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  • Cadmium (Cd) is a hazardous environmental pollutant with high toxicity to plants, which has been detected in many wetlands. Clonal integration (resource translocation) between connected ramets of clonal plants can increase their tolerance to stress. We hypothesised that clonal integration facilitates spread of amphibious clonal plants from terrestrial to Cd‐contaminated aquatic habitats.
  • The spread of an amphibious grass Paspalum paspaloides was simulated by growing basal older ramets in uncontaminated soil connected (allowing integration) or not connected (preventing integration) to apical younger ramets of the same fragments in Cd‐contaminated water.
  • Cd contamination of apical ramets of P. paspaloides markedly decreased growth and photosynthetic capacity of the apical ramets without connection to the basal ramets, but did not decrease these properties with connection. Cd contamination did not affect growth of the basal ramets without connection to the apical ramets, but Cd contamination of 4 and 12 mg·l?1 significantly increased growth with connection. Consequently, clonal integration increased growth of the apical ramets, basal ramets and whole clones when the apical ramets were grown in Cd‐contaminated water of 4 and 12 mg·l?1. Cd was detected in the basal ramets with connection to the apical ramets, suggesting Cd could be translocated due to clonal integration. Clonal integration, most likely through translocation of photosynthates, can support P. paspaloides to spread from terrestrial to Cd‐contaminated aquatic habitats.
  • Amphibious clonal plants with a high ability for clonal integration are particularly useful for re‐vegetation of degraded aquatic habitats caused by Cd contamination.

克隆整合提高淹水胁迫下狗牙根根部的活性氧清除能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虽然国内外已开展大量关于克隆整合影响植物抗逆生理的研究,但迄今未见克隆整合是否会影响逆境下不同分株清除活性氧过程的报道。以河岸带适生克隆植物狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)为例,研究克隆植物的抗氧化生理响应,检测了狗牙根在先端淹水/不淹水、先端与基端匍匐茎连接/切断两个因素的交互作用下的根部主要抗氧化酶:超氧化岐化酶(Superoxide dismutase, SOD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(Ascorbate peroxidase, APX)、过氧化氢酶(Catalase, CAT)的活力以及生物量的变化。结果显示,淹水环境中狗牙根先端的生物量和根部SOD酶活力在匍匐茎连接处理下显著高于切断处理组,同一处理的生物量以及根部APX、CAT酶活力总体上表现出不同程度的提高趋势;与受淹先端连接的基端分株根部抗氧化酶活力均低于切断处理组,且SOD和CAT受连接处理影响显著;淹水和切断处理显著降低先端分株的生物量,但对基端和克隆片段影响不明显。这表明淹水胁迫下克隆整合提高了其根部活性氧清除能力,显著改善了先端分株的表现。  相似文献   

Water, minerals, nutrients, etc., can be shared by physiological integration among inter-connected ramets of clonal plants. Nitrogen plays an important role in alleviating cadmium (Cd) stress for clonal plants. But how different forms of nitrogen affect growth performance of clonal plants subjected to heterogeneous Cd stress still remains poorly understood. A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the differential effects of ammonium and nitrate on growth performance of Glechoma longituba under heterogeneous Cd stress. In the experiment, parent ramets of Glechoma longituba clonal fragments were respectively supplied with modified Hoagland solution containing 7.5 mM ammonium, 7.5 mM nitrate or the same volume of nutrient solution without nitrogen. Cd solution with different concentrations (0, 0.1 or 2.0 mM) was applied to offspring ramets of the clonal fragments. Compared with control (N-free), nitrogen addition to parent ramets, especially ammonium, significantly improved antioxidant capacity [glutathione (GSH), proline (Pro), peroxidase (POD,) superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT)], PSII activity [maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) and effective quantum yield of PSII (ΦPSII)], chlorophyll content and biomass accumulation of the offspring ramets suffering from Cd stress. In addition, negative effects of nitrate on growth performance of whole clonal fragments were observed under Cd stress with high concentration (2.0 mM). Transportation or sharing of nitrogen, especially ammonium, can improve growth performance of clonal plants under heterogeneous Cd stress. The experiment provides insight into transmission mechanism of nitrogen among ramets of clonal plants suffering from heterogeneous nutrient supply. Physiological integration might be an important ecological strategy for clonal plants adapting to heterogeneous environment stress conditions.  相似文献   

