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夏蜡梅核型的研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
李林初   《广西植物》1986,(3):221-224
本文首次报道我国特有重点保护植物夏蜡梅的核型为K(2n)=2x=22=18m+2m(SAT)+2sm,属Stebbins的“1A”类型,在演化上处于相当原始的地位。它的核型似比北美的光叶红对称和原始,因此至少夏蜡梅属可能起源于中国。  相似文献   

夏蜡梅属起源的探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文对Nicely提出夏蜡梅属(Catycanthus L.)起源于北美洲美国东部后西向迁移到加利福尼亚和东亚的假设提出异议。无论从染色体资料还是形态性状的比较来看,夏蜡梅属可能以较原始的夏蜡梅(C.chinensis Cheng et S. Y.Chang)起源于东亚(中国)。  相似文献   

夏蜡梅属花粉形态的研究   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
李林初 《植物研究》1990,10(1):93-98
本文首次报道了夏蜡梅(Calycanthus chinensis)花粉的扫描电镜观察结果,并与西美国蜡梅(C.occidentalis)、美国蜡梅(C.floridus)的作了比较,表明前者较为原始,后者比较进化,夏蜡梅属(Calycanthus L.)可能以夏蜡梅起源于东亚(中国),与从细胞学、形态学等得到的结果一致。鉴于夏蜡梅与西美国蜡梅、美国蜡梅在许多性状上的较大差异,作者认为以Sinocalycanthus chinensis (Cheng et S.Y.Chang) Cheng et S.Y.Chang为模式种的单型属Sinocalycanthus Cheng et S.Y.Chang也许应予确认。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片法对夏蜡梅〔Sinocalycanthus chinensis(Cheng et S.Y.Chang)Cheng et S.Y.Chang〕和美国蜡梅(Calycanthus floridus L.)及属间杂种‘红运’(S.chinensis×C.floridus‘Hong Yun’)叶、茎和根的横切面解剖结构进行了比较观察。观察结果显示:夏蜡梅、美国蜡梅及杂种‘红运’的叶、茎和根的横切面解剖结构有较高的共性,但仍有明显区别。杂种‘红运’的叶片厚度、主脉维管束横截面面积和海绵组织厚度与夏蜡梅比较接近,而与美国蜡梅差异较大;杂种‘红运’叶的栅栏组织厚度与海绵组织厚度的比值(P/S)和栅栏组织厚度与叶片厚度的比值(P/L)均介于2个亲本之间,P/S和P/L 2个指标均为美国蜡梅最高、夏蜡梅最低。杂种‘红运’茎的直径、皮层细胞层数、皮层厚度、皮层厚度与茎半径的比值、木质部厚度和维管束面积等指标的数值均大于美国蜡梅和夏蜡梅。美国蜡梅根的髓部不发达,夏蜡梅根则有明显的髓部,而杂种‘红运’根的髓部较发达;美国蜡梅根的木质部和木栓层均最厚,髓部分布的大型导管数量最多;杂种‘红运’根的皮层最发达,木质部最不发达,髓部的大型导管最少。根据营养器官的解剖结构特征与生态特性的关系推测:夏蜡梅具有不喜强光、稍耐阴的生态特性,美国蜡梅的耐热性和光合能力最强,而杂种‘红运’比其母本夏蜡梅有更好的生态适应性。  相似文献   

濒危植物夏蜡梅营养器官的解剖结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用石蜡切片法观察了濒危植物夏蜡梅(Calycanthus chinensis W. C. Cheng et S. Y. Chang)营养器官(根、茎、叶和芽)的解剖结构特征,探讨了这些结构特征与夏蜡梅生态适应性的关系.观察结果显示,夏蜡梅的芽没有芽鳞,为柄下芽.夏蜡梅根初生木质部为三原型或四原型,导管数量多、口径大,皮层和木质化薄壁细胞内均存有大量簇晶.幼茎木质部含有较多的导管,四周的厚壁细胞小,茎中韧皮纤维和髓部发达;老茎有突起的皮孔并具表皮毛,茎的每个突起部位都有成团的韧皮纤维.夏蜡梅的叶片为典型的异面叶,具有以下解剖特征:叶表皮角质膜较厚;表皮及叶肉细胞内含有较多的晶体;气孔多集中在下表皮,气孔极区T形加厚;栅栏组织由1层细胞组成;主脉维管束呈径向排列,且叶脉维管束鞘细胞有加厚现象.研究结果表明,夏蜡梅营养器官具有一定的原始和耐旱结构特征,同时,与其生活的溪沟两旁及林下的湿润环境相适应,夏蜡梅营养器官具有耐阴植物的解剖结构特征.  相似文献   

