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雄全异株植物瘿椒树(省沽油科)的传粉生物学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吕文  刘文哲 《植物学报》2010,45(6):713-722
从开花动态、传粉昆虫、花的形态结构、繁育系统、花粉活力和柱头可授性等方面研究了我国特有珍稀植物瘿椒树(Tapiscia sinensis Oliv.)的传粉生物学特性。瘿椒树是典型的雄全异株植物,两性花中含有功能性花粉,且自交亲和,但雄花花粉活力和萌发力是两性花的10倍以上。雄株和两性植株具有相同开花物候期,花期均为5月下旬至6月上旬,单花期为4-5天,雄花和两性花的5枚花药开裂的不同步性明显延长了散粉时间。两性花雌蕊先熟,柱头可授性较长。具有适应风媒和虫媒传粉的花部特征。传粉昆虫主要为蜜蜂科(Apidae)和食蚜蝇科(Syrphidae)昆虫,访花高峰期为8:30-10:30。维持瘿椒树雄全异株的可能机制是:雄株总体上增加了异交花粉的数量和质量;两性花的雄蕊为该物种提供了繁殖保障,同时为传粉者提供了报酬。  相似文献   

雄全异株流苏树的花部特征及繁育系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何艳霞  孔令茜  陈鹏臻  苗欣  尚富德 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8467-8476
雄全异株是自然界罕见的繁育系统。通过野外观察和人工授粉实验对雄全异株植物流苏树传粉生物学特征及繁育系统进行研究。结果表明:流苏树的雄花与两性花的雄蕊发育过程基本一致,均能产生功能花粉粒。两性花的两个心皮原基愈合分化形成雌蕊,雄花的两个心皮原基愈合后形成一个空室并停止发育至整体退化。雌蕊先熟,柱头可授期长,花粉在花药开裂后具有活力,室温下,活力维持在10%以上约2周。流苏树靠风和昆虫(主要是蓟马和食蚜蝇)传粉。控制授粉30 d后,自然对照结实率为34.36%;两性花不存在无融合生殖现象,自交亲和,但自发自交的结实率仅10.70%;人工授粉下杂交结实率显著高于自交(同株异花);有性生殖受到传粉者限制;是混合交配系统。证实流苏树是木犀科又一功能性的雄全异株,其依靠雄株增加异交花粉的数量和质量,避免自交衰退;同时两性花的自交亲和保障生殖成功。流苏树雄花的雌蕊退化,从另一个角度证明木犀科的雄全异株是两性株向雌雄异株进化的过渡状态。  相似文献   

七叶树繁育系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李莺 《西北植物学报》2012,32(10):1990-1996
对七叶树的开花物候期、花部特征、单花开放动态、花粉活力、柱头可授性、花粉-胚珠比(P/O)和杂交指数(OCI)等有关生殖生物学特性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)在西安地区七叶树4月22日进入初花期,5月5日至13日为盛花期,5月14日进入终花期,整个群花期持续30d左右,单花花期持续5~8d。(2)七叶树的花有雄花和两性花两种形态,其在形态大小和生理上有显著差异,雄花小于两性花,其子房退化,雄花的花粉活力远远大于两性花的花粉活力,雄花开花当天花粉活力最强,达到75.69%,是七叶树授粉的最佳时间;两性花雌雄蕊发育正常,其柱头可授期持续8~9d,开花后3d柱头可授性达到最强。(3)P/O和OCI检测结果均表明,七叶树繁育系统为异交,需要传粉者,属于雄全同株植物。  相似文献   

峨眉拟单性木兰的开花生物学特性与繁育系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为阐明峨眉拟单性木兰(Parakmeria omeiensis)在自然条件结实率低的原因和确定最佳人工授粉时期,该文通过观察峨眉拟单性木兰的开花动态,采用杂交指数估算、花粉胚珠比、花粉活力及柱头活性检测、人工授粉试验等方法对其繁育系统进行了研究。结果表明:(1)植物园保育的峨眉拟单性木兰花期在4月底到5月中下旬,持续17~23 d,雄株始花期比雌株早3~4 d,但两者花期可遇。(2)两性花经检测雄蕊败育,实为功能上的雌性,部分雄株个体的雄花上残留1~2个心皮,其性别分化是通过雌、雄蕊选择性败育形成的,为隐性雌雄异株(cryptic dioecy)。(3)雄花、两性花开放经历佛焰苞开裂、花被片开裂、展开、闭合、二次开放、凋落6个阶段,历时4 d。(4)雄花初次展开时花粉活力最高,达92.8%,开花2 d后活力显著下降;两性花柱头在花被片展开期可授性最强,盛开后柱头部分可授。(5)杂交指数为5,P/O比为2.14×10~4。(6)套袋试验表明,峨眉拟单性木兰不能进行自花传粉,人工异花授粉的结实率和出种数显著高于自然授粉,且不存在无融合生殖。这说明峨眉拟单性木兰繁育系统为专性异交,传粉过程需要传粉媒介,自然条件下结实率低,主要是受传粉昆虫和柱头可授期短的限制。  相似文献   