克隆整合有助于狗牙根抵御水淹   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
尽管国内外开展了大量的克隆整合对克隆植物抵御逆境能力影响的研究, 但整合对植物抵御水淹能力的影响研究仍比较缺乏。该文从克隆整合的角度探讨多年生草本植物狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)对水淹胁迫的响应。试验模拟了先端分株(相对年幼的分株)分别处于0、5和15 cm三种水淹胁迫环境, 并在每个水淹梯度下实施先端分株与基端分株(相对年长的分株)之间匍匐茎连接或切断处理, 调查水淹一个月后基端分株和先端分株以及整个克隆片段在形态和生理上的表现。研究发现: 切断匍匐茎连接显著降低了狗牙根先端分株的生长, 表现在生物量下降、匍匐茎长度减短和分株数减少等方面; 水淹显著抑制了先端分株的生长, 但对基端分株的生长并未造成显著影响; 在5 cm水淹处理下, 匍匐茎保持连接时, 先端分株和整个克隆片段的生长显著增加; 连接或切断处理在不同水淹梯度下对匍匐茎平均节间长没有显著影响, 对先端分株或基端分株在光化学转化效率上也未表现显著性差异。结果表明: 克隆整合效应促进了狗牙根在水淹胁迫下分株的生长, 并有助于整个克隆片段抵御水淹胁迫。  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂通过克隆整合对空心莲子草顶端和基部生长的不同作用 入侵植物不仅对全球生物多样性造成了巨大的威胁,同时也严重影响了农业生产与粮食安全。克隆整合使得相连植株进行资源共享,能促进入侵植物的生长从而获得优势。然而,入侵杂草 在植物调节剂(plant growth regulators, PGRs)影响下的克隆整合作用则很少有报道。PGRs被广泛应用于 农作物生产上,并能通过土壤淋溶、侵蚀和径流作用,影响分布在作物附近的农田杂草的生长。本 研究采用两种PGRs赤霉素(gibberellins, GA)和多效唑(paclobutrazol,PAC)处理恶性入侵杂草空心莲子草 (Alternanthera philoxeroides)基端,并保持或者通过剪切达到控制基端与顶端的连通,从而探究克隆整合作用在空心莲子草响应两种农业常用PGRs中的作用。研究结果表明,GA和PAC对空心莲子草生长的作用相反。GA通过克隆整合作用显著促进顶端植株的地上生长。相反地,PAC显著抑制基端和顶端的地 上生长,但是能够通过克隆整合作用显著促进基端和顶端的地下生长。这些研究结果解释了克隆整合作用能促进PGRs对空心莲子草生长的促进作用,这很可能是外来杂草能够成功入侵人为干扰较多的农业生态系统的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

In arid and semi-arid inland deserts, one of the environmental stresses for plants is recurrent sand burial, which can influence the physical and biotic microenvironments of the plants and soil. Previous studies have shown that different levels of sand burial have different effects on plants. Slight sand burial could increase the height increment, leaf biomass and the number of new ramets of the plants while heavy sand burial could impair the growth of the plants and even decrease their chances of survival. In other words, below a certain threshold level of burial, the growth of plants is stimulated probably because of multiple factors. However, as the level of burial increases, the positive response starts to decline until it becomes a negative value. Arid and semi-arid inland deserts are frequently colonized and stabilized by many rhizomatous clonal plants. Clonal physiological integration often helps clonal plants buffer local environmental stress encountered by ramets. A rhizomatous clonal semishrub, Hedysarum laeve (H. laeve), is the dominant plant species and important for vegetation restoration in the Mu Us sandland. To investigate whether clonal integration can increase the threshold of sand burial and help rhizomatous H. laeve tolerate heavy sand burial, we conducted a field experiment. The results showed that slight sand burial could accelerate ramet growth and enhance leaf biomass, stem biomass and shoot biomass, while heavy sand burial reducesed the biomass of the plant and impairs survival and growth of the ramets. Clonal integration increased the threshold of sand burial. Under heavy sand burial, ramets connected to other ramets not buried in sand were more in terms of height increment, stem biomass, leaf biomass and shoot biomass compared to the ramets encountering sand burial but disconnected from other ramets. It suggested that clonal physiological integration could help H. laeve ramets tolerate relatively heavy sand burial. We also discussed that clonal integration plays a role in H. laeve presence in the Mu Us sandland. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology (formerly Acta Phytoecologica Sinica), 2006, 30(2): 278–285 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

