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分子信标是一种高灵敏度、高特异性的新型荧光核酸探针.它在与互补DNA或RNA靶序列杂交时放出荧光.利用Genebank中调出已知HBV病毒ayr亚型基因组信息,通过BeaconDesigner4.0软件进行分子信标探针设计,共设计出6条分子信标探针,以便于为目前HBV病毒快速诊断提供参考.  相似文献   

分子信标及其应用研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分子信标作为一种核酸荧光探针,其最初的设计目的是用来检测核酸,特别是用作实时荧光PCR反应的探针。由于其特殊的发夹结构,决定的其具有多种的用途。不仅能在液相或固相对核酸进行定性、定量分析,还能用于多种DNA-蛋白质、DNA-DNA损伤试剂之间相互作用等的研究。  相似文献   

以分子信标为报告分子,核酸适体为识别分子,发展了一种新的凝血酶检测方法.含有分子信标互补序列的核酸适体探针与凝血酶结合后,分子信标的荧光信号下降,从而得到凝血酶的浓度信息.该方法快速、灵敏,核酸适体探针无需荧光标记、设计简单,检测限达到0.83nmol/L.  相似文献   

分子信标核酸检测技术研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
介绍了分子信标设计和分子信标核酸检测原理、技术特性和在基因突变大规模自动化检测中的应用. 分子信标是一种基于荧光共振能量转移现象设计的发卡型寡核苷酸探针,空间结构上呈茎环结构, 环序列是与靶核酸互补的探针,茎序列由与靶序列无关的互补序列构成,茎的一端连上荧光分子,另一端连上淬灭分子.通过空间结构改变决定分子信标发射荧光特性,从而对核酸进行定量检测. 分子信标技术具有操作简单、敏感、特异、可对核酸进行液相实时检测和对活体内核酸动态进行检测等特点,已应用于HIV辅助受体基因等基因突变的大规模自动化检测,是一种新型核酸定量检测技术.  相似文献   

用于SARS冠状病毒快速诊断的分子信标探针设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Genbank中已知SARS -Cov完整基因组信息 ,通过BeaconDesigner2 .1软件进行其分子信标探针设计 ,共找出 7条分子信标探针和相对应的引物 ,它们均分布在SARS -Cov基因组的保守区域 ,后经过软件评估和Blast搜索 ,证明所获得的 7条分子信标探针为SARS -Cov的特异性探针。这将为今后SARS -Cov的快速诊断提供线索和参考  相似文献   

【目的】建立了单核细胞增多性李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes,单增李斯特菌)的肽核酸(Peptide nucleic acid,PNA)分子信标(Molecular beacon)的荧光扫描检测方法,以简化普通PNA原位荧光杂交(Fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)检测方法中显微镜观察步骤。【方法】在具有单增李斯特菌特异性的肽核酸探针的5′和3′分别标记报告荧光基团和淬灭基团形成分子信标PNA探针,利用FISH技术和荧光扫描技术对单增李斯特菌进行检测。【结果】用普通PNA探针进行荧光扫描检测时,以N1处理为空白对照,假阳性率11.4%,假阴性率为0;以N2处理为空白时,假阳性率降低至4.3%,但假阴性率上升为18.6%。用分子信标PNA探针进行检测时,用N1为空白对照时,假阳性率8.6%,假阴性率为1.4%;以N2处理作为空白时,假阳性率5.7%,假阴性率为1.4%。与普通探针比较,分子信标PNA探针能有效减少假阳性和假阴性的发生。2种普通PNA探针的杂交成功率分别为83.3%和95.2%;2种"分子信标化"的肽核酸探针的成功率分别为91.7%和90.5%,表明探针两端标记并不会降低与目标菌的杂交成功率。【结论】将液相PNA-FISH和荧光扫描技术结合,通过大通量快速的荧光扫描检测可大幅提高检测效率。同时将肽核酸探针分子信标化,有效的降低了荧光扫描结果的假阳性,并通过了N1和N2两种空白对照处理把假阴性控制在较低的范围。  相似文献   

分子信标是一种设计巧妙的新型荧光标记核酸探针。特殊的发夹结构使分子信标具有很强的特异性识别靶标序列的能力,目前已成为生物学中一种强有力的研究工具。本文介绍了近年来出现的各种新型的分子信标(MB)的结构及工作原理。简要概述了MB技术在生命科学领域中的应用,展望了MB技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

近年来,随着DNA计算研究的深入,基于DNA的布尔电路的模拟成为其中一个热门的研究方向.分子信标是一种特殊的探针分子,广泛应用于各种生物技术的检测方面,具有结果稳定,特异性强的优点,本文提出了一种基于诱导"发夹"形式的DNA与非门模型,和已有的模型相比,该模型具有简单,可靠性更高且可以重复使用等优点.  相似文献   

