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记述了一种溞属新亚种:中华拟同形溞Daphnia similoides sinensis,模式标本保存在暨南大学水生生物研究所。在蒋樊治先生的《淡水枝角类》等中国文献中,该种被描述为隆腺溞,直至最近几年才陆续有中国学者报道了中国的拟同形溞,并有较多有关该种的生物学与生态学研究,但一直未见其形态学的研究结果。除此之外,仅台湾学者YOUNG Shuh-Sen 公布了台湾的拟同形溞的COI 序列。中华拟同形溞与已知印度的Daphnia similoides 主要区别在于其雄性第一触角上的嗅毛较短、鞭毛分节不同,鉴于雄性第一触角在分类学上的重要性,将其划分为新亚种。该亚种的COI 基因序列与已知台湾的D. similoides 有99%的相似度。比较了广东、安徽、浙江和江苏等地的D. similoides 种群,它们仅在第一触角处有细微差别。  相似文献   

陈花  林秋奇  徐磊  韩博平 《生态科学》2011,30(3):223-228
秀体溞是枝角类中重要的属,其分类一直存在较大分歧。目前我国秀体溞属有10个种,即短尾秀体溞Diaphanosoma brachyurum Liévin,1848、兴凯秀体溞D.chankensis Ueno,1939、奥氏秀体溞D.orghidani Negrea,1982、模糊秀体溞D.dubium Manujlova,1964、杜蒙特秀体溞D.dumonti Korovchinsky,1996、镰角秀体溞D.excisum Sars,1885、蒙古秀体溞D.mongolianum Ueno,1938、多刺秀体溞D.sarsi Richard,1894、大眼秀体溞D.macrophtalma Korovchinsky & Mirabdullaev,1995、热带秀体溞D.tropicum Korovchinsky,1998。在综合现有文献和研究模式标本的基础上,建立了上述10个种的分类检索表,并对我国最为常见的4个种:短尾秀体溞D.brachyurum Lievin,1848、奥氏秀体溞D.orghidani Negrea,1982、模糊秀体溞D.dubium Manujlova,1964、镰角秀体溞D.excisum Sars,1885的形态特征和地理分布进行了详细描述。分析了目前我国与国际在秀体溞分类上的一些异同,讨论了我国秀体溞分类中存在的同名异种或同种异名的问题。  相似文献   

本研究调查了太湖梅梁湾沉积物(25~1 cm)中溞属种类卵鞍(或休眠卵)的垂直分布及其与总氮、总磷的关系。结果表明:在梅梁湾的沉积物中,共鉴定出3种溞属种类(盔形溞(Daphnia galeata)、蚤状溞(Daphnia pulex)和中华拟同形溞(Daphnia similoides sinensis))的卵鞍,其中以盔形溞为优势种;溞属种类平均卵鞍密度及含休眠卵卵鞍密度分别为0.03~2.01和0~0.33 ind·g-1dw;T1和T2采样点的3种溞属种类的含休眠卵卵鞍密度明显高于T3采样点;在16~1 cm的沉积层中,T1采样点的总氮和T2采样点的总磷均呈明显增加的趋势,而T3采样点中的总氮和总磷变化幅度均较小;T1采样点中蚤状溞的卵鞍密度与总磷(TP)含量呈显著的相关性(P0.05),而T3采样点中中华拟同形溞的卵鞍密度和T2采样点中盔形溞的含休眠卵卵鞍密度与总氮(TN)总磷(TP)含量均呈显著的相关性(P0.05);湖泊沉积物中溞属种类的卵鞍(或休眠卵)密度的垂直分布能够再现湖泊溞属种类的历史演替过程,且与总氮、总磷含量之间存在一定的相关性。  相似文献   