Most work on clonal growth in plants has focused on the advantages of clonality in heterogeneous habitats. We hypothesized (1) that physiological integration of connected ramets within a clone can also increase plant performance in homogeneous environments, (2) that this effect depends on whether ramets differ in ability to take up resources, and (3) that only ramets with relatively low uptake ability benefit. We tested these hypotheses using the perennial amphibious herb Alternanthera philoxeroides. We grew clonal fragments and varied numbers of rooted versus unrooted ramets, connection between the apical and basal parts of fragments, and availability of nitrogen. Patterns of final size and mass of fragments did not support these hypotheses. By some measures, severance did reduce the growth of more apical ramets and increase the growth of less apical ones, consistent with net apical transfer of resources. Rooting of individual ramets strongly influenced their growth: second and third most apical ramets each grew most when they were the most apical rooted ramet, and this pattern was more pronounced under higher nitrogen levels. This adds to the evidence that signalling between ramets is an important aspect of clonal integration. Overall, the results indicate that physiological integration between ramets within clones in homogeneous environments can alter the allocation of resources between connected ramets even when it does not affect the total growth of clonal fragments.  相似文献   

很多外来入侵植物都具有克隆生长习性,探究克隆整合特性与外来克隆植物入侵性间的关系对阐明其生态适应性及入侵机制具有重要的意义。本研究以入侵植物空心莲子草及其本地同属种莲子草为研究对象,比较在生防昆虫莲草直胸跳甲的取食下,克隆整合对两种植物先端分株、基端分株及整个克隆片段生长和生物量分配的影响。结果表明: 在莲草直胸跳甲取食下,有克隆整合的空心莲子草先端分株的叶片数、茎长、分株数及整个克隆片段的地径均显著高于无克隆整合植株,其基端分株及整个克隆片段的地下生物量和总生物量相较于无克隆整合植株分别降低了78.2%、60.9%和48.7%、37.2%;有克隆整合的莲子草先端分株的地径及整个克隆片段的叶片数与无克隆整合植株相比显著增加,其基端分株数显著降低了21.7%,而其先端分株、基端分株及整个克隆片段的生物量均无显著差异。耗益分析表明,在莲草直胸跳甲取食下,空心莲子草先端分株的分株数与生物量及莲子草先端分株的分株数均能通过克隆整合显著受益,而两种植物基端的分株数、生物量的耗益则不受克隆整合处理的影响。这些结果表明,克隆整合虽能在一定程度缓解莲草直胸跳甲对于两种植物先端分株的取食压力,且空心莲子草的克隆整合作用要强于莲子草,但在整个克隆片段水平上,两种植物并不能通过克隆整合显著获益。  相似文献   

