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葡萄酒相关酵母的香气形成及香气特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一系列相关微生物的代谢及相互作用贯穿在葡萄酒的酿造过程中,其中各种酵母菌的代谢产物是影响葡萄酒感官特征的关键,不同菌种代谢产生不同的挥发性物质,造成对葡萄酒香气的最直接影响。介绍了酿酒酵母以及非酿酒酵母的代谢特征与差别,由此所引起的葡萄酒气味的不同表现,以及发酵过程中不同菌种的相互作用,总结了近些年来对非酿酒酵母酿酒特性的研究与利用。目前已证实非酿酒酵母的一些代谢特征对葡萄酒香气和香气结构具有一些积极的作用,并且酿酒酵母和有些非酿酒酵母的结合使用对改善葡萄酒感官也具有良好的作用与发展前景。  相似文献   

葡萄酒发酵过程中酵母菌之间相互抑制作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的确定葡萄酒发酵过程中不同酵母间相互抑制作用产生的原因。方法采用透析袋发酵法通过单因素实验、上清液抑菌实验和双向电泳等方法,确立溶氧、酒精度、pH、氮源、生存空间以及分泌蛋白等因素对非酿酒酵母衰亡的诱导作用。结果溶氧、酒精、pH、氮源及生存空间的竞争并不是非酿酒酵母提前衰亡的主要原因,酿酒酵母菌产生的代谢产物对非酿酒酵母的提前衰亡具有很强的诱导作用。结论酿酒酵母分泌的分子量小于10kDa的代谢产物和一些分子量超过10 kDa的蛋白类物质均对克鲁维酵母等非酿酒酵母的衰亡具有诱导作用。  相似文献   

孟醒  吴群  徐岩 《微生物学通报》2015,42(9):1679-1688
【目的】为解析酱香型白酒发酵过程中群体微生物的酿造特征,研究酱香型白酒酿造中贡献特征风味的地衣芽孢杆菌和贡献酒精的酿酒酵母之间的相互作用。【方法】通过构建酿酒酵母纯培养及与地衣芽孢杆菌共培养发酵体系,比较不同培养体系中的生物量、乙醇产量及有机酸产量差异,并从蛋白组学角度加以分析和认识二者之间的相互作用。【结果】在共培养体系中,酿酒酵母抑制地衣芽孢杆菌生长,其自身生长不受地衣芽孢杆菌的影响,然而代谢产物却发生变化,其中乙醇及有机酸中的丙酮酸、苹果酸、乳酸、琥珀酸及酒石酸的最高产量分别高出其纯培养的11.8%、56.8%、36.3%、24.3%、48.2%及27.7%,而柠檬酸的最高产量低于其纯培养的35.1%;蛋白组分析显示,地衣芽孢杆菌诱导酿酒酵母胞内69个蛋白差异表达(>2倍),质谱鉴定出24个,主要功能为参与糖酵解过程、乙醇代谢过程、细胞壁稳定性调控及应激反应等。糖酵解和乙醇代谢途径相关蛋白对酿酒酵母混合培养条件下的代谢变化起重要作用,其余蛋白可能与微生物相互作用时的防御和适应性相关。【结论】在混合培养发酵体系中地衣芽孢杆菌能够影响酿酒酵母的乙醇及有机酸代谢,这对于白酒品质调控及微生物间相互作用都具有重要意义。蛋白组学结果为从分子层面深入认识酿酒酵母与地衣芽孢杆菌之间的相互作用提供理论基础,有利于促进酱香型白酒发酵过程中群体微生物酿造特征的解析。  相似文献   

酱香型白酒发酵中地衣芽孢杆菌与酿酒酵母的相互作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
凌杰  吴群  徐岩  范文来 《微生物学通报》2013,40(11):2014-2021
【目的】为解析酱香型白酒酿造群体微生物的发酵过程, 研究了酱香型白酒酿造中重要微生物地衣芽孢杆菌与酿酒酵母之间的相互作用, 并对它们之间的作用机制进行初步探讨。【方法】通过地衣芽孢杆菌与酿酒酵母共培养体系的构建, 认识了两者的相互作用, 初步分析了酿酒酵母产生抑制物的分子量, 耐热性及对蛋白酶敏感性等特性。【结果】研究表明, 酿酒酵母发酵造成的酸性环境以及某些代谢物质能够抑制地衣芽孢杆菌的生长, 这些物质分子量大于10 kD, 对热和蛋白酶敏感。【结论】白酒酿造中酿酒酵母通过产酸以及大分子的蛋白质类物质对地衣芽孢杆菌生长形成抑制, 该研究促进了对白酒酿造群体微生物发酵过程的解析。  相似文献   

