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bldA编码天蓝色链霉菌中唯一有效识别UUA亮氨酸密码的tRNA(Leu)UUA。通过构建阿维链霉菌NRRL8165基因组亚文库,筛选得到含有阿维链霉菌bldAa及其侧翼序列的克隆。利用λRED介导的PCRtargeting技术构建了bldAa的基因置换质粒pHL358,将其跨属接合转移进入阿维链霉菌NRRL8165,筛选得到bldAa基因置换菌株TW10。TW10表现为光秃表型,表明bldAa调控阿维链霉菌的形态分化。摇瓶发酵TW10菌株并对发酵产物进行HPLC分析,发现TW10菌株均不合成阿维菌素组分,提示阿维菌素的合成受bldAa调控;考察阿维菌素生物合成基因簇,其中aveA3和aveR含有TTA密码,它们的翻译可能受bldAa调控,与实验结果一致。  相似文献   

bldA编码天蓝色链霉菌中唯一有效识别UUA亮氨酸密码的tRNA(Leu)UUA。通过构建阿维链霉菌NRRL8165基因组亚文库,筛选得到含有阿维链霉菌bldA。及其侧翼序列的克隆。利用λRED介导的PCR targeting技术构建了bldA。的基因置换质粒pHL358,将其跨属接合转移进入阿维链霉菌NRRL8165,筛选得到bldA。基因置换菌株TW10。TW10表现为光秃表型,表明bldA。调控阿维链霉菌的形态分化。摇瓶发酵TW10菌株并对发酵产物进行HPLC分析,发现TW10菌株均不合成阿维菌素组分,提示阿维菌素的合成受bldA。调控;考察阿维菌素生物合成基因簇,其中areA3和aveR含有TTA密码,它们的翻译可能受bldA。调控,与实验结果一致。  相似文献   

李华  王利娟  何璟 《微生物学报》2012,52(10):1210-1218
【目的】Streptomyces sahachiroi ATCC 33158全基因组测序后,通过生物信息学分析找到一个II型聚酮合酶(polyketide synthase,PKS)基因簇sah。我们通过基因敲除和异源表达的方法对sah的生物学功能进行了研究。【方法和结果】对sah基因簇ORF(open reading frame)进行分析后发现,除了一个额外的氧甲基转移酶基因sahI以外,该基因簇与天蓝色链霉菌中负责孢子色素合成的基因簇whiE具有很高的相似性。将sah中负责后修饰的3个基因sahG、sahH和sahI分别敲除后,发现孢子色素的颜色随之发生明显的变化。将sah-minimal PKS基因和whiE-minimal PKS基因分别导入变铅青链霉菌ZX1中进行异源表达,高效液相色谱及液质联用分析证实它们产生相同的水溶性红色色素物质。【结论】sah与whiE基因簇具有相似的生物学功能,负责链霉菌孢子色素的合成。这两个基因簇所合成的孢子色素具有相同的母核,差别在于sah基因簇中多了一个编码氧甲基转移酶的后修饰基因,这可能是导致两种链霉菌孢子在颜色上有细微差别的原因。  相似文献   

【背景】卡西霉素(calcimycin)是重要的离子载体抗生素,其生物合成基因簇已从教酒链霉菌NRRL3882的基因组DNA中成功克隆,但基因簇内的部分生物合成基因及调控基因的功能有待研究。【目的】研究卡西霉素产生菌教酒链霉菌NRRL3882中编码TylR家族同源转录调控蛋白的calR1基因的功能。【方法】通过PCR-targeting的方法,构建calR1基因敲除突变株及回补菌株,对突变菌株及回补菌株进行发酵,通过HPLC分析其代谢产物。利用荧光定量PCR检测ΔcalR1突变菌株和野生菌株的生物合成基因转录水平。【结果】calR1基因敲除突变株丧失产生卡西霉素的能力,但仍有中间产物噻唑霉素的积累,回补菌株中卡西霉素的产量有一定程度的恢复。RT-qPCR结果表明,卡西霉素合成相关的一些重要基因calC、calG、calU3等基因的表达量明显改变。【结论】TylR家族转录调控基因calR1是卡西霉素生物合成的调控基因。  相似文献   

阿维莲霉菌中aveD基因缺失对阿维菌素合成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈芝  文莹 《微生物学报》2002,42(5):534-538
利用aveD基因的缺失载体pCZ8(pKC1139::△aveD)对阿维菌素(Avermectin)的产生菌阿维链霉菌(Streptomyces avermitilis)76-9的aveD基因进行缺失获得aveD缺失突变株。经摇瓶发酵和HPLC检测,发现该突变株只产生阿链菌素B组分。说明将阿维链霉菌的aveD基因缺失,并不影响下游aveF的表达。缺失突变株的阿维菌素的总产量与出发菌株的总产量基本相同,突变株中B1的产量略有提高,阿维菌素B2的含量显著提高。  相似文献   

