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抗南方水稻黑条矮缩病水稻光温敏核不育系的筛选和鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对东乡野生稻(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)3个生态群落株系及协青早B//协青早B/东乡野生稻的BC1F6株系进行了南方水稻黑条矮缩病抗性鉴定,筛选出抗性较好的种质资源。利用筛选到的协青早B//协青早B/东乡野生稻抗性株系,与光温敏核不育系C47S杂交转育,鉴定筛选到6份抗性较好的光温敏核不育系,为选育抗南方水稻黑条矮缩病的两系杂交稻组合奠定了材料基础;同时研究发现,来源于东乡野生稻的对南方水稻黑条矮缩病的抗性可能由数量性状基因控制。  相似文献   

以浙江省的水稻黑条矮缩病和河北省的玉米粗缩病的病毒分离物为材料,对我国南北方两种病毒分离物进行了比较研究。两种病毒分离物的粒子大小形态相似,且在血清学上密切相关;二者的介体、寄主相同,并引起相同的症状,提纯两种病毒分离物的基因组片段凝胶电泳显示它们相应的基因组片段之间大小极相似。根据水稻黑条矮缩病毒(Rice black strecaked dwarf virus),RBSDV的S7和S8设计引物,利用PR-PCR技术,在两种病毒分离物中均可特异扩增到预期大小的片段,序列测定比较分析表明:它们的同源性达97.0%-98.9%,与日本RBSDV的同源性(92.2%-95.5%)高于与意大利MRDV的同源性(76.6%-88.4%)。从而认为我国南方的水稻黑条矮缩病和北方和玉米粗缩病都是同一种病毒-RBSDV引起的,也就是说我国北方的玉米粗缩病病原实际上是水稻黑条矮缩病毒,而不玉米粗缩病毒。  相似文献   

水稻黑条矮缩病(RBSDVD,rice black-streaked dwarf virus disease)是以灰飞虱为主要传毒介体,由水稻黑条矮缩病毒(RBSDV,rice black-streaked dwarf virus)引起的一种水稻病毒性病害.介体灰飞虱一经染毒,终身带毒,但不能通过虫卵传毒.近十几年水稻...  相似文献   

水稻黑条矮缩病传毒昆虫的防治实践与研究   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
水稻黑条矮缩病 (RBSDV)是由传毒媒介灰飞虱Laodelphaxstriatellus (Fall n)传播所致 ,治虫防病是目前防治水稻黑条矮缩病的重要手段。生产实践证明 ,防治该病应以控制灰飞虱种群数量增长为首选目标 ,把带毒灰飞虱尽可能地扑灭在迁移到水稻秧苗进行传毒侵染之前。因此掌握防治适期 ,选用高效低毒农药 ,切断初次侵染来源 ,才能达到控制该病发生的目的。  相似文献   

对40份初选萝卜种质分别接种Xcc8004和XccBJ两个菌株,进行黑腐病苗期抗性鉴定,对其中8份代表性萝卜种质肉质根切片接种Xcc8004进行抗性鉴定和27份萝卜种质幼苗接种8个效应物基因进行过敏反应鉴定。结果表明:不同萝卜种质苗期对黑腐病的抗性存在显著差异,筛选出高抗Xcc8004的材料3份、抗病1份、中抗4份,高抗XccBJ的材料1份、抗病2份、中抗5份。萝卜苗期对Xcc8004和XccBJ的抗病性极显著相关,幼苗和肉质根对Xcc8004的抗病性极显著相关。筛选出17份对不同效应物表现过敏反应的萝卜种质。对效应物XC0241表现过敏反应的种质数最多,对XC0542和XC0541表现过敏反应的种质数次之。不同抗源对不同效应物的过敏反应程度有所不同。稳定可靠抗病资源的获得为萝卜抗病育种和抗病机理的深入研究提供了基础材料。  相似文献   

茶树种质资源抗病性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾莉  廖文波 《生态科学》1997,16(2):60-64
1987~1995年开展了茶树种质资源抗病性鉴定研究.经田间和室内鉴定试验,从34份资源材料中筛选出对茶轮斑病高抗材料1份,抗性材料11份;从30份资源材料中筛选出对茶苗根结线虫病高抗材料5份,抗性材料13份.从而为抗病育种或推广生产提供了抗源材料,同时也为抗性机制及遗传规律研究提供了基础.  相似文献   

江苏水稻黑条矮缩病毒S10的cDNA克隆序列分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从来自江苏连云港并在本实验室保存的水稻黑条矮缩病毒接种的病株玉米中提取dsRNA,采用改进的单引物扩增技术获得了病毒基因组片段S10的cDNA克隆并测定了其全序列.结果表明S10全长1 801bp,含有一个ORF,组织结构与日本报道的RBSDV基本一致,核苷酸和推导的氨基酸序列与MRDV的相似性分别为87.5%和92.6%,与RBSDV的相似性分别为93.3%和96.4%.该研究也为病毒dsRNA克隆和序列分析奠定了基础.  相似文献   

