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新疆卡拉麦里山保护区鹅喉羚的社群结构   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
2005年11月至2007年5月,在新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类保护区对鹅喉羚的社群结构进行了初步研究.将其集群划分为雌性群、雄性群、亚成体群、独羚、雌雄混合群和不明群6种类型.共统计鹅喉羚564群,总计3186只.春季鹅喉羚以雄性群居多(45.7%);夏秋两季则以雌性群为主(52.9%和70.4%);冬季以混合群居多(60%).卡方独立性检验表明,四个季节间三种社群类型的百分比组成差异显著(x2=68.45,P<0.01),受繁殖周期和季节变化影响.鹅喉羚集群大小范围为1~95只,其中3只群出现最多(20.0%);2~5只的群占54.3%;6~10只的群占23.1%;11~20只的群占9.2%;>20只的群占2.3%.春夏秋冬四季平均群大小分别为(4.45±4.07;4.94±4.20;6.66±10.12;6.0±5.66),其中春季平均集群大小分别与秋季和冬季差异显著.  相似文献   

岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)是青藏高原常见的食草动物,但对边缘分布区的种群了解较少。2018年6月到2019年8月,我们利用红外相机在四川王朗国家级自然保护区对岩羊的集群结构、特征及其季节变化进行了描述与分析。结果显示:调查共记录到岩羊1 921群次,共计6 623只次。按照性别和年龄组,可将岩羊集群划分为混合群、母仔群、雄性群、独雄、独雌、雌性群。研究观察到的最大岩羊集群为23只,最小为独羊(独雄或独雌),集群的平均个体数量为(3.45 ± 2.16)只,以小群为主,种群大小的季节间差异不显著。岩羊集群结构和季节波动特征主要有:(1)混合群最常见,占45.3%,其次依次为母仔群、雄性群、独雄、独雌和雌性群;(2)岩羊集群结构季节波动显著,春季以雄性群(29.5%)和独雄(22.6%)为主,夏季、秋季和冬季主要为混合群(58.5%,41.8%,36.7%)和母仔群(21.4%,24.7%,18.6%);(3)各集群类型在季节间的相对优势存在差异,例如混合群在夏季的优势显著,但母仔群在各季节的优势则无显著差异。依据全年数据,我们认为王朗国家级自然保护区的栖息地特征以及岩羊自身生命周期可能是影响岩羊集群大小、集群类型季节波动的主要因素。  相似文献   

可可西里地区藏羚的社群特征   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
藏羚(Pantholopshodgsoni)的集群类型有雌性群、雄性群、母仔群、雌雄混群和独羚5种形式。2002年7月~2003年12月,在可可西里地区沿青藏公路设立试验区,直接观察到936群次,计13795只次藏羚。藏羚的集群类型受到生育周期的影响,季节间差异显著。春季以雌性群(60.49%)和雄性群(30.86%)为主;夏季和秋季主要为雌性群(41.65%,49.66%)和母仔群(49.36%,33.67%);雌雄混群(58.14%)主要出现在冬季。雄性群在1年中很少见,尤其是夏秋两季,冬季较为常见,多由亚成体雄性组成。独羚是一种特殊的集群类型,占11.32%。常见的集群大小为2~20只,占71.90%,其次是21~200只的群,占16.35%;>200只的集群极少,仅占0.43%,且仅出现于夏季产羔往返迁徙途中。藏羚的集群大小受竞争、捕食风险以及迁徙繁殖的共同影响。藏羚的集群极不稳定,交配期雌雄混合群受雄性亚成体的干扰经常改变,而在迁徙季节大群和小群之间的转换也很频繁。大型集群为雌性群或母仔群,其最适集群大小为2~20只。  相似文献   

