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建立一种高通量的基因微阵列检测技术,对常见呼吸道病毒感染进行监控.根据公开发表的8个病毒科38种常见呼吸道病毒的序列,计算其保守区域,设计病毒的特异性检测探针,制备呼吸道病毒检测基因微阵列.利用随机引物PCR方法标记样品中的病毒靶序列,标记产物与基因微阵列上的探针杂交,清洗、扫描后进行结果分析.采用流感病毒、麻疹病毒、腮腺炎病毒和风疹病毒作为报告病毒,并对80例上呼吸道感染患者的咽拭子标本进行验证测试.初步结果表明,该呼吸道病毒微阵列基因芯片检测是可行的,在利用基因微阵列技术对病毒监控方面进行了有益的尝试,得到了有经验的信息.  相似文献   

cDNA微阵列和寡核苷酸芯片是常见的合成后点样的DNA微阵列。点样方法主要是通过物理吸附或共价结合的方式将探针固定于载体上,本总结了近年来国内外献报道的cDNA微阵列制备方法;在多聚赖氨酸包被的玻璃基片表面制备cDNA微阵列;用琼脂糖包被的玻璃基片制备cDNA微阵列;在氨基或醛基修饰的玻璃基片表面制备cDNA微阵列;寡核苷酸芯片的制备方法;氨基修饰的玻片与5′末端带氨基的寡核苷酸探针通过不同的linker连接;硅烷化寡核苷酸直接点样于玻片上制成寡核苷酸微阵列;硫代寡核苷酸通过二硫键与巯基修饰的玻片连接;水凝胶芯片固定寡核苷酸。丙烯酰胺硅烷化的基片与5′丙烯酰胺修饰的寡核苷酸连接。并展望了基因芯片的应用前景。  相似文献   

为筛选乙型肝炎(乙肝)病毒(HBV)感染应答基因,探讨HBV感染分子机理,采用生物信息学分析、筛选宿主细胞中与乙肝病毒、丙型肝炎(丙肝)病毒、流行性感冒(流感)病毒等感染密切相关的基因,设计并合成寡核苷酸探针,制备了含231种病毒感染相关基因的寡核苷酸微阵列.利用此微阵列比较HepG2细胞、HepG2.2.15细胞之间的基因表达谱差异,筛选乙肝病毒感染候选应答基因,从分子水平对乙肝病毒感染作用机理进行初步研究.制备的病毒感染相关基因表达谱微阵列的监测结果显示,阳性对照和看家基因探针出现较强信号,空白点样液和阴性对照探针未出信号,大部分基因探针信号强度在可分析范围内,上矩阵和下矩阵反映的基因表达情况一致,证明微阵列的特异性、敏感性、重复性都较好.HepG2.2.15与HepG2细胞基因表达谱比较结果显示,28个宿主基因在HepG2.2.15细胞中高表达,包括ASGR1、AFP、Fibronectin、APOC等基因;4个基因低表达,包括RRM1、ICSBP等基因.初步筛选获得HBV感染候选应答基因.此结果表明,制备的微阵列敏感性、特异性、重复性好,可为研究病毒宿主相互作用关系提供技术平台,应用此微阵列筛选获得的HBV候选应答基因可为揭示HBV感染的分子致病机理提供新的信息,为抗HBV药物研究提供潜在的作用靶点.  相似文献   

百合病毒的DNA芯片检测技术研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据已知的黄瓜花叶病毒,百合无症病毒、百合斑驳病毒基因核苷酸序列,设计引物和探针,制备寡核苷酸芯片.用Cy3标记核苷酸引物,不对称RT-PCR扩增产物与芯片上的寡核苷酸探针杂交,荧光扫描仪检测并分析信号.研究制备的基因芯片能够检测侵染百合的3种重要病毒核酸的特异性荧光信号,该项技术具有特异、灵敏、快速的优点.  相似文献   

