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通过蛋白质序列同源性比对分析,在嗜热藻(Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1)里面找到了与已知的Pb/Pg型蓝细菌光敏色素TePixJ和TeTlr0924同源的3个基因tlr0911、tlr1215和tlr1999。通过分子克隆技术把它们的GAF结构域分别构建在pET30a(+)表达载体上,与可生成藻蓝胆素(PCB)的质粒pACYCDuet-ho1-pcyA在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)体内重组,生成重组蛋白,利用亲和层析柱分离纯化,纯化后的蛋白质经过锌荧光和蛋白质酸性尿素变性以及荧光光谱和吸收光谱等实验分析鉴定,结果表明,Tlr0911-GAF存在蓝光吸收态Pb406 nm和绿光吸收态Pg527 nm之间的可逆光转换,它可共价结合两种藻胆色素,即藻紫胆素(PVB)和藻蓝胆素(PCB),Tlr1999-GAF则存在蓝光吸收态Pb417 nm和青光吸收态Pt496 nm之间的可逆光转换,它同样共价结合PVB和PCB,而Tlr1215-GAF1和Tlr1215-GAF2不能自发结合藻胆色素,不具有光活性。  相似文献   

利用在大肠杆菌中表达的藻红蓝蛋白α-亚基脱辅基蛋白与藻蓝胆素PCB重组,吸收光谱、荧光光谱和高效可逆光化学性质分析表明,藻红蓝蛋白α-亚基脱辅基蛋白与藻蓝胆素直接重组,生成的胆素蛋白中辅基色素仍为藻蓝胆素;而藻红蓝蛋白α-亚基脱辅基蛋白与藻蓝胆素在藻红蓝蛋白α-亚基重组酶(pecE和pecF基因的表达产物)催化下重组,生成的胆素蛋白中辅基色素转变为藻紫胆素,并具有高效可逆光化学特性。  相似文献   

为了研究鱼腥藻PCC7120核-膜连接蛋白ApcE(1-240)脱辅基蛋白与藻蓝胆素的连接机制,通过体内重组方式得到色素蛋白PCB-ApeE(1-240)。吸收光谱、荧光光谱分析表明,核-膜连接蛋白ApcE(1-240)与藻蓝胆素进行了正确的体内重组。ApeE(1-240)脱辅基蛋白可与藻蓝胆素体内自催化共价连接,获得的色素蛋白溶于含有4mol/L尿素的磷酸钾缓冲体系中,并具有最大吸收峰(λmax=660nm)和荧光发射峰(λmax=668nm)。  相似文献   

藻胆蛋白是蓝藻中的捕光蛋白,其生物合成的重要一步是藻胆色素与脱辅基蛋白的连接.大多数藻胆色素的正确连接都需要结合位点专一和对色素的构象有选择性的裂合酶来催化完成,但是这方面的报道不是很多.藻红蓝蛋白由两个亚基组成,β亚基(简称β-PEC)含171个氨基酸残基及两个辅基色素藻蓝胆素(简称PCB),分别在Cys-84和Cys-155位以硫醚键共价相连.通过同源性分析获得的由编号为alr0617基因编码的蛋白为藻红蓝蛋白β亚基(β-PEC)中的Cys-84与PCB的连接的催化酶.为了研究层理鞭枝藻藻红蓝蛋白(PEC)β亚基(β-PEC)中藻蓝胆素(PCB)与脱辅基蛋白的连接机制,通过体内重组方式得到色素蛋白PCB-PecB(C155I),分析表明该色素蛋白与β-PEC的吸收光谱和荧光光谱一致.酸性尿素变性实验证明得到的色素蛋白中的藻蓝胆素PCB没有被破坏.使用胃蛋白酶对天然藻红蓝色素蛋白和重组藻红蓝色素蛋白进行相同条件的水解并得到各自的色素肽,高效液相色谱分析表明这两种色素肽相同,由此证明了编号为alr0617基因编码的蛋白质能催化PCB与PecB(C155I)正确共价偶联.  相似文献   

