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云南西双版纳尚勇保护区亚洲象对栖息地的选择   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:8  
冯利民  张立 《兽类学报》2005,25(3):229-236
以西双版纳国家级自然保护区尚勇子保护区内的亚洲象种群为研究对象, 利用村寨调查、样线调查和3S(GIS、GPS、RS) 技术对该地区野生亚洲象的栖息地状况和亚洲象对栖息地选择利用进行了初步的研究。结果表明亚洲象喜欢海拔1 000 m以下的区域, 坡度小于10°的区域, 坡位为平坦的沟谷和山坡的下部, 坡向为南、北两个方向。偏好的植被类型有竹阔混交林、灌丛和高山草甸。研究还发现尚勇保护区及周边区域亚洲象栖息地的丧失和日益增加的非法盗猎活动已经严重威胁到该地区野生亚洲象种群的生存。  相似文献   

中国亚洲象现状及研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张立 《生物学通报》2006,41(11):1-3,F0004
综述了中国亚洲象的分布、种群大小、行为和系统地理学研究现状。野生亚洲象目前在我国仅分布于云南省南部3个地区,种群大小在200~250头之间。面临着栖息地高度破碎化、较为猖獗的盗猎活动和日益严重的农业开发干扰等问题。种群遗传学研究进一步表明,我国中国亚洲象分为两大地理单元,西双版纳地理单元及南滚河地理单元。西双版纳地理单元内4个地理种群间遗传变异很低,南滚河种群与其他4个地理种群具有显著性差异和明显的遗传分化。与国外其他种群相比,中国亚洲象种群遗传多样性极端缺乏。建议野生动物管理部门将分布于西双版纳地区与南滚河地区的亚洲象种群分别对待,以保证两分枝内亚洲象种群遗传的稳定性和独特性。另外,在西双版纳地区将几个孤立的地理种群通过建立亚洲象可利用的生态走廊带是十分必要的。  相似文献   

杨帆  张立 《兽类学报》2012,32(2):90-100
亚洲象是我国国家一级保护动物.本文利用非损伤性取样法,以亚洲象粪便中脱落的肠道上皮细胞为DNA来源,选用线粒体DNA作为分子标记,对分布于我国境内的亚洲象种群的遗传结构和种群遗传多样性进行研究.本研究得到mtDNA序列片段长度为556 bp,经对178个个体进行扩增结果分析,共得到24个单倍型.在5个地理种群中,除南滚河种群外,其他4个种群中的114个个体共享同一单倍型,南滚河种群与其他种群间未观察到共享单倍型.系统发生分析,观察到中国境内现有亚洲象种群在进化上分为两大分支,α和β.其中分支α中包含除南滚河种群外的4个地理种群,分支β仅含有南滚河种群,表明南滚河种群与其他4个地理种群间存在明显分化.遗传多样性分析结果表明,中国境内的亚洲象种群的遗传多样性水平较低,分析原因认为是栖息地破碎化阻断了种群间有效的基因交流.  相似文献   

吴得卿  魏建华  樊辉 《生态学报》2021,41(16):6476-6485
土地利用变化对亚洲象生境影响显著,明晰其影响机制是有效保护亚洲象的前提。为探明土地利用变化对亚洲象生境影响的时空过程及机制,以亚洲象残存的中-缅跨境流域-南滚河流域为例,在1988和2018年两期Landsat土地利用/土地覆被遥感分类图的基础上,采用LandTrendr算法检测30年间流域土地利用变化引起的天然林扰动,结合生态位因子分析(ENFA)模型评定的亚洲象生境适宜性分布,探究以天然林扰动为主的土地利用变化对亚洲象生境的影响。结果表明:(1)1988-2018年间,南滚河流域土地利用变化主要为天然林转化为其他地类,且天然林扰动强度在中、缅境内差异明显;(2)以橡胶种植扩张导致毁林为主的土地利用变化造成南滚河流域亚洲象生境萎缩,生境斑块间连通性降低,破碎化程度较高;(3)该流域亚洲象生境丧失过程表现为由边缘向内部逐渐被蚕食,适宜生境最终被分割为上、下游两个相互孤立的子区域。因此,抑制以橡胶林为主的热作种植扩张,恢复上、下游生境连通性,建立流域尺度的跨境保护区,是实现南滚河流域亚洲象种群保护和缓解人象冲突的重要途径。  相似文献   