一种基于寡核苷酸微阵列芯片的多重可扩增探针杂交技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多重可扩增探针杂交技术(multiplex amplifiable probe hybridization,MAPH)是近年来发展起来的一种用于基因组中DNA拷贝数检测的新技术。并发展了一种基于寡核苷酸微阵列芯片的MAPH技术。该方法根据所检测的DNA序列,制备若干具有通用引物的FCR产物作为可扩增探针组,与固定在尼龙膜上待测的基因组DNA杂交。用磁珠回收特异性杂交的探针,经生物素标记的通用引物扩增后,与相应的寡核苷酸微阵列芯片杂交。该特异性的寡核苷酸微阵列芯片包括10个抗肌营养不良基因的外显子探针和阴性、阳性探针。杂交清冼后,链霉亲和素-Cy3染色用芯片扫描仪得到杂交的荧光图像。分析荧光信号的强度差异给出特定基因片段拷贝数的变化。该方法用微阵列技术代替MAPH中的电泳检测技术,可大幅度增加检测的通量。选择了一个正常男性、一个正常女性和一个肌营养不良症患者的基因组DNA来进行验证。结果表明,该方法能够同时给出抗肌营养不良基因多个外显子中的基因片段拷贝数差异信息。  相似文献   

探讨研制能同时检测HBV、HCV、HIV、HAV、GBV-C/HGV和B19的微阵列监控芯片。根据病毒公开发表序列,序列比对,得出保守区域,设计病毒的特异性检测探针,同时设置阴性、阳性参照探针,制备监控微阵列。利用随机引物PCR方法标记样品中的病毒靶序列,标记产物与微阵列上的探针杂交,清洗、扫描后进行结果分析。通过对质粒或模式分子的检测以及经HBV、HCV、HIV临床标本的验证,发现该微阵列监控芯片具有良好的特异性。其对质粒的检测灵敏度可达102病毒拷贝数,对临床标本的检测灵敏度可达103病毒拷贝数。此外,该微阵列监控芯片可检测出病毒混合感染血清。为微阵列监控芯片应用于此六种血液病毒的检测打下一定的基础。  相似文献   

百合病毒的DNA芯片检测技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据已知的黄瓜花叶病毒,百合无症病毒、百合斑驳病毒基因核苷酸序列,设计引物和探针,制备寡核苷酸芯片。用Cy3标记核苷酸引物,不对称RT-PCR扩增产物与芯片上的寡核苷酸探针杂交,荧光扫描仪检测并分析信号。研究制备的基因芯片能够检测侵染百合的3种重要病毒核酸的特异性荧光信号,该项技术具有特异、灵敏、快速的优点。  相似文献   

DNA微阵列代表聚合酶链反应产物诊断测序的发展方向 .根据结核分枝杆菌rpoB基因利福平抗药性决定区域内点突变及其它重排的特征 .研制一种快速地鉴定结核分枝杆菌利福平耐药菌株的中等密度微阵列方法 .利福平抗药性通过使荧光标记扩增遗传物质与微阵列杂交测定 .检测5 3株利福平耐药结核分枝杆菌和 15株利福平敏感结核分枝杆菌 .微阵列方法的检测结果与药物敏感性试验和DNA测序结果完全一致 .临床标本PCR扩增后仅 1 5h可检出利福平耐药临床分离株 .表明寡核苷酸微阵列是高效的、专一性的方法 ,可作为检测利福平抗药性的快速方法以弥补传统培养方法的不足  相似文献   

针对多种强致病性病毒的基因芯片检测方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了制备灵敏的可检测多种烈性病毒性病原体的基因芯片,本研究设计了针对21种烈性病毒性病原体的基因芯片检测探针,每种5条,长50 bp.并以甲病毒属的基孔肯亚病毒和黄病毒属的黄热病毒细胞培养物为检测模型,摸索了合适的病毒基因处理与扩增方法.将提取的病毒RNA先用DNase Ⅰ处理,以去除掉其中的DNA分子,然后利用病毒属特异性引物进行反转录,以引导病毒基因组的合成,从而尽可能地减少宿主细胞基因成分的干扰.进行随机PCR扩增后将扩增产物与基因芯片进行杂交,分别出现了4条基孔肯亚病毒探针信号和5条黄热病毒的探针信号,说明所设计的检测探针具有较好的特异性,可用于这2种病毒的特异性检测.这种病毒基因样品的处理和扩增方法也为此基因芯片的临床应用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

蛋白微阵列研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白微阵列是随着基因微阵列技术发展起来的,用于基因微阵列的制备方法、信号的检测及分析系统,也可用于蛋白微阵列。各种蛋白微阵列基质的发展,提高了蛋白的固定效率。放射性同位数、化学发光、激光共聚焦荧光扫描等技术都已用于微阵列的检测。重组蛋白技术的发展,提高了蛋白微阵列检测的通量和灵敏度。蛋白微阵列具有通量高、使用样品少、重复性好、可定量的特点,使其在生物医药科学研究中得到了广泛应用。本综述了蛋白微阵列的制备及其在免疫检测、医学诊断及蛋白组研究中的应用。  相似文献   

