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中华稻蝗五地理种群的卵滞育强度及生活史模式变异   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为调查中华稻蝗Oxya chinensis的地理适应,自北纬42.3°至20.0°采集了5个地理种群的标本,比较了其子代的卵滞育发生、滞育强度及成虫虫体大小。结果表明: 不同的中华稻蝗地理种群显示了不同的光周期和温度反应模式。铁岭、济宁和泗洪种群的滞育不受光周期和温度的影响,滞育率均为100%。南方的长沙和海口种群仅部分卵进入滞育,海口种群在短日条件下的滞育率高于长日条件,卵期温度亦对其滞育有较大的影响,而长沙种群的卵滞育仅受卵期温度的调控。长沙和海口种群的卵滞育强度最弱,其次是铁岭种群,中间纬度的济宁和泗洪种群的滞育强度最高。在北方的一化性种群中,滞育强度随着纬度的降低而增强。成虫的虫体大小因栖息地纬度的变化而呈现复杂的变异,北方种群的虫体大小与栖息地纬度存在显著的负相关关系,而长沙和海口种群的虫体小于济宁和泗洪种群。结果提示中华稻蝗各种群已形成各自的地理适应机制,纬度梯度在其生活史的形成和发育中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

朱道弘  张超  谭荣鹤 《生态学报》2011,31(15):4365-4371
中华稻蝗Oxya chinensis为重要的水稻害虫,在我国除青海、西藏、新疆、内蒙古等未见报道外,南起海南北至东北均有分布,在许多的分布区域1年发生1代。为探索中华稻蝗长沙种群的生活史及其季节适应特征,通过野外和实验室的研究,调查了其发生代数、孵化率和卵滞育率的季节变化及越冬卵的存活率。结果显示,中华稻蝗长沙种群为1年2代和1年1代混合发生:第1代卵产卵后大部分孵化为若虫而1年完成2代,但亦有19.4% -4.1%的卵不孵化而1年只能完成1世代。第1代成虫于6月上旬至8月上旬羽化,6月下旬至8月中旬产卵;第2代若虫于7月初开始孵化,9-10月羽化为成虫,10月上旬至11月下旬产卵。在室外自然条件下,中华稻蝗长沙种群6-8月(第1代)和10-11月(第2代)所产卵块均为部分滞育,滞育率为30%左右,皆无显著差异。然而,其卵滞育率在12月以后显著降低,仅为6.6%或以下,卵滞育快速地得以解除。因此,包括非滞育卵和滞育解除卵,中华稻蝗长沙种群的越冬卵皆以非滞育状态度过其后的寒冷季节。即使是遭遇长江流域2007年末至 2008年初异常寒冷的冬季,在长沙地区越冬后其卵的存活率亦在98%以上。非滞育状态的中华稻蝗长沙种群越冬卵完全能安全地越冬,其滞育的发生并非是为了提高其耐寒性而安全度过不适环境。并探讨了中华稻蝗长沙种群卵滞育的进化意义。  相似文献   

中华稻蝗的胚胎发育及卵滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔双双  朱道弘 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):845-853
为弄清中华稻蝗Oxya chinensis(Thunberg)卵滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段,观察了其胚胎发育过程,检测了中华稻蝗铁岭、济南、长沙及儋州种群产卵后卵粒含水量的变化规律和胚胎发育的停滞时期.根据胚胎形态,自原头与原颚胸折叠的胚胎发育阶段开始,将中华稻蝗的胚胎发育过程划分为11个阶段.在25℃的温度条件下,4个地...  相似文献   

