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记安徽一鳄类化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正> 本文讨论的这一鳄类下颌骨化石标本是由本所安徽红层队采集于1970—1972年,它不具有通常鳄类所具有的下颌外窗,现记述于下。西贝鳄亚目 Sebecosuchia,Simpson 1937. 皖鳄科(新科) Wanosuchidae,fam.nov. 特征见本科代表属皖鳄属皖鳄属(新属) Wanosuchus,gen.nov.  相似文献   

记裂头鳄属(Dibothrosuchus)一新种   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
本文记述的裂头鳄属-新种 (Dibothrosuchus xingsuensis sp. nov.)的标本采自云南禄丰盆地下禄丰组深红层.通过描述,对裂头鳄属属级特征作了补充.新种的头骨中鳞骨缺失降突;方骨极度向前背方伸展,形成大的耳凹,乌喙骨具后腹突,以及具有鳄类式的腕骨等,表明裂头鳄属应改属为楔形鳄科 (Sphenosuchidae).根据该科各属的头骨中方骨与脑颅侧壁的连接关系,可以清楚地看到楔形鳄科在这局部解剖学上存在一连续的发展过程.在形态上,裂头鳄属和南非的 Sphenosuehus (典型属)最为相近.  相似文献   

陕北槽齿类新发现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述了采自陕北府谷县三迭系和尚沟组上部的一槽齿类化石。根据骨髂形态特征认为属于古鳄亚目的原鳄科,与Chasmatosaurus和Elaphrosuchus相近,但上颌骨参与外鼻孔的构成及前上颌骨不呈喙嘴状等却显著不同。为此另建立一新属(Xilousuchus)。考虑其一些进步的构造、新属种的生存时代应稍晚于上述Chasmatosaurus和Elaphrosuchus。  相似文献   

扬子鳄(或鼍)是我国最有名的脊椎动物(Fauvel)在1897年订立的,因为他发现扬子之一.它的学名是Alligator sinensis系法佛尔鳄和真鳄属(Crocodilus Laurenti)有很大的区  相似文献   

在陕甘宁盆地东北缘二马营组发现的两种假鳄类,经鉴定均属Euparkeridae。其中之一与Euparkeria较相近;根据肩胛骨、肱骨和骨质背板等的显著不同,定名为侨家梁哈拉寨鳄(Halazhaisuchus qiaoensis),新属、新种。依据骨髂形态,另一标本归入世鲁番鳄属(Turfanosuchus),取名沙圪堵吐鲁番鳄(Turfanosuchus shageduensis)、新种。  相似文献   

该文测序了湾鳄的线粒体基因组全序列,全长为16,917bp。湾鳄mtDNA结构与其他脊椎动物相似,由22个tRNA,2个rRNA和13个蛋白质编码基因及1个非编码的控制区(D-loop)所组成。除NADH6和tRNAGln、tRNAAla、tRNAAsn、tRNACys、tRNATyr、tRNASer(UCN)、tRNAGlu、tRNAPro在L-链上编码之外,其余基因均在H-链编码。基因排列顺序与已测序的鳄类一致,这显示了鳄类线粒体基因排列顺序上的保守性。但鳄类线粒体基因排列顺序与脊椎动物的典型排列方式相比,有较大的差异,尤其是tRNAPhe基因的重排、tRNASer-tRNAHis-tRNALeu基因族的排列方式等。湾鳄mtDNA和已测序的鳄类一样,缺失轻链复制起始点(OLR)。基于17种鳄mtDNA控制区保守区,采用PAUP4.0最大简约法(Maximumparsimony,MP)构建MP树,邻接法(Neighbor-joiningmethod,NJ)构建NJ树,结果显示:食鱼鳄(Gavialisgangeticus)和假食鱼鳄(Tomistomaschlegelii)聚为一支后再与鳄科(Crocodylidae)的其他物种形成姐妹群,这与基于食鱼鳄和假食鱼鳄的线粒体全序列的分析结果一致,支持将食鱼鳄并入鳄科的观点。结果还支持非洲窄吻鳄(Crocodyluscataphractus)与鳄属(Crocodylus)构成姐妹群,可以单独划分为属的观点。  相似文献   

在四川达县一新材料的基础上,全面地记述了长鼻北碚鳄的头骨结构;补充和修订了该属的鉴订特征;将其从大头鳄科(Pholidosauridae)移入真蜥鳄科(Teleosauridae)。  相似文献   

记山东山旺钝吻鳄(Alligator)一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述了钝吻鳄一新种 (Alligator luicus).这是鳄类化石在山东山旺中新统的首次发现,它为探讨钝吻鳄属的早期历史提供了新的资料.  相似文献   

