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基于顺德区 1995-2011 年的土地利用详查数据和社会经济统计数据, 分析了全区土地利用变化和社会经济发展对生态系统服务的影响。结果表明 : (1)顺德区的土地利用变化较快, 耕地、水域面积减少, 建设用地、园地面积增加, 林地、草地以及未利用地面积相对稳定; (2)研究期间 , 顺德区的生态服务价值急剧减少, 由 1995 年的 7.68×108 元减少到2011 年的 5.48×108 元, 16 年间减少 2.2×108 元; (3)基于 2000 年不变价分析, 发现人均生态服务价值与人均 GDP 和人口密度间均存在显著的负相关关系 , 相关系数分别为 –0.817 和–0.932; (4)生态服务价值与耕地和水域面积呈显著的正相关关系 , 相关系数分别为 0.667 和 0.881; 与园地、建设用地面积则呈明显的负相关关系 , 相关系数分别为 –0.841 和–0.906。  相似文献   

随着我国医疗卫生事业的快速发展和医学科学的不断进步,高等医学院校附属医院正面临着新的发展机遇和挑战。通过对我国医院现状与发展趋势的研究分析,提出新时期高等医学院校附属医院走“学术型”医院的发展之路,并从内涵、特征、构建思路等几方面对建设“学术型”医院进行初步阐述,以期对我国高等医学院校附属医院的发展与建设提供新的思路。  相似文献   

近三十年来,我国设施蔬菜栽培发展迅速,已成为我国农业中最有活力的新兴产业之一.但在长期的设施蔬菜生产过程中,普遍存在着不合理施肥、养分比例失调、肥效下降和资源浪费严重等问题,致使土壤养分富集,盐分积累现象日趋严重.本文对我国设施菜地土壤次生盐渍化的现状、发生原因及其对作物的危害进行综述和分析,在此基础上制定设施菜地土壤次生盐渍化分类与分级的标准的建议及初步构架,旨在为防治设施菜地土壤次生盐渍化,实现设施菜地土壤的质量调控与可持续利用提供理论指导和科学依据.  相似文献   

江伟康  吴隽宇 《生态学报》2021,41(5):1747-1757
经济发展与人口集聚引起的土地利用变化对一个地区的生态环境影响显著,生境质量评价在一定程度上可以反映区域生物多样性的状况。分析地区生境质量与社会经济、人口密度的关系,能够为区域生态安全及可持续发展提供科学依据。运用InVEST模型,以粤港澳大湾区2005、2010、2015、2018年四期土地利用数据分析生境质量的时空演变特征,结合社会经济及人口分布数据探究各地区城市发展与生境质量的权衡关系,并预测2030年大湾区不同情景下生境质量状况。结果表明:(1)2005-2018年粤港澳大湾区整体生境质量逐年降低,呈现出中部低、四周高的环状分布,生境破碎、建设用地增加是生境质量下降的主要原因。(2)珠三角九市生境质量与地区总GDP呈弱负相关,与第一产业产值呈中等正相关,与第二产业产值呈中等负相关,与第三产业产值呈弱正相关。(3)粤港澳大湾区生境质量与人口密度存在较大的不平衡,最主要的空间为高生境质量-低人口密度、低生境质量-高人口密度两种类型。(4)通过空间管制分区,预测2030年大湾区规划保护情景下大湾区平均生境质量较2018上升0.04,达到0.599,生境质量有明显改善。  相似文献   

贵阳市景观类型与人口密度相关分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以CBERS-1为数据源,获取贵阳市景观数据,通过简单相关和偏相关分析,从定量角度阐明人口密度和景观类型之间的相关关系和相关程度。结果表明,简单相关分析和偏相关分析的差别很小,不能影响变量之间的相关关系;相关分析中,只有居民点及建设景观与人口密度为正相关,且相关关系不显著,其他均为负相关,其中农田景观、林地景观、草地景观为显著相关,石漠化景观相关性不显著,水域景观和园地景观可视为无相关性;人类活动对自然界景观格局的影响虽然广泛而深刻,但以人类干扰景观为主,人口密度对景观格局不存在决定性的作用。  相似文献   

近些年来食品安全问题与事故层出不穷,这在一定程度上为相关企业敲响了警钟。本文将针对我国食品安全发展的现状进行简单分析,并且从消费者、企业以及我国相关部门对食品安全问题关注程度的增强角度分析了其原因,最后提出了食品生产安全管理过程中,食品安全控制和管理的具体对策,以期为相关企业和部门提供参考。  相似文献   

