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用扫描电子显微镜对中国鸡矢藤属(Paederia L.)6种1变种植物的花粉进行观察。结果表明:鸡矢藤属植物的花粉均为单粒,辐射对称,小型或中型,极面观3-裂圆形至钝三角形,赤道面观呈长圆球形或近长球形,具3个萌发沟,无内萌发孔。外壁纹饰网状、细网状或穿孔状,孔边缘具小刺状突起或无。臭鸡矢藤(P.foetida)和白毛鸡矢藤(P.pertomentosa)具有花粉二型现象,其中白毛鸡矢藤(P.pertomentosa)是首次报道。花粉二型现象与花柱二型现象可能没有直接的关联性,与前人的观点一致。推测鸡矢藤属外壁纹饰的可能演化趋势为:穿孔、网状、细网状→粗网状;网眼内无棒状突起→网眼内有棒状突起。鸡矢藤属花粉的外壁纹饰变化较大,且无内萌发孔,是茜草科花粉过渡类型的特征。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜研究了茜草科粗叶木属Lasianthus 16种2亚种、1变种及相关的5属5种的花粉形态。粗叶木属的花粉属于广孢型, 单粒。一般中等大小, 绝大多数为圆球形, 少数为近长球形或长球形。花粉形态特征, 特别是在萌发孔和外壁纹饰上表现出多样化。根据孔沟的数目或是否具有内孔, 可以将萌发孔分为(3-)4-(-5)孔沟和3孔。在所观察的这些种中, 萌发孔以3-4孔沟为主要类型, 比例为62.4%。外壁纹饰可分为细网状、粗网状和穴状。有部分种的花粉极面有穴状纹饰, 其余均为网状纹饰。网眼一般椭圆形、近圆形、三角形或者不规则形。少数外壁纹饰网脊上有颗粒状雕纹或模糊的颗粒, 网脊轮廓线呈波浪形, 一般凸出且平滑。大部分种的花粉具有沟膜, 沟膜上具有瘤状突起或小颗粒状, 沟边缘一般较平滑, 或粗糙, 有的种具有沟桥。  相似文献   

木兰属几种药用植物花粉粒形态扫描电镜观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用扫描电镜方法观察木兰属(Magnolia)几种药用植物的花粉粒及花药,其共同形态特征是:花粉粒近球形或长球形,具单沟或不具沟;外壁光滑或较粗糙。花药表皮细胞纺锤形或柱形,排列紧密,具条状纹饰。  相似文献   

东北槭属的花粉形态及其在分类上的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹伟  卓丽环 《植物研究》1992,12(3):309-315
本文采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对我国东北地区械属10种变1种的花粉形态进行了观察。本属花粉近球形式长球形,赤道面观为近圆形或窄椭圆形,极面观为3裂圆形,极轴长2.-40μm;具3沟,沟明显;外壁通常具条纹状纹饰,稀具网状纹饰。从观察材料看,本属花粉可归之为2个类型:(1)色木槭型:(Mono maple type):外壁具条纹状纹饰,条纹宽0.250.50μm;(2)梣叶槭型(Ash-leaved maple type):外壁具条网状纹饰,网眼形状不规则,多为长形,长约3μm;网脊宽0.7μm,这正好与分类学家根据形态划分的个亚属相吻合。花粉形态所提供的资料,也支持色木槭(Acermono Maxim.)和平基槭(A.truncatum Bge.)作为两个独立种的处理意见。  相似文献   

对叶下珠属Phyllanthus Linn.13种植物花粉进行了光学显微镜和扫描电镜的观察。研究表明,本属花粉虽然在大小、形状和外壁纹饰等方面有不同程度的差异,但差异最大的还是在于萌发孔类型上。可以把本属花粉分为3孔沟,4-5孔沟,多孔沟,散沟(沟短而纺锤形或近圆形)和散孔等类型。这些萌发孔类型虽然与李秉滔在中国植物志第44卷中所划分的组不很吻合,但或多或少有一定的相关性,并且对于属下的分类具有一定的意义。在外壁纹饰方面,均为网状纹饰,可分为具粗网眼,细网眼和中等网眼等几种类型。但纹饰类型在组间或种间的差异不大明显。  相似文献   

