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细胞外基质金属蛋白酶诱导因子(CD147)是一种高度糖基化的跨膜蛋白,属于免疫蛋白超家族成员。CD147为多功能型蛋白,可以参与人体的多种病理生理机制,其通过调节血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)和基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)的表达参与恶性肿瘤的新生血管的生成及多重耐药性的产生。近年来随着对CD147在肿瘤发生发展中的研究不断深入,越来越多的发现使得CD147在肿瘤进展中的作用日益凸显。已经明确了其对肿瘤的进展及治疗的作用,在多种肿瘤中高表达,并随着肿瘤的恶性程度增高而增加,可以作为某些恶性肿瘤治疗的靶点。然而,CD147其他的功能包括充当T细胞的活化剂、神经识别分子和受体伴侣亲环素A的生理和病理机制还未明确。因此,有必要探索CD147在肿瘤中的特定功能,并阐明其产生机制是至关重要的。在此研究的基础上,现就CD147与MMPs、VEGF之间相互作用对肿瘤的转移和浸润的影响作一综述。  相似文献   

CD147是一种免疫球蛋白超家族,它与肿瘤侵袭和转染,类风湿性关节炎,病毒入侵,淋巴细胞的迁移和活化,老年痴呆症,疟原虫入侵等病理过程密切先关,已成为癌症等疾病的新型药物靶标分子。作为一个单次跨膜蛋白,CD147的多功能性依赖于它的胞外结构域以及细胞膜和细胞外多种分子的相互作用。有研究发现CD147可作为细胞膜受体并且在上皮细胞,肿瘤细胞和免疫T细胞中均有表达。其可作为T细胞亲环素受体并具有趋化T细胞的功能。近几年研究发现,CD147在调节性T细胞高表达并且具有标志性意义。该文就以作为活性调节性T细胞标志的CD147的潜在作用进展综述如下。  相似文献   

细胞外基质金属蛋白酶诱导因子(CD147)是一种高度糖基化的跨膜蛋白,属于免疫蛋白超家族成员。CD147 为多功能型蛋 白,可以参与人体的多种病理生理机制,其通过调节血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)和基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)的表达参与恶性肿瘤的新生血管的生成及多重耐药性的产生。近年来随着对CD147 在肿瘤发生发展中的研究不断深入,越来越多的发现使得CD147在肿瘤进展中的作用日益凸显。已经明确了其对肿瘤的进展及治疗的作用,在多种肿瘤中高表达,并随着肿瘤的恶性程度增高而 增加,可以作为某些恶性肿瘤治疗的靶点。然而,CD147 其他的功能包括充当T 细胞的活化剂、神经识别分子和受体伴侣亲环素A的生理和病理机制还未明确。因此,有必要探索CD147 在肿瘤中的特定功能,并阐明其产生机制是至关重要的。在此研究的基础上,现就CD147 与MMPs、VEGF之间相互作用对肿瘤的转移和浸润的影响作一综述。  相似文献   

Jiang JL  Tang J 《生理学报》2007,59(4):517-523
CD147(basigin、EMMPRIN、neurothelin、M6、HAb18G等)是一个跨膜糖蛋白家族,广泛表达于各种上皮细胞,但其表达在大鼠、小鼠、鸡和人等不同种属间存在很大差异性。CD147高表达于上皮来源的肿瘤细胞表面,如肺癌、乳腺癌和肝癌等。CD147抗原胞外段有2个IgSF结构域,跨膜区有一个带电谷氨酸(GIu)残基,胞内段含有40个氨基酸。CD147的结构特点提示其可能参与蛋白-蛋白相互作用。由于CD147分子的3D结构信息还没有获得,与其相互作用的分子还没有完全明确,但近来应用黏附、免疫共沉淀等实验方法,一些研究报道提示,CD147可与整合素(integrin)、环亲合素(cyclophilins)、单羧酸转运器(monocarboxylate transporter,MCT)等蛋白相互作用,而这些蛋白可能作为CD147分子的候选配体或受体,通过蛋白-蛋白相互作用,介导广泛的上皮细胞生物学功能。  相似文献   

