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目的 阐明山医群体近交系中国地鼠G 显带核型和自发畸变率 ,完善中国地鼠的背景资料。方法 采用地鼠骨髓制备和G 显带法。结果 从 14只地鼠的 30个G 显带细胞中 ,7个G 显带细胞被选作模型分析。根据特有带型来识别各号染色体 ,绘制了模式图。此外 ,用常规Giemsa染色分析了 80 0个中期细胞 ,发现染色体断裂为 0 2 5 % ,无着丝粒畸变和不平衡易位均为 0 0 5 % ,自发畸变率很低。结论 山医群体近交系中国地鼠G 显带的识别为结构异常和基因作图提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

封闭群五指山小型猪血液生理生化指标的测定   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
目的对2-12月龄封闭群五指山小型猪的部分血液生理和生化指标进行测定和分析。方法常规方法测定五指山小型猪血液的19项生理和12项生化指标,统计分析各指标间的性别差异,并与近交系五指山小型猪以及其他小型猪的同类指标进行对比分析。结果封闭群五指山小型猪绝大多数血液生理、生化指标性别间差异不显著,仅生理指标中的粒细胞分类计数和生化指标中的总胆固醇差异显著。同近交系五指山小型猪同类指标比较,生理指标中血红蛋白和血小板相关指标存在差异,生化指标中有6项差异显著。同其他种类小型猪同类指标差异较与近交系五指山小型猪间差异明显。结论封闭群五指山小型猪血液生理、生化指标稳定,许多生理生化指标接近人类,可能逐步替代犬、猴用于药物非临床安全评价和生物医学研究。  相似文献   

本研究观察了脑梗塞病人用复方清栓酶颈动脉注射前后不同时期的血液流变学变化。结果显示:脑梗塞后血液流变学多项指标明显高于正常对照组。复方清栓酶颈动脉注射治疗后、大部分指标在1~2月期间保持正常或接近正常。但6个月后部分指标开始上升,至12~18月期间升高明显。提示急性脑梗塞后,在6~12月期间应坚持监测血液流变学变化,及时采取适当治疗。复方清栓酶虽可针对脑塞病人的多项血液流变学异常发挥治疗作用,但其作用时间有一定限度,必要时应当在适当时机重复使用。  相似文献   

目的对中国地鼠山医群体近交系E的一些繁殖性状进行遗传力估计分析。方法采用平均信息约束最大似然法(AIREML),利用WOMBAT软件进行处理。结果产仔数、离乳数、胎间隔2-1和胎间隔3-2的遗传力均较低,分别为0.05、0.096、0.182和0.116。结论中国地鼠山医群体近交系E繁殖性状的遗传力均属于低遗传力。  相似文献   

山医群体近交系中国地鼠血液生理生化指标的测定分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的对山医群体中国地鼠近交A、E家系主要血液生理、生化和血清电解质指标进行检测分析。方法对山医群体中国地鼠近交A、E家系成年动物进行空腹采血,常规方法测定13项血液生理、12项生化以及4项电解质指标,分别对相同性别不同家系间和同一家系不同性别间指标进行统计分析。结果相同性别A、E家系间动物血小板(PLT)、中间细胞数(MID)、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、总胆固醇(TC)、总胆红素(TBiL)、肌酐(Cr)和血钾(K)差异有显著性;相同家系雌、雄动物间PLT、TBiL和尿酸(UA)差异有显著性。结论 A、E家系动物间产生了一定的血液生理、生化性状的分离。  相似文献   

经过12年工作,将野生中国地鼠驯养和近亲交配,繁育成山医群体,其中A-30家系已繁殖到22代。经遗传监测,证明20代鼠已育成近交系。文中对饲养条件、繁殖方法、近交系的建立等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

用胶原酶法分离胰岛细胞、超速离心法提取中国地鼠胰岛和肝脏细胞膜蛋白,SDS电泳、WesternBlotting分离GLUT后,应用GLUT2抗体免疫结合法测定GLUT的含量与分子量,同时测定了动物血糖、尿糖和血浆胰岛素的含量、显微镜下直接计数了胰岛细胞总数。结果表明:NIDDM发病后,自发NIDDM中国地鼠胰岛细胞GLUT含量减少,与GLUT2抗体反应明显减弱,但肝脏GLUT无明显变化。胰岛细胞总数发病前后大体一致。而血糖、尿精及血浆胰岛素浓度明显升高。  相似文献   

山医群体近交系中国地鼠的红细胞、白细胞、网织红细胞、血红蛋白及血清蛋白量均与人类相近。血小板数高于人类,但低于小鼠。嗜中性与淋巴细胞的比值与人类相反而与小鼠近似。血清尿素氮及谷丙转氨酶高于人类生理值,低于SD大鼠。心率为658±102次/min,呼吸率20±30次/min。心电图除T波低平外,其余与人类相近。颈动脉血压为13.47±1.01/12.48±1.09kPa。染色体数为2n=22。以上各项在近交系地鼠和野生地鼠间未见明显差异。  相似文献   

