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All too often, studies of sexual selection focus exclusively on the responses in one sex, on single traits, typically those that are exaggerated and strongly sexually dimorphic. They ignore a range of less obvious traits and behavior, in both sexes, involved in the interactions leading to mate choice. To remedy this imbalance, we analyze a textbook example of sexual selection in the stalk‐eyed fly (Diasemopsis meigenii). We studied several traits in a novel, insightful, and efficient experimental design, examining 2,400 male–female pairs in a “round‐robin” array, where each female was tested against multiple males and vice versa. In D. meigenii, females exhibit strong mate preference for males with highly exaggerated eyespan, and so we deliberately constrained variation in male eyespan to reveal the importance of other traits. Males performing more precopulatory behavior were more likely to attempt to mate with females and be accepted by them. However, behavior was not a necessary part of courtship, as it was absent from over almost half the interactions. Males with larger reproductive organs (testes and accessory glands) did not make more mating attempts, but there was a strong tendency for females to accept mating attempts from such males. How females detect differences in male reproductive organ size remains unclear. In addition, females with larger eyespan, an indicator of size and fecundity, attracted more mating attempts from males, but this trait did not alter female acceptance. Genetic variation among males had a strong influence on male mating attempts and female acceptance, both via the traits we studied and other unmeasured attributes. These findings demonstrate the importance of assaying multiple traits in males and females, rather than focusing solely on prominent and exaggerated sexually dimorphic traits. The approach allows a more complete understanding of the complex mating decisions made by both males and females.  相似文献   

1. We examined whether oxytocin (OT) neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) were activated by estrus female odor and sexual contact in sexually naïve and experienced Long-Evans rats. 2. Male rats were not presented to anesthetized estrus females (control) or presented to the females without (exposure to the female odor without sexual contact) or with direct contact (exposure to the female odor with sexual contact). 3. Exposure to the female odor with sexual contact significantly increased OT neurons with Fos-ir in both males. Exposure to the female odor without contact increased OT neurons with Fos-immunoreactive cells (Fos-ir) in sexually experienced males but not in naïve males, suggesting that the female odor without sexual contact activated the oxytocinergic neuronal system in the PVN in the experienced males. 4. Therefore, exposure to the estrus female odor itself may exert different effects on sexually naïve and experienced males.  相似文献   

Although females in numerous species generally prefer males with larger, brighter and more elaborate sexual traits, there is nonetheless considerable intra‐ and interpopulation variation in mating preferences amongst females that requires explanation. Such variation exists in the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata, an important model organism for the study of sexual selection and mate choice. While female guppies tend to prefer more ornamented males as mates, particularly those with greater amounts of orange coloration, there remains variation both in male traits and female mating preferences within and between populations. Male body size is another trait that is sexually selected through female mate choice in some species, but has not been examined as extensively as body coloration in the guppy despite known intra‐ and interpopulation variation in this trait among adult males and its importance for survivorship in this species. In this study, we used a dichotomous‐choice test to quantify the mating preferences of female guppies, originating from a low‐predation population in Trinidad, for two male traits, body length and area of the body covered with orange and black pigmentation, independently of each other. We expected strong female mating preferences for both male body length and coloration in this population, given relaxation from predation and presumably relatively low cost of choice. Females indeed exhibited a strong preference for larger males as expected, but surprisingly a weaker (but nonetheless significant) preference for orange and black coloration. Interestingly, larger females demonstrated stronger preferences for larger males than did smaller females, which could potentially lead to size‐assortative mating in nature.  相似文献   

To investigate the idea that sexual imprinting creates incipient reproductive isolation between phenotypically diverging populations, I performed experiments to determine whether colony-reared zebra finches would imprint on details of artificial white crests. In the first experiment, adults in one breeding colony wore white crests with a vertical black stripe, while in another colony adults wore crests having a horizontal black stripe; except for their crests, breeders possessed wild-type plumage and conformation. Offspring of both sexes reared in these colonies developed mate preferences for opposite-sexed birds wearing the crest type with which they were reared; neither sex developed a social preference for crested individuals of the same sex. In a second experiment, females reared by crested parents preferred crested males versus males with red leg bands, while control females (reared in a colony of wild-type, uncrested birds) preferred red-banded males in the same test. Results of a third experiment that used sexually dimorphic crest phenotypes indicate that both sexes of offspring imprinted on maternal crest patterns. Results support the hypothesis that sexual imprinting can facilitate isolation both by engendering a preference for population-typical traits and by prioritizing such an imprinting-based preference over species-typical preferences for other traits used in mate choice. Comparison with results of other recent studies indicates that imprinting tendencies of both sexes vary with the characteristics of traits presented as an imprinting stimuli. Tendency to imprint may vary with the perceived information content (e.g., kin, sex, or population indicator) of parental traits, a process dubbed selective sexual imprinting.  相似文献   

