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沙棘主要蛀干害虫种群生态位   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
宗世祥  姚国龙  骆有庆  许志春  王涛 《生态学报》2005,25(12):3264-3270
沙棘木蠹蛾(H olcocerus h ipp ophaecolusHua,Chou,F ang et Chen)是近几年在我国内蒙古、辽宁、山西、宁夏、陕西和甘肃等地大面积爆发的一种钻蛀性害虫,主要以幼虫危害沙棘(H ipp ophae rham noid ea)的根部和干部。在宁夏,沙棘除受到沙棘木蠹蛾的危害,还受到红缘天牛(A sias ha lod end ri Pa llas)的严重危害,该虫主要危害沙棘的干部。作者根据种群生态位理论,从时间、空间等资源利用上,定量地描述了沙棘木蠹蛾与红缘天牛种群之间的联系和竞争共存机制,结果表明:沙棘木蠹蛾幼虫主要分布在根部和干部80~120cm的范围内,不同时期,幼虫具有从干部向根部转移危害的习性;而红缘天牛主要分布在干部40~120cm的范围内,不同时期,幼虫没有转移危害的习性。沙棘木蠹蛾和红缘天牛的时间生态位和空间生态位宽度均较大,发生期较长,在沙棘上的活动范围较广,而不同时期内沙棘木蠹蛾的空间生态位宽度变动较红缘天牛大,其在沙棘上的活动范围在不同时期有较大的变动,而红缘天牛则较小。空间生态位重叠较小,在沙棘上的分布趋于分离,对空间资源的需求具有较大的差异,而时间生态位重叠较大,在沙棘的生长季节均能同时危害,危害期长但不具有明显的危害高峰期。两种害虫在空间生态位上的种间竞争强度较小,而在时间生态位上的种间竞争强度较大,在整个发生期内,两种害虫均能同时危害沙棘,但其位置有较大差异,在沙棘根部和干部40cm范围内,两种害虫几乎不能共存。  相似文献   

王义平  郭瑞  邓建宇  张真 《昆虫学报》2013,56(4):452-456
松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope是传播松材线虫病的主要媒介,引诱剂是抑制松墨天牛种群数量的无公害调控有效方式之一。本研究通过在中国浙江富阳的林间试验测定了6种小蠹类引诱剂与1种天牛引诱剂不同组合联用对松墨天牛成虫以及其他蛀干害虫的诱捕效果。结果表明: 横坑切梢小蠹Tomicus minor引诱剂3-carene-10-ol、云杉八齿小蠹Ips typographus引诱剂2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol、欧洲榆小蠹Scolytus multistriatus引诱剂4-methyl-3-heptanol和纵坑切梢小蠹T. piniperda引诱剂verbenol分别与松墨天牛引诱剂联用后,对松墨天牛的引诱效果无显著性差异(P<0.05)。西部松大小蠹Dendroctonus brevicomis 引诱剂exo-brevicomin或黄杉大小蠹D. pseudotsugae引诱剂1-methylcyclohex-2-en-l-ol与松墨天牛引诱剂联用后对松墨天牛的诱捕效果有减弱的趋势。另外,与单独使用中国天牛引诱剂相比,小蠹类引诱剂与其联用后在诱捕其他蛀干害虫的种类和个体数量上均有所减少。  相似文献   

