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甘薯种质资源遗传稳定性及遗传多样性SSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用SSR标记检测国家种质徐州甘薯试管苗库中离体保存5年和8年的24份种质资源及其对应的田间圃材料的遗传稳定性,同时对24份甘薯种质的遗传多样性进行分析.20对SSR引物分析表明,24份甘薯材料扩增得到了清晰的DNA条带30条,其中多态性条带2l条,多态性百分率为70%,全部品种在2种保存方式下谱带一致,说明2种保存方式的效果相同.应用NTSYS软件对材料进行遗传相似性和UPGMA聚类分析,24份甘薯种质资源遗传相似系数在0.57~0.93之间,平均为0.74.在0.72的相似系数上24份材料可以聚成三大类,表明我国的甘薯品种种质资源遗传多样性还是比较丰富的.该研究为甘薯种质资源长期离体保存及甘薯杂交育种提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

菊芋耐性胁迫及种质保存研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菊芋(Helianthus tuberous L.)属菊科向日葵属多年生草本植物,是重要的作物种质资源。国内外对菊芋已开展了生态、经济、能源及育种栽培等研究,近年来胁迫条件对菊芋的影响研究成为新的热点。菊芋是无性繁殖作物,目前对菊芋种质资源的保存主要采取田间圃位的形式,国外已经开展了试管苗保存和超低温保存等研究,而我国尚存在空白。本文着重从菊芋的胁迫耐性响应研究,包括干旱、盐碱及低温3个不同胁迫条件对田间性状、生理生化、蛋白、分子水平的研究,以及常规保存和离体保存等种质保存研究2个方面进行阐述,并指出目前存在的问题,为菊芋超低温保存和开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

中国作物种质资源安全保存理论与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国是作物种质资源大国,目前已经收集保存了340种作物,保存资源总量达50万份,如何确保安全保存是种质资源管理的首要课题。自"九五"以来,系统地开展了作物种质资源安全保存理论与技术的研究,揭示了种质活力丧失存在关键节点及其生物学机制;明确了发芽率低于关键节点后进行更新,会导致群体遗传完整性降低;提出了种质安全保存寿命的概念,以及延长安全保存寿命的关键因素。研发了种质活力监测预警、繁殖更新与离体保存等关键技术,制定了种质资源入库圃保存、监测预警、繁殖更新、离体保存和设施建设等技术规程,创建了中国作物种质资源安全保存技术体系。该体系应用于全国作物种质资源的保存实践,最大程度延长种质安全保存寿命,并监测预警出需更新的种质,避免因活力和遗传完整性丧失而导致种质资源得而复失,为实现我国作物种质资源长久安全保存提供了有力保障。  相似文献   

概述了无性繁殖蔬菜种质资源的重要性及保存现状、离体保存技术及其国内外研究进展,着重介绍了我国无性繁殖蔬菜种质资源离体保存技术的研究进展和应用情况,展望了离体保存技术在无性繁殖蔬菜种质保存中的应用前景。  相似文献   

中国甘薯种质资源研究现状及发展战略   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国保存的甘薯种质资源约2000份,绝大部分进行了抗性鉴定评价及营养成分含量测定。甘薯种质资源的保存方式有田间种质圃和试管苗库。作为种质利用的资源材料有地方品种、引进品种、育成品种(系)、突变体和近缘野生种等。根据我国甘薯种质资源研究现状,本提出了未来研究重点,包括调整资源收集重点、建立完整的资源保存体系、深入开展鉴定评价、建立核心种质库、进行种质创新等。  相似文献   

作物种质资源的安全保存是其有效利用的前提,安全保存需要确保维持种质高生活力和遗传完整性。国家农作物种质资源种质库圃已经收集保存超过51万份作物种质资源,此外各省、研究机构、育种单位也保存有大量作物种质资源。然而入库圃保存并不是一劳永逸的,种质库保存的资源会面临因活力下降而丧失的风险,种质圃保存的资源易遭受自然灾害和生境恶化等威胁,也存在丧失的风险。  相似文献   