Many phytophagous insects have strong preferences for their host plants, which they recognize via odors, making it unclear how novel host preferences develop in the course of insect diversification. Insects may learn to prefer new host plants via exposure to their odors and pass this learned preference to their offspring. We tested this hypothesis by examining larval odor preferences before and after feeding them with leaves coated with control and novel odors and by examining odor preferences again in their offspring. Larvae of the parental generation developed a preference for two of these odors over their development. These odor preferences were also transmitted to the next generation. Offspring of butterflies fed on these new odors chose these odors more often than offspring of butterflies fed on control leaves. In addition, offspring of butterflies fed on banana odors had a significant naïve preference for the banana odors in contrast to the naïve preference for control leaves shown by individuals of the parental generation. Thus, butterflies can learn to prefer novel host plant odors via exposure to them during larval development and transmit these learned preferences to their offspring. This ability potentially facilitates shifts in host plant use over the course of insect diversification.  相似文献   

Examples of male mate choice are becoming increasingly common, even in polygynous species. We create a series of population genetic models to examine the evolutionary equilibria and dynamics resulting from male mate choice during polygyny, alone and in the context of mutual mate choice by both sexes. We find that unless males with a preference are able to increase their overall courtship output, male preference will be lost. This loss can be counteracted if males choose females not based on arbitrary traits, but based on a trait that indicates high fertility or viability. We also conclude that if male and female preferences and traits are all controlled by different loci, the male and female mate choice systems are decoupled; the presence of a male preference then has no influence on the equilibria or dynamics of female mate choice. If male and female traits are coupled by pleiotropy, it becomes possible for a male preference to be maintained, regardless of whether preferences between the sexes are pleiotropic or controlled by separate loci.  相似文献   

How should females choose their mates if choice is not completely free, but at least partly dictated by outcomes of male–male competition, or sexual coercion? This question is of central importance when evaluating the relationship between sexually antagonistic ‘chase-away’ scenarios and models of more traditional female choice. Currently, there is a mismatch between theories: indirect benefits are seen to play a role in conventional mate choice, whereas they are not predicted to have an influence on the outcome if matings impose direct costs on females. This is at odds with the idea that resistance and preference are two sides of the same coin: either leads to a subset of males enjoying enhanced mating success. In the same way as choosy females benefit from mating with sexy males if this yields sexy sons, females could benefit from being manipulated or ‘seduced’, if the manipulative or seductive ability of males is heritable. Here I build a model where male dominance (or coerciveness) improves his mating success, and this relationship can be modified by female behaviour. This clarifies the definitions of resistance and preference: resisting females diminish the benefit a male gains from being dominant, while preferences enhance this pre-existing benefit enjoyed by dominant males. In keeping with earlier theory, females may evolve to resist costly mating attempts as a counterstrategy to male traits, particularly if male dominance is environmentally rather than genetically determined. Contrary to earlier results, however, indirect benefits are also predicted to influence female mating behaviour, and if sufficiently strong, they may produce female preferences for males that harm them.  相似文献   

Mate sampling and the sexual conflict over mating in seaweed flies   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The order in which females encounter, or sample, males in apopulation may have important consequences for mate choice,with the information gathered about males influencing boththe preference function and degree of choosiness of females.Sexual selection may be affected as a result. Sampling of particularsubsets of males may be a crucial component of individual variation in mate preferences within populations. However, the sequencein which males are sampled may also be important in specieswithout traditional, active mate choice, such as when sexualselection involves sexual conflict over mating. This wouldoccur if the likelihood of a female mating with a male of acertain phenotype changes as a result of previous encounters.We examined the effects of encountering males differing inbody size, a sexually selected phenotype, in the seaweed flyCoelopa frigida. Sexual selection occurs in this species asa result of a sexual conflict over mating. We show that theoutcome of the sexual conflict is independent of the orderin which males are encountered by female seaweed flies, withthe overall mating advantage to large males being unaffected.In addition, we explored female preference functions and evaluatethe heterogeneity in female willingness to mate. We suggestthat consideration of mate sampling theory is valuable whenexamining mate choice in species in which sexual selectionis driven by sexual conflict.  相似文献   