记湖南衡东盆地的平顶鳄一新种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述了产自湖南衡东的一鳄类头骨化石——衡东平顶鳄Planocrania hengdongensissp.nov.并对这一属的分类位置进行了讨论,依据次生腭的性质将它归入真鳄亚目鳄科。  相似文献   

记述了2012年在山西柳林三交二马营组上部采集的一个兽头类下颌标本,将其命名为幻阔齿兽三交种(Nothogomphodon sanjiaoensis sp.nov.)。新种以下列特征区别于属型种N.danilovi:齿骨下缘起伏,犬齿基部卵圆形,犬齿与第一犬后齿间有显著间隙,犬后齿后缘无辅助齿尖。幻阔齿兽以其特殊的犬后齿形态与具裂齿的基干犬齿兽相似,它也是已知的唯一一类具有这种复杂裂齿齿系的兽头类。将俄罗斯的引鳄动物群与中国的肯氏兽-山西鳄组合带进行比较发现,幻阔齿兽是二者唯一共有的属,而中国的二马营组与克拉玛依组却没有共享的属。  相似文献   

Differentiation of the axial skeleton into distinct regions, once thought to be characteristic of the Tetrapoda, also occurs in the actinopterygian Danio rerio. In these taxa, the boundary between the cervical-thoracic regions correlates with Hoxc6 expression and morphological features such as position of the pectoral fin and associated nerves, and the absence of ribs. In the lungfish Neoceratodus, a member of the extant sister taxon to the Tetrapoda, the first vertebral element to chondrify is situated well posterior to the skull, developing from somites 6 and 7 (6/7) and associated with an enlarged cranial rib and nerves innervating the pectoral fin. Two vertebral elements develop later and more anteriorly, associated with somites 4/5 and 5/6. These three elements become incorporated into the occipital region of the skull during Neoceratodus ontogeny, until the cranial rib itself articulates to the rear of the skull. These features of early development indicate a regionalization of the Neoceratodus vertebral column: the cranial rib marks the boundary between the cervical and thoracic regions, the two more anterior vertebrae lacking ribs represent the cervical region, while somites 1-4 (cranial half), lacking any vertebral development, represent the occipital region. However, the cervical region of the vertebral column is effectively lost during ontogeny of Neoceratodus. A recognizable cervical region in the tetrapod vertebral column, as in zebrafish, suggests that cervical vertebrae are not incorporated into the skull but maintained as distinct elements of the column, representing an important shift in relative developmental timing and the influence of heterochrony in this region during the fish-tetrapod transition.  相似文献   

根据一保存完整的骨骼(包括头骨、下颌和全部头后骨骼)建立了鳍龙类的一新属新种——利齿滇东龙(Diandongosaurus acutidentatus gen.et sp.nov.)。标本采自云南省罗平县中三叠世安尼期关岭组上段。新属种既具有肿肋龙类(包括Dactylosaurus,Anarosaurus,Serpianosaurus和Neusticosaurus)吻部两侧不收缩、眶前区域长于眶后区域、眼眶大于上颞孔等典型特征,同时又具有幻龙类(包括Simosaurus和nothosaurians)前颌和下颌前部犬齿型齿发育、上颌具1或2个犬齿型齿等典型特征。新种的额骨和顶骨均愈合,额骨两后外侧支的末端后延超过上颞孔前缘,轭骨和鳞骨相交将眶后骨排除于下颞孔之外,方轭骨发育,锁骨前外侧缘具一突起,3对荐肋以及最前部尾肋的外侧端均未见明显收缩。这些特征也多表现出肿肋龙类和幻龙类的混合特征。此外,新种还具有一些较为独特的特征,包括前额骨和后额骨沿眼眶背缘相交,第3至第8对尾肋的长度超过荐肋,后肢末端发育异常膨大的爪趾骨。系统关系分析表明,滇东龙既不是肿肋龙类也不是幻龙类;它可能与由乌蒙龙、幻龙类和传统的肿肋龙类所构成的分支亲缘关系最近,为始鳍龙类基干类群。  相似文献   

四川自贡肉食龙一新种   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
和平永川龙(Yongchuanosaurus hepingensis sp. nov.)为四川盆地发现的又一相当完整肉食龙新材料,本文对它进行了记述.  相似文献   

A new reptile, Kyrgyzsaurus bukhanchenkoi gen. et sp. nov., from the Triassic (Madygen Formation) of southwestern Kyrgyzstan is described based on the anterior part of the skeleton (skull, cervical and anterior dorsal vertebrae, ribs, pectoral girdle) and skin imprints. This is the most archaic representative of the family Drepanosauridae (Archosauromorpha, Diapsida). The most prominent features of the new form are the shortened lower jaw, numerous teeth, granular body osteoderms, large supraorbital shelflike skin folds, and thick and extensive throat sac.  相似文献   