刺山柑雄全同株性系统的适应意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对分布于新疆北部干旱荒漠区的刺山柑Capparisspinosa性系统进行了研究.结果表明:(1)该物种具有典型的雄全同株性系统.雄花和两性花的雄蕊均正常发育,且有长短之分;两性花的雌蕊发育正常,而雄花的雌蕊败育,只行使雄性功能.(2)居群间每天开放的雄花和两性花比率、两性花的长短雄蕊数及雄花短雄蕊的花丝与花药长等存在极显著差异(P<0.01),但花器官生物量没有显著差异(P>0.05).(3)单花花期为15-16 h,每天18:00时左右开始开放,有强烈的气味和花蜜产生.植株每天产生的雄花和两性花数是随机的,可形成短时的雄花与两性花异株,但居群内雄花数比两性花数多.(4)三个居群两性花的P/O值分别为1.57×104、1.65×104和1.71×104.居群内雄花和两性花的花粉数及长、短雄蕊花药的花粉数均无显著差异(P>0.05),居群间雄花和两性花的花粉数、两性花的胚珠数及P/O值差异也不显著(P>0.05).(5)各居群雄花和两性花长短雄蕊的花粉活力动态变化曲线相似,花粉寿命为18-20 h,两性花雌蕊柱头的可授期为16-18h.(6)访花昆虫为膜翅目Hymenoptera和鳞翅目Lepidoptera昆虫,3个居群共有7种访花昆虫,其活动受天气影响很大.(7)两性花不存在无融合生殖现象,授自花花粉、同株异花花粉和异株异花花粉后均可结实,属于混合交配系统.刺山柑的雄全同株性系统可能是在长期与荒漠环境相适应的过程中由遗传和环境共同作用的结果.雄花的出现不仅增加了花粉数和P/O值,提高了植株的雄性适合度,同时增加了花的数量、对传粉昆虫的吸引力以及两性花柱头接受异花花粉的机会,提高了异交率和雌性适合度,保障其在荒漠极端环境中繁殖成功.  相似文献   

为了解珍稀濒危植物细果秤锤树(Sinojackia microcarpa)开花特征和有性繁殖,对其花部形态特征、开花动态、花粉胚珠比(P/O)、柱头可授性、花粉活力、套袋试验、访花昆虫及访花频率进行观测。结果表明:(1)细果秤锤树的杂交指数(OCI)为4,单花期5~7 d,种群花期可持续20 d左右。花粉与胚珠比为4 093.21±498.56。开花后第3天的花粉活力最高(76.21%),而开花后第7天时花粉活力较低(18.37%)。细果秤锤树柱头最适可授期在开花后第2天。(2)套袋试验表明,细果秤锤树存在部分自交不亲和性,同时不存在无融合生殖,传粉昆虫是其完成生殖过程所必需的,且异株授粉能够提高其坐果率和结籽率。细果秤锤树的访花昆虫有3目5科7种,主要访花昆虫有黄胸木蜂(Xylocopa appendiculata)、熊蜂(Bombus sp.)、胡蜂(Vespa sp.)、中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)、黑带食蚜蝇(Episyrphus balteatus)、其中熊蜂平均访花频率最高,达(8.67±0.21) 次·h-1。对该物种开花生物学特征与繁育系统进行深入研究,有利于进一步探究其濒危机制,为后续珍稀濒危植物的研究提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