阿维链霉菌中aveD基因缺失对阿维菌素合成的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用aveD基因的缺失载体pCZ8(pKC1139∷△aveD)对阿维菌素(Avermectin)产生菌阿维链霉菌(Streptomyces avermitilis)76\|9的aveD基因进行缺失获得aveD缺失突变株。经摇瓶发酵和HPLC检测,发现该突变株只产生阿维菌素B组分。说明将阿维链霉菌的aveD基因缺失,并不影响下游aveF的表达。缺失突变株的阿维菌素的总产量与出发菌株的总产量基本相同,突变株中B1的产量略有提高,阿维菌素B2的含量显著提高。  相似文献   

阿维链霉菌bkdAB的基因中断对阿维菌素合成的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
以阿维菌B组分菌株StreptomycesavermitilisBjbm0 0 0 6为出发菌株 ,用PCR的方法构建bkdAB基因簇(Branched_chainα_ketoaciddehydrogenasegeneAB)的基因置换质粒pHJ582 1(pHZ13 58∷bkdAB&erm) ,并对其进行基因中断 ,得到重组菌株Bjbm582 1。Bjbm582 1的发酵产物经HPLC检测发现 ,除了产生B1a和B2a外 ,还产生一种原菌株没有的新组分 ,3个组分的总含量只有出发菌株Bjbm0 0 0 6的 2 5%。结果表明bkdAB的中断不仅部分阻断了阿维菌素的合成 ,还阻断了阿维菌素b组分的合成 ,可以推测bkdAB的产物在阿维菌素合成途径中主要承担了α酮基异戊酸脱氢酶 (α_ketoisovalericaciddehydrogenase)角色  相似文献   

具有同源重叠区的酵母人工染色体(YAC)可以利用酵母细胞减数分裂进行同源重组,从而构建更大的人工染色体基因组,这对生命科学基础研究和生物技术应用研究有着非常重要的意义。本实验以两个含人免疫球蛋白κ链基因簇片段的YAC克隆为材料,通过酵母改型、异型接合、二倍体发孢、单孢子筛选和分子生物学鉴定等技术和方法,利用酵母菌减数分裂同源重组机制,构建了一条包含人的免疫球蛋白κ轻链32个Vκ基因、5个Jκ基因、Cκ基因、Eκ基因和κde基因的YAC重组体,长度约400kb。同时,本实验利用溶壁酶消化法获取单孢子重组体,代替了传统的显微分孢操作。使得利用酵母人工染色体减数分裂同源重组的技术更加简便可行。  相似文献   

【目的】考察除虫链霉菌基因组中其它聚酮合成酶类(Polyketide synthase,PKS)抗生素生物合成基因簇的敲除突变对于阿维菌素产量的影响。【方法】构建了11个PKS基因簇的打靶Cosmid和质粒载体,导入除虫链霉菌中筛选突变株。【结果】在工业菌株MMR630中成功敲除了10个PKS基因簇。发酵结果显示7个PKS基因簇敲除突变株中阿维菌素的产量均有不同程度的提高,而2个突变株不能产生阿维菌素。然而,在3个连续敲除2个PKS基因簇的突变株中阿维菌素产量没有能够超过单个PKS敲除突变株的提升幅度。【结论】除虫链霉菌基因组的一些PKS基因簇的敲除可以提高阿维菌素的产量,同时暗示同一类次生代谢产物的代谢流之间存在复杂的相互作用关系。  相似文献   

目的: 转座突变技术是发现新功能基因和获得高产天然产物菌株的一种有效策略。通过理性设计和构建Tn5型转座突变系统,并将其应用于阿维链霉菌,筛选高产阿维菌素的工程菌株。方法: 在转座突变载体pUCTN转座插入片段的上游和下游分别引入链霉菌常用的强启动子kasOp*和P21,强化插入位置上游和下游基因的转录表达;在插入片段两端分别添加双向转录终止子T1和T2,有效终止插入序列两端靶基因的转录,引入强启动子和终止子的目的在于增强对转座突变株生理代谢活动的扰动。结果: 通过优化供体菌和受体菌的比例,转座效率显著提高。随机选择500株转座突变株进行发酵和阿维菌素产量测试,筛选到3株突变株的阿维菌素产量明显高于出发菌株产量的50%以上。结论: Tn5转座突变系统为研究阿维链霉菌的基因功能和生理代谢提供了有效的分子遗传工具。  相似文献   