建设社会主义新农村是我国现代化进程中的重大历史任务,本文在对我国新农村规划建设模式现状研究分析的基础上,提出从村湾区位条件、新农村建设主体、主导产业发展、村湾住房建设等方面构建四层次复合模式路径选择方案,并以武汉市为例进行初步分析,提出了适合武汉市新农村规划建设的三种主导复合模式。  相似文献   

潭江流域森林碳储量及其动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据森林碳储量的计算方法和森林资源清查资料,结合实地调查校正,估算了11年来快速城市化过程中潭江流域森林的碳储量及其动态变化,分析了人口密度、GDP增长与森林的碳储量、碳密度的相关关系.结果表明,潭江流域森林碳储量由1990年的5.906×106t增长到2001年的7.852×106t,年均增长0.18×106 t,增长率为3.05%,起到了碳汇的作用.人口密度的增加和经济的快速发展没有影响到森林碳储量和碳密度的增加,但林业发展速度远落后于经济发展的速度.合理的林业管理模式与经济发展相互协调是流域森林生态系统在城市化过程中提供更好的服务功能并促使区域生态环境可持续发展的关键.  相似文献   

陆怡 《生命的化学》2012,(3):287-293
转化医学(translational medicine)是近10年来国际生物医学领域出现的新概念和重点研究方向,其为一种倡导实验室与临床研究双向转化的模式,而这种模式的核心意义之一便体现在协作与资源共享方面。这便促使生物样本库成为了转化医学的战略资源。本文在分析发达国家促进转化医学发展政策的同时分析了生物样本库建设的现状、趋势和问题,旨在为我国制定转化医学发展战略,建设生物样本库,促进转化医学发展提供参考。  相似文献   

基于有害干扰的中国省域森林生态安全评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘心竹  米锋  张爽  苏立娟  顾艳红  张大红 《生态学报》2014,34(11):3115-3127
近年来随着经济社会不断发展,森林生态系统受到各种有害干扰越来越多,在以可持续发展为目标和"建设生态城市,推进城市森林建设,保障城市生态安全"的背景下,研究我国各省森林生态安全状况,成为关乎我国各省城市健康发展的重要课题。在对森林生态安全与森林健康概念辨析的基础上,基于有害干扰角度,运用宏观数据,应用SPSS、Stata、Matlab等软件,采用理论分析与实证分析、定性分析与定量分析相结合的研究方法。通过主成分分析、聚类分析、模糊评价等手段对2011年我国31个省级行政区域的森林生态安全水平进行实证分析和评价。评价结果表明:在2011年研究所涉及的31个省份中,16个省级行政区域的森林生态安全水平较高,森林生态系统受有害干扰较小,整体水平较为乐观,但仍有近一半的省份森林生态系统处于不安全状态。在深入探讨评价结果和影响我国各省森林生态安全主要干扰因子的基础上,为如何维护我国森林生态安全提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

本文对周原齐家东M24墓主骨骼进行了生物考古学研究,发现其右侧胫、腓骨下端1/5处为截肢后畸形愈合;胫骨生理长缩短约5 cm,足部离断后缺失。结合创伤情况、考古学背景及文献实物资料,该个体生前极有可能遭受了“惩罚性截肢”,即刖刑。商周时期刖刑的致死率极高,施刑工具可能有青铜刀锯、钻头、石块等,除拉切外还伴有砍砸行为。被刖之人康复后需拄杖行走并承担守门之责,社会地位低下、饮食状况不佳且饱受他人歧视,境遇十分悲惨。周原齐家东M24墓主是我国经过系统研究且年代最早的截肢病例,也是目前所见最为疑似刖刑的首例个体,为深入了解西周时期的刑罚体系、医疗水平及社会观念等提供了生动资料。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区城市化与植被活动之间的时空相关性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用时间序列NDVI数据和统计资料,以长江三角洲地区为例,研究城市化与植被生长活力之间的时空相关性。在总体上,NDVI与人口和GDP之间均呈显著的负相关性;空间相关场进一步表明,在人口和GDP分布较高的地区,植被的生长活力越低,相关系数均在-1.0~0.5之间。选择地市行政单元为研究粒度,使用面板数据分析方法,研究单位面积NDVI与城市化率之间相关性的演变,结果表明,在时间序列上负相关性越来越强,两者之间有明显线性关系,这在一定程度上反映了区域社会发展与生态环境之间未达到双赢。  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry is commonly used as a bioindicator of developmental stress. This study addresses asymmetry under nutritional/systemic stress in the human craniofacial skeleton and its utility as an indicator of developmental instability. Crania from the diachronic Christian cemeteries at Kulubnarti (Sudanese Nubia) were chosen as a model for nutrition/systemic stress. Previous studies indicate that individuals from the Early Christian cemetery were subjected to greater developmental stress when compared with individuals from the Late Christian cemetery. Therefore, crania from the Early Christian cemetery should display a greater magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry than crania from the Late Christian cemetery. Thirty adult crania of comparable age and sex were selected from each population. Landmark coordinates were digitized in two separate trials and averaged to minimize error. Euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA) was used to measure and compare the magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry in each sample. Results indicate that crania from the Early Christian cemetery display greater amounts of fluctuating asymmetry than those from the Late Christian cemetery, as predicted. The degree of fluctuating asymmetry for each linear distance is highly correlated between the cemeteries, suggesting that all humans may share common patterns of fluctuating asymmetry in the skull. In contrast, there is little correlation between magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry and length of linear distance, between-subject variability, or measurement error. These results support the hypothesis that poor nutrition/systemic stress increases developmental instability in the human skull and that increased fluctuating asymmetry constitutes morphological evidence of this stress.  相似文献   