采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)从鱼腥藻PCC7120 DNA中扩增出细菌光敏色素缺失突变体基因aphA(26-320)、aphA(27-320)、aphA(28-320)、aphA(29-320)和aphA(32-320)。利用表达载体pET30a进行高效表达,获得的AphA缺失突变体脱辅基蛋白在一定的反应体系下与藻蓝胆素进行了体外重组的研究。研究表明:AphA(26-320)体外重组获得的色素蛋白具有与植物光敏色素相似的可逆光致变色效应,同时酸性尿素变性实验和Zn^2+荧光电泳实验显示藻蓝胆素和以上蛋白质发生共价连接。AphA(26-320)与藻蓝胆素重组产物的Pr/Pfr吸收峰处于660/610nm。其他4个缺失突变体,AphA(27-320)、AphA(28-320)、AphA(29-320)、AphA(32-320)和藻蓝胆素的重组产物中则没有发现可逆光致变色信号,表明这些缺失突变体不能和藻蓝胆素发生自催化重组。维系细菌光敏色素AphA与色素自催化连接的裂合酶结构域位于AphA(26-320)包含的肽链之中。  相似文献   

层理鞭枝藻(Mastigocladus laminosus PCC7603)藻蓝蛋白β-CPC和藻红蓝蛋白β-PEC中均存在2个藻胆色素结合位点(Cys-84和Cys-155),可与藻蓝胆素(简称PCB)发生共价偶联反应,已有研究证实编码基因为alr0617的裂合酶CpcS1是催化Cys-84与PCB共价偶联的裂合酶。在研究Cys-155与PCB共价偶联的过程中,通过BLAST软件同源性对比分析后,筛选出4个基因:cpcT1、cpcT2、cpcS1、cpcS2,其中基因cpcT1和cpcS2,利用分子克隆的技术,根据实验需要转到载体pCDFDuet上,通过DNA电泳和蛋白质电泳挑选出正确的克隆。此4个基因对应的质粒与在大肠杆菌内生成PCB必需的质粒pACYCDuet-ho1-pcyA,以及质粒pET-cpcB(C84S)或pET-pecB(C84A),共同转入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)内,进行体内重组,得到各重组蛋白,经过亲和层析柱提纯并透析,过滤掉金属离子,纯化透析后的蛋白经过活性比较、蛋白质电泳以及锌染色、蛋白质变性等试验以及荧光和紫外吸收光谱等鉴定,通过与相应文献中PCB光谱的比对,确定编码基因为all5339的裂合酶CpcT1能高效地催化Cys-155与PCB共价偶联,而其余3个基因不能起到催化作用。由此,能催化脱辅基蛋白β-CPC和β-PEC的两个位点共价偶联PCB的裂合酶均被发现。实验对于研究藻胆蛋白的生物合成、光合作用捕光机理以及藻胆体的组装等有重要的意义。    相似文献   

层理鞭枝藻藻红蓝蛋白E基因片段的克隆与表达   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
藻胆蛋白(Phycobiliprotein)是存在于蓝藻、红藻和隐藻中的一类捕光色素蛋白,可分为藻红蛋白(简称PE),藻蓝蛋白(简称PC),别藻蓝蛋白(简称APC)和藻红蓝蛋白(简称PEC).藻胆蛋白连有发色团辅基色素-藻胆色素(Phycobilins),藻胆色素分四类:藻蓝胆素(简称PCB),藻红胆素(简称PEB),藻尿胆素(简称PUB)和藻紫胆素(简称PVB)1.    相似文献   

采用PCR技术从鱼腥藻(Anabaena sp.PCC7120)中扩增蓝细菌光敏色素基因片段alr1966gaf2,将alr1966gaf2插入到pET-30a(+)载体中,构建表达质粒pET-alr1966gaf2。最后将Alr1966GAF2与HO1、PcyA在E.coli BL21(DE3)中共表达获得色素蛋白Alr1966GAF2,并对该蛋白的光化学性质进行分析。结果显示,色素蛋白Alr1966GAF2结合色素为藻蓝胆素(phycoerythrobilin,PCB)或藻紫胆素(phycoviolobilin,PVB),在3种不同吸收态15Z-P428 nm、中间态和15E-P514 nm之间具有顺序可逆光效应。通过定点突变技术将DXCF基序中的保守性Cys突变为Ala,获得了突变体Alr1966GAF2(C72A)。将Alr1966GAF2(C72A)与HO1、PcyA共表达,获得色素蛋白Alr1966GAF2(C72A)。研究结果表明Alr1966GAF2(C72A)结合色素为PCB,Alr1966GAF2(C72A)-PCB具有较强的荧光活性,其荧光量子的产率高达0.11。Alr1966GAF2(C72A)不仅能够共价结合PCB,还可以结合胆绿素(Biliverdin,BV),均具有较强的红色荧光活性。  相似文献   

