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草履蚧-龄若虫的发育历期与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在郑州通过室外埋卵观察,草履蚧Drosicha corpulenta Kuwana从1月初开始孵化,孵化后在土里等到2月初开始出土,此时日最高气温在6~8℃之间.若虫出土期约30 d,2月中下旬为出土高峰期.经设置14,18,22,26和30℃ 5个温度梯度观察,草履蚧1龄若虫发育起点温度为7.9℃,有效积温为203.8日·度.利用树干绑缚杀虫药带防治效果达到98%以上.  相似文献   

研究了乌苏里鸣螽的生物学特性。该虫在河北省秦皇岛市 1年发生 1代 ,以滞育卵在土内越冬 ,翌年 3月下旬~ 6月上旬孵化为若虫。若虫共 7龄 ,1龄期 1 3~ 2 9d ,2龄期 8~ 2 0d ,3龄期 7~ 1 3d ,4龄期 6~ 9d,5龄期 6~ 9d ,6龄期 5~ 1 5d ,7龄期 1 2~ 1 7d。 6月下旬~ 8月中旬羽化为成虫 ,雌成虫产卵自 7月上旬至 9月下旬结束。成虫平均寿命 81 2 5d。  相似文献   

在郑州通过室外埋卵观察,草履蚧Drosicha corpulenta Kuwana从1月初开始孵化,孵化后在土里等到2月初开始出土,此时日最高气温在6~8℃之间。若虫出土期约30d,2月中下旬为出土高峰期。经设置14,18,22,26和30℃5个温度梯度观察,草履蚧1龄若虫发育起点温度为7.9℃,有效积温为203.8日.度。利用树干绑缚杀虫药带防治效果达到98%以上。  相似文献   

朱道玉 《动物学杂志》2008,43(4):97-101
在孵化基质沙粒径为0.3~0.6mm、孵化温度为(33.0±0.5)℃、孵化基质的湿度为7%~10%、相对湿度为70%~85%的条件下孵化中华鳖(Trionyx sinensis)卵,孵化周期35~36 d.破壳取不同发育时期的胚胎并制作切片,观察眼睛发育的形态学和组织学特征.孵化第4 d头部两侧出现眼泡的突起;第6d眼睛开始出现色素,第14 d色素由褐色变为黑色;第7 d瞳孔出现,透过瞳孔可见晶状体;虹膜于第14d出现,第18、19 d瞳孔周围呈放射状;巩膜突自第19 d出现,第21 d增至最多,第23 d消失;上、下眼睑分别在第19 d和22 d出现,第32 d眼睑可覆盖瞳孔,眼睛形态与成体眼睛相似.表皮外胚层于第3 d形成角膜原基和晶体泡,第32 d角膜发育完成;第34 d晶状体发育完成;神经外胚层于44~48 h由前脑的两侧分化形成视泡,第3 d由视泡分化形成视杯,并逐步分化形成视网膜;第23 d视网膜的八层结构基本形成;第34 d视网膜发育完成.  相似文献   

不同生态系统土壤氨基酸氮的组成及含量   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
采集于内蒙古白音锡牧场、陕西澄城、杨凌、宜川和太白山等地不同生态系统的 1 2个土样 ,用 6 mol/ L HCl水解 ,经 H型酸性阴离子交换树脂柱纯化后 ,用 Beckman 1 2 1 MB型氨基酸分析仪测定了 1 7种常见氨基酸。测定结果表明 ,不同生态系统土壤酸解氨基酸含量有很大差异 ,表现为草甸土壤 (氨基酸含量为 2 2 83.9μg N/ g) >森林土壤 ( 1 733.6μg N/g) >草原土壤 ( 85 6 .3μg N/ g) >农田土壤 (平均为 2 4 8.5± 37.8μg N/ g) ,并且氨基酸氮与土壤全氮有极显著的正相关关系 ( p<0 .0 1 ) ;在氨基酸中以中性氨基酸所占比例最大 ,平均为 5 3.99% ,其次为碱性和酸性氨基酸 ,分别为 2 4 .94 %和2 0 .5 9% ,含硫氨基酸最少 ,仅为 0 .4 8% .游离氨基酸以草甸土壤最高 ,为 1 4 .5 8μg N/ g,其它土壤在 1 .1 4~ 8.6 7μg N/ g之间 ,大部分在 2~ 3μg N/ g。游离氨基酸不仅数量低 ,而且种类也比酸解氨基酸少。不管是酸解氨基酸 ,还是游离氨基酸 ,在 0~ 2 0 cm土层的含量均大于 2 0~ 4 0 cm土层 ,从不同土壤样品的平均结果看 ,对酸解氨基酸 ,0~ 2 0 cm土层为96 0 .9μg N/ g,2 0~ 4 0 cm土层为 5 2 8.9μg N/ g ;对游离氨基酸氮 ,0~ 2 0 cm土层 6 .2 8μg N / g,2 0~ 4 0 cm土层 2 .2 2μgN/ g。施用氮  相似文献   