小蠹虫与长喙壳类真菌(Ophiostomatoid fungi)在自然界中形成稳定的伴生关系,是森林生态系统内一种普遍的生态学现象。已有研究表明欧亚大陆的齿小蠹属(Ips)昆虫与多种长喙壳类真菌形成广泛的伴生关系,其中部分真菌是重要的针叶树病原菌。随着借助于DNA信息特征的系统发育分析,揭示出形态特征和亲缘关系十分接近的3种齿小蠹属昆虫,云杉八齿小蠹(I.typographus),欧洲落叶松八齿小蠹(I.cembrae)和亚洲落叶松八齿小蠹(I.subelongatus)确定为不同种之后,相应地与之稳定伴生的长喙壳类真菌Ceratocystis polonica也由过去一个种揭示为3个种的复合体,各自与3种小蠹虫稳定伴生,形成密切的种特异性伴生关系。小蠹虫与真菌的种特异性伴生被认为是处于同一森林生态系统内的生物协同进化的结果。通过对我国东北地区落叶松八齿小蠹虫体、坑道标本上伴生真菌菌株的采集、分离和生理学、形态学特征观察,以及基于ITS、β-tubulin、MAT-2 HMG box多位点DNA序列的系统发育分析,首次确定了长喙壳真菌Ceratocystis fujiensis在我国东北地区异域分布的3种落叶松林内普遍存在,与落叶松八齿小蠹形成稳定的伴生关系。作为亚洲落叶松八齿小蠹伴生的主要真菌,也是伴生菌区系中的先锋种和致病力最强的病原菌,C.fujiensis在我国落叶松人工林的广泛分布值得高度重视,将为制定防治病虫复合危害的有效策略和措施提供科学基础。研究结果进一步支持了齿小蠹属昆虫与长喙壳真菌间的种特异性伴生假说。同时,多基因序列特征表明落叶松八齿小蠹与C.fujiensis在亚洲范围内的不同地理种群存在着显著的遗传多样性,预示特异性伴生在不同种群间发生的可能,可以为种特异性伴生假说和小蠹虫-真菌间共生关系的研究提供良好的模式材料。  相似文献   

通过对内蒙古阿尔山地区落叶松八齿小蠹Ipssubelongatus Motschulsky天敌的种类调查,目前共发现落叶松八齿小蠹天敌包括捕食性天敌红胸郭公虫Thanasimus substriatus Gebler,寄生性天敌暗绿截尾金小蜂Tomicobia seitneri(Ruschka)、长蠹刻鞭茧蜂Coeloides bostrichorum Giraud以及螨类、微生物。分析了天敌的自然控制作用,红胸郭公虫对落叶松八齿小蠹成虫的日均捕食率为3.1%±0.77%(落叶松八齿小蠹成虫20头和红胸郭公虫成虫1头,室外12~24℃),日最大捕食量为10.7头(1头红胸郭公虫成虫与20、40、60和80头、100头落叶松八齿小蠹成虫,室内17~25℃);暗绿截尾金小蜂对落叶松八齿小蠹幼虫的寄生率为20.5%,对其蛹的寄生率为13.7%;长蠹刻鞭茧蜂对其幼虫的寄生率为6.5%;螨类对其成虫的寄生率为20.2%;而微生物对落叶松八齿小蠹幼虫的寄生率为4.3%,对蛹的寄生率为5.4%,对成虫的寄生率为2.1%。暗绿截尾金小蜂是落叶松八齿小蠹最有利用价值的天敌昆虫。  相似文献   

袁菲  骆有庆  石娟 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):1011-1016
应用多个聚集度指标和Iwao,Taylor等的回归分析法对落叶松八齿小蠹Ips subelongatus Motschulsky坑道的垂直分布型进行了研究.结果表明:落叶松八齿小蠹坑道数量与落叶松树干不同高度变化成线性关系,拟合的直线方程为y=-10.867x+92.884;落叶松八齿小蠹坑道基本属于均匀分布;坑道的分...  相似文献   

【目的】云南切梢小蠹Tomicus yunnanensis KirkendallFaccoli和横坑切梢小蠹Tomicus minor(Hartig)是中国云南地区两种危害松属Pinus L.植物的钻蛀性害虫,常在云南松Pinus yunnanensis Faranch.上共同危害,通过蛀梢和蛀干为害造成树木衰弱死亡,生态破坏,带来经济损失。【方法】通过样地调查和树木解析,对两种小蠹在"梢转干"及"干转梢"时期的时间和空间生态位进行了研究。【结果】"梢转干"时期之后,横坑切梢小蠹主要分布在主干中下部,云南切梢小蠹分布在主干中上部;侧枝上主要分布着云南切梢小蠹,而横坑切梢小蠹数量很少;5月中旬进入"干转梢"阶段,两种小蠹同时进入羽化期,云南切梢小蠹在6月1日左右到达羽化高峰期,横坑切梢小蠹则比其晚10 d左右到达羽化高峰期;两种小蠹成虫转梢危害后随机分布。两种小蠹的时间和空间生态位宽度均较大,发生期较长,在云南松上分布范围较广。两种小蠹空间生态位重叠较小,在云南松上的分布趋于分离,对空间资源的需求具有较大差异;而时间生态位重叠较大,在云南松的生长季节能同时危害,且发生期较一致,危害期长。【结论】两种小蠹在空间生态位上的种间竞争强度较小,而在时间生态位上的竞争较大。通过研究比较两种切梢小蠹时间及空间生态位的特性及差异,为遥感监测云南松林的生物灾害提供了支撑依据。  相似文献   