采用PCR技术从鱼腥藻(Anabaena sp. PCC7120)中扩增蓝细菌光敏色素基因片段alr1966gaf2,将alr1966gaf2插入到pET-30a(+)载体中,构建表达质粒pET-alr1966gaf2。最后将Alr1966GAF2与HO1、PcyA在E. coli BL21(DE3)中共表达获得色素蛋白Alr1966GAF2,并对该蛋白的光化学性质进行分析。结果显示,色素蛋白Alr1966GAF2结合色素为藻蓝胆素(phycoerythrobilin,PCB)或藻紫胆素(phycoviolobilin,PVB),在3种不同吸收态15Z-P428 nm、中间态和15E-P514 nm之间具有顺序可逆光效应。通过定点突变技术将DXCF基序中的保守性Cys突变为Ala,获得了突变体Alr1966GAF2(C72A)。将Alr1966GAF2(C72A)与HO1、PcyA共表达,获得色素蛋白Alr1966GAF2(C72A)。研究结果表明Alr1966GAF2(C72A)结合色素为PCB,Alr1966GAF2(C72A)-PCB具有较强的荧光活性,其荧光量子的产率高达0.11。Alr1966GAF2(C72A)不仅能够共价结合PCB,还可以结合胆绿素(Biliverdin,BV),均具有较强的红色荧光活性。  相似文献   

为了研究鱼腥藻PCC7120(Anabaena sp.PCC7120)中别藻蓝蛋白(APC)α和β亚基(α-APC和β-APC)中藻蓝胆素(PCB)与脱辅基蛋白的生物合成,并在蓝藻体外对这两种色素蛋白PCB—ApcA和PCB-ApcB合成时聚集过程进行分析,通过多种组合的质粒在大肠杆菌体内共同表达进行重组。色素蛋白的吸收和荧光光谱以及Zn电泳表明,在大肠杆菌体内同时得到色素蛋白PCB—ApcA和PCB—ApcB,并且体内重组色素蛋白的细胞荧光光谱显示,色素蛋白以三聚体的形式存在,而破碎细胞后所得上清液所显示的光谱特征为单聚体的特征。  相似文献   

The cyanobacterial phototaxis regulator protein, TePixJ, is a member of the subfamily of cyanobacteriochromes that binds phycoviolobilin (PVB) as a chromophore and exhibits reversible photoconversion between blue light-absorbing (Pb) and green light-absorbing (Pg) forms. We reconstituted the PVB-binding photoactive holocomplex in vivo and in vitro. Coexpression of the apoprotein and phycocyanobilin (PCB) in Escherichia coli (in vivo reconstitution) produced a mixture of the PCB-bound and PVB-bound holoproteins. Reconstitution in vitro of the apoprotein and synthetic PCB quickly generated a photoactive complex, which covalently bound PCB and exhibited partially reversible photoconversion between two species by UV-vis spectroscopy (with a λ(max) values of 430 and 545 nm). Further incubation produced slow isomerization of PCB to PVB with concomitant improvement of photoreactivity. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that Cys522, and a second conserved Cys (Cys494), are both essential for the assembly of the photoactive complex. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy revealed green light-induced cross-linking, and blue light-induced release, of a thiol group, possibly that of Cys494. These results suggest that the Pb/Pg-type cyanobacteriochrome TePixJ is assembled in at least three steps: (i) rapid and stable chromophorylation of PCB, (ii) additional photoreversible chromophorylation, and (iii) subsequent slow isomerization of PCB to PVB. In addition to its known autolyase activity with Cys522 and photoreversible isomerase activity (of the Z and E isomers at C15 and C16 of PCB), the GAF domain of TePixJ therefore appears to have other roles: as an isomerase (converting PCB to PVB) and as a photoreversible autolyase with a second conserved Cys residue.  相似文献   