四川省竹巴笼自然保护区矮岩羊的集群特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007 年7 ~12 月和2008 年4 ~6 月,采用样线法和定点观察法,在四川省竹巴笼自然保护区对矮岩羊集群行为进行了观察。2007 年观察到34 群共217 只矮岩羊,集群平均为6. 4 ± 4.9 只;2008 年观察到16 群共135只,集群平均为8.4 ± 7.7 只。集群分为雄性群(2007 年:8.8% ;2008 年:6.3% )、雌性群(2007 年:2. 9% ;2008 年:0)、混合群(2007 年:70.6% ;2008 年:81.2% )、母仔群(2007 年:8.8% ;2008 年:12. 5% )和孤羊(2007 年:8.8% ;2008 年:0)5 种类型。在不同季节,5 种集群类型比例都有所变化,差异显著(P <0.01)。集群大小间和集群类型间也有显著或极显著差异,其中2 ~ 10 只的集群在2007 年占73.5%,在2008 年占75.0% ,呈集小群特征。年龄组结构中,成体、亚成体和幼体个体数比为100∶ 26.4∶ 28. 6 (2007 年)和100∶24.7∶ 20. 4 (2008 年)。雌雄性比2007 年为100∶ 55.7,2008 年为100∶ 56.6,年间差异不显著(P > .05)。受集群收益、生物学特征、繁殖周期、资源竞争、生境地形地貌、捕食风险和人类活动等主要因素的影响,矮岩羊在集群类型、集群大小、年龄结构和性比上显示了其生存策略。  相似文献   

冬春季矮岩羊集群特征比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2007年10月至12月、2008年11月中旬至2009年1月中旬和2009年3月至5月,采用样线法对四川竹巴笼自然保护区矮岩羊冬春季的集群特征进行了研究,春季共观察到73群451只矮岩羊,冬季共观察到170群1036只矮岩羊。发现春季平均群大小为6.18±5.186,最大群34只;冬季平均集群大小为6.65±4.564,最大群24只;春冬两季矮岩羊集群大小季节性变化不显著(P0.05)。在观察到的矮岩羊中,冬春两季矮岩羊集群都以混合群为主,分别占57.20%和45.20%;与春季相比,冬季混合群和独羊出现频率增高,而春季雌性群和母仔群增多;2-8只的集群冬季109群,春季56群,分别占总群数的64.12%和76.71%;9只以上的集群冬季46群,春季15群,分别占总群数的20.06%和20.55%。说明矮岩羊主要以2-8只的小群为主。冬季雌雄比为1∶0.64;雌幼比为1∶0.77;春季雌雄比为1∶0.72;雌幼比为1∶0.81。  相似文献   

贺兰山岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)集群特征的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
2004年11月~2005年10月,在贺兰山对岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)的集群行为进行了研究,将其集群类型划分为雌性群、雄性群、雌雄群、母仔群、混合群和独羊6种类型.共观察到岩羊1 023群次,计4 866只次,平均群大小为(4.86±2.54)只,最大的群为51只,最小的为独羊.其中,母仔群459群(44.87%)为最多的集群类型,其余为混合群(20.72%)、雄性群(14.86%)、独羊(9.09%)、雌雄群(5.57%)、雌性群(4.89%).母仔群出现的频次在4个季节均最高,除母仔群外,春季雄性群出现的频次最高,而夏、秋、冬季都是混合群出现的频次最高,不同类型集群出现频次的季节间差异极显著.在4个季节中都以2~5只的群居多,其出现的频次占各季节群数50%以上,不同季节群大小差异极显著,而不同集群类型群大小季节间不存在显著差异.除独羊外,不同季节混合群大小差异极显著,母仔群、雌性群大小差异显著,而雄性群、雌雄群大小无显著差异.研究结果显示,贺兰山岩羊集小群是其显著特点,随着季节的变化,其集群类型、集群大小均会发生一定的变化.  相似文献   