株型是影响谷类作物产量的重要性状, 株型改良对提高作物产量具有重要意义。独脚金内酯(strigolactones, SLs)作为一种最新被鉴定的植物激素, 其通过抑制腋芽的伸长调控分枝/分蘖的形成。β-胡萝卜素异构酶(D27s)是SLs合成途径的关键酶, 通过对谷子(Setaria italica) β-胡萝卜素异构酶典型结构域Pfam:DUF4033进行分析, 鉴定到3个谷子D27s基因家族成员(Seita.8G168400Seita.6G088800Seita.3G050900)。蛋白质特性分析显示, 谷子D27s蛋白由271-277个氨基酸残基组成, 分子量为30.1-30.4 kDa, 等电点为5.85-9.31, 不稳定系数介于38.48-74.47之间, 且均定位于叶绿体; 系统进化分析发现, 谷子D27s家族成员位于3个不同进化分支; 顺式作用元件预测显示, SiD27-1 (Seita.8G168400)可能参与调控生物节律、生长素介导的生长发育以及干旱和低温等胁迫应答过程。基因表达分析显示, SiD27-1在谷子多分蘖材料中表达下调, 在低磷胁迫处理下, D27s基因均能产生不同程度的响应, 并且SiD27-1的响应较其它成员更快速。单倍型分析结果表明, SiD27-1的H001单倍型为优异单倍型, 对谷子的株高、抽穗期和产量改良具有重要应用价值。综上, 推测SiD27-1极可能在SLs合成中发挥关键作用并对谷子株型产生影响。研究结果为深入揭示D27s对谷子分蘖形成的调控机制奠定了基础, 也为谷子株型分子设计育种提供了优异的等位变异位点。  相似文献   

本文研究了南漪湖沉积物(1~28 cm)中枝角类卵鞍密度的垂直变化.共鉴定出中华拟同形溞、盔形溞、蚤状溞、网纹溞、微型裸腹溞、象鼻溞、船卵溞、粗刺大尾溞和盘肠溞9种枝角类的卵鞍.大型溞属种类和小型枝角类卵鞍密度的变化范围分别为0~2.0和0~10.0 ind·g-1 DM.中华拟同形溞和网纹溞分别是南漪湖沉积物大型枝角类和小型枝角类的优势种.中华拟同形溞的卵鞍密度与1#采样点沉积物中总磷含量呈显著负相关,与3#采样点沉积物中总氮、总磷含量均呈显著正相关.在3个采样点中(除2#采样点总氮外),网纹溞的卵鞍密度与沉积物中总氮、总磷含量均呈显著正相关.结果暗示,湖泊富营养化和鱼类捕食影响了南漪湖枝角类群落结构的历史演变.  相似文献   

为了确定COI基因序列分析在蚋科中的分类地位,本研究测定了双齿蚋(Simulium bidentatum) COI基因序列,分析该基因序列特征;下载与其同源性较高的12个蚋种的COI基因序列15条,进行同源性分析和分子系统发育研究。结果显示,双齿蚋COI基因序列(DQ534946)与S. notiale、S. snowi、S. nyssa等蚋种的COI基因序列同源性最高,在贝叶斯分析所构建的分子系统进化树中,不同蚋组的序列各自聚成一枝,双齿蚋序列(DQ534946)未与其他任何蚋种聚为一枝。研究结果表明,双齿蚋COI基因序列与蚋亚属序列同源性较高,COI基因序列分析能较好建立蚋亚属内组间关系,双齿蚋未与其他蚋组序列聚为一枝,分类至淡足蚋组并不合适,支持分类至阿根蚋组。本研究进一步明确了COI基因序列分析在蚋科分子系统发育研究中的意义,并在一定程度上解决了双齿蚋在蚋科的分类争议。  相似文献   