在2006 年6 月至2007 年9 月,通过种群个体识别、社区监测网络、样线调查和村寨访问等方法对尚勇保护区亚洲象的种群动态和季节性分布格局进行研究。结果显示:目前在尚勇保护区的亚洲象种群数量约为68头;拍摄到亚洲象共计347 头次,通过个体识别方法识别出亚洲象53 头,其中幼体、青少年体、亚成体和成体数量及所占比例分别为:3 (5.66%)、11 (20.75% )、15 (28.30% )、24 (45.28% ),在成体中雄性只有两头,成年象的雌雄性比为11∶ 1,高于已知国内外的其他区域。从1992 年至2007 年10 月,至少有32 头亚洲象死亡,其中确认死于猎杀的有7 头,保护区的核心区野牛河、金宝河一带是盗猎亚洲象最严重的地区。严重的盗猎和不断减少的栖息地对当地的亚洲象种群产生了巨大的威胁,也加剧了当地的人象冲突。在雨季和旱季,亚洲象各有五个核心活动区域,食物是导致雨季和旱季分布格局不同的主要因素。  相似文献   

2020年1—12月,采用半结构式访查法、痕迹跟踪调查法和无人机跟踪调查法相结合的方法,对拟建西双版纳勐海县勐阿水库涉及区域的亚洲象种群结构、迁移路线等进行了调查,并采用样方法和3S技术对该区域亚洲象取食植物和栖息地适宜性进行了调查和分析,以探讨拟建勐阿水库可能对亚洲象迁移活动和人—象冲突的潜在影响。结果表明:(1)拟建勐阿水库区域活动的亚洲象小种群被称为澜沧江西部种群或西双版纳勐海—普洱澜沧种群,仅由19头亚洲象(10头雄性,9头雌性)组成,有2条亚洲象迁移路线穿越该区域;(2)在研究区域共统计到亚洲象取食植物12目19科32属33种,基本能满足该象群的取食需求;(3)海拔、坡度、植被隐蔽度及食物资源等生态因子的适宜性分析结果显示,大部分区域(包括占总面积14.61%的最适生境和占总面积82.05%的相对适宜生境)都能满足该亚洲象小种群的基本生活需求;(4)2条亚洲象迁移路线中的1条将因水库建设而阻断,迫使该象群改变原来的迁移路线;(5)水库淹没区的植被将被永久破坏,原本连片的适宜栖息地也将受到进一步切割和压缩影响;(6)当食物资源无法满足亚洲象生存需求时,它们可能会选择进入可在较短时间内获得大量食物的农耕区取食农作物和经济作物,随着人流、车流大量增加,亚洲象与人相遇的概率也会大幅度增加。分析认为,拟建勐阿水库将淹没1条迁移通道,对亚洲象迁移活动造成阻碍,迫使象群改变路线,还可能导致更为严重的人—象冲突。建议在水库工程设计和建设过程中采取有效的保护管理措施,减少工程项目对亚洲象种群及其栖息地的负面影响;水库建设和管理部门、林业和草原管理部门等应加强对亚洲象活动的监测和预警,避免亚洲象肇事造成人员伤亡和更大的经济损失。  相似文献   

西双版纳亚洲象的栖息地评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用亚洲象种群野外调查数据,结合3S技术,应用生态位因子分析(Ecological Niche Factor Analysis,ENFA)模型对西双版纳亚洲象的栖息地状况进行评价,并对适宜栖息地做出预测。结果表明:ENFA分析的边界值M=1.375>1,耐受值T=0.478,说明亚洲象对环境条件有一定选择性和耐受性,但生态位仍不宽,专化程度较高;影响亚洲象栖息地质量的最重要因素为植被因素,尤其是竹林和竹阔混交林;在本研究中,象群在农地中的分布点占所有分布点的45.2%,它们对栖息地预测结果的影响显著,与有农地象分布点所预测的亚洲象栖息地相比,无农地象分布点所预测的亚洲象总栖息地面积共减少2652.5 km2,其中农地面积减少最大,共计1788 km2,所占比例由35.7%降低至6.3%,因此,有农地象分布点所预测得到的亚洲象栖息地分布是人为干扰模式下的亚洲象栖息地状况,而无农地象分布点所预测的亚洲象栖息地是真正适宜亚洲象生存的栖息地;这些栖息地主要分布在西双版纳国家级自然保护区的勐养、勐仑、勐腊、尚勇子保护区和纳板河流域国家级自然保护区内及其周边地区,且已呈现岛屿化,因此急需在勐养子保护区和普洱之间、勐腊和尚勇子保护区之间以及中国-老挝边境地区建立生态廊道以保护亚洲象种群的长期维持和健康发展。  相似文献   