CD147是一种广泛存在于细胞表面的糖蛋白,参与机体多种生理和病理的过程。CD147已被证实是一种在肿瘤细胞中高度表达的胞膜监视分子.能刺激肿瘤细胞周围的成纤维细胞及肿瘤细胞产生基质金属蛋白酶(matrix metalloproteinase,MMP)。正常组织中CD147的出现和调节也伴随着MMP表达的升高。这一现象提示,CD147介导的MMP诱导作用是非肿瘤生理或病理状态下的一种常见调节机制。该文介绍在各种生理和病理状态下,CD147的不同调节机制。  相似文献   

CD147的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
CD147分子是一种广泛表达于人体多种组织的跨膜糖蛋白,属于免疫球蛋白超家族。CD147在多种肿瘤细胞和组织中高表达,通过诱导基质金属蛋白酶(MMP)的分泌促进了肿瘤的浸润、转移。同时,CD147与炎症反应如类风湿性关节炎、动脉粥样硬化,以及细胞、组织的分化和发育等密切相关。简要综述了CD147参与的多种生理、病理过程。  相似文献   

目的通过研究细胞外基质金属蛋白酶诱导剂(CD147)、葡萄糖转运蛋白1(GLUT1)和基质金属蛋白酶-9(MMP-9)在人骨肉瘤组织中的表达及临床意义,并且探讨三者之间调控关系。方法应用免疫组织化学S-P法检测55例骨肉瘤和20例骨软骨瘤组织CD147、GLUT1和MMP-9的水平;应用siRNA干扰技术,特异性下调入骨肉瘤细胞系MG-63内源性CD147 mRNA水平,使用荧光定量PCR技术检测细胞GLUT1和MMP-9 mRN水平。结果骨肉瘤CD147、GLUT1和MMP-9阳性率显著高于骨软骨瘤;骨肉瘤CD147的表达与肿瘤的软组织浸润和Ennecking分期呈显著正相关,GLUT1的表达与肿瘤的大小呈显著正相关,MMP-9蛋白表达与男性患者、肿瘤大小、肿瘤软组织浸润、组织学分级和Ennecking分期均呈显著正相关;骨肉瘤CD147和GLUT1的表达呈显著正相关;CD147和MMP-9的表达呈显著正相关;外源性下调MG-63细胞CD147表达后,细胞GLUT1和MMP-9的表达也随之下调。结论 CD147可能通过调控GLUT1和MMP-9分别参与骨肉瘤肿瘤细胞的侵袭转移过程。  相似文献   

亲环蛋白A(CyclophilinA,CypA)是免疫抑制剂环孢菌素A(CyclosporineA,CsA)的体内受体.它是目前所知的人类亲环素(Cyps)家族成员中占细胞溶质的量最大的蛋白,且是Cyps家族中最重要的一员,在生物体中广泛表达,发挥重要的生物学作用.首先,CypA本身被认为具有蛋白质的折叠、转运、修复、细胞信号转导和免疫调节等作用;其次,CypA与CD147之间的趋化因子样作用与多种疾病关系密切.研究发现其在多种疾病发生发展过程中表达变化,如炎症、肿瘤、艾滋病和丙型肝炎等免疫相关疾病.CypA有可能成为人类某些免疫相关疾病早期诊断、预防和治疗的重要分子靶标.因此,CypA以成为医学研究中的热点,人们希望通过对其深入的了解为这些疾病的治疗提供新的思路、策略和方法.  相似文献   