人工合成的单链DNA分子经PCR扩增形成双链DNA分子。将RecA蛋白与生物素标记的寡聚核酸探针序列在ATPγS存在的情况下共同哺育,使RecA蛋白包裹寡聚核酸探针,然后加入含同源序列的上述双链DNA分子经适当环境哺育形成了稳定的局部三链核酸结构。通过加入链亲和素包裹的磁珠吸附生物素化的探针,这样同源双链DNA分子与寡聚核酸探针形成的局部三链核酸结构也被吸附在磁珠上。使用磁分离装置提取这一结构,逐步降低盐离子浓度以洗脱双链DNA分子。将洗脱液中残留的蛋白质去除,经PCR扩增可获得目的DNA序列。同时使用同源探针和非同源探针在其它序列中提取目的DNA序列,结果显示目的DNA序列只被同源探针提取。实验结果显示了这一三链核酸结构形成的序列特异性,并且其稳定性随盐离子浓度降低而下降。提示在这一结构中同源的寡聚核酸单链与双链DNA分子形成了氢键结合,同时提示使用文中描述的方法可以提取特异的序列,用以克隆相应的基因。  相似文献   

目的:利用小鼠IgG抗体Fc片段高特异、高亲和寡核苷酸配基,构建实时定量免疫PCR检测方法,提高抗体检测的灵敏度。方法:用SELEX技术从随机寡核苷酸文库中筛选抗体Fc片段特异寡核苷酸配基,设计合成信标序列,通过不对称PCR法,制备IgG Fc片段的核酸信标配基分子;32P标记核酸信标配基,采用琼脂糖凝胶阻滞双显色法鉴定核酸信标配基与IgG Fc片段结合的亲和力和特异性;制备IgG Fc特异性寡核苷酸信标配基-抗体复合检测分子,构建小鼠IgG Fc片段特异核酸信标配基介导的实时定量免疫PCR检测方法。结果:制备了IgG Fc片段的核酸信标配基分子;凝胶阻滞放射自显影和考马斯亮蓝二次染色结果显示该核酸信标配基分子与IgG Fc片段具有高度亲和力和活性,而且只与非变性IgG结合,与变性IgG不结合;IgG Fc片段的特异核酸信标配基与IgG结合形成复合检测分子,有效完成了信号传递和实时定量PCR信号放大过程。结论:初步建立了一种全新的核酸信标配基介导的免疫PCR检测方法,可有效提高现有IgG类抗体免疫检测的灵敏度和特异性。  相似文献   

对虾白斑病毒感染的电子显微镜观察及DNA杂交证据   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国大陆养殖的中国对虾从1993年开始至今连年爆发病 毒性流行病,俗称“白斑病”(WSBV),死亡率近100%,造成巨大经济损失。为进一步明确虾病暴发原因,利用电子显微镜技术,对1993年至1998年收集的发病中国对虾组织进行观察,发现病原体为直径(125±76)nm、长约(345±16)nm大小的带包膜的非包涵体型杆状病毒。 经氯化铯密度梯度超速离心技术获得了纯化的病毒核衣壳,大小为(80±13)nm×(380±24)nm。形态学特征与台湾地区发现的白斑杆状病毒(WSBV)相似。利用地高辛标记的WSBV DNA探针对病虾标本及纯化病毒DNA进行斑点杂交检测,均呈阳性反应,而与正常对虾组织无杂交反应。从形态学及分子生物学角度证明WSBV感染是造成中国大陆养殖对虾连年暴发流行病的重要原因。  相似文献   

In this report, we demonstrate a label-free genosensor based on DNA hairpins coupled to gold coated sensor surfaces. The hairpin probes were labeled with a thiolated moiety for immobilization at the 5' end and with a fluorophore for signal transduction at the 3' end. In the absence of the complement, the fluorophore is quenched by energy transfer to the gold surface. Addition of the target sequence leads to the hairpin unfolding, and releases the fluorescent signal. This built-in property, using a gold film as both the immobilizing substrate and quenching agent, has the advantage of simplicity in design and ease of further integration. Our results showed that lengths of both the stem and the loop structures have significant effects on the sensor performance. Hybridization kinetics was investigated for various probe/target lengths and concentrations. An optimized hairpin probe gave a fluorescent signal increase of 39 folds after hybridization, which is much higher than the earlier reported results. A limit of detection (LOD) down to 0.3 nM for the complementary target DNA detection has been achieved. The developed sensor was further successfully applied for the detection of single-base mismatch targets, as well as for the direct detection of PCR products.  相似文献   

In molecular testing using PCR, the target DNA is amplified via PCR and the sequence of interest is investigated via hybridization with short oligonucleotide capture probes that are either in a solution or immobilized on solid supports such as beads or glass slides. In this report, we report the discovery of assembly of DNA complex(es) between a capture probe and multiple strands of the PCR product. The DNA complex most likely has branched structure. The assembly of branched DNA was facilitated by the product of asymmetric PCR. The amount of branched DNA assembled was increased five fold when the asymmetric PCR product was denatured and hybridized with a capture probe all in the same PCR reaction mixture. The major branched DNA species appeared to contain three reverse strands (the strand complementary to the capture probe) and two forward strands. The DNA was sensitive to S1 nuclease suggesting that it had single-stranded gaps. Branched DNA also appeared to be assembled with the capture probes immobilized on the surface of solid support when the product of asymmetric PCR was hybridized. Assembly of the branched DNA was also increased when hybridization was performed in complete PCR reaction mixture suggesting the requirement of DNA synthesis. Integration of asymmetric PCR, heat denaturation and hybridization in the same PCR reaction mixture with the capture probes immobilized on the surface of solid support achieved dramatic increase in the signal and sensitivity of detection of DNA. Such a system should be advantageously applied for development of automated process for detection of DNA.  相似文献   