俞昀  白小军  王志一 《生态学报》2022,42(12):4912-4921
生态位能够反映物种在群落中的功能地位,通过生态位可以定量地研究种内、种间、生境三者之间的相互关系。以大兴安岭次生林区优势种群落叶松(Larix gmelinii)为研究对象,运用Levins公式、Pianka指数和Hegyi单木竞争指数模型分析了该优势种的生态位特征、生态位宽度与重叠度以及重叠程度与竞争作用之间的关系。研究结果表明:随落叶松个体的发育其生态位呈先增大后减小的规律性变化;生态位宽度较大的落叶松个体间重叠程度往往也较高,生态位宽度与重叠度呈显著的线性正相关;落叶松个体间的生态位重叠程度与彼此之间的竞争作用无明显相关性、种群内存在互利性生态位重叠现象;生物个体间的竞争作用与研究尺度有关。  相似文献   

松褐天牛的捕食性天敌莱氏猛叩甲的生态位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋冀营  骆有庆  严晓素  蒋平  陈翼龙 《昆虫知识》2007,44(5):707-710,F0004
经野外调查结合室内实验发现莱氏猛叩甲Tetrigus lewisi Candèze为松褐天牛Monochamus alternatu Hope的捕食性天敌。且莱氏猛叩甲还可取食马尾松角胫象Shirahoshizoinsisiosus(Voss)和松幽天牛Asemumamuren Kraatz。室内试验表明,1头莱氏猛叩甲在4个月左右的时间内最多可取食17头松褐天牛。林间,该叩甲在马尾松衰弱木上的种群密度为平均3~4头/株,以树干3m以下分布较多。通过对其空间生态位的研究发现该虫与松褐天牛的空间生态位宽度相当,且这2种昆虫的生态位重叠值和生态位的比例相似性较大。  相似文献   

本文针对大兴安岭地区的小蠹虫种类进行研究,并通过诱捕器的试验诱集结果,着重研究了小蠹虫的诱捕器防治方法,结果表明落叶松八齿小蠹、云杉八齿小蠹和纵坑切梢小蠹为针叶树的优势种类,诱集结果也证明这3种小蠹的数量占多数,其中落叶松八齿小蠹占绝大多数。  相似文献   

几种十字花科蔬菜害虫生态位的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吴伟坚 《昆虫知识》2003,40(1):42-44
以Levins生态位宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠指数估计发生在同一营养阶层的 4种主要十字花科植物害虫营养生态位、时间生态位和空间生态位的生态位宽度和重叠度。结果表明小菜蛾、黄曲条跳甲、菜粉蝶和小猿叶甲 4种昆虫的生态位并不完全重叠。  相似文献   

Ceratocystiopsis, Ceratocystis, Grosmannia, and Ophiostoma species were isolated from Ips subelongatus and beetle-infested Japanese larch logs collected at several areas in central and northern Honshu Island, Japan, to determine constant associates of I. subelongatus. Ceratocystiopsis minuta, two species of Ceratocystis, three species of Grosmannia, and four species of Ophiostoma were isolated. Of the fungi isolated in the present study, G. laricis, O. brunneociliatum, and O. piceae were constant associates of the beetles. Ceratocystis fujiensis, Ceratocystiopsis minuta, and Ophiostoma sp. F were occasionally isolated with high frequencies of occurrence but were not consistent associates. Ceratocystis fujiensis was most often isolated as the leading fungal invasion in the sapwood of Japanese larch logs invaded by I. subelongatus, confirming that the fungus acts as a primary invader of sapwood in beetle-attacked logs. Contribution No. 221, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba  相似文献   

李菁  骆有庆  石娟 《生态学报》2012,32(16):4943-4949
选取内蒙古阿尔山林区7种不同混交比例的松桦混交林,包括落叶松纯林、白桦纯林及5种不同比例的混交林为研究对象。对植物和昆虫种群丰富度、多样性进行了研究,并对种群在乔木层混交状况梯度下的分布进行了分析。结果表明:植物和昆虫种群分布受乔木层混交状况影响显著。同时,郁闭度能改变其分布状况及决定于松桦比例。兴安落叶松和白桦混交比例介于5∶5和7∶3之间时最有利于森林多样性,是进行林分疏伐的理想模式。  相似文献   