王茜  邓洪平  丁博  周光林 《生态学报》2012,32(12):3921-3930
据有关资料记载,柃属(Eurya Thunb.)植物属于雌雄异株植物,目前仅在柃木(Eurya japonica Thunb.)中有过两性花的报道。近年的调查发现,钝叶柃(Eurya obtusifolia H.T.Chang)也有性别变异,存在两性花。在对其性别特征及功能研究的基础上,进一步跟踪了钝叶柃的开花和传粉过程,对不同性别花的花部形态和传粉特征进行了比较分析。在重庆市北碚区选取了4个样地,测定了花部形态、花朵朝向、花粉活力、柱头可授性、花粉对水的耐受性、单花花粉量和单花泌蜜体积等形态和传粉相关指标,并对其开花动态、传粉昆虫种类和昆虫传粉行为进行了仔细观察,还进行了套袋试验。结果发现钝叶柃不同性别花的花部形态和传粉特征既有一些共同点,又存在着明显差异,性别变异株则呈现出雌雄植株间的过渡特征。钝叶柃是一种花期短,花小而多,开花同步性高的植物,雌花和雄花色味相同。该植物的主要传粉方式为虫媒,主要传粉者为两种蜜蜂科昆虫,但风媒也在其传粉中起着一定作用。该植物不同性别花的主要差异有:1)雄花呈灯笼状,花瓣不反卷,雌花辐射状,花瓣反卷;2)雄花较雌花大;3)雄花倾向于垂直朝下,雌花倾向于斜向下朝向枝条末端;4)雌花寿命较雄花长。钝叶柃在开花和传粉上的许多特征都在一定程度上体现了其对雌雄异株性系统的适应。相应地,传粉者在不同性别植株上的行为也存在一定差异。钝叶柃不同性别花在形态上的差异是其周围各种生物因素及非生物因素共同作用的结果,其中传粉昆虫和雨水的选择可能在这些差异的塑造中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

对迁地保护的珍稀濒危植物猬实的开花动态、花粉活力、柱头可授性、访花昆虫种类、访花频率、花粉与胚珠比(P/O)、异交指数(OCI)进行观测.结果表明:猬实的单花期约为7 d,种群花期约为14 d,花冠展开后2~3 h,花粉活力达到最高,约为90%,3 d后花粉基本不具活力.在整个单花期,柱头一直具可授性,花冠展开后第2天可授性最强.花粉与胚珠比(P/O)为(398.1±63.7),异交指数(OCI)为3,表明猬实是以异交为主,自交亲和的繁育系统,有时需要传粉者完成传粉过程.猬实的访花昆虫有10余种,以膜翅目蜜蜂科和隧蜂科昆虫为主,另外还有少量双翅目食蚜蝇科昆虫,偶见鳞翅目的柑橘凤蝶和长喙天蛾,其中以蜜蜂科蜜蜂属昆虫传粉效率最高.迁地保护的猬实未见结籽,其原因还有待于进一步研究.  相似文献   

澜沧舞花姜繁殖生物学特性及其进化意义探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
 舞花姜属(Globba)植物具有多样的繁殖策略。分布于西双版纳的澜沧舞花姜(Globba lancangensis)自然条件下既能结实,同时又能在花序下部产生珠芽。通过对澜沧舞花姜的花部性状、花粉活力、传粉昆虫的访花行为、结实状况、珠芽产量等多方面的观测,初步了解了澜沧舞花姜的繁殖生物学特性。结果表明,澜沧舞花姜具有雄花及两性花同株的性表达特征。雄花及两性花的花粉在中午12∶00以前活力很高,之后雄花的花粉活力急剧下降,而两性花的花粉到16∶00仍有萌发能力。澜沧舞花姜在花序上产生雄花及两性花,每个花序每天仅开少量的花,其中50%的时间仅开雄花或两性花,在整个种群中形成了一定程度的暂时性的雄花两性花异株现象,从而增加了异交的可能性。澜沧舞花姜雄花的存在为P/O低的两性花提供了花粉补贴,这使得它可以通过调节雄花与两性花比例来调节种群的P/O,从而保证一定的结实能力。人工自交与异交下结果率没有差异,但自交结实率显著低于异交结实率,表明澜沧舞花姜有明显的自交不亲和现象。排蜂(Megapis dorstata)和黄绿彩带蜂(Nomia strigata)是澜沧舞花姜的主要访花昆虫,其中排蜂是它的有效传粉昆虫。澜沧舞花姜可能通过雄花两性花同株与自交不亲和相结合来促进异交。  相似文献   