There is currently much interest in mate preferences for sexual ornaments. However, few studies have focused on individual variation in mate preference despite its importance for the rate and direction of sexual selection. Females of the sexually dimorphic stalk-eyed fly, Diasemopsis meigenii, exhibit an unambiguous rejection response towards unattractive males bearing small ornaments. We investigated individual mate preferences using repeated sequential sampling of female rejection or acceptance responses to a wide range of male ornament phenotypes. We found significant variation in the strength of individual preference. In addition, preference was positively associated with female eyespan, a condition-dependent trait putatively linked to visual acuity.  相似文献   

In sexually dimorphic species characterized by exaggerated male ornamentation, behavioral isolation is often attributed to female preferences for conspecific male signals. Yet, in a number of sexually dimorphic species, male mate choice also results in behavioral isolation. In many of these cases, the female traits that mediate species boundaries are unclear. Females in sexually dimorphic species typically lack many of the elaborate traits that are present in males and that are often used for taxonomic classification of species. In a diverse and largely sexually dimorphic group of fishes called darters (Percidae: Etheostoma), male mate choice contributes to behavioral isolation between a number of species; however, studies addressing which female traits males prefer are lacking. In this study, we identified the dominant female pattern for two sympatric species, Etheostoma zonale and Etheostoma barrenense, using pattern energy analysis, and we used discriminate function analysis to identify which aspects of female patterning can reliably classify species. We then tested the role of female features in male mate choice for E. zonale, by measuring male preference for computer animations displaying the identified (species-specific) conspecific features. We found that the region above the lateral line is important in mediating male mate preferences, with males spending a significantly greater proportion of time with animations exhibiting conspecific female patterning in this region than with animations exhibiting heterospecific female patterning. Our results suggest that the aspects of female phenotypes that are the target of male mate choice are different from the conspicuous male phenotypes that traditionally characterize species.  相似文献   

Under the indicator models of mate choice, female preferences evolve to exploit the condition-dependence or "indicator value" of male traits, which in turn may cause these traits to evolve to elaborate extremes. If the indicator value of a male trait changes, the payoff function of the female preference for that trait should change and the preference should evolve to a new optimum. I tested this prediction in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, a species in which the indicator value of a sexually selected male trait, carotenoid coloration, varies geographically. Carotenoid coloration is thought to be an indicator of foraging ability and health because animals must obtain carotenoid pigments from their diet. The primary dietary source of carotenoids for guppies is unicellular algae, the abundance of which varies among natural streams because of variation in forest canopy cover. Carotenoid availability limits male coloration to a greater extent in streams with greater forest canopy cover. Thus, the indicator value of male coloration covaries positively with canopy cover. To test the indicator model prediction, I measured genetic divergence in the strength of female preferences for carotenoid coloration between high- and low-carotenoid availability streams in each of three river drainages. Second-generation laboratory-born females were given a choice between full-sib males raised on three different dietary levels of carotenoids. For all six populations, male attractiveness (as determined from the responses of females to male courtship displays) increased with dietary carotenoid levels. However, the strength of female preferences differed between populations in the predicted direction in only one of three river drainages. These results fail to support a crucial prediction of the indicator model. More studies taking an interpopulation approach to studying mate preference evolution are needed before the explanatory value of the indicator models can be rigorously assessed.  相似文献   