抗青枯病烟草种质资源在云南省的评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
筛选出抗性稳定的种质资源是选育抗病品种的重要基础。本文采用人工接种和病田自然发病方法鉴定了48份烟草种质的青枯病抗性表现。土壤盆栽接种鉴定表现为高抗的材料有CF207、岩烟97、TI448A、DB101、G80、RG17、GTH-1等7份材料,表现抗病的有MSK149、Oxford 2028、NC95、YN108、K346、K358、Enshu FC、Oxford 207、RG11等9份材料。苗期恒温水培接种鉴定结果表明,Oxford 207和岩烟97表现为高抗,Enshu FC表现抗病,抗病材料与云烟85和K326杂交F1的抗性表现为中感至抗病。田间自然发病鉴定结果表明,我国审定的中抗青枯病的品种RG17、RG11、K358和K346,在云南省田间抗性表现为中抗,产值较高。TI448A田间表现为抗青枯病,但易感黑胫病和空茎病。Oxford 2028和Oxford 207田间表现为抗病至高抗,产值较高。G3和岩烟97田间分别表现为高抗和抗病,产值较低。根据接种鉴定和田间病圃2年抗性鉴定,筛选出育种潜力较大的青枯病抗源Oxford 207、Enshu FC,岩烟97和TI448A。  相似文献   

采用离体叶片接种法,对43份马铃薯种质资源进行晚疫病抗性鉴定、比较和评价。以接种5 d后的感病品种‘Désirée’和抗病品种‘加湘1号’叶片症状为对照,鉴定出5份表现为高抗的种质资源,其中包含3个Solanum phurejia和2个S. tuberosum ssp. andigena材料。另外,还鉴定出14份中抗材料(No. 7~20)。结果表明,野生种和安第斯山栽培亚种马铃薯资源的抗性材料较为丰富,可作为晚疫病抗病育种的亲本。  相似文献   

结球甘蓝根肿菌鉴定和种质抗性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集湖北省长阳县火烧坪乡根肿病重发区的病土和病根,通过病原菌形态和PCR鉴定,确定是芸薹根肿菌,然后利用欧洲ECD鉴别系统确定生理小种为ECD17/31/13,此病原菌致病力极强。采用田间苗期人工接种鉴定,与田间成株期自然诱发鉴定相结合,对88份甘蓝种质进行抗性评价和筛选,结果表明:苗期获得1份高抗,7份抗病,17份耐病材料;成株期获得4份高抗,4份抗病,15份耐病材料。2个时期88份材料群体抗性鉴定级别基本一致,93.18%材料成株期病指比苗期高。CR21在2个时期均为高抗,抗性最强,表现稳定;CR55在苗期发病最严重,病指达到76.19,成株期为74.10;CR54在成株期发病最严重,病指达到81.54,苗期为75.97,2个时期发病率均达到100%。根肿病菌的鉴定和致病力的确定,及甘蓝种质抗性评价为抗病品种选育和抗病机理的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

Rice black‐streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV) is transmitted naturally to important crops such as rice, maize, barley and wheat in a persistent manner by the planthoppers, Laodelphax striatellus, Unkanodes sapporona and Unkanodes albifascia. Insect vector transmission tests are the basis for identifying viral incidence, evaluating the resistance of varieties and selecting resistance sources for rice and maize breeding. A simple, rapid and reliable method is described by which virus‐free small brown planthoppers (L. striatellus) acquired RBSDV from frozen infected rice leaves and transmitted it to healthy rice and maize plants. After feeding on frozen infected rice leaves, the planthoppers were tested by RT‐PCR for the presence of virus after 10, 15, and 22 days, respectively. The percentages of RBSDV‐containing insects were 0, 25 and 71.43% of L. striatellus fed on frozen infected rice leaves compared to 0, 28.25 and 71.43% of L. striatellus fed on fresh infected rice leaves, respectively. In transmission tests, three of eight rice seedlings (37.5%) and four of eight maize seedlings (50%) were inoculated by the planthoppers that had fed previously on frozen leaves and had allowed a 22 days latent period and showed typical disease symptoms. As a positive control, four of eight rice seedlings (50%) and four of six maize seedlings (66.67%) became infected. All rice and maize plants expressing disease symptoms were identified as virus‐positive by RT‐PCR. These results indicated that the planthoppers acquired RBSDV from frozen infected leaves and transmitted the virus to healthy plants.  相似文献   