席以珍 《植物研究》1987,7(2):17-26
本文用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜系统观察了苦苣苔科后蕊苣苔属的花粉形态,本属花粉粒为近球形,稍长或稍扁,具三拟孔沟,个别种具四拟孔沟的萌发孔类型,外壁表面具网状纹饰,网脊光滑或具小刺。根据网脊宽度。网眼形状以及网纹明显程度而将本属花粉分为三个类群.1.网脊较宽,宽度不均匀,网脊宽度大于网眼直径,包括的植物种类有Opithandra sinohenryi,O.primoloidesO.fargesii等三种;2.网脊较窄,宽度均匀,包括的种类是O.dalzielii,O.obtusidentata,O.dinghushnnensisO.cinerea等4种;3.网不明显,小刺突出,具这种纹饰的植物只有O.acaulis一种。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜(SEM)对芸香科山小橘属(Glycosmis)12个分类群16个样品的花粉形态特征(包括花粉大小、萌发孔及外壁纹饰等)进行了观察研究,其中光叶山小橘(G.craibii var. glabra)、长果山小橘(G.erythrocarpa)、锈毛山小橘(G.esquirolii)、长叶山小橘(G.longifolia)、亮叶山小橘(G.lucida)、海南山小橘(G.montana)、少花山小橘(G.oligantha)、小花山小橘(G.parviflora)和华山小橘(G.pseudoracemos)等9个分类群的花粉形态为首次报道。结果表明,国产山小橘属植物的花粉均为单粒花粉,近球形或长球形,花粉大小范围为(15.90~23.92)×(14.56~22.00)μm,极面观为圆形、三裂圆形或近三角形,极轴与赤道轴比值(P/E)范围为1.03~1.31,均为3孔沟;根据花粉外壁纹饰可以将国产种类划分为条网状、复条网状、条纹-穿孔纹饰以及孔穴状纹饰等四种类型,其中小花山小橘不同来源花粉的外壁纹饰差异较大,至少存在5种类型:(1) 极面穴状,赤面条网状或穿孔,(2) 极面穴状,赤面均匀分布圆形穿孔,(3) 具复条网状,(4) 条网状兼具不规则小穿孔,(5) 条网状兼近圆形穿孔纹饰。研究发现山小橘属植物的花粉形态特征具有较高的多样性,为该属植物的分类及系统学研究提供了可用的孢粉学资料。  相似文献   

黄土高原蒿属植物花粉形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,观察了黄土高原32种蒿属植物的花粉形态,结果表明蒿属植物花粉形态具有高度一致性,支持传统的属级分类。根据花粉外壁纹饰,可将其分为5种类型。Ⅰ型:小刺密集,刺基部膨大,覆盖层有细小颗粒。Ⅱ型:小刺密集,刺基具显著膨大,几乎密集相连。Ⅲ型:小刺密集,刺基明显膨大状,覆盖层光滑。Ⅳ型:稀疏小刺,覆盖层光滑;轮廓线较光滑或微刺状。Ⅴ型:稀疏微刺,覆盖层有小颗粒;轮廓线较光滑,萌发沟细长,孔扁长。蒿属植物不同种花粉的大小、形状、萌发孔类型、外壁纹饰及边缘形态等方面均表现出一定的特异性,对蒿属植物种间鉴定分类及古植物孢粉鉴别均有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

