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小麦种质贮藏过程中生活力丧失特性及田间出苗率表现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对贮藏2~20年的378份中期库小麦种质进行生活力测定(每一贮藏年份测定种质份数为10~30),结果表明贮藏年限为2~12年的种质平均发芽率都高于83%,而贮藏年限为15年的种质平均发芽率已降至20%,这表明小麦种质在中期库贮藏过程中,生活力丧失存在着骤降特性。同时对同一品种分别来自中期库低活力和长期库高活力种质进行田间出苗率和农艺性状调查,发现中期库种质的室内发芽率与田间出苗率相关极显,其相关显性高于长期库种质,且不论是来自中期库低活力种质还是长期库高活力种质,总体上田间出苗率都比室内发芽率低20%以上,在子一代种子的农艺性状上两之间无显差异。  相似文献   

外空飞行后小麦根尖细胞的染色体畸变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦种子在科学探测和技术实验卫星上进行空间飞行,返回地面后浸种萌发,经不同时间培养后取根尖固定并观察根尖细胞染色体畸变情况。空间飞行可引起根尖细胞染色体畸变率的增加,其损伤随取样时间的延后呈下降趋势,说明空间飞行所诱导的染色体损伤可被部分修复;种子经辐射保护剂芥子碱和半胱氨酸预处理能显著降低空间飞行诱发的根尖细胞染色体畸变率,而经辐射敏化剂咖啡因预处理的情况则相反。  相似文献   

三种保存条件下水稻和小麦种质资源安全保存期的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种子从入库保存至其发芽率降至更新发芽率标准的贮藏时间即为种质的安全保存期。在低温种质库以及室温等条件下,还未见有种质安全保存期的文献报道。本研究以水稻和小麦种子为例,分析了在国家长期库、广西中期库以及不同气候区室温保存的生活力监测数据,以了解种质安全保存期。结果表明,在国家长期库保存20~22年的3500份水稻和3279份小麦种子的生活力仍保持在较高水平;99%以上的水稻种子和96%以上的小麦种子在长期库的安全保存期超过20年。中期库保存17~19年的801份水稻种子中,有96%以上种子的安全保存期超过17年。水稻和小麦种子在6个气候区室温保存的监测结果显示,北方低温地区保存效果普遍好于南方高温地区,北方低温地区适宜含水量种子的安全保存期超过14年,可达中期保存要求。分析发现种子的安全保存期不仅与保存温度、种子含水量等保存条件有关,还与种子的初始质量、品种类型等诸多因素有关。  相似文献   

外空飞行后小麦根尖细胞的染色体畸变   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
小麦种子在科学探测和技术实验卫星上进行空间飞行,返回地面后浸种萌发,经不同时间培养后取根尖固定并观察根尖细胞染色体畸变情况。空间飞行可引起根尖细胞的染色体畸变率的增加,其损伤随取样时间的延后呈下降趋势,说明空间飞行所诱导的染色体损伤可被部分修复;种子经辐射保护剂芥子碱和半胱氨酸顶处理能显著降低空间飞行诱发的根尖细胞染色体畸变率,而经辐射敏化剂咖啡因预处理的情况则相反。  相似文献   

低温贮藏下真空与非真空包装对小麦种子生活力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对以铝箔袋真空包装和铝盒非真空包装的89份小麦种子,在-4~0℃的低温种质库中贮藏11年后的贮藏效果进行了研究.从种子贮藏后的发芽率与入库前的初始发芽率差异,2种包装方式的种子年份间、同一年份2种方式间的种子发芽率差异等3个方面探讨了2种包装方式的种子在低温贮藏条件下的贮藏效果.结果表明:通过低温贮藏11年的小麦种子生活力测定.82%的材料在低温保存后其种子平均发芽率高于初始发芽率.而贮藏第10年后发芽率才出现较初始发芽率明显下降;铝箔袋包装的种子发芽率下降幅度小于铝盒包装,且差异达显著水平;铝箔袋真空密封包装的贮藏效果明显好于非真空包装的种子.  相似文献   

超干的榆树种子在加速老化过程中活力变化与染色体变异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
榆树种子根尖细胞染色体畸变率随着种子生活力的下降而升高,榆树超干种子在35℃人工老化条件下,能有效抑制其伴随时间推移而产生的生活力下降和染色体变异,使种子贮藏寿命明显延长,若待超干种子生活力也降到与对照同样水平时,其活力水平比对照低,染色体畸变频率比对照高,但这种情况的出现要向后推迟相当长的时间,因而超干贮藏的效果及其可行性仍属肯定。  相似文献   

国家种质库部分作物种子生活力监测结果与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对国家种质库中23种作物1.8万多份种子进行了生活力监测,结果表明,贮存10~12年后,96%以上的被监测种子发芽率仍保持在85%以上,但有95份种子(占被监测份数的0.51%)出现了明显的下降(发芽率从80%以上降至70%以下).胡萝卜、莴苣、棉花、胡麻、蓖麻等5种作物种子整体监测发芽率平均值都出现了显著下降,而胡萝卜、莴苣这二种作物的监测发芽率下降更为显著.不同起始发芽率水平及贮存前所处环境条件对贮存种子的生活力下降有一定影响.  相似文献   