中华稻蝗不同地理种群遗传多样性的AFLP分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马晋  李涛  龙文敏  安玮玮  郭亚平  马恩波 《遗传》2010,32(2):163-169
为研究中华稻蝗种群遗传多样性和遗传结构, 文章对我国7省市的7个中华稻蝗种群进行AFLP分析。选取7对引物扩增128个个体, 共产生336条带, 多态性条带292条, 占86.90%。结果表明: 中华稻蝗种群具有较高的遗传多样性水平, 其中海南万宁种群的遗传多样性高于其他各种群。Mantel检验(r=0.27, P=0.89)表明中华稻蝗各种群遗传距离与地理距离间没有显著相关性。种群间具有明显的遗传分化现象。UPGMA(Unweighted pair group method average)聚类分析显示, 7个中华稻蝗种群按地理距离分为3支: 北方北京昌平、山西太原和山东济宁为一支; 南方陕西汉中、湖南长沙和广西来宾为一支; 海南万宁单独为一支。上述结果以及PCA(Principal component analysis)分析均表明由于地理隔离中华稻蝗种群显示出明显的南北分化和岛屿大陆种群遗传分化现象。  相似文献   

运用10个RAPD引物对日本稻蝗(Oxya japonica)、中华稻蝗(Oxya chinensis)和赤胫伪稻蝗(Pseudoxya diminuta)的种群遗传分化进行分析。10个随机引物共产生135条带,扩增谱带具有明显的属、种间多态性。Shannon信息指数表明中华稻蝗遗传多样性水平较高(2.693),日本稻蝗次之(2.319),赤胫伪稻蝗最低(1.042)。中华稻蝗和日本稻蝗的不同地理居群出现遗传分化,由Shannon信息指数估算的种群间遗传分化系数分别为20.7%,42.4%。用UPGMA和NJ法对Nei’s遗传距离作聚类分析,构建分子系统树。系统树显示:同一种群的不同个体优先相聚,而后,同一种的不同种群依次相聚;日本稻蝗广西南宁种群和广东广州种群首先聚为一支,陕西西安种群和浙江杭州种群聚为另一支,两支相聚后与中华稻蝗聚在一起,最后与赤胫伪稻蝗相聚。聚类结果表明:不同地域日本稻蝗亲缘关系的远近与地理距离呈现一定的相关趋势,日本稻蝗与中华稻蝗亲缘关系较近,Nei’S遗传距离平均为0.142,而赤胫伪稻蝗与它们关系较远,Nei’s遗传距离平均为0.451。聚类图所显示的物种间亲缘关系的远近程度与形态分类学和细胞分类学结果相一致。  相似文献   

通过对日本稻蝗、中华稻蝗台湾亚种和小翅稻蝗的种间交配、交配后精子传送等的研究,探讨了其生殖隔离机制及其进化意义。结果表明: 有共同分布区域的日本稻蝗与中华稻蝗台湾亚种及日本稻蝗与小翅稻蝗的交配率显著低于种内交配,即使交配也无精子的传送,存在强烈的行为隔离和完全的机械隔离。分布不重叠的中华稻蝗台湾亚种与小翅稻蝗之间,小翅稻蝗的雌虫与中华稻蝗台湾亚种雄虫的交配率显著低于种内交配,反向交配时则和种内交配率无显著差异;正反交配都能完成精子传送,显示出不对称、不完全的行为隔离,而无机械隔离的存在。分布不重叠的中华稻蝗台湾亚种与小翅稻蝗生殖隔离的进化速度慢于分布重叠的日本稻蝗与中华稻蝗台湾亚种及日本稻蝗与小翅稻蝗。  相似文献   

本文研究了光周期对飞蝗三个地理种群胚胎滞育和生殖的影响。结果表明飞蝗不同地理种群胚胎滞有特性存在显著差异。新疆和硕飞蝗种群无论在长光照还是短光照下均产滞育卵,属于专性滞育;天津北大港和新疆哈密飞蝗种群的胚胎滞育随光周期的不同而变化,长光照和短光照下分别产非滞有卵和滞育卵,属于不同类型的兼性滞育。在纬度等条件差别不大的情况下,海拔高度对滞有特性的影响可能起主导作用。长光照延长哈密和北大港飞蝗种群的产卵前期、降低其产卵频率及产卵量;但对和硕飞蝗种群的这些特性无明显影响。和硕飞蝗种群胚胎打破滞育所需的低温处理时间较哈密和北大港飞蝗种群所需时间长。  相似文献   