介绍了十多年来各国学者对柑桔种质离体 保护技术的研究进展,包括所使用的材料和方法。指出;柑桔种质离体保存可以克服田间保存的不足,但最终只能是一种辅助方法,其研究还有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

甘薯种质超低温保存研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
甘薯是重要的粮食及经济作物,其种质保存一般采用田间种质圃和离体试管苗保存两种方式.但因甘薯的生理特性及这两种保存方式本身存在的弊端,有必要开展新的保存方法研究.超低温保存是目前甘薯种质长期安全保存的最有效方式.本文对甘薯超低温保存的定义、方法及存在的问题和展望进行了论述,并对茎尖玻璃化法进行了详细介绍.  相似文献   

<正>国家种质多年生牧草圃,设立在中国农业科学院草原研究所农牧交错区试验示范基地,位于呼和浩特市西南约30 km的土默特左旗沙尔沁乡。1986年在国家"七五"科技攻关"牧草、饲料作物种质保存技术研究及中期库建立"课题的支持下建立,占地面积1.67 hm2。"十五"以后,多年生牧草圃被纳入到国家种质资源保存体系。2005年多年生牧草圃进行了改扩建项目,项目经费150万元,使资源保存基础设施条件得到了改进和提高。改扩建后牧草圃总面积2.67hm2,其中保存区面积2.00 hm2,繁殖更新区面积0.67 hm2。牧草保存区可保存1000余份种质资源,由禾本科  相似文献   

国家果树种质云南特有果树及砧木圃,挂靠云南省农业科学院园艺作物研究所。该圃于1984年开工建设,l989年6月通过了由农业部组织的验收,成为全国果树资源保存圃之一。占地7.13hm2,种质资源保存面积为5.06hm2,资源以活体露地保存为主。圃内建有隔离网室、玻璃及阳光板温  相似文献   

阿根廷作物种质资源考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿根廷是南美洲第二大国家,是世界重要的粮食生产大国之一。主要种植作物有大豆、玉米、小麦、水稻、向日葵、花生、棉花等。阿根延作物种质资源统一由阿根廷国家农业技术研究院(INTA)进行管理,全国生物资源设有首席项目协调员,统一管理和协调全国的生物资源收集、保存、评价鉴定、研究与交换等项目工作。下设动物资源协调员、植物资源协调员和微生物资源协调员。阿根廷有作物种质资源保存长期库1个,中期库9个,收集品库8个。长期库设在INTA生物资源所,中期库和收集品库分别设在INTA所属的全国各地的研究所和试验站。保存有玉米、牧草、向日葵、花生、高粱等29040份作物种质资源。  相似文献   

植物遗传资源的种子基因库保存   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一个物种的灭绝是与其受生物因子和非生物因子的威胁程度相关的。随着物种的加速绝灭,保护生物多样性受到广泛地关注。保护生物多样性的最有效的生物技术之一是建立种子基因库,进行迁地保护。种子库理想的贮藏条件主要取决于种子含水量、贮藏环境(如温度和湿度)和贮存种子的容器。进行种子贮藏,了解种子生命力和活力的影响因子的作用机理是十分重要和必要的。除了种子自身的生理特征外,种子的贮藏寿命与种子成熟度、收获技术、加工处理方法也是息息相关的。即使在最适的库存条件下,种子也会随时间发生劣变。因此,必须根据种子特定的贮藏行为,加以考虑影响种子存活的3个主要方面(贮藏环境、贮藏期和植物种类)而选择有效的贮藏方案。本文试图讨论种子贮藏生理的几个重要方面及其需解决的技术问题,以便更好地通过种子基因库,长期有效地保存植物种质资源。  相似文献   

Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.), the tree from which cocoa butter and chocolate is derived, is conserved in field genebanks. The largest of these ex situ collections in the public domain is the International Cocoa Genebank, Trinidad (ICG,T). Reduction of genetic redundancy is essential to improve the accuracy and efficiency of genebank management. This study examined the pedigree and genetic diversity in a subset of 387 accessions in this collection. Sibship reconstruction of this subset revealed 56 full-sib families nested within 189 half-sib families. Sixteen centers of interconnectivity were identified, which suggested a high level of genetic redundancy in the collection. Generally, consistent phylogenetic trees were obtained using different genetic distance measures. However, a principal coordinate analysis of the D est differentiation measure elicited the best representation of accession group clustering, and we recommend this approach when probing fine-scale genetic differentiation among cacao accessions. The composite genetic diversity of 414 cacao accessions was contained in a core set of 59 unique accessions. These results have significant implications in the conservation of genetic resources of the ICG,T and other cacao genebanks. The approach developed in this study is recommended as a strategy to curators in guiding conservation management practices of cacao and other similar ex situ genebanks.  相似文献   

A simplified technique which simultaneously induces and cryoprotects embryogenic calli using sucrose followed by dehydration was developed for the cryopreservation of cassava genetic resources. An initial experiment to optimise the sucrose concentration needed for both embryo production and cryoprotection showed that higher concentrations of sucrose—between 0.4 M and 0.5 M—significantly reduced the viability as well as the number of embryos produced by the embryogenic clumps in the absence of freezing. Post-thaw viability as well as embryogenic competence of clumps depended on the percentage moisture lost, duration of exposure to higher sucrose concentrations and the duration of induction of embryogenic clumps. Extending the period of cryoprotection to 21 days coupled with increased moisture loss (greater than 75%) significantly increased both post-thaw viability and the embryogenic competence of cryopreserved clumps to 95%, while reducing the duration decreased post-thaw viability. Cryopreserved callus clumps developed secondary and cyclic embryos similar to those of the non-cryopreserved controls. The optimised protocol was successfully applied to SM1-2075-1 Line 1 somatic embryos. The rate of plant recovery from cryopreserved embryos of both TME 9 and SM1-2075-1 Line 1 was comparable to that of the non-cryopreserved embryos. Successful cryopreservation of embryogenic clumps of cassava can be used to establish in vitro genebanks for long-term conservation of cassava genetic resources to complement field genebanks and other in vitro methods already being used.Communicated by M.R. Davey  相似文献   

Food security is a global concern amongst scientists, researchers and policy makers. No country is self-sufficient to address food security issues independently as almost all countries are inter-dependent for availability of plant genetic resources (PGR) in their national crop improvement programmes. Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR; in short CG) centres play an important role in conserving and distributing PGR through their genebanks. CG genebanks assembled the germplasm through collecting missions and acquisition the same from national genebanks of other countries. Using the Genesys Global Portal on Plant Genetic Resources, the World Information and Early Warning System (WIEWS) on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and other relevant databases, we analysed the conservation status of Indian-origin PGR accessions (both cultivated and wild forms possessed by India) in CG genebanks and other national genebanks, including the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) genebanks, which can be considered as an indicator of Indian contribution to the global germplasm collection. A total of 28,027,770 accessions are being conserved world-wide by 446 organizations represented in Genesys; of these, 3.78% (100,607) are Indian-origin accessions. Similarly, 62,920 Indian-origin accessions (8.73%) have been conserved in CG genebanks which are accessible to the global research community for utilization in their respective crop improvement programmes. A total of 60 genebanks including 11 CG genebanks have deposited 824,625 accessions of PGR in the Svalbard Global Seed Vault (SGSV) as safety duplicates; the average number of accessions deposited by each genebank is 13,744, and amongst them there are 66,339 Indian-origin accessions. In principle, India has contributed 4.85 times the number of germplasm accessions to SGSV, in comparison to the mean value (13,744) of any individual genebank including CG genebanks. More importantly, about 50% of the Indian-origin accessions deposited in SGSV are traditional varieties or landraces with defined traits which form the backbone of any crop gene pool. This paper is also attempting to correlate the global data on Indian-origin germplasm with the national germplasm export profile. The analysis from this paper is discussed with the perspective of possible implications in the access and benefit sharing regime of both the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the newly enforced Nagoya Protocol under the Convention on Biological Diversity.  相似文献   

