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正2018年10月26日,在贵州省贵阳市龙洞堡国际机场内(26°32′30″N,106°48′11″E,海拔1132m,挂网高度0.5 m)网捕到一只夜鹰科(Caprimulgidae)鸟类,受条件限制未进行鸟体测量及DNA测序等工作,拍照后立即放飞。经查阅《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》(郑光美2017),贵州仅有普通夜鹰(Caprimulgus indicus)分布,  相似文献   

正2017年6月17日和18日,在浙江省龙泉市凤阳山先后观察并拍摄到了棕腹大仙鹟(Niltava davidi)和冕雀(Melanochlora sultanea),经查阅《浙江动物志》(诸葛阳1990)、《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》(郑光美2017)、《浙江鸟类名录更新》(陈水华等2012)等著作及相关网络数据库,确认为浙江省首次发现此二鸟种。2017年6月17日16时,在浙江省龙泉市凤阳山海拔1 500 m处(27°53′50.82″N,119°09′6.53″E)观察并拍  相似文献   

雷宇  刘慧  刘强 《动物学杂志》2019,(3):413-413
2018年10月26日,在贵州省贵阳市龙洞堡国际机场内(26°32′30″N,106°48′11″E,海拔1132m,挂网高度0.5m)网捕到一只夜鹰科(Caprimulgidae)鸟类,受条件限制未进行鸟体测量及DNA测序等工作,拍照后立即放飞。经查阅《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》(郑光美2017),贵州仅有普通夜鹰(Caprimulgusindicus)分布,但该鸟体色以及尾羽特征均与普通夜鹰不符,较符合长尾夜鹰(C.macrurus)的特征描述。  相似文献   

孙丹萍  刘玉卿  梁艺馨  杨建敏  姚孝宗 《动物学杂志》2016,51(3):383,448-383,448
正2013年7月9日,在河南省洛阳市栾川县老君山主峰西侧追梦谷(33°45′26″N,111°38′33″E,海拔830 m),进行蜻蜓多样性专项调查时,偶遇当地村民手中抓着两只漂亮的小鸟。经过仔细观察和辨认,鉴定为红胸啄花鸟(Dicaeum ignipectus),一雌一雄。我们将其带回"河南省林业厅林业有害生物防控重点实验室"精心喂养。两只红胸啄花鸟标本现保存于河南林业职业学院野生动物标本馆。经过查阅《中国鸟类分类与分布名录(第二版)》(郑光美2011)、《中国鸟类分布名录》(郑作新1976)、《中  相似文献   

汪青雄  肖红 《四川动物》2020,39(1):90-90
2018年5月25-29日进行陕西省榆林地区鸟类监测时,在陕西省红碱淖国家级自然保护区(109°53′33″E,39°04′26″N,海拔1220 m)观察到15只文须雀Panurus biarmicus,其中,雄性成鸟2只,幼鸟13只。用Kowa双筒望远镜(10×42)观察,Canon EOS 7DⅡ和100~400 mm变焦镜头相机拍照(图1、图2),该鸟嘴黄色,脚黑色,上体棕黄色,翅黑色具白色翅斑,尾甚长。  相似文献   

<正>2019年4月18日,在陕西省西安市浐灞生态区西安世博园(109°02′57″E,34°19′23″N,海拔389 m)观察和拍摄到1种鸟类,根据野外观察外部形态特征并结合所拍摄照片(图1),后经查阅《中国鸟类野外手册》(约翰·马敬能等,2000)、《中国鸟类志》(赵正阶,2001),确定为乌灰鸫Turdus cardis。查阅《中国鸟类分类与分布名录(第三版)》(郑光美,2017)以及相关文献,其在陕西省尚未记述,为陕西省鸟类新记录。  相似文献   

2012年4月14日,在湖南八大公山国家级自然保护区天平山林区夫天垭管理站周边(29°47′58.74″N,110°05′10.92″E,海拔1 397 m)观察到3只雀形目(Passeriformes)鸟类,经查阅书籍(约翰·马敬能等2000,Robson 2008,Brazil 2009),鉴定为红交嘴雀(Loxia curvirostra).该鸟种在湖南各地鸟类多样性研究论文中未见报道(郑作新1961,邓学建等1993,1996,1998,1999,李自君等2005,王德良等2005,周毅等2007),且《中国动物志鸟纲》、《中国鸟类志》、《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》等专著的分布地区未列入湖南,故确定为湖南省鸟类新记录.  相似文献   

2016年12月24日,在江苏省张家港市双山岛(120°23′45.69″E,31°59′30.50″N,海拔2m)进行鸟类调查时,发现1只在林间活动的小型雀形目Passeriformes鸟类,并拍到其停歇在树枝的清晰照片(图1),经查阅《中国鸟类野外手册》(约翰·马敬能等,2000)、《中国鸟类分类与分布名录(第三版)》(郑光美,2017)等资料,确定该物种为铜蓝鹟 Eumyias thalassinus,为江苏省分布新记录。  相似文献   