对香港木兰的花果期物候、花朵结构、单花期、开花特性及花粉在离体培养和人工授粉条件下的萌发现象进行观察和研究。结果表明,该种的开花习性限制蜂类昆虫在其柱头可授期内进入花内传粉,为专一的甲虫传粉植物;花粉萌发时间长、开花不集中、花期适逢雨季都影响到昆虫的传粉活动和有效受精。  相似文献   

Mathematical models predict that to maintain androdioecious populations, males must have at least twice the fitness of male function in hermaphrodites. To understand how androdioecy is maintained in Laguncularia racemosa (white mangrove), outcrossing, inbreeding depression, and relative male fitness were estimated in two androdioecious populations and one hermaphroditic population. Outcrossing was estimated based on length of pollinator foraging bout and pollen carryover assumptions. Inbreeding depression was measured at three life stages: fruit set, seedling emergence, and seedling survivorship. The relative fitnesses of males and the male component of hermaphrodites were compared at these three stages and at the pollen production stage. Male frequency predictions generated by Lloyd's model were compared with observed frequencies in two androdioecious subpopulations. Outcrossing estimates were moderate for all populations (0.29-0.66). Inbreeding depression varied among populations (-0.03-0.86), but the strength of inbreeding depression did not increase with male frequency. Males produced significantly more flowers/inflorescence than hermaphrodites, but pollen production/flower did not differ. Male and hermaphroditic progeny did not differ significantly at other life stages. Populations of white mangrove with male plants were functionally androdioecious. Lloyd's model accurately predicted male frequency in one androdioecious subpopulation, but underestimated male frequency in the second subpopulation.  相似文献   

花粉的时序呈现是指植物花药按一定次序释放花粉的现象, 被认为是对传粉者访问频率的一种适应。在传粉者充足的环境中, 植物通过限制花粉1次被移出的数量, 使花粉供体能作为多个父本, 从而提高雄性适合度。该文从开花习性、花部特征、传粉者及繁育系统等方面对早春短命植物黑鳞顶冰花(Gagea nigra)的花粉呈现时序及其适应性进行研究, 结果表明, 黑鳞顶冰花单花期约5-7天; 白天开放, 晚上闭合, 花药次序开裂, 呈拉链式散粉, 散粉期4-6天。黑鳞顶冰花以异交为主, 部分自交亲和。蝇类和食蚜蝇为主要传粉者, 访花频率为(0.141±0.078) flower∙h-1。在雄蕊的时序散粉过程中, 雌蕊持续生长, 经历了从低于雄蕊到等高、再到高于雄蕊阶段。在等高阶段, 单花早晚的开闭, 使得雌雄蕊紧靠在一起, 促成了自动自花授粉。在传粉者缺乏的环境中, 黑鳞顶冰花的花粉时序呈现延长了散粉期, 在等待传粉者和分摊风险方面具重要作用。这种花粉渐次呈现的策略, 在新疆的早春开花植物中可能广泛存在。  相似文献   

Gynodioecy is a dimorphic breeding system in which female individuals coexist with hermaphroditic individuals in the same population. Females only contribute to the next generation via ovules, and many studies have shown that they are usually less attractive than hermaphrodites to pollinators. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how females manage to persist in populations despite these disadvantages. The ‘resource reallocation hypothesis’ (RRH) states that females channel resources not invested in pollen production and floral advertisement towards the production of more and/or larger seeds. We investigated pollination patterns and tested the RRH in a population of Thymus vulgaris. We measured flower display, flower size, nectar production, visitation rates, pollinator constancy and flower lifespan in the two morphs. In addition, we measured experimentally the effects of pollen and resource addition on female reproductive success (fruit set, seed set, seed weight) of the two morphs. Despite lower investment in floral advertisement, female individuals were no less attractive to pollinators than hermaphrodites on a per flower basis. Other measures of pollinator behaviour (number of flowers visited per plant, morph preference and morph constancy) also showed that pollinators did not discriminate against female flowers. In addition, stigma receptivity was longer in female flowers. Accordingly, and contrary to most studies on gynodioecious species, reproductive success of females was not pollen limited. Instead, seed production was pollen limited in hermaphrodites, suggesting low levels of cross‐pollination in hermaphrodites. Seed production was resource limited in hermaphrodites, but not in females, thus providing support for the RRH. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 395–408.  相似文献   