葡萄酒酿酒酵母果糖利用能力与酒精发酵中止和发酵不彻底密切相关,其果糖利用分子机制的研究备受关注。以高果糖利用葡萄酒酿酒酵母菌EC1118为试验材料,利用重组技术获得了HXT3基因敲除菌,通过酶切和基因测序鉴定,首次发现EC1118具有2个不同的HXT3等位基因,并研究了不同HXT3等位基因缺失对菌体发酵过程中葡萄糖、果糖利用的影响。结果表明,突变的HXT3-champ基因对保证菌体发酵后期高果糖利用能力起到了重要的作用,对筛选和构建高果糖利用优良葡萄酒酿酒酵母研究具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

【背景】产香酵母可赋予葡萄酒独特的香气,因此,分离筛选优良产香酵母对酿造具有地域风味的特色葡萄酒具有重要意义。【目的】从中条山野生葡萄中筛选产香酵母,进行种群鉴定和生理生化特性研究,并将其应用于葡萄酒发酵过程,研究其对葡萄酒香气成分的影响。【方法】采用稀释涂布平板法从中条山野葡萄中分离筛选酵母菌,对其进行分子生物学鉴定。优选其中具有显著香气的产香酵母,与酿酒酵母F15进行混合发酵,采用气相色谱质谱联用(gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer,GC-MS)对香气成分进行分析,采用半定量法测定香气成分含量。【结果】共分离获得各种菌株13株,26S rRNA基因D1/D2区序列分析表明它们分布于IssatchenkiaTorulasporaPichiaSaccharomycesRhodotorula等5个不同属内。优选其中一株香气较为浓郁的酵母菌株Issatchenkia orientalis strain XS-6开展研究,结果发现该菌株最高耐受乙醇浓度为8%,最高耐受NaCl浓度为6%,最适生长温度为38℃。与酿酒酵母F15混菌发酵的葡萄酒中共检测出31种香气成分。香气物质总含量较单菌发酵增加19.8%,其中11种香气成分含量增加明显,尤其是具有玫瑰香气的苯乙醇。醇类与酯类物质含量较单菌发酵增加19.6%,并发现了香草酸乙酯(ethyl vanillate)、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(dibutyl phthalate)等7种新的酯类物质。【结论】产香酵母XS-6对乙醇、NaCl、温度等具有良好的耐受性,而且与酿酒酵母F15混菌发酵对西拉葡萄酒香气成分具有明显的影响,可能在改善葡萄酒风味方面具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

【背景】NX11424酵母是一株具有良好发酵特性且能赋予赤霞珠葡萄酒浓郁果香的宁夏本土酿酒酵母。【目的】解析NX11424酵母发酵的赤霞珠葡萄酒中的水果香气特征。【方法】以赤霞珠为材料,设置3个发酵处理:自然发酵、灭菌接种NX11424的发酵和直接接种NX11424的发酵,利用26S rDNA D1/D2区测序分析法鉴定发酵过程中酵母菌的种类,并通过顶空固相微萃取和气相色谱-质谱联用技术定量测定不同发酵处理下赤霞珠葡萄酒的香气成分及含量。【结果】三个发酵处理下赤霞珠葡萄酒各理化指标无显著性差异。所分离到的酵母菌鉴定为2属3种:萄葡汁有孢汉逊酵母(Hanseniaspora uvarum)、酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)和布拉迪酵母(Saccharomyces boulardii,S. boulardii);这2属3种均存在于自然发酵中,接种发酵中仅存在H. uvarumS. cerevisiae两种酵母。三个发酵处理下的赤霞珠葡萄酒中香气物质种类无差异,均为69种;其中,酯类28种,醇类25种,有机酸5种,萜烯类2种和其他类化合物9种;但各发酵处理下香气物质的含量存在显著差异。聚类分析表明,69种香气成分被聚为3类。第1类香气物质包括香茅醇、丙醇等9种成分,其中7种香气物质的含量在灭菌接种发酵中较高;第2类香气物质包括己酸乙酯、棕榈酸乙酯等31种成分,其含量均在直接接种发酵中较高;第3类香气物质包括丁酸乙酯、乳酸乙酯等29种成分,其中27种香气物质的含量在自然发酵中较高。虽然直接接种发酵处理中酵母菌的多样性低于自然发酵处理,但是该处理的赤霞珠葡萄酒中酯类香气物质含量较多,水果香气浓郁,对赤霞珠葡萄酒香气的改善更明显。【结论】NX11424与发酵中的其他本土酵母间的相互作用可以改善葡萄酒的质量,为宁夏本土酵母NX11424在赤霞珠葡萄酒酿造过程中改善葡萄酒质量奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

葡萄酒生境对乳酸菌代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在葡萄酒酿造中,为了提高其稳定性及质量,经常利用乳酸菌进行苹果酸.乳酸发酵.苹果酸一乳酸发酵一般自发进行,也可以接种乳酸菌.本文从酿酒酵母与乳酸菌的交互作用及酚类物质和酿酒工艺对乳酸菌的作用等方面进行了综述,讨论了葡萄酒生态环境对乳酸菌代谢的影响,为苹果酸一乳酸发酵的有效控制提供一些参考.  相似文献   