PixJ1, a photoreceptor in the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, mediates positive phototactic motility and contains two GAF domains, the latter of which binds a bilin chromophore. Full-length PixJ1 expressed and purified from Synechocystis showed unique reversible photoconversion between a blue light-absorbing (Pb) form and a green light-absorbing (Pg) form (1) in contrast to the reversible phototransformation between the red light-absorbing form and far-red light-absorbing form of the other GAF-containing photoreceptors such as plant or bacterial phytochromes. To clarify the origin of the blue-shifted photoconversion, we tried to reconstitute this blue-green reversible phototransformation by synthesizing the second GAF domain in Escherichia coli transformed with genes for biosynthesis of four different bilins, biliverdin (BV), bilirubin (BR), phycocyanobilin (PCB), and phycocyanorubin (PCR), as final products. The three expression systems, the BR system being the exception, produced a GAF polypeptide with a covalently bound bilin. The GAF polypeptide from the BV-synthesizing system exhibited an irreversible photoconversion, while that from the PCB-synthesizing system revealed photoconversion between Pb and Pg almost identical to that of the full-length PixJ1, indicating that PCB is responsible for the blue-green reversible photoconversion. Furthermore, the GAF polypeptide from the PCR-producing system exhibited almost the same reversible spectral change, possibly coming from the PCB accumulated in the PCR-biosynthetic pathway. Mass spectrometry (MS) of the main tryptic chromopeptide revealed that the chromophore binds to a 21-amino acid peptide that contains a cysteine-histidine motif for phytochrome chromophore binding and that an ion signal can be assigned to desorbed PCB. The absorption spectra of the denatured GAF polypeptide suggested that PCB is attached to the protein moiety in a twisted conformation that disrupts the pi-electron conjugation between the A and B rings, possibly being held in position through a second covalent linkage.  相似文献   

Phytochromes are red/far-red photosensory proteins that regulate adaptive responses to light via photoswitching of cysteine-linked linear tetrapyrrole (bilin) chromophores. The related cyanobacteriochromes (CBCRs) extend the photosensory range of the phytochrome superfamily to shorter wavelengths of visible light. CBCRs and phytochromes share a conserved Cys residue required for bilin attachment. In one CBCR subfamily, often associated with a blue/green photocycle, a second Cys lies within a conserved Asp-Xaa-Cys-Phe (DXCF) motif and is essential for the blue/green photocycle. Such DXCF CBCRs use isomerization of the phycocyanobilin (PCB) chromophore into the related phycoviolobilin (PVB) to shorten the conjugated system for sensing green light. We here use recombinant expression of individual CBCR domains in Escherichia coli to survey the DXCF subfamily from the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme. We describe ten new photoreceptors with well-resolved photocycles and three additional photoproteins with overlapping dark-adapted and photoproduct states. We show that the ability of this subfamily to form PVB or retain PCB provides a powerful mechanism for tuning the photoproduct absorbance, with blue-absorbing dark states leading to a broad range of photoproducts absorbing teal, green, yellow, or orange light. Moreover, we use a novel green/teal CBCR that lacks the blue-absorbing dark state to demonstrate that PVB formation requires the DXCF Cys residue. Our results demonstrate that this subfamily exhibits much more spectral diversity than had been previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Phytochromes are widely occurring red/far-red photoreceptors that utilize a linear tetrapyrrole (bilin) chromophore covalently bound within a knotted PAS-GAF domain pair. Cyanobacteria also contain more distant relatives of phytochromes that lack this knot, such as the phytochrome-related cyanobacteriochromes implicated to function as blue/green switchable photoreceptors. In this study, we characterize the cyanobacteriochrome Tlr0924 from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus. Full-length Tlr0924 exhibits blue/green photoconversion across a broad range of temperatures, including physiologically relevant temperatures for this organism. Spectroscopic characterization of Tlr0924 demonstrates that its green-absorbing state is in equilibrium with a labile, spectrally distinct blue-absorbing species. The photochemically generated blue-absorbing state is in equilibrium with another species absorbing at longer wavelengths, giving a total of 4 states. Cys499 is essential for this behavior, because mutagenesis of this residue results in red-absorbing mutant biliproteins. Characterization of the C 499D mutant protein by absorbance and CD spectroscopy supports the conclusion that its bilin chromophore adopts a similar conformation to the red-light-absorbing P r form of phytochrome. We propose a model photocycle in which Z/ E photoisomerization of the 15/16 bond modulates formation of a reversible thioether linkage between Cys499 and C10 of the chromophore, providing the basis for the blue/green switching of cyanobacteriochromes.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria have several putative photoreceptors (designated cyanobacteriochromes) that are related to but distinct from the established phytochromes. The GAF domain of the phototaxis regulator, PixJ, from a thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 (TePixJ_GAF) is a cyanobacteriochrome which exhibits reversible photoconversion between a blue light-absorbing form (max = 433 nm) and a green light-absorbing form (max = 531 nm). To study the chromophore, we prepared TePixJ_GAF chromoprotein from heterologously expressed Synechocystis and performed spectral analysis after denaturation by comparing it with the cyanobacterial phytochrome Cph1 which harbors phycocyanobilin (PCB) as a chromophore. The results indicated that the chromophore of TePixJ is not PCB, but its isomer, phycoviolobilin (PVB). It is suggested that the GAF domain of TePixJ has auto-lyase and auto-isomerase activities.  相似文献   