A gene, schC, adjacent to the sch gene cluster encoding the biosynthesis of a polyketide spore pigment in Streptomyces halstedii was sequenced. Its deduced product resembled flavin adenine nucleotide-containing hydroxylases involved in the biosynthesis of polycyclic aromatic polyketide antibiotics and in catabolic pathways of aromatic compounds. When schC was disrupted, the normally green spores of S. halstedii became lilac. An schC-like gene was located in an equivalent position next to a large gene cluster (whiE) known to determine spore pigment in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2).  相似文献   

The ccr gene, encoding crotonyl coenzyme A (CoA) reductase (CCR), was cloned from Streptomyces cinnamonensis C730.1 and shown to encode a protein with 90% amino acid sequence identity to the CCRs of Streptomyces collinus and Streptomyces coelicolor. A ccr-disrupted mutant, S. cinnamonensis L1, was constructed by inserting the hyg resistance gene into a unique BglII site within the ccr coding region. By use of the ermE* promoter, the S. collinus ccr gene was expressed from plasmids in S. cinnamonensis C730. 1/pHL18 and L1/pHL18. CCR activity in mutant L1 was shown to decrease by more than 90% in both yeast extract-malt extract (YEME) medium and a complex fermentation medium, compared to that in wild-type C730.1. Compared to C730.1, mutants C730.1/pHL18 and L1/pHL18 exhibited a huge increase in CCR activity (14- and 13-fold, respectively) in YEME medium and a moderate increase (3.7- and 2. 7-fold, respectively) in the complex fermentation medium. In the complex fermentation medium, S. cinnamonensis L1 produced monensins A and B in a ratio of 12:88, dramatically lower than the 50:50 ratio observed for both C730.1 and C730.1/pHL18. Plasmid (pHL18)-based expression of the S. collinus ccr gene in mutant L1 increased the monensin A/monensin B ratio to 42:58. Labeling experiments with [1, 2-(13)C(2)]acetate demonstrated the same levels of intact incorporation of this material into the butyrate-derived portion of monensin A in both C730.1 and mutant C730.1/pLH18 but a markedly decreased level of such incorporation in mutant L1. The addition of crotonic acid at 15 mM led to significant increases in the monensin A/monensin B ratio in C730.1 and C730.1/pHL18 but had no effect in S. cinnamonensis L1. These results demonstrate that CCR plays a significant role in providing butyryl-CoA for monensin A biosynthesis and is present in wild-type S. cinnamonensis C730.1 at a level sufficient that the availability of the appropriate substrate (crotonyl-CoA) is limiting.  相似文献   

An efficient plasmid transformation system forS. mycarofaciens 1748 has been established. In order to determine the function of MKR gene in S.mycarofaciens 1748, the gene disruption experiment was carried out. For this purpose the plasmid pKC1139 was used. A recombinant strain with white spore appeared, in contrast to the grey-colour spore of S.myarofaciens 1748. This suggested that homologous recombination between plasmidborne MKR gene sequence and the chromosome of S.mycarofaciens 1748 had occurred. A Southern hybridization experiment using a-32P-labelled MKR gene as probe indicated that the desired integration event had occurred in the recombinant. The result of gene disruption showed that the alteration of this gene in the chromosome of S.mycarofaciens 1748 made sporulating colonies remain white instead of taking on the typical grey colour of sporulating wild type colonies, suggesting that MKR gene is involved in the biosynthesis of a spore pigment. The recombinant strain was incubated with fermentation medium optimised for midecamycin production. A TLC assay showed that the recombinant strain produced midecamycin in quantities comparable to that ofS. mycarofaciens 1748. A pCN8B12 was a clone from genomic library of midecamycin producing strain which contained a 28-kb DNA insert. The 28-kb DNA fragment contained act I-homologous and act III-homologous regions. he PKS (act I-homologous) and MKR (act III-homologous) genes that define spore pigment of midecamycin producing strain were Jocalized by restriction endonuclease digestion with pCN8B12, indicating that they are separated by about 10 kb DNA. The polyketide synthase gene cluster of simila; organization has not been reported yet.  相似文献   