春冬两季贺兰山岩羊集群特征的比较   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
20 0 3年 1 1~ 1 2月和 2 0 0 4年 4~ 6月在贺兰山国家级自然保护区对岩羊 (Pseudoisnayaur)春冬两季集群行为进行了初步研究。春季观察到的 2 1 8群 1 3 70只岩羊样本和冬季观察到的 3 1 0群 1 3 3 6只岩羊样本进行了比较 ,发现春季平均岩羊群大小为 (5. 5 7± 5 .3 8)只 ,冬季平均岩羊群大小为 (4. 2 9± 5 . 48)只 ,春冬两季岩羊集群大小季节性变化不显著 (P >0. 0 5 )。贺兰山岩羊在春冬两季 2~ 8只的群所占比例均居多 (春季 :85 . 3 % ;冬季 94 8% )。春季贺兰山岩羊群以雌性群 (4 0 . 3 % ,n =88)为主 ,冬季以混合群(4 9 7% ,n =1 5 4)和雌性群 (4 8 4% ,n=1 5 0 )为主。春冬两季雌性群平均大小间 (P >0 . 0 5 ) ,雄性群平均大小间 (P >0 . 0 5 )和混合群平均大小间 (P >0 . 0 5 )均无显著性差异。将春季和冬季贺兰山岩羊的雌雄比与雌幼比相比 ,春季观察到的雄性个体偏多 ,冬季观察到的幼体较春季多。  相似文献   

长爪沙鼠生长繁殖性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 动物的生长繁殖性能是其生理学数据的重要组成部分 ,对实验动物的开发和应用具有指导意义。方法 选择离乳的长爪沙鼠 80只 (雌雄各半 ) ,一雌一雄长期同居。结果 每胎产仔 3~ 7只的居多 ,占总胎数的 77% ;平均每胎产仔 (5 .0 2± 2 .1 1 )只 ;每年产仔胎数 5~ 9胎的较多 ,占总胎数的 91 .7% ,平均 (7.4 9± 2 .0 1 )胎 /年 ;最早的初产周龄为 1 3周龄 ,最长的 5 2周龄 ,在 1 3~ 2 0和 2 5~ 2 8周龄的居多 ,占总对数的 80 %。长爪沙鼠的平均出生重为 3.5g ,成年鼠平均体重雌性 5 5 .6g ,雄性 6 7.2g。结论 普通级长爪沙鼠封闭群配种日龄最早在 6 5日龄 ,初产日龄超过 2 0 0日龄的长爪沙鼠应淘汰 ;性别对长爪沙鼠体重无显著影响  相似文献   

藏原羚集群行为的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2002年10月至2003年12月,在可可西里对藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata)的集群行为进行了初步研究.将其集群划分为雌性群、雄性群、母仔群、雌雄混群和独羚5种类型.共统计藏原羚924群次,计3643只次.其中,雌性群525群次,占56.8%,为最多的集群类型;其余为独羚(26.1%)、雄性群(11.0%)、母仔群(3.0%)和雌雄混群(3.0%).不同大小集群的比例亦有极显著差异,其中2-10只的集群占70.0%,独羚占26.1%,其余为3.9%;最大集群为17只.另外,选择2-8只的集群的个体数占72.9%,选择8只以上集群的个体数为20.5%,独羚仅占6.6%,选择不同大小集群的个体数的差异也极为显著(P<0.001).除独羚外,其余4种集群类型的集群大小存在极显著差异.独羚作为一种特殊的集群类型,其雄性个体的比例占到68.1%,这说明雄性个体比雌性更容易形成独羚.总体而言,藏原羚的集群以雌性群为主,最适集群大小为2-8只.  相似文献   

2013年10月至2014年9月,于天山中部天格尔山脉乌鲁木齐河源区研究了北山羊的社群结构。将其集群类型划分为雄性群、雌幼群、混合群和独羊4类。共统计北山羊497群,总计6 427只。北山羊最大集群为100只,最小群为1只,全年平均群大小为(12.93±0.65)只。其中春季(14.83±1.35)只,夏季(14.16±1.65)只,秋季(15.17±1.69)只,冬季(9.32±0.74)只。冬季北山羊平均集群大小显著低于其他三个季节。混合群的平均群大小最大,其余依次为雌幼群和雄性群。Kruskal-Wallis H检验结果表明各社群类型群大小差异极显著。北山羊多以2-7只的小群活动,占到总遇见频次比例的41.05%,8-20只群占32.80%,20只以上大群出现最少,占17.71%。在4种集群类型中,雌幼群出现频率最高,占51.91%,其次依次为混合群、雄性群和独羊。卡方检验结果表明4个季节间4种社群类型的出现频次差异显著。研究结果显示,北山羊在发情期混群,非繁殖期同性集群。受环境因素和自身生理周期的影响,其集群大小、集群类型均随季节变化而变化。  相似文献   