山西省及邻近地区中华稻蝗5个种群RAPD分析及其亲缘关系   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
采用10条10bp随机引物对来自山西省临猗县(山西南部)、屯留县、太原市近郊(山西中部)、代县(山西北部)、内蒙呼和浩特市郊5个不同种群的中华稻蝗(Oxya chinensis)和广西南宁日本稻蝗(Oxya japonica)共64个个体进行了RAPD分析,探讨了中华稻蝗5个不同种群的亲缘关系。结果表明:10条随机引物对供试的64个个体共产生115条谱带。所获片段的分子量大小为200~2500bp,单个引物扩增的谱带数是5~15条,平均为12条。根据扩增出的RAPD图谱,运用SPSS软件包中的Between-groups linkage法进行聚类分析,聚类结果显示,中华稻蝗不同种群的个体优先聚为1类;供试中华稻蝗5个种群的系统树分为两大分支,山西临猗种群、屯留种群亲缘关系最近,首先相聚,然后与太原种群聚为一支,山西代县和内蒙呼和浩特2种群聚为另一支,两支相聚后与日本稻蝗相聚。表明供试中华稻蝗5个种群存在一定程度的差异,其亲缘关系的远近与地理距离之间存在一定的正相关关系。  相似文献   

越北腹露蝗Fruhstorferiola tonkinensis Will.是广东北江流域河滩蝗虫的优势种。以不浸水的蝗卵为对照,研究滞育期蝗卵浸水5~95d和胚胎发育期蝗卵浸水1~30d对卵孵化率和历期的影响。结果表明,随浸水时间的增加,孵化率下降,卵发育延迟;滞育期蝗卵经受95d的浸水仍有8.01%存活,而胚胎发育期蝗卵浸水30d后全部死亡,滞育期蝗卵比胚胎发育期蝗卵具有更强的耐浸水能力。说明越北腹露蝗以卵滞育的形式发展了对水浸胁迫的适应。  相似文献   

【目的】迷卡斗蟋Velarifictorus micado存在两种显著不同的滞育型,即卵滞育和若虫滞育,而在长江流域附近两种滞育型种群存在广泛同域分布。本研究旨在探究浙江省同域分布不同滞育型迷卡斗蟋种群之间的遗传分化的情况。【方法】以浙江省百山祖、大盘山和天童山3个地区的不同滞育型的迷卡斗蟋6个种群共134个个体为研究材料,筛选具较高多态性的微卫星位点,并使用筛选获得的微卫星位点对这6个种群共134个个体进行种群遗传学分析。【结果】筛选出11对具较高多态性的微卫星位点;全部种群的平均等位基因数为13.803,平均观测杂合度为0.743,其中百山祖卵滞育种群观测杂合度最低,与其他种群间遗传分化最大。百山祖卵滞育种群与其他种群之间的基因交流程度很低,其余种群间均显示出高水平的基因流。【结论】浙江迷卡斗蟋不同地理种群及不同滞育型特征种群间遗传分化程度均较低,存在较频繁的基因交流,尚未表现出物种分化的趋势。  相似文献   

To analyze the role of protein kinase CK2 (CK2) during early embryogenesis in non-diapause and diapause of the silkworm, the distribution and localization of Bombyx mori CK2 (BmCK2) were investigated by an immunohistochemical technique using antibodies against the α- and β-subunits of BmCK2. Both were localized in blastoderm cells of non-diapause and diapause eggs until 24 h after oviposition. More than 24 h after oviposition, however, the distribution of BmCK2 was different in non-diapause and diapause eggs. In non-diapause eggs, BmCK2 was mainly localized in yolk cells. In contrast, in diapause eggs, the localization was mainly observed in germ-band cells. Furthermore, we confirmed that the RNA helicase-like protein that was localized together with BmCK2 in non-diapause eggs was phosphorylated by BmCK2 in vitro. These data suggest that the role of BmCK2 is different in non-diapause and diapause eggs.  相似文献   

