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生物大分子药物难以跨过皮肤的角质层屏障,而微针作为一种微创、无痛、高效的经皮给药方式,能有效破解大分子药物透皮速率和吸收量低下的难题.本文详细综述了微针阵列技术在各类生物大分子药物经皮递送中的应用进展,包括单独微针阵列(固体实心微针、空心微针、涂层微针和可溶性微针)以及微针与其他制剂技术(如微粒给药系统)、医疗器械和智能释药系统等结合对大分子药物的促渗作用和控释作用.同时对微针用于大分子药物递送领域目前面临的问题、发展前景等作出分析.  相似文献   

生物大分子及纳米药物,比如,亚单位疫苗、DNA疫苗、以及针对真皮层的治疗药物,作为近年来新兴的治疗药物,在有些治疗领域有着透皮给药的需求。由于具有靶向性高,疗效显著等特点,生物大分子及纳米药物逐渐成为新的研究热点。微针作为一种新型的给药技术,不仅具有无痛、给药方便等优点,而且运用物理手段可大幅提高大分子甚至纳米药物的透皮吸收及皮层靶向,能够避过胃肠道消化作用以及肝脏首过效用。将微针技术与生物大分子药物相结合,能够同时发挥两者的优势,实现高靶向生物药物的无痛给药。本文简述微针透皮给药技术、以及生物大分子给药的研究进展,对微针技术用于生物大分子及纳米药物透皮给药的尝试研究做了介绍和总结,对存在的技术挑战进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

光动力疗法与给药微针(microneedle, MN)相结合为治疗肿瘤提供了一种安全有效的途径。本文设计了一种基于壳聚糖搭载高能光子的可控缓释型载药微针贴片(LED-losartan-HEMA/ CS-MN, LLH-CSMN),重点研究了其制备工艺,并且以氯沙坦为模型药物对微针阵列的形貌尺寸进行了表征,探究了LLH-CSMN的力学性能、皮肤穿刺性能、缓释性能以及高能光子在长时间工作下的光热性能。结果表明,基于壳聚糖搭载高能光子的微针贴片能够有效地在皮肤表面打开通道进行药物递送,并进行光动力治疗。同时,体外透皮扩散试验表明,以氯沙坦为模型药物制备的微针在1 h内释放了约30%的药物,在1 d内总共释放了约60%的药物,随后进行缓慢释放,在6 d后最终释放了93%的药物,LLH-CSMN具有可控缓释特性以及良好的长效光辅助治疗效果,为肿瘤治疗提供了一个新的安全有效途径。  相似文献   

微针作为一种透皮给药技术,具有给药准确、快速、高效、操作简便、无痛等优点,十几年来发展迅速,随着研究的深入其应用范围逐渐扩大,目前微针可用于小分子、生物制剂、疫苗、细胞内DNA/RNA等透皮递送。疫苗、糖尿病、皮肤病是微针研究的主要方向,在此主要介绍微针在这3个领域的临床试验成果及最新研究进展。  相似文献   

气泡微针作为一种新型的经皮递药技术,可以实现无痛精确给药,引起了研究者极大的关注。为了提高微针携带药物的利用率,本文提出了一种尖端载药气泡可溶性微针的制备方法。在微针成型过程中将气泡形成于针体内,药物集中到微针顶端。重点研究了气泡微针的制备优化工艺,并探究了起泡剂浓度、干燥温度、溶液黏度对气泡微针成型效果的影响,同时对其透皮效果进行了分析。实验结果表明,气泡微针成型工艺稳定,成型率在90%以上,同时将成型周期缩短至4 h左右。药物主要集中在微针针尖,高度在180μm,气泡的高度在250μm,且该微针阵列能够在小鼠皮肤上打出微通道,微针的针体能够在5min内迅速溶解。透皮扩散实验表明,气泡微针能够在1 min内迅速释放约48%的药物,5 min内共释放约91%的药物。微针阵列的气泡微结构能够阻碍药物向基底的扩散,有效提高了药物的利用率,为微针透皮给药的实际应用提供了一定技术依据。  相似文献   

近年来,微针作为一种新兴的经皮给药技术,具有微创、无痛、使用方便和高效的特点,逐渐成为一种极具研究价值和应用潜力的给药策略。微针技术在过去20年中得到迅速发展并呈现出多样化的趋势,已可根据不同需求来定制微针的形状、组成、机械性能和其他特殊功能等。由于微针能以微创方式穿越各种生物屏障,因此许多研究人员探索了微针在除皮肤外各类组织和器官中的药物递送应用。本文综述了微针技术及其近年来在眼睛、血管、心脏等组织和器官的药物递送中的应用研究,以期推动微针技术的应用发展。  相似文献   