丁茜  赵彦艳  董凌月  孙志军  郭磊 《遗传》2003,25(2):129-132
为研究NIDDM新候选基因KCNA7的cSNP在东北人群中的分布及意义,本实验采用PCR-RFLP技术检测了97例NIDDM患者、141例健康对照者KCNA7基因418M(C/T)多态;并利用SSCP技术筛查了该位点附近其他未知SNP。发现CNA7 基因T418M(C/T)基因型频率在正常人群中分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡,基因频率和基因型频率在NIDDM组和正常对照组中分布无显著性差异(P>0.05);NIDDM组和正常对照组中各基因型间临床生化指标无显著性差异;该位点附近尚未发现其他SNP。结果提示,T418M(C/T)仅为KCNA7基因多态性标志,但不排除KCNA7基因其余结构变异与NIDDM存在相关性的可能。  相似文献   

目的:研究分析溶血反应对临床生化检测结果的影响。方法:收集我院2015年1月至12月120例正常人体检血液标本资料,采用控制变量法,在试管1中放入正常血液,试管2中放入发生溶血反应血液,分别检测两组血液临床生化指标,并比对变化数据。结果:在检测的17项数据中,血糖、总胆红素、直接胆红素、谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶、碱性磷酸酶、总蛋白、甘油三酯、尿酸、总胆固醇、乳酸脱氢酶等11项数据在试管1与试管2中,检测指标变化大,具有统计学意义(P0.05)。白蛋白、肌酐、尿酸氮、血钙、酸性磷酸酶、血磷等六项指标在试管1与试管2中,含量检测基本无变化(P0.05)。结论:溶血反应的发生对临床生化检测结果影响很大,发生溶血反应会直接影响到酶类等指标的检测结果的准确性,临床检测中应尽量避免溶血反应。  相似文献   

Oxidative stress may be an important pathogenetic factor in the development of diabetic vascular complications. The total antioxidative potential of plasma reflects the ability of an individual to resist oxidative stress. We measured the plasma total peroxyl radical-trapping potential (TRAP) and the concentrations of four plasma chain-breaking antioxidants in 81 patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) nine years after diagnosis and in 102 well-matched non-diabetic control subjects. The association between the total antioxidative potential and the presence of coronary heart disease (CHD) and diabetic kidney disease were also studied. There were no significant differences in plasma TRAP between NIDDM patients and control subjects (1250 ± 199 vs. 1224 ± 198 μM). Nor were there any significant differences in the concentrations of plasma uric acid, ascorbic acid, α-tocopherol, and protein thiols between NIDDM patients and control subjects. Patients with a low glomerular filtration rate and/or high urinary albumin excretion had elevated plasma uric acid. Plasma TRAP was not, however, associated with renal dysfunction. The plasma of NIDDM patients with CHD had a significantly higher value of unidentified antioxidative potential than that of patients without CHD. This relation was strongly dependent upon smoking. In conclusion, these data demonstrate that there are no major defects in the antioxidative potential of plasma caused by NIDDM per se. CHD and diabetic renal dysfunction were not associated with changes in plasma TRAP.  相似文献   

Total CoQ10 levels were evaluated in whole blood and in plasma obtained from a group of 83 healthy donors. Extraction with light petroleum ether/methanol was more efficient, for whole blood, than the extraction which is often used for plasma and serum, i.e., ethanol hexane. An excellent correlation was present between plasma CoQ10 and whole blood CoQ10. CoQ10 is mainly associated with plasma rather than with cellular components. Positive, significant correlations were found between the LDL-chol/CoQ10 ratio and the total-chol/HDL-chol ratio, which is usually considered a risk factor for atherosclerosis. The proportion of CoQ10 carried by LDL was 58 +/- 10%, while the amount carried by HDL was 26 +/- 8%. In VLDL + IDL CoQ10 was 16 +/- 8%. The content of CoQ10 in single classes of lipoproteins is strictly correlated with CoQ10 plasma concentration. In a parallel study conducted on a population of diabetic patients (one IDDM group and one NIDDM) CoQ10 plasma levels were generally higher compared to the control group, also when normalised to total cholesterol. In particular the LDL fraction showed a CoQ10/chol ratio higher in NIDDM but not in IDDM patients, compared to controls. The CoQ10/triglycerides ratio was lower in NIDDM respect to controls and even lower in IDDM patients.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells exhibit several characteristic morphological and physiological responses upon treatment with agents which increase the intracellular level of adenosine 3':5'-phosphate (cyclic AMP). To better understand the mechanism of these cyclic AMP-mediated responses, we separated two cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases (ATP:protein phosphotransferase, EC (protein kinase I and protein kinase II) from the cytosol of Chinese hamster ovary cells by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and studied their properties. Protein kinase I is eluted at a lower salt concentration than protein kinase II and is stimulable to 10 times its basal catalytic activity, while protein kinase II is stimulable only 2-fold. Both kinases are completely dissociated by cyclic AMP and inhibited by specific cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor. They have similar Km values for magnesium (approximately 1 mM), cyclic AMP (approximately 60 nM), and ATP (approximately 0.1 mM), and the dissociation constant (Kdis) for cyclic AMP (approximately 13 nM) is the same for both enzymes. However, they appear to have different substrate preferences and cyclic AMP-binding properties in that cyclic AMP bound to protein kinase II exchanges readily with free cyclic AMP, while that bound to protein kinase I is not exchangeable. The native enzymes have different sedimentation coefficients (6.4 S for protein kinase I and 4.8 S for protein kinase II), whereas those of the activated enzymes are the same (2.9--3.0 S). It appears that the two cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases which differ from each other in their regulatory subunits may play different roles in the mediation of cyclic AMP action in Chinese hamster ovary cells.  相似文献   