普洱市亚洲象栖息地适宜度评价   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
刘鹏  代娟  曹大藩  李志宏  张立 《生态学报》2016,36(13):4163-4170
亚洲象(Elephas maximus)属于我国Ⅰ级保护动物,在中国仅分布于云南省西双版纳国家级自然保护区、普洱市的思茅区、澜沧县和江城县,以及临沧南滚河国家级自然保护区。将普洱全境作为研究区域,利用野外调查数据,结合遥感与地理信息系统技术,运用生态位因子分析(ENFA)模型对普洱市亚洲象的栖息地适宜度进行了评价,并预测了适宜栖息地的分布。发现:普洱市亚洲象栖息地的边际值为0.991,表明亚洲象在普洱市境内对环境变量的选择不是随机的;耐受值为0.315,表明亚洲象在普洱市境内生态位较窄,受环境条件的制约。根据模型计算得到的栖息地适宜度指数,将普洱市的亚洲象栖息地分为最适栖息地,较适栖息地,边际栖息地和非栖息地4个等级,面积分别为409.32、574.32、2909.48、38722.32 km2。最适栖息地仅占全市面积的0.96%,而非栖息地占90.86%。利用GIS和Biomapper 4.0生成亚洲象栖息地分布图,发现普洱境内最适栖息地和较适栖息地面积狭小。对最适栖息地、较适栖息地和边际栖息地进行景观格局分析的结果表明,3种类型的栖息地破碎化均十分严重,连通度较低,栖息地内受到较大程度的人类活动的干扰。因此建议在普洱和西双版纳间尽快建立野生动物生态廊道,以加强亚洲象各种群间的交流。  相似文献   

2005年10—12月对新疆托木尔峰国家级自然保护区北山羊(Capraibex)的种群密度与栖息地利用进行调查。种群密度调查显示该地区北山羊平均群大小为8.43只,种群密度为269.76只/100km2;栖息地选择调查结果显示北山羊广泛活动在海拔2500—3000m的区域范围内,对距悬崖距离、坡度、地形和植被类型有一定选择倾向,它倾向在悬崖附近(<100m)、坡度大于30°而小于45°和崎岖的山地活动,会避开草地和平坦山坡。北山羊这种栖息地利用模式可能与满足自身安全需要有关。  相似文献   

以云南西双版纳国家级自然保护区尚勇子保护区内亚洲象种群为研究对象,通过自动红外照相技术,估算了该地区亚洲象的最小种群数量。本研究于2016年1月,在研究区域内共布设了27个相机位点,野外安放时间为4个月。调查期间,每台相机的有效捕获日为9-52d不等(均值为24d),红外相机有效捕获日621d,拍摄到亚洲象照片共1944张。通过红外相机照片开展个体识别,最终估算出尚勇保护区内亚洲象的最小种群数量为69头(其中成年象38头,亚成象15头,幼象16头)。拍到7头活动于中国-老挝边境区域的跨境象群。本文探讨利用红外相机拍摄的亚洲象照片进行个体识别的方法,指出与常规调查方法相比较的优势和不足,作为快速、实时有效的种群评估方法的价值。研究结果丰富了保护区内亚洲象种群数据库,为研究、制定和开展亚洲象保护行动提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

African elephant distribution and impacts are influenced by water availability. This study investigates the formation of piospheres – gradients of vegetation degradation with increasing proximity to water – at local and landscape scales in Chobe National Park, Botswana. Thirty‐four plots record elephant impact on trees in a transect extending over 60 km from the Chobe River, differentiating between debarking and browsing on branches. Elephant utilization exhibits local patterns nested within a landscape‐level context. At a local scale, branch herbivory decreases with distance from water, while debarking first decreases and then increases again. At a landscape scale, regression and canonical correlation analyses show decreasing debarking with distance from the river. Surprisingly, branch herbivory increases with distance from river, except within the first 10 km where previous studies have focused. Elephant impact on vegetation is both more complex and extensive than previously assumed. Piosphere predictions are upheld at the local scale, with utilization decreasing with distance from water. This does not hold at the landscape scale, however, likely due to seasonal shifts in elephant distribution, diet and the presence of water in ephemeral pans. These findings have important implications for elephant management and emphasize the importance of looking across scales when assessing elephant impact.  相似文献   

