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絮凝特性对自絮凝颗粒酵母耐酒精能力的影响及作用机制   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
首次报道絮凝特性提高酵母菌耐酒精能力的现象及其机制。融合株SPSC与其两亲本粟酒裂殖酵母变异株和酿酒酵母变异株于 30℃经 18% (V/V)酒精冲击 7h的存活率分别为 52%、37%和 9%。细胞膜磷脂脂肪酸组成分析表明 ,两絮凝酵母 (融合株SPSC和粟酒裂殖酵母变异株 )的棕榈酸含量均约为非絮凝酵母 (酿酒酵母变异株 )的两倍 ,而棕榈油酸和油酸的含量明显低于后者。研究表明 ,当两絮凝酵母在培养中由于柠檬酸钠的作用 (抑制絮凝体的形成 )而以游离细胞生长存在时 ,其细胞膜磷脂棕榈酸含量显著下降 ,而棕榈油酸和油酸的含量明显增加 ,结果细胞膜磷脂脂肪酸组成特点与酿酒酵母变异株相似 ;而且实验表明 ,絮凝特性的消失伴随菌体耐酒精能力的急剧下降 ,变得与酿酒酵母变异株的水平相当。这些结果提示两絮凝酵母具有较强的耐酒精能力与其细胞膜磷脂脂肪酸组成中含有更高比例的棕榈酸有关。  相似文献   

提高生物能源生产菌株对各种胁迫因素的耐受性对于提高生产过程的经济性和高效生产生物能源具有重要的意义。对酿酒酵母乙醇耐性的分子机制的研究,可揭示影响其耐受性的关键基因,并通过代谢工程操作定向提高酵母菌的乙醇耐受性,从而提高燃料乙醇的生产效率。海藻糖对酵母菌在多种环境胁迫下的细胞活性具有保护作用,但其对乙醇耐性分子机制的研究还不够深入。克隆了自絮凝酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae flo的海藻糖-6-磷酸合成酶基因TPS1的启动子区域,利用pYES2.0载体骨架,构建了PTPS1启动绿色荧光蛋白EGFP标记基因的报告载体,并转化酿酒酵母ATCC4126。对酵母转化子在含有7%和10%乙醇的生长培养基中的EGFP的表达情况进行相对荧光定量分析,发现PTPS1活性在7%乙醇存在下受到强烈诱导。EGFP表达量对高温和高糖胁迫无明显差别,显示了TPS1启动子对乙醇浓度的特异响应。研究结果表明,絮凝酵母海藻糖的合成是对乙醇胁迫的保护性反应。  相似文献   

生长阶段和冲击阶段均添加 1 6 4mmol LCa2 能显著提高自絮凝颗粒酵母于 30℃在 2 0 % (V V)酒精冲击下的存活率 ,经过 9h冲击 ,对照组的存活率为 0 ,而添加Ca2 试验组的存活率为 5 0 0 % ,表明添加适当浓度的Ca2 能显著提高菌体的耐酒精能力。通过考察Ca2 对菌体于 30℃在 15 % (V V)酒精冲击下细胞膜透性的影响发现 ,生长阶段和冲击阶段均添加 1 6 4mmol LCa2 的试验组的菌体胞外核苷酸平衡浓度和细胞膜透性系数 (P′)分别仅为对照组水平的 5 0 0 %和 2 9 3% ,表明添加适当浓度的Ca2 能显著降低受冲击菌体的细胞膜透性 ;而且 ,添加Ca2 提高存活率与添加Ca2 降低胞外核苷酸浓度和P′存在直接的对应关系。因此 ,Ca2 提高自絮凝颗粒酵母耐酒精能力是与其降低受冲击菌体的细胞膜透性密切相关的。  相似文献   

