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对40份初选萝卜种质分别接种Xcc8004和XccBJ两个菌株,进行黑腐病苗期抗性鉴定,对其中8份代表性萝卜种质肉质根切片接种Xcc8004进行抗性鉴定和27份萝卜种质幼苗接种8个效应物基因进行过敏反应鉴定。结果表明:不同萝卜种质苗期对黑腐病的抗性存在显著差异,筛选出高抗Xcc8004的材料3份、抗病1份、中抗4份,高抗XccBJ的材料1份、抗病2份、中抗5份。萝卜苗期对Xcc8004和XccBJ的抗病性极显著相关,幼苗和肉质根对Xcc8004的抗病性极显著相关。筛选出17份对不同效应物表现过敏反应的萝卜种质。对效应物XC0241表现过敏反应的种质数最多,对XC0542和XC0541表现过敏反应的种质数次之。不同抗源对不同效应物的过敏反应程度有所不同。稳定可靠抗病资源的获得为萝卜抗病育种和抗病机理的深入研究提供了基础材料。  相似文献   

小麦种质对麦长管蚜的抗性鉴定与评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
2002-2005年连续4年,选用蚜情指数法对小麦种质进行麦长管蚜田间自然感蚜抗性鉴定,从2000份小麦种质中筛选出不同抗性材料34份,占总鉴定材料的1.7%,其中高抗种质5份、抗性种质9份、中抗种质20份。利用苗期室内接虫法,对部分抗感小麦种质进行鉴定,结果表明,苗期的抗性表现与成株期基本一致。对杂交组合临远207(抗)×Witchita(感)的F1、F2的抗性遗传分析表明,临远207对麦长管蚜的抗性由1对显性单基因控制。  相似文献   

绿豆枯萎病是影响绿豆产量最严重的病害之一。筛选苗期抗性资源,培育抗病品种对枯萎病防治具有重要意义。本研究采用剪根浸根接种法,对来自全国18个省市及国外的215份绿豆核心种质资源和85份绿豆新品系进行了苗期枯萎病抗性鉴定。结果显示,不同地区种质间的枯萎病抗性水平存在差异。国内产区中,东北、华东、华中地区约50%的种质具有枯萎病抗性;华北地区抗枯萎病种质占比40.4%;西北、西南和华南地区种质抗病水平较高;国外材料抗病种质占比40.0%。本研究共筛选出17份高抗(HR)枯萎病种质资源,并利用部分材料建立了枯萎病抗性研究RIL群体;6份高抗高代品系材料,在田间全生育期表现高抗且农艺性状优异。本研究期望为今后抗枯萎病绿豆新品种选育及抗性遗传相关研究提供优异资源和理论依据。  相似文献   

抗青枯病烟草种质资源在云南省的评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
筛选出抗性稳定的种质资源是选育抗病品种的重要基础。本文采用人工接种和病田自然发病方法鉴定了48份烟草种质的青枯病抗性表现。土壤盆栽接种鉴定表现为高抗的材料有CF207、岩烟97、TI448A、DB101、G80、RG17、GTH-1等7份材料,表现抗病的有MSK149、Oxford 2028、NC95、YN108、K346、K358、Enshu FC、Oxford 207、RG11等9份材料。苗期恒温水培接种鉴定结果表明,Oxford 207和岩烟97表现为高抗,Enshu FC表现抗病,抗病材料与云烟85和K326杂交F1的抗性表现为中感至抗病。田间自然发病鉴定结果表明,我国审定的中抗青枯病的品种RG17、RG11、K358和K346,在云南省田间抗性表现为中抗,产值较高。TI448A田间表现为抗青枯病,但易感黑胫病和空茎病。Oxford 2028和Oxford 207田间表现为抗病至高抗,产值较高。G3和岩烟97田间分别表现为高抗和抗病,产值较低。根据接种鉴定和田间病圃2年抗性鉴定,筛选出育种潜力较大的青枯病抗源Oxford 207、Enshu FC,岩烟97和TI448A。  相似文献   