野骆驼(Camelus ferus)生性机警, 且栖息于远离人迹、自然条件极端恶劣的荒漠、半荒漠地区, 其种群动态和行为生态学研究一直较为缺乏。本研究通过在库姆塔格沙漠地区进行不同季节的野外观测和连续水源地红外相机监测, 对野骆驼的集群行为进行了研究。2011-2013年, 在库姆塔格沙漠地区进行了8次野外调查, 共记录野骆驼64群, 个体430峰。非繁殖季节野骆驼集群大小平均为2.94±0.67峰; 而繁殖季节野骆驼集群大小平均为10.74±3.08峰。野外观测数据证明了野骆驼集群行为存在季节性差异, 倾向于冬季繁殖季节的集群。并于2012年10月至2013年9月期间, 在11个水源地设置11台红外相机, 共记录野骆驼281群745峰。与野外调查结果相比, 红外相机数据表明繁殖期间和非繁殖期间野骆驼集群大小没有显著差异(t = 0.322, P = 0.748)。水源地的地形因素、红外相机监测视角和监测时间的限制可能是造成这一差异的原因。但是两种方法的结果均表明野骆驼在阿尔金山北麓比西湖地区容易形成较大的集群; 同时, 繁殖季节野骆驼最大集群的规模要大于非繁殖季节。尽管利用红外相机进行动物集群行为研究存在一定的局限性, 但与传统基于野外调查的方法相比, 无论是经济上还是实用性方面, 利用红外相机都为我们开展动物行为学研究提供了新的手段。  相似文献   

This study revealed the infection status of P. parva with the metacercariae of M. orientalis in the Sunam stream of the Nakdong River, a well-known focus of Clonorchis sinensis. A total of 60 P. parva were divided into 4 groups by the size (80-90, 70-79, 60-69 and 50-59 mm) and were digested by pepsin-HCl solution in a 36 degrees C incubator. The metacercariae of M. orientalis were collected and counted under a stereomicroscope. A total of 3,885 metacercariae were found, and average number/fish in each group were 143, 54, 23 and 40. They were 175.3 x 155.4 microns in average size and had thick cyst wall(13.1 microns in average). By the results, it is proved that the life cycle of M. orientalis is actively maintained in the Sunam stream of the Nakdong River.  相似文献   

海南坡鹿(Cervus eldi hainanus)集群习性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据野外累积观察到的852群海南坡鹿的集群情况,结出了鹿群在全年各月份的平均大小及方差等统计数据,分析了各种类型的鹿群,并对各月份鹿群平均大小之间是否存在差异进行了方差分析和多重比较。鹿群的大小存在着季节性变化,各类型鹿群在不同季节所占比例及其稳定性均存在差异。繁殖周期、植被的季节性变化及鹿群的类型是影响鹿群集群变化的重要因素。本文还就坡鹿的集群习性及其保护管理工作提出建议。  相似文献   