对中国特有植物夏蜡梅营养器官的总鞣质含量进行测定,并分析了与环境因子之间的相关性。结果表明:(1)夏蜡梅各营养器官均含有总鞣质,但以叶片的含量最高,根次之,一年生枝、二年生枝、茎等器官的含量很低。(2)夏蜡梅叶片的含量阳坡植株显著高于阴坡,根的含量则反之。(3)夏蜡梅7个样地叶片的总鞣质含量在1.1066%~2.0060%之间,平均为1.6906%,其中临安5个样地含量较低,大雷山2个样地较高,差异显著。(4)通径分析显示,夏蜡梅叶片总鞣质含量的主要影响因子为土壤氮含量和C/N比。  相似文献   

不同增温处理对夏蜡梅光合特性和叶绿素荧光参数的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用红外线辐射器(Electric radiant infrared heater)设置3个不同增温处理:(1)晚上增温2℃(18:00—翌日6:00);(2)白天增温2℃(6:00—18:00);(3)全天增温2℃;以不做增温处理作为对照,模拟气候变暖对夏蜡梅(Sinocalycanthus chinensis)的光合特性和叶绿素荧光参数的影响。3个季节中,3种增温处理下的夏蜡梅净光合速率(Anet)和最大净光合速率(Amax)均高于对照。表明3种增温处理均可以提高夏蜡梅的光合作用能力。增温处理提高了气孔导度(Gs)、暗呼吸速率(Rd),降低了胞间CO2浓度(Ci)。3种增温处理中,夏蜡梅在3个生长季节的Anet和Amax均以白天增温最大,表明白天增温下夏蜡梅具有最高的光合作用能力。白天增温处理下的表观量子效率(AQY)、光饱和点(LSP)显著高于全天增温、晚上增温以及对照。白天增温和晚上增温使夏蜡梅的相对叶绿素含量显著增加,且白天增温叶绿素相对含量显著高于晚上增温、全天增温及对照。白天增温、晚上增温与全天增温处理下的夏蜡梅的PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)均显著低于对照,在12:00和14:00时,三者之间存在显著性差异,以白天增温最高,晚上增温次之,全天增温最低。总之,3种增温处理夏蜡梅的光合能力总体上均有不同程度的增强,且在白天增温处理下,夏蜡梅的Anet、Amax值最高,表明白天增温下夏蜡梅具有最高的光合能力,这与白天增温引起的相对叶绿素含量增高、叶片对强光的适应能力加强、较低程度的光胁迫等因素有关。本研究说明未来增温条件下,将提高夏蜡梅的光合生理活性,促进夏蜡梅的生长。  相似文献   

陈模舜  柯世省 《广西植物》2009,29(3):366-371
夏蜡梅子叶在一年生幼苗的成苗和生长过程中具有重要作用。为了解夏蜡梅子叶的光适应能力和机制,采用不同层数遮阳网遮光的方式,研究四种生长环境光强(4%、22%、50%和100%全光照)对夏蜡梅子叶显微形态结构和光合参数的影响。结果表明,随着生长环境光强的减弱,夏蜡梅子叶光饱和点(LSP)、光补偿点(LCP)、叶片厚度降低,叶绿素含量升高。在50%全光照下,子叶结构发育完全,细胞排列紧密,维管组织发达,最大净光合速率(Pmax)和暗呼吸速率最高(Rd);而低于22%全光照下子叶趋向于阴生叶结构。因此,夏蜡梅子叶具有较强的耐荫能力。  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物夏蜡梅的减数分裂观察   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
首次研究了夏蜡梅小孢子母细胞的减数分裂过程,并观察了花粉粒育性. 后期Ⅰ,末期Ⅰ和后期Ⅱ均观察到少量染色体异常行为的发生,但整个过程基本正常.花粉粒活性也大都正常.人为的因素可能是夏蜡梅濒危狭域的原因.  相似文献   

蜡梅科植物的叶表皮特征及其在分类上的意义   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
用扫描电镜和光学显微镜观察了蜡梅科3属5种植物成熟叶片远轴面的表皮特征,认为这些表皮细胞特征和气孔器特征在分类上有比较重要的意义。蜡梅属、夏蜡梅属和美国蜡梅属植物的叶表皮毛均为单细胞毛、非腺毛,上、下表皮细胞均为多边形,垂周壁呈深波状,气孔器均为平列型.这三个属的亲缘关系密切,应该归属于同一个大类群-蜡梅科。这为蜡梅属、夏蜡梅属、美国蜡梅属的分类提供了有用的性状特征。这三个属气孔器的演化趋势为:气孔器在保卫细胞的两极无"T"型加厚到有"T"型加厚,气孔器由单层外拱盖到双层外拱盖.  相似文献   