贵州中三叠世长颈龙属(原龙目:长颈龙科)一幼年个体   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
记述了贵州兴义法郎组竹杆坡段(中三叠世拉丁期)长颈龙属未定种(Tanystropheus sp.)一幼年个体的不完整骨架。这是该属在欧洲和中东以外的首次发现。新材料仅保存部分颈椎、躯干和前肢。根据特殊的颈椎形态将该标本归入长颈龙属,而区别于另一种长颈的海生原龙类———东方恐头龙(Dinocephalosaurus orientalis)。新标本的腕骨形态简单,骨化程度弱,表明长颈龙是终生水生的动物。“长颈、长颈肋”见于多种不同海生爬行动物(如原龙类、初龙类),它们很可能都以“吞吸”的方式捕食。长颈龙化石在我国的发现进一步验证了中国南方三叠纪海生爬行动物群与欧洲西特提斯动物群(western Tethyan fauna)之间的密切关系。  相似文献   

Lung volume influences the mechanical action of the primary inspiratory and expiratory muscles by affecting their precontraction length, alignment with the rib cage, and mechanical coupling to agonistic and antagonistic muscles. We have previously shown that the canine pectoral muscles exert an expiratory action on the rib cage when the forelimbs are at the torso's side and an inspiratory action when the forelimbs are held elevated. To determine the effect of lung volume on intrathoracic pressure changes produced by the canine pectoral muscles, we performed isolated bilateral supramaximal electrical stimulation of the deep pectoral and superficial pectoralis (descending and transverse heads) muscles in 15 adult supine anesthetized dogs during hyperventilation-induced apnea. Lung volume was altered by application of a negative or positive pressure (+/- 30 cmH2O) to the airway. In all animals, selective electrical stimulation of the descending, transverse, and deep pectoral muscles with the forelimbs held elevated produced negative intrathoracic pressure changes (i.e., an inspiratory action). Moreover, with the forelimbs elevated, increasing lung volume decreased both pectoral muscle fiber precontraction length and the negative intrathoracic pressure changes generated by contraction of each of these muscles. Conversely, with the forelimbs along the torso, increasing lung volume lengthened pectoral muscle precontraction length and augmented the positive intrathoracic pressure changes produced by muscle contraction (i.e., an expiratory action). These results indicate that lung volume significantly affects the length of the canine pectoral muscles and their mechanical actions on the rib cage.  相似文献   

尾羽龙(Caudipteryx)的新材料及其重要骨骼特征的补充和修订   总被引:23,自引:7,他引:16  
尾羽龙和原始祖鸟一起被认为是最早发现的带有真正鸟类羽毛的恐龙(Ji et al., 1998),迄今已发现的尾羽龙包括邹氏尾羽龙(Caudipteryx zoui)和董氏尾羽龙(Caudipteryx dongi)两种(周忠和、汪筱林,2000),前者包括保存在中国地质博物馆的NGMC 97*4朅和NGMC 97*9朅两件标本,而后者依据的材料仅为保存在中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所的V 12344。以上标本都不是十分完整。本文依据最近新发现的两件几乎完整的尾羽龙标本,对该属的一些重要形态特征进行补充和修订,以期对其系统关系的讨论及其他相关理论问题的研究提供新的…  相似文献   

本文记述了产自山东蒙阴盆地分水岭组中原始真骨鱼类—新属、新种——宁家沟谭氏鱼(Tanichthys ningjiagouensis gen. et sp. nov.).据其形态特征,它应归入舌齿鱼超科(Hiodontoidea),并与舌齿鱼科的成员接近.其生存时代很可能为早白垩世.  相似文献   

Eric Buffetaut 《Geobios》1976,9(2):143-198
Among the abundant remains of Mesosuchia that have been yielded by the early Senonian locality of In Beceten (Niger), the most numerous belong to the species Trematochampsa taquetiBuffetaut, 1974. The osteology of this species is described here. This medium-sized crocodilian, with a moderately elongated skull, is characterized, among other features, by its antorbital fenestra, its surangular-quadratojugal articulation, its slightly displaced post-orbital pillar, its teeth with wrinkled enamel, and its amphicoelous vertebrae. In its general outlook, this animal is rather reminiscent of the Goniopholidae, from the Upper Jurassic and the Cretaceous of Laurasia, but it is more primitive than them, and resemblances are probably due to convergence phenomena. The family Trematochampsidae is probably essentially Gondwanian, and could persist until the Senonian thanks to a certain isolation from Laurasia, where more progressive Crocodylia became predominant much earlier than in Africa and South America.  相似文献   

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