Speciation by sexual selection is generally modeled as the coevolution of female preferences and elaborate male ornaments leading to behavioral (sexual) reproductive isolation. One prediction of these models is that female preference for conspecific males should evolve earlier than male preference for conspecific females in sexually dimorphic species with male ornaments. We tested that prediction in darters, a diverse group of freshwater fishes with sexually dimorphic ornamentation. Focusing on the earliest stages of divergence, we tested preference for conspecific mates in males and females of seven closely related species pairs. Contrary to expectation, male preference for conspecific females was significantly greater than female preference for conspecific males. Males in four of the 14 species significantly preferred conspecific females; whereas, females in no species significantly preferred conspecific males. Relationships between the strength of preference for conspecifics and genetic distance revealed no difference in slope between males and females, but a significant difference in intercept, also suggesting that male preference evolves earlier than females’. Our results are consistent with other recent studies in darters and suggest that the coevolution of female preferences and male ornaments may not best explain the earliest stages of behavioral isolation in this lineage.  相似文献   

Local adaptation can be strengthened through a diversity of mechanisms that reduce gene flow between contrasting environments. Recent work revealed that mate choice could enhance local adaptation when females preferentially mate with locally adapted males and that such female preferences readily evolve, but the opposing effects of recombination, migration and costs of female preferences remain relatively unexplored. To investigate these effects, we develop a two‐patch model with two genes, one influencing an ecological trait and one influencing female preferences, where both male signals and female preferences are allowed to depend on the match between an individual's ecological trait and the local environment (condition). Because trait variation is limited when migration is rare and the benefits of preferential mating are short‐lived when migration is frequent, we find that female preferences for males in high condition spread most rapidly with intermediate levels of migration. Surprisingly, we find that preferences for locally adapted males spread fastest with higher recombination rates, which contrasts with earlier studies. This is because a stronger preference allele for locally adapted males can only get uncoupled from maladapted ecological alleles following migration through recombination. The effects of migration and recombination depend strongly on the condition of the males being chosen by females, but only weakly on the condition of the females doing the choosing, except when it comes to the costs of preference. Although costs always impede the spread of female preferences for locally adapted males, the impact is substantially lessened if costs are borne primarily by females in poor condition. The abundance of empirical examples of condition‐dependent mate choice combined with our theoretical results suggests that the evolution of mate choice could commonly facilitate local adaptation in nature.  相似文献   

Females of many species are frequently courted by promiscuous males of their own and other closely related species. Such mating interactions may impose strong selection on female mating preferences to favor trait values in conspecific males that allow females to discriminate them from their heterospecific rivals. We explore the consequences of such selection in models of the evolution of female mating preferences when females must interact with heterospecific males from which they are completely postreproductively isolated. Specifically, we allow the values of both the most preferred male trait and the tolerance of females for males that deviate from this most preferred trait to evolve. Also, we consider situations in which females base their mating decisions on multiple male traits and must interact with males of multiple species. Females will rapidly differentiate in preference when they sometimes mistake heterospecific males for suitable mates, and the differentiation of female preference will select for conspecific male traits to differentiate as well. In most circumstances, this differentiation continues indefinitely, but slows substantially once females are differentiated enough to make mistakes rare. Populations of females with broader preference functions (i.e., broader tolerance for males with trait values that deviate from females' most preferred values) will evolve further to differentiate if the shape of the function cannot evolve. Also, the magnitude of separation that evolves is larger and achieved faster when conspecific males have lower relative abundance. The direction of differentiation is also very sensitive to initial conditions if females base their mate choices on multiple male traits. We discuss how these selection pressures on female mate choice may lead to speciation by generating differentiation among populations of a progenitor species that experiences different assemblages of heterospecifics. Opportunities for differentiation increase as the number of traits involved in mate choice increase and as the number of species involved increases. We suggest that this mode of speciation may have been particularly prevalent in response to the cycles of climatic change throughout the Quaternary that forced the assembly and disassembly of entire communities on a continentwide basis.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic traits in many mate recognition systems have evolved in response to preexisting female biases. These biases are often quite general in form and are likely to be shared by predators, thereby imposing a cost on male trait expression. The Mexican tetra Astyanax mexicanus (Pisces: Characidae), a visual predator of swordtail fishes, exhibits the same visual preferences for male body size morphs as do females. Furthermore, tetras in populations where swordtails are absent prefer males with sword ornaments over males with swords removed. The predator preference is thus likely to have arisen prior to contact with fishes bearing the ornament, as has also been suggested for mating preferences for swords.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish communicate with brief electrostatic field pulses called electric organ discharges (EODs). EOD waveforms are sexually dimorphic in most genera, a condition thought to result from mate choice acting to shape the electric signal's constituent action potentials. We have no direct behavioural evidence that sexual selection by either mate choice or intrasexual competition is responsible for sex differences in the EOD waveforms of electric fish. We explored sexual selection in electric fish by conducting two-choice unforced preference tests with live, unaltered gymnotiform electric fish,Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus , which are sexually dimorphic. In the initial test, gravid females selected males over females only when the males were larger than average. Gravid females in later tests preferred larger males to smaller males in a significant majority of those trials in which they showed a preference. In about one-third of those trials, females spawned with their preferred male, confirming their preference. We concluded that passage through the choice apparatus was related to mate choice. The signals of chosen males had larger EOD amplitudes and longer EOD durations. These findings show that femaleB. pinnicaudatus do have a preference for a certain male phenotype. The system requires additional study to dissociate correlated male phenotypic characters to identify which male traits the female prefers. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Male age and sexual experience are important condition parameters that can influence mate choice and female fitness, yet they are seldom studied simultaneously. Here, we investigated the effect of male age and previous sexual experience on mating success and female fitness in the Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: Tephritidae). Males were either young or old, sexually experienced or naïve. Older and sexually experienced males obtained more copulations. However, females did not receive benefits in terms of lifetime fecundity, fertility, or longevity from mating with these males. Results suggest that males become more competitive as they age and gain sexual experience and may be able to maintain a high quality ejaculate compared to young males. Older experienced males may be manipulating females into preferentially mating with them at no benefit to females. Alternatively, females may prefer mating with older more experienced males and possibly receive other indirect benefits, but this remains to be tested.  相似文献   

