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中国北方气候暖干化对粮食作物的影响及应对措施   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
东北、华北和西北50a来的平均气温增幅高于全国平均水平,气候变暖明显,尤其冬季增温最显著。区域增暖的极端最低气温远比极端最高气温的贡献大。东北、华北大部、西北东部降水量明显减少,平均每10a减少20—40mm,尤其春夏季减少最明显。这种趋势一直延续到20世纪90年代以后,干旱化趋势非常突出。在综述我国北方现代气候变化基本特征是暖干化的基础上,重点阐述了喜凉作物冬小麦、春小麦、马铃薯和喜温作物水稻、玉米、谷子、糜子等7种主要粮食作物的生长发育、品种熟性、种植区域与面积、产量与品质等对气候暖干化的响应特征。揭示了气候暖干化使春播作物播期提早,苗期生长发育速度加快,营养生长期提前,生殖生长期和全生育期延长;秋作物发育期推迟,生殖生长期和全生长期延长;越冬作物播期推迟,越冬死亡率降低,种植风险减少,春初提前返青,生殖生长期提早,全生育期缩短。使作物适宜种植区域向高纬度高海拔扩展;品种熟性向偏中晚熟高产品种发展;喜温作物和越冬作物以及冷凉气候区的作物种植面积迅速扩大;在旱作区种植不较耐旱的玉米、春小麦等作物种植面积受到制约。对雨养农业区的作物气候产量影响严重,尤其对不够耐旱的小麦和玉米的气候产量受影响最大;对较耐旱的谷子、糜子、马铃薯等影响较轻。从作物属性而言,对喜温作物水稻、玉米和越冬作物冬小麦有利于气候产量提高;对喜凉作物春小麦和马铃薯的气候产量将产生不利影响。同时,提出了从5个方面应对气候暖干化的技术措施,调整作物种植结构,确保粮食生产安全;根据不同气候年型调整各种作物种植比例;针对不同气候区域发展优势作物和配置作物种植格局;采取不同栽培技术和管理模式应对气候变化;采取综合配套技术提髙抵御灾害能力。为粮食作物安全生产和种植结构调整与布局提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The North China Plain (NCP) is the most important agricultural production area in China. Crop production in the NCP is sensitive to changes in both climate and management practices. While previous studies showed a negative impact of climatic change on crop yield since 1980s, the confounding effects of climatic and agronomic factors have not been separately investigated. This paper used 25 years of crop data from three locations (Nanyang, Zhengzhou and Luancheng) across the NCP, together with daily weather data and crop modeling, to analyse the contribution of changes in climatic and agronomic factors to changes in grain yields of wheat and maize. The results showed that the changes in climate were not uniform across the NCP and during different crop growth stages. Warming mainly occurred during the vegetative (preflowering) growth stage of wheat and maize, while there was a cooling trend or no significant change in temperatures during the postflowering stage of wheat (spring) or maize (autumn). If varietal effects were excluded, warming during vegetative stages would lead to a reduction in the length of the growing period for both crops, generally leading to a negative impact on crop production. However, autonomous adoption of new crop varieties in the NCP was able to compensate the negative impact of climatic change. For both wheat and maize, the varietal changes helped stabilize the length of preflowering period against the shortening effect of warming and, together with the slightly reduced temperature in the postflowering period, extend the length of the grain‐filling period. The combined effect led to increased wheat yield at Zhengzhou and Luancheng; increased maize yield at Nanyang and Luancheng; stabilized wheat yield at Nanyang, and a slight reduction in maize yield at Zhengzhou, compared with the yield change caused entirely by climatic change.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the species diversity and phe-nological behaviour of the weed communities associated with the common crops in the Nile Delta region (three winter crops: Egyptian clover, broad beans and wheat; and three summer crops: cotton, maize and rice). The weed communities of winter crops are of higher diversity than those of summer crops, presumably due to differences in sowing and weeding processes. The phenological sequences of the weed communities are, in most cases, closely related to those of the crops in which they occur. The correspondence between the crucial periods in the life cycle of the weed and the crop (seedling establishment and fruiting) often leads to severe competition.  相似文献   