正2017年5月8日在贵州习水县的箐山森林公园(28°20′17.11″N,106°11′13.51″E,海拔1 362 m)的针阔混交林中发现2只形态相似而未能辨识的鸟类,与暗绿绣眼鸟(Zosterops japonicus)混群觅食。经查阅相关资料和文献(约翰·马敬能等2000,赵正阶2001,Reddy 2008,郑光美2011,Dickinson et al.2014),确认该鸟种为淡绿贝鸟鹛(Pteruthius xanthochlorus),隶属于雀形目(Passeriformes)莺雀科(Vireonidae)贝鸟鹛属,为贵州省鸟类分布新记录种。  相似文献   

20 0 1年 6月 15日笔者在河北省南大港湿地和鸟类自然保护区 (38°2 3′5″~ 38°33′4 4″N ,117°18′15″~ 117°38′17″E)进行鸟类资源调查时 ,于下午17:4 0左右在南大港农业发展公司大院西侧的榆树 (Uimuspumila)上发现一只体长约 4 0cm的鸟 ,体似鸦 ,尾似鹊。在距其约  相似文献   

Ancient DNA has revolutionized the way in which evolutionary biologists research both extinct and extant taxa, from the inference of evolutionary history to the resolution of taxonomy. Here, we present, to our knowledge, the first study to report the rediscovery of an ‘extinct’ avian taxon, the Tasman booby (Sula tasmani), using classical palaeontological data combined with ancient and modern DNA data. Contrary to earlier work, we show an overlap in size between fossil and modern birds in the North Tasman Sea (classified currently as S. tasmani and Sula dactylatra fullagari, respectively). In addition, we show that Holocene fossil birds have mitochondrial control region sequences that are identical to those found in modern birds. These results indicate that the Tasman booby is not an extinct taxon: S. dactylatra fullagari O''Brien & Davies, 1990 is therefore a junior synonym of Sula tasmani van Tets, Meredith, Fullagar & Davidson, 1988 and all North Tasman Sea boobies should be known as S. d. tasmani. In addition to reporting the rediscovery of an extinct avian taxon, our study highlights the need for researchers to be cognizant of multidisciplinary approaches to understanding taxonomy and past biodiversity.  相似文献   

Philopatry over the lifetime and its relationship with reproductivesuccess were examined using longitudinal records of nest locationand reproduction of individual blue-footed boobies. Males showedshorter natal dispersal than females, and natal dispersal distanceof both sexes were unrelated to either first reproductive successor lifetime reproductive success. Throughout the early lifetime,males and females nested closer to their first breeding sitesthan to their natal sites, and comparison with a simulationof successive breeding dispersals in random directions showedthat male and female blue-footed boobies are philopatric tothe first breeding site. Therefore, throughout the early lifetime,the first breeding site seems to function as a point of referencefor breeding site use together with the previous season's site.Males and females with shorter natal dispersal distances showedstronger lifetime philopatry to their first breeding sites,suggesting stable individual variation in competitive abilityor dispersal phenotype. However, early lifetime philopatry tofirst breeding sites was unrelated to annual breeding success.Compared with simple fidelity to previous breeding sites, lifetimephilopatry to first breeding sites should result in increasedkin interactions and greater selection for kin recognition,altruism and inbreeding avoidance, as well as long-term familiaritywith neighbors.  相似文献   

When the costs of rearing males and females differ progeny sex ratios are expected to be biased toward the less expensive sex. Blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) females are larger and roughly 32% heavier than males, thus presumably more costly to rear. We recorded hatching and fledging sex ratios in 1989, and fledging sex ratios during the next 5 years. In 1989, the sample of 751 chicks showed male bias at hatching (56%) and at fledging (57% at ˜90 days). Fledging sex ratios during the five subsequent reproductive seasons were at unity (1 year) or male-biased, varying from 56% to 70%. Male bias was greater during years when mean sea surface temperature was warmer and food was presumably in short supply. During two warm-water years (only) fledging sex ratio varied with hatching date. Proportions of male fledglings increased with date from 0.48 to 0.73 in 1994, and from 0.33 to 0.79 in 1995. Similar results were obtained when the analysis was repeated using only broods with no nestling mortality, suggesting that the overall increase in the proportion of males over the season was the result of sex ratio adjustments at hatching. The male-biased sex ratio, and the increased male bias during poor breeding conditions supports the idea that daughters may be more costly than sons, and that their relative cost increases in poor conditions. Received: 3 February 1998 / Accepted: 12 September 1998  相似文献   