Cede P  Bilkei G 《Theriogenology》2004,61(1):185-194
The present study was conducted in a large Croatian "built up unit". The objective of the study was to determine if an indoor modified eros centre (MEC) compared to indoor or outdoor group housing of gilts, influenced the onset of puberty of gilts and the reproductive performance of the evaluated females (n = 783) over four parities. The gilts were from the same nucleus herd. Gilts of same age (140-150 days of age), body condition (body condition score of 3-4) and similar genetics (four-way cross females), during the same season (January to April 1999), were randomly divided at arrival into three groups and treated as follows:MEC gilts (n = 279): These were placed into indoor MEC pens in groups of 8-10. The gilts had continuous fenceline contact to boars (one boar to two groups of gilts, boars were changed daily) and to shortly weaned oestrous sows. Gilts were regrouped and dislocated at 10-day intervals. Outdoor gilts (n = 263): These were kept in groups of 8-10 on a large pasture (80-100 m2 per group). The animals had fenceline contact to mature boar for 5-10 min daily. Control indoor gilts (n = 241): These were housed indoors in large pens in groups of 8-10. The animals had fenceline contact to mature boars for 5-10 min daily. Each outdoor group had an insulated hut with straw bedding. All gilts were fed ad libitum with the same commercial diet. Housing gilts in MEC resulted in earlier (P < 0.001) onset of estrus (MEC: 174.8 +/- 2.4 days, indoor group housing: 207.6 +/- 4.1 days, outdoor group housing: 187.4 +/- 2.1 days) and lower (P < 0.001) farrowing rate to first service (MEC: 70.97%, indoor group housing: 89.73%, outdoor group housing: 89.62%). Farrowing rate of regularly returning MEC gilts to second service was 95.00%. First total-born litter size, first liveborn litter size, first wean-to-estrus interval (WEI), percent of sows bred after first weaning, second total-born litter size, second liveborn litter size, average third and fourth total-born and liveborn litter size, number of sows having four litters, number of litters per sow, total number of pigs per sow, total number of liveborn pigs per sow showed no significant differences between the groups. More (P < 0.05) sows were culled in outdoor group. Compared to MEC and outdoor housing, indoor housed sows suffered higher (P < 0.05) percentage of anoestrus.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in the 2001 growing season to examine the relative abundance, dispersion and distribution of the potato leafhopper (Empoasca fabae) among trees of 24 red maple (Acer rubrum) clonal selections. Yellow sticky traps hung from the trees were used to estimate the relative number of aerial potato leafhoppers among trees, starting on 1 May 2001 and stopping on 4 September 2001. More insects were collected from the east side of the plot than from the other sides in May, but no differences were significant late in the season. Few leafhoppers were collected during May, but the number of leafhoppers collected on traps rapidly increased and peaked during June. Afterwards, populations decreased and just a few individuals were trapped late in the season. Overall, significantly more leafhoppers were caught on traps hanging from trees of clone 56026 and 55410 than on trees of the other clones. Dispersion of the potato leafhopper changed from being aggregated in May, to being random in August, and also differed among the different clones. Populations tended to aggregate with increases in population numbers. Positive significant autocorrelations were detected at short distances in May, suggesting an aggregated spatial pattern early in the season. Yet, different autocorrelation patterns were detected within each block later in the season. Our results indicate that management practices could be developed to minimise pesticide use by targeting smaller areas with the highest populations at the right time of the season.  相似文献   

南京老山国家森林公园朴树种群结构与分布格局研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
高邦权  张光富 《广西植物》2005,25(5):406-412
采用每木调查法、时空互代法和相邻格子样方法对南京老山国家森林公园朴树种群的结构和动态进行研究。(1)大小级结构分析表明:朴树种群以Ⅱ级(幼树)数量最多,Ⅰ级(幼苗)、Ⅲ级(小树)、Ⅳ级(中树)和V级(大树)数量很少或缺失,个别样地内甚至存在2个大小级缺失的情况。朴树种群处于活跃演替阶段的群落中,为不稳定的间歇型种群。(2)对于不同的生境,Ⅰ级数量缺乏甚至缺失基于不同的原因:山坡生境条件下,Ⅰ级缺乏或缺失是由于草本层盖度大,加上朴树幼苗生长缓慢,在激烈的生存竞争中处于不利地位,导致Ⅰ级死亡率高,因而数量较少或缺失;沟谷生境条件下,岩石裸露,土层瘠薄,在雨期受流水冲洗更为严重,影响朴树种子的停留和生根,不合适朴树幼苗生长,导致Ⅰ级缺乏或缺失。(3)生存曲线分析表明:自Ⅱ级向Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级与Ⅴ级的发育过程中,死亡率逐渐降低。(4)朴树的分布格局多为集群分布,在不同生长发育阶段的分布格局不同,朴树种群基本呈现扩散趋势。  相似文献   