The linear relationship between temperature and developmentrate has been widely recognized and it has been suggested thatthermal units (the summation of daily mean temperature abovea base temperature) can predict the phenological developmentof a crop. The aim of this paper was to determine the base temperaturefor different phenological phases of wheat. Two mediterraneanwheat cultivars and five sowing dates were used to obtain differentmean temperatures during development and different developmentalrates. The linear regression of development rate against meantemperatures for each period indicated that there were no uniquebase temperatures for all stages of the life span and valuesclose to 4°C and to 9·5°C were found to be bestfits for base temperatures before and after the terminal spikeletstage of both cultivars. A model to predict wheat developmentwas validated with another data set, which included differentwheat cultivars and sowing dates. Estimates of the error indevelopmental prediction by using a single base temperatureof 0°C is discussed as a function of separate developmentstages. Key words: Wheat development, base temperature, thermal time, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   

Plant hormones cytokinins regulate various aspects of plant growth and development. For their positive effects on branching, delaying of senescence, nutrient remobilisation, flower and seed set control they became interesting substances in search for potential agrochemicals. From the 1970’ of the last century exogenous application of cytokinins have been tested in field conditions to improve yield traits of world-wide important crops such as wheat, rice, maize, barley, and soybean. Despite the extensive testing summarized in this work, so far cytokinins haven’t found their stable place among commercialized plant growth regulators, mainly due to the complexity of their effects. Here we bring an overview of the outcomes obtained in pot and field experiments using cytokinin exogenous treatments, summarize the ways of application and point to the affected traits in various field crops, vegetables, cotton and fruit trees. Further, we present here outcomes of field trials performed with a derivative of N6-benzyladenine, 2-chloro-6-(3-methoxybenzyl)aminopurine, in spring barley and winter wheat. The effect on yield forming traits such as number of tillers, grains per ear, number of ears and the final yield was evaluated and compared after spraying of the both crops in different phenological stages.  相似文献   

隋月  黄晚华  杨晓光  李茂松 《生态学杂志》2013,24(11):3192-3198
南方地区是我国重要的农业种植区,季节性干旱严重影响该地区的农业生产.本文基于南方地区不同干旱分区中选取的13个典型地区1981-2007年气象资料和作物生育期、产量等资料,依据各地逐年降水量将其分为干旱年、正常年和丰水年3种不同降水年型,利用作物水分临界期需水量与降水量的耦合度、气象产量、单位面积产值以及全生育期的水分利用效率和降水量5个指标,对典型地区种植模式的综合效益进行评价,得到南方不同区域不同降水年型下的优化种植模式.结果表明: 半干旱区在干旱年型下,宜采取2种抗旱种植模式:马铃-玉米-甘薯和冬小麦-中稻-甘薯.半湿润区在干旱年型下,种植模式以冬小麦-中稻-甘薯最优,油菜-中稻-甘薯次之.在温润区(即典型的季节性干旱区),江南地区在3种年型下均以马铃薯-双季稻最优;西南地区宜搭配抗旱作物进行三熟制种植,如冬小麦-中稻-甘薯、冬小麦-玉米-甘薯、马铃薯-双季稻等.从最大程度利用水热资源角度考虑,三熟种植模式最优,以水旱轮作为主,丰水年型宜搭配水稻.  相似文献   

河北省典型区主要作物有效降雨量和需水量特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对作物全生育期内有效降雨量及需水规律的研究是进行合理灌溉及水资源优化配置的重要依据。以河北省鸡泽县为典型区域,利用FAO推荐的Penman-Monteith公式和分段单值平均作物系数法对冬小麦、夏玉米和棉花的有效降雨量及需水规律进行计算,并通过M-K检验法分析近60 a来鸡泽县有效降雨量及作物需水量序列的趋势变化及突变现象。结果表明:近60 a鸡泽县冬小麦在生育中期需水量最大,为210.2 mm,有效降雨量均集中在生育中期,缺水量以13.2 mm/10 a的速率呈显著性减少趋势;夏玉米在初始生长期需水量最大,为157.7 mm,有效降雨量集中在生育中期,缺水量以7.0 mm/10 a的速率呈不显著减少趋势;棉花在快速发育期需水量最大,为227.9 mm,有效降雨量集中在生育中期,缺水量以22.3 mm/10 a的速率呈显著性减少趋势。在一定程度上对河北省对农田灌溉用水效率和效益以及保障农作物科学高效生产具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Parameters for an equation representing crop development from planting to emergence, jointing, heading, soft dough and hard dough stages were obtained by iterative regression analysis of five years of temperature, photoperiod, and Olli barley phenological data from nine Canadian locations. The triquadratic model previously developed and applied to Marquis wheat by Robertson was used. The necessity of using the same threshold temperature for both the maximum and the minimum daily temperature causes analysis difficulties and makes the model less realistic. In spite of the model's limitations, the derived parameters are probably quite useful when applied under environmental conditions similar to those represented in the experiment. Under such conditions, the model seems to perform about as well for barley as it did for wheat, in spite of the considerable differences in the development behaviour of the two crops, especially barley's faster rate of development toward maturity.  相似文献   