靳程  杨永川  周礼华  龙宇潇  陈媛 《广西植物》2023,43(8):1437-1445
金钱松是中国最具国际影响力的古老孑遗植物之一,其面临生境破碎化、种群分散以及个体数量减少的种种威胁。幸运的是,已有研究指出村落风水林为金钱松自然种群提供了庇护,然而,村落风水林到底如何发挥保护效用,尚待深入探索。因此,该研究通过野外调查和社区访谈的方法对所有金钱松自然种群的更新现状、保护行为和干扰程度进行全面调查,并以林家塘村金钱松自然种群为例揭示金钱松村落风水林保护和管理模式。结果表明:(1)相较于其他生境类型,村落风水林生境中金钱松自然种群径级结构连续,幼苗密度较高;(2)水口林、墓地林和阳基树承载的风水与禁忌文化是村落风水林能够有效保护金钱松自然种群的内在原因;(3)新时代乡村旅游业的发展进一步促进了村民对金钱松村落风水林的保护。综上所述,在乡村振兴背景下,基于风水和禁忌文化的村落风水林保护和管理模式是金钱松自然种群保护的绝佳模式。  相似文献   

Cemeteries are ideal urban areas to study the importance of different types of containers as breeding sites of Aedes aegypti (L.). In the present study, the suitability of plastic, glass, ceramic and metal containers was evaluated in four patches within a cemetery of Buenos Aires City, Argentina. Between October 1998 and May 2000, we found 215 breeding sites of Ae. aegypti out of 13,022 water-filled containers examined. In two patches containing microenvironments sheltered from the sun, the use of the different types of containers was proportional to the offer (correlation coefficient = 0.99, P < 0.05 in both cases). In the remaining patches, plastic and metal containers were the most and less frequent breeding sites, respectively (P < 0.001 in both cases). The number of immatures per breeding site (median = 4.5) did not show significant differences among the four types of containers examined (H3, 215 = 1.216, P = 0.749). Differences found in patches from a same cemetery suggest that different microenvironmental conditions affect the suitability of each type of container for Ae. aegypti breeding. Plastic containers appeared as key breeding sites that should be removed to reduce the Ae. aegypti population in the study area.  相似文献   

三峡库区松材线虫病扩张速度对人为活动的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
松材线虫病是我国森林重要的检疫性病害,除自然媒介天牛传播,人为因素介导的传播在松材线虫病扩散和蔓延中起着至关重要的作用。选择在我国松材线虫病的重点发生区域三峡库区,研究马尾松林景观格局和以人为活动强度为主要因子的松材线虫病扩散规律,尝试揭示松材线虫病扩散机制。结果显示三峡库区的疫点数在近年有上升趋势,各地区发病率得到一定控制;在疫区和非疫区,马尾松林斑块聚合度最大的是非疫区的大渡口,为98.6406;斑块分离度最大的是非疫区的秭归,为0.9318;方差分析结果显示马尾松林景观格局和松材线虫病之间没有相关性。进一步研究了松材线虫病和人为活动强度的联系,结果显示松材线虫病发病率和地区路网密度、人口总量具有较强的相关性,和地区GDP、货运周转量相关性小。宜昌的松材线虫病发病率和路网密度的相关系数为0.985,和人口总数的相关系数为0.866;重庆的松材线虫病发病率和路网密度相关系数为0.924,和人口总数相关系数为0.999;其次基于路网密度和人口总数,对三峡库区松材线虫病疫情在未来十年进行了预测,结果显示随着路网密度和人口总数的扩增,宜昌松材线虫病也将呈现逐步增大的趋势,R~2值为0.919和0.637;重庆发生趋势一致,R~2值为0.976和0.992。  相似文献   

