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目的建立真菌的病理切片改良革兰染色法。方法选取确诊真菌感染的组织蜡块,切若干空白片,通过苏木素-伊红染色(HE)、高碘酸-无色品红染色(PAS)、六胺银染色(GMS)、改良革兰染色后,比较改良革兰染色法的染色效果。结果改良革兰染色法的染色效果好,该法具有易操作、染色效果稳定等优点。结论改良革兰染色法能够清晰地显示出组织切片中的真菌,并且染色效果稳定,在检测组织中的真菌时可发挥重要的辅助诊断价值,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

MALLORY磷钨酸苏木精染色及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在显示心肌、骨骼肌的肌纤维主要结构及病变时 ,Mallory磷钨酸苏木精 (phoshangstic acidHematoxylin,PTAH)染色是常用的一种结缔组织染色法 ,此法不但能清晰地显示正常肌纤维的横纹 ,同时还能显示其它多种组织成分 ,特别在尸检工作中应用较普遍。1 .PTAH染色机制在 PTAH染液中只含苏木精一种染色剂 ,在磷钨酸参与下 ,经氧化成熟后能将不同组织及正常与异常部分染成蓝色和棕红色两种不同的颜色。Mallory在最初并未阐明 PTAH染色反应原理 ,但其方法仍符合现代组织化学的基本理论。PTA酸根基团中存在着许多空间 ,而这些空间和分子对…  相似文献   

伊红(Eosin)在显示细胞浆、嗜酸性颗粒、肌纤维和胶原纤维等结缔组织时,具有很强的亲和力,呈现出不同色调的红色,与胞核染料苏木精(He-matoxylin)在色泽上形成明显色差,使组织和细胞形态结构清晰地显示出来,形成红蓝相映鲜明绚丽的图像,成为经典的HE染色法。伊红染液的配制方法  相似文献   

该文比较了几种不同固定和化学染色方法对分化的骨骼肌细胞的效果及优缺点,并探讨了用化学染色法进行骨骼肌细胞形态学分析的可行性。骨骼肌前体细胞系C2C12经肌分化诱导3天后分别使用4%多聚甲醛(paraformaldehyde,PFA)、甲醇(methanol)、卡诺氏(Carnoy)固定液固定5 min、10 min和15 min,以确定最适固定方法;然后分别用改良苯酚品红(modified phenol fuchsin)、吉姆萨(Giemsa)、苏木精–伊红(hematoxylin-eosin,HE)三种不同的染液进行染色。结果表明,4% PFA固定5 min或10 min较其他方法更好地保持了肌管的形态;对于分化的骨骼肌细胞包括形成肌管的细胞和未形成肌管的细胞,HE染色优于其他几种染色方法,但以上几种方法均不如免疫荧光染色方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨多种特殊染色法在骨关节组织中的染色规律及其在骨关节炎形态学研究中的应用价值。方法 6月龄健康新西兰大白兔20只,随机分为正常组和造模组各10只,根据改良Hulth法造模,6周后膝关节取材。对标本固定、脱钙后进行石蜡包埋和切片。分别采用HE、番红-固绿、AB-PAS、甲苯胺蓝、Van Gieson染色和Mallory染色,观察骨关节组织的形态学变化,并对几种染色方法进行比较。结果 HE染色显示关节一般组织形态结构,可见模型组关节软骨和软骨下骨发生骨性关节炎病理变化;番红-固绿染色法中软骨和软骨下骨的界限(黏合线)以及潮线显示清晰,软骨基质中糖胺聚糖含量减少,纤维成分增多;AB-PAS染色显示骨关节炎软骨基质糖胺聚糖尤其是酸性糖胺聚糖含量减少;甲苯胺蓝染色显示骨关节炎软骨的酸性糖胺聚糖减少;Van Gieson染色和Mallory染色可显示骨关节组织中的胶原纤维,但组织结构界限不够清晰。结论在骨性关节炎的组织形态学研究中,通过常规HE染色,结合番红-固绿染色法和AB-PAS染色法,能较客观全面地获得关节组织形态学相关信息。  相似文献   

海登汉氏(Heidenhain’s)苏木精染色法是一种经典的细胞核和染色体的染色法,广泛地用于动、植物制片和细胞学的压片中,而且对很多难于被其他染料着色的材料,用此法仍能取得比较良好的效果。但该法中的苏木精染色液配后不能马上使用,需放在空气中经一到二个月“成熟”后才能使用。“成熟”即苏木精氧化成苏木素(氧化苏木精)的过程:  相似文献   