The larch bark beetle (Ips subelongatus), which occurs in larch plantations over a vast area of eastern Asia, infects both dying and fallen trees. When its population reaches a high density, the beetle may also infect healthy trees, resulting in tree decline and, eventually, death. Leptographium spp., in both their sexual and asexual states, are mainly associated with conifer-infesting bark beetles; some species are important tree pathogens. The aims of this study were to identify the Leptographium spp. associated with I. subelongatus infestations of Larix spp. in northern China and to examine their pathogenicity towards the tree. Morphological studies and phylogenetic approaches based on multilocus DNA sequence data (ITS2- partial r28S, partial β-tubulin, and EF-1α gene regions) showed that three Leptographium species occur in association with I. subelongatus in the areas investigated: Leptographium taigense, which is recorded in China for the first time, and two new species, namely L. innermongolicum sp. nov. and L. zhangii sp. nov. Leptographium innermongolicum is closely related to L. taigense, whereas L. zhangii belongs to the Grosmannia piceaperda species complex. The pathogenicity of these Leptographium species towards mature Larix spp. was tested by stem inoculation in forests. All inoculations only resulted in small lesions on the inner bark; therefore, the three Leptographium species were not considered to be pathogenic.  相似文献   

Transgenic rice to control stem borer damage is under development in China. To assess the potential of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) transgenes in stem borer control, the toxicity of five Bt protoxins (Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry1Ba and Cry1Ca) against two rice stem borers, Sesamia inferens (pink stem borer) and Chilo suppressalis (striped stem borer), was evaluated in the laboratory by feeding neonate larvae on artificial diets containing Bt protoxins. The results indicated that Cry1Ca exhibited the highest level of toxicity to both stem borers, with an LC50 of 0.24 and 0.30 μg/g for C. suppressalis and S. inferens, respectively. However, S. inferens was 4-fold lower in susceptibility to Cry1Aa, and 6- and 47-fold less susceptible to Cry1Ab and Cry1Ba, respectively, compared to C. suppressalis. To evaluate interactions among Bt protoxins in stem borer larvae, toxicity assays were performed with mixtures of Cry1Aa/Cry1Ab, Cry1Aa/Cry1Ca, Cry1Ac/Cry1Ca, Cry1Ac/Cry1Ba, Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac, Cry1Ab/Cry1Ba, and Cry1Ab/Cry1Ca at 1:1 (w/w) ratios. All protoxin mixtures demonstrated significant synergistic toxicity activity against C. suppressalis, with values of 1.6- to 11-fold higher toxicity than the theoretical additive effect. Surprisingly, all but one of the Bt protoxin mixtures were antagonistic in toxicity to S. inferens. In mortality-time response experiments, S. inferens demonstrated increased tolerance to Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac compared to C. suppressalis when treated with low or high protoxin concentrations. The data indicate the utility of Cry1Ca protoxin and a Cry1Ac/Cry1Ca mixture to control both stem borer populations.  相似文献   

The mitogenome of Chilo auricilius (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea: Crambidae) was a circular molecule made up of 15,367 bp. Sesamia inferens, Chilo suppressalis, Tryporyza incertulas, and C. auricilius, are closely related, well known rice stem borers that are widely distributed in the main rice-growing regions of China. The gene order and orientation of all four stem borers were similar to that of other insect mitogenomes. Among the four stem borers, all AT contents were below 83%, while all AT contents of tRNA genes were above 80%. The genomes were compact, with only 121–257 bp of non-coding intergenic spacer. There are 56 or 62-bp overlapping nucleotides in Crambidae moths, but were only 25-bp overlapping nucleotides in the noctuid moth S. inferens. There was a conserved motif ‘ATACTAAA’ between trnS2 (UCN) and nad1 in Crambidae moths, but this same region was ‘ATCATA’ in the noctuid S. inferens. And there was a 6-bp motif ‘ATGATAA’ of overlapping nucleotides, which was conserved in Lepidoptera, and a 14-bp motif ‘TAAGCTATTTAAAT’ conserved in the three Crambidae moths (C. suppressalis, C. auricilius and T. incertulas), but not in the noctuid. Finally, there were no stem-and-loop structures in the two Chilo moths.  相似文献   