Y Zhang  Q Zhang  M Sammul 《PloS one》2012,7(9):e44221
Clonal growth allows plants to spread horizontally and to establish ramets in sites of contrasting resource status. If ramets remain physiologically integrated, clones in heterogeneous environments can act as cooperative systems - effects of stress on one ramet can be ameliorated by another connected ramet inhabiting benign conditions. But little is known about the effects of patch contrast on physiological integration of clonal plants and no study has addressed its effects on physiological traits like osmolytes, reactive oxygen intermediates and antioxidant enzymes. We examined the effect of physiological integration on survival, growth and stress indicators such as osmolytes, reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs) and antioxidant enzymes in a clonal plant, Fragaria orientalis, growing in homogenous and heterogeneous environments differing in patch contrast of water availability (1 homogeneous (no contrast) group; 2 low contrast group; 3 high contrast group). Drought stress markedly reduced the survival and growth of the severed ramets of F. orientalis, especially in high contrast treatments. Support from a ramet growing in benign patch considerably reduced drought stress and enhanced growth of ramets in dry patches. The larger the contrast between water availability, the larger the amount of support the depending ramet received from the supporting one. This support strongly affected the growth of the supporting ramet, but not to an extent to cause increase in stress indicators. We also found indication of costs related to maintenance of physiological connection between ramets. Thus, the net benefit of physiological integration depends on the environment and integration between ramets of F. orientalis could be advantageous only in heterogeneous conditions with a high contrast.  相似文献   

Physiological integration facilitates clonal plants to deal with heterogeneous resources. However, little is known about how nutrient patchiness affects its use and stoichiometry in clonal plants. We conducted an experiment with Cynodon dactylon, Glechoma longituba, and Potentilla reptans to address the effects of physiological integration on nutrient use efficiency and N:P ratios. For C. dactylon, the effects of nutrient patchiness on N use efficiency (NUE), P use efficiency (PUE), and N:P ratio were stronger in daughter ramets than in parent ramets; for G. longituba, nutrient patchiness affected PUE and N:P ratio of parent and daughter ramets, but not NUE; for P. reptans, nutrient patchiness decreased NUE, PUE, and N:P ratio, regardless of parent or daughter ramets. PUE was associated with N:P ratios in three clonal plants and this association of NUE with N:P ratios varied with species. Our findings suggest that physiological integration alters nutrient use efficiency and N:P ratios of clonal plants under patchy nutrients and that these effects are linked to clonal species identity.  相似文献   

Many clonal plants consist of many connected individual ramets, allowing them to share water and nutrients via physiological integration. Integration among ramets may also improve the ability of clonal plants to tolerate abiotic stress or improve the competitive ability of individual ramets. Here I use a field experiment to determine whether clonal integration improves ramet performance for a widespread clonal tree species invading into native prairie. Aspen (Populus tremuloides) dominates the southern treeline in western Canada, has long-lived belowground connections between mother and daughter ramets, and reproduces vegetatively via resprouting rhizomes after disturbance. I applied two competition treatments (neighbors present or absent) and two clonal integration treatments (belowground rhizomes between mother and daughter ramets either severed or left intact) to 12 replicate Populus daughter ramets at each of three sites. Neighbors improved the survivorship of Populus ramets by 25-35% after 2 yr, but decreased growth by ~20%. Clonal integration tended to improve ramet survival and growth, but these trends were often not significant. Clonal integration did not alter the effects of competition from neighboring vegetation, suggesting that connections between ramets do not necessarily improve the competitive ability of Populus invading into native prairie.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the effects of clonal integration (translocation of resources between interconnected ramets) during the expansion of amphibious clonal plants from terrestrial to aquatic habitats. We conducted a greenhouse experiment to simulate the expansion of plants from terrestrial to contaminated aquatic habitats in the amphibious stoloniferous herb Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligator weed). The proximal ramets (i.e. relatively old) of clonal fragments grown in uncontaminated soils were connected to (allowing clonal integration) or disconnected from (preventing clonal integration) distal ramets (i.e. relatively young) grown either in uncontaminated water (control, no CuSO4) or in four copper‐contaminated water treatments containing 31.25, 62.5, 125 and 250 mg/L CuSO4, respectively. When a stolon connection was severed, all distal ramets grown in the contaminated water died. When the stolon connection was intact, however, the survival rate of the distal ramets was 85–100% when they were grown at the three lower levels of contamination and 43.75% at the highest level. Moreover, the survival rate and growth of the distal ramets grown in the three lower levels of contamination treatments did not differ from those in the control (uncontaminated water). These results suggest that clonal integration could greatly improve the survival and growth of alligator weed subjected to moderate levels of copper stress. Although clonal integration could also increase the survival rate of the connected distal ramets subjected to the highest level of copper stress (250 mg/L CuSO4) compared with that of disconnected distal ramets, the survival rate and growth measures were still significantly lower than those in the control. This suggests that clonal integration plays a limited role in the survival and growth of alligator weed when it is subjected to severe stress by high levels of copper contamination.  相似文献   