絮凝酵母SPSC01为酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae和粟酒裂殖酵母Schizosaccharomyces pombe的融合菌株,用其吸附水溶液中的重金属Cr(VI),可以大大降低生物吸附的固液分离成本。为了探讨SPSC01菌体絮凝蛋白对Cr(VI)还原吸附的影响,对SPSC01与其亲本菌株的吸附行为进行了比较。结果表明,SPSC01和其具有絮凝性状的亲本S.pombe的Cr(VI)去除速率基本同步,远优于无絮凝性状的亲本S.cerevisiae;达到吸附平衡时,S.pombe、SPSC01和S.cerevisiae对总Cr去除率分别达68.8%、48.6%和37.5%;从而证明了絮凝有利于Cr(VI)的还原、吸附,絮凝蛋白在Cr(VI)的还原吸附过程中起促进作用。通过化学屏蔽方法和傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)分析,对SPSC01菌体表面吸附Cr(VI)的机理进行了研究,结果表明SPSC01菌体表面吸附Cr(VI)起主要作用的基团是氨基、羧基和酰胺基。  相似文献   

絮凝酵母SPSC01为酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae和粟酒裂殖酵母Schizosaccharomyces pombe的融合菌株,用其吸附水溶液中的重金属Cr(VI),可以大大降低生物吸附的固液分离成本。为了探讨SPSC01菌体絮凝蛋白对Cr(VI) 还原吸附的影响,对SPSC01与其亲本菌株的吸附行为进行了比较。结果表明,SPSC01和其具有絮凝性状的亲本S. pombe的Cr(VI) 去除速率基本同步,远优于无絮凝性状的亲本S. cerevisiae;达到吸附平衡时,S. pombe、SPSC01和S. cerevisiae对总Cr去除率分别达68.8%、48.6%和37.5%;从而证明了絮凝有利于Cr(VI) 的还原、吸附,絮凝蛋白在Cr(VI) 的还原吸附过程中起促进作用。通过化学屏蔽方法和傅立叶变换红外光谱 (FTIR) 分析,对SPSC01菌体表面吸附Cr(VI) 的机理进行了研究,结果表明SPSC01菌体表面吸附Cr(VI) 起主要作用的基团是氨基、羧基和酰胺基。  相似文献   

自絮凝酵母高浓度重复批次乙醇发酵   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用发酵性能优良的自絮凝酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiaeflo,研究开发了重复批次高浓度乙醇发酵系统,以节省下游加工过程的能耗。在终点乙醇浓度达到120g/L左右的条件下,发酵系统的乙醇生产强度达到8.2g/(L·h)。然而实验中发现,随着发酵批次的增多,自絮凝酵母沉降性能逐渐下降,从发酵液中沉降分离所需时间相应延长,导致发酵液中高浓度乙醇对酵母的毒害作用加剧,影响其发酵活性和发酵系统运行的稳定性,发酵装置运行11个批次后无法继续运行。实验结果表明,絮凝能力下降导致的酵母絮凝颗粒尺度减小是其沉降性能下降的主要原因。进一步研究发现,酵母的絮凝能力通过再培养可以恢复。在此基础上对发酵系统操作进行改进,每批发酵结束后可控采出一定比例菌体,调节系统的酵母细胞密度和乙醇生产强度以刺激酵母增殖,保持其絮凝能力。在达到相同发酵终点乙醇浓度条件下,虽然发酵系统的乙醇生产强度降低到4.0g/(L·h),但运行10d后絮凝颗粒酵母尺度趋于稳定,继续运行14d,未发现絮凝颗粒酵母尺度继续下降的现象,系统可以稳定运行。  相似文献   

研究揭示细胞膜磷脂脂肪酸组成与酵母菌耐酒精能力的一种新颖关系及其机制。分别培养于添加 0 6mmol L棕榈酸、亚油酸或亚麻酸不同条件下的自絮凝颗粒酵母 ,其细胞膜富含各自所添加的脂肪酸。细胞膜富含棕榈酸、亚油酸或亚麻酸的三种菌体于 30℃经 2 0 %(v v)酒精冲击 6h的存活率分别为 5 2 %、1 8%和 0。通过考察三种菌体于 30℃在 1 5 %(v v)酒精冲击下的细胞膜透性发现 ,细胞膜富含棕榈酸的菌体的胞外核苷酸平衡浓度分别仅为细胞膜富含亚油酸或亚麻酸菌体的 48%和 32 %,其细胞膜透性系数 (P′)分别仅为后者的 37%和 2 0 %,且三者的胞外核苷酸浓度和P′由小到大的排列顺序均与它们的存活率由高到低的排列顺序完全一致。因此 ,细胞膜富含棕榈酸的菌体具有较强的耐酒精能力是与其在高浓度酒精冲击下可维持较低的细胞膜透性密切相关的 的。  相似文献   