Under the present study, an attempt was made to characterize rhizobacteria i.e. Pseudomonas and Bacillus species isolated from rhizosphere of carnation to evaluate their growth promoting effect on carnation so as to select and develop more efficient indigenous plant growth promoting and disease suppressing bioagents of specific soil type and specific plant type. Maximum strains of Pseudomonas and Bacillus sp. showed significant antimicrobial activities against most of the microorganisms tested. On the basis of in vitro antagonistic activities, the best strains were selected and used in field trial to study the influence of these strains on the growth of carnation. Results have shown marked effect on growth parameters and disease incidence has also been reduced significantly.  相似文献   

Actually, the germplasm of Jatropha spp. is conserved as whole plants in field collections. Under this storage method, the genetic resources are exposed to disease, pest and natural hazards such as human error, drought and weather damage. Besides, field genebanks are costly to maintain and with important requirements of trained personnel. Thus, the development of efficient techniques to ensure its safe conservation and regeneration is therefore of paramount importance. In this work we describe a method for Jatropha curcas seeds cryoexposure and seedling recovery after thawed. In a first experiment, an efficient protocol for in vitro plant recovery was carried out using zygotic embryo or seeds with or without coat. In a second experiment, desiccated seeds with or without coat were exposed to liquid nitrogen and evaluated after cryoexposure. Germination percentages were variable among treatments, and seeds demonstrated tolerance to liquid nitrogen exposure under certain conditions. Seeds of J. curcas presented up to 99.6% germination after seed coat removal. Seeds with coat cultured in vitro did not germinate, and were 60% contaminated. The germination of the zygotic embryos was significantly higher in the 1/2 MS medium (93.1%) than in WPM medium (76.2%), but from zygotic embryo, abnormal seedlings reached up to 99%. Seeds with coat exposed to liquid nitrogen showed 60% germination in culture after coat removal with good plant growth, and seeds cryopreserved without coat presented 82% germination, but seedlings showed a reduced vigor and a significant increase in abnormal plants. Seeds cultured in vitro with coat did not germinate, independently of cryoexposure or not. This study reports the first successful in vitro seedling recovery methodology for Jatropha curcas seeds, after a cryopreservation treatment, and is recommended as an efficient procedure for in vitro plant recovery, when seeds are conserved in germplasm banks by low or cryotemperatures.  相似文献   

Smallholders’ agroforests may be valuable for conserving tropical trees through three main mechanisms. First, trees planted and/or retained by farmers in agricultural landscapes where wild stands were once found may be circa situm reservoirs of biodiversity. Second, farmland trees may support conservation in situ by providing an alternative source of product to reduce extraction from forest, and by acting as ‘corridors’ or ‘stepping stones’ that connect fragmented wild stands. Third, the additional value that planting assigns to trees may result in greater interest in including them in seed collections, field trials and field ‘genebanks’ that support ex situ conservation. Here, we critically review the evidence for these mechanisms, and highlight areas for research and for intervention so that agroforestry practices can better support conservation in each setting, with an emphasis on often neglected genetic-level considerations. Based on current global challenges to diversity, conservation will need to rely increasingly on a smallholder-farm circa situm approach, but concerns on long-term effectiveness need to be properly quantified and addressed. Connectivity between widely dispersed, low density trees in agricultural landscapes is an important factor determining the success of the circa situm approach, while improving farmers’ access to a diversity of tree germplasm that they are interested in planting is required. The circumstances in which agroforestry plantings can support in situ conservation need to be better defined, and research on the stability of active tree seed collections (how long are species and populations retained in them?) as ex situ reservoirs of biodiversity is needed.  相似文献   

巴西植物遗传资源保护与对外交流管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
巴西拥有高等植物55000种,居世界第一。植被分为6个区系,即亚马逊雨林、塞拉多(Cerrado)稀树草原、卡廷加(Caatinga)旱生植被、大西洋雨林、南方森林草原和潘塔纳尔(Pantanal)湿地植被。已建立554个原生境保护区和126个基因库,保存植物遗传资源25万份。对外交流由巴西农业科学院(EMBRAPA)遗传资源与生物技术中心(CENARGEN)统一管理。  相似文献   

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