An efficient plasmid transformation system forS. mycarofaciens 1748 has been established. In order to determine the function of MKR gene in S.mycarofaciens 1748, the gene disruption experiment was carried out. For this purpose the plasmid pKC1139 was used. A recombinant strain with white spore appeared, in contrast to the grey-colour spore of S.myarofaciens 1748. This suggested that homologous recombination between plasmidborne MKR gene sequence and the chromosome of S.mycarofaciens 1748 had occurred. A Southern hybridization experiment using a-32P-labelled MKR gene as probe indicated that the desired integration event had occurred in the recombinant. The result of gene disruption showed that the alteration of this gene in the chromosome of S.mycarofaciens 1748 made sporulating colonies remain white instead of taking on the typical grey colour of sporulating wild type colonies, suggesting that MKR gene is involved in the biosynthesis of a spore pigment. The recombinant strain was incubated with fermentation medium optimised for midecamycin production. A TLC assay showed that the recombinant strain produced midecamycin in quantities comparable to that ofS. mycarofaciens 1748. A pCN8B12 was a clone from genomic library of midecamycin producing strain which contained a 28-kb DNA insert. The 28-kb DNA fragment contained act I-homologous and act III-homologous regions. he PKS (act I-homologous) and MKR (act III-homologous) genes that define spore pigment of midecamycin producing strain were Jocalized by restriction endonuclease digestion with pCN8B12, indicating that they are separated by about 10 kb DNA. The polyketide synthase gene cluster of simila; organization has not been reported yet. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

从陕北克山病病区分离到的两株串珠镰刀菌素产生菌株——胶孢镰刀菌(Fusarium subglutinans Wollenw.et Reinking)陕-6号和2-17号进行单孢分离,分别得到23和19个单孢分离株。这些单孢菌株可分为两种培养型:一种形态上与原始菌株相似,产生串珠镰刀菌素,产色素,具有大、小分生孢子,转管八次产毒量有下降;另一种则不产串珠镰刀菌素和孢子,无色素,后者在二株菌的单孢分离菌中所占比例分别为60.9%和15.8%。由此可见,胶孢镰刀菌产毒稳定性受异核体和该菌单核变异性共同影响。  相似文献   

Botryosphaeria lutea (anamorph Fusicoccum luteum) most easily is distinguished from other Botryosphaeria spp. by a yellow pigment that is formed in young cultures. This fungus has been reported from a number of cultivated hosts in New Zealand and Portugal. During a survey of Botryosphaeria fungi that occur on native Acacia species in Australia, a yellow pigment was observed in some cultures. These isolates were morphologically similar to B. lutea, but the pigment differed slightly from the one formed by authentic B. lutea isolates. Preliminary data also revealed small differences in ITS rDNA sequence data. The aim of this study was to determine whether these small differences were indicative of separate species or merely variations within B. lutea. Anamorph, teleomorph and culture morphology were compared between B. lutea and Acacia isolates from Australia. Sequence data of two other genome regions, namely the β-tubulin and EF1-α gene and intron regions, were combined with ITS rDNA sequence data to determine the phylogenetic relationship between these isolates. Isolates of B. lutea and those from Australian Acacia species were not significantly different in spore morphology. The yellow pigment, however, was much more distinct in cultures of B. lutea than in cultures from Acacia. There were only a few base pair variations in each of the analyzed gene regions, but these variations were fixed in the two groups in all regions. By combining these data it was clear that B. lutea and the isolates from Acacia were distinct species, albeit very closely related. We, therefore, propose the new epithet B. australis for the fungus from Australia. Botryosphaeria australis also was isolated in this study from exotic Sequoiadendron trees in Australia. Re-analyses of GenBank data in this study showed that B. australis also occurs on other native Australian hosts, namely a Banksia sp. and a Eucalyptus sp., as well as a native Protea sp. in South Africa and on Pistachio in Italy. These records from GenBank have been identified previously as B. lutea. The common occurrence of B. australis on a variety of native hosts across Australia suggests that this fungus is native to this area.  相似文献   

Two inhibitors of the biosynthesis of aspergillin, the black spore pigment of Aspergillus niger, have been investigated. 2,4-Dithiopyrimidine exerted its inhibitory effect by intracellularly chelating cupric ion required for normal pigmentation. Dimethylsulfoxide prevented the synthesis of certain phenolic precursors of the native pigment. Partial purification and characterization of pigments from mature cultures revealed the presence of at least three components: (i) a high-molecular-weight (approximately 20,000) native pigment fraction in untreated mold cultures, (ii) a lower-molecular-weight (approximately 5,000) melanin pigment found in both types of inhibited cultures, and (iii) a low-molecular-weight (368) green pigment found only in the 2,4-dithiopyrimidine-inhibited cultures and proposed to be a pentacyclic quinonoid derivative. A pathway for aspergillin biosynthesis is suggested based on these results.  相似文献   

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