发酵抑制物对絮凝酵母戊糖发酵的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将絮凝剂加入酵母溶液中,使酵母絮凝成颗粒以此作为固定化酵母进行戊糖发酵。研究了常见发酵抑制物(甲酸、乙酸、糠醛和乳酸等)对絮凝酵母发酵木糖的影响。结果表明:在60.0g/L木糖发酵液中,经过24h发酵,木糖利用率达94.6%,当分别添加抑制物甲酸、乙酸、糠醛、乙醇和乳酸时,聚氧乙烯絮凝酵母分别对其的耐受浓度为0.5、0.5、1.0、30.0和8.0g/L。当抑制物添加量超过各自的耐受浓度后,对絮凝酵母发酵会产生明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

乙酸是生物质乙醇发酵过程中酵母细胞面临的重要抑制剂之一,对细胞生长及发酵性能有强烈的抑制作用。增强酵母菌对乙酸胁迫的耐受性对提高乙醇产率具有重要意义。用分别带有完整絮凝基因FLO1及其重复序列单元C发生缺失的衍生基因FLO1c的重组表达质粒分别转化非絮凝型工业酿酒酵母CE6,获得絮凝型重组酵母菌株6-AF1和6-AF1c。同时以空载体p YCPGA1转化CE6的菌株CE6-V为对照菌株。与CE6-V相比,絮凝酵母明显提高了对乙酸胁迫的耐受性。在0.6%(V/V)乙酸胁迫下,6-AF1和6-AF1c的乙醇产率分别为对照菌株CE6-V的1.56倍和1.62倍;在1.0%(V/V)乙酸胁迫下,6-AF1和6-AF1c的乙醇产率分别为对照菌株CE6-V的1.21倍和1.78倍。可见絮凝能力改造能明显提高工业酿酒酵母的乙酸胁迫耐受性及发酵性能,而且FLO1内重复序列单元C缺失具有更加明显的效果。  相似文献   

絮凝法固定粟酒裂殖酵母实现乙醇连续发酵过程的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文利用了粟酒裂殖酵母的絮凝颗粒,依此作为固定化手段,在悬浮床生物反应器中,对淀粉糖化液进行了连续发酵的实验研究。对发酵过程中的酵母絮凝颗粒特性作了初步考察。三个月以上的不间断运转,证明该反应器操作可行可靠,酵母浓度可达40-60g(干重)/L,设备的生产强度可达20—24g(乙醇)/L.H,超过一般用载体包埋法固定化酵母的指标。悬浮床反应器由空气为驱动力,由此而供人的有限量氧提高了酵母的发酵活性和对乙醇的耐受性,可使乙醇的比生成速率提高6—8%。本文还根据连续发酵所获得实验数据分别整理出了该发酵体系的动力学方程式,它们是 对通空气情况, V=1.02S-18.2+S(1--112P) 对完全厌氧情况:V=0·943 -24.9+S-S(1-108—P)  相似文献   