为挖掘海南普通野生稻稻瘟病抗性资源,2010年诱发鉴定了41个居群410份材料苗期叶瘟,2011年接种稻瘟病菌(YC25)鉴定了37个居群121份材料穗颈瘟,2012年调查了80个居群2461份材料田间自然状态的抗病性。结果表明:苗期叶瘟抗性鉴定有21份高抗、117份抗病。苗期抗、高抗叶瘟性的138份材料中穗颈瘟鉴定4份高抗和3份抗病,14份表现为田间自然抗病。苗期叶瘟鉴定不抗病或未作此鉴定材料中,4份表现为抗穗颈瘟和田间自然抗病。这些抗性材料来自海口、文昌、万宁、三亚、澄迈、东方等地。本研究为海南普通野生稻资源进一步研究和抗稻瘟病育种利用提供参考  相似文献   

辣椒种质资源抗青枯病的鉴定与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用青枯菌FJC100301菌株对田间辣椒(Capsicum annuum)抗病品种76a和感病品种TW-1分别作了不同温度、不同接种量和不同接种方法的接种试验。结果表明,辣椒青枯病抗性的室内鉴定以接种温度28℃、浸根20 min和3×10^8cfu/mL接种浓度为宜;辣椒种质田间抗青枯病接种鉴定宜选择5月上旬进行,浸根20 min,接种浓度为3×10^8cfu/mL。采用田间抗性接种鉴定的方法,用青枯菌FJC100301菌株对106份辣椒材料进行了抗性鉴定。田间接种后每隔10 d统计病情指数,划分辣椒抗青枯病鉴定分级标准,获得了高抗材料14份、抗病材料8份、中抗材料23份、中感材料23份、感病材料20份、高感材料18份;采用离体叶片接种法对田间筛选得到的高抗和高感纯度较高品种进行抗性分析,结果与田间鉴定一致。  相似文献   

茶树种质资源抗病性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾莉  廖文波 《生态科学》1997,16(2):60-64
1987~1995年开展了茶树种质资源抗病性鉴定研究.经田间和室内鉴定试验,从34份资源材料中筛选出对茶轮斑病高抗材料1份,抗性材料11份;从30份资源材料中筛选出对茶苗根结线虫病高抗材料5份,抗性材料13份.从而为抗病育种或推广生产提供了抗源材料,同时也为抗性机制及遗传规律研究提供了基础.  相似文献   

根肿病是十字花科蔬菜作物的主要病害之一,造成了蔬菜产业巨大经济损失。青花菜是一种重要的十字花科蔬菜,具有良好的防癌保健功效。近年来青花菜根肿病在我国浙江、云南等青花菜主产区发生日益严重,鉴定和筛选青花菜抗根肿病资源,从而培育抗病品种是防治该病最经济有效的方法。为挖掘和丰富可利用的根肿病抗源,本试验针对我国优势根肿菌小种—4号小种,利用苗期人工接种鉴定方法—伤根灌菌法对531份青花菜及其近缘种属材料进行了抗根肿病鉴定。结果显示,446份青花菜材料(其中高代自交系393份,杂交种53份)中缺乏高抗(HR)和抗病(R)材料,包括中抗(MR)材料5份,均为自交系,占供试种质的1.12%,感病(S)材料189份,占供试种质的42.38%,高感(HS)材料252份,占供试种质的56.50%。85份近缘种属材料(其中甘蓝9份,花椰菜32份,大白菜7份,芜菁4份,芥蓝12份,苤蓝8份,菜心8份,油菜2份,野生种2份,欧洲山芥1份)中,包括免疫(I)材料1份,高抗(HR)材料1份,抗病(R)材料5份,中抗(MR)材料2份,感病(S)材料39份,高感(HS)材料37份。总体上高抗青花菜材料缺乏,近缘种属材料中抗源材料比例略高,这些材料为青花菜及甘蓝类蔬菜抗根肿病病育种提供了抗性资源。  相似文献   

不结球白菜种质资源对TuMV的抗性鉴定与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别利用苗期人工接种鉴定及ELISA检测方法,对127份不结球白菜种质资源进行芜菁花叶病毒(TuMV)的抗性鉴定。结果显示,苗期人工接种鉴定的病情指数(DI)分布在3.55~95.68之间,不同种质间表现出较大的抗性差异。不同抗性级别的次数分布图基本符合正态分布,略向感病区域偏离。基于病情指数的聚类分析结果与抗病性分级基本一致。通过苗期鉴定共筛选获得高抗TuMV的不结球白菜种质6份,抗病种质13份,其主要农艺性状表现出一定的多样性。其中叶面皱缩和具有刺毛的抗病材料所占比例较高,可能与TuMV抗性存在一定的相关性。ELISA检测结果显示,117份供试种质的P/N值分布在3.10~25.37之间,不同种质间表现出病毒含量的差异,但与DI值未呈现明显相关性,可作为抗病材料筛选的辅助指标。  相似文献   