通过观察、测量纪录及分析,对绿孔雀的饲养、繁殖及阶段发育,获得以下结论:1.繁殖期在广州从每年的3月中旬到7月底;2.繁殖过程与其他早成雏鸟类一样,分发情、求偶、交配、产卵、孵化、育雏几个步骤,人工饲养下最佳配合为1雄4~5雌;3.繁殖季节的产卵数量一般为10~27个,不同个体的产卵高峰期不一致;4.蛋的孵化温度约为37℃,孵化周期为26~28天;5.蛋的孵化率约为86%,影响其繁殖率的主要因素是“无精蛋”;6.幼体在出壳1周后,开始快速生长;7.幼体在生长发育中,以体重,体长增长最快,嘴峰生长最慢。  相似文献   

为了解锯缘闭壳龟指名亚种Cuora mouhotii mouhotii (Gary,1862)的人工饲养与繁殖,2016—2017年在广西壮族自治区桂林市永福县对人工饲养条件下5只性成熟个体(2雌3雄)的生长与繁殖状况进行了观察研究。结果表明,实验对象生长状况良好,体质量年平均增长率达5. 17%,交配高峰期为每年5—6月,产卵期为6—7月。实验过程中获得7枚受精卵,2次产卵之间积温为188 397~189 710℃·h。共孵化得到5只稚龟,孵化时间为86~102 d,孵化积温为57 792~68 052℃·h,孵化率71. 43%。自然孵化组和恒温孵化组测得的孵化积温变异系数为5. 74%,1日龄稚龟体质量变异系数为6. 27%。本研究为锯缘闭壳龟的人工饲养与繁殖提供了理论依据和实践基础。  相似文献   

结合田间观察和室内试验,对榆木蠹蛾Holcocerus vicarius Walker的生物学特性进行了较为系统的研究.结果表明,榆木蠹蛾在宁夏3年发生1代,幼虫主要危害枝干和根颈部,幼虫在蛀道内越冬,5月下旬老熟幼虫在被害树周围5~10cm深的沙土内分散化蛹,蛹期(21±5)d.6月初成虫开始出现,有2个羽化高峰,分别为6月中旬和7月下旬,成虫羽化当晚即可交尾,交尾当天或第2天产卵,每雌蛾产卵最多达720粒,卵期(17±5)d,孵化率为72%~88%.未交尾雌雄成虫寿命为5~6d,交尾后雌雄成虫寿命缩短为3~5d.初孵幼虫于6月中旬始见,10月下旬幼虫开始越冬.幼虫孵化后,先危害韧皮部,常10多条聚集在一起,稍大一点即蛀入木质部.本研究为制定切实可行的榆木蠹蛾有效防治提供理论依据.  相似文献   

不同温度下浸水对褐飞虱生存、繁殖及其寄主的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
不同温度下浸水对褐飞虱卵孵化、若虫存活率、成虫取食和繁殖及其寄主水稻的影响研究结果表明 ,在相对低温2 2℃和 2 1~ 2 6℃的自然变温条件下 ,产卵后立即浸水对浙江和广西 2个褐飞虱种群的卵孵化影响均不明显 ,而在产卵后4 d浸水对浙江种群的卵孵化有显著的抑制作用。 2 8℃浸水 5d和 35℃浸水 1 d后卵孵化率显著下降且孵化进程延长。卵浸水后的初孵若虫的存活率随卵浸水时间的延长明显下降。稻株浸水对其体内所含的昆虫必需氨基酸影响较大 ,其总量减少 ,而稻株内可溶性糖含量却显著增加 ,导致褐飞虱在浸水稻株上的若虫生存率、成虫取食量和繁殖力均明显下降  相似文献   