A pecking hierarchy is normally established in the usual two-chickbrood of the blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii). The senior (first-hatched)chick dominates its smaller sibling and receives a greater shareof parentally provided food. Experimental broods were createdby putting together two unrelated junior chicks of die sameage in a vacated foster nest The state of the chicks was manipulatedby a period of controlled artificial feeding so that each chickunderwent a different level of food deprivation. The resultingdominance relationship depended on the relative food deprivationlevel of the chicks: the hungrier chick normally became dominant.However, die effect of hunger was occasionally overruled bysize difference: when die hungrier chick was much smaller thanits foster sibling, it was unable to gain dominance over itslarger companion. Dominance status is likely to have greatervalue for die hungrier chick, while die cost of fighting shouldbe lower for die larger chick. These results conform to dieevolutionarily stable strategy predicted for games widi asymmetricpayoff and differences in resource holding power.  相似文献   

Parental care in long‐lived bird species involves a trade‐off between the benefits of increasing the effort expended on current offspring and the costs that this represents for future reproductive output. Under regimes of high environmental variability, long‐lived seabirds can adjust their breeding effort to buffer the negative effects of this variability on their offspring. However, the potential impacts of variation in breeding effort on offspring physiology in the short term and on longer‐term survival are poorly understood. In this study, we manipulated brood age through a cross‐fostering experiment to assess whether increasing or decreasing parental reproductive expenditure led to costs in Blue‐footed Booby Sula nebouxii chicks. Specifically, we tested the consequences of altered parental reproductive expenditure on the offspring's physiological condition (plasma metabolites, heterophil to lymphocyte ratio (H/L) and body condition index (BCI)) and survival. Offspring from broods in which parental investment was experimentally increased showed a lower BCI and lower alkaline phosphatase levels and higher H/L ratios than controls. Conversely, offspring showed the opposite pattern when reproductive expenditure was experimentally decreased. We observed no effects of manipulation of parental investment on triglyceride levels or on survival rates. Although our findings suggest that Blue‐footed Booby parents have the ability to adjust their breeding effort according to the demands of their offspring, parental effort could influence the effect of hatching order by suppressing the aggressive tendency of the senior chick.  相似文献   

Most tropical booby species complete breeding foraging trips within daylight hours, thus avoiding nights at sea. Nazca Boobies Sula granti are unusual in this respect, frequently spending one or more nights away from the nest. We used GPS dataloggers, time‐depth recorders, and changes in body weight to characterize foraging trips and to evaluate potential influences on the decisions of 64 adult Nazca Boobies to spend a night at sea, or to return to their chicks on Isla Española, Galápagos, in daylight hours. The tagged birds foraged east of Isla Española, undertaking both single‐day (2–15 h, 67% of trips) and overnight trips (28 h–7.2 days, 33%), and executing 1–19 foraging plunge‐dives per single‐day trip. Birds might forage longer if they are in nutritional stress when they depart, but body weight at departure was not correlated with trip length. Birds might be expected to return from longer trips with more prey for young, but they returned from single‐day and overnight trips with similar body weights, consistent with previous indications that Nazca Boobies forage until accumulating a target value of prey weight. Birds with a lower dive frequency during the first 5 h of a trip were more likely to spend the night at sea, suggesting that they might choose to spend the night at sea if prey capture success was low. At night, birds almost never dived and spent most of their time resting on the water’s surface (11.8–12.1 h, > 99% of the time between civil sunset and civil dawn). Thus, the night is an unproductive time spent among subsurface predators under low illumination. The birds’ webbed feet provided evidence of this risk: 24% of birds were missing > 25% of their foot tissue, probably due to attacks by predatory fish, and the amount of foot tissue lost increased with age, consistent with a cumulative risk across the lifespan. In contrast, other tropical boobies (Blue‐footed Sula nebouxii and Brown Boobies Sula leucogaster), which do not spend the night on the water, showed no such damage. These results suggest that chick‐rearing Nazca Boobies accept nocturnal predation risk on occasions of low prey encounter during a foraging trip’s first day.  相似文献   

In obligately siblicidal bird species, aggressive behavior bya dominant chick results in a fixed brood size of one, yetthese species usually show clutch size variation between individuals.Simmons proposed that variation in clutch size in obligatelysiblicidal species is related to a trade-off between egg qualityand egg quantity: some individuals produce a single highly hatchable egg, while others produce two small, lower qualityeggs. We tested the egg quality hypothesis as an explanationfor observed clutch size variation in the Nazca booby (Sulagranti), an obligately siblicidal seabird. We tested the assumptionthat egg volume is positively correlated with hatchabilityand the prediction that eggs from one-egg clutches are largerthan eggs from two-egg clutches. We did not find a positive relationship between egg volume and hatchability in this species.Eggs from two-egg clutches were either equivalent in volumeor larger than eggs from one-egg clutches. Thus, the egg qualityhypothesis was rejected as an explanation for clutch size variationin the Nazca booby. Instead, two-egg clutches appear to befavored because of the insurance value of the second-laid egg,while one-egg clutches result from food limitation.  相似文献   

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