Protogyny is supposed to represent the ancestral form of dichogamy in the angiosperms, but is rare in advanced groups such as the Asteridae, in which protandry prevails by far. Here we report on an unusual form of protogyny combined with herkogamy in a Chinese species of Gesneriaceae (Asteridae–Lamiales): Oreocharis acaulis (formerly Opithandra acaulis). This is characterized by a conspicuous protrusion of the style from the flower bud and the stigma becoming receptive before corolla opening (female-only stage; preanthetic protogyny) and both sexes staying functional during anthesis (hermaphroditic stage), with the stigma presented above the anther level (approach herkogamy). The plants studied were found to be self-compatible, but autonomous self-pollination and apomixis were not observed. Successful pollination was found to depend fully on the presence of insect pollinators (Bombus sp.). The visiting frequency was higher in the hermaphroditic stage (in which also more nectar was produced) than in the female-only stage. The out-crossed flower buds opened earlier and had a shorter flowering period than selfed flowers. Similarly, the outcross-pollen germinated earlier and the pollen tube growth was faster than in self-pollen. Anthers, pistil and corolla of O. acaulis obviously form an integrative functional unit in which the elongated style plays a key role both in pollen-dispensing and pollen-deposition. The combination of preanthetic protogyny with herkogamy has probably arisen through selection for promoting out-crossing and prolonging the exposition time of the receptive stigma in order to capture a higher amount of pollen grains. This may be understood as a strategy to cope with scarcity of pollinators in the plants’ habitat.  相似文献   

Ecological interactions between flowers and pollinators greatly affect the reproductive success. To facilitate these interactions, many flowers are known to display their attractive qualities, such as scent emission, flower rewards and floral vertical direction, in a rhythmic fashion. However, less is known about how plants regulate the relationship between these flower traits to adapt to pollinator visiting behavior and increase reproduction success. Here we investigated the adaptive significance of the flower bending from erect to downward in Trifolium repens. We observed the flowering dynamic characteristics (changes of vertical direction of florets, flowering number, pollen grain numbers, pollen viability and stigma receptivity over time after blossom) and the factors affecting the rate of flower bending in T. repens. Then we altered the vertical direction of florets in inflorescence of different types (upright and downward), and compared the pollinator behaviors and female reproductive success. Our results showed that florets opened sequentially in inflorescence, and then bend downwards slowly after flowering. The bending speed of florets was mainly influenced by pollination, and bending angle increased with the prolongation of flowering time, while the pollen germination rate, stigma receptivity and nectar secretion has a rhythm of “low-high-low” during the whole period with the time going. The visiting frequency of all the four species of pollinators on upward flowers was significantly higher than that of downward flowers, and they especially prefer to visit flowers with a bending angle of 30°–60°, when the flowers was exactly of the highest flower rewards (nectar secretion and number of pollen grains), stigma receptivity and pollen germination rate. The seed set ratio and fruit set ratio of upward flowers were significantly higher than downward flowers, but significantly lower than unmanipulated flowers. Our results indicated that the T. repens could increase female and male fitness by accurate pollination. The most suitable flower angle saves pollinators’ visiting energy and enables them to obtain the highest nectar rewards. This coordination between plants and pollinators maximizes the interests of them, which is a crucial factor in initiating specialized plant-pollinator relationships.  相似文献   

D E Wolf  J A Satkoski  K White  L H Rieseberg 《Genetics》2001,159(3):1243-1257
Datisca glomerata is an androdioecious plant species containing male and hermaphroditic individuals. Molecular markers and crossing data suggest that, in both D. glomerata and its dioecious sister species D. cannabina, sex is determined by a single nuclear locus, at which maleness is dominant. Supporting this conclusion, an amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is heterozygous in males and homozygous recessive in hermaphrodites in three populations of the androdioecious species. Additionally, hermaphrodite x male crosses produced 1:1 sex ratios, while hermaphrodite x hermaphrodite crosses produced almost entirely hermaphroditic offspring. No perfectly sex-linked marker was found in the dioecious species, but all markers associated with sex mapped to a single linkage group and were heterozygous in the male parent. There was no sex-ratio heterogeneity among crosses within D. cannabina collections, but males from one collection produced highly biased sex ratios (94% females), suggesting that there may be sex-linked meiotic drive or a cytoplasmic sex-ratio factor. Interspecific crosses produced only male and female offspring, but no hermaphrodites, suggesting that hermaphroditism is recessive to femaleness. This comparative approach suggests that the hermaphrodite form arose in a dioecious population from a recessive mutation that allowed females to produce pollen.  相似文献   