云南思茅亚洲象对栖息地的选择与利用   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
张立  王宁  王宇宁  马利超 《兽类学报》2003,23(3):185-192
以思茅市境内栖居的一个由5 头雌象(3 头成年体, 1 头亚成体, 1 头幼体) 组成的象群为研究对象, 利用痕迹追踪、样线调查和村庄调查等方法对野生亚洲象的栖息地选择和行为进行了初步研究。在栖息地中共记录到野生高等植物457 种, 组成5 种植被类型。旱季象群的活动区域面积是35.67 km2 , 该活动区域中有3 个核心活动区, 面积分别是3.65 km2 , 2.79 km2 和3.29 km2 , 象群对此3 个活动核心区域循环利用; 在旱季亚洲象经常取食19种野生植物, 其中主要取食的有8 种, 还取食7 种农作物, 对农作物有一定依赖性, 这种依赖的程度随着农田周围森林中野生食物丰富程度的增加而降低; 在季雨林中亚洲象主要取食的植物种类最丰富。雨季象群的活动区域面积是18.42 km2 , 该区域中只有1 个核心活动区, 面积9.08 km2 。雨季亚洲象只取食5 种野生植物, 另取食5 种农作物, 农作物为其雨季主要食物。研究结果表明, 思茅地区亚洲象栖息地中的野生食物可能不足, 人类活动对亚洲象的生存干扰较为严重, 亚洲象的行为表现出对栖息地内食物条件和人类干扰的适应。建议尽快遏止日益严重的栖息地片断化趋势, 恢复自然植被并为亚洲象提供充足的野生食物是保护该物种的关键。  相似文献   

Understanding factors affecting the distribution of the African elephant is important for its conservation in increasingly human‐dominated savannah landscapes. However, understanding how landscape fragmentation and vegetation productivity affect elephant habitat utilization remains poorly understood. In this study, we tested whether landscape fragmentation and vegetation productivity explain elephant habitat utilization in the Amboseli ecosystem in Kenya. We used GPS (Global Positioning System) telemetry data from five elephants to quantify elephant habitat utilization. Habitat utilization was determined by calculating the time elephants spent within a unit area. We then used generalized additive models (GAMs) to model the relationship between time density and landscape fragmentation, as well as vegetation productivity. Results show that landscape fragmentation and vegetation productivity significantly (P < 0.05) explain elephant habitat utilization. A significant (P < 0.05) unimodal relationship between vegetation productivity and habitat utilization was observed. Results suggest that elephants spend much of their time in less fragmented landscapes of intermediate productivity.  相似文献   

Herbivory by megaherbivores on woody vegetation in general is well documented; however studies focusing on the individual browsing effects of both mega- and mesoherbivore species on recruitment are scarce. We determined these effects for elephant Loxodonta africana and nyala Tragelaphus angasii in the critically endangered Sand Forest, which is restricted to east southern Africa, and is conserved mainly in small reserves with high herbivore densities. Replicated experimental treatments (400 m(2)) in a single forest patch were used to exclude elephant, or both elephant and nyala. In each treatment, all woody individuals were identified to species and number of stems, diameter and height were recorded. Results of changes after two years are presented. Individual tree and stem densities had increased in absence of nyala and elephant. Seedling recruitment (based on height and diameter) was inhibited by nyala, and by elephant and nyala in combination, thereby preventing recruitment into the sapling stage. Neither nyala or elephant significantly reduced sapling densities. Excluding both elephant and nyala in combination enhanced recruitment of woody species, as seedling densities increased, indicating that forest regeneration is impacted by both mega- and mesoherbivores. The Sand Forest tree community approached an inverse J-shaped curve, with the highest abundance in the smaller size classes. However, the larger characteristic tree species in particular, such as Newtonia hildebrandtii, were missing cohorts in the middle size classes. When setting management goals to conserve habitats of key importance, conservation management plans need to consider the total herbivore assemblage present and the resulting browsing effects on vegetation. Especially in Africa, where the broadest suite of megaherbivores still persists, and which is currently dealing with the 'elephant problem', the individual effects of different herbivore species on recruitment and dynamics of forests and woodlands are important issues which need conclusive answers.  相似文献   