The phytochrome Cph1 from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 forms holoprotein adducts with close spectral similarity to plant phytochromes when autoassembled in vitro with bilin chromophores. Cph1 is a 85-kDa protein that acts as a light-regulated histidine kinase seemingly involved in 'two-component' signalling. This paper describes the improvement of Cph1 purification, estimation of the extinction coefficient of holo-Cph1, spectral analyses of the assembly procedure and studies on quaternary structure. During assembly with the natural chromophore phycocyanobilin (PCB), a red-shifted intermediate is observed. A similar result was obtained when phycoerythrobilin was used as chromophore. As shown by SDS/PAGE and Zn2+ fluorescence, the covalent attachment of PCB is blocked by 1 mM iodoacetamide, a cysteine-derivatizing agent. When PCB was incubated with blocked apo-Cph1, again a shoulder at longer wavelengths appeared. It is therefore proposed that the long-wavelength-absorbing form represents the protonated, noncovalently bound bilin. Biliverdin, which is neither protonated nor covalently attached, undergoes spectral changes in its blue-absorbing band upon incubation with apo-Cph1. On the basis of these data we therefore propose a three-step model for phytochrome autoassembly. Size-exclusion chromatography revealed different mobilities for the apoprotein, red-absorbing Cph1-PCB and far-red-absorbing Cph1-PCB. The major peaks of both holoprotein adducts had apparent molecular masses approximately 200 kDa, a result in agreement with the notion that autophosphorylation in sensory histidine kinases requires dimerization. When Cph1-PCB was further purified by preparative native electrophoresis, the mobility on size-exclusion chromatography was approximately 100 kDa, and it was found to have lost its kinase activity, results implying that the material had lost its capacity to dimerize.  相似文献   

Enomoto G  Hirose Y  Narikawa R  Ikeuchi M 《Biochemistry》2012,51(14):3050-3058
Cyanobacteriochromes are a spectrally diverse photoreceptor family that binds a bilin chromophore. For some cyanobacteriochromes, in addition to the widely conserved cysteine to anchor the chromophore, its ligation with a second cysteine is responsible for a remarkable blue shift. Herein, we report a newly discovered cyanobacteriochrome Tlr1999 exhibiting reversible photoconversion between a blue-absorbing form at 418 nm (P418) and a teal-absorbing form at 498 nm (P498). Acidic denaturation suggests that P418 harbors C15-Z phycoviolobilin, whereas P498 harbors C15-E phycoviolobilin. When treated with iodoacetamide, which irreversibly modifies thiol groups, P418 is slowly converted to a green-absorbing photoinactive form denoted P552. The absorption spectrum of P498 appears to be unaffected by iodoacetamide, but when iodoacetamide modified, it is photoconverted to P552. These results suggest that a covalent bond exists between the second Cys and the phycoviolobilin in P418 but not in P498. Subsequent treatment with dithiothreitol converts P552 into P418, whereas dithiothreitol reduces P498 to yield P420, a photoinactive form. Site-directed mutagenesis shows that the second Cys is essential for assembly of the photoactive holoprotein and that the photoactivity of this inert mutant is partially rescued by β-mercaptoethanol. These results suggest that the covalent attachment and detachment of a thiol, although not necessarily that of the second Cys, is critical for the reversible spectral blue shift and the complete photocycle. We propose a thiol-based photocycle, in which the thiol-modified P552 and P420 are intermediate-like forms.  相似文献   