玉米重要自交系的肿囊腐霉茎腐病抗性鉴定与评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由肿囊腐霉菌(Pythium inflatum Matthews)引起的玉米茎腐病是影响玉米产量的一种重要病害。为进一步拓展可利用的抗源,于2010-2011年在田间采用人工接种方法对287份重要的玉米自交系种质进行了玉米茎腐病的抗性鉴定评价。结果表明,287份鉴定材料中有171份自交系对茎腐病的抗性达到中抗以上水平,占鉴定材料的59.58%,其中高抗自交系共43份,占鉴定材料总数的14.98%;感病类型自交系共116份,占鉴定材料的40.42%,其中高感自交系共95份,占鉴定材料总数的33.10%。Lancaster、Reid及P群种质中具有丰富的茎腐病抗源,而塘四平头种质群中茎腐病抗源相对缺乏,多为感病类型。该研究结果可为今后我国玉米茎腐病抗性种质的引进和改良提供重要参考。  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry is used to investigate subcellular localization of monoamine oxidase type B (MAOB) in the axon of the rat's peripheral nervous system. Through light and electron microscopy, the presence of MAOB‐immunoreactive structures in the propria lamina of tongue and on the outer membranes of mitochondria in both myelinated and unmyelinated axons can be detected.   As a result, MAOB may potentially play a crucial role in the axons of the rat's peripheral nervous system and may be closely associated with both axonal transport and nerve conduction.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explain the effect and mechanisms of miRNA-30-3p in myocardial ischemia-induced cell apoptosis in vitro and in vivo studies. In the cell experiment, the H9C2 cells were divided into the normal control (NC), and the model, miRNA, and miRNA + phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor groups. The cell survival rates of the different groups were measured with the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium assay kit; the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), malondialdehyde (MDA) content, and superoxidedimutase (SOD) activity in the bathing medium were assayed for the evaluation of myocardial cell injury. The cell apoptosis rate of different groups was measured with flow cytometry analysis. The relative protein expressions of different cell groups were evaluated by Western blot analysis. In the vivo study, the Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups: the NC group, the model group, miRNA group, and the (miRNA + PI3K inhibitor) group. The pathological observations, cell apoptosis, LDH, SOD, MDA, and relative protein expressions were evaluated with hematoxylin and eosin, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, terminal deoxynucleotide transferase dUTP nick-end labeling or immunohistochemical methods. The results show that miRNA-30-3p had the effect of improving cell apoptosis induced by myocardial ischemia in vitro and in vivo studies by the regulation of the PTEN/PI3K/AKT pathway.  相似文献   

BackgroundSpecific tumor markers have yet to be identified in rectal cancer. This study aims to identify a novel genetic signature in rectal cancer to provide clues for survival and immunotherapy.MethodsDEGs were obtained from two GEO datasets of rectal cancer. By using data from TCGA and GSE133057, two cohorts of rectal cancer were applied to establish and evaluate the signature. A nomogram was constructed for training and validation. We integrated the risk-score with clinicopathological features and assessed its interplay with immune cells and molecules. Finally, our study performed functional annotations, gene-targeted miRNAs, and single-cell analysis.ResultsA total of 468 DEGs were identified, and a signature consisting of 5 genes (CLIC5, ENTPD8, PACSIN3, HGD, and GNG7) was selected to calculate the risk-score. The model exhibited high performance in time-dependent ROC and a nomogram. Further results showed that overall survival was significantly worse in the high-risk group. As an independent prognostic factor, the risk-score was associated with vascular invasion. There was a dramatic difference in nonregulatory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells between the high and low-risk groups, and the 5 genes were correlated with immune inhibitors. There was a considerable difference in autophagy, immune, cell cycle, infection, and apoptosis-associated terms and pathways in GO and KEGG. The functional states of differentiation, apoptosis, and quiescence were closely related to the 5-gene signature in single-cell analysis.ConclusionOur results suggest that the signature could serve as a novel prognostic biomarker in rectal cancer, which might benefit decision-making regarding immunotherapy.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2020,124(9):814-820
Green mould disease of mushroom, Agaricus bisporus,is caused by Trichodermaspecies and can result in substantial crop losses.Label free proteomic analysis of changes in the abundance of A. bisporusproteins following exposure to T. aggressivumsupernatantin vitroindicated increased abundance of proteins associated with an oxidative stress response (zinc ion binding (+6.6 fold); peroxidase activity (5.3-fold); carboxylic ester hydrolase (+2.4 fold); dipeptidase (+3.2 fold); [2Fe-2S] cluster assembly (+3.3 fold)). Proteins that decreased in relative abundance were associated with growth: structural constituent of ribosome, translation (-12 fold), deadenylation-dependent decapping of nuclear-transcribed mRNA (-3.4 fold), and small GTPase mediated signal transduction (-2.6 fold). In vivoanalysis revealed that 10-4 T. aggressivuminoculum decreased the mushroom yield by 29% to 56% and 10-3 T. aggressivuminoculum decreased the mushroom yield by 68% to 100%. Proteins that increased in abundance in A. bisporusin vivofollowing exposure to T. aggressivumindicated an oxidative stress response and included proteins with pyruvate kinase activity (+2.6 fold) and hydrolase activity (+2.1 fold)). The results indicate that exposure of A. bisporusmycelium to T. aggressivum in vitroand in vivoresulted in an oxidative stress response and reduction in growth.  相似文献   