Lei J  Zhao X  Ge X  Bai F 《Journal of biotechnology》2007,131(3):270-275
The ethanol tolerance of a self-flocculating yeast strain SPSC01 was investigated in an oxygen-limited fed-batch bioreactor. Employing Focused Beam Reflectance Measurement (FBRM) on-line monitoring system, four yeast floc populations with the average size ranging from 100 to 400mum were obtained. It was found that ethanol tolerance increased with the increasing floc size in the 100, 200, and 300mum floc populations, while increasing the average floc size further to 400mum resulted in lower ethanol tolerance. Examination of the membrane composition of different floc populations revealed that the plasma membrane composition of the floc populations was significantly different in the contents of ergosterol, phosphatidylinositol, as well as phospholipid palmitoleic acid. What's more, the plasma membrane of more ethanol tolerant floc population was less permeable when subjected to 15% (v/v) ethanol shock treatment, and the plasma membrane ATPase activities were higher in the floc populations with higher ethanol tolerance. These results indicate that the average size distribution of the floc populations exerted great influence on the physiological status of yeast cells during the ethanol production process, leading to the changes in plasma membrane composition that contributed to improved ethanol tolerance in self-flocculating yeast SPSC01.  相似文献   

The intrinsic kinetics of continuous yeast cell growth and ethanol production for a self-flocculating fusant yeast strain SPSC01 was investigated by means of mechanically dispersing the flocs and correspondingly established floc size distribution on-line monitoring technique using the focused beam reflectance measurement system, through which the floc intra-particle mass transfer limitation was effectively eliminated, but its ethanol formation metabolism was not affected. Modified kinetic models were developed, which can be used to predict the continuous kinetic behaviors of SPSC01, especially when low dilution rates are applied and limiting substrate concentrations are undetectable and almost all kinetic models developed previously are failed in predicting corresponding kinetic behaviors. Both substrate and product inhibitions reported for freely suspended yeast cell ethanol production were also observed for SPSC01 when high gravity media were fed and relatively high levels of residual sugar and ethanol presented. Model parameters were evaluated through numerical calculation method and validated by experimental data mu = 0.584C(s)/0.155 + C(s) + C(2)(s)/160.7(1 -P/125)(3.68) + 0.004 for growth, nu = 1.998C(s)/0.427 + C(s) + C(2)(s)/366.7(1- P/125)(1.72) + 0.060 for ethanol production These intrinsic kinetic models can be further used to develop the observed kinetic models that quantitatively correlate the impact of the self-flocculating yeast cell size distributions on their apparent rates for yeast cell growth, substrate uptake and ethanol production and optimize the ethanol production process.  相似文献   

Taking continuous ethanol fermentation with the self‐flocculating yeast SPSC01 under very high concentration conditions as an example, the fermentation performance of the yeast flocs and their metabolic flux distribution were investigated by controlling their average sizes at 100, 200, and 300 µm using the focused beam reflectance online measurement system. In addition, the impact of zinc supplementation was evaluated for the yeast flocs at the size of 300 µm grown in presence or absence of 0.05 g L?1 zinc sulfate. Among the yeast flocs with different sizes, the group with the average size of 300 µm exhibited highest ethanol production (110.0 g L?1) and glucose uptake rate (286.69 C mmol L?1 h?1), which are in accordance with the increased flux from pyruvate to ethanol and decreased flux to glycerol. And in the meantime, zinc supplementation further increased ethanol production and cell viability comparing with the control. Zinc addition enhanced the carbon fluxes to the biosynthesis of ergosterol (28.6%) and trehalose (43.3%), whereas the fluxes towards glycerol, protein biosynthesis, and tricarboxylic acid cycle significantly decreased by 37.7%, 19.5%, and 27.8%, respectively. This work presents the first report on the regulation of metabolic flux by the size of yeast flocs and zinc supplementation, which provides the potential for developing engineering strategy to optimize the fermentation system. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;105: 935–944. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The effects of zinc supplementation were investigated in the continuous ethanol fermentation using self-flocculating yeast. Zinc sulfate was added at the concentrations of 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1 g l(-1), respectively. Reduced average floc sizes were observed in all the zinc-supplemented cultures. Both the ethanol tolerance and thermal tolerance were significantly improved by zinc supplements, which correlated well with the increased ergosterol and trehalose contents in the yeast flocs. The highest ethanol concentration by 0.05 g l(-1) zinc sulfate supplementation attained 114.5 g l(-1), in contrast to 104.1 g l(-1) in the control culture. Glycerol production was decreased by zinc supplementations, with the lowest level 3.21 g l(-1), about 58% of the control. Zinc content in yeast cells was about 1.4 microMol g(-1) dry cell weight, about sixfold higher than that of control in all the zinc-supplemented cultures, and close correlation of zinc content in yeast cells with the cell viability against ethanol and heat shock treatment was observed. These studies suggest that exogenous zinc addition led to a reprogramming of cellular metabolic network, resulting in enhanced ethanol tolerance and ethanol production.  相似文献   