Morphological data and molecular data from the chloroplast trn H- psb A region and nuclear ribosomal ITS region are used to test the hypothesis that the problematic Canary Island endemic Convolvulus floridus var. virgatus is a hybrid between the endemic species C. floridus and C. scoparius . Analysis of mean leaf length and width of 58 individuals indicates that accessions referable to C. floridus var. virgatus are intermediate between the parental taxa in leaf dimensions. Direct sequencing of the ITS region of C. scoparius and C. floridus revealed two species-specific ribotypes distinguished by 10 base differences. Examination of ITS chromatograms for putative hybrids revealed polymorphisms at those sites that are diagnostic between species in all except one putative hybrid. Morphological intermediacy and ITS additivity therefore support the hybrid status of C. floridus var. virgatus . An analysis of intraindividual ITS variation confirmed the co-occurrence of both parental ribotypes in putative hybrids and demonstrated that some hybrid individuals contained chimaeric ITS types. It is proposed that chimaeric ITS types are the result of recombination following backcrossing. Sequencing of the trn H- psb A region revealed four haplotypes. Three were, for the most part, confined to C. floridus and putative hybrids although one C. scoparius accession was also found to share this haplotype. The remaining haploype was only found in C. scoparius and putative hybrid accessions. Patterns of haplotype distribution between parental and hybrid accessions suggest multiple, bidirectional hybridization events between C. floridus and C. scoparius . The nomenclature of the hybrid is discussed and the necessary new name C.  ×  despreauxii is proposed.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 187–204.  相似文献   

The twigs of Dorstenia barteri var. subtriangularis yielded three diprenylated chalcones: (-)-3-(3,3-dimethylallyl)-5'-(2-hydroxy-3-methylbut-3-enyl)-4,2',4'-trihydroxychalcone, (+)-3-(3,3-dimethylallyl)-4',5'-[2'-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-dihydrofurano]-4,2'-dihydroxychalcone and 3,4-(6",6"-dimethyldihydropyrano)-4',5'-[2',-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-dihydrofurano]-2'-hydroxychalcone for which the names bartericins A, B and C, respectively, are proposed. Stipulin, beta-sitosterol and its 3-beta-D-glucopyranosyl derivative were also isolated. The structures of these secondary metabolites were determined on the basis of spectroscopic analysis, especially, NMR spectra in conjunction with 2D experiments, COSY, HMQC and HMBC. The structural relationship of bartericins B and C was further established by the chemical cyclization of one to the other.  相似文献   

In addition to describing a new species, Cypripedium wumengense, as well as a new variety, C. bardolphianum var. zhongdianense, nomenclatural and taxonomic notes are made on its allies and the division to which they belong. They are ltrge]y found in the Hengduan Mountains in southwestern China, characterized by the absence of bract, havirg lip more or less covered with small wart-like outgrowths, and that as the capsule matures the scape becomes much elongated. Six species of this group have hitherto been reported, of which, however, C. ebracteatum and C. nutans are regarded here as conspecific with C. fargesii and C. bardolphianum respectively. Thus, including the new taxa described here, it composes five species and one variety: C. bardolphianum W. W. Sm. et Farrer (var. bardolphianum and var. zhongdianense S. C. Chen), C. micranthum Franch., C. fargesii Franch., C. margaritaceum Franch. and C. wumengense S. C. Chen. They are all grouped here into the same section, Sect. Trigonopedium (Franch.) Pfitz., the oldest legitimate name of this group in the rank of section.  相似文献   

Cunnighamia unicanaliculata D. Y. Wang et H. L. Liu and var. pyramidalis D. Y. Wang et H. L. Lin, two new taxa recently found in south-western Sichuan Province of China, have both a very restricted yet sympatric geographical distribution, including Dechang and Miyi districts.[7] There is a debate as regards the specific status of C. unicanaliculata. A comparative karyological investigation, including chromosome numbers, karyotype analyses and measurements of nuclear volume and DNA contents, was under- taken in order to shed some light on the phylogenetic relationships between these taxa and C. lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. The kaxyotype formulas of the above two taxa and C. lanceolata are as follows: C.unicanaliculata; K(2n) = 22 =L8m+ S12m+S2sm; C. unicanaliculata var. pyramidalis: K(2n)= 22= L8m +S10m+S4sm; C. lanceolata (Type A): K(2n) =22 = Lsm+ S14m S2sm; C. lanceolata(TypeB): K(2n) = 22 = L8m + S14m . Frown the above karyotypes, we have found that C. unicanaliculata and var. pyrami- dalis, which are very similar to each other, are closely related to C. lanceolata (Type B), but seem more strongly differentiated in the following respects: (1) the former posses- sing 1--2 pairs of chromosomes with submedian primary constrictions each, while the latter with all chromosomes possessing median primary constrictions; (2) the satellites of the former being always located on the 4th pair of chromosomes, whereas the position of satellites of the latter varying with geographical distribution, being usually on the 1st and 4th pairs of chromosomes; (3) B-chromosomes being present in the latter (predominantly in the geographical races of southwestern China) but not seen in the former; (4) the average chromosome volume of C. unicanaliculata var. pyramidalis being 623.44, while those of the four geographical races of C. lanceolata being 667.2–796.0; (5) the comparative DNA amount of C. unicanaliculata var. pyramidalis being 5.54, while those of the various geographical races of C. lanceolata being 6.20–7.67. Upon an overall comparison of the data with regard to karyology, geographical distribution, ecology, morphology and isoenzymic patterns of the taxa in question, we come to the following conclusions. Cunninghamia unicanaliculata and var. pyramidalis are most likely taxa originated from natural populations of C. lanceolata. The extreme environmental conditions of the habitats axe thought to have played an important role in the production of these two new taxa. An elevation of over 2000 meters and the periodical aridity of climate of the habitat, which differed remarkably from those of C. lanceolata, made possible the isolation of alternative populations, accompanied by selection for adaptation to extreme environments. But the differences between these two newly found taxa and C. lanceolata are karyologically minor and morphologically quantitative and tend to display a more or less continuous variation pattern. It is, therefore, suggested that they are probably geographical races or ecotypes of C. lanceolata, and are not distinct enough from the latter to warrant specific status. It seems best to treat both C. unicanaliculata and var. pyramidalis as infraspecific catorories of C. lanceolata.  相似文献   