Arpita Das 《Bioethics》2020,34(6):585-592
Intersexuality, particularly in the global South, remains an under-researched field of study. In my in-progress doctoral research project, I explore the cultural, social, and medical discourses that influence how key stakeholders such as healthcare providers make decisions about the sex and gender assignment of the intersex child in India. In this paper I interrogate some of these ideas around gender assignment of intersex people in India, paying particular attention to the context of son preference. I am interested in exploring how decisions of gender assignment by medical professionals are guided by ideas of son preference. Focusing on four qualitative, semi-structured, in-depth interviews across two cities with medical doctors from different specializations, this paper is a preliminary attempt to examine some of the factors that guide medical professionals in making decisions about gender assignment of intersex children and explore the dynamics of the decision-making process. Specifically, I explore the factors that inform doctors’ decision-making and locate these decision-making processes within the broader socio-cultural context of India.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2020,124(12):1004-1012
Sparassis latifolia is a valuable edible fungus cultivated in East Asia that is rich in β-glucans. Understanding the mating system and sexual life cycle is important not only for breeding programs to improve strains but also for studies on speciation and population structures. In the present study, mating experiments using monokaryons derived from two different parental strains were performed. Chi-squared test indicated satisfied Mendel segregation, which supported a tetrapolar mating system. A search in the genome for homologs to the well-defined homeodomain and pheromone/receptors, as well as frequently found flanking genes, resulted in the identification of known mating-type loci previously identified in tetrapolar basidiomycetes, each represented by two idiomorphic alleles on separate contigs. Deficiency of the β-flanking protein in S. latifolia and S. crispa around the MAT-A locus may be explained by the locus being rich in transposable elements adjacent to HD genes. Monokaryotic mycelia are characterized by a slower growth rate and a relative lack of aerial mycelia compared with the parental strain. Chlamydospores can be produced in both monokaryotic and dikaryotic mycelial stages. We provide genetic and molecular evidence for the mating system of S. latifolia, a finding that will be helpful for the cross-breeding of this mushroom.  相似文献   

Sericins are glue proteins produced specifically in the middle silk gland (MSG) of the silkworm Bombyx mori, while the silk fiber protein, fibroin, is produced in the posterior silk gland (PSG). These silk proteins are expected to be useful biomaterials in medical technology as well as biotechnology. In this study, we analyzed promoter elements of the sericin-1 gene (ser1) in vivo by introducing reporter constructs into silk glands via gene gun technology. The region from −1602 to +47 was sufficient to induce MSG-specific expression. The 5′ deletion mutants showed a three-step decrease in promoter activity with the key sequences located between −1362 and −1250, −201 and −116, and −115 and −37. We detected a tissue- and stage-specific factor complex (MSG-intermolt-specific complex: MIC) bound to the sequence elements around the −1350, −320, −180, and −70 regions. A mutation in the −70 region, which inhibits MIC-binding, diminished almost all promoter activity, while another mutation that did not inhibit MIC-binding showed no effect on promoter activity. The results suggest that the binding of MIC to the above elements is intrinsic for the spatiotemporal specificity of ser1 in vivo.  相似文献   

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