不同程度的沙埋是生长在干旱和半干旱区内陆沙丘的植物经常遭遇的事件,沙埋可以改变植物所处的生物和非生物环境条件。已有研究表明不同程度的沙埋对于植物的影响不同。轻微程度的沙埋可以增加植物高度、促进生物量的积累和新生分株的产生。如果沙埋强度不断增加,对植物的影响由正效应逐渐转变为负效应。即超过一定沙埋阈值后,沙埋会削弱植物的生长,甚至影响植物的存活。干旱和半干旱区内陆沙丘中常常生长着许多克隆植物,克隆整合常常可以缓解克隆植物分株所遭受的局部环境胁迫。根茎型克隆植物羊柴(Hedysarum laeve)是毛乌素沙地的优势半灌木之一,也是当地重要的固沙植物。为了探讨克隆整合的作用是否可以提高沙埋阈值,并有助于羊柴忍受高强度的沙埋,以其为研究对象开展了野外实验。结果表明:轻微程度的沙埋(例如沙埋深度是原始羊柴分株高的10%~20%)可以加速羊柴分株的高生长,提高叶片生物量、茎生物量以及整个地上部分的生物量。高强度的沙埋(例如沙埋深度是原始羊柴分株高的80%~100%)会削弱羊柴分株的存活和生长。在与不遭受沙埋分株相连的情况下,羊柴分株遭受沙埋的阈值高于没有分株相连的,而且在高强度的沙埋下,前者(有分株相连的遭受沙埋的分株)比后者(没有分株相连的遭受沙埋的分株)在株高增量、茎生物量、叶片生物量以及地上分株生物量上都要显著高。这暗示着克隆整合提高了羊柴遭受沙埋的阈值并有助于羊柴分株忍受高强度的沙埋。  相似文献   

In arid and semi-arid inland deserts,one of the environmental stresses for plants is recurrent sand burial,which can influence the physical and biotic microenvironments of the plants and soil.Previous studies have shown that different levels of sand burial have different effects on plants.Slight sand burial could increase the height increment,leaf biomass and the number of new ramets of the plants while heavy sand burial could impair the growth of the plants and even decrease their chances of survival.In other words,below a certain threshold level of burial,the growth of plants is stimulated probably because of multiple factors.However,as the level of burial increases,the positive response starts to decline until it becomes a negative value.Arid and semi-arid inland deserts are frequently colonized and stabilized by many rhizomatous clonal plants.Clonal physiological integration often helps clonal plants buffer local environmental stress encountered by ramets.A rhizomatous clonal semishrub,Hedysarum laeve (H.laeve),is the dominant plant species and important for vegetation restoration in the Mu Us sandland.To investigate whether clonal integration can increase the threshold of sand burial and help rhizomatous H.laeve tolerate heavy sand burial,we conducted a field experiment.The results showed that slight sand burial could accelerate ramet growth and enhance leaf biomass,stem biomass and shoot biomass,while heavy sand burial reducesed the biomass of the plant and impairs survival and growth of the ramets.Clonal integration increased the threshold of sand burial.Under heavy sand burial,ramets connected to other ramets not buried in sand were more in terms of height increment,stem biomass,leaf biomass and shoot biomass compared to the ramets encountering sand burial but disconnected from other ramets.It suggested that clonal physiological integration could help H.laeve ramets tolerate relatively heavy sand burial.We also discussed that clonal integration plays a role in H.laeve presence in the Mu Us sandland.  相似文献   