微针在过去几十年中发展迅速,在透皮给药等领域已得到了广泛的研究。近些年随着微电子技术的蓬勃兴起,微针在生物诊疗中的应用越来越多的受到人们关注。通过微针提取血液和组织液进行检测分析以及微针作为电极在体液内直接对血糖、黑色素瘤、pH值等进行实时检测方面,都展现出了良好的实时检测应用前景。文中综述了微针的材料与结构设计及其在生物诊疗中的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

在临床应用上,一种能够持续递送药物的微针(microneedle,MN)系统对于一些疫苗、激素类药物的递送具有重要价值。本文研究设计了一种基于壳聚糖的可控缓释型微针阵列(PVA/CS-MN),将微针贴片与药物相结合用于药物的可控长效缓释。重点研究了PVA/CS-MN的制备优化工艺,并对MN阵列外观形貌、力学性能、溶解与溶胀性能以及体外刺入性能进行了表征。实验结果表明,使用最优工艺制备的PVA/CS-MN具有良好的形貌以及力学性能,可以顺利在皮肤上打开微通道,并实现可控的溶解与溶胀功能。同时,体外透皮扩散实验表明,以抗坏血酸(l-ascorbic acid)为模型药物制备的Vc-PVA/CS-MN在1 h内即释放了约57%的药物,随后12 h内缓慢释放了约66.7%的药物,7 d后最终释放了92%的药物。PVA/CS-MN具备可控的缓释特性以及优良的药物递送效率,为药物的持续透皮递送提供了一个新选择。  相似文献   

微针透皮给药也称为微针经皮给药,既微创而无痛,又适用于纳米药物的送递并可实现智能缓释。微针装置的表面带有许多微米级别的细针、尖头或插钉,以阵列方式连接在基座或圆筒上,也可做成贴片形式。由于针孔微细,其痛感以及对皮肤的损伤也微乎其微。微针可反复插入并抽离皮肤,通过控制微针插入的深度及插入抽离的速度等参数,最终实现穿透角质层并在皮肤中形成可逆性微通道的目标。  相似文献   

皮肤是人体最大的器官,也为药物的递送提供了重要途径。经皮给药是药物以皮肤为媒介,透过皮肤吸收的途径。因此,皮肤角质层是经皮给药的最大限速障碍。纳米经皮给药系统,具有提高透皮效率、缓释性、避免药物肝首过效应、减少副作用等优点,是通过纳米制剂与皮肤组织之间的相互作用实现的。其中,纳米制剂的结构和组分与其发挥皮肤促渗效用密切相关。对纳米制剂与皮肤质构效关系深入透彻的了解,有助于新型透皮纳米制剂的设计,并利用综合手段构建安全、高效、实用的经皮给药系统。  相似文献   

A revolutionary paradigm shift is being observed currently, towards the use of therapeutic biologics for disease management. The present research was focused on designing an efficient dosage form for transdermal delivery of α-choriogonadotropin (high molecular weight biologic), through biodegradable polymeric microneedles. Polyvinylpyrrolidone-based biodegradable microneedle arrays loaded with high molecular weight polypeptide, α-choriogonadotropin, were fabricated for its systemic delivery via transdermal route. Varied process and formulation parameters were optimized for fabricating microneedle array, which in turn was expected to temporally rupture the stratum corneum layer of the skin, acting as a major barrier to drug delivery through transdermal route. The developed polymeric microneedles were optimized on the basis of quality attributes like mechanical strength, axial strength, insertion ratio, and insertion force analysis. The optimized polymeric microneedle arrays were characterized for in vitro drug release studies, ex vivo drug permeation studies, skin resealing studies, and in vivo pharmacokinetic studies. Results depicted that fabricated polymeric microneedle arrays with mechanical strength of above 5 N and good insertion ratio exhibited similar systemic bioavailability of α-choriogonadotropin in comparison to marketed subcutaneous injection formulation of α-choriogonadotropin. Thus, it was ultimately concluded that the designed drug delivery system can serve as an efficient tool for systemic delivery of therapeutic biologics, with an added benefit of overcoming the limitations of parenteral delivery, achieving better patient acceptability and compliance.  相似文献   

类风湿关节炎(RA)是全世界难治性自身免疫疾病,其治疗药物虽不断发展,但病灶药物浓度达不到有效水平导致药物疗效不理想或存在各种毒副反应,因此,基于新技术、新方法研究开发针对RA的安全、高效新型制剂是必要的。研究表明,纳米技术的运用可提高药物生物利用度,经皮给药可改善口服和注射带来的毒副作用。对近年来基于经皮给药系统治疗RA利用的纳米载体进行综述,并阐述在RA病理特征中运用到的靶向策略,思考透皮制剂的改进方法,探讨新型纳米制剂研究现状及存在的问题,从而为制备新型透皮纳米制剂提供参考。  相似文献   