Crop planting dates: an analysis of global patterns   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aim To assemble a data set of global crop planting and harvesting dates for 19 major crops, explore spatial relationships between planting date and climate for two of them, and compare our analysis with a review of the literature on factors that drive decisions on planting dates. Location Global. Methods We digitized and georeferenced existing data on crop planting and harvesting dates from six sources. We then examined relationships between planting dates and temperature, precipitation and potential evapotranspiration using 30‐year average climatologies from the Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia (CRU CL 2.0). Results We present global planting date patterns for maize, spring wheat and winter wheat (our full, publicly available data set contains planting and harvesting dates for 19 major crops). Maize planting in the northern mid‐latitudes generally occurs in April and May. Daily average air temperatures are usually c. 12–17 °C at the time of maize planting in these regions, although soil moisture often determines planting date more directly than does temperature. Maize planting dates vary more widely in tropical regions. Spring wheat is usually planted at cooler temperatures than maize, between c. 8 and 14 °C in temperate regions. Winter wheat is generally planted in September and October in the northern mid‐latitudes. Main conclusions In temperate regions, spatial patterns of maize and spring wheat planting dates can be predicted reasonably well by assuming a fixed temperature at planting. However, planting dates in lower latitudes and planting dates of winter wheat are more difficult to predict from climate alone. In part this is because planting dates may be chosen to ensure a favourable climate during a critical growth stage, such as flowering, rather than to ensure an optimal climate early in the crop's growth. The lack of predictability is also due to the pervasive influence of technological and socio‐economic factors on planting dates.  相似文献   

长期施肥和不同生态条件下我国作物产量可持续性特征   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
采用产量可持续性指数(SYI)法,研究了我国不同生态条件下20个长期试验点8个肥料处理的水稻、玉米和小麦产量的可持续性.结果表明:作物SYI值因施肥、作物种类和水热因子不同而呈显著差异.长期不施肥(CK)条件下,水稻、玉米和小麦的SYI值较低,分别为0.55、0.44和0.43;施肥尤其是NPK化肥配施有机肥可显著提高作物产量的可持续性,水稻、玉米和小麦的SYI值分别为0.66、0.58和0.57;单施N肥或NK肥的玉米和小麦的SYI值在0.36~0.47.SYI值大于0.55表明可持续性较好,小于0.45表明可持续性差.经纬度和气象因子对作物SYI也有不同程度的影响,3种作物不施肥时,水稻SYI变异较小,与各因子间没有显著相关性,玉米SYI变异最大且与各因子间存在显著的相关关系,小麦介于两者之间.因此,NPK配施有机肥有利于作物高产稳产,是维持系统可持续性的最优施肥模式.  相似文献   

以河南省大面积种植的弱春性品种"郑麦9023"及半冬性品种"周麦18"为材料,开展了玻璃温室和田间栽培条件下小麦幼穗分化进程的比较研究。结果表明,在小麦全生育期,玻璃温室内平均温度高于田间环境,小麦幼穗分化所需时间极显著低于田间环境(P < 0.01)。温度和0 ℃以上积温升高,小麦幼穗分化进程加快。与田间种植小麦相比,玻璃温室内小麦幼穗分化缩短的时期主要集中在分化前期(出苗-伸长期、单棱期、二棱期)。玻璃温室内小麦幼穗分化持续时间和总积温均随播期推迟而降低,幼穗分化各阶段出现时间亦随播期的推迟而后延。小麦幼穗分化进程存在品种间差异,其中"郑麦9023"幼穗分化持续时间小于"周麦18",各阶段出现的时间亦早于"周麦18"。温度对幼穗分化各时期的影响存在品种间差异。温度升高对"郑麦9023"幼穗分化中期(二棱期、护颖分化期、小花分化期)影响较大,对"周麦18"幼穗分化前期和后期(单棱期、二棱期、药隔分化期)影响较大。积温对"郑麦9023"护颖分化期和"周麦18"药隔分化期、二棱期影响较大。  相似文献   