焦振彬  罗毅波 《生物多样性》2021,29(8):1073-3852
石斛属(Dendrobium)种类繁多, 属内物种具有丰富的表型多样性。霍山石斛(D. huoshanense)为我国特有物种, 其与河南石斛(D. henanense)和细茎石斛(D. moniliforme)以及铁皮石斛(D. catenatum)等近缘种表型相似, 在分类处理中存在争议。这种争议很大程度上与植物普遍存在的表型可塑性和代际共存有关。为探究环境和代际间遗传因素对霍山石斛表型性状的影响以及霍山石斛与近缘种的物种边界问题, 本研究观测了安徽省霍山县霍山石斛(野生、林间和温室F1代、林间和温室F2代)、野生河南石斛、细茎石斛和铁皮石斛, 共计16个群体2,279株植株的假鳞茎茎长等12个表型性状; 在种内层面, 首次借鉴生态学同质园实验和遗传学代际间性状比较的方法, 对霍山石斛群体表型性状进行差异显著性检验和95%置信区间比较以及主成分和变异系数等统计学分析。在种间层面, 对霍山石斛与河南石斛和铁皮石斛等近缘种群体表型性状进行比较和分析。结果表明, 环境因素对霍山石斛假鳞茎茎长和假鳞茎直径等具有显著的影响, 代际间遗传因素对霍山石斛假鳞茎直径具有显著的影响。霍山石斛与铁皮石斛和细茎石斛等近缘种群体在假鳞茎茎长、假鳞茎直径、花瓣长和花瓣宽等表型性状方面均存在显著性差异和间隔, 但与河南石斛仅在假鳞茎表型性状方面有显著性差异。我们的研究明确了环境和代际间遗传因素对霍山石斛表型性状的影响程度, 为霍山石斛与近缘种等争议物种的分类和鉴定提供了表型证据。  相似文献   

疏浚后杭州西湖浮游动物群落的变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2003年1-12月调查了疏浚后杭州两湖(小型、浅水、富营养化湖泊)四个采样站(Ⅰ-Ⅳ)浮游动物群落的变化。研究包括优势种组成、密度和生物量,以及浮游动物生物量与水体叶绿素a、有机物耗氧量、总氮和总磷含量之间的相关分析。疏浚后,Ⅲ-Ⅳ站原生动物第一优势种由似铃壳虫(Tintinnopsis sp.)变为筒壳虫(Tintinnidium sp.);Ⅲ-Ⅳ站轮虫第一优势种由暗小异尾轮虫(Trichocerca pusilla)变为针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla);Ⅰ站的长额象鼻溞(Bosmina longirostris)和Ⅲ站的微型裸腹溞(Moina micrura)分别取代了长肢秀体溞(Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum)第一优势种的地位;桡足类中,剑水蚤优势种为粗壮温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops dybowskii),哲水蚤优势种为汤匙华哲水蚤(Sinocalanus dorrii)。疏浚后,西湖浮游动物平均密度增加了80.5%,其中原生动物密度增量贡献57.3%。平均生物量增加了49.7%,其中轮虫生物量增量贡献36.5%。西湖浮游动物生物量与水体叶绿素a、有机物耗氧量和总磷含量之间均呈垃著的正相关关系。不同采样站中,以Ⅳ站环境生态因子与浮游动物生物量之间的相关程度最高,其次为Ⅲ站、Ⅰ站和Ⅱ站,水体环境生态因子对浮游动物的影响程度与其优势利演变的体现相一致。在不同浮游动物类群中,枝角类生物量与水质生态因子之间的相关程度最高,其次为轮虫、桡足类和原生动物。  相似文献   

在安徽升金湖中首次发现了角壳网纹溞。利用特异性分子标记, 对角壳网纹溞的16S rDNA 和COI 基因进行了PCR 扩增和测序, 并进行了相关的分子遗传学分析。结果表明: 角壳网纹溞的16S rDNA 和COI 基因中A+T 含量均超过60%, 明显高于C+G 的含量。角壳网纹溞不仅在形态上与其他同属种类相差校大, 在分子进化中也与其他同属种类的遗传距离相差较大。通过K-2P 双参数模型计算, 角壳网纹溞COI 基因的种间平均遗传距离高达20%, 种间遗传距离的范围为16.7%-23.9%。因此, 结合其形态学和分子遗传学的特征暗示角壳网纹溞的进化地位应为网纹溞属中一个相对独立的分支。  相似文献   