旨在研究废糟液直接全循环对絮凝酵母乙醇发酵、糖酵解关键酶以及细胞组成的影响。在一有效容积1.5 L的搅拌式生物反应器中,使用葡萄糖为220 g/L,添加8 g/L酵母粉和6 g/L蛋白胨的培养基,以0.04 h?1的稀释率进行自絮凝颗粒酵母乙醇连续发酵。每隔3天将收集到的发酵液集中精馏处理,得到的废糟液用于配制发酵培养基。装置运行近20 d,实验结果表明,随着废液循环批次的增加,系统乙醇和生物量浓度明显降低,糖酵解途径3个关键限速酶:己糖激酶、6-磷酸果糖激酶和丙酮酸激酶不同程度受到抑制。为了应对废糟液中高沸点副产物积累导致的环境胁迫,维持细胞正常代谢,甘油和菌体胞内蛋白生物合成加强,碳水化合物积累减弱。这些研究结果对进一步研究高沸点副产物积累对酵母细胞乙醇发酵影响的机理和菌种的代谢工程改造,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

High ethanol tolerance is a desired property of industrial yeast strains for efficient ethanol fermentation. In this study, the impact of medium composition on ethanol tolerance of the self-flocculating yeast SPSC01 was investigated using a chemically defined medium. Single-factor experiments revealed that besides magnesium and calcium, zinc also exhibited significant protective effect against ethanol toxicity; addition of 0.02 g/l zinc sulfate significantly increased cell viability in the ethanol shock treatment. Metal ions of manganese, cobalt, and ferrous failed to promote ethanol tolerance, although addition of 0.02 g/l cobalt increased ethanol production without apparent influence on ethanol tolerance. Furthermore, Uniform Design method was employed to obtain the medium with high cell viability, and the key nutrient factors in the medium composition were revealed to be (NH4)2SO4, K2HPO4, vitamin mixtures, and the metal ions of magnesium, calcium and zinc. The optimized combination of metal ions addition was (g/l): MgSO4 0.4, CaCl2 0.2, ZnSO4 0.01. The highest cell viability (90.2%) of SPSC01 against ethanol shock treatment was observed in the optimized medium, which demonstrated significant improvement of ethanol tolerance of the self-flocculating yeast.  相似文献   

Flocculating yeast strains with good fermentation ability are desirable for brewing industry as well as for fuel ethanol production, however, the genetic diversity of the flocculating genes from natural yeast strains is largely unexplored. In this study, FLO1, FLO5, FLO9, FLO10 and FLO11 PCR products were obtained from 16 yeast strains from various sources, and the PCR product amplified from FLO1 of the self-flocculating yeast strain SPSC01 was used for the construction of expression cassette flanked by homologous fragments of the endonuclease gene HO for chromosome integration. A genetically engineered flocculating yeast BHL01 with good fermentation performance was obtained by transforming an industrial strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae 4126 with the expression cassette. The fermentation performances of SPSC01 and BHL01 in flask fermentation were compared using 208 g/L glucose. BHL01 completed the fermentation 8 h earlier than SPSC01, while no significant difference between BHL01 and S. cerevisiae 4126 was observed. In very high gravity repeated batch ethanol fermentation using 255 g/L glucose, BHL01 maintained stable flocculation for at least over 24 batches, while SPSC01 displayed severe deflocculation under the same conditions. The natural reservoir of flocculating genes from yeast strains may represent an unexplored gene source for the construction of new flocculating yeast strains for improved ethanol production.  相似文献   

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