旌节花科及其相关类群花粉形态的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对旌节花科及其相关类群五桠果科、猕猴桃科、水东哥科、金莲木科、省沽油科和山茶科等7科19属37种花粉进行了光镜(LM)和扫描电镜(SEM)的观察和比较。其中有些种类是第一次观察和报道。研究表明,上述各科花粉多为近球形至球形,少数近扁球形或近长球形。极面观三裂圆形或近三裂圆形。直径20-30(-35μm),但厚皮香亚科和省沽油科银鹊树属Tapiscia的花科特别小,仅12.5-20μm。3孔沟,罕有3沟或4孔沟。外萌发孔(沟)相对地较长而宽,内孔多数较发达。花粉外壁纹饰变化大,从模糊而粗糙的细突起到皱波状纹饰,细孔状纹饰,蜂巢状-穴状纹饰,穴-网状纹饰,网状纹饰和颗粒状纹饰等。从形状、大小、萌发孔类型和外壁纹饰的比较看,虽然上述各科花粉均在不同程度上具有一定的相似性,但其中以旌节花科、省沽油科和山茶科中厚皮香科的花粉具有更多的相似性,尤其表现在外壁纹饰特征上。就孢粉学而言,也许旌节花科与省沽油科和山茶科中的厚皮香亚科的关系相对地较为密切。不过,其孢粉学特征所表现出的亲缘关系似乎不如在分子生物学中所表现出的明显。  相似文献   

本文报道了国产李亚科(Prunoideae)10属11种植物花粉形态。花粉近球形至长球形,极轴 20.00-44.12um,赤道轴门17.85-36.95um。极面观三裂圆形,赤道面观椭圆形至圆形。具三孔沟,内孔常为长方形。沟较长,两端较窄。但在 Sinoplagiospermum uniflora中除了3孔沟外,还有周孔沟。花粉外壁明显分化为覆盖层和柱状层,在光学显微镜下表面常模糊,扫描电镜下外壁纹饰均为条纹状。抱粉学结合形态学和细胞学证据说明本亚科为一单系发生的类群。Prinsepia utilis 和Sinoplagiospermum uniflora(Prinsepia uniflora)这两个种在花粉特征和外壁纹饰上差异很大,从而支持将 Prinsepia和 Sinopmplagiospermum分别处理为两个属但不支持将广义的Princepia(含Princepia和Sinoplagiospermum)独立为亚科。此外,由于Exochorda的外壁纹饰同Prunoideae中较原始的类群(如 Laurocerasus)相近,结合细胞学和形态学证据,支持将 Exochord移置至Prunoidea之下。  相似文献   

胡椒科的某些属之间,花粉形态表现出一定的差异。齐头绒属花粉粒表面粒为平滑,但有小穿孔,略显粗糙。胡椒属的花粉粒表面有不规则的瘤状纹饰,纹饰较为平滑。Lepianthes(Pothomorphe)的花粉粒表面瘤状纹饰不显著。  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 36 species representing 14 genera within the tribe Rhinantheae in the family Orobanchaceae was studied and illustrated with light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Five major pollen types were recognized on the basis of exine ornamentation. Within these major types, minor types (subtypes) were distinguished based on exine surface pattern, size, shape, amb form, colpi and colpus membrane. These types and subtypes are as follows: type I. retipilate: subtype Ia. regular retipilate: (1) pollen size < 27 μm, (2) pollen size > 27 μm, subtype Ib. irregular retipilate; type II. verrucate: subtype IIa. macro-verrucate, subtype IIb. verrucate, subtype IIc. sparse verrucate; type III. retirugulate; type IV. granulate; type V. micro-reticulate. A key to pollen morphology of genera studied within the Rhinantheae was made based on pollen morphology from our study and earlier work. Combining with other sources of information on the Rhinantheae, the systematic relationships of this tribe are discussed. Rhinantheae pollen displays considerable variation between genera and species, with taxonomically significant characters at genus and species level. Palynological characteristics provide evidence for interpreting the conflicting views concerning the “Pterygiella Complex”. The evolutionary trend in exine sculpture of Rhinantheae could be proposed, namely that retipilate sculpturing which is the most widespread type is more primitive than the other types (such as foveolate, granulate, regulate, reticulate, retirugulate and verrucate). The pollen data in present study and the view of Hong (1986), as well as the molecular data from Bennett and Mathews (2006) indicated that Asia and related regions were likely to the origin centre of the tribe Rhinantheae.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology in the subtribe Aspidistrinae is reported and the main viewpoints are summarized as follows: (1) Two major types of pollen grains, i.e., monosulcate,ellipsoidal pollen and inaperturate, spheroidal pollen, are identified in the genus Tupistra. The species with monosulcate, ellipsoidal pollen usually have monomodal karyotypes, brightcolored flower, smaller stigma, and stamens inserted at upper or middle part of perianth tube, while the inaperturate and spheroidal pollen is always found in the species with bimodal karyotypes, dingy-colored flower, swollen stigma and stamens inserted at the base of perianth tube. (2) Pollen grains in the genus Rhodea are monosulcate and ellipsoidal, while those in the genus Aspidistra are inaperturate and spheroidal, correspondingly similar to the second type of pollen grains in the genus Tupistra. (3) The most primitive pollen in the subtribe Aspidistinae is regarded as monosulcate and ellipsoidal, having perforate or reticulate exine sculpture. The inaperturate, spheroidal pollen with verrucate, gemmate or rugulate exine sculpture is considered derived; (4) Unlike those reported in other groups of the family Liliaceae, the infraspecific pollen shape, aperture type and exine sculpture in Aspidistrinae are basically stable and may serve as a taxonomic character.  相似文献   