石斛属(Dendrobium)植物在种子共生萌发过程中与真菌有着较为专一的共生关系, 为探讨这种共生关系在种间杂交后代上的进化和适应, 深入理解兰科植物和真菌共生关系的形成机制, 该研究利用能有效促进铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)和齿瓣石斛(D. devonianum)种子萌发形成幼苗, 并具有较强专一性的胶膜菌属(Tulasnella)真菌SSCDO-5和瘤菌根菌属(Epulorhiza)真菌FDd1, 开展真菌对铁皮石斛和D. tortile种间杂交种子萌发效应的研究。结果表明, 在真菌与种子共生培养68天时, SSCDO-5菌株和FDd1菌株都能有效地促进杂交种子形成原球茎和幼苗, 两个接菌处理之间无显著差异, 来源于铁皮石斛的SSCDO-5菌株不但没有表现出优势, 反而在杂交石斛幼苗形成率上低于来源于齿瓣石斛的FDd1菌株(SSCDO-5: (22.13 ± 6.62)%; FDd1: (29.53 ± 5.51)%); SSCDO-5菌株和铁皮石斛在幼苗形成和发育阶段的共生专一性并没有在杂交后代上得到遗传或表现, 或者说是杂交打破了这种专一性的共生关系, 使得杂交后代能够和不同的真菌建立新的共生关系。该结果不支持关于共生真菌专一性是石斛属植物杂交后代形成的重要限制因素的假设, 推测石斛属植物在幼苗分化和发育阶段与真菌这种专一性的共生关系是在适应特定生态环境的过程中形成和建立的。  相似文献   

Whether exotic species invade new habitats successfully depends on (i) a change in the invaded habitat that makes it suitable for the invader and (ii) a genetic change in the invading taxon that enhances its fitness in the new habitat, or both. We dissect the causes of invasions of Swiss lakes, north of the Alps, by Daphnia galeata (a zooplankter typical of eutrophic lakes, e.g. those south of the Alps, which are also warmer) by comparing the fitness performance of eight geographically distributed clones that were fed algal-food typical of oligotrophic versus eutrophic conditions at two temperatures. Daphnia longispina, native to oligotrophic Swiss lakes, served as a reference. Daphnia galeata requires eutrophic food to persist, whereas D. longispina survives and grows on oligotrophic food but does even better on eutrophic food. Invasion by D. galeata is further explained because invading clones from the north perform better on eutrophic food and at cooler temperatures than native clones from the south, suggesting a local response to countergradient selection. Our data support the hypothesis that populations of the invader in northern lakes are dominated by well-adapted genotypes. Our results illustrate how environmental change (i.e. eutrophication) and local adaptation can act together to drive a successful invasion.  相似文献   

Species boundaries in the North American Daphnia longispina group have proved difficult to establish on the basis of morphology alone. This confusion may be due to hydridization, phenotypic plasticity or the existence of sibling species. We therefore used genetic analysis to delineate species boundaries by examining 27 North American populations belonging to the longispina complex for variation at 15–26 allozyme loci. The populations consisted of Daphnia thorata from two western sites and two eastern sites, Daphnia galeata mendotae from its type location and seven sites across its range, and Daphnia rosea from eight temperate and seven arctic sites. Two populations from the Eurasian longispina complex were also included for reference. Populations assigned to D. galeata mendotae formed a genetically cohesive group, whereas a genetic dichotomy was found between temperate and arctic D. rosea , suggesting that this taxon includes two species. Genetic analysis also confirmed the distinctness of western D. thorata from other members of the longispina group. Unexpectedly, eastern populations resembling D. thorata were genetically more similar to temperate D. rosea than to any helmeted species ( D. galeata, Daphnia hyalina or D. thorata ). Our results suggest that the helmet character is a poor indicator of phylogenetic relationships, as the genetic ability to produce this feature has been lost or acquired several times in the evolution of the longispina group.  相似文献   

