基部几个小穗若发生向圆锥花序的部分返祖变异,随着变异程度加深,从穗领和小穗领逐渐形成叶鞘和叶片。说明在系统演化中。顶生叶和苞叶先减化叶片,后减化叶鞘,最后形成穗领和小穗领。小麦祖先的花序与茎叶之间没有明显的界限。  相似文献   

在植物的逆境生理中,低温胁迫对植物造成的伤害已引起人们广泛的关注和研究。低温伤害可分为冻害和冷害两大类型,冻害是指冰点以下低温引起植物体内结冰(细胞间隙结冰或细胞内结冰),使原生质脱水凝固或受机械损伤而造成的伤害现象。冷害主要是指热带、亚热带植物由于冰点以上低温(10—12℃)引起的代谢失调而造成细胞伤害的现象。根据植物对冷害的反应速度可将冷害分为两类:一是直  相似文献   

赤霉素100—300ppm11月下旬处理水涨龙眼,对花芽分化有一定的影响,但大小年间的反应存在差异,小年各处理间的花穗抽生率呈现出随浓度降低而提高的趋势,低浓度(100ppm)有明显的促花效应,而大年处理的花穗抽生率无明显差异。所有处理对花穗及夏、秋梢结果母枝的生长发育均无不良影响。  相似文献   

对宽叶金粟兰(ChloranthushenryiHemsl)滇东北的野外居群和栽培植株花序发育、传粉、结实率、无性繁殖等观察试验的结果显示,宽叶金粟兰以种子繁殖为主,但有时可通过地下合轴茎顶端分支进行无性繁殖。其顶生、侧生花序均能正常开花结实,种子可萌发,在株丛周缘形成新个体。但其顶生花序与侧生花序的雄蕊异形,顶生花序花芽在地下分化形成,雄蕊具明显伸长的3个药隔和4个药室,不产香味,平均结实率63%;侧生2、3级花序在直立枝条顶端叶腋中分化形成,无伸长药隔并仅具2个药室,在顶生花序果脱落后才开花结实,平均结实率76%和83%,略高于顶生花序。传粉实验观察证明其不需要昆虫传粉,为自花授粉可育,不同于本属其它植物。因此其雄蕊异型现象可能是传媒方式改变的结构简化适应  相似文献   

为高效、安全地调控龙眼冲梢,在龙眼花芽形态分化开始期(露红点期)和花穗主轴长6~9 cm的花穗展叶期,施用生长调节剂,比较了不同方法调控龙眼冲梢的效果。结果发现龙眼花芽形态分化开始期树冠喷施200 mg/kg乙烯利+150 mg/kg多效唑混合液和土施多效唑每株4 g处理控冲梢效果都显著高于对照,冲梢率分别是10.5%和7.6%,在花穗小叶处于展叶期虹吸输300 mg/kg乙烯利防控龙眼冲梢有效且安全。  相似文献   

Litchi is one of the most important subtropical evergreen fruit trees in Southern Asia. Litchi floral buds are a mix of axillary or apical panicle primordia, leaf primordia, and rudimentary leaves. Under usual winter and early spring conditions, the axillary panicle primordia prevail, and the rudimentary leaves abscise when low temperatures reach a certain threshold. The floral buds ultimately develop into pure panicles. Understanding the regulatory mechanism of rudimentary leaf senescence is of great importance for litchi flowering. In this study, litchi potted trees at the floral differentiation stage were treated with low and high temperatures in order to induce senescence or development of leaves. The microstructure of the petiole base of the rudimentary leaves was determined. The results show several layers of flattened cells forming in the abscission zone of the rudimentary leaves that were treated with low temperatures as well as an obvious boundary regarded as the abscission layer zone. We also determined the gene expression in the leaves with different developmental fate. The results show that the LcRboh, LcMC-1-like, and LcPirin genes were significantly induced in the rudimentary leaves treated with low temperatures, and the expression increased with the proceeding of senescence. The expression of the genes encoding class Ι β-1,3-glucanase and β-xylosidase also increased with the senescence, suggesting their possible involvement in the low temperature-induced senescence of the rudimentary leaves.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the role of abscisic acid in litchi flowering, litchi trees were treated with exogenous ABA before or when panicle primordia emerged. The results showed that ABA spraying when panicle primordia emerged reduced the number of leaves per panicle, enhanced the number of axillary panicles per panicle and the ratio of axillary panicles to total nodes per panicle. When trees were treated with ABA before panicle primordia emerged, the number of flowers per panicle in the ABA-treated trees was higher than that of the control. The ABA biosynthesis inhibitor naproxen reduced the percentage of flowering terminal shoots and number of flowers in one panicle, and suppressed the litchi homologue gene (LcAP1). To confirm whether the enhanced AP1 expression depended on H2O2, NO and calcium, the effect of ABA was compared with that of ABA plus NO scavenger 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl3-oxide (PTIO), or the H2O2 trapper dimethylthiourea (DMTU), the calcium chelator glycol-bis (β-amino ethyl ether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) and calcium channel blocker LaCl3. The results showed that ABA enhanced AP1 expression, but the inductive effects were suppressed by DMTU, EGTA and LaCl3 but not PTIO, suggesting that ABA promotion of LcAP1 expression may be H2O2 and calcium dependent but not NO dependent.  相似文献   