台湾中部暗绿绣眼鸟的繁殖生物学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
颜重威  孙清松 《动物学报》2003,49(2):185-190
本研究将暗绿绣眼鸟 (Zosteropsjaponicasimplex)捕捉、套彩色环后释放 ,分别于 1999年和 2 0 0 1年 3~ 8月追踪监测 7对和 13对暗绿绣眼鸟的繁殖行为。总结此二年对 2 0对暗绿绣眼鸟的监测 ,其繁殖期始于 3月中旬 ,终止于 8月下旬。 1对最多可年产 5窝 ,但以 3~ 4窝为常见。初次筑巢所需时间平均为 10 4d ,筑第 2、3巢的时间依次减少 ;窝与窝之间的繁殖间隔视情况而定 ,如孵化或喂养失败 ,通常都在 1~ 2d内再筑巢 ,如繁殖育雏成功 ,平均相隔 7d再筑巢。 2年 6 3窝的窝卵数平均为 2 6 8± 0 71(n =6 3)枚 ;孵化期平均为 11±0 6 4 (n =4 7)d ;6 3窝孵化成功 4 7窝 ,孵化成功率为 74 6 % ;雏鸟离巢日龄平均为 10 5± 0 88(n =35 )d ;4 7窝雏鸟喂养成功 35窝 ,育雏成功率为 74 5 % ;6 3窝繁殖成功 35窝 ,繁殖成功率为 5 5 5 %。失败因素包括气候、动物掠食、人为破坏和其它不明原因  相似文献   

姜丹  蓝亿阳  王金娥 《生物资源》2018,40(6):548-553
本次实验选取了圣景园、天嘉湖、今珠、富兴四种不同品牌的柴鸡蛋,对其蛋清和蛋黄中的粗蛋白含量以及氨基酸组成和含量进行了测定和分析,通过氨基酸比值系数法对其营养价值进行了评定。结果表明,这四种不同品牌的柴鸡蛋氨基酸含量丰富,种类齐全,组成比例合理,其中,今珠品牌的柴鸡蛋不论是粗蛋白含量,还是氨基酸比值系数分均高于其他几种柴鸡蛋,评分达到了82.34,说明其所含的必需氨基酸的含量及相互间的组成比例与人体的需求更加接近,营养价值更高。同时也说明柴鸡蛋营养价值较高,具有广阔的市场开发和利用前景。  相似文献   

The chemical characterisation and nutritional value of eggs from the five deep-sea sharks leafscale gulper shark (Centrophorus squamosus), greater lantern shark (Etmopterus princeps), longnose velvet dogfish (Centroscymnus crepidater), Portuguese dogfish (Centroscymnus coelolepis) and black dogfish (Centrocyllium fabricii) captured at Hatton Bank in the North Atlantic were examined. The chemical composition was quite similar for all the eggs studied. The dominant fatty acid in all the eggs was the monounsaturated fatty acid C18:1, which varied from 27-39%. The eggs had a relatively high content of C16:0 (13.0-18.5%) and C22:6n-3 (10.3-15.1%). The two main lipid classes in the eggs were triacylglycerols (36-55%) and phospholipids (34-41%). The eggs had high amounts of vitamin A and E. The shark eggs were particularly rich in the amino acids aspartic acid, glutamic acid, leucine and arginine.  相似文献   

