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内陆河干旱区生态需水分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈敏建  王浩  王芳  唐克旺  王研 《生态学报》2004,24(10):2136-2141
根据水分驱动生态演变模型 ,以水分运动和补给条件 ,研究了内陆河平原生态系统的需水结构。生态需水分为过渡带生态需水 ,绿洲生态需水 ;绿洲生态需水又进一步分为天然绿洲生态需水和人工绿洲生态需水。通过流域水分平衡和地面观测资料确定了生态圈层结构的水分需求 ,以及降水与径流对水分需求的补给比例。生态需水的分析计算 ,类似于供需平衡分析。从植物生理角度分析生态需水 ,得到天然植被的总腾发量 Et,作为植被生态需水总量。各典型天然植被的 Et通过实验资料获得。将植被和水面的总生态需水量扣除有效降水补充的部分 ,即为径流性生态需水量 GE。另一方面 ,以流域为单元进行降水和径流统一考虑的水分综合平衡 ,进行生态可利用水量分析。得到生态系统可能实际利用的径流性水资源量 GR。  将生态需水量 GE与生态系统可能实际利用的水资源量 GR进行平衡分析 ,计算实际生态耗水 ,并分析盐碱地无效耗水。根据 2 0 2 0年生态状态情景分析 ,作出了 2 0 2 0年生态需水与生态系统结构演变的预测  相似文献   

基于生态保护目标的疏勒河中游绿洲生态环境需水研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以疏勒河中游绿洲为研究对象,基于RS和GIS技术,选择1990年、2000年和2013年Landsat TM/ETM影像解译成果作为中游绿洲生态演变研究的基础资料,并确定了中游绿洲2020年和2030年生态保护目标。根据疏勒河中游绿洲生态环境需水特征,建立了基于天然植被、河流、湿地和防治耕地盐碱化的疏勒河中游绿洲生态环境需水定量化模型,并估算了现状和保护目标下流域中游绿洲生态需水量,从而为区域水资源合理配置和生态系统的协调发展提供参考依据。通过计算得出了疏勒河中游绿洲2013、2020和2030年天然植被、河流基本生态、河流输沙、河流渗漏补给、水面蒸发、湿地生态和防治耕地盐碱化生态环境需水量。同时得出疏勒河中游绿洲2013、2020和2030年疏勒河中游绿洲最大、最小和最适生态环境需水量分别为7.42×10~8、7.09×10~8、7.29×10~8,8.24×10~8、7.91×10~8、8.11×10~8m~3和9.12×10~8、8.79×10~8、8.99×10~8m~3。2013、2020和2030年疏勒河中游绿洲生态环境需水量年内变化主要集中于5—8月,累积生态环境需水量占全年的比例分别为58.01%、58.08%和58.13%;疏勒河中游绿洲生态环境需水量瓜州所占比例相对较大,玉门相对最小,敦煌介于二者之间。  相似文献   

基于管理目标的黄河三角洲湿地生态需水量   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
独特的地理位置和气候特征 ,使黄河三角洲湿地自然保护区孕育了丰富的自然资源和生物多样性。然而近些年来由于黄河上、中游开发不断 ,砍伐、引水工程等引发了下游特别是河口三角洲一系列的生态问题。表现在水资源紧缺、水体污染以及生物多样性减少等。根据黄河三角洲湿地自然保护区的现实问题以及 Ram sar公约要求 ,确定了黄河三角洲湿地自然保护区管理目标即保护新生湿地和鸟类资源 ,栖息地恢复与保护 ,生态系统功能与过程的维持等 3个层次的目标。通过分析湿地生物和水量的相关性 ,计算了不同层次管理目标的黄河三角洲湿地生态需水量 ,即在不考虑输沙用水的情况下 ,黄河三角洲湿地最小生态需水量、适宜需水量和理想需水量分别为 4 0 .95× 10 8m3、5 2 .4 5× 10 8m3和 6 7.93× 10 8m3;在考虑输沙用水的情况下 ,湿地最小生态需水量、适宜需水量和理想需水量分别为 190 .95× 10 8m3、2 0 2 .4 5× 10 8m3和 2 17.93× 10 8m3。  相似文献   