Since the p53 gene function is critical to how a cell responds to DNA damage, we investigated the p53 status in Chinese hamster cell lines commonly used in genotoxicity tests for cytogenetic damage around the world. These included: Chinese hamster ovary K1 (CHO-K1), Chinese hamster ovary WBL (CHO-WBL), and Chinese hamster lung (CHL) cells. The results of DNA sequencing, protein analysis, and cell cycle analysis demonstrate that the CHO-K1 and CHO-WBL cell lines have mutant p53 sequence [a mutation in codon 211 in exon 6 resulting in a change from Thr (ACA) to Lys (AAA)], mutant protein (high spontaneous levels that are non-inducible after X-irradiation), and mutant function (lack of G1 checkpoint). Interestingly, the CHL cell line has a completely wild-type p53 DNA sequence. However, the CHL cells have an abnormally high spontaneous level of wild-type p53 protein expression that is not inducible after X-irradiation, yet there is some evidence of G1 delay after irradiation. The protein data suggests that p53 in CHL cells is not being regulated normally, and thus is probably not functioning normally. The mechanism leading to this abnormal regulation of p53 in CHL cells clearly does not involve mutation in the p53 gene. Overall, the CHL cell line may be similar to the CHO cell lines, in that they all appear to have abnormal p53 function. Further work is needed to determine whether the presence of spontaneously high levels of wild-type p53 in CHL cells results in a difference in response to DNA damage (quantitatively or qualitatively) compared to the p53 mutant CHO cell lines.  相似文献   

The effects of daily supplemental chromium (200 μg) complexed with 1.8 mg nicotinic acid on plasma glucose and lipids, including total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, were assessed in 14 healthy adults and 5 adults with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) using a double-blind crossover study with 8-wk experimental periods. Eight of the 14 healthy subjects and all 5 subjects with NIDDM also underwent an oral glucose tolerance test with assessment of 90 min postprandial plasma glucose and insulin concentrations. No statistically significant effects of chromium nicotinic acid supplementation were found on plasma insulin, glucose, or lipid concentrations, although chromium nicotinic acid supplementation slightly lowered fasting plasma total and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose concentrations, and 90-min postprandial glucose concentrations in individuals with NIDDM.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess chromium handling in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients (NIDDM) compared to healthy volunteers. Chromium handling was evaluated using fasting blood and second morning void urine samples from 93 NIDDM patients and 33 healthy volunteers. Significant differences in chromium homeostasis were seen between patients and controls. NIDDM patients had mean levels of plasma chromium around 33% lower and urine values almost 100% higher than those found in health. Healthy volunteers showed a significant negative correlation between fasting levels of plasma chromium and insulin. This was not evident in NIDDM patients. In the early years of onset of NIDDM, plasma chromium values were inversely correlated with plasma glucose. This was lost in patients with diabetes of more than 2 years duration. We suggest large losses of chromium over many years may exacerbate an already compromised chromium status in NIDDM patients and might contribute to the developing insulin resistance seen in patients with type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

The EDS (early-onset diabetes in suncus) colony was developed as a new laboratory colony of the musk shrew and is characterized by a high incidence of early-onset spontaneous non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). We examined blood lipid (triglyceride [TG], total cholesterol [TC], phospholipid [PL], free fatty acid [FFA]) and liver lipid (TG, TC, PL) concentrations to investigate the features of lipid metabolism in these animals. All lipid concentrations examined both in blood and liver of the diabetic shrews had a tendency toward higher values than those in non-diabetic shrews. The PL concentration was the only parameter that barely showed a significant difference. Values for all blood lipid concentrations in diabetic shrews at 7-9 months tended to be higher than those of 2-month-old diabetic shrews, although the difference was not significant. These findings indicate that diabetic EDS shrews exhibit a much milder defect of lipid metabolism induced by NIDDM than other rodent models.  相似文献   

Hybrids between cells from mouse permanent lines and Chinese hamster thymus cells explanted from animals maintained mouse chromosomes and lost most hamster chromosomes. In twenty-seven hybrids examined for expression of enolase 1. phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, and phosphoglucomutase, the Chinese hamster forms of the three enzymes were either expressed together, or not expressed at all. Thus, the three genes eno1, pgd, and pgm appear syntenic in Chinese hamster as they are in man (chromosome 1p), and in mouse (chromosome 4). The three markers map on the Chinese hamster chromosome 2.  相似文献   

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