亲环素A(cyclophilin A,Cy PA),其受体CD147及其下游信号通路在心肌肥厚过程中变化情况不清楚。本实验目的是研究血清Cy PA、心肌中Cy PA、CD147及其信号通路与心肌肥厚的关系。大鼠左心室肥厚模型用2肾2夹(2-kidney,2-clip,2K2C)方法制备,并观察1周,4周和8周。用左心质量和体重比值(ratio of left ventricular heart weight to body weight,LVW/BW)及心肌横切面面积(cross sectional area,CSA)评价左心室肥厚。用ELISA检测血清中Cy PA水平。用蛋白免疫印迹和免疫组化观察Cy PA、CD147、磷酸化ERK1/2和cyclin D2在心肌组织中表达水平。在第4周和8周,与对照组比较,2K2C组大鼠血压明显增高,LVW/BW和CSA显著增加。ELISA结果显示2K2C组大鼠血清中Cy PA水平随着左心室肥厚程度加剧而明显增加。蛋白免疫印迹和免疫组化结果表明,Cy PA、CD147、磷酸化ERK1/2和cyclin D2在2K2C组大鼠心肌组织中表达水平也随左心室肥厚发展而增加。本研究表明血清中Cy PA水平以及心肌组织中Cy PA-CD147-ERK1/2-cyclin D2信号通路在心肌肥厚发展过程中被激活并表达上调,提示该信号通路在左心室肥厚发病机制中可能发挥了作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨基质金属蛋白酶-13(Matrix metalloproteinases-13,MMP-13)和CD147的表达与胃肠道间质瘤(Gastrointestinals stromal tumors,GISTs)临床病理特征的关系。方法采用免疫组织化学检测69例GISTs组织中MMP-13及CD147的表达,分析MMP-13和CD147与各病理参数的关系。结果GISTs组织中MMP-13和CD147的表达率分别为95.7%和97.1%,MMP-13阳性表达程度与GISTs的生物学行为、CD147表达及肿瘤的大小呈正相关(P〈0.05);CD147阳性表达程度与肿瘤的大小呈正相关(P〈0.05)。结论MMP-13表达与GISTs生物学行为关系密切,可作为GISTs生物学行为的潜在评价指标。  相似文献   

Cell surface expression of CD147/EMMPRIN is regulated by cyclophilin 60   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CD147, also known as extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer, is a regulator of matrix metalloproteinase production and also serves as a signaling receptor for extracellular cyclophilins. Previously, we demonstrated that cell surface expression of CD147 is sensitive to cyclophilin-binding drug cyclosporin A, suggesting involvement of a cyclophilin in the regulation of intracellular transport of CD147. In this report, we identify this cyclophilin as cyclophilin 60 (Cyp60), a distinct member of the cyclophilin family of proteins. CD147 co-immunoprecipitated with Cyp60, and confocal immunofluorescent microscopy revealed intracellular co-localization of Cyp60 and CD147. This interaction with Cyp60 involved proline 211 of CD147, which was shown previously to be critical for interaction between CD147 and another cyclophilin, cyclophilin A, in solution. Mutation of this proline residue abrogated co-immunoprecipitation of CD147 and Cyp60 and reduced surface expression of CD147 on the plasma membrane. Suppression of Cyp60 expression using RNA interference had an effect similar to that of cyclosporin A: reduction of cell surface expression of CD147. These results suggest that Cyp60 plays an important role in the translocation of CD147 to the cell surface. Therefore, Cyp60 may present a novel target for therapeutic interventions in diseases where CD147 functions as a pathogenic factor, such as cancer, human immunodeficiency virus infection, or rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that HAb18G/CD147 interacts with the integrin variants α3β1 and α6β1. However, the mechanism of the interaction remains largely unknown. In this study, mammalian protein-protein interaction trap (MAPPIT), a mammalian two-hybrid method, was used to study the CD147-integrin β1 subunit interaction. CD147 in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells was interfered with by small hairpin RNA. Nude mouse xenograft model and metastatic model of HCC were used to detect the role of CD147 in carcinogenesis and metastasis. We found that the extracellular membrane-proximal domain of HAb18G/CD147 (I-type domain) binds at the metal ion-dependent adhesion site in the βA domain of the integrin β1 subunit, and Asp(179) in the I-type domain of HAb18G/CD147 plays an important role in the interaction. The levels of the proteins that act downstream of integrin, including focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and phospho-FAK, were decreased, and the cytoskeletal structures of HCC cells were rearranged bearing the HAb18G/CD147 deletion. Simultaneously, the migration and invasion capacities, secretion of matrix metalloproteinases, colony formation rate in vitro, and tumor growth and metastatic potential in vivo were decreased. These results indicate that the interaction of HAb18G/CD147 extracellular I-type domain with the integrin β1 metal ion-dependent adhesion site motif activates the downstream FAK signaling pathway, subsequently enhancing the malignant properties of HCC cells.  相似文献   