通过调查不同盐度(12~36)环境下养殖的哈氏仿对虾(Parapenaeopsis hardwickii)肌肉一般营养成分和氨基酸组成及含量,研究了盐度对该虾肌肉营养品质的影响。结果显示,肌肉的水分随环境盐度升高出现显著的直线下降,而粗蛋白含量随环境盐度升高而直线升高;各盐度组的粗脂肪含量虽然没有明显差异,但其含量随盐度升高有一定的线性下降趋势;36盐度组的粗灰分含量比12、16、20和28盐度组的明显高,32盐度组的灰分含量比20和24盐度组的也明显高;所检测的肌肉干样16种氨基酸中,只有3种氨基酸的含量随盐度升高而升高,而其他13种氨基酸的含量随盐度升高明显降低,其中有10种氨基酸的含量在盐度12~24条件下的比盐度28~36条件下的明显高,而这些氨基酸含量在盐度12~24之间没有明显差异。各盐度组间氨基酸总量和鲜味氨基酸含量均没有明显差异;必需氨基酸和半必需氨基酸含量在盐度12~24条件下的均比盐度28~36条件下的明显高,而在12~24盐度组之间以及28~36盐度组之间均没有明显差异。必需氨基酸/氨基酸总量的比值和必需氨基酸/非必需氨基酸比值随盐度升高均明显线性降低;盐度12~24组的必需氨基酸指数(66.13~67.42)高于盐度28~36组的(62.56~64.46)。综上所述,盐度12~24环境下养殖的哈氏仿对虾肌肉营养价值相对较高,表现为低盐趋向,考虑到肌肉的水分含量和生长性能,哈氏仿对虾在养殖期间选择16~24盐度范围比较合适,同时也说明哈氏仿对虾适合大多数沿海地区环境的盐度条件。  相似文献   

Developing eggs of vendace (Coregonus albula L.) and whitefish (C. lavaretus L.) were experimentally delayed in hatching by incubation at low water temperature (1–2°). Some eggs were taken during this period to a water temperature which was gradually raised up to 8° to provoke mass hatching of embryos. The pattern of free amino acids was followed in eggs incubated at both temperatures. During a 56 days period, the content of several essential amino acids significantly decreased in eggs of both species. For instance, the lysine content dropped from 703 to 270 mg/g dry matter and the arginine content from 257 to 13.3 mg/100 g dry matter in whitefish eggs. A similar pattern of decreasing level of free amino acids in embryonated ova up to hatching was characteristic for essential amino acids and serine. Methionine was exceptional; its level remained approximately the same. On the other hand, non-essential amino acids showed a significant increase in concentration during the experimental period. For instance, the glycine level increased 4.9 and 2.1 times in whitefish and vendace eggs, respectively. Transfer of eggs to 8° accelerated the decrease of nearly all free amino acids before hatching. The consequence of such amino acid metabolism for newly hatched larvae is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to identify components of the Colorado potato beetle (CPB) egg that may be required by Edovum puttleri, a parasitic wasp that parasitizes the CPB egg, to complete development, ecdysteroid and free amino acid content of CPB eggs were analyzed by reversed phase high pressure liquid chromatography followed by radioimmunoassay to identify ecdysteroids. Ecdysteroid titers were relatively low (<300 pg/egg) through day 2 post-oviposition and then increased sharply, reaching concentrations >2,500 pg/egg on day 3 post-oviposition. Ecdysone (E), 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), and polar conjugates of E were prominent ecdysteroids present in eggs sampled on days 0 and 1 post-ecdysis, and E, 20E, three peaks containing more polar ecdysteroids (metabolic inactivation products), and polar conjugates of E were present in eggs sampled on day 2. Thus, at a time when parasitization of CPB eggs by E. puttleri is relatively high (0-48 h), physiologically-active ecdysteroids (20E and perhaps E are physiologically active) are present at concentrations between 50 and 200 pg/egg. Ecdysone and 20E reached their highest levels in day-3 eggs, indicating that ecdysteroid may direct physiological processes associated with the completion of CPB embryonic development. In day-4 eggs, the concentration of E and 20E fall dramatically and polar metabolites of E and/or 20E are now responsible for the high ecdysteroid content of the eggs. Interestingly, conjugates of E decrease to relatively low levels in day-3 eggs and are absent in day-4 eggs. Therefore, it is likely that the increase in E in day-3 eggs is due, in part, to the breakdown of polar conjugates of E. Nine amino acids were present in significant quantities in eggs sampled at various times between 0 and 48 h post-oviposition. These include histidine, glutamine, proline, asparagine, serine, glutamic acid, threonine, lysine, and tyrosine. The first three amino acids were present at concentrations that were approximately 2 to 6 times greater than the concentrations of the last six amino acids. Amounts of most of the free amino acids varied with the age of the eggs from which the extract was prepared, but in general, there was no correlation between the levels at times of maximum parasitization (0 and 30 h) and the levels at the less favored times of parasitization (16 and 48 h). This information should facilitate the development of diets for both parasites and predators of pest species of beetles. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 44:172-182, 2000. Published 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