黑河中游地区植被生态需水量估算   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
何志斌  赵文智  方智 《生态学报》2005,25(4):705-710
以水量平衡关系为理论基础,引用195 6~2 0 0 0年黑河中游地区各县的气象资料和2 0 0 2年4月~2 0 0 3年10月不同类型植被区的土壤水分动态监测数据,并采用GIS技术进行生态分区的基础上估算该地区的植被生态需水量,分析生态需水量的时空变化以及缺水量。结果表明:黑河中游地区每年最适生态需水量在9.4 8×10 8~11.5 8×10 8m3之间,除去相应植被区域上的有效降水量4 .74×10 8m3,还需要从径流中补给4 .74×10 8~6 .84×10 8m3。除山丹和民乐县外,其它各县的降水量均不能满足临界生态需水量。若以最适生态需水量为标准,山丹县的缺水量最大,占整个中游地区缺水量的4 0 .9%。另外,在水资源配置方案中,不仅要考虑空间上的差异,而且更要注意生态需水量在时间上的变化。分析表明,黑河中游地区的生态需水量的亏缺主要发生在4~6月份  相似文献   

干旱内陆流域河道外生态需水量评价——以黑河流域为例   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
王根绪  张钰  刘桂民  程雨菲  胡宏昌 《生态学报》2005,25(10):2467-2476
河道外生态系统需水量的合理评价是干旱区水资源合理配置与管理、生态环境保护与建设中最为关键的科学问题。基于不同植被蒸散发潜力估算模型,依据不同生态系统及同一生态系统在不同气候与地理区域具有不同生态需水规律的特点,提出了可模拟和评价不同时期生态系统需水量的方法,不仅能体现生态系统需水量的年际变化,也能反映年内不同时间段(月、季节甚至每日)的需水量变化,并提出干旱区生态适宜需水量在不同时期是一个区间。以黑河流域中下游地区为研究区域分析其生态需水量,结果表明:黑河中游地区年平均生态需水量(11.16±2.67)×108m3,其中绿洲生态系统需水(9.13±2.29)×108m3;下游地区生态需水量(16.16±4.04)×108m3,现状绿洲生态体系需水(11.06±2.77)×108m3,现阶段实施的下游分水9.7亿m3/年的方案,可以促使现有绿洲生态系统有一个良好的结构与功能,并给出了不同典型年不同月份的生态需水量及其变化。  相似文献   

海河流域典型河口生态环境需水量   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
孙涛  杨志峰  刘静玲 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2707-2715
在分析河口生态环境需水量类型及特征的基础上 ,采用水文学、生物学及水力学方法计算了海河流域中海河口、滦河口及漳卫新河口生态系统水循环、生物循环消耗水量及生物栖息地需水量。考虑不同生态功能需水量间的兼容性 ,得到各河口生态环境需水年度总量 ,以保持河口径流时间分布自然性为基础 ,确定了生态环境需水量年内时间分配。结果表明 ,即使不考虑污染物的排放 ,近年来海河口、漳卫新河口实际径流量已无法满足最低等级生态环境需水量 5 .97和 4 .96亿 m3的要求。相应河口生态系统已发生了不可自然恢复的退化。滦河口径流年度总量基本满足生态环境要求 ,其生态保护重点在于保持生态环境需水量年内时间变化的自然状况。通过比较不同河口间生态环境需水量结果 ,认为河口生态环境需水量空间差异性主要源于河口间气候和径流量的不同 ,时间差异性则受到河口地区年内季节间气候变化幅度的影响。保证污染物达标排放基础上 ,保持河口生态系统蒸发消耗、水体盐度需水量及相应年内时间变化的自然性应成为海河流域河口生态环境保护及恢复工作中的基础  相似文献   