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a highly malignant tumor, with a significant mortality and morbidity. With the development of tumor immunotherapy, chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CART) gets increasingly attention and achieves prominent contributions in the treatment of hematologic malignancies. However, CART therapy for NSCLC proceeds slowly and further researches need to be investigated. In our study, we performed bioinformatics analysis to evaluate the significant role of CD147 in NSCLC. The expression level of CD147 was detected in human NSCLC cell lines and NSCLC tissues. Meanwhile, CD147-CART was constructed and identified. Cell cytotoxicity and cytokine secretion were performed to evaluate the efficacy of CD147-CART. We also constructed cell-derived xenograft (CDX) model and patient-derived xenograft (PDX) model, which was used to further investigate the safety and efficacy of CD147-CART in vivo. Our observations show that CD147 is a specific tumor antigen of NSCLC and plays an essential role in NSCLC progression, which can be used as a target for CART therapy in NSCLC. CD147-CART cells exhibit robust cytotoxicity and cytokine production in vitro, suggesting a strong anti-tumor activity against NSCLC tumor cells. Importantly, CD147-CART cells have strong anti-tumor activity against NSCLC cells in vivo in both CDX and PDX models and no adverse side effects. Our findings show that CD147-CART immunotherapy for NSCLC is safe and effective, which is an ideal and promising medical patch for treating NSCLC.  相似文献   

CD147 plays a critical role in the invasive and metastatic activity of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells by stimulating the surrounding fibroblasts to secrete matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Tumor cells adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins is the first step to the tumor metastasis. MMPs degrade the ECM to promote tumor metastasis. The aim of this research was to investigate the inhibitory effects of stealth small interfering RNA (siRNA) against CD147 on HCC cell line (SMMC-7721) metastatic properties including invasion, adhesion to ECM, gelatinase production, focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and vinculin expression. Flow cytometry (FCM) and western blot assays were employed to detect the transfection efficiency of the stealth siRNA against CD147. Invasion assays and gelatin zymography were also used to detect the effects of stealth siRNA against CD147 on SMMC-7721 cells’ invasion and gelatinase production. The effects of stealth siRNA against CD147 on FAK and vinculiln expression in SMMC-7721 cells were also detected by western blot. The results showed that stealth siRNA against CD147 inhibited SMMC-7721 invasion, adhesion to ECM proteins, MMP-2 production, and FAK and vinculin expression. These findings indicate that CD147 is required for tumor cell invasion and adhesion. Perturbation of CD147 expression may have potential therapeutic uses in the prevention of MMP-2-dependent tumor invasion.  相似文献   

Jia L  Zhou H  Wang S  Cao J  Wei W  Zhang J 《IUBMB life》2006,58(4):209-216
CD147 is a plasma membrane glycoprotein, enriched on the surface of many malignant tumor cells. As a result of heterogeneous N-glycosylation, CD147 exists in both a highly glycosylated form, HG-CD147 ( approximately 40-60 kDa) and lowly glycosylated form, LG-CD147 ( approximately 32 kDa). This experiment investigated the possible role of CD147 glycosylation in the HcaF, HcaP and Hepa1-6 mouse hepatocarcinoma cell lines, which have high, low and no metastatic potential in the lymph nodes. Western blot analysis showed that the ratio of HG-CD147/LG-CD147 protein expression on HcaF and HcaP were much higher than that on Hepa1-6 cells. By treatment with tunicamycin (TM), an inhibitor of N-glycosylation, the expression level of HG-CD147 decreased and the LG-CD147 disappeared completely in HcaF cells. Meanwhile, Matrixmetallproteinase-11 (MMP-11) protein expression was down-regulated, and the adhesive capability of HcaF cells to endothelial cells in cryosection of mouse lymph nodes decreased. These results indicated that the glycosylation of CD147 plays a crucial role. It is HG-CD147 that may contribute more to tumor progress, invasion and metastasis into lymph node rather than LG-CD147. The results of this study are of biological and clinical importance.  相似文献   