广腹螳和中华大刀螳卵块孵化的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广腹螳平均卵块重和含卵量少于中华大刀螳 ,含卵量与卵块重呈正相关 ,平均孵化率分别是5 8 94%和 91 71 %。恒温条件下 ,广腹螳卵块平均孵化期分别为 5 6 2 2天 (2 0℃ ) ,3 0 71天 (2 5℃ )和 2 6 3 7天 (3 0℃ ) ,发育起始温度 1 2 65℃ ,有效积温 42 9 77日·度 ;中华大刀螳卵块平均孵化期分别为 5 0 9天(2 0℃ ) ,2 8 0 9天 (2 5℃ )和 2 1 77天 (3 0℃ ) ,发育起始温度 1 2 90℃ ,有效积温 3 62 42日·度 ;广腹螳卵块恒温孵化期短于相应变温组 ,中华大刀螳卵块恒温孵化期长于相应变温组。  相似文献   

The home range of one group of the Geoffroy's marmoset (Callithrix geoffroyi) was studied in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in south-eastern Brazil, between February 1993 and January 1994. The total home range was 23.3 ha and the area used in the dry season was significantly larger than that of the wet season. The smallest distance travelled by group was 480 m/day in May and the longest was 1,980 m/day in March, but with no significant differences between seasons. The total home range used for this species agrees with the ecological grouping of the genus Callithrix proposed by Rylands & Faria (1993) and may be associated with the habitat structure, the limit of the fragment and the inexistence of neighbouring groups.  相似文献   

孙立新 《动物学报》2002,48(3):302-308
我在江西鄱阳湖国家自然保护区研究了獐 (Hydropotesinermis)的集群行为并检验了集群是动物反捕食对策的假说。如果这个假说成立 ,我们则可以做三个预测 :(1)集群大小应与植物覆盖度成负相关 ;(2 )集群动物比单独活动的动物有更多的时间取食 ;(3)集群动物与单独活动的动物相比 ,用于警戒的时间较少。结果表明 ,獐的集群在交配季节最大而在产仔季节最小 ,獐在短草期比在高草期倾向于形成较大集群。因此 ,本研究支持了第一个预测。但是 ,集群的獐和单独活动的獐在取食和警戒时间分配上并无差异。因此 ,本研究不支持第二和第三个预测。时间收支 (timebudget)分析显示 ,在非交配季节 ,带幼仔的雌性用于取食的时间较少但走动频繁。在交配季节 ,与单独活动的雌性相比 ,与雄性在一起的雌性用于取食的时间较少 ,而单独活动的雄性却比与雌性在一起的雄性花较多的时间用于观望寻找雌性。鉴于獐集群行为的复杂性 ,本研究认为 ,獐并不只因反捕食而集群 ,其它社会和生态因子在决定獐的集群行为中也很重要。  相似文献   

We conducted focal observations of territorial guanacos, a highly polygynous and social mammal, to compare time budgets between sexes and test the hypothesis that the differences in reproductive interests are associated with differential group size effects on male and female time allocation patterns. In addition, we used group instantaneous sampling to test the hypothesis that grouping improves detection capacity through increased collective vigilance. We fit GLM to assess how group size and group composition (i.e., presence or absence of calves) affected individual time allocation of males and females, and collective vigilance. As expected from differences in reproductive interests, males in family groups devoted more time to scan the surroundings and less to feeding activities compared to females. Both sexes benefited from grouping by reducing the time invested in vigilance and increased foraging effort, according to predation risk theory, but the factors affecting time allocation differed between males and females. Group size effects were significant when females were at less than five body‐lengths from their nearest neighbour, suggesting that grouping benefits arise when females are close to each other. Female time budgets were also affected by season, topography and vegetation structure. In contrast to our expectation, males reduced the time invested in vigilance as the number of females in the group increased, supporting the predation risk theory rather the intrasexual competition hypothesis. The presence of calves was associated with an increase in male individual vigilance; and vegetation type also affected the intensity of the group size effect over male time allocation. In closed habitats, collective vigilance increased with the number of adults but decreased with the number of calves present. Although male and female guanacos differed in their time allocation patterns, our results support the hypothesis that both sexes perceive significant antipredator benefits of group living.  相似文献   

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