国家库贮藏20年以上种子生活力与田间出苗率监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对34种作物1.4万多份的国家库贮存种子进行了生活力监测,结果表明,贮存20年后,92.9%被监测种子的发芽率仍保持在85%以上,但有155份种子(占被监测份数的1.1%)出现了明显的下降(发芽率从80%以上降至70%以下)。发芽率显著下降的作物包括蚕豆、红小豆、黄麻、蓖麻、甜菜、西瓜、烟草、牧草。小麦等8种作物2078份种子的田间出苗率调查表明,所有种质均有出苗,但有8份种质的出苗率低于10%。出苗率与入库初始平均发芽率存在差别,平均出苗率最高的作物为普通菜豆86.2%,比该批入库初始发芽率平均值低9.3%;平均出苗率最低作物为谷子39.2%,比该批种子的入库初始发芽率平均值低51.3%。总体而言,国家库内保存的作物种子中,多数可安全保存20年以上,尤其是水稻等禾谷类作物种子,但对于蚕豆、红小豆等平均监测发芽率出现显著下降的作物种子需要增加监测频率,以确保种子的长期安全保存。  相似文献   

重铬酸钾对蚕豆根尖细胞致畸效应的研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
钱晓薇 《遗传》2004,26(3):337-342
以蚕豆根尖为材料,研究重铬酸钾对蚕豆根尖细胞的致畸效应。采用蚕豆根尖细胞的微核试验和染色体畸变试验方法,以不同浓度的重铬酸钾为诱变剂,测定蚕豆根尖细胞的微核率和染色体畸变率。结果表明:重铬酸钾能诱发较高频率的微核率,即在一定浓度范围内,其微核率随重铬酸钾处理浓度的升高而增加,但高于一定浓度后反而呈下降趋势;不同浓度的重铬酸钾均使蚕豆根尖细胞有丝分裂指数增大;重铬酸钾还能诱导蚕豆根尖细胞产生较高频率的染色体畸变,且产生多种类型的染色体畸变。结论是重铬酸钾对蚕豆根尖细胞具有明显的致畸效应。  相似文献   

用0.05%和0.1%秋水仙素溶液对洋葱Allium cepa根尖进行控时处理,研究不同秋水仙素浓度和不同处理时间对洋葱根尖细胞有丝分裂畸变的影响。结果显示,秋水仙素有促进细胞有丝分裂染色体停滞在中期的能力;不同固定时间对洋葱根尖细胞有丝分裂有影响;秋水仙素对洋葱根尖细胞染色体有畸变效应,诱导产生畸变的能力受溶液浓度和处理时间的影响。  相似文献   

The age-related dynamics of chromosomal instability in cells of the root meristem of seedlings and germination capacity of seeds of Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.) in two storage temperature regimes in the course of six years following collection of the seeds are investigated. Seeds that had been stored at room temperature (14–28°C) lost germination capacity after six years of storage. The frequency of aberrant anaphases in these seeds grew from 2% in the first month of storage of the seeds to 80% in the 75th month. The germination capacity of seeds that had been stored at reduced temperatures (4–9°C) amounted to 73–77% in the sixth year, while the frequency of aberrant anaphases in these seeds remained within the range 2–4% throughout the six years. Thus, storage of Welsh onion seeds for six years at reduced temperatures tends to preserve the germination capacity of the seeds and prevents the development of chromosomal instability in the root meristem cells of the seedlings over this period.  相似文献   

Seed viability and germination are key factors in the success of restoration efforts, especially when stored seeds are used. However, the effect of seed storage on germination of most of the native Arabian species is not well documented. We investigated the effect of storage time and role of the seed mucilage in regulating germination, dormancy, salinity tolerance and consequential survival strategy of F. aegyptia in an unpredictable arid desert setting. Effect of light and temperature during germination was studied under two photoperiods and two thermoperiods using intact and de-mucilaged seeds. Presence of mucilage and thermoperiod did not affect the germination. However, seed collection year and photoperiod had a highly significant effect on the germination. Increasing salinity levels decreased the germination of F. aegyptia but ungerminated seeds were able to germinate when salinity stress was alleviated. Seed storage at room temperature enhances the germination percentage, indicating that F. aegyptia seeds have physiological dormancy and it can be alleviated by after-ripening at dry storage. In addition, F. aegyptia seeds show ability to germinate at lower salinity concentration and remain viable even at higher saline conditions, indicating their adaptability to cope with such harsh environmental conditions.  相似文献   

在不同温度、不同贮藏时间和方法下,对来源于印度尼西亚的假酸浆种子发芽特性进行研究。结果表明:不同温度对假酸浆种子萌发的影响差异极显著,在15/25℃变温条件下种子发芽率最高,为84.3%,发芽快且整齐;假酸浆种子采收后立即播种其发芽率非常低,室温下贮藏6~9个月时在25℃恒温或15/25℃变温条件下均有较高发芽率,说明假酸浆种子有休眠性,通过延长贮藏时间能打破休眠,促进种子发芽;但室温贮藏15个月后,种子活力下降非常明显。低温冷藏在一定条件下能提高假酸浆种子萌发能力,能延长种子寿命。  相似文献   