We investigated the factors that influenced the distribution of the African elephant around a volcanic shield dominated by a mosaic of forest and savanna in northern Kenya. Data on elephant distribution were acquired from four female and five bull elephants, collared with satellite-linked geographical positioning system collars. Based on the eigenvalues (variances) of the correlation matrix, the six factors that contributed significantly to high total variances were distance from drinking water (24%), elevation (15%), shrubland (10%), forest (9%), distance from settlements (8%) and distance from minor roads (7%), contributing to 73% in the observed variation of the elephant distribution. The elephants were found at high forested elevations during the dry season but they moved to the lowlands characterized by shrubland during the wet season. Elevation acts as a proxy for the vegetation structure. The presence of elephants near permanent water points (13%) and seasonal rivers (11%) during the dry and wet seasons, respectively, demonstrates that water is the most important determinant of their distribution throughout the year. We conclude that the distribution of elephants in Marsabit Protected Area and its adjacent areas is influenced mainly by drinking water and vegetation structure.  相似文献   

Elephant are considered major drivers of ecosystems, but their effects within small-scale landscape features and on other herbivores still remain unclear. Elephant impact on vegetation has been widely studied in areas where elephant have been present for many years. We therefore examined the combined effect of short-term elephant presence (< 4 years) and hillslope position on tree species assemblages, resource availability, browsing intensity and soil properties. Short-term elephant presence did not affect woody species assemblages, but did affect height distribution, with greater sapling densities in elephant access areas. Overall tree and stem densities were also not affected by elephant. By contrast, slope position affected woody species assemblages, but not height distributions and densities. Variation in species assemblages was statistically best explained by levels of total cations, Zinc, sand and clay. Although elephant and mesoherbivore browsing intensities were unaffected by slope position, we found lower mesoherbivore browsing intensity on crests with high elephant browsing intensity. Thus, elephant appear to indirectly facilitate the survival of saplings, via the displacement of mesoherbivores, providing a window of opportunity for saplings to grow into taller trees. In the short-term, effects of elephant can be minor and in the opposite direction of expectation. In addition, such behavioural displacement promotes recruitment of saplings into larger height classes. The interaction between slope position and elephant effect found here is in contrast with other studies, and illustrates the importance of examining ecosystem complexity as a function of variation in species presence and topography. The absence of a direct effect of elephant on vegetation, but the presence of an effect on mesoherbivore browsing, is relevant for conservation areas especially where both herbivore groups are actively managed.  相似文献   

Elephants have a major influence on vegetation structure, composition and ecosystem processes, and are primary agents of habitat change in Africa. At moderate‐to‐high population densities, elephants can damage vegetation, especially when enclosed in protected areas. This study examines the effects of elephant browsing on woody trees in Majete Wildlife Reserve (WR), south‐western Malawi. Regression analysis is used to assess the associations of six factors known to drive elephant browsing in other areas and determine which ones have the most influence on browsing at Majete WR. Twenty‐four per cent of tagged trees had been subject to elephant browsing. The model with vegetation type, stem diameter and distance from permanent water correctly predicted browsing for 80% of the observations. Elephants mostly favoured riparian woodlands, followed by Acacia‐dominated woodland and Brachystegia‐dominated woodland. Browsing occurrence was negatively related to distance from permanent water and diameter at breast height(DBH). A larger number of trees, sampled at random and covering a larger portion of the reserve would provide more reliable estimates of browsing and related factors. Knowledge of time‐ and site‐specific factors affecting elephant browsing can be used to forecast future habitat transformations and manipulate the range of the elephants within the reserve.  相似文献   

Elephant impacts on spider assemblages, and the potential use of spiders as indicators of habitat changes was assessed in central Maputaland, South Africa. Three habitats, namely undisturbed sand forest, elephant disturbed sand forest and mixed woodland, were sampled. To ensure a thorough representation of all spider guilds, spiders were collected by tree beating, sweep netting, active searching, leaf litter sifting and pitfall traps. In total, 2808 individual spiders, representing 36 families, 144 determined genera and 251 species were collected. Spider abundance was highest in the undisturbed sand forest (n = 1129, S = 179), followed by elephant disturbed sand forest (n = 1006, S = 165) and mixed woodland (n = 673, S = 171). Assemblages of the two sand forests were more similar than to the mixed woodland assemblage. Active hunting species were indicators of the more open vegetation of elephant disturbed sand forest (six active hunters, no web‐builders) and mixed woodland (ten active hunters, one web‐builder), whereas web‐builders are indicators of the dense, complex vegetation structure of undisturbed sand forest (six web‐builders, three active hunters). Elephant‐induced changes to the vegetation structure in this high diversity, high endemism region result in changes in the composition of spider assemblages, and may need to be mitigated by management intervention.  相似文献   

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