Cereal crops specifically maize, wheat, and rice have a prominent role in feeding the world's population. In the context of a growing population and a potential increase in food demand in coming years, yield output of cereals is certainly necessary. Concurrently, the production of these crops is challenged with several abiotic and biotic stresses. Salinity, a leading abiotic stress in global agriculture, significantly reduce growth, yield and overall production of cereals and if not managed through successive efforts, global food security will be uncertain in the future. Thus, employment of sustainable approaches in achieving the targets of food demands of increasing population needs focused attention. Integration of agronomic and biotechnological methods can manage salinity induced drastic effects on crops which would lead to increased crop productivity. In this review, we focus on employing seed priming techniques as possible salt stress management approaches in three major cereal crops (maize, rice, and wheat).  相似文献   

Crop responses to climatic variation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The yield and quality of food crops is central to the well being of humans and is directly affected by climate and weather. Initial studies of climate change on crops focussed on effects of increased carbon dioxide (CO2) level and/or global mean temperature and/or rainfall and nutrition on crop production. However, crops can respond nonlinearly to changes in their growing conditions, exhibit threshold responses and are subject to combinations of stress factors that affect their growth, development and yield. Thus, climate variability and changes in the frequency of extreme events are important for yield, its stability and quality. In this context, threshold temperatures for crop processes are found not to differ greatly for different crops and are important to define for the major food crops, to assist climate modellers predict the occurrence of crop critical temperatures and their temporal resolution. This paper demonstrates the impacts of climate variability for crop production in a number of crops. Increasing temperature and precipitation variability increases the risks to yield, as shown via computer simulation and experimental studies. The issue of food quality has not been given sufficient importance when assessing the impact of climate change for food and this is addressed. Using simulation models of wheat, the concentration of grain protein is shown to respond to changes in the mean and variability of temperature and precipitation events. The paper concludes with discussion of adaptation possibilities for crops in response to drought and argues that characters that enable better exploration of the soil and slower leaf canopy expansion could lead to crop higher transpiration efficiency.  相似文献   

High altitude upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) production systems are expected to benefit from climate change induced increase in temperatures. The potential yield of rice genotypes is governed by the thermal environment experienced during crop development phases when yield components are determined. Thus, knowledge on genotypic variability in phenotypic responses to variable temperature is required for assessing the adaptability of rice production to changing climate. Although, several crop models are available for this task, genotypic thermal constants used to simulate crop phenology vary strongly among the models and are under debate. Therefore, we conducted field trials with ten contrasting upland rice (O. sativa L.) genotypes on three locations along an altitudinal gradient with five monthly staggered sowing dates for two years in Madagascar with the aim to study phenological responses at different temperature regimes. We found that, crop duration is equally influenced by genotype selection, sowing date and year in the high altitude. In contrast, in mid altitudes genotype has no effect on crop duration. At low altitudes crop duration is more affected by sowing date. Grain yield is strongly affected by low temperatures at high altitudes and severly influenced by frequent tropical cyclones at low altitudes. In high altitude, genotype explained 68% of variation in spikelet sterility, whereas in mid and low altitudes environment explained more than 70% of the variation. The phenological responses determining crop duration and yield, the basic genotypic thermal constants, and the analyses of genotypic thermal responses with regard to spikelet sterility reported here, provide valuable information for the improvement of rice phenological models urgently needed to develop new genotypes and better adapted cropping calendars.  相似文献   

雄性不育技术在作物杂种优势利用和杂交种生产中发挥着重要作用。基于核质互作雄性不育的“三系法”与光温敏核不育的“两系法”已经在水稻等主要作物的杂交制种中获得了广泛应用,但是存在着资源利用效率低、育性不稳定、易受外界环境影响等诸多问题。近三十年来,利用生物技术创建不同类型的植物雄性不育系取得了一系列突破性进展。主要针对玉米、水稻、小麦三大作物的基因工程雄性不育技术的最新进展进行总结,特别详细地描述了本实验室最近研究创制的玉米多控不育技术体系,以期为相关研究和产业化应用提供技术参考。  相似文献   