李娜  周晓榕  庞保平  王振 《昆虫学报》2014,57(7):745-753

【目的】低温是影响昆虫生长发育和存活的关键因子之一。为明确轮纹异痂蝗Bryodemella tuberculatum dilutum卵的抗寒性及其机理, 研究了其过冷却能力与其体内水分及其他抗寒性相关生化物质含量的关系。【方法】采用热电偶法测定了轮纹异痂蝗卵的过冷却点,同时采用烘干法、残余法、氨基酸自动分析仪和高效液相色谱法分别测定了其卵的含水量、脂肪、氨基酸及小分子糖醇的含量。【结果】土壤含水量对轮纹异痂蝗滞育前卵的含水量、脂肪含量(鲜重)及过冷却点有极显著的影响(P<0.01)。随着土壤含水量从4%增加到13%,卵含水量从45.12%上升到55.25%,卵脂肪含量(鲜重)从10.39%下降到9.39%,而过冷却点从-30.11℃上升到-25.69℃。不同发育阶段卵的过冷却点、含水量、脂肪、氨基酸及小分子糖醇含量存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。从卵产下当天至120 d,卵过冷却点从-26.78℃下降至-30.18℃,含水量从51.93%下降至46.69%,脂肪含量分别从9.99%(鲜重)和17.37%(干重)上升至13.92%(鲜重)和25.29%(干重)。滞育卵的过冷却点显著低于滞育前卵的过冷却点。从卵中共检测到17种氨基酸,其中5种与过冷却点存在显著的相关关系(P<0.05)。卵过冷却点随着甘氨酸和脯氨酸含量的升高而降低,而随着胱氨酸、亮氨酸及天冬氨酸含量的增加而升高。随着卵的发育,海藻糖、甘油、肌醇和山梨醇含量逐渐上升,而葡萄糖和果糖含量逐渐下降。在卵发育过程中,海藻糖和甘油的含量显著高于其他4种物质的含量。卵过冷却点与上述6种小分子糖醇均存在显著的相关关系,其中与海藻糖和葡萄糖的相关性最强。过冷却点随海藻糖、甘油、肌醇和山梨醇含量的升高而降低,而随葡萄糖和果糖含量的升高而上升。【结论】轮纹异痂蝗卵在发育过程中,通过降低含水量,积累脂肪、脯氨酸、甘氨酸及海藻糖、甘油、肌醇和山梨醇等抗寒物质,从而提高其过冷却能力。  相似文献   

Relationships between the Na+ dependent amino acid uptake displayed by fertilized sea urchin eggs and the electrochemical gradient of Na+ was investigated. The time course of Na+ content and valine or alanine uptake was simultaneously monitored in Na+ loaded eggs [by fertilization in K+-free artificial sea water (OK-ASW), or by using monensin, antimycin, cyanide, or ciguatoxin]. Our results demonstrate that the uphill amino acid uptake follows the "Na+ gradient hypothesis." Subsequent fertilization of eggs Na+ depleted by ammonia for 40 min stimulates to a great extent the development of amino acid uptake as compared with controls eggs. By using simultaneous change of external and intracellular Na+ concentration, we studied the specific role of this ion. An increase in internal Na+ inhibits the uptake through trans inhibitory action while an increase in external Na+ stimulates the efficiency of the uptake system. In eggs fertilized since 30 min, hyperpolarization obtained in K+-free ASW stimulates amino acid uptake while depolarization (transfer from K+ free ASW to ASW) inhibits it. This potential-dependent effect developed after fertilization with a time course similar to that the establishment of K+ conductance described by R. A. Steinhardt, L. Lundin, and D. Mazia (1971, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 68, 2426-2430). In conclusion, our results point out that slight modulations in the activity of the Na+ pump can widely affect the amino acid uptake, suggesting that activation of Na+/K+ ATPase has a key role in the stimulation of amino acid transport.  相似文献   