Pollen from 152 collections representing 16Pyrola species was examined with LM, SEM and TEM. The genusPyrola is stenopalynous in having tetrads and 3-colporoidate grains. However, a continuous and serial variation in the exine sculpture and the tetrad diameter (D) was revealed within the genus. Křísa's system ofPyrola (1971) was re-examined in the light of these palynological characters which may have a taxonomic significance, as well as the external morphology. P. minor (only member of the subgenusAmelia), which is characterized by having small (D=30–35 μm) pollen tetrads with verrucate sculpture must best be placed near sectionPyrola of the subgenusPyrola. P. faurieana must be segregated from sectionChlorantha and together withP. media placed intermediate between the subgenusAmelia and sectionPyrola of the subgenusPyrola based on their larger (D=ca. 40 μm) pollen tetrads with verrucate sculpture. Two series of sectionChlorantha excludingP. faurieana are differentiated in the exine sculpture. Therefore, they are regarded as the distinct taxonomic groups. SectionScotophylla is characterized by having psilate sculptured pollen tetrads, which indicates that its sectional rank is sufficiently asserted. The evolutionary trend in the exine sculpture from verrucate through rugulate to psilate is suggested withinPyrola.  相似文献   

蜘蛛抱蛋亚族的花粉形态   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文研究并报道了百合科蜘蛛抱蛋亚族的花粉形态,主要结论如下:1.开口箭属含两种花粉类型即:(1)单槽、椭圆形;(2)无萌发孔、球形。具单槽、椭圆形花粉的种类含单型性核型,花形较小,柱头小而花柱短,雄蕊高于柱头;无萌发孔、球形花粉的种类则为单型性核型,花形较大,柱头常高度膨大,雄蕊常着生在花被筒基部。2.万年青属花粉为椭圆形,具单槽;蜘蛛抱蛋属花粉则为球形,无萌发孔;开口箭属花粉一部分与万年青属相似,另一部分则与蜘蛛抱蛋属雷同。3.蜘蛛抱蛋亚族中最原始的花粉类型为单槽椭圆形,具孔状或网状外壁纹饰。球形,无萌发孔,外壁具皱波状、瘤状或芽孢状纹饰的花粉为派生类型。4.蜘蛛抱蛋亚族种下花粉形状、萌发孔类型和外壁纹饰基本稳定,可作为分种特征。  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 12 species representing 6 genera was examined under the light; scanning and transmission electron microscope. According to form of aperture; sculpture and structure of exine; the palynological relationships among the 6 genera are discussed. 