基于生态水位约束的下辽河平原地下水生态需水量估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙才志  高颖  朱正如 《生态学报》2013,33(5):1513-1523
以我国北方典型的大型地下水盆地——下辽河平原为研究对象,在考虑地下水蒸发特点基础上,统筹考虑对地下水依赖程度较高的天然草地、天然湿地和河流生态系统对于地下水位的要求,综合水文和生态两方面因素确定地下水生态水位;利用Golden surfer软件的体积计算功能,计算出研究区内全年各月的地下水生态需水量;采用正态信息扩散模型,运用月保证率法得到不同保证率、不同恢复等级下的年地下水生态需水量.结果表明:下辽河平原不同月份的地下水缺水量41.83×108-60.07×108 m3、缺水区面积2.05× 104-2.34×104 km2、盈余水量2.73×108-6.68×108 m3、盈余区面积0.30×104-0.59×104 km2、地下水生态需水量35.15×108-57.33×108 m3;经月保证率法整合后的年地下水生态需水量变化规律为,随着保证率的降低,地下水生态需水量不断增加,而需水量等级越高,需水量增加幅度越大.  相似文献   

洪河国家级自然保护区最小生态需水量与补水分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨柳  马克明  白雪  郭雷 《生态学报》2008,28(9):4501-4507
湿地生态水文及其水资源优化配置已成为湿地研究中的重大科学问题之一.该研究基于湿地最小生态水位,以湿地静态补水与动态补水的定量方法,对洪河国家级自然保护区湿地最小生态需水量进行估算.研究结果表明:洪河湿地最小生态水位为51.5 m,静态需水量1863×104 m3,动态补水方案为1级补水量867.4×104 ~ 1518.0×104 m3/月,2级补水量693.9×104 ~ 1214.4×104 m3/月,3级补水量520.4×104 ~ 910.8×104 m3/月,4级补水量173.5×104 ~ 303.6×104 m3/月,5级补水量0.0×104 m3/月.研究确定的最小生态水位具有一定科学性,湿地生态水位提高30cm,能够为该区湿地植被群落的水生演替提供适宜生境.该研究结果可为其他湿地自然保护区的科学、有效管理提供理论依据.  相似文献   

生态需水是生态用水控制和区域生态环境恢复建设的基本依据。马拉河流域拥有世界著名的生态系统,植被生态需水占流域总需水量的很大一部分。基于1980—2020年ERA5气象数据、叶面积指数(LAI)与世界土壤数据库数据,采用Penman-Monteith法计算了马拉河流域四个季节(短旱季、长雨季、长旱季、短雨季)植被生态需水量的时空变化特征。在此基础上,使用支持向量机(SVM)、随机森林(RF)和卷积神经网络(CNN)3种机器学习方法与7个环境因子(气温、降水、10 m风速、LAI、太阳辐射、相对湿度、地形)建立了回归模型,分别估算了2011—2020年逐年不同季节的植被生态需水量,并与Penman-Monteith法计算结果进行时间序列拟合度和空间相似性的比较。结果表明:马拉河流域植被生态需水量在过去40年所有季节都呈现为波动变化,植被生态需水量长雨季>长旱季>短雨季>短旱季,长雨季的植被生态需水量约为短旱季的1.5倍。不同季节均呈现出上下游高、中游低的植被生态需水量空间分布格局。LAI为最大的正影响因子,风速为最大的负影响因子。就不同方法估算的植被生态需水量准确性而言,...  相似文献   

董李勤  章光新  张昆 《生态学报》2015,35(18):6165-6172
探讨了嫩江流域湿地生态需水量的计算方法,并对流域内不同降水频率下湿地生态需水量进行了计算。在此基础上,选择CMIP全球气候模式下RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5等3种排放情景,预测2030年、2050年和2100年嫩江流域湿地生态需水量的变化趋势。研究结果表明:不同降水频率下的流域湿地生态需水量分别为丰水年70.284亿m3,平水年118.696亿m3,枯水年169.343亿m3,反映了其与气候条件的相关性。3种排放情景下湿地生态需水量变化受到最高、最低气温和降水量变化的共同影响,其中RCP2.6情景下需水量呈先增加后减少的趋势;RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下需水量整体呈增加趋势,到2100年分别达到147.337亿m3和132.659亿m3。气候变化条件下,如何协调水资源需求间的矛盾,维持湿地生态系统健康稳定,将是未来研究关注的重点。  相似文献   