The use of needles for multiple injection of drugs, such as insulin for diabetes, can be painful. As a result, prescribed drug noncompliance can result in severe medical complications. Several noninvasive methods exist for transdermal drug delivery. These include chemical mediation using liposomes and chemical enhancers or physical mechanisms such as microneedles, iontophoresis, electroporation, and ultrasound. Ultrasound enhanced transdermal drug delivery offers advantages over traditional drug delivery methods which are often invasive and painful. A broad review of the transdermal ultrasound drug delivery literature has shown that this technology offers promising potential for noninvasive drug administration. From a clinical perspective, few drugs, proteins or peptides have been successfully administered transdermally because of the low skin permeability to these relatively large molecules, although much work is underway to resolve this problem. The proposed mechanism of ultrasound has been suggested to be the result of cavitation, which is discussed along with the bioeffects from therapeutic ultrasound. For low frequencies, potential transducers which can be used for drug delivery are discussed, along with cautions regarding ultrasound safety versus efficacy.  相似文献   

Microneedles have recently received much attention as a novel way for transdermal drug delivery. In this paper, a numerical simulation of the insertion process of the microneedle into human skin is reported using the finite element method. A multilayer skin model consisting of the stratum corneum, dermis and underlying hypodermis has been developed. The effective stress failure criterion has been coupled with the element deletion technique to predict the complete insertion process. The numerical results show a good agreement with the reported experimental data for the deformation and failure of the skin and the insertion force. The influences of the mechanical properties of the skin and the microneedle geometry (e.g. tip area, wall angle and wall thickness) on the insertion force are discussed. The numerical results are helpful for the optimum design of the microneedles for the transdermal drug delivery system.  相似文献   

蛋白质和多肽药物长效性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于分子生物学和重组技术的发展,蛋白质和多肽已经成为一类重要的药物,但是其稳定性差,生物利用率低,半衰期短等问题也日益受到关注。本文重点介绍了一些新的给药途径和给药系统,例如鼻腔、颊等给药途径以及黏膜给药系统、透皮给药系统、缓控释技术等给药系统的进展。综述了对于蛋白质和多肽药物进行定点突变和化学修饰,以达到增加其长效性的一些新方法。  相似文献   

Microneedles have recently received much attention as a novel way for transdermal drug delivery. In this paper, a numerical simulation of the insertion process of the microneedle into human skin is reported using the finite element method. A multilayer skin model consisting of the stratum corneum, dermis and underlying hypodermis has been developed. The effective stress failure criterion has been coupled with the element deletion technique to predict the complete insertion process. The numerical results show a good agreement with the reported experimental data for the deformation and failure of the skin and the insertion force. The influences of the mechanical properties of the skin and the microneedle geometry (e.g. tip area, wall angle and wall thickness) on the insertion force are discussed. The numerical results are helpful for the optimum design of the microneedles for the transdermal drug delivery system.  相似文献   

In dissolving microneedle (DMN)-mediated therapy, complete and rapid delivery of DMNs is critical for the desired efficacy. Traditional patch-based DMN delivery, however, may fail due to incomplete delivery from insufficient skin insertion or rapid separation of microneedles due to their strong bond to the backing film. Here, we introduce the Troy microneedle, which was created by cyclic contact and drying on the pillar (CCDP), and which enabled simultaneous complete and rapid delivery of DMN. This CCDP process could be flexibly repeated to achieve a specific desired drug dose in a DMN. We evaluated DMN separation using agarose gel, and the Troy microneedle achieved more complete and rapid separation than other, more deeply dipped DMN, primarily because of the Troy’s minimal junction between the DMN and pillar. When Troy microneedles were applied to pig cadaver skin, it took only 15 s for over 90% of encapsulated rhodamine B to be delivered, compared to 2 h with application of a traditional DMN patch. In vivo skin penetration studies demonstrated rapid DMN-separation of Troy microneedles still in solid form before dissolution. The Troy microneedle overcomes critical issues associated with the low penetration efficiency of flat patch-based DMN and provides an innovative route for DMN-mediated therapy, combining patient convenience with the desire drug efficacy.  相似文献   

Transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) may provide a more reliable method of drug delivery than oral delivery by avoiding gut absorption and first-pass metabolism, but needs a method for efficiently crossing the epidermal barrier. To enhance the delivery through the skin, we have developed a biocompatible, dissolvable microneedle array made from carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). Using laser ablation for creating the mold greatly improved the efficiency and reduced the cost of microneedle fabrication. Mixing CMC with amylopectin (AP) enhanced the mechanical and tunable dissolution properties of the microneedle for controlled release of model compounds. Using the CMC microneedle array, we observed significant enhancement in the skin permeability of a fluorescent model compound, and also increase in the anti-oxidant activity of ascorbic acid after crossing the skin. Our dissolvable microneedle array provides a new and biocompatible method for delivery of drugs and cosmetic compounds through the skin.  相似文献   

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