本文研究了国产四种升麻属植物(小升麻、单穗升麻、云南升麻、升麻及其变种毛叶升麻)的核 形态。除发现升麻在云南西北部地区有二倍体和四倍体两种细胞型存在外,其他类群都为二倍体。云南升麻和毛叶升麻的染色体数目和核型为首次报道。  相似文献   

In this paper, four species of the genus Cimicifuga L. from China(C. acerina, C. simplex, C. yunnanensis, C. foetida var. foetida and C. foetida var. velutina ) were karyomorphologically investigated. All the taxa studied had the same chromosome number of 2n= 16 except for C. foetida var. foetida, in which a tetraploid cytotype was found to occur in northwestern Yunnan. Their karyotypes are all presented. The chromosomecounts in C. yunnanensis and C. foetida var. velutina are reported here for the first time.  相似文献   

Administration of MVA-[2-14C] to Lamium applexicaule and Deutzia crenata as well as of 11-hydroxyiridodial glucoside-[10-3H] and 7-deoxyloganic acid-[10-3H] to the former plant suggested that, in contrast to secoiridoid-indole alkaloids, iridoid glucosides such as ipolamiide, lamiide, lamioside, deutzioside and scabroside in these plants are biosynthesized via iridodial. Iridodial as a precursor for the biosynthesis of asperuloside was also suggested from the results of the administration of MVA-[2-14C] to Galium spurium var. echinospermon.  相似文献   

In order to get a thorough understanding of the Characeae, the specimens collected from Guangxi and Gansu were identified. The result shows that the two provinces, especially Guangxi, are abundant in this family. In this paper, however, reported are only new species, new varieties and new records of Chara in China. They are Chara vernicosa sp. nov. C. globularis var. inflata var. nov. and C. howe-ana var. subgymnophylla var. nov., C. brionica stapf and C. calveraensis comb. nov.  相似文献   

We have previously found that glycolysis and gluconeogenesis occur in separate "compartments" of the VSM cell. These compartments may result from spatial separation of glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzymes (Lloyd and Hardin [1999] Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 277:C1250-C1262). We have also found that an intact plasma membrane is essential for compartmentation to exist (Lloyd and Hardin [2000] Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 278:C803-C811), suggesting that glycolysis and gluconeogenesis may be associated with distinct plasma membrane microdomains. Caveolae are one such microdomain, in which proteins of related function colocalize. Thus, we hypothesized that membrane-associated glycolysis occurs in association with caveolae, while gluconeogenesis is localized to non-caveolae domains. To test this hypothesis, we disrupted caveolae in vascular smooth muscle (VSM) of pig cerebral microvessels (PCMV) with beta methyl-cyclodextrin (CD) and examined the metabolism of [2-(13)C]glucose (a glycolytic substrate) and [1-(13)C]fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP, a gluconeogenic substrate in PCMV) using (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Caveolar disruption reduced flux of [2-(13)C]glucose to [2-(13)C]lactate, suggesting that caveolar disruption partially disrupted the glycolytic pathway. Caveolae disruption may also have resulted in a breakdown of compartmentation, since conversion of [1-(13)C]FBP to [3-(13)C]lactate was increased by CD treatment. Alternatively, the increased [3-(13)C]lactate production may reflect changes in FBP uptake, since conversion of [1-(13)C]FBP to [3-(13)C]glucose was also elevated in CD-treated cells. Thus, a link between caveolar organization and metabolic organization may exist.  相似文献   

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