Effects of clonal integration on land plants have been extensively studied, but little is known about the role in amphibious plants that expand from terrestrial to aquatic conditions. We simulated expansion from terrestrial to aquatic habitats in the amphibious stoloniferous alien invasive alligator weed ( Alternanthera philoxeroides ) by growing basal ramets of clonal fragments in soils connected (allowing integration) or disconnected (preventing integration) to the apical ramets of the same fragments submerged in water to a depth of 0, 5, 10 or 15 cm. Clonal integration significantly increased growth and clonal reproduction of the apical ramets, but decreased both of these characteristics in basal ramets. Consequently, integration did not affect the performance of whole clonal fragments. We propose that alligator weed possesses a double-edged mechanism during population expansion: apical ramets in aquatic habitats can increase growth through connected basal parts in terrestrial habitats; however, once stolon connections with apical ramets are lost by external disturbance, the basal ramets in terrestrial habitats increase stolon and ramet production for rapid spreading. This may contribute greatly to the invasiveness of alligator weed and also make it very adaptable to habitats with heavy disturbance and/or highly heterogeneous resource supply.  相似文献   

资源共享的方向性对入侵植物海榕菜生理整合的影响 与植物克隆生长相关的一个关键性状是生理整合能力,它允许在一个克隆内相连接的分株之间共享资源。资源传输遵循源-汇关系:从生长在资源丰富斑块上的分株到生长在贫瘠斑块上的分株。然而,一些实验结果表明,向顶运输(从后端到前端)通常超过基部运输(从前端到后端)。在本研究中, 我们旨在确定入侵植物海榕菜(Carpobrotus edulis)生理整合模块的资源运输方向。我们开展了两个模拟实 验,研究了在不同位置(后端、中部、前端)的不同营养水平对海榕菜连接和断开克隆系统的影响。比较了分株生物量分配模式和最终生物量,以阐明生理整合的作用是否受资源运输方向性的影响。研究结果表明,海榕菜资源的向顶运输是普遍存在的,其发育分工是后端分株专注于获取土壤资源,前端分株专注于地上生长。虽然在最严酷的生长条件下的前端分株所获得的效益最高,但这种生物量分配模式不受后端或前端分株生长的营养条件的影响。这种发育程序化的分工被认为可以促进海榕菜的横向生长,从而对这种入侵物种的扩展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Clonal plants have been shown to successfully survive in stressful environments, including salinity stress, drought and depleted nutrients through clonal integration between original and subsequent ramets. However, relatively little is known about whether clonal integration can enhance the performance of clonal plants under alkalinity stress. We investigated the effect of clonal integration on the performance of a typical rhizomatous clonal plant, Leymus chinensis, using a factorial experimental design with four levels of alkalinity and two levels of rhizome connection treatments, connected (allowing integration) and severed (preventing integration). Clonal integration was estimated by comparing physiological and biomass features between the rhizome-connected and rhizome-severed treatments. We found that rhizome-connected treatment increased the biomass, height and leaf water potential of subsequent ramets at highly alkalinity treatments but did not affect them at low alkalinity treatments. However, rhizome-connected treatment decreased the root biomass of subsequent ramets and did not influence the photosynthetic rates of subsequent ramets. The biomass of original ramets was reduced by rhizome-connected treatment at the highest alkalinity level. These results suggest that clonal integration can increase the performance of clonal plants under alkalinity stress. Rhizome-connected plants showed dramatically increased survival of buds with negative effects on root weight, indicating that clonal integration influenced the resource allocation pattern of clonal plants. A cost-benefit analysis based on biomass measures showed that original and subsequent ramets significantly benefited from clonal integration in highly alkalinity stress, indicating that clonal integration is an important adaptive strategy by which clonal plants could survive in local alkalinity soil.  相似文献   