[目的]找到苏木精和伊红以外其它染色效果良好的组织切片染色剂。[方法]应用27种直接服装染料对小鼠肝脏组织切片进行染色效果观察。发现其中的活性玫红染料染色能够清晰显示中央静脉和肝细胞核等结构。再用活性玫红染料对小鼠心脏、肾脏、睾丸和肺组织切片进行染色效果观察,同时用伊红进行染色对比观察。[结果]活性玫红染料用蒸馏水溶解后即可使用,配制简单,在5 min之内完成。对心脏、肾脏、睾丸和肺组织切片染色后,肾小囊腔、生精细胞等结构清晰可辨,与HE染色结果类似。心肌横纹也可辨认。活性玫红处理的肝脏、肾脏和睾丸组织切片染色清晰度,高于伊红的染色效果。[结论]找到活性玫红染料这种染色效果良好的红色组织切片染色剂,其制备简单,来源丰富。  相似文献   

目的寻找一种可以替代人体消化管的动物标本,并通过特殊染色方法,使得小肠上皮分泌细胞的形态特征能够明显地显示出来。方法随机采集成年猫小肠的新鲜标本,经Bouin液灌注固定24h后,石蜡包埋切片脱蜡入水。分别采用Gomori染色法、PAS反应、Gomori+PAS反应、阿利新蓝(alcian blue,AB)染色法、AB+PAS反应、HE染色法和苏木精-焰红染色法进行染色。结果在各种染色的切片标本上,能够观察到杯状细胞的形态、分布和染色特性以及肠内分泌细胞的特点,并发现在它们之间还存在一种绿色颗粒细胞和嗜酸性颗粒细胞。结论通过特殊染色可以肯定猫的小肠杯状细胞合成的是中性粘蛋白和酸性粘蛋白;绿色颗粒细胞为未成熟杯状细胞;嗜酸性颗粒细胞为Paneth细胞,其特点是单个分散分布。肠内分泌细胞与周围其他上皮细胞的染色对比明显而容易识别。  相似文献   

为了探讨骨髓间充质干细胞(bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells,BMSCs)定向诱导分化成胰岛样结构的变化规律,本研究以胰腺组织裂解液为诱导剂,同时采用尼克酰胺诱导剂作为对照,以双硫腙染色筛选诱导所获得的细胞团,采用Mallory染色鉴别胰岛细胞,RT-PCR检测Insulin基因的表达。实验结果表明:诱导形成的胰岛样结构具有结缔组织样被膜包裹,Mallory染色可见胰岛样结构内有α、β样细胞,RT-PCR可检测到胰岛样结构内Insulin基因表达的阳性细胞。以上结果说明:胰腺组织裂解液能更好地模拟体内胰腺组织结构的微环境,诱导BMSCs分化为多种细胞,最终形成比较复杂的胰岛样结构。本研究结果为BMSCs定向诱导分化成胰腺细胞,提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

微孢子虫(microsporidia)是一类专性细胞内寄生的单细胞真核生物。是引起微孢子虫病的真菌类病原。在已知并被命名的1500多种微孢子虫中,共有9个属中的17个虫种可以感染人。人类微孢子虫可侵染包括肠道、肝、肺、脑等部位,引起慢性腹泻、肝炎、角膜炎、脑炎、血液系统性感染等,严重影响人类健康。研究开发快速高效的人类微孢子虫诊断方法成为当前病原微生物检测领域研究的热点。人类微孢子虫的发现历史实际上是伴随检测方法的不断进步而逐渐进行的。这些检测方法包括,透射电镜(transmission electron microscopy)、苏木精-伊红染色(hematoxylin-eosin stain,HE)、亚甲蓝染色(methylene blue)、吉姆萨染色(giemsa)、革兰氏染色(gram stain)、韦伯氏改良三色染色法(Weber’s chromotrope-based staining)、荧光增白剂染色法(calcofluor white staining)、抗原检测、抗体检测、实时荧光定量PCR (quantitative real-time PCR,q PCR)、环介导等温扩增(loop-mediated isothermal amplification,LAMP)、DNA点杂交模型等。随着技术的进步以及更多微孢子虫的检出,使人类能够更好地认识微孢子虫、并制定微孢子虫准确快速检测方法和防控策略。  相似文献   