The evolution of yellow fever virus over 67 years was investigated by comparing the nucleotide sequences of the envelope (E) protein genes of 20 viruses isolated in Africa, the Caribbean, and South America. Uniformly weighted parsimony algorithm analysis defined two major evolutionary yellow fever virus lineages designated E genotypes I and II. E genotype I contained viruses isolated from East and Central Africa. E genotype II viruses were divided into two sublineages: IIA viruses from West Africa and IIB viruses from America, except for a 1979 virus isolated from Trinidad (TRINID79A). Unique signature patterns were identified at 111 nucleotide and 12 amino acid positions within the yellow fever virus E gene by signature pattern analysis. Yellow fever viruses from East and Central Africa contained unique signatures at 60 nucleotide and five amino acid positions, those from West Africa contained unique signatures at 25 nucleotide and two amino acid positions, and viruses from America contained such signatures at 30 nucleotide and five amino acid positions in the E gene. The dissemination of yellow fever viruses from Africa to the Americas is supported by the close genetic relatedness of genotype IIA and IIB viruses and genetic evidence of a possible second introduction of yellow fever virus from West Africa, as illustrated by the TRINID79A virus isolate. The E protein genes of American IIB yellow fever viruses had higher frequencies of amino acid substitutions than did genes of yellow fever viruses of genotypes I and IIA on the basis of comparisons with a consensus amino acid sequence for the yellow fever E gene. The great variation in the E proteins of American yellow fever virus probably results from positive selection imposed by virus interaction with different species of mosquitoes or nonhuman primates in the Americas.  相似文献   

We present fine mapping of a cis-acting nucleotide sequence found in the 5' region of yellow fever virus genomic RNA that is required for RNA replication. There is evidence that this sequence interacts with a complementary sequence in the 3' region of the genome to cyclize the RNA. Replicons were constructed that had various deletions in the 5' region encoding the capsid protein and were tested for their ability to replicate. We found that a sequence of 18 nucleotides (residues 146 to 163 of the yellow fever virus genome, which encode amino acids 9 to 14 of the capsid protein) is essential for replication of the yellow fever virus replicon and that a slightly longer sequence of 21 nucleotides (residues 146 to 166, encoding amino acids 9 to 15) is required for full replication. This region is larger than the core sequence of 8 nucleotides conserved among all mosquito-borne flaviviruses and contains instead the entire sequence previously proposed to be involved in cyclization of yellow fever virus RNA.  相似文献   

Globally, yellow fever virus infects nearly 200,000 people, leading to 30,000 deaths annually. Although the virus is endemic to Latin America, only a single genome from this region has been sequenced. Here, we report 12 Brazilian yellow fever virus complete genomes, their genetic traits, phylogenetic characterization, and phylogeographic dynamics. Variable 3′ noncoding region (3′NCR) patterns and specific mutations throughout the open reading frame altered predicted secondary structures. Our findings suggest that whereas the introduction of yellow fever virus in Brazil led to genotype I-predominant dispersal throughout South and Central Americas, genotype II remained confined to Bolivia, Peru, and the western Brazilian Amazon.  相似文献   

The proteins of flaviviruses are translated as a single long polyprotein which is co- and posttranslationally processed by both cellular and viral proteinases. We have studied the processing of flavivirus polyproteins in vitro by a viral proteinase located within protein NS3 that cleaves at least three sites within the nonstructural region of the polyprotein, acting primarily autocatalytically. Recombinant polyproteins in which part of the polyprotein is derived from yellow fever virus and part from dengue virus were used. We found that polyproteins containing the yellow fever virus cleavage sites were processed efficiently by the yellow fever virus enzyme, by the dengue virus enzyme, and by various chimeric enzymes. In contrast, dengue virus cleavage sites were cleaved inefficiently by the dengue virus enzyme and not at all by the yellow fever virus enzyme. Studies with chimeric proteinases and with site-directed mutants provided evidence for a direct interaction between the cleavage sites and the proposed substrate-binding pocket of the enzyme. We also found that the efficiency and order of processing could be altered by site-directed mutagenesis of the proposed substrate-binding pocket.  相似文献   