Amino acid compositions of the eggs of five lepidopteran hosts for Trichogramma minutum were compared with each other and with a non-host species, Rhodnius prolixus, in which T. minutum oviposits but does not develop. Host eggs are quite homogeneous, particularly when compared according to groupings of potentially interconvertible amino acids. Combined mole percent values for glycine, serine and alanine were higher in hosts (27.5–29.2 mole%) than in R. prolixus eggs (21.5 mole%), in bovine serum albumin (14.9%), which has been used as a protein source in artificial diets for T. minutum, or in many of the mixtures used in published diets for this species. Since these three amino acids make up 26.3 mole% of the adult amino acid content of T. minutum, their deficiency in diets could require metabolic compensation detrimental to development.Adult T. minutum arising from eggs of Manduca sexta, Choristoneura fumiferana, and Sitotroga cerealella are similar in amino acid composition to each other and, in general, to their hosts. Variability appears greater in hosts than in adult wasp composition, suggesting some interconversion of host amino acids to accommodate inflexible nutritional requirements of T. minutum.In the three host species tested, free amino acids constituted 15.8–19.3% by weight of the amino acid in egg contents. In M. sexta eggs, glycine, serine and alanine together make up 28.4% by weight of the total free amino acid, a much higher proportion than in many published diets. The four free amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine and histidine) reported to be oviposition stimulants in experiments on encapsulated diets are present in sufficient concentrations to induce oviposition in the host species tested and in R. prolixus. S. cerealella egg contents having approximately 1.8 g amino acid, yield one or rarely two adult T. minutum (1g amino acid/insect). In contrast, M. sexta eggs with 94 g amino acid each yield an average of 10–12 adults (8.2g amino acid/insect). This suggests that small hosts are allocated few eggs which can only develop into small adults because of nutrient supply (parasitoid size in metabolically restricted), whereas much larger hosts are allocated proportionately fewer eggs than the former resulting in larger, and presumably more viable and fecund, adults (parasitoid size is established behaviourally).  相似文献   

The predatory coccinellid Harmonia axyridis is a polyphagous species, efficient at controlling certain aphid species and already commercialized in Europe for that purpose. The complete development of this predator can be accomplished using the aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum or Ephestia kuehniella eggs as substitution prey. Biochemical analyses were conducted on the proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates of these two different prey species. E. kuehniella eggs were 2 times richer in amino acids than A. pisum adults (12% of the fresh weight vs. 6%). E. kuehniella eggs were 3 times richer in lipids than the aphids but, on the contrary, the aphids were 1.5 times richer in glycogen. The impact of these two kinds of food on the body composition of the coccinellid was evaluated to appreciate the degree of nutritional plasticity of the coccinellid. The composition of the coccinellids feeding either on E. kuehniella eggs or on aphids was compared for amino acid, fatty acid and glycogen contents, revealing a good capability of H. axyridis to develop on foods that are very different in their biochemical composition. Nevertheless, when fed on aphids, the crude protein content of the predator was reduced and the lipid content decreased by a factor of two, with a change in amino and fatty acid patterns. Some biological parameters, such as larval mortality, adult weight, and fecundity, were modified according to the food eaten.  相似文献   

L-Glutamate and L-cystine appeared to compete for transport via a mediated Na(+)-independent transport process in 1- and 2-cell conceptuses. Not only did these substances competitively inhibit each others' uptake by conceptuses, but their Ki values for inhibition were about equal to their Km values for transport in 1-cell conceptuses. Moreover, the transport process interacted strongly with L-amino acids that had 3-6 atoms in a chain between their negatively charged groups, whereas it interacted weakly or not at all with amino acids that did not have these characteristics or that were N-methylated. Transport of anionic amino acids was not altered greatly by pH in the range 4.5-8.0, but transport of L-cystine was much faster at higher pH values. The slower cystine transport at lower pH values was due primarily to protonation of its second amino group. A small increase in the degree of deprotonation of cystine's carboxyl groups also probably contributed slightly to its faster transport at higher pH values. By all of these criteria, the transport process in conceptuses appears to be a form of amino acid transport system xc-. System xc- activity was several-fold higher in 1- than in 2-cell conceptuses. Similarly, L-glutamate uptake by unfertilized eggs was relatively rapid, whereas it was much slower in immature, fully-grown oocytes. System xc- activity in 1-cell conceptuses also appeared to increase in response to the oxidative stress of culture, whereas no such increase was observed for 2-cell conceptuses. We suggest that this transient increase in the activity of system xc- activity during development of 2-cell conceptuses from immature, fully-grown oocytes could help protect unfertilized and fertilized eggs from oxidative stresses in situ.  相似文献   

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