CD147 is reported to be correlated with the malignancy of some cancers, and its overexpression affects the progression of tumor. In the present study, we investigated the function of HAb18G/CD147, a member of CD147 family, on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) adhesion, invasion and metastasis in 3-dimensional (3-D) cell co-culture model. The results showed that the extracellular microenvironment could determine the cellular phenotypes and then affected the cellular functions. The expressions of HAb18G/CD147 in HCC cells and fibroblasts were both obviously elevated in 3-D co-culture model. The overexpression of HAb18G/CD147 increased MMPs' (MMP-2 and MMP-9) production (P < 0.01), and was obviously accompanied with enhanced expressions of paxillin, FAK and p-FAK in 3-D cell co-culture model. All the results suggest that HAb18G/CD147 plays an important role in HCC adhesion, invasion and metastasis mainly via modulating synthesis of MMPs and activating integrin signal pathways in fibroblasts and tumor cells themselves under the 3-D co-culture conditions.  相似文献   

Cyclophilin, a cytosolic receptor for the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A, plays a role in diverse pathophysiologies along with its receptor, CD147. Although the interaction between cyclophilin A and CD147 is well established in inflammatory disease, that of cyclophilin B (CypB) with CD147 has not been fully explored, especially in cancer cell biology, and the exact molecular mechanism underlying such an association is poorly understood. In this study, we first identified high expression levels of CypB in 54 % of hepatocellular carcinoma patient tissues but in only 12.5 % of normal liver tissues. Then, we demonstrated that CypB overexpression protects human hepatoma cells against oxidative stress through its binding to CD147; this protective effect depends on the peptidyl prolyl isomerase activity of CypB. siRNA-mediated knockdown of CypB expression rendered hepatoma cells more vulnerable to ROS-mediated apoptosis. Furthermore, we also determined that a direct interaction between secreted CypB and CD147 regulates the extracellular signal-regulated kinase intracellular signaling pathway and is indispensible for the protective functions of CypB. For the first time, we demonstrated that CypB has an essential function in protecting hepatoma cells against oxidative stress through binding to CD147 and regulating the ERK pathway.  相似文献   

Metabolic activation-related CD147-CD98 complex   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cell surface CD147 protein promotes production of matrix metalloproteinases and hyaluronan, associates with monocarboxylate transporters and integrins, and is involved in reproductive, neural, inflammatory, and tumor functions. Here we combined covalent cross-linking, mass spectrometric protein identification, and co-immunoprecipitation to show selective CD147 association with three major types of transporters (CD98 heavy chain (CD98hc)-L-type amino acid transporter, ASCT2, and monocarboxylate transporters) as well as a regulator of cell proliferation (epithelial cell adhesion molecule). In the assembly of these multicomponent complexes, CD147 and CD98hc play a central organizing role. RNA interference knock-down experiments established a strong connection between CD147 and CD98hc expression and a strong positive association of CD147 (and CD98hc) with cell proliferation. As the CD147-CD98hc complex and proliferation diminished, AMP-activated protein kinase (a cellular "fuel gauge") became activated, indicating a disturbance of cellular energy metabolism. Our data point to a CD147-CD98 cell surface supercomplex that plays a critical role in energy metabolism, likely by coordinating transport of lactate and amino acids. Furthermore we showed how covalent cross-linking, together with mass spectrometry, can be used to identify closely associated transmembrane proteins. This approach should also be applicable to many other types of transmembrane proteins besides those associated with CD98hc and CD147.  相似文献   

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