Hepatic viscerotomy of paraffin-preserved old specimens, collected in the period from 1934 to 1967, were analyzed by immunohistochemical assays to detect hepatitis B, hepatitis D, dengue and yellow fever virus antigens. The material belongs to the Yellow Fever Collection, Department of Pathology, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and the cases were diagnosed at that time according to clinical aspects and histopathological findings reporting viral hepatitis, yellow fever, focal necrosis and hepatic atrophy. From the 79 specimens, 69 were collected at the Labrea Region and the other 10 in difFerent other localities in the Amazon Region. The five micra thick histological slices were analyzed for the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) by immunoperoxidase technique. An immunofluorescence assay was applied to the detection of hepatitis D, yellow fever and dengue virus antigens. Nine (11.4%) histological samples were HBsAg reactive and 5 (6.3%) were HBcAg reactive. The oldest reactive sample was from 1934. Viral antigens related to the other pathologies were not detected in this study. Our results confirm that the methodology described may be used to elucidate the aetiology of hepatitis diseases even after a long time of conservation of the specimens.  相似文献   

Primary clinical isolates of yellow fever virus can be difficult to quantitate by standard in vitro methods because they may not form discernable plaques or induce a measurable cytopathic effect (CPE) on cell monolayers. In our hands, the Dakar strain of yellow fever virus (YFV-Dakar) could not be measured by plaque assay (PA), focus-forming assay (FFA), or by measurement of CPE. For these reasons, we developed a YFV-specific monoclonal antibody (3A8.B6) and used it to optimize a highly sensitive flow cytometry-based tissue culture limiting dilution assay (TC-LDA) to measure levels of infectious virus. The TC-LDA was performed by incubating serial dilutions of virus in replicate wells of C6/36 cells and stained intracellularly for virus with MAb 3A8.B6. Using this approach, we could reproducibly quantitate YFV-Dakar in tissue culture supernatants as well as from the serum of viremic rhesus macaques experimentally infected with YFV-Dakar. Moreover, the TC-LDA approach was >10-fold more sensitive than standard plaque assay for quantitating typical plaque-forming strains of YFV including YFV-17D and YFV-FNV (French neurotropic vaccine). Together, these results indicate that the TC-LDA technique is effective for quantitating both plaque-forming and non-plaque-forming strains of yellow fever virus, and this methodology may be readily adapted for the study and quantitation of other non-plaque-forming viruses.  相似文献   

Current requirements for control of live viral vaccines, including yellow fever 17D, produced from potentially neurotropic wild-type viruses include tests for neurovirulence in nonhuman primates. We have used yellow fever 17D virus as a live vector for novel flavivirus vaccines (designated ChimeriVax) against dengue, Japanese encephalitis (JE), and West Nile (WN) viruses. For control of these vaccines, it would be preferable to substitute a test in mice for the test in a higher species (monkeys). In this study, we compare the neurovirulence of ChimeriVax vaccine candidates in suckling mice inoculated by the intracerebral (IC) route with graded doses of the test article or yellow fever 17D vaccine as a reference control. Mortality ratio and survival distribution are the outcome measures. The monkey safety test is performed as described for control of yellow fever vaccines. In both mice and monkeys, all chimeric vaccines were significantly less neurovirulent than yellow fever 17D vaccine. The test in suckling mice discriminated between strains of two different vaccines (ChimeriVax-JE and ChimeriVax-DEN1) differing by a single amino acid change, and was more sensitive for detecting virulence differences than the test in monkeys. The results indicate that the suckling mouse test is simple to perform, highly sensitive and, with appropriate validation, could complement or possibly even replace the neurovirulence component of the monkey safety test. The test in infant mice is particularly useful as a means of demonstrating biological consistency across seed virus and vaccine lots.  相似文献   

The data bases (DB) on the spread of plague, yellow fever and contagious virus hemorrhagic fevers (CVHF) in foreign countries have been created. These DB contain information on the main international air and sea ports and their relationships with natural focal territories. The data base "Sanitary control. Yellow fever" contains information on different species serving as vectors for yellow fever virus. Information on the circulation of the causative agents of Ebola fever, Lassa fever and Marburg disease in African countries has been introduced into DB, the differentiation of countries by the degree of the potential danger of the CVHF spread has been made.  相似文献   

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