Rice blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae is the most destructive disease of rice worldwide. Development of resistant varieties is considered as the most cost‐effective and sustainable way to manage rice blast. However, there remains a lack of knowledge about the resistance of rice varieties to blast disease in Australia. This study was conducted to determine if there was any resistance existing among the rice varieties grown in Australia to M. oryzae isolates from this country that belong to different races. There was a resistant reaction of the variety SHZ‐2 to all the five races of IA‐1, IA‐3, IA‐63, IB‐3 and IB‐59, with a percent disease index (%DI) less than 40. Varieties NTR587, BR‐IRGA‐409, Ceysvoni and Rikuto Norin 20 showed a resistant reaction to races IA‐3, IA‐63, IB‐3 and IB‐59; and the variety Kyeema exhibited a resistant reaction to races IA‐3, IB‐3 and IB‐59. For the races IA‐1 and IB‐59 with more than one isolate, varieties with differential disease reactions across different isolates belonging to the same race were also revealed: five varieties, Langi, Opus, Sherpa, Viet 1 and Topaz, exhibited differential disease reactions to the three IA‐1 isolates; 10 varieties showed differential disease reactions to the four IB‐59 isolates; in addition, the varieties that had differential disease reactions to the IA‐1 isolates also exhibited differential disease reactions to the IB‐59 isolates of race. This study provides valuable resistance sources for breeding programmes to develop rice varieties with resistance to multiple races of M. oryzae in Australia.  相似文献   

Rice has been grown in Japan for about 3000 years. Although both japonica and indica varieties have been grown in Japan, now japonica rices are grown. Japanese rice breeding has used an ecological breeding approach. While emphasis in rice breeding in the 1940's and 1950's focussed on yield in recent decades quality has been of major importance. Consumer preference and name recognition of high quality varieties, such as Koshihikari, has resulted in slow acceptance of new varieties.Rice germplasm was systematically collected throughout Japan between 1962 and 1963. Subsequent acquisition and collecting, in Japan and other countries, has resulted in 28,000 accessions being conserved in the National Genebank, based at the National institute of Agrobiological Resources (NIAR).Research on genetic diversity of rice using a range of techniques, for example esterase isozymes, has revealed clinal variation in rice radiating from the center of diversity of rice in and around southwest China. Newly found genes in traditional rice germplasm, such as genes for non-elongating mesocotyl, are now routinely identified on the rice genome. Pioneering studies on eco-genetic differentiation of species in the genus Oryza in Japan has revealed much about the complex genepool for which rice evolved.Pest and disease resistance sources, particularly to blast, bacterial blight and brown plant hopper, from many countries have been incorporated into Japanese varieties. Cold tolerance at the booting stage was found in the Indonesian variety Silewah. In the future in characterisation of rice germplasm and interaction between rice germplasm specialists and rice molecular scientists, both in Japan and internationally, will be corner stones to securing rice genetic diversity and rice improvement in the next century.  相似文献   

水稻是一种重要的粮食作物。而选育高抗性良种是有效防治病虫的危害,增加水稻单位面积产量的一项关键措施。了解水稻本身抗性的遗传信息是进行抗性育种的基础。现代生物技术的发展为抗性育种提供了新途径。本文较系统地概述了水稻对稻瘟病、白叶枯病、稻飞虱、稻叶蝉抗性基因定位及相关分子标记研究的最新发展,为利用分子标记进行水稻抗性育种及抗性基因克隆提供参考文献。  相似文献   

水稻品种多样性遗传分析与稻瘟病控制   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以2个籼型杂交稻——汕优63(A)和汕优22(B)、2个地方糯稻品种——黄壳糯(C)和紫糯(D)和3个粳稻品种——合系41(E)、楚粳12(F)和8126(G)为材料进行抗病基因同源序列(Resistance Gene Analogue,RGA)遗传分析。结果表明,杂交稻品种间以及粳稻品种间的抗性遗传较为相似,其相似系数分别为0.86和0.84。糯稻品种间以及糯稻、杂交稻和粳稻间的抗性遗传差异较大,相似系数为0.45。聚类分析表明,RGA结果与品种的系谱来源相吻合,与品种的田间抗性基本一致。根据品种的抗性遗传差异、农艺性状和经济性状的不同,在云南籼稻区的建水和石屏县以及温暖粳稻区的泸西县分别选用5种(A/C、A/D、B/C、B/D和A/B)和2种(E/C和E/F/G)不同的品种组合进行品种多样性混合间栽控制稻瘟病田间试验,结果表明,抗性遗传差异大(相似性:0.45~0.77)的5个品种混合间栽组合对稻瘟病有极为显著的控制效果,尤其是在混合间栽中高度感病的优质地方稻品种稻瘟病的发病率、病情指数均有极显著的下降,防治效果达54.47%~92.18%;遗传差异较小(相似性:0.84~0.90)的2个混栽组合混栽对稻瘟病的控制效果不明显,稻瘟病的防治效果在15.12%~25.54%。此外,品种抗性遗传和株高差异大的品种组合具有显著的增产效果,与品种净栽相比,平均增产539.0~900.0kg/ha,增幅5.57%-10.38%;品种抗性遗传和株高相似的品种组合没有增产效果。  相似文献   