荔枝与龙眼种质资源研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
荔枝和龙眼是中国著名的南亚热带果树。本文分别就荔枝、龙眼种质资源在起源与分布、分类与鉴定等方面取得的研究进展进行了综述。荔枝和龙眼的分类研究大体经历了3个阶段:根据形态特征进行分类、应用同工酶分析和DNA分子标记进行分类。形态特征常常受到环境条件的影响,而同工酶分析可以检测到的多态性位点十分有限。应用分子标记研究荔枝、龙眼种质资源的遗传多样性克服了前述2种研究方法的不足。目前,荔枝和龙眼的品种选育仍然以实生选种和芽变选种为主。为了实现对荔枝、龙眼果实品质和农艺性状的改良,建议在分子水平上进一步深入地探讨荔枝、龙眼种质资源的遗传多样性;同时通过应用分子标记辅助选择技术提高荔枝和龙眼杂交育种的效率。  相似文献   

Immersion of litchi fruit in 49 degrees C water for 20 min followed by hydrocooling in ambient (24 +/- 4 degrees C) temperature water for 20 min was tested as a quarantine treatment against potential infestations of Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann); and oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel, eggs or larvae in Hawaiian litchi, Litchi chinensis Sonnerat. The 49 degrees C hot-water immersion of litchi provided probit 9 (99.9968% mortality with >95% confidence) quarantine security against eggs and first instars. There were no survivors from 15,000 each feeding and nonfeeding Mediterranean fruit fly or oriental fruit fly third instars immersed in a computer-controlled water bath that simulated the litchi seed-surface temperature profile during the 49 degrees C hot-water immersion treatment. Litchi served as the model for longan, Dimocarpus longan Lour., a closely related fruit that is smaller and also has commercial potential for Hawaii. Modified fruit infestation and holding techniques used to obtain adequate estimated treated populations from poor host fruit, such as litchi and longan, are described. Data from these experiments were used to obtain approval of a hot-water immersion quarantine treatment against fruit flies for litchi and longan exported from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland.  相似文献   

基于叶片解剖特征分析三种无患子科果树的亲缘关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用石蜡切片和组织离析法,对3种无患子科果树的10份种质叶片横切及表皮解剖特征进行观察,并采用聚类分析对其亲缘关系进行初步研究。结果表明:10份试材均为异面叶,叶横切结构分为表皮、叶肉和叶脉3部分。中脉厚度总体上龙眼最大、龙荔次之、荔枝最小,差异显著。荔枝的中脉横切面为圆三角形,龙眼近似半圆形,龙荔则近似扁圆形。不同试材的叶片、上表皮和下表皮、栅栏组织及海绵组织的厚度分别为175.23~318.84、11.18~25.13、7.49~20.43、50.01~124.59和84.0~173.64μm,栅栏组织细胞有2~3层。此外,叶脉突起度、栅栏组织与海绵组织厚度之比、叶片组织结构紧密度和叶片组织结构疏松度分别为2.65~5.77、0.52~0.82、28.89%~39.95%和44.89%~55.57%。荔枝的表皮细胞较小、多边形,垂周壁为弧形,下表皮无表皮毛,气孔器呈长椭圆形;龙眼的表皮细胞较大、不规则形,垂周壁深波状,下表皮具表皮毛,气孔椭圆形或近圆形;龙荔的表皮细胞与龙眼相近,但垂周壁为波状。聚类分析显示,10份试材首先聚为两大类,其中第一类是荔枝属,第二类是龙眼属;然后又分为4个亚类,三月红和龙荔各自单独聚为一个亚类。  相似文献   

In loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.), the comparison of fruiting trees and defruited trees carried out covering a range of developmental fruit stages reveals a significant reduction in flowering due to fruit from its early stage of development, being higher when it changes color and becomes senescent, which coincides with the floral bud inductive period. This effect occurred both at the tree and at the shoot level. Furthermore, although current shoots almost always develop into panicles, those from fruiting trees develop fewer flowers, suggesting that fruit also affects at the floral bud level. In our experiment, the gibberellin concentration at the floral bud inductive period was significantly higher in bark tissues (periderm, cortex and phloem tissues) of fruiting trees, compared with defruited trees that tend to flower more. The lower concentration of IAA in the bark tissues of defruited trees also contributes to increase their flowering intensity. On the contrary, the zeatin concentration was higher. Accordingly, at bud burst, the IAA/zeatin ratio, an indication of effect on flowering, was significantly higher for fruiting trees. Some disruption in the nitrate reduction process in fruiting tree was also observed. The process of floral bud induction and differentiation was not associated with either reducing or translocating and reserve carbohydrate concentration. Hence, loquat flower intensity depends on the time the fruit is maintained on the tree. The intensity is affected indirectly, by reducing the number of shoots, and directly, by reducing the number of flowers per panicle, and these effects are linked to endogenous plant hormone contents.  相似文献   

黄壤性稻田稗草发生特征及其对长期不同施肥的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究长期不同施肥下黄壤性稻田稗草发生特征,明确稗草发生与长期不同施肥水稻产量和土壤性质变异的响应关系.基于农业部贵州耕地保育与农业环境科学观测试验站的一项连续23年不同施肥管理水稻试验,选取不施肥(CK)、单施氮肥(N)、磷钾肥(PK)、氮磷肥(NP)、氮钾肥(NK)、常量化肥(NPK)、1/4有机肥替代化肥(1/4MNP)、1/2有机肥替代化肥(1/2MNP)、单施有机肥(M)和常量有机肥化肥配施(MNPK)10个处理,采用田间调查法调查各处理稗草发生密度、单株穗数、总穗数、穗粒数、千粒重和穗粒重等植物学参数;采用方差分析明确不同处理稗草发生差异,采用直线拟合、相关分析和通径分析明确杂草发生特征对水稻产量和土壤性质的响应.结果表明: 长期不同施肥处理导致黄壤性稻田稗草发生特征显著变异,稗草的密度、单株穗数和总穗数均以MNPK处理最高,其次是1/4MNP处理.相较常量化肥处理,长期不施肥(CK)和不平衡施肥(N、PK、NK、NP)各处理稗草发生的密度显著降低,施用有机肥各处理(1/4MNP、1/2MNP、M、MNPK)稗草的单株穗数显著增加.稗草的发生密度和总穗数与水稻产量呈极显著的正相关性,拟合直线的决定系数分别为0.622和0.624.土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾与稗草发生参数之间存在显著至极显著的相关性;通径分析表明,土壤全氮含量对稗草单株穗数发生有直接正效应,全磷含量是影响稗草密度和总穗数的主要因素,速效钾含量对穗粒数和穗粒重影响最大.长期不同施肥导致黄壤性稻田稗草发生特征变异,施用有机肥提高了稗草的发生密度、单株穗数和总穗数.土壤全磷含量是黄壤性稻田稗草密度和总穗数发生变异的直接影响因素.  相似文献   

龙眼内源激素变化和花芽分化及大小年结果的关系   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
本文探讨了隔年结果的龙眼花芽和营养芽内源激素在成花过程中的作用及其与结果大小年的关系.结果表明:大年树的细胞分裂素iPA明显地高于小年树,而GA和ABA含量明显低于小年树,说明细胞分裂素有利于龙眼花芽分化,GA和ABA不利于花芽分化.龙眼大年树细胞分裂素和赤霉素的比值显著高于小年树.外施PP333能促进花芽分化,具有缩短花序、提高着果率和增加产量的作用.  相似文献   

Vegetative growth and reproductive growth strongly competes with each other during panicle development in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.). We herein investigated the roles of hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide in the competition between growth of rudimentary leaves and panicle development. The results show that the chilling-induced flowering increased H2O2 and NO contents in the mixed buds. Treatments with sodium nitroprusside (SNP), the NO donor, and methyl viologen dichloride hydrate (MV), the superoxide generator, increased NO and H2O2 contents in the mixed buds. MV and SNP treatments promoted abscission of rudimentary leaves and encouraged panicle development before or at the stage of panicle emergence. The nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N ω -nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) and the H2O2 trapper dimethylthiourea (DMTU) inhibited a chilling-induced flowering. SNP promoted the expression of litchi LEAFY homolog (LcLFY). These promotive effects were suppressed by the NO scavenger, 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl3-oxide (PTIO) and the H2O2 trapper, DMTU. The results suggest that H2O2 and NO promote reproductive growth by inhibiting the growth of rudimentary leaves as well as by promoting the expression of the flower related gene, LcLFY.  相似文献   

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