Facing the current biodiversity crisis, the value of ex situ conservation has been increasingly acknowledged in international treaties and legislations. Seed banks are a good way of conserving biodiversity, providing that seeds are of high quality and at maximum viability. However, despite the number of established ex situ facilities, there is little information on seed viability in botanic garden seed banks. This paper analyses the status of the seed collection of the National Botanic Garden of Belgium by determining the germination capacity and viability of seeds that have been stored for 1–26 years. It aims at: (1) ensuring that existing storage conditions provide effective ex situ conservation of threatened species; (2) providing viability data on threatened species; (3) planning future collection and storage efforts for seeds of West European species of conservation value. Results from this study showed that the germination and viability percentages of the 250 tested species reached on average 59 and 79% respectively. Some families typically performed better than others. Within a species, consistent results were not always obtained. Over a quarter of accessions exhibited some degree of dormancy. Considering the current lack of knowledge in seed germination and dormancy of many rare and threatened species, we believe that the quality of a seed collection should be estimated by its viability and not by its germination percentage. This study calls for further research in order to better understand the biology of a range of threatened native species.  相似文献   

南亚热带森林24种乔木的种子萌发和幼苗生长   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以膨胀珍珠岩为基质,在光和暗的条件下,对24种南亚热带森林乔木的种子萌发和幼苗生长进行了研究。种子的形态和重量与种的演替阶段有关,种子的重量也与不同的种有关。不同种的萌发率差异较大,种子较大的种,萌发率较高。肉质果实的种子,开始萌发的时间较长。光和暗条件对萌发率和萌发速度无明显影响。幼苗高度和种子重量呈正相关,这一相关在光条件下比暗条件下更明显。暗条件明显地引起群落演替早期的树种的茎徒长,限制根的生长,而对演替后期种无显著的影响。幼苗地上部分和根系生物量的分配与种的演替阶段有关,也与不同的科有关。幼苗地上部分和根系生物量的分配也受光暗条件的影响,而不受种子重量的影响。根和叶的生物量分配和种在其群落演替阶段有关。幼苗的生物量与种子重量有显著的正相关。幼苗的相对生长率相差较大,在没有营养供应的生长基质中,以演替中间阶段的种的相对生长率较大。幼苗从种子的物质利用效率与种子重量呈负相关,而与种的演替阶段无明显的相关。  相似文献   

Peanut seeds (water content 6.21% ) were stored at 38–40 ℃ for artificial ageing storage with different gases. N2 or CO2 delayed peanut seed ageing in comparison with air. The rate of seed germination was not affected by storing for 26 weeks under N2 or CO2, but the vitality of seed lost when stored under air. Determination of peanut seed vigor (root length+ axial length)×percentage of germination may precisely show the change in seed quality during ageing. The results indicate the positive correlation between the respiration and subsequent growth in peanut seeds, and the significantly negative correlation between vigor and electrical conductivity or sugar content in the seed extract.  相似文献   

邱玥  龚宁  张奎一 《广西植物》2010,30(4):555-559
研究了影响金线兰种子非共生萌发的因素,并应用正交试验研究基本培养基、6-BA、ZT、NAA四种因素对原球茎增殖的作用。结果表明:授粉类型对金线兰种子非共生萌发影响较大,异株异花、同株异花以及同株同花授粉所得的种子的萌发率分别为78.53%、69.62%、39.87%;蒴果成熟度以生长150d为宜,采收后萌发率可达78.59%;冷藏影响种子的活力,种子的萌发率随冷藏时间的延长而降低;使用次氯酸钠浸泡后的种子与对照相比,其萌发率无明显差异;NAA对原球茎增殖作用显著,适宜于原球茎增殖的培养基为1/2MS+ZT0.5mg/L+NAA1.0mg/L。  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum L.) is one of the major food crops of the world, and an important component of food security. The aim of this study was to collect and preserve seeds of wheat growing in eight regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Al-Qassim, Asir, Al-Taif, Najran, AL-Baha, Jazan, Al-Madinah and Wadi Al-Dawasir) where wheat has been cultivated since ancient times. Sixty-one accessions/samples of wheat (Triticum aestivum) were collected and placed in dry storage (ex-situ conservation) at −18 °C (i.e. permanent storage). The accessions of local wheat have the ability to grow under harsh environmental conditions such as (high temperature, drought and salinity). Most of these samples were collected directly from farms, but a few were collected from markets. The most important criteria for ex-situ conservation is that seeds need to have a low moisture content (MC) and a high percentage viability. Seed MC was measured for all 61 accessions by the oven-drying method and seed viability was tested in three ways: percentage of germination, tetrazolium chloride testing, and X-ray radiography.The seed MC of the 61 accessions was uniformly very low (0.10–0.12%), and 97 to 100% of the seeds were viable. Thus, all 61 wheat accessions collected in this study have the initial requirements to remain viable for long periods of time in ex-situ conservation in the gene seed bank.  相似文献   

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