In the Ibaraki population (Japan) of Locusta migratoria, adult locusts produce diapause eggs under short-day (SD) conditions and non-diapause eggs under long-day (LD) conditions. The identity and titre of ecdysteroids in the ovaries and eggs from LD and SD adult females were investigated by RIA/HPLC. Maternal ecdysteroids accumulated in the developing ovaries represented about 90% polar conjugates, 5% free ecdysteroids and 5% non-hydrolyzable metabolites. Before oviposition the quantity of ecdysteroids reached 29.8±1.85 ng 20-hydroxyecdysone equiv. per mg tissue ovaries from LD females and 13.1±3.55 ng 20E equiv./mg in ovaries from SD females. The sum of RIA-positive materials in newly laid eggs was more than three times higher in non-diapause eggs than in diapause eggs. Ecdysteroids present in egg extracts comprised about 85% polar conjugates, 5% free ecdysteroids and 10% non-hydrolyzable metabolites. On the other hand, after diapause termination the amount of ecdysteroids increased drastically. Also, the composition of ecdysteroids differed from that observed during diapause and became comparable to that of non-diapause eggs. The significant differences in the ecdysteroids between non-diapause and diapause eggs may suggest the possible involvement of these compounds in the control of embryonic diapause of this locust.  相似文献   

To clarify the control mechanism of diapause hormone (DH) secretion in the silkworm Bombyx mori a series of anatomical and pharmacological experiments were carried out. The arrangement of 'diapause' and 'non-diapause' eggs in the ovarioles of the moths was determined by the coloration method to estimate the accumulation of 3-hydroxykynurenine in the eggs. The females destined to lay non-diapause eggs (non-diapause producers) had diapause eggs in their ovaries if their subesophageal ganglions (Sg) had been surgically removed at 2days after larval-pupal ecdysis or later. In contrast when the surgical extirpation extended to the brain and the corpora cardiaca (CC)-corpora allata (CA) complex in addition to the Sg, the non-diapause producers had no diapause eggs. When the Sg was removed from the females destined to lay diapause eggs (diapause-producers), diapause eggs appeared in response to the treatment at 2days after larval-pupal ecdysis, but the appearance of diapause eggs was delayed by 2days when the brain-CC-CA complex was included among the organs removed. These observations suggested that DH is produced in Sg and transferred to the CC-CA complex, and that the secretion of DH from the complex is suppressed in non-diapause producers. The pattern of diapause and non-diapause eggs induced by the transection of the subesophageal connective in diapause and non-diapause producers suggested a regenerative and secretory capacity of the neurosecretory cells after the operation. The appearance of diapause eggs in non-diapause producers with transected protocerebrum of the brain confirmed that there was an inhibitory center in the protocerebrum. Changes in parts of the ovarioles containing diapause and non-diapause eggs with time of injection of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and picrotoxin suggested that a GABAergic inhibitory mechanism in DH secretion may be active in non-diapause producers but inactive in diapause producers throughout the pupal stage.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on maintenance and termination of embryonic diapause were investigated in Jining (35.4°N, 116.6°E) and Sihong (33.5°N, 118.2°E) strains of the Chinese rice grasshopper, Oxya chinensis Thunberg (Orthoptera: Catantopidae). Eggs of both strains entered diapause when incubated at 30, 25, or 20 °C. Chilling at 8 °C had an evident effect on diapause termination and almost all eggs chilled for 60 days ended diapause development. Chilling of eggs at 8 °C for only 20 days failed to result in any hatching at 20 °C, suggesting that such level of chilling was not enough to induce diapause termination. However, the treatment combining incubation of eggs at 30 °C for varying lengths of time with subsequent incubation to 20 °C had a distinct effect on the completion of diapause of the eggs. The results indicate that there were two temperature optima, that is, low temperature (chilling) and high temperature, for diapause development in this grasshopper species. Incubation of chilled eggs at 20 °C for 5–15 days followed by further incubation at 25 °C reduced termination of diapause significantly compared with the eggs only chilled at 8 °C. Exposure of eggs chilled at 8 °C to a pulse of 25 °C from 1 to 7 days, separated by a 20-day interval at 8 °C, resulted in a decrease in the percentage of successfully hatched eggs as the length of the pulse of 25 °C increased. The results suggest that diapause intensity may be restored at moderately high temperatures. This reversible change in diapause intensity would play an important role in maintaining diapause before winter.  相似文献   