Splicing and alternative splicing in rice and humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rice is a monocot gramineous crop, and one of the most important staple foods. Rice is considered a model species for most gramineous crops. Extensive research on rice has provided critical guidance for other crops, such as maize and wheat. In recent years, climate change and exacerbated soil degradation have resulted in a variety of abiotic stresses, such as greenhouse effects, lower temperatures, drought, floods, soil salinization and heavy metal pollution. As such, there is an extremely high demand for additional research, in order to address these negative factors. Studies have shown that the alternative splicing of many genes in rice is affected by stress conditions, suggesting that manipulation of the alternative splicing of specific genes may be an effective approach for rice to adapt to abiotic stress. With the advancement of microarrays, and more recently, next generation sequencing technology, several studies have shown that more than half of the genes in the rice genome undergo alternative splicing. This mini-review summarizes the latest progress in the research of splicing and alternative splicing in rice, compared to splicing in humans. Furthermore, we discuss how additional studies may change the landscape of investigation of rice functional genomics and genetically improved rice. [BMB Reports 2013; 46(9): 439-447]  相似文献   

Meteorological and Hydrological Service was established 70 years ago and agrometeorological activities (soil temperature measurements and phenological observations) started in 1951. Scientific research is divided into an agricultural meteorology, forest meteorology and plant phenology. The basic purpose of research is the impact of regional climate change on the crop production, on the phenological stages of different plants as forest trees and shrubs, fruit-trees, olive-trees, grapevine and maize, and on the potential wildfire risk. In the operational tasks short-range and medium-range forecasts have been produced for TV and internet since 2004, radio since 1990 and specialized journals since 1988. For further development of Croatian agrometeorology, future plans are using monthly and seasonal forecasts for prediction of the development of yield of major agricultural crops, for irrigation purposes, as well as for potential risk of wildfires and applying satellite data and nowcasting for warning purposes in agriculture and in forest protection against fire.  相似文献   

Cereal crops are significant contributors to global diets. As climate change disrupts weather patterns and wreaks havoc on crops, the need for generating stress-resilient, high-yielding varieties is more urgent than ever. One extremely promising avenue in this regard is to exploit the tremendous genetic diversity expressed by the wild ancestors of current day crop species. These crop wild relatives thrive in a range of environments and accordingly often harbor an array of traits that allow them to do so. The identification and introgression of these traits into our staple cereal crops can lessen yield losses in stressful environments. In the last decades, a surge in extreme drought and flooding events have severely impacted cereal crop production. Climate models predict a persistence of this trend, thus reinforcing the need for research on water stress resilience. Here we review: (i) how water stress (drought and flooding) impacts crop performance; and (ii) how identification of tolerance traits and mechanisms from wild relatives of the main cereal crops, that is, rice, maize, wheat, and barley, can lead to improved survival and sustained yields in these crops under water stress conditions.  相似文献   

Crop dry matter and its chemical composition, together withcanopy and mature tissue respiration rates were measure at equivalentgrowth stages and temperatures for spring and winter rye, triticaleand wheat crops grown under irrigated field conditions. Canopyrespiration was partitioned into growth and maintenance respirationusing information from the chemical composition analysis ofthe crop biomass. Rates of dry matter accumulation early inthe growing season were significantly greater for rye cropsin comparison to triticale and wheat. However, when dry matterwas measured at similar ontogenetic stages, the productivityadvantage of the rye crop was no longer evident. Nevertheless,canopy respiration rates per unit ground area were significantlylower for rye than wheat over all temperatures and growth stages.Intergeneric differences in the respiration rates of matureleaf and stem tissues were consistent with those measured atcanopy scales. Differences in the chemical composition of thebiomass among genera were minimal, and insufficient to accountfor differences in canopy respiration due to synthesis respirationrequirement. Estimates of biomass maintenance requirements appearto be significantly lower for rye than wheat when calculatedat similar temperatures and ontogenetic stages. The maintenancecoefficient (m) depended on stage of development, suggestingthat m will decline earlier chronologically for rye than wheat,which implies that greater carbon retention is another aspectcontributing to the higher early-season crop growth rates ofspring and winter rye. Considering the lower respiration ratesof mature stems relative to leaves, the dependence of m on stem:leafratio was suggested as a useful approach to modelling ontogeneticeffects on maintenance respiration.Copyright 1993, 1999 AcademicPress Rye, triticale, wheat, dry matter, growth and maintenance respiration  相似文献   

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