生态需水是河流与湖泊生态系统健康的重要基础。湖泊流域的河流与湖泊生态系统之间存在密切的水量联系,目前对流域内生态用水的研究多为单一生态系统生态需水简单相加,忽略了河流和湖泊之间复杂的水量联系。基于河湖复合生态系统之间的水量联系构建了河湖生态系统生态用水优化模型,并以滇池为例分析了河湖生态系统生态用水规律。结果表明:湖泊流域中单一河流或湖泊生态需水计算结果不能满足复合生态系统的生态用水要求,需要综合考虑河流和湖泊之间的水量联系;在当前水质状况下,牛栏江每年的调水量不能满足滇池流域的生态用水要求;滇池流域水体污染对流域内生态用水影响较大,随着水体污染程度的下降,流域生态用水量和调水量呈指数下降,河流生态用水呈线性下降。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the microbial ecosystem of cultivated soils along the Evros river in NE Greece. Evros river together with its derivative rivers constitute the capital source of life and sustainable development of the area. Along this riverside watery ecosystem systematic agro-cultures were developed such as wheat, corn and vegetable cultures. The evaluation of the ecosystem microbial charge was conducted in both axes which are the watery ecosystem and the riverside cultivated soil area. Considerable discrimination of water quality was observed when considering chemical and microbiological parameters of the Evros river ecosystem. Ardas river possesses a better water quality than Evros and Erythropotamos, which is mainly due to the higher quantities that these two rivers accumulate from industrial, farming and urban residues leading to higher degree of pollution.An increased microbial pollution was recorded in two of the three rivers monitored and a direct relation in microbial and chemical charging between water and cultivated-soil ecosystems was observed. The protection of these ecosystems with appropriate cultivated practices and control of human and animal activities will define the homeostasis of the environmental area.  相似文献   

Rea  Chris L.  Bisesi  Michael S.  Mitsch  William  Andridge  Rebecca  Lee  Jiyoung 《EcoHealth》2015,12(1):77-87
EcoHealth - Wetlands provide many valuable ecosystem services, including water quality improvement to protect downstream aquatic ecosystems such as lakes, rivers, and estuaries. However, their...  相似文献   

This paper establishes a framework within which a rapid and pragmatic assessment of river ecosystems can be undertaken at a broad, subcontinental scale, highlighting some implications for achieving conservation of river biodiversity in water‐limited countries. The status of river ecosystems associated with main rivers in South Africa was assessed based on the extent to which each ecosystem had been altered from its natural condition. This requires consistent data on river integrity for the entire country, which was only available for main rivers; tributaries were thus excluded from the analyses. The state of main river ecosystems in South Africa is dire: 84% of the ecosystems are threatened, with a disturbing 54% critically endangered, 18% endangered, and 12% vulnerable. Protection levels were measured as the proportion of conservation target achieved within protected areas, where the conservation target was set as 20% of the total length of each river ecosystem. Sixteen of the 112 main river ecosystems are moderately to well represented within protected areas; the majority of the ecosystems have very low levels of representation, or are not represented at all within protected areas. Only 50% of rivers within protected areas are intact, but this is a higher proportion compared to rivers outside (28%), providing some of the first quantitative data on the positive role protected areas can play in conserving river ecosystems. This is also the first assessment of river ecosystems in South Africa to apply a similar approach to parallel assessments of terrestrial, marine, and estuarine ecosystems, and it revealed that main river ecosystems are in a critical state, far worse than terrestrial ecosystems. Ecosystem status is likely to differ with the inclusion of tributaries, since options may well exist for conserving critically endangered ecosystems in intact tributaries, which are generally less regulated than main rivers. This study highlights the importance of healthy tributaries for achieving river conservation targets, and the need for managing main rivers as conduits across the landscape to support ecological processes that depend on connectivity. We also highlight the need for a paradigm shift in the way protected areas are designated, as well as the need for integrated river basin management plans to include explicit conservation visions, targets, and strategies to ensure the conservation of freshwater ecosystems and the services they provide.  相似文献   