Rice black streaked-dwarf virus (RBSDV) disease is recently expanding in southern China and poses a serious threat to rice crops. Few studies related to the genetics and breeding of RBSDV resistance have been reported. We have previously mapped a number of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for RBSDV resistance by using a recombinant inbred line population of ‘Zhenshan 97’ (ZS97, susceptible)/‘Minghui 63’ (MH63, resistant) with natural infection data in two locations. In the present study, we confirmed the presence of a number of resistant QTLs on chromosomes 6, 7, and 9 from MH63 by using the same population in four different locations. We then focused on a major QTL, qRBSDV-6 MH , on chromosome 6 and introduced it into a highly susceptible japonica rice variety, ‘Huaidao 5’, using MH63 as the donor via marker-assisted selection, to generate seven backcross inbred lines (BILs). Natural infection and artificial inoculation-based tests revealed that all of the BILs had a significantly higher resistance to RBSDV than the recurrent parent. These results demonstrate that qRBSDV-6 MH is a stable major resistance QTL of high breeding value. We also constructed a set of chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) specific to the qRBSDV-6 MH region and these used as fine mapping population. Combining the genotypes of CSSLs with the phenotypes from natural infection data in a highly RBSDV epidemic area during two different sowing seasons, we were able to precisely map qRBSDV-6 MH to the markers S18 and S23 at a physical distance of 627.6 kb on the Nipponbare reference genome.  相似文献   

海南山栏稻稻米品质分析及优异资源筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海南山栏稻是一类地方特有旱稻,是海南中部山区少数民族赖以生存的粮食作物,已深深植根于黎苗文化之中。本研究检测了17个海南山栏稻品种的稻米品质,并对品质性状进行了差异性和相关性分析,对供测品种进行了聚类分析。结果表明,大部分山栏稻米的糊化温度较低,属于中、软胶稠度和低直链淀粉含量稻米,蒸煮和食味品质较好。17个海南山栏稻品种被初步分成2类,其中2个品种被鉴定为优质糯米,而且发现了独特的黑尾山栏稻,其稻米加工品质、外观品质和食味品质较好。本研究为海南山栏稻品种改良和育种利用提供了参考。  相似文献   

水稻(Oryza sativa)是世界上最重要的粮食作物, 但稻瘟病和纹枯病等病害严重危害水稻的产量和品质, 给我国乃至全球粮食安全带来巨大威胁。鉴定水稻抗病资源、克隆抗病基因、揭示抗性机理并在育种中加以利用, 对抵御水稻病害和保障粮食安全具有十分重要的作用。准确评价水稻资源的抗病性, 是开展抗病机理研究和育种生产应用的关键环节。该文详述了水稻幼苗期人工喷雾接种、分蘖期和孕穗期田间注射接种与离体叶片戳伤接种的稻瘟病抗性鉴定方法, 以及水稻分蘖期田间接种、孕穗期温室接种和离体茎秆接种的纹枯病抗性鉴定方法, 以期为同行鉴定水稻资源、开展抗病理论和应用研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Maize rough dwarf disease (MRDD), caused by several Fijiviruses in the family Reoviridae, is a global disease that is responsible for substantial yield losses in maize. Although some maize germplasm have low levels of polygenic resistance to MRDD, highly resistant cultivated varieties are not available for agronomic field production in China. In this work, we have generated transgenic maize lines that constitutively express rnc70, a mutant E. coli dsRNA-specific endoribonuclease gene. Transgenic lines were propagated and screened under field conditions for 12 generations. During three years of evaluations, two transgenic lines and their progeny were challenged with Rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV), the causal agent of MRDD in China, and these plants exhibited reduced levels of disease severity. In two normal years of MRDD abundance, both lines were more resistant than non-transgenic plants. Even in the most serious MRDD year, six out of seven progeny from one line were resistant, whereas non-transgenic plants were highly susceptible. Molecular approaches in the T12 generation revealed that the rnc70 transgene was integrated and expressed stably in transgenic lines. Under artificial conditions permitting heavy virus inoculation, the T12 progeny of two highly resistant lines had a reduced incidence of MRDD and accumulation of RBSDV in infected plants. In addition, we confirmed that the RNC70 protein could bind directly to RBSDV dsRNA in vitro. Overall, our data show that RNC70-mediated resistance in transgenic maize can provide efficient protection against dsRNA virus infection.  相似文献   

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