Before the middle of the previous century, cell types of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans were identified primarily on the basis of their color reactions with histological dyes. At that time, the chemical basis for the staining properties of islet cells in relation to the identity, chemistry and structure of their hormones was not fully understood. Nevertheless, the definitive islet cell types that secrete glucagon, insulin, and somatostatin (A, B, and D cells, respectively) could reliably be differentiated from each other with staining protocols that involved variations of one or more tinctorial techniques, such as the Mallory-Heidenhain azan trichrome, chromium hematoxylin and phloxine, aldehyde fuchsin, and silver impregnation methods, which were popularly used until supplanted by immunohistochemical techniques. Before antibody-based staining methods, the most bona fide histochemical techniques for the identification of islet B cells were based on the detection of sulfhydryl and disulfide groups of insulin. The application of the classical islet tinctorial staining methods for pathophysiological studies and physiological experiments was fundamental to our understanding of islet architecture and the physiological roles of A and B cells in glucose regulation and diabetes.  相似文献   

Recent investigations strongly suggest the elaboration of a third pancreatic hormone by the D cell and the existence of cells which show the staining properties of both B and D cells. Demonstration of these and all other islet cells in a single section is possible by the following staining sequence: (1) of D cells by silver or toluidine blue, (2) of B cells by pseudoisocyanin, and (3) empirical staining of all islet cells together by aldehyde fuchsin, ponceau de xylidine, acid fuchsin and light green. Difficulties in embedding compact pancreatic tissue can be overcome by dehydrating to 80% ethanol, followed by tetrahydrofurane as the intermediate fluid to paraffin infiltration.  相似文献   

Differentiation of the pancreatic islets in grass snake Natrix natrix embryos, was analyzed using light, transmission electron microscopy, and immuno-gold labeling. The study focuses on the origin of islets, mode of islet formation, and cell arrangement within islets. Two waves of pancreatic islet formation in grass snake embryos were described. The first wave begins just after egg laying when precursors of endocrine cells located within large cell agglomerates in the dorsal pancreatic bud differentiate. The large cell agglomerates were divided by mesenchymal cells thus forming the first islets. This mode of islet formation is described as fission. During the second wave of pancreatic islet formation which is related to the formation of the duct mantle, we observed four phases of islet formation: (a) differentiation of individual endocrine cells from the progenitor layer of duct walls (budding) and their incomplete delamination; (b) formation of two types of small groups of endocrine cells (A/D and B) in the wall of pancreatic ducts; (c) joining groups of cells emerging from neighboring ducts (fusion) and rearrangement of cells within islets; (d) differentiated pancreatic islets with characteristic arrangement of endocrine cells. Mature pancreatic islets of the grass snake contained mainly A endocrine cells. Single B and D or PP–cells were present at the periphery of the islets. This arrangement of endocrine cells within pancreatic islets of the grass snake differs from that reported from most others vertebrate species. Endocrine cells in the pancreas of grass snake embryos were also present in the walls of intralobular and intercalated ducts. At hatching, some endocrine cells were in contact with the lumen of the pancreatic ducts.  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to identify pancreatic islet cells emitting formaldehyde-induced fluorescence (FIF), the pancreatic islets of the domestic fowl were studied by combined fluorescence, ultrastructural, silver-impregnation and immunohistochemical methods in the same section or in consecutive semi-thin and ultra-thin sections. The results indicate that islet cells emitting intense FIF exhibit a strongly argyrophil reaction with the Grimelius' silver method and also immunohistochemical reaction with anti-glucagon serum, but not with anti-5-HT serum. Therefore, the fowl islet A cell, a peptide hormone-producing cell, stores simultaneously catecholamine as biogenic amine. The islet B and D cells did not display any FIF, any argyrophil reaction with the Grimelius' silver method, or any immunoreactivity with anti-glucagon or anti-5-HT sera. The fluorescent but non-argyrophil cells dispersed in the exocrine acinus may well be PP cells.  相似文献   

A new application of the Giemsa stain to demonstrate endocrine cells in deplasticized sections of Epon embedded material is described. Its application to the pancreas of Rana temporaria is illustrated. The technique does not require postfixation with OsO4 and is easily performed in 30 min. It allows the easy identification of three types of endocrine cells (A, B, and D). A cells, preferentially located at the islet periphery, stain purple-blue. B cells, which occupy the interior of the islet, display a lilac color. D cells give a strong purple color; they are located both in the periphery of the islets and scattered among acinar cells. Positive identification of the cell types was made by immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

目的在链脲佐菌素(STZ)诱导恒河猴糖尿病动物模型基础上,用特殊染色、免疫组化双染方法显示胰腺等组织中的特征性病变。方法健康恒河猴5只,小剂量(30mg/kg)多次静脉注射STZ,濒死状态时将动物安乐死。取胰腺、心脏、肾脏、脾脏、肝脏、眼球、脑等器官制成石蜡切片,用HE、PAS、Masson、天狼星红和甲苯胺蓝等方法进行特殊染色,用免疫组化双重染色法同时显示胰岛A、B细胞。结果模型动物的胰岛萎缩,数量减少。Masson染色见外分泌部间质内纤维增生。局灶性慢性肾炎,病变区肾间质纤维组织增生,部分肾小球及肾小管萎缩。天狼星红染色见脾脏中央动脉管壁增厚。免疫组化双染见胰岛A胰高血糖素表达增多,胞浆呈棕褐色。B胰岛素表达减少,胞浆粉红色。结论HE染色结合特殊染色和免疫组化双重染色可较好地对STZ诱导糖尿病动物模型进行组织学评价。  相似文献   