【背景】商业酵母的使用造成葡萄酒同质化问题严重,发掘优良本土酿酒酵母具有十分重要的意义。【目的】从168株宁夏本土酿酒酵母菌株中筛选出性能优良、具有出色葡萄酒发酵能力的菌株。【方法】基于杜氏管发酵试验和乙醇、高糖等耐受性试验分析产H2S能力及生长曲线测定的方法,筛选出发酵力好、耐受性强、低产H2S的本土酿酒酵母进行赤霞珠葡萄酒发酵试验,测定葡萄酒样基础理化指标、酚类物质和挥发性成分,探究筛选出的酿酒酵母发酵特性。【结果】初步筛选出发酵快速,能适应13%乙醇、350 g/L葡萄糖、250 mg/L SO2、pH 1.0的生存环境且低产H2S的4株本土酿酒酵母YC-E8、QTX-D17、QTX-D7、YQY-E18。菌株YC-E8产甘油能力强,所发酵酒样香气与商业酵母XR、F33最为接近,适用于赤霞珠葡萄酒的发酵。菌株QTX-D17发酵酒样中酒精、单宁、总酚和花色苷含量最高,表现出本土酿酒酵母优良的发酵特性。菌株QTX-D7所发酵酒样香气中乙酸乙酯、辛酸乙酯、1-壬醇等物质含量较高,赋予了葡萄酒香蕉味、苹果味、菠萝味、椰子味等愉悦花果香。【结论】最终筛选出3株优良本土酿酒酵母QTX-D17...  相似文献   

苹果酸-乳酸发酵相关基因克隆及其在酵母中的表达   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
苹果酸乳酸发酵是不同葡萄酒酿造过程中至关重要的降酸步骤。近20年来,围绕苹果酸乳酸发酵相关基因的克隆以及在酿酒酵母中表达的研究取得了一些进展,就该研究进展和存在的问题进行了综述。此外,也论及了苹果酸-乙醇发酵相关基因的研究,这对于一些不适合苹果酸-乳酸发酵的葡萄酒具有重要意义 。  相似文献   

A total of 78 strains of non-Saccharomyces yeasts were isolated: 30 strains of Kloeckera apiculata, 20 of Candida stellata, 8 of Candida valida and 20 of Zygosaccharomyces fermentati. The diversity of yeast species and strains was monitored by determining the formation of secondary products of fermentation, such as acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate and higher alcohols. Within each species, the strains were distinguishable in phenotypes through the production of different amounts of by-products. In particular, a great variability was found in C. stellata, where six different phenotypes were identified by means of the production of acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, isobutanol and isoamyl alcohol. At different stages of the spontaneous fermentation different phenotypes of the non-Saccharomyces yeasts were represented, characterized by consistent differences in some by-products involved in the wine bouquet, such as acetaldehyde.  相似文献   

Several yeast cultures belonging to five non-Saccharomyces species associated with wine-making were evaluated for their oenological properties. Results showed that Candida stellata and Torulaspora delbrueckii could positively affect the taste and flavour of alcoholic beverages. Apiculate yeasts exhibited large amounts of negative byproducts, particularly ethyl acetate. Nevertheless, Kloeckera apiculata showed a significantly negative correlation between either acetic acid and ethyl acetate formation and ethanol production. Selected non-Saccharomyces yeast cultures could be applied profitably in wine-making for optimization of wine bouquet using new fermentation technologies.  相似文献   

AIMS: The purpose of this study was to select autochthonous glycosidase producer yeasts with potential use in industrial production of Patagonian red wines. METHODS AND RESULTS: The study was carried out in oenological autochthonous yeasts from Comahue region (Argentinean North Patagonia). A set of screenable yeast phenotypic characteristics indicative of their potential usefulness in more aromatic red wine production was defined and tested in both, Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces populations. Twelve isolates showing six different glycosidase phenotypes were selected and they were characterized at species and strain levels using molecular methods. A close correlation between molecular and phenotypic characteristics was observed. Five strains belonging to Candida guilliermondii, C. pulcherrima and Kloeckera apiculata with highest constitutive beta-glucosidase activity levels without anthocyanase activity were discriminated. Some of them also showed constitutive beta-xylosidase and inductive alpha-rhamnosidase activities. CONCLUSIONS: The extension of the selection of oenological yeast to non-Saccharomyces species provided strains possessing novel and interesting oenological characteristics which could have significant implications in the production of more aromatic young red wine. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: As these non-Saccharomyces are indigenous to wine, they can be used in mixed starters at the beginning or as pure cultures at the end fermentation to contribute in enhancing the wine nuance that is typical of this specific area.  相似文献   