 采用盆栽试验研究了异质性重金属镉胁迫下, 克隆整合对匍匐茎草本植物积雪草(Centella asiatica)生长的影响。将远端分株(相对年幼的分株)分别置于对照和镉胁迫处理下, 并对远端分株与近端分株(相对年长的分株)之间的匍匐茎进行切断或保持连接处理。研究结果显示: 镉胁迫处理显著降低了积雪草远端分株的净光合速率(Pn)、最大光量子产量(Fv/Fm)、叶绿素含量、叶面积、分株数和生物量; 克隆整合缓解了镉胁迫对远端分株生长的不利影响; 克隆整合不仅未导致相连近端分株的损耗, 而且相连近端分株的光合效率也没有表现出补偿性增加; 克隆整合降低了远端受胁迫分株的根冠比, 从而使之减少了对土壤中重金属镉的吸收; 匍匐茎切断和镉胁迫处理对近端分株、远端分株的叶柄长没有显著的影响。结果表明: 克隆整合提高了积雪草遭受镉胁迫的远端分株的生长, 改变了其生物量分配格局, 并有助于整个克隆片段在异质性重金属胁迫下的生长。该研究对于丰富和发展异质性环境胁迫下克隆整合的生态适应对策具有重要意义。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

One of the special properties of clonal plants is the capacity for physiological integration, which can increase plant performance through mechanisms such as resource sharing and co-ordinated phenotypic plasticity when plants grow in microsites with contrasting resource availabilities. However, many clonal plants are colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Since AMF are likely to reduce contrasts in effective resource levels, they could also reduce these effects of clonal integration on plasticity and performance in heterogeneous environments.


To test this hypothesis, pairs of connected and disconnected ramets of the stoloniferous herb Trifolium repens were grown. One ramet in a pair was given high light and low nutrients while the other ramet was given high nutrients and low light. The pairs were inoculated with zero, one or five species of AMF.

Key Results

Pairs of ramets grown without AMF developed division of labour and benefited from resource sharing, as indicated by effects of connection on allocation to roots, accumulation of mass, and ramet production. Inoculation with five species of AMF significantly reduced these effects of connection, both by inhibiting them in ramets given high nutrients and inducing them in ramets given high light. Inoculation with one species of AMF also reduced some effects of connection, but generally to a lesser degree.


The results show that AMF can significantly modify the effects of clonal integration on the plasticity and performance of clonal plants in heterogeneous environments. In particular, AMF may partly replace the effects and benefits of clonal integration in low-nutrient habitats, possibly more so where species richness of AMF is high. This provides the first test of interaction between colonization by AMF and physiological integration in a clonal plant, and a new example of how biotic and abiotic factors could interact to determine the ecological importance of clonal growth.Key words: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, biomass allocation, clonal plant, division of labour, environmental heterogeneity, light availability, nutrients, white clover  相似文献   

Clonal growth seems to be a common trait for many of the most aggressive invasive plant species. However, little research has been conducted to determine the role of clonality in the successful invasion of new areas by exotic species. Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E. Br. is a mat-forming succulent plant, native to South Africa that is invasive in coastal dunes of Australia, New Zealand, USA and Southern Europe. Although Carpobrotus edulis is a clonal plant, there is no information on the role of clonality for the invasion by this species, therefore the objective of this study was to test whether or not physiological integration improves the performance of C. edulis invading coastal sand dunes. To do that, a 6-month field experiment was designed in which the stolon connections between the apical ramets and the C. edulis mats were severed to prevent physiological integration. This treatment was applied to ramets growing under high and low competition with the native species. Apical ramets with intact stolon connections were used as control. Integration improved the survivorship and growth of apical ramets, both in high and low competition. Connected ramets showed a more pronounced increase of clonal growth (estimated as stolon length) during the experimental period and a higher total biomass and number of ramets at the completion of the experiment. In terms of survivorship, the benefit of integration was greater under high competition. Physiological integration can therefore be considered an important factor in the invasiveness of C. edulis, both in open space and in direct competition with the native plants.  相似文献   

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