1. Scopolia Jacq. (plate 1:1-4) Pollen grains subspheroidal or irregular; 43.7-49.6 μ in diameter; nonaperturate; Exine about 1.2-1.5μ thick; verrucate; with verrucae unequal in size; spinulose or granular. Stratification indistinct; with no columella layer visible under TEM. 2. Anisodus Link et Otto (plate 1: 5-12) Pollen grains subspheroidal; 43.4-48.7 μ in diameter; nonaperturate. Exine 1.5-1.8 μ thick; verrucate; with verrucae unequal in size; spinulose or smooth. Stratification indistinct under TEM. 3. Atropanthe Pascher (plate 2: 1-4) Pollen grains subspheroidai or spheroidal; triangular-circular in polar view; oblong in equatorial view; 47.2-49.3 μ ×39.8-47 μ; 3-colpate; colpi wide or narrow; colpus membranes finely granular. Exine with irregular short-stick sculpture; 2.3μ thick; distinctly 2-layered; columella layer clearly visible; sexine thicker than nexine under TEM. 4. Przewalskia Maxim. (plate 2: 5-8) Pollen grains subspheroidal; triangular-circular in polar view; oblong in equatorial view; 39.2-40.3 μ × 36.4-42.8 μ ; tricolporate; ora lalongate; colpus membranes granular. Exine reticulate; 2-layered; 2u thick; columella layer distinct; sexine and nexine equal in thickness under TEM. 5. Physochlaina G. Don (plate 2: 9-12; plate 3: 1-12) Pollen grains polymorphic; usually subspheroidal; 36.5-39.4μ in diameter; aperture varying from nonaperturate (P. macrophylla); 3-4 rugose (P. physaloides) to 3-colporate (P. praealta). Exine 1.5-2μ thick; reticulate; smooth or with spinulose or verrucous processes under SEM; distinctly 2-layered; or without stratification; columella layer differentiated or not. 6. Hyoscyamus Linn. (plate 4: 1-9) Pollen grains subspheroidal; circular-triangular in polar view; oval in equatorial view; 39.9-41.8 μ × 38.7-4.2 μ; tricolporate. Ora orbicular; colpus membranes finely granular or with striate processes. Exine reticulate or striate-rugulate; 2-2.3μ thick; distinctly 2-layered; columella layer developed. The dendrogram (Fig. 1) indicates probable phylogenetic relationships among the sixgenera in the subtribe Hyoscyaminae.  相似文献   

延龄草科四属花粉形态的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韦仲新  王红 《云南植物研究》2001,23(4):T001-T003
对延龄草科重楼属Paris L.延龄草属Trillium L.Medeola L.属和Scoliopus Torr.属以及百合科百合属Lilium L.和萱草属Hemerocallis L.花粉进行了光镜和电镜的观察和比较。结果表明,在延龄草科中,重楼属,Medeola属和Scoliopus属花粉具有较多的相似性:具单一远极沟,极面观椭圆形,外壁为网状纹饰或皱波-网状纹饰。而延龄草属花粉与它们的差异则较大,为圆形,无萌发孔,外壁非网状纹饰,而是颗粒状,疣状,芽孢状,星状和微刺状等纹饰。百合属中的Lilium michauxii和萱草属中的金针菜Hemerocallis citrina花粉均为单一远极沟,外壁表面为网状纹饰。但其网脊特别粗,具不规则突起并形成棱角(H.citina)或由许多排列成念珠状的、形状不一的分子组成(Lilium michauxii),结构特别复杂。就其萌发孔类型和纹饰特征看,它们与延龄草科中的重楼属,Medeola属和Scoliopus属花粉具有较多的性。花粉外壁的层次结构在延龄草科各属之间(延龄草属除外),甚至在延龄草科与百合科之间均没有多大的差异。  相似文献   