Summary Thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase (NADPH-oxidized thioredoxin oxidoreductase, E.C. have been proposed to be involved in several thioldependent reduction-oxidation reactions in cells. Both proteins have been immunohistochemically demonstrated in the periphery of the cytoplasm and in cytoplasmic granules of acinar and islet cells in mouse pancreas. In animals fed ad libitum, the staining for thioredoxin was more intense in the exocrine acinar cells than in the islet cells, whereas that for thioredoxin reductase was more intense in the endocrine than in the exocrine pancreas. In the islets of fed mice all endocrine cell types showed about the same staining intensity for thioredoxin, while thioredoxin reductase was greatly enriched in the somatostatin-containing D cells. Starvation overnight caused an increased staining for both proteins in the acinar cells as well as in the islets. Under conditions of starvation, thioredoxin reductase, in contrast to thioredoxin, appeared to increase preferentially in the islet B cells, as compared with the D cells. Cysteamine treatment reduced the staining for somatostatin and for thioredoxin reductase in the D cells without any obvious effect on the other pancreatic cells. The results are compatible with a role for thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase in secretion.  相似文献   

A new application of the Giemsa stain to demonstrate endocrine cells in deplasticized sections of Epon embedded material is described. Its application to the pancreas of Rana temporaria is illustrated. The technique does not require postfixation with OSO4 and is easily performed in 30 min. It allows the easy identification of three types of endocrine cells (A, B, and D). A cells, preferentially located at the islet periphery, stain purple-blue. B cells, which occupy the interior of the islet, display a lilac color. D cells give a strong purple color, they are located both in the periphery of the islets and scattered among acinar cells. Positive identification of the cell types was made by immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Summary In the pancreas, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) immunoreactivity has been described in nerve fibers and in distinct types of islet cells. This unique, apparently species-specific cell-type expression prompted the present investigation to clarify further the pattern of CGRP immunoreactivity in different mammalian species (i.e., different strains of rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, pigs, and humans) commonly used for functional and anatomical studies of the pancreas by means of immunohistochemistry using three different CGRP antibodies. In each species, CGRP-immunoreactive neurites innervate the exocrine and endocrine compartments, the vasculature, and the intrapancreatic ganglia, where they form dense networks encircling unstained cell bodies. The only exception is the pig pancreas, where the islets appear to be devoid of immunoreactive fibers. The overall density of immunoreactive pancreatic axons in different species is as follows: rat, mouse, and rabbit>guinea pigpig and cat> >dog and human. CGRP-immunoreactive endocrine cells appear to be restricted to the rat pancreas, where they form a subpopulation of somatostatin-containing D cells. In contrast, in mouse, guinea pig, cat, dog, and human pancreas, a homogeneous staining of the core of the islets, where insulin-producing B cells are located, was visualized in sections incubated with the rabbit CGRP antiserum at 4°C, but not at 37°C (an incubation temperature that does not affect the islet cell staining in the rat nor the fiber labeling in any species). Furthermore, the staining of islet B cells was not reproductible with all the CGRP antibodies used, all of which comparably stain nerve fibers in each species, and islet D cells in the rat. Immunoreactive islet cells were not visualized in pig and rabbit pancreas. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the expression of CGRP in nerve fibers is a common feature of mammalian pancreas, whereas its expression in endocrine cells appears to be restricted to the D cells of the rat pancreas.  相似文献   

The naturally occurring polyamines spermidine and spermine are necessary for cell division and growth. By restaining experiments, using three independent polyamine cytochemical methods, together with peptide immunocytochemistry, we show that substantial amounts of polyamines occur in a number of peptide growth factor-producing cell types. These include submandibular granular convoluted duct cells producing epidermal growth factor (EGF), pancreatic islet cells producing insulin and anterior pituitary cells producing growth hormone (GH). Other cell types in these tissues display only weak or no polyamine reactivity. Also blood platelets, known to contain platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), are strongly stained for polyamines. Moreover, in EGF cells, insulin cells and blood platelets, polyamines are clearly localized in secretory granules. The possibility that polyamines may be coreleased and act in concert with peptide growth factors is discussed.  相似文献   

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