益智传粉生物学的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
 益智(Alpinia oxyphylla)的花期从2月底至4月下旬;单株花期(花序)约为16~26 d,通常为23~26 d;单花花期一般为1 d。正常情况下,益智和其它山姜属植物一样,具有花柱卷曲性促进异花授粉的机制,表现出两种类型:花柱上举型和花柱下垂型,其花柱卷曲运动的节律与其它已报道的山姜属植物基本一致。但观察发现,当遭遇低温天气时(日最高气温<18℃),单花花期延长为2 d,无论是上举型个体还是下垂型个体,均只表现出一种花型——下垂型:上午开花时花柱弯向上,柱头位于已开裂散发出花粉的花药上方,直到第二天上午6∶30~11∶00间,花柱才陆续地慢慢向下运动,柱头下降至与花药等高或位于花药下方。益智的主要传粉昆虫是蜜蜂(Apidae sp.)、木蜂(Xylocopa sp.),绝大多数的访花者的访花目的是吸蜜。益智的花蜜分泌量(8.37~15.79 μl)和花蜜含糖量(30.12%~32.83%)较高,花蜜是益智作为传粉者访花的最主要的报酬。实验结果还表明,益智花部中唇瓣对昆虫访花有显著的招引作用;益智的花蜜对蜜蜂的访花频率有显著的影响,对木蜂有一定的招引作用,但并不显著。而花粉(花药)则对昆虫的访花频率影响不大。人工授粉实验结果表明益智存在自交亲和性,无论是上举型或下垂型个体自交和异交均有较高的结实率;人工自交和异交的结实率在上举型植株中存在较大的差异,而在下垂型个体中则差异不明显;去雄套袋、去柱头套袋和完全套袋不授粉等处理均不结实,表明益智不存在无融合生殖现象和自动自花授粉现象。益智的繁育系统是异花授粉交配系统。  相似文献   

Tapiscia sinensis, a rare endemic woody plant with both male and hermaphrodite individuals, is distributed in southern China. Whether T. sinensis is functionally androdioecious is unknown. In this study, we compare the male fitness between male and hermaphrodite individuals and perform pollination experiments in different habitats, identify the ability of actual siring of pollen from hermaphrodites and males under natural pollination, and discuss the evolution and maintenance of androdioecy in T. sinensis. Research suggests that flowers and fruits grow synchronously on hermaphrodite plants of T. sinensis from April to June. The males of T. sinensis had more than twice the genetic contribution of hermaphrodites through their male function and the fruit set from male pollination and cross‐pollination was the highest in all of the treatments, whereas that from self‐pollination was the lowest. Additionally, paternity analysis showed that the hermaphroditic pollen could result in siring success under natural pollination. The results showed that T. sinensis is a functionally androdioecious tree, that male individuals might evolve from a hermaphroditic ancestor and that the synchronous growth of flowers and fruit in hermaphrodites might facilitate the evolution and maintenance of androdioecy in T. sinensis.  相似文献   

The evolutionary pathway between hermaphroditism and dioecy (females and males in a single population) draws widespread interests, and androdioecy (bisexuals and males in a single population) is rarely achieved as an intermediate state between the two breeding systems. Flower bud differentiations in the pistils of hermaphrodites and the pistillodes of males in androdioecious Tapiscia sinensis Oliv. are investigated by routine paraffin section technology, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. A phylogenetic approach is used to analyze the origin of androdioecy. In T. sinensis, hermaphroditic flowers (HF) and male flowers (MF) experienced a similar development pattern in early flower bud differentiation, including the initiation of tepals and stamens. However, the carpel differentiation of MF and HF proceed in different patterns. In HF, the central zone bulges out and produces a ring meristem on which two to three carpel primordia emerge, which eventually developed into a normal pistil with a stigma, a style, and an ovary. However, in most MF, vestigial pistils are stem‐like (type I), and very few have an empty ovary (type II) or a sterile ovule (type III). Moreover, the evolution of sexual systems within the Huerteales indicates that hermaphroditism is the primitive character of T. sinensis. Tapiscia sinensis shows different degrees of reduction between male flowers and bisexual ones in the evolution to dioecy. Functional androdioecy originated from a hermaphroditic ancestor in T. sinensis and, as an intermediate sexual system, involves evolution from hermaphrodites to dioecy.  相似文献   

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