Inhibitory effects of Bursaphelenchus mucronatus on the number of B. xylophilus carried by an adult Monochamus alternatus were investigated using artificial pupal chambers. When pupal chambers were infested with either B. xylophilus or B. mucronatus, the load of B. xylophilus onto the beetle was greater (P < 0.001) than that of B. mucronatus. However, within the pupal chamber there was no difference in the abundance of the third-stage dispersal juveniles, which would molt to the fourth-stage dispersal juveniles to board beetles. The nematode load on beetles that emerged from pupal chambers infested with both Bursaphelenchus species was smaller (P = 0.015) than that of beetles with B. xylophilus alone but greater (P < 0.001) than that of beetles with B. mucronatus alone, suggesting an inhibitory effect of B. mucronatus. As a result of this study, the rate of inhibition of B. mucronatus on molting of third-stage dispersal juveniles of B. xylophilus to fourth-stage dispersal juveniles was 0.65, which resulted in great inhibition on boarding beetles at a rate of 0.7.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted using nematode-infested and nematode-free adults of the cerambycid beetle, Monochamus alternatus, to determine horizontal transmission pathways of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. When nematode-infested beetles of one sex and nematode-free beetles of the opposite sex were paired in containers for 48 or 72 hours, the number of nematodes carried by nematode-free beetles tended to increase with increased number of nematodes carried by nematode-infested beetles. The nematodes acquired by "nematode-free" beetles could be transmitted to pine. A female beetle that received 13 nematodes from a male transmitted one nematode to a Pinus densiflora bolt via an oviposition wound. When the nematode-infested and nematode-free beetles were observed continuously, it was observed that the number of nematodes carried by nematode-free beetles at the end of the first sexual mounting increased as the number of nematodes carried by nematode-infested beetles just before mounting increased. The number of nematodes transferred to nematode-free beetles was positively related to duration time of mounting. There was no difference in transmission efficacy between male-to-female transmission and female-to-male transmission. The horizontal transmission pathways are discussed relative to the persistence of B. xylophilus in resistant pine forests and the control of pine wilt disease.  相似文献   

A mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) study, based on 43 European populations (33 of them sampled in France) of Monochamus galloprovincialis , vector of the pinewood nematode, and 14 populations of its sister species Monochamus sutor was realized. Sequencing of 792 bp of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and 521 bp of the COII genes revealed numerous ambiguities on multiple nucleotide sites for half of M. galloprovincialis specimens studied (44.8%). Hypotheses of heteroplasmy and pseudogenes ( Numts ) were examined. The mtDNA isolation by alkaline lysis and cloning (for three successfully used individuals) both support the hypothesis that the ambiguous sequences amplified were not of mtDNA nature and validate the presence of Numts in the nuclear genome of M. galloprovincialis . Multiple copies of mtDNA-like sequences were found paralogous to COI, tRNA leucin and COII regions. Phenetic analysis placed different recently diverged mtDNA-like sequences as a close relative of mtDNA sequences, and grouped 10 closely related mtDNA-like sequences as a more basal clade, closer to ancestral states and to M. sutor . This result supports that this nuclear family of pseudogenes arose independently of the other events and may represent mitochondrial haplotypes sampled from M. galloprovincialis ancestral populations. This is the first time that Numts are proved for a longhorned beetle, whereas no Numts were found within its sister species M. sutor. The incorporation mechanism of Numts in unknown for M. galloprovincialis , however, excess of ambiguous sites corresponding to synonymous mutations placed on third codon position as well as the absence of Numts in M. sutor , conducted to the hypothesis of a recent transfer of these Numts in the nuclear genome of M. galloprovincialis .  相似文献   

Pine wilt is caused by the nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which is transported to host trees in the trachea of Monochamus spp. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). The study of the relationship between the nematode and its beetle vectors has been hampered by the inability to estimate nematode presence or density within live beetles. This report describes a rapid method for estimating nematode load within live M. carolinensis and M. alternatus by visual examination of the atrium of the first abdominal spiracle. Visual estimates of nematode numbers correlated highly with actual nematode numbers. This method is a timesaving technique for determining relative numbers of B. xylophilus in pine wilt research.  相似文献   

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