Correlative evidence suggests that high problem‐solving and foraging abilities in a mate are associated with direct fitness advantages, so it would benefit females to prefer problem‐solving males. Recent work has also shown that females of several bird species who directly observe males prefer those that can solve a novel foraging task over those that cannot. In addition to or instead of direct observation of cognitive skills, many species utilize assessment signals when choosing a mate. Here, we test whether females can select a problem‐solving male over a non‐solving male when presented only with a signal known to be used in mate assessment: song. Using an operant conditioning assay, we compared female zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) preference for the songs of males that could quickly solve a novel foraging task to the songs of males that could not solve the task. Females were never housed with the test subject males whose song they heard, and the only information provided about the males was their song. We found that females elicited more songs of problem‐solving males than of non‐solvers, indicating that song may contain information about a male’s ability to solve a novel foraging task and that naïve females prefer the songs of problem‐solving males.  相似文献   

Abstract The degree of sexual dimorphism in a trait may be determined directly by disruptive selection, as well as by correlations with other traits under selection. We grew seeds from nine populations of the dioecious plant Silene latifolia in a common‐garden experiment to determine whether phenotypic variation and correlations existed for floral, leaf and resource allocation traits, and whether this variation had a genetic component. We also determined the traits which were sexually dimorphic, the degree of dimorphism, and whether it varied among populations. Seven traits exhibited among‐population variation and sexual dimorphism. Variation in the degree of dimorphism occurred only for two traits, suggesting that dimorphism may be evolving more slowly than trait means. Males had more, smaller flowers, shorter leaves, and allocated less of their total biomass to stems and more to leaves than females. Flower production was the most sexually dimorphic trait and was correlated with all measured traits. Most traits exhibited significant correlations between the sexes. The pattern of correlations and the degree of sexual dimorphism among traits lead us to suggest that intrasexual selection for an exaggerated floral display in males has indirectly led to sexual dimorphism in a host of other traits.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict can result in an ‘evolutionary arms race’ between males and females, with the evolution of sexual antagonistic traits used to resolve the conflict in favor of one sex over the other. We assessed the resolution of sexual conflict in a Hyalella amphipod species by manipulating putative sexually antagonistic traits in males and females and used mate‐guarding duration as our metric of conflict resolution. We discovered that large male posterior gnathopod size increased mate‐guarding duration, which suggests that it is a sexually antagonistic trait in this species. In contrast, female and male body size did not significantly affect mate‐guarding duration. Given that male posterior gnathopods show heightened condition dependence, future investigations should explore the interactive effects of sexual conflict and ecological context on trait evolution, phenotypic divergence, and speciation to elucidate the complex mechanisms involved in the evolution of biological diversity.  相似文献   

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