Aquatic ecosystems have two distinct zones: the water column and benthic zone. Although the benthic zone has received considerable attention, recent studies have found the water column capable of accounting for a majority of whole ecosystem processes in rivers. The relative role of these zones inevitably varies across a size continuum of rivers, from headwaters to large transcontinental systems. A fundamental question in aquatic science is where along this size continuum do ecosystem processes potentially shift from occurring largely in the benthic zone to largely in the water column? Sediment structures the physical template of the benthic and water column zones of rivers and the contact area between water and sediment mediates ecological, geochemical, and physical processes. High concentrations of suspended sediments are hypothesized to cause a shift from benthic to water column dominance in rivers. We developed an analytical model for the contact area between surface water and all sediment particles in benthic and water column volumes. The model was implemented with empirical data along the main stem of major US rivers. The ratio of water column to benthic sediment contact area scaled as a power function of watershed area. There was more sediment–water contact area in the water column than the benthic zone in rivers equal to or greater than 5th to 9th order depending on the river basin. This suggests material processing could be occurring largely in the water column in rivers greater than 5th order. However, dams and variation in discharge caused rivers to oscillate between water column and benthic dominance over time and space.  相似文献   

Protected areas, a corestone of biodiversity conservation, provide a vast array of ecosystem services to support livelihoods of people. However, protected areas, especially freshwater, are under threat with overexploitation of resources changing the land covers and degrading their capacity to supply services. Information on land cover changes and its implications on ecosystems, its services and people, especially in developing countries at a local scale, is largely absent. This study, therefore, seeks to understand people's dependency on ecosystem services and implications of land cover change on ecosystem services and people, with a case study in the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve of Nepal. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, our findings show high dependency of the locals on a vast array of ecosystem services provided by the reserve. More than half of the sampled households were found to directly derive income from ecosystem services of the reserve. However, land cover changes especially declines in forest (16%), swamps/marshes (4%), rivers (14%) and other ecosystems over a period of 34-years impacted the provision of ecosystem services and people’s dependency notably. The services from forests declined by about 94%, swamps services by 36% and services from river by 57% which were reported to be the high service suppliers. People's dependency, as perceived by the locals, was reduced by 67% over the last ten years. The study highlighting the supply, demand and implications on ecosystem services and people helped to better understand the complex interaction between humans and ecosystems. These results can be used to develop holistic approaches to restore, conserve and manage the ecosystems, and its services by balancing equal supply and demand of ecosystem services required for a self-sustaining human-environment system. It can also contribute to development of important environmental policies and programs in the area.  相似文献   

Most rivers worldwide are highly regulated by anthropogenic activities through flow regulation and water pollution. Environmental flow regulation is used to reduce the effects of anthropogenic activities on aquatic ecosystems. Formulating flow alteration–ecological response relationships is a key factor in environmental flow assessment. Traditional environmental flow models are characterized by natural relationships between flow regimes and ecosystem factors. However, food webs are often altered from natural states, which disturb environmental flow assessment in such ecosystems. In ecosystems deteriorated by heavy anthropogenic activities, the effects of environmental flow regulation on species are difficult to assess with current modeling approaches. Environmental flow management compels the development of tools that link flow regimes and food webs in an ecosystem. Food web approaches are more suitable for the task because they are more adaptive for disordered multiple species in a food web deteriorated by anthropogenic activities. This paper presents a global method of environmental flow assessment in deteriorated aquatic ecosystems. Linkages between flow regimes and food web dynamics are modeled by incorporating multiple species into an ecosystem to explore ecosystem-based environmental flow management. The approach allows scientists and water resources managers to analyze environmental flows in deteriorated ecosystems in an ecosystem-based way.  相似文献   

Multiple states in river and lake ecosystems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Nonlinear models of ecosystem dynamics that incorporate positive feedbacks and multiple, internally reinforced states have considerable explanatory power. However, linear models may be adequate, particularly if ecosystem behaviour is primarily controlled by external processes. In lake ecosystems, internal (mainly biotic) processes are thought to have major impacts on system behaviour, whereas in rivers, external (mainly physical) factors have traditionally been emphasized. We consider the hypothesis that models that exhibit multiple states are useful for understanding the behaviour of lake ecosystems, but not as useful for understanding stream ecosystems. Some of the best-known examples of multiple states come from lake ecosystems. We review some of these examples, and we also describe examples of multiple states in rivers. We conclude that the hypothesis is an oversimplification; the importance of physical forcing in rivers does not eliminate the possibility of internal feedbacks that create multiple states, although in rivers these feedbacks are likely to include physical as well as biotic processes. Nonlinear behaviour in aquatic ecosystems may be more common than current theory indicates.  相似文献   

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