乔旭宁  顾羊羊  邹长新  黄贤峰  胡涛 《生态学报》2018,38(16):5883-5893
理解人类活动变化对生态环境的影响,识别生态环境变化区域及其成因,对制定差异化的区域生态保护政策具有重要意义。基于MODIS17A3和DMSP/OLS稳定夜间灯光数据,结合RS与GIS技术,构建城镇开发程度指数,采用一元线性趋势分析法对城镇开发程度进行分区,利用Pearson相关系数计算城镇开发程度与NPP的作用关系,并运用热点分析模型探讨土地利用转型对NPP变化的影响。结果表明:(1)2000—2010年,太湖流域年均NPP变化范围是388.79—452.54 gC m~(-2)a~(-1),NPP变化呈波动下降趋势;(2)城镇开发程度缓慢增加区对NPP变化影响较小,增加区与快速增加区对NPP变化影响较大;(3)太湖流域土地转型主要发生在耕地转建设用地、林地转建设用地和水域转建设用地,建设用地面积的快速扩张及由此导致的城镇开发程度的增加,是流域NPP降低的主要原因。  相似文献   

To explore the impacts of increasing human numbers on nature, many studies have examined relationships between human population density (HPD) and biodiversity change. The implicit assumption in many of these studies is that as population density increases so does the threat to biodiversity. The implications of this assumption are compounded by recent research showing that species richness for many taxonomic groups is often highest in areas with high HPD. If increasing HPD is a threat to conservation, this threat may be magnified owing to the spatial congruence between people and species richness. Here, I review the relationships between HPD and measures of biodiversity status focussing in particular on evidence for the spatial congruence between people and species richness and the threat that increasing HPD may pose to biodiversity conservation. The review is split into two major sections: (i) a quantitative assessment of 85 studies covering 401 analyses, including meta-analyses on discrete relationships; and (ii) a discussion of the implications of the quantitative analyses and major issues raised in the literature. Our understanding of the relationships between HPD and biodiversity is skewed by geographic and taxonomic biases in the literature. Most research has been conducted in the Northern Hemisphere and focussed primarily on birds and mammals, largely ignoring relationships with other taxonomic groups. A total of 127 analyses compared HPD with the species richness of particular taxonomic groups. A meta-analysis of these results found a significant positive population correlation indicating that, on average, species-rich regions and human settlements co-occur. However, there was substantial unexplained heterogeneity in these data. Some of this heterogeneity was explained by the size of the sampling unit used by researchers - as this increased so did the strength of the correlation between HPD and species richness. The most convincing result for a taxonomic group was a significant positive population correlation between HPD and bird species richness. Significant positive population correlations were also found for HPD versus the richness of threatened and geographically restricted species. Hence, there is reasonably good evidence for spatial congruence between people and species-rich regions. The reasons for this congruence are only just beginning to be explored, but key mutual drivers appear to include available energy and elevation. The evidence for increasing HPD as a threat to conservation was weak, owing primarily to the extreme heterogeneity in the approaches used to address this issue. There was some suggestion of a positive relationship between HPD and species extinction, but this result should be interpreted with caution owing to the wide diversity of approaches used to measure extinction. Identifying strong links between human development and species extinction is hampered in part by the difficulty of recording extinction events. The most convincing indication of the negative impact of increasing HPD was a significant negative population correlation between density and the size of protected areas. The magnitude and implications of spatial congruence between people and biodiversity are now being explored using the principles of complementarity and irreplaceability. Human development as a threat to conservation is usually assessed within a complex, interdisciplinary modelling framework, although population size is still considered a key factor. Future population growth and expansion of human settlements will present increasing challenges for conserving species-rich regions and maximising the benefits humans gain from nature.  相似文献   

The bases of paleodemography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accurate identification of every skeleton (age, sex, health, female fecundity) in a fully sampled cemetery provides data on adult longevity, infant and child death ratios, sex ratio, fertility and birth, death, and natural increase rates, population density, family structure and microevolutionary selection.  相似文献   

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