Several yeast cultures belonging to five non-Saccharomyces species associated with wine-making were evaluated for their oenological properties. Results showed that Candida stellata and Torulaspora delbrueckii could positively affect the taste and flavour of alcoholic beverages. Apiculate yeasts exhibited large amounts of negative byproducts, particularly ethyl acetate. Nevertheless, Kloeckera apiculata showed a significantly negative correlation between either acetic acid and ethyl acetate formation and ethanol production. Selected non-Saccharomyces yeast cultures could be applied profitably in wine-making for optimization of wine bouquet using new fermentation technologies.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - The sequential or co-inoculation of grape must with non-Saccharomyces yeast species and Saccharomyces cerevisiae wine yeast strains has recently become a...  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrids are commonplace in agriculture and horticulture; bread wheat and grapefruit are but two examples. The benefits derived from interspecific hybridisation include the potential of generating advantageous transgressive phenotypes. This paper describes the generation of a new breed of wine yeast by interspecific hybridisation between a commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae wine yeast strain and Saccharomyces mikatae, a species hitherto not associated with industrial fermentation environs. While commercially available wine yeast strains provide consistent and reliable fermentations, wines produced using single inocula are thought to lack the sensory complexity and rounded palate structure obtained from spontaneous fermentations. In contrast, interspecific yeast hybrids have the potential to deliver increased complexity to wine sensory properties and alternative wine styles through the formation of novel, and wider ranging, yeast volatile fermentation metabolite profiles, whilst maintaining the robustness of the wine yeast parent. Screening of newly generated hybrids from a cross between a S. cerevisiae wine yeast and S. mikatae (closely-related but ecologically distant members of the Saccharomyces sensu stricto clade), has identified progeny with robust fermentation properties and winemaking potential. Chemical analysis showed that, relative to the S. cerevisiae wine yeast parent, hybrids produced wines with different concentrations of volatile metabolites that are known to contribute to wine flavour and aroma, including flavour compounds associated with non-Saccharomyces species. The new S. cerevisiae x S. mikatae hybrids have the potential to produce complex wines akin to products of spontaneous fermentation while giving winemakers the safeguard of an inoculated ferment.  相似文献   

The role of non-Saccharomyces yeasts in industrial winemaking.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fermentation of grape juice into wine is a complex microbiological process, in which yeasts play a central role. Traditionally, identification and characterization of yeast species have been based on morphological and physiological characteristics. However, the application of molecular biology techniques represents an alternative to the traditional methods of yeast identification and are becoming an important tool in solving industrial problems. Although Saccharomyces cerevisiae is responsible for the alcoholic fermentation, the presence of non-Saccharomyces species could be important since they produce secondary metabolites, which can contribute to the final taste and flavor of wines.  相似文献   

The spontaneous alcoholic fermentation of grape must is a complex microbiological process involving a large number of various yeast species, to which the flavour of every traditional wine is largely attributed. Whilst Saccharomyces cerevisiae is primarily responsible for the conversion of sugar to alcohol, the activities of various non-Saccharomyces species enhance wine flavour. In this study, indigenous yeast strains belonging to Metschnikowia pulcherrima var. zitsae as well as Saccharomyces cerevisiae were isolated and characterized from Debina must (Zitsa, Epirus, Greece). In addition, these strains were examined for their effect on the outcome of the wine fermentation process when used sequentially as starter cultures. The resulting wine, as analyzed over three consecutive years, was observed to possess a richer, more aromatic bouquet than wine from a commercial starter culture. These results emphasize the potential of employing indigenous yeast strains for the production of traditional wines with improved flavour.  相似文献   

AIMS: The objective of this study was to investigate what types of enzymes are being produced by non-Saccharomyces yeasts isolated from grapes in South Africa vineyards and clarified grape juice. These enzyme profiles could pave the way for attributing specific effects in wine to some of these enzymes produced by so-called wild yeasts associated with grape must. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this study 245 yeast isolates, belonging to the genera Kloeckera, Candida, Debaryomyces, Rhodotorula, Pichia, Zygosaccharomyces, Hanseniaspora and Kluyveromyces were screened for the production of extracellular pectinases, proteases beta-glucanases, lichenases, beta-glucosidases, cellulases, xylanases, amylases and sulphite reductase activity. These yeasts, representing 21 species, were previously isolated from grapes and clarified grape juice. The production of all extracellular hydrolytic enzymes screened for was observed except beta-glucosidase activity. The amount and range of enzymes produced varied with different isolates of the same species. CONCLUSION: This study clearly revealed the potential of non-Saccharomyces wine yeasts to produce a wide range of useful extracellular enzymes during the initial phase of wine fermentation. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Enzymes produced by indigenous yeasts associated with grapes and juice might be harnessed to catalyse desired biotransformations during wine fermentation.  相似文献   

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