Summary The morphological features during development of diapause and non-diapause eggs of the silkworm,Bombyx mori, were investigated by means of light and electron microscopy, with special reference to eggs up to 24 h after oviposition.The blastoderm and yolk cells began to be formed about 6 and 24 h after oviposition, respectively, in both the diapause and non-diapause eggs, indicating that the diapause and non-diapause eggs develop at similar rates at least until 24 h after oviposition.Specific changes in the distribution of yolk granules were observed during early development of the diapause egg. Its yolk granules gradually aggregated into clusters from the periphery toward the inside of the egg during the period of blastoderm formation. Aggregation of yolk granules was most noticeable about 12 h after oviposition and then they dispersed again before yolk cell formation. On the other hand, yolk granules of the non-diapause eggs remained dispersed during development.  相似文献   

Klaus  Sternberg 《Journal of Zoology》1995,235(1):163-174
In two bog-dwelling dragonflies, Somatochlora alpestris and S. arctica , the influence of oviposition date and temperature upon duration of embryonic development was studied. Egg diapause was facultative. With advancing season, the proportion of diapause eggs increases from 0 to 37% in S. alpestris and from 0 to 18% in S. arctica. Eggs needed at least 17 to 38 days for development. Hatching curves were temperature-independent in nearly all experiments but developmental rate increased at higher ambient temperature. In S. arctica , responses of developmental rate to temperature differed in eggs laid on different dates. In S. alpestris , duration of egg development decreased as season progressed. The duration of egg development of non-diapause eggs and proportion of diapause eggs in S. alpestris and possibly in S. arctica may also both be a function of female age at the time of oviposition. The ecological significance of the different development patterns is discussed.  相似文献   

Ouabain, an inhibitor of the active transport of some inorganic cations, functioned to produce non-diapause eggs in diapause egg producers. The effectiveness of this chemical related to non-diapause egg production was evident in 40 nmole injection per 4-day-old pharate adult. Simultaneous injections of ouabain with diapause hormone preparation or K+-ion suppressed non-diapause egg production to as a great extent as though they functioned competitively. Other experiments indicate that ouabain does not affect the ovaries directly but appears to inhibit the release of endogenous diapause hormone from the suboesophageal ganglion by affecting the central nervous system. The shortage of 3-hydroxykynurenine in non-diapause eggs produced by ouabain is thought not to be the result of the blockage of active transport at the ovaries but the result of a lack of diapause hormone.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Senegalese grasshopper, Oedaleus senegalensis (Krauss) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), is periodically a devastating pest of subsistence crops in the sahelian zone of West Africa.Egg diapause has been suggested as an important component of the mechanism acting to generate outbreaks and therefore diapause duration, egg survival in relation to desiccation and egg-pod morphology were investigated in this study.
Three months after oviposition, 50% of initially diapausing egg pods maintained in the laboratory exhibited 'partial emergence' and produced hoppers.No difference in diapause duration was evident between egg pods maintained at a constant 30 ± 1°C and those maintained under alternating temperature conditions of 23 ± 1°C and 35 ± 1°C.Laboratory maintained eggs showed significant variation in diapause duration with diapause lasting between 2 months and 4 years.Diapause duration was shorter in the field with only c. 1.4% of eggs remaining in diapause after a single dry season (6–7 months).Survival of eggs in relation to desiccation was high in the field and low in the laboratory, and field eggs lost only c. 20% of their body weight over the dry season.Survival of diapausing and non-diapausing egg pods in the laboratory was similar, indicating that diapause in this species is primarily a mechanism for preventing emergence at an inappropriate time of year, rather than conferring any additional resistance to desiccation.Egg pods oviposited under diapause-inducing conditions (LD 14:10 h, 25°C) were significantly shorter than those laid under non-diapausing conditions (LD 10:14 h, 40°C).These results are discussed both in relation to possible O.senegalensis 'bet-hedging' strategies and to the probable mechanism operating behind major outbreaks of this species.  相似文献   

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