Canyon-shaped reservoirs are often characterised by longitudinalgradients of environmental factors (including trophic level,phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and abundance of planktivorousfish) affecting the taxonomic composition of the pelagic community.We tested the hypothesis that the spatial distribution of differentspecies and interspecific hybrids of the Daphnia longispinaspecies complex is non-random under such conditions. Duringthe summer stratification, we sampled crustacean zooplanktonfrom 11 reservoirs, covering both longitudinal (upstream, middle,dam) and vertical (epi-, meta- and hypolimnion) environmentalgradients. Allozyme electrophoresis was used to discriminateamong different Daphnia taxa. All three frequently hybridizingEuropean species of the complex (galeata, cucullata, longispina= hyalina) and hybrids with Daphnia galeata were commonly recorded.Smaller-bodied Daphnia cucullata and its hybrids, when present,preferred mostly the nutrient- and food-rich upstream regions;D. longispina and its hybrids were more commonly found in thedownstream part, and often dominated in the meta- or hypolimnion.Redundancy analyses confirmed significant differences in theDaphnia taxon composition, as well as in spatial distributionof other crustacean species, along both gradients. For the firsttime, we demonstrate regular patterns in the horizontal distributionof Daphnia species and hybrids within a water body, thus acceptingour hypothesis. Such spatial distributional patterns may stronglyimpact local hybridization processes.  相似文献   

Three coexisting Daphnia species belonging to the D. longispina group (D. galeata, D. hyalina, and D. cucullata) form species-hybrid complexes by producing interspecific hybrids in several lakes in Germany and The Netherlands. To evaluate the genetic consequences of interspecific hybridization, I studied the patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation. The directionality of interspecific hybridization and divergence of hybrids from parental species was tested, using the DNA sequences of a segment of mtDNA. Via the polymerase chain reaction, it was possible to investigate single animals and even single resting eggs. A species-specific marker was established, using restriction patterns of amplified cytochrome b segments. mtDNA genotypes of hybrids revealed unidirectional mitochondrial gene flow for two hybrids, which were investigated by using multiple clones. No evidence for introgression of mtDNA was found. On the basis of a phylogenetic analysis, the species exhibit considerable distinctness, whereas differences between clones within species and between hybrids and maternal species tend to be very low. These results indicate a recent origin of hybrids and suggest that the radiation of the D. longispina group occurred > 5 Mya.   相似文献   

Microsatellite markers are important tools in population, conservation and forensic studies and are frequently used for species delineation, the detection of hybridization and introgression. Therefore, marker sets that amplify variable DNA regions in two species are required; however, cross-species amplification is often difficult, as genotyping errors such as null alleles may occur. To estimate the level of potential misidentifications based on genotyping errors, we compared the occurrence of parental alleles in laboratory and natural Daphnia hybrids (Daphnia longispina group). We tested a set of 12 microsatellite loci with regard to their suitability for unambiguous species and hybrid class identification using F(1) hybrids bred in the laboratory. Further, a large set of 44 natural populations of D. cucullata, D. galeata and D. longispina (1715 individuals) as well as their interspecific hybrids were genotyped to validate the discriminatory power of different marker combinations. Species delineation using microsatellite multilocus genotypes produced reliable results for all three studied species using assignment tests. Daphnia galeata × cucullata hybrid detection was limited due to three loci exhibiting D. cucullata-specific null alleles, which most likely are caused by differences in primer-binding sites of parental species. Overall, discriminatory power in hybrid detection was improved when a subset of markers was identified that amplifies equally well in both species.  相似文献   

The relative homogeneity of pelagic environments has been regarded as the reason for the absence of hybrid zones for hybridizing planktonic Daphnia (Crustacea: Cladocera); occasional dominance of interspecific hybrids over parental species was explained by their temporal superiority in fluctuating environments. However, water bodies with spatially varying environmental conditions might facilitate the formation of hybrid zones in plankton. We studied the distribution of species and hybrids of the Daphnia longispina complex in 11 canyon-shaped reservoirs, localities characterized by horizontal environmental gradients (particularly of food supply and size-selective predation); we also analysed patterns of carapace size and fecundity among coexisting taxa. Spatial distribution of taxa agreed with their ecological characteristics; those showing different affinities along longitudinal reservoir profiles differed in size according to the presumed fish predation gradient. Only hybrids of Daphnia galeata with Daphnia cucullata and D. longispina (=hyalina) were recorded. The latter two species preferred opposite ends of gradients, such spatial segregation probably explaining the absence of their hybrids. Distributional patterns were relatively stable in two consecutive summers, apart from a substantial decline of D. galeata X cucullata in the second year. The observed pattern of a hybrid-dominated zone in intermediate conditions suggests that local Daphnia hybrid zones may indeed form within reservoirs.  相似文献   

梁思琪  张宪春  卫然 《生物多样性》2019,27(11):1205-159
广泛的杂交和多倍化使得铁角蕨属(Asplenium)下存在着许多分类困难的物种复合体, 针对这些类群进行整合分类学的研究, 有助于我们更加全面和深入地理解物种的界限以及形成机制。线裂铁角蕨复合体(Asplenium coenobiale complex)是铁角蕨属下一个形态多样性较高的类群, 由于缺乏全面取样和系统研究, 该复合体的物种划分长期存在争议。本研究选取线裂铁角蕨复合体中形态变异和地理分布具有代表性的个体, 通过孢粉学研究确定该类群的生殖特性, 运用流式细胞分析获取倍性信息, 同时结合叶绿体和核基因组片段系统发生分析的证据, 对该类群的系统演化关系和起源方式进行了探讨。结果表明: (1)虽然部分孢子囊败育的情况在线裂铁角蕨复合体中十分普遍, 但正常孢子囊内形成的64个孢子说明该类群植物仍能进行正常的有性生殖; (2)该复合体中存在着倍性变异, 其中多角铁角蕨(A. cornutissimum)是二倍体, 而其他成员均为四倍体; (3)依据母系遗传的叶绿体序列所构建的系统发生关系将该类群划为4个分支, 与基于核基因序列构建的系统树存在冲突, 这暗示杂交可能在该复合体的形成过程中起到了重要的推动作用。综上所述, 我们建议将线裂铁角蕨复合体划分为4个物种, 即同源四倍体新种马关铁角蕨(A. maguanense sp. nov.), 二倍体多角铁角蕨, 以及两个由同一对亲本正反交产生的异源四倍体线裂铁角蕨(A. coenobiale)和叶基宽铁角蕨(A. pulcherrimum)。  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Grazing on algae and bacteria by the planktonic cladoceran, Daphnia longispina , was studied in a small polyhumic lake with low phytoplankton primary production in southern Finland.
2. D. longispina filtered algae at average rates of 0.09-0.82 ml ind−1 h−1. The filtering rates on bacteria were 26-92% of those on algae in parallel experiments.
3. From June to August algae, including mixotrophic and heterotrophic forms, comprised 56-93% of the food ingested by D. longispina. In mid-September and early October, when the Daphnia population was declining and the algal biomass was low, bacteria comprised 73% and 55% respectively of the food of Daphnia.
4. For D. longispina , an energy pathway via bacteria and bactivorous flagellates is probably a more important link to allochthonous organic matter than direct utilization of epilimnetic bacteria.  相似文献   

木犀科11属19个种叶绿体基因组的一般特征和变异特征的比较分析显示, 结果表明, 该科叶绿体基因组大小为154-165 kb, 其差异主要是大单拷贝(LSC)长度的差异所致。Jasminum属3个物种的叶绿体基因组长度与其余物种有较大差异, 该属clpP基因内含子和accD基因丢失。共线性分析表明, Jasminum属3个物种多个基因出现基因重排现象, 倒位可能是重排的主要原因。Jasminum属在IRb/SSC和SSC/IRa边界的基因均与其它物种不同; 重复序列与SSR数量检测结果表明, Jasminum属与其余物种在数量及重复长度上差异较大。基于CDS数据构建的系统发育树表明, Abeliophyllum distichumForsythia suspensa为木犀科中较早分化的类群。  相似文献   

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