The phytochrome superfamily of photoreceptors exploits reversible light-driven changes in the bilin chromophore to initiate a variety of signaling cascades. The nature of these alterations and how they impact the protein moiety remain poorly resolved and might include several species-specific routes. Here, we provide a detailed picture of photoconversion for the photosensing cGMP phosphodiesterase/adenylyl cyclase/FhlA (GAF) domain from Thermosynechococcus elongatus (Te) PixJ, a member of the cyanobacteriochrome clade. Solution NMR structures of the blue light-absorbing dark state Pb and green light-absorbing photoactivated state Pg, combined with paired crystallographic models, revealed that the bilin and GAF domain dynamically transition via breakage of the C10/Cys-494 thioether bond, opposite rotations of the A and D pyrrole rings, sliding of the bilin in the GAF pocket, and the appearance of an extended region of disorder that includes Cys-494. Changes in GAF domain backbone dynamics were also observed that are likely important for inter-domain signal propagation. Taken together, photoconversion of T. elongatus PixJ from Pb to Pg involves complex structural changes within the GAF domain pocket that transduce light into a mechanical signal, many aspects of which should be relevant to others within the extended phytochrome superfamily.  相似文献   

马琼  谢菲  周志  周明 《植物科学学报》1983,37(2):181-187
采用PCR技术从鱼腥藻(Anabaena sp.)PCC 7120中扩增获得红色荧光蛋白基因all1280 gaf2,并利用BamHⅠ和SalⅠ酶切位点,将该基因插入到pET-30a(+)中,构建表达载体pET-all1280 gaf2。将该表达载体与藻胆色素生物合成质粒pACYC-ho1-pcyA同时转化到大肠杆菌E.coli BL21(DE3),表达后获得大肠杆菌色素细胞。结果显示,该色素细胞在荧光显微镜下具有红色荧光,且在15E/15Z态之间具有可逆光效应。进一步以pET-all1280 gaf2为模板,通过定点突变技术在all1280 gaf2基因中引入C53A突变,获得了突变体All1280 GAF2(C53A)。将All1280 GAF2(C53A)与藻胆色素在E.coli BL21(DE3)中共表达,获得了比野生型红色荧光更强的大肠杆菌色素细胞。研究结果表明,与野生型相比,All1280 GAF2(C53A)具有较高的摩尔消光系数和荧光量子产率,红色荧光更强。  相似文献   

Photointerconversion between the red light-absorbing (Pr) form and the far-red light-absorbing (Pfr) form is the central feature that allows members of the phytochrome (Phy) superfamily to act as reversible switches in light perception. Whereas the chromophore structure and surrounding binding pocket of Pr have been described, those for Pfr have remained enigmatic for various technical reasons. Here we describe a novel pair of Phys from two thermophilic cyanobacteria, Synechococcus sp. OS-A and OS-B', that overcome several of these limitations. Like other cyanobacterial Phys, SyA-Cph1 and SyB-Cph1 covalently bind the bilin phycocyanobilin via their cGMP phosphodiesterase/adenyl cyclase/FhlA (GAF) domains and then assume the photointerconvertible Pr and Pfr states with absorption maxima at 630 and 704 nm, respectively. However, they are naturally missing the N-terminal Per/Arndt/Sim domain common to others in the Phy superfamily. Importantly, truncations containing only the GAF domain are monomeric, photochromic, and remarkably thermostable. Resonance Raman and NMR spectroscopy show that all four pyrrole ring nitrogens of phycocyanobilin are protonated both as Pr and following red light irradiation, indicating that the GAF domain by itself can complete the Pr to Pfr photocycle. (1)H-(15)N two-dimensional NMR spectra of isotopically labeled preparations of the SyB-Cph1 GAF domain revealed that a number of amino acids change their environment during photoconversion of Pr to Pfr, which can be reversed by subsequent photoconversion back to Pr. Through three-dimensional NMR spectroscopy before and after light photoexcitation, it should now be possible to define the movements of the chromophore and binding pocket during photoconversion. We also generated a series of strongly red fluorescent derivatives of SyB-Cph1, which based on their small size and thermostability may be useful as cell biological reporters.  相似文献   

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