L G Lee  C R Connell    W Bloch 《Nucleic acids research》1993,21(16):3761-3766
Nick-translation PCR was performed with fluorogenic probes. Two probes were used: one complementary to a sequence containing the F508 codon of the normal human cystic fibrosis (CF) gene (wt DNA) and one complementary to a sequence containing the delta F508 three base pair deletion (mut DNA). Each probe contained a unique and spectrally resolvable fluorescent indicator dye at the 5' end and a common quencher dye attached to the seventh nucleotide from the 5' end. The F508/delta F508 site was located between the indicator and quencher. The probes were added at the start of a PCR containing mut DNA, wt DNA or heterozygous DNA and were degraded during thermal cycling. Although both probes were degraded, each probe generated fluorescence from its indicator dye only when the sequence between the indicator and quencher dyes was perfectly complementary to target. The identify of the target DNA could be determined from the post-PCR fluorescence emission spectrum.  相似文献   

Y Hayase  H Inoue  E Ohtsuka 《Biochemistry》1990,29(37):8793-8797
In order to cleave RNA at specific positions in Escherichia coli formylmethionine tRNA, RNase H and complementary chimeric oligonucleotides consisting of DNA and 2'-O-methyl-RNA (Inoue et al. (1987) FEBS Lett. 215, 327] were used. Specific cleavages in the D loop, anticodon loop, T psi C loop, anticodon stem, and acceptor stem were investigated. Virtually unique hydrolyses with RNase H were observed at the T psi C loop, anticodon stem, and acceptor stem when relatively longer chimeric oligonucleotides (20-mer) were used. An efficient cleavage at the anticodon was obtained with a chimeric 13-mer when the higher structure of the tRNA was broken by hybridization with a 20-mer at the acceptor as well as the T psi C stem region. It was found that stabilities of hybrids with chimeric oligonucleotides and the presence of minor nucleosides affect the cleavage of tRNA by this approach.  相似文献   

Properties of 2'-O-methyloligoribonucleotides containing 2'-O-(1-pyrenylmethyl)uridine were investigated as the fluorescent probe to search the single strand regions on RNA secondary and tertiary structure. The pyrene-labeled 2'-O-methyloligoribonucleotide (OMUpy) showed remarkable increase of fluorescence intensity to 333-fold at 375 nm when hybridized with the complementary oligoribonucleotide. When OMUpy, complementary to loop or stem regions, was applied to E. coli 5S-rRNA, the fluorescence intensities were increased in a sequence specific manner. The difference of the fluorescence intensities corresponds to the higher-order structure of 5S-rRNA, suggesting that pyrene-labled 2'-O-methyloligoribonucleotide can be applicable to search single strand regions of RNA.  相似文献   

A novel real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method using an attached universal template (UT) probe is described. The UT is an approximately 20 base attachment to the 5′ end of a PCR primer, and it can hybridize with a complementary TaqMan probe. One of the advantages of this method is that different target DNA sequences can be detected employing the same UT probe, which substantially reduces the cost of real-time PCR set-up. In addition, this method could be used for simultaneous detection using a 6-carboxy-fluorescein-labeled UT probe for the target gene and a 5-hexachloro-fluorescein-labeled UT probe for the reference gene in a multiplex reaction. Moreover, the requirement of target DNA length for UT–PCR analysis is relatively flexible, and it could be as short as 56 bp in this report, suggesting the possibility of detecting target DNA from partially degraded samples. The UT–PCR system with degenerate primers could also be designed to screen homologous genes. Taken together, our results suggest that the UT–PCR technique is efficient, reliable, inexpensive and less labor-intensive for quantitative PCR analysis.  相似文献   

A new bis-pyrene-labeled oligonucleotide probe (BP-probe) has been designed for the detection of a single base mismatch in single strand (ss) DNA as a target. The sequence of BP-probe was chosen to form stem-loop structure similar to a molecular beacon (MB-probe), yielding bis-pyrene-labeled molecular beacon (BP-MB-probe). Partially double stranded (ds) BP-MB-probes were prepared by complexation with oligonucleotides whose sequences are complementary to the loop segment but not to the stem and exchangeable with the target DNA. The partially ds BP-MB-probes were shown to exhibit monomer fluorescence as major fluorescence, while the ss BP-MB-probe in the stem-loop form displays strong excimer fluorescence. The strand exchange reactions between partially ds BP-MB-probe and target ss DNA in the presence of cationic comb-type copolymer as a catalyst were monitored by the excimer fluorescence changes. The existence of a mismatched base can be determined by the slower PASE rates compared with fully matched DNA.  相似文献   

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