The pollen morphology in 168 species of Psychotria (Rubiaceae, Rubiodeae, Psychotrieae) has been investigated using light microscopy and, for 61 of the speices, scanning electron microscopy. Transmission electron microscopical studies have been carried out for seven of the species. Psychorria is very heterogeneoous pollen morphologically and pollen grain characteristics cannot be used for the delimination of the basis of aperture morphology, thickness of exine, size of lumina, muri, columellae and bacula, and sculpture. A key to the identificantion of the pollen types is presented and all types are issstrated. The pollen grains in Psychotria are usually 3–to 5colporte, 3-to 5-colpate or inapertuarate, rarely 2–4-or 5-porate, and have an exine that vanes widely in thickness. The sexine is reticulate, microreticulate, tectate-perforate, rugulate or intectate, and smooth or sculptured. Exine morphology presents important characters for the taxonomic subdivision of Psychotria . Previous intrageneric classifications are in part supported by pollen morphology, but contradictions between this and other sets of charactes, such as inflorescence features. are common.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 89 species and 3 varieties belonging to 18 genera (out of 150 spcies in 20 genera) of Zingiberaceae in China was studied under both light microscope and scanning electron microscope. Pollen grains of Zingiberaceae are spherical, subspherical, ovoid and prolate, 36-225 μm in size, nonaperturate or aperturate (spiraperturate, porate). Pollen grains are almost not resistant to acetolysis. The wall is composed of a very thin exine and a thick intine. The exine is psilate, spinate, cerebelloid-areolate, striate, verrucate and foveolate. According to the presence or the absence of aperture and differential ornamentations, two types and six subtypes are recognized: I. The type Nonaperturate: (85 species and 3 varieties in 18 genera). Four subtypes can be recognized within the type based on the characteristics of the exine sculpture. These are: (1) The subtype Psilate, in which, the exine is nearly smooth (including: Hedychium, Curcuma, Kaempferia, Caulokaempferia coenobilis, Boesenbergia rotunda, Stahlianthus, Amomum compactum, Etingera, Hornstedtis, Rhynchanthus). (2) The subtype Spinate, which comprises two groups: (A) The group Short-spinate, pollen grains with smaller spines (Globba), (B) The group Long-spinate, pollen grains with longer spines (Alpinia, Amomum, Plagiostachys, Roscoea, Cautleya, Boesenbergia fallax, Caulokaempferia yunnanensis). (3) The subtype Cereblloid-areolate, pollen grains of which are spherical or subspherical, with cerebelloid sculpture (Zingiber Sect. Zingiber). (4) The subtype Striate, pollen grains of which are prolate or oliveshaped, and striate (Zingiber Setc. Cryptanthium). II. The type Aperturate, in which pollen grains are acetilysis-resistant and possess distinct apertures (mixed colpate-porate or forate), including two subtypes: (1)The subtype Mixed colpate and Porate. Pollen grains are both 3-colpate and 1-3-porate, and usually with one long spiral, two short (straight or slightly curved) colpi and 1-3-poris. The exine is verrucate or not, nearly sinuolate (Costus speciosus, C. tonkinensis, C. lacerus). (2) The subtype porate, whose grains are 6-8-porate and exine is foveolate (Costus megalobractea). The taxonomic significance of the pollen types in the family Zingiberaceae is also discussed.  相似文献   

The surface sculpturing of the pollen of some species of the taxonomically widely separated genera Harpalyce (tribe Brongniartieae), Camoensia (tribe Sophoreae), Millettia (tribe Tephrosieae), and of the monotypic Dahlstedtia (tribe Tephrosieae) which have large red or white flowers adapted for pollination by birds or bats, is coarsely rugulate or verrucate. Related taxa with small insect pollinated flowers have pollen with simple reticulate or perforate surface sculpturing. The exine stratification of Alexa and Castanospermum (tribe Sophoreae), genera with large red bird-flowers, is complex with a layer of tectal columellae and differs from that of other genera in the tribe Sophoreae which have a normal pollen wall structure. These modifications of pollen structure and sculpture appear to be the result of convergent evolution and